Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 119 Xu Ke wants to do A Chinese Ghost Story in advance

On August 2, the people of Hong Kong were first shocked by the extremely high box office of Fast Track. It seemed that this drama had another record-breaking trend.

But soon, after citizens watched this record-breaking news, they discovered in Tiantian Daily and Oriental Daily that many film critics criticized Guan Jiahui's resume, bluntly saying that a female star like her with poor foundation is not worthy of taking on a big role. Movie heroine.

Even if she criticizes Guan Jiahui, she is not qualified to stay in the Zhao girl group.

Among the current girl groups, from He Qing to Hu Huizhong to Zhou Huimin, Gong Li, and Chen Hong, how can anyone be as good as her?

He teased her from all angles, and her words were ugly, and she almost made her father angry to death by laughing at her.

It also brought up a new topic: for an actress with a rich background like her, being the heroine in a movie like John Wick, which is to be released globally and has become a signature feature of Hong Kong Island, is it a negative impact on the image of Hong Kong Island? Discredit.

Many citizens who read the newspaper were stunned.

What on earth has this girl Kwan Ka-wai done that is so outrageous that it has tarnished the image of Hong Kong as a whole?

Oh, I almost pissed my dad off to death? That really deserves to be scolded.

Thinking back, I realized that this was the news from the year before 1982, which was quite sensational at the time. When I think of this, countless citizens began to have a bad impression of her.

Even when she first formed a group with He Qing and Hu Huizhong to make their debut, many people remembered certain things, but she had always been in the group, hiding in the group and not taking her place, so she did not attract attention. Too much criticism.

She has also been a supporting role in other movies...

Now that she is the heroine, the firepower is concentrated, which is very eye-catching.

Including many fans who were attracted by her appearance time and time again from the first issue of the Kowloon Daily News serialization of several girls, they were unable to resist this trend.

Then, while this emotion was still brewing, Guan Shan came forward. Guan Shan did not directly appear on Hong Kong Island TV to clarify something, but a TVB reporter interviewed him in a video program that was airlifted back to TVB for broadcast.

On the TV screen, Guan Shan was very embarrassed and regretful. He explained to the camera with red eyes that what happened back then was that he was sorry for Guan Jiahui and his wife and son. He was the one who cheated on her during the marriage, refused to provide for the family, and ran away with his money and savings with his mistress.

Then the ex-wife angrily flew to Amei's house with her son.

Guan Jiahui was left alone in Hong Kong, working as an actress on ATV, earning a salary to support her mother and younger brother... As a newly graduated little girl, she first entered society, and not only her parents and younger brothers abandoned her and ran away on Hong Kong Island.

She is still expected to support the family.

Then she would be deceived.

He himself threatened Guan Jiahui with suicide before getting married, and he saw through something. But Jiahui was too young at the time, and she still resented him for abandoning his wife and daughter, so his persuasion and suicide pressure only had the opposite effect.

The interview program is over.

Some emotional trends that were brewing suddenly came to an abrupt end, leaving most citizens speechless.

I was still angry at first and wanted to scold Guan Jiahui, an unfilial daughter who almost made her father angry to death, but your own father did this... You might as well have committed suicide in the first place. How could you abandon your wife and daughter and cheat your children like this?

It was also at this time that some popular celebrities in the 1970s, such as Qin Xianglin, began to come forward to be interviewed by TVB, laughing awkwardly in front of the camera, "Guan Sheng, that person is indeed very carefree. I am not a good man, but in comparison Brother Shan is still much worse."

"If he had given more to the family back then, he wouldn't have put Guan Jiahui, a little girl, under so much pressure to support her mother and younger brother. Then because of the pressure to support her family, she was deceived when she first entered the society and was ignorant."

"Just imagine, after you first entered society, how many of you have never been deceived or beaten up by society."

"Jia Hui is a little girl who hasn't done anything outrageous and is still a victim. How can she be the one to smear the image of Hong Kong Island? Some newspapers, especially some film critics, are so mean in order to gain limelight and boost sales!"

He Qing also came out to support her sisters, saying to ATV reporters, "Although Sister Jiahui has average acting and singing skills, it's not that she doesn't want to work hard, it's that she has no talent. This industry requires too much talent, and she has just started her life. Betrayed and abandoned by the person you trusted most.”

"The mental blow and harm to her was too great. An ordinary person would have been depressed for a long time, and might have tended to self-mutilation and suicide. She also had to support a family and was under great pressure. It was not easy for her to be able to face her new life with a smile every day. ”

"After all, Uncle Guan and Aunt Zhang have withdrawn from the industry and have no income. Their previous savings are also cheaper for outsiders, and my younger brother is also young..."

Amin also stood up and spoke for the elder sister, "..."


When celebrities stand up one by one, they stand in line and speak out with a clear-cut banner.

The matter spread, and even an ATV reporter obtained a recorded phone interview with Hong Yinbao, who was filming in Europe.

They are also criticizing the big brother Guan Shan. I pity Guan Jiahui, a little girl who has just grown up and shouldered the burden of supporting the whole family. Life is not easy, and she was deceived...

Then, things continued to develop.


Kwan Jiahui endorses green tea, green plum green, and even her endorsement of strong beer, Jianlibao, Xiudi shoes, etc.

It started to explode on the afternoon of the 2nd, and on the 3rd and 4th, in a few days, it accumulated sales of three to four million cans or bottles of fast-moving products.

More than 60,000 pairs of sneakers and leather shoes have been sold.

It was also when this topic was boiling that a large number of citizens entered the theater one after another just to see what Kwan Ka-wai's new drama was like, which has caused a heated discussion in Hong Kong.

Everyone who has seen it said it was good, and they frankly said that they felt like there was a fire burning in their bodies! Who doesn’t want to be as domineering as Andy Lau? If someone dares to kill your dog, Ah Hua will dare to kill your whole family to take revenge!

Moreover, in the national public opinion and the All-Stars' stance, this is not some unfilial daughter who is so angry with her father. She is obviously a little girl in reality who is almost as miserable as the heroine Amin in "The Flying Tiger".

How miserable Amin was in "The One and Only One", and how pitiful the movie-watching public was.

Guan Jiahui, who encountered tragedies one after another in reality, how many times did she have to support her family? Just because my father ran away with his cheating partner, his mistress, and my mother also ran away, and all the burden of supporting the family was left to her?

After three days on the 234th, the box office of John Wick fluctuated at a peak of 28.9 million. It can be said that in every theater chain and theater where John Wick was released, the attendance rate was more than 90% or full.

In just four days of release, it grossed more than 11 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

John Wick has a huge reputation and is extremely popular!

The audiences who walked out of the theater in batches still felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood. Their adrenal glands were racing. It was watching the whole movie. It was so high and burning that you wanted to do something to vent your excitement, but you didn’t know. What to do.

Suddenly, in the movie, Hua Zai went shopping under the ceremonial scenes of putting on and taking off Xiu Emperor shoes.

Life should have a sense of ritual.

On the morning of the 5th, Zhao’s Film Office.

When Guan Jiahui went to the small suite to clean up, Zhao Donghuai received a new call, "Boss, that stupid Monica Bellucci is here."

Director Zhao was slightly surprised, "Let her come in."

A moment later, Monica, wearing a red dress, black stockings and high heels, entered the office carrying a shoulder bag and said with a smile, "Boss, I have decided not to go back."

"I have already negotiated with my classmates and asked them to help me negotiate with the school about dropping out or suspending my studies. I will fully cooperate with the company's arrangements and improve myself."

"As long as I can help them get some signed records and posters, they will try their best to help me get it done. As for home, I can just call and explain."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, from today on you can live in the company dormitory and learn acting and singing skills. I'll send you a batch of record posters."

Monica smiled brightly, "I will listen to your arrangement, but when I didn't know your identity, boss, I thought that if I could have a good tour of Hong Kong Island and meet a handsome and elegant oriental man, I might have some romance before leaving. "

"Just think of it as a souvenir of this holiday trip."

"This kind of turning and unfolding now is really touching!"

Having said this, Monica sniffed again, took a deep breath... and then glanced around with meaningful eyes.

This doesn't taste right.

However, we know that Zhao Donghuai is the best movie tycoon in Eastern Hollywood in Hong Kong Island, and he is not only great in East and Southeast Asia, but the singers and films he releases can also be really popular in Europe and North America.

It doesn't matter.

For a beautiful woman who has been working part-time as a model for two years, and has also thought about dropping out of school to become a full-time model, and who is full of yearning and interest in the film and television industry, she knows that the modeling industry is in chaos, and the film and television industry is not much better.

Even the red sofas and sofa girls in Hollywood are popular and open rules.

As for why she knows about Hollywood? Monica's godfather is an Italian Mafia figure, and the company run by her father also has many business dealings with the Mafia.

She worked as a model to pay for school fees. It wasn't that her family couldn't afford it, but she was a stronger girl.

It was her original trajectory from the modeling world to the film and television industry, and a few years later she starred in a movie directed by a famous Italian director, thanks to the operation of her mafia godfather.

With such a godfather, if you want to know some of the rules of Hollywood circles, if you contact the Italian Mafia in North America, it will be easy to figure out some things that are not secrets.

With a strange emotion on her face, Monica Bellucci smiled again, "If I stay in Hong Kong Island and develop here, do I need to learn a new language?"

"Should we learn Mandarin, which is officially promoted by the Chinese government, or should we learn the Cantonese dialect?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "Then you learn Mandarin. If you learn Mandarin, you won't have to worry about it in the Greater China."

This girl is a celebrity who is proficient in multiple languages ​​and is considered to be very talented in languages.

At this moment, the door of the small suite opened, and Guan Jiahui came out, looked at Director Zhao, and then at Monica, obviously a little shocked.

When she came out, she walked up to Monica and looked her up and down. She felt that the other person probably didn't understand Cantonese. After all, all the communication she heard before was in English. Then she said to Zhao Donghuai, "Brother Huai, I'll call you on the 1st." If I don’t fall in love with you, are you just talking about signing a contract with this ghost girl?”

"She's so tall!"

Guan Jiahui's public height in the future is 1.7 meters. In fact, it is not 1.7 meters, just about 1.65 meters.

Not to mention the Hong Kong stars who lied about their height in the 1980s and 1990s, there are also many people who lied about their height after the millennium, including those in Europe and the United States. Of course, one type of false reporting is that the height is too low, and the height is reported to be higher.

There is also a kind of Laowang who buys vegetables in Canada. He is too high and reports to the bottom!

And Monica, who has been in the Europa model circle for so long, has announced that she is not very tall and hydrated. She is the kind of model who shows up in Milan. She is still wearing high heels at the moment, while Jia Hui is wearing slippers...

In addition to complaining, Guan Jiahui glanced at Monica's heart again, and she felt like she didn't want to talk anymore.

This seems to be more cruel than Li Zhi.

Standing next to him, the only thing she could be proud of was her fair skin.

However, Guan Jiahui soon became excited again, "Brother Huai, I'm leaving first and going to the store again. Oh my God, I didn't expect that with this wave of hype, not only my reputation would be washed away."

"If there had not been large-scale returns, I would have earned more than one million Hong Kong dollars in the past three days. It was so exciting! Even if there was a wave of returns, if I cut it in half, I would still have earned six to seven million Hong Kong dollars."

The quick purchase of three to four million cans or bottles of beer, soda, green tea in three days is equivalent to a fixed purchase of more than RMB 300,000 to RMB 400,000, and more than 60,000 pairs of shoes is more than RMB 600,000.

If you refund half of the shoes, wouldn't you still have 300,000?

In order to avoid the first wave of public opinion storm in the past few days, Sister Guan did not go to the Han Tianxia Station store in Wanjia Supermarket.

But the mood has always been quite explosive.

It wasn't until she changed her shoes and left that Monica teased, "Boss, it seems that you are very good at dealing with the opposite sex, and she just left like this? Aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?"

Zhao Donghuai ignored this little joke and called Azhen to come in and asked her to take Monica through the process to get familiar with the company first and then arrange the dormitory.

After finishing this, the phone rang again soon. Zhao Donghuai grabbed it, and Lei Juekun's hearty laughter came from the other side, "Zhao Sheng, the logistics company's matter is settled. After signing the contract and transferring the money, the transaction is completed. "

Zhao Donghuai was overjoyed and said, "Okay, thank you Lei Sheng."

Lei Juekun's laughter became even louder, "Help each other and make a fortune together."

His paper business was all in the Wanjia and Baijia chains, and he made millions in cash in less than a month. This was still in its infancy, and there was no boost from big movies.

If a high-quality movie like Zhao Donghuai's Goods were produced, it would not be difficult to earn tens of millions a month. Everyone knows how big the consumer market for female makeup is.

And the logistics company he was talking about?

That is Zhao Donghuai's current 11 Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets and more than 120 Baijia 24-hour chain stores across Hong Kong, whether they are bringing in various branded goods from the mainland or goods supplied by ordinary suppliers on Hong Kong Island.

All were handed over to the newly established Zhao Logistics.

There are hundreds of trucks and hundreds of drivers, taking turns to do things. The newly established Zhao Logistics does not have an office address yet, and where can you put something as big as a truck?

For the time being, the bus stops at the Kowloon Bus Group's bus stop.

He also asked Lei Juekun to help him choose a logistics company that could support large-scale transportation.

After communicating on the phone for a while, Director Zhao set out to start trouble. Lei Juekun found this logistics company, which is also a white industry. 84 negotiated to withdraw capital from Hong Kong Island, and its headquarters was in Kowloon Tong.

The company's largest and most valuable core asset is the logistics company's land.

There is a large parking lot that can accommodate more than 200 trucks at the same time, as well as a warehouse and a three-story comprehensive office building.

As for funding for buying and selling transactions? This is a waste of time, although the sales volume from other places and the local box office profits that are being pursued quickly are all planned to be invested in the science fiction film special effects industry that is currently under development.

However, Xiudi shoes, which have been selling like crazy in the past few days, made a profit of 200-300 million yuan on the first day of trading. Even if there may be many buyers who want to return the shoes after passionate consumption, he will refund the money.

It’s not like everyone came to return the goods at once.

At the same time, as time goes by, Xiudi shoes continue to sell well, as well as iced black tea, green tea and green plum green tea.

Speaking of which, due to Zhao Donghuai's attitude problem, if he enters the real estate industry like Li Zhiren, who engages in land and speculation to build big real estate, he will be blocked by ghosts and deliberately make things difficult for him.

But this kind of real estate transactions such as the expansion of Wanjia merchants to buy buildings, the expansion of Baijia chain to buy real estate, and the logistics and purchase of companies... The ghost guys can't make things difficult for them.

This is not like buying a large piece of land that requires an official transaction with the Hong Kong government, where the qualifications for bidding will be blocked. This is just a fair transaction in the free market. How can the Hong Kong government make things difficult?

On July 25, there were still 8 Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets and 80 Baijia surnames. In the past ten days, the group has been expanding.



Zhao Donghuai, who had signed the contract and paid the deposit, stood at the edge of the parking lot of a logistics company in Kowloon Tong, looking at the 80 to 90 70% new large trucks parked on the vast ground. He was in a good mood.

Lei Juekun smiled and handed over a cigar, and took the initiative to light a cigar for Zhao Sheng, "Zhao Sheng, although you have found your own parking lot."

"But based on our relationship, your drivers can still stop and rest at any of my various parking stations."

"These trucks are the same promotional platform as our Kowloon Bus!"

Previously, when I bought a company from a divestment guy, in addition to core assets such as parking lot office buildings, I also bought eighty or ninety large trucks in a large parking lot.

They are all semi-old second-hand cars, which are cheap.

And more than 100 vehicles from Zhao's Logistics are still arriving from various bus stops in Kowloon.

After arriving, just let the familiar veterans redesign new transportation routes.

By the way, half of the hundreds of drivers are recruited from the mainland. They are easy to use and have a strong sense of responsibility!

Based on Director Zhao's record of continuously earning huge amounts of foreign exchange for the Mainland, he recruited truck drivers to supply the daily consumption of Hong Kong citizens.

Who do you think are the people sent from the mainland?

Not to mention that he is paying according to the salary level of Hong Kong Island truck drivers. Even if he is not paid, there will probably be a large number of drivers with high sense of responsibility to do the work.

Of course, Director Zhao is not that shady. He has always treated workers in Hong Kong and mainland workers in the same standard way.

Nowadays, Hong Kong truck drivers want to go back to the mainland to pack a few... but the trend will not take off. After all, there are too many drivers from the mainland doing their jobs.

The operation of the team was also supported by money from the profit chain of Xiudi Shoes in the early stage.

Once things are stable, let’s talk about taking external orders or doing express delivery. For example, Lei Juekun transports paper from Zhongying Street to supply Wanjia and Baijia. Is this a business that he can take on?

At present, the most important thing is to stabilize Wanjia Supermarket and Baijia 24-hour chain stores.

Unconsciously, he was involved in more and more industrial fields.


August 6th.

When Zhao Donghuai arrived at the ATV president's office, he sat down and sorted out the simple work. Guan Jiahui ran over happily, sat in his arms and smiled, "Brother Huai, how can I thank you? It's so easy to make money these days. too fast!"

Director Zhao coughed lightly and said, "Take good care of your kidneys."

Sister Guan gently hit him once or twice.

Yesterday, she went to the Wanjiahan Tianxia store platform and sold more personal Xiudi shoes. She sold more than 30,000 pairs in one day, theoretically earning more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars.

The next moment, Guan Jiahui almost broke out in laughter, "You don't know, the owners of all the European and American big-name shoe stores near our Hantianxia are as if someone has died in their family, ever since we opened."

"Their business has plummeted."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Isn't that normal? When he entered the beer industry, San Miguel Beer could be said to have withdrawn from the Hong Kong Island market. Among carbonated drinks, Coca-Cola and Pepsi also plummeted.

Even though those two companies have been waging various advertising wars and throwing money at TVB, Oriental Daily, Tiantian Daily, etc...

But the Mandela effect has gradually emerged.

Countless citizens have been obsessed by various newspaper publicity about the trio of Yu Tou Yun, Huang Guangliang, and Lee Shau Kee playing beautiful women, as well as the influence of the drama (Crazy Coke).

Do you think that once the movie is released from theaters, audiences will never see it again? There are so many video halls in Hong Kong, and they are all playing low-end and old movies.

Video theater or video rental itself is an industry that can accumulate considerable profits from box office revenue after a few years.

Once the public has a fixed image, no matter how much you promote it, it will have no effect.

Leather shoes, sneakers and other men's shoes are quickly pursued and can make people excited to buy impulsively. The advertising effect is coupled with all-star endorsements!

Also, when you go to the store to shop, you will have the opportunity to see Zhu Lin, Gong Li, Chen Hong, Guan Jiahui and other celebrities up close. If you are lucky, you may even get an autograph.

This is not a routine that ordinary brand shoe stores can play.

Now, as long as it is an industry that conflicts with Zhao Donghuai, even if they want to hire local celebrities to endorse or bring goods... they can't hire anyone.

This is not because Zhao Donghuai is overbearing and does not allow other celebrities to endorse each other, but because celebrities generally have low academic qualifications, but there are not many fools.

Look at how Cheng Long and Zhang Guorong can earn tens of millions at every turn, and they will continue to earn as time goes by. Zhou Huimin, who is the next best, can also earn tens of millions. Other brands are coming to me, offering me tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to shoot advertisements. , tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of endorsements a year? Why am I out of my mind to talk to you?

And those manufacturers can't really spend hundreds or tens of millions to only hire a celebrity to endorse them. How much is their salary? Advertising endorsement fees cannot be too high.

This is almost incomprehensible.

After a while, Guan Jiahui briefly exchanged words with Director Zhao and then went to record the show. Today is the first time that she has publicly responded to the public on a TV station after having been involved in a dispute over her personal image and reputation for so long in various public opinion topics. .

Pretty normal talk show.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for your concern and consideration. She is not that suffering. In other words, there are many, many people in society who are as suffering as she is and even more suffering than her...

You don't need to pay attention to her all the time, pity her, as long as you work hard and create your own beautiful future with your hands.

That’s how the tone was set.

With specific freedom of expression, I believe that after this round of public opinion hype, her image will usher in a new positioning.

Zhao Donghuai picked up the phone and called the ATV duo to discuss the planning progress of the "Run for Hong Kong Modern Diao Chan" beauty pageant.


Two hours later, Zhao Donghuai was still at work when he heard Azhen call in, "Boss, Director Xu Ke is here and wants to visit you."

Director Zhao was dumbfounded. In mid-April, Xu Ke joined the Zhao family after watching Lonely Tiger. It was still the same as before. Zhao Donghuai invested 51%, Xu Ke and Shi Nansheng took 49%, and then the two planned to make movies.

I thought that Lao Xu would be able to make it soon. For example, in the original track, after he opened a studio in Princess Jin, he quickly made a movie (Shanghai Night) with a box office of more than 11 million.

so so.

This dimension has only been under the influence of Zhao Donghuai for 84 years, and it has been producing batches of blockbuster films worth 20 to 30 million yuan at every turn.

Lao Xu had a difficult delivery.

It's now August, 4 months, and no new book has been published. Just like Johnnie To, who gathered a group of people and wanted to make a community film script that would follow the quality of the New World two-parter, but after half a year there was still no result.

On June 20th, Wang Jing started filming the hardcover version of Chasing Girls, and Johnnie To started filming New World 2. It has a split-shot script. Now the hardcover version of Chasing Girls has been released before the release of Fast and Furious. It has cut more than 23 million at the box office of the original film and sold out 25 million in other places. .

New World 3 is still being filmed, and it is said that they are busy with Wu Zhenyu's scenes.

Is this the product that Xu Ke has been saving for four months?

When Zhao Donghuai saw Xu Ke, Shi Nansheng, and a beautiful girl in the office... Madana Laowang, who was shopping for vegetables? ? The 17-year-old Lao Wang is really a tall girl.

This is a liar who is too tall. The official height disclosed to the public is only 1.72 meters, but in fact he is almost 1.8 meters tall!

He's almost 1.8 meters tall wearing any shoes, he's too blind.

Pity Princess Taiping.

At a young age, he has real estate wealth as large as the Kai Tak Airport runway.

Xu Ke couldn't sense Zhao Sheng's thoughts and introduced excitedly, "Zhao Sheng, this is Xiaoxian. I've been trying to figure out for several months how to remake Shaw Brothers' A Chinese Ghost Story and find an actress who suits the temperament of a female ghost."

"It happened that Asen was working at Wanwan, and he discovered Xiaoxian and recommended him to me..."

Wang Zuxian's film debut was this year. The film also won the Best Cinematography Award at this year's Golden Horse Awards. She played a female ghost in it.

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised. This old Xu will not shoot the original one (Shanghai Night), nor will he shoot the one that will be born next year (The Working Emperor). Suddenly he wants to shoot a Chinese Ghost Story three years in advance?

This can only be said to be irritating?

Want a big job?

After all, if the movie is a hit, there will be a huge profit whether it is the local box office share or the future sales share. The old and Xu couple can get 49%, just like Lin Zhengying, Hong Yinbao and Shun Jianxun.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "You decide the heroine. Who do you want to find as the hero?"

Xu Ke smiled awkwardly, "Can I invite Leslie?"

Zhao Donghuai felt that Director Xu had lost his confidence. Although Zhang Guorong did not appear in Zhao Films' real major movie, his popularity in the music industry was so explosive that someone in Hollywood also paid 1 million razor blades to hire him to be the protagonist.

Whether it's Hurricane Rescue or Daredevil, or even John Wick, which is now being released, it's been a hit in North America one after another, thanks to the effectiveness of Zhang Guorong's concerts there one after another.

A Chinese Ghost Story originally only took over 18 million at the box office in 1987, which was not as good as the half-bad movie made by Fat Boy King (the original hardcover version of Chasing Girls), and there is no way to explain it.

However, with Zhang Guorong's current global popularity, if you complete A Chinese Ghost Story, the box office trajectory will definitely be different from its original trajectory.

A Chinese Ghost Story 1 did not have a high box office, but its status and influence was very strong. This is a ghost romance film, which won awards at the European Science Fiction Film Festival in France, Portugal and other countries.

It's also quite magical.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, I'll make an appointment for Ah Rong to act, but you need to wait. The rapid pursuit of Amei's family has just broken out, and Lone Tiger has not even finished yet."

"He will not be able to return to Hong Kong until September at the earliest."

"As for the salary, Hollywood will offer him one million dollars. We can't be too stingy, let's give him one million Hong Kong dollars."

This is not a trick on Ah Wing, he is currently the top star in Hong Kong. There are not many people who rely on their salary to make a living, so bringing goods is the way to go.

Fast Chase offered Hua Zai 500,000, and Hua Zai took the initiative to insist on cutting it to 200,000 for one movie... Facts have proved that after the movie, he brought goods to sell leather shoes, tea drinks, etc. In less than a week, he made nearly Ten million.

It’s a costumed supernatural film, and there doesn’t seem to be any modern goods to sell. Is it possible to start the Hanfu trend in advance? ?

Xu Ke was overjoyed, thanked him politely, and then asked curiously, "Sheng Zhao, do you want to sign Xiaoxian?"

Hearing this, Wang Zuxian was also very excited and looking forward to it.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "It's okay to sign, but you won't be in the girl group I decided. You are too tall!"

"If you go in and go on stage together, the scene will be unbearable."

Not only is it too tall, Xiaoxian looks like...

Wang Zuxian, "..."

Forget it, being able to sign into the Zhao family is a big improvement. She feels that she is still good at singing, but there is really nothing she can do about her height.

What if you go to a concert where Cheung Guorong or Hua Tsai are the lead singers, and you are taller than those two male stars?

After watching Xu Ke and others go away, Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and decided to call the mainland and ask if anyone wanted to buy Hanfu clothing. If anyone wanted to buy Hanfu, they could be allowed to settle in Wanjia Supermarket like ordinary clothing and brand shoe stores.

Rent out a store and try to bring some goods with the help of A Chinese Ghost Story.

He won't do this for the time being, but it won't be a problem to warm up.


On the 11th, Chase continued to be a hit in Hong Kong and North America, but at the local box office, Chase's daily revenue has dropped to around 2 million.

Even so, with a box office of more than 20 million in 10 days, this is destined to be a blockbuster and record-breaking movie.

Historically, the first local drama in Hong Kong to have a box office of over 40 million was Sing Tsai's The Gambler. That was back in 1990, and the ticket price for a single drama was five to ten dollars more than it is now.

The trend of John Wick is so strong, I really have to thank the huge number of fans of Ghost Movie.

Many ghost guys are replaying multiple times to quickly chase and kill.

It was under such circumstances that Li Guoxing brought a strange middle-aged man to the Zhao Film Building.

After saying hello with a smile, Li Guoxing said, "Sheng Zhao, this is Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang wants to win the general agency rights of Liu Xiu Shoes in Wanwan."

Mr. Huang smiled and handed over the business card with both hands, "Sheng Zhao, I have been making shoes for many years, but I have never seen anything like this. Our place is currently the largest luxury shoe factory in the world, and the competition is as fierce as the struggle for hegemony during the Warring States Period."

“I never thought I could promote my new brand like this!”

"If Zhao Sheng is willing to hand me over as the general agent of Liu Xiu Shoes in Han Dynasty..."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Let's not talk about the general agent for now. How much goods do you want to get? I also want to see your sincerity."

Currently, Wanwan is indeed the largest concentration of OEM factories for famous brand shoe manufacturers such as Nike, Converse, and Adidas.

Putian shoes, which became famous in the mainland in later generations, were gradually developed when the Wanwan foundries moved to the mainland a decade or two ago in search of cheaper production and labor costs.

Mr. Huang was stunned, then quickly smiled and said, "As for sneakers, Hantianxia retails for 500 Hong Kong dollars a pair. How much does Mr. Zhao give me for a pair?"

Zhao Donghuai said, "350 Hong Kong dollars! Other shoe styles also offer similar profits."

In the past, Jianlibao, strong beer, and even tea drinks could be delivered to Li Guoxing. This person is taking advantage of the situation and can deliver them to theater systems such as Star, Malaysia, Taiwan, and South Korea.

Selling shoes is really not good.

Lao Li has nothing to do with the shoe sales and retail system.

Mr. Huang thought for a minute or two, "If we can get a pair for 300 Hong Kong dollars, I will get 1 million pairs first. We have a population of roughly 20 million. Whether we can take a bite from the world's famous shoe factories depends on John Wick and All-Stars." The sales ability is great!”

John Wick has not been released in Wanwan theaters yet, but it has been a hit in North America, so it will not be difficult for it to be released in Wanwan theaters.

Li Guoxing and Wan Cinema Line just want to endure it for a while to whet the appetite of movie fans, and then launch it strongly when the performance in North America becomes stronger and stronger.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Happy cooperation!"

Liu Xiu's various shoes are sold on Hong Kong Island, and his average profit after tax is 350 yuan. If he sells them to other places, he can make a profit of 150 to 200 yuan.

It is normal for Mr. Huang to bargain.

So for these 1 million pairs, earning HK$150 per pair is a profit of HK$150 million.

There is nothing he can do if he doesn't give up the profits. In Hong Kong Island, he holds all the transportation, inventory, and final retail end in his own hands after passing customs. This naturally makes the most money. In other places, he can only use Li Guoxing's method of selling Jianlibao and black and green tea.

After agreeing on the total price and purchase quantity, Mr. Huang talked about which celebrity silhouette models he wanted, while complaining, "Damn, the competition in the shoe industry over there is really fierce. I was also engaged in shoemaking, so I took over. My family’s business is considered a small shoe business, but it is also considered an old local brand.”

"It was still those guys who changed hands."

"The five giants such as Baocheng, Fengtai, and Hongfu have been expanding and squeezing wildly in recent years and taking advantage of OEM opportunities. I don't know how many local brands have been squeezed to death."

"Zhao Sheng, I really hope you can avenge my former shoe factory. Although I quit the shoe industry two years ago, I still have the old relationship and sales channels of 10 or 20 years, and I will do the same this time. The real estate mortgaged by selling iron and steel has become a market."

"When the goods are brought back, the first-level dealers will share the profits and wait for the movie to show off!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed. European and American brands have killed national enterprises one after another. Brands really involve everything from food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Lao Huangdu was once a small business owner of Wanwan brand shoe factory?

"Thank you Mr. Huang for your words. I hope we can break into a new market together!"

In matters of mutual benefit, people like Mr. Huang certainly hope that the more the better. He can take away 1 million pairs in one turn, making him earn 150 million Hong Kong dollars. That star, Malaysia, Thailand, and the island country South Korea, This is also the scope of the brand’s rise.

I just have to wait for dealers like Mr. Huang to come one by one.

In mainland China, you can get tens of Hong Kong dollars for a pair of shoes, one million pairs...tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

Of course, the shoe factory is not in Foshan, but the main factory is in Yangcheng and the branch factory is in Pengcheng.

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