Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 124 Snapping up the Calabash Baby series of cartoons

The meeting between Zhao Donghuai, Tan Yonglin and others went very pleasantly and relaxedly. After all, he is a good guy who has made hit songs and is currently the dominant actor in the film industry.

How could it be unpleasant?

After the meal was over in a hurry, Principal Tan and others took the new songs and ran off to do trouble as if they had found a treasure.


September 4th, 11am.

When Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the study room of the Repulse Bay villa typing, he saw Guan Jiahui knocking on the door with excitement and coming in, "Brother Huai, in two days, my personal Diao Chan women's shoes, including high heels and sneakers, were sold. Tens of thousands of pairs!”

"There are still fans urging Ah Qing and I to release a single (Blue and White Porcelain). It's so fun to make money!"

Zhao Donghuai smiled while typing, "Are you not sleepy anymore?"

Guan Jiahui came over and looked at some printed papers before saying in surprise, "Meteor Garden? Detailed script? Do you really write TV series scripts??"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He stopped typing and was silent for a few seconds, then sighed helplessly, "Damn, the advertiser gave me a little too much!"

"Originally, Mercedes-Benz offered me 5 million, and I could use any luxury car I wanted. I don't know where General Motors of North America got wind of it, and wanted to invest 10 million Hong Kong dollars in me. I can use Cadillac as I want, and I can also use the one specially used by the commander-in-chief of Amei's family. Car model.”

"The condition is, let me highlight the Japanese cars in the TV series. It seems that the Japanese cars have landed in North America these days and have taken away too much market. Giants like General Motors are also very uncomfortable..."

It’s not just world giants like General Motors that spend money.

Dior, Armani, Versace and other clothing brands also joined in, offering 2 million to this one and 3 million to that one.

Plus some luxury bags, cosmetics and other brands.

Who makes Director Zhao so mad? He has been promoting the brand of Lai Sun Group in many consecutive movies. In a year or so, Lai Sun has been praised all over Hong Kong.

All kinds of Dior, Armani, and Versace can't beat Lai Sun. This is not just Hong Kong Island, but also includes South Korea, island countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places.

Advertising sponsorship can collect tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, and various high-end big brands can use it for free, so you can use it as you like.

When those foreign brands came, Lin Jianyue from Lixin also made an appointment with him yesterday. Brother Zhao, please don't step on us. Lixin will still give you 2 million investment and clothing team as usual.

Chinese people don’t fight Chinese people!

He just writes a script, names himself as a producer, doesn't act as a director or a photographer, and just picks some good talents to make idol dramas. No one else can earn this much.

But, I understand everything.

How did Director Zhao start his career in movies? No, movies are just a link to lay the foundation, and media groups are only establishing a basic base.

Jianlibao, Strong Beer, etc. have generated a cash flow of 7.8 billion in Asia in more than three months. This is the real success and a qualitative leap!

Playing in advertising and marketing, reaching the level of Zhao Donghuai, successfully promoted each brand to compete with various international big names.

As for his advertising power and brand power? ? Too many actual combat achievements have attracted the attention and amazement of the outside world.

After Guan Jiahui finished listening, her eyes shone, she came over with great admiration to have a verbal exchange, lit a fire and ran away.

ATV's (Modern Diao Chan Campaign) program was launched on the 1st, with Guan Jiahui, He Qing, Zhou Huimin, Chen Hong, etc. performing their talents one by one. The total duration was one hour, with a wave of advertisements interspersed before and after the hour.

Starting from the 2nd, it was Wang Zuxian, Zhang Min, Wu Wanfang, Li Zhi, etc., pseudo-citizen players who went up to cause trouble.

Not to mention their talents, just their looks and figures have attracted countless audiences.

Last night was a real citizen contestant, the curvaceous Xiao Yingying, a 16-year-old student who came here during the summer vacation. Oh, she will change her name to Xiao Qiang in the future. Her face is full of collagen, and she doesn’t look like she has been blinded by plastic surgery.

20-year-old Ge Weiru, and Bai Anni, the mixed-race skating queen.

The three of them were the most famous last night, and some of the others were beautiful and sexy, but Director Zhao had no impression of them.

This is normal, and there is nothing surprising. In the film "Crazy Coke" by Tsang Mew Wai and Tang Guangrong, they were able to cast five beauties from the Ax Show in Tsim Sha Tsui East who were only two or two better than Qiu Shuzhen.

Tonight's show? ? The recording and broadcast have been filmed a long time ago. I heard that there are Chen Farong who is on summer vacation, Li Meifeng who is on summer vacation, Yang Baoling who is still on summer vacation, and Weng Hong, a dancer from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

These main players plus some unknown beauties will compete.

This show is really even more outrageous than the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant. The quality of the contestants is shockingly high for this first time.

The peak ratings reached over 80%, while TVB programs at the same time were lackluster.

Fortunately, Shao Daheng is very stable. Shao Daheng is promoting TVB's Eight Fairies. He has sent the song "Calorie". In addition to "Calorie", there is also one (No Body).

It was the song released in 2008 by the South Korean girl group that made them popular in Europe and the United States, with various adapted versions (No Body).

Since there are various versions, what Zhao Donghuai gave is not the South Korean plus English version, but the full English version. You said that this song is destined to explode, why not give it to Zhou Huimin, Chen Hong... Amin and Ahong do not show their legs Don't show your waist.

He has also reached an agreement with Shao Daheng to promote the girl group. As long as it is the business field that Director Zhao is involved in, such as beer, drinks, women's shoes, etc., the Eight Fairies of Shaw Brothers will only endorse him and will not join forces with other colleagues. Cooperation with industry brands.

Which ones are needed by Zhao Group to make movies? Zhao Group and TVB have the same priority.

The same priority means that when other companies cannot compete with them, it is up to the Eight Fairies to choose who has the best conditions, Zhao or Shaw, to cooperate with.

All in all, with the full cooperation of everyone, the new version of the Eight Fairies launched by Shao Daheng is actually half of Zhao Donghuai's group.

It doesn't matter, just support it when it's due.

His family of goddesses, big and small, don’t show their waists and legs. Once TVB shows them, they are another addition to the market.

But these eight girls will not be released this year, but after New Year's Day. In the past few months, they have been rehearsing the singing and dancing skills of those eight beautiful girls. At most, they will make guest appearances in the ATV version of Meteor Garden.

Zhao's girls have too many classic street songs, and they can attract countless fans by singing quietly. Shao Daheng's Eight Fairies dance hard and win in the era of thighs.

Then it swept across Asia.

Up to now, John Wick 1 has been released early, and the final cumulative box office is more than 38 million Hong Kong dollars. Even if the price of movie tickets increases in the future, it seems that there will not be much impact... Well, maybe Hurricane 2 can. broken.

John Wick has grossed more than 70 million US dollars at the box office at Amei's house. Even next year, it will be in the top ten box office of Amei in 1984, and it will still be able to stand firm.

After a busy day of typing (Meteor Garden), Zhao Donghuai looked at Guan Jiahui, He Qing and Monica Bellucci who were living harmoniously at the dinner table. It was enough for the four of them to not only eat hot pot, but also play mahjong. .

Yougua is so sharp and harmonious!


a new day.

After Zhao Donghuai took the car to ATV, he handed the expanded rough script to Xu Xiaoming, and then called Lao Li in, "Call to Shanghai Art Film Factory and give them 5 million yuan. I want to buy a cartoon."

It takes too long to create special effects blockbusters for new movies.

In addition to producing scripts and creating an idol drama to crush the idol drama market in the 1980s, you can also create cartoons.

Shanghai Fine Arts Film Factory is the birthplace of the famous (Calabash Brothers). If Zhao Donghuai had not intervened, Shanghai Fine Arts would have started producing Calabash Brothers next year.

It is said that production will start next year, but in fact, in March and May this year, his director Director Hu has already drawn one or two episode-by-shot scripts.

Once we have the script... it also takes time to establish the project, raise funds, establish a team, etc., so we will start working on it next year.

The original "Calabash Brothers" swept the childhood memories of those born in the 80s and 90s. The sequels (Calabash Little King Kong), (King Kong Calabash Sisters), (Calabash Brothers and Sisters), etc. are declining one after another.

Now that Director Zhao has stepped in, the gameplay will be different!

One is that cartoons have taken the children's world in Haowan, Hong Kong. In addition, gourd toys must also be promoted. Whether it is purchasing natural gourds from the mainland, selecting excellent ones and printing them one by one with patterns for sale.

Whether it is artificial manufacturing or industrial production of gourd toys, we must start up.

One of the most profitable businesses in the world is women's various needs, and the other is children. On the contrary, it is adult men... It doesn't matter if they are rich, but it is very difficult for ordinary men to make money.

Putting aside the SP industry, the market value of normal young men in the consumer market is very low.

This is a layout. When the special effects industry is fully developed, can the Calabash series be made into a live-action sci-fi version like "Transformers"? ?

Transformers are also developed collectively by a series of toys, animations, comics, movies, etc.

In 1983, Hasbro discovered the transforming robot toys launched by Japanese toy manufacturers, bought the copyright, and extended their creativity to create toys with transforming Autobots and Decepticons. They then entered the comics and animation markets, and developed live-action versions 20 years later. The science fiction movie has taken the world by storm.

The Mainland Calabash series are not bad either.

Very exciting.

Under his words, Lao Li directly complained, "5 million yuan to make cartoons? How many?"

Zhao Donghuai could understand the other party's feelings, but he was too lazy to explain, "Don't worry so much, just say, I heard that there is a director Hu over there who wants to create a cartoon based on the folklore story of the ten brothers. It seems that the first few episodes I already have the storyboards and the reviews are good?"

"This is a great idea. I want to buy it, 20 or 30 episodes for 5 million, and all related copyrights."

"An episode lasts about ten minutes, and the first part needs at least 20 or 30 episodes! If 5 million yuan is not enough, then more money will be needed."

Exaggeration? The first part of the original Calabash Brothers has 13 episodes, each of which lasts just over 10 minutes. It took Shangmei Film Studio two or three years from splitting to final production. Each episode cost over 50,000 yuan, which cost more than 600,000 yuan. .

This is a paper cut cartoon.

Among cartoons, puppet films, and paper-cut films, the latter is low-cost.

The Calabash Brothers itself is based on the folk legend of the ten brothers at Shanghai Film Studio. However, the budget was too low and there was no money. The ten brothers were cut into seven Calabash Brothers.

Because there was no money, all the imaginary fairy tale scenes, gorgeous fights, etc. turned into caves, stones, and ordinary snake spirits and scorpion spirits.

Due to lack of money, various continuous stories were cut into 13 episodes of Calabash Baby. Let’s continue it... Compared with the original work, the quality has gradually declined.

The Calabash Baby series of cartoons is just like the 1986 version of the Journey to the West TV series. It’s only because of the lack of money that the number of quality episodes is small.

The RMB earned from buying and selling waste paper is more than enough to spend on Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions. Spending 5 million to play the upgraded version of Calabash Doll, paired with Calabash Doll series toys, and future live-action science fiction movies is the way to go.

If five million is not enough, just add more money. Ten million is nothing.

In fact, five million is quite generous. You must know that the original film cost more than 600,000 to shoot 13 episodes. In two or three years, there were various currency depreciation issues and exchange rate changes.

In 1985, the price increase was 8.8%, in 1986 it was 6%, in 1987 it was more than 7%...

You now spent 5 million in one go in 1984. At first glance, compared to more than 600,000, it is less than 10 times. But after taking into account various off-site factors, it is more than ten times.

If you really give it 10 million, that’s twenty or thirty times the cost of the original work.

The lack of money is such that the Hulu brothers can drown the childhood memories of those born in the 80s and 90s. If you give them enough money, are you afraid that you will lose influence? ?

Mainland China once led Asia in the field of cartoons. Which one of Ma Liang, Havoc in Heaven, and Nezha Haohai is not a classic and can no longer be a classic?

If you spend enough money, there is no need for a Cantonese version. Just broadcast the Mandarin version on ATV every day, so that children and teenagers in Hong Kong can learn Mandarin from the cartoon.

Lao Li was speechless and went out to do things.

He felt that Zhao Zonghao was inhumane and too cruel, but when he thought about Zhao Sheng's script for Meteor Garden, he was just a nominal producer of the script, attracting all kinds of big names and spending tens of millions of advertising dollars, and a large number of top brands. Goods are free.

It seemed like spending money to make cartoons was just a trivial matter. He couldn't understand the world of rich people. As the director of ATV, he could just be responsible for the operation of the TV station!

He and the great director Xu Xiaoming are the two generals of Heng Ha.

Before Director Li could walk out of the office, Zhao Donghuai said, "Wait a minute, for another 20 million yuan, I want to customize the animated version of the Gods List."

"We've got it all done, let's go together and ask them if they need any internationally advanced equipment. If they do, buy it and send it over."

Calabash dolls can be animations, comics, toys, and even big movies in the future, or even gourd doll themed worlds in some amusement parks.

Can the list of gods be used as well? It's too early for a live-action TV series in 1990, but we can let the animated version take the lead.

As long as the scope of the brainwashing is wide enough and put aside for ten to twenty years, it will be a series of major projects larger than the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In other words, by bringing these two series together and getting involved in the comics industry, he can be regarded as saving the comics industry. As we all know, the original Hong Kong comics were too full of cuckold magic and pornographic magic.

Just the details of Huang Yulang’s comic adaptation of The Legend of the Condor Heroes and Dragon Knight, and that comic strip? ? All I can say is that he deserves to be named Huang?

Shangmei Film Studio is so short of money that it can make Calabash Baby a super classic. There is no reason why it can't make an animated version of Fengshen Bang. How could it not be possible? The 1979 short film version of Nezha Nao Hai achieved such great success.

Wasn't it made by Shangmei Film Studio? The director, screenwriter, cinematographer, Mei Zhi, etc. of Nezha Naohai are all still young and strong. The original team is the best team to expand the Fengshenbang animated series.

Director Li looked dumbfounded, "No problem, I'll do it right now."

Spending 20 to 30 million yuan this year, which is equivalent to 50 to 60 million Hong Kong dollars in 1984, to make two cartoons... what a sin!


Shangmei Film Studio.

In a certain office, Director Hu, who was nearly 50 years old, was still working on the follow-up script of the Calabash Brothers when he heard a rush of footsteps, not the footsteps of a single person.

When he adjusted his glasses frame and looked up at the door, he saw several figures hurried in.

Director Hu stood up suddenly, "Yan Chang? What are you..."

The first person to walk in was the boss of Shangmei Film Factory, Director Yan. Behind this director, there were also a group of factory leaders.

In Director Hu's surprise, Director Yan walked to the desk, glanced at the tabletop, and laughed, "Old Hu, Old Hu, it's really yours. Is this another new script for Calabash Brothers?"

"Beautiful, well done. Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong didn't know where he learned that you were working on this cartoon. He came up with 5 million yuan to buy out the project."

"Five million!"

"Although it is not a foreign exchange earner, this is definitely a great event for our factory!"

Where did Zhao Donghuai get the news? Is this important? After creating the storyboard for the first episode in March 1984, Director Hu began to apply for projects and go through the process, hoping that the factory would support him in making this cartoon.

This is already September.

For half a year, the leadership team headed by Director Yan still has not made up its mind... But everyone has discussed this project many times, and there have been many meetings and discussions at the conference. It is not that they think this project is not good.

It's a lack of money!

We don't have enough money, so we naturally have to study and discuss it. After all, the Shangmei Film Studio in Nuovo University has more than one or two projects, such as the previously created Nezha Naohai, which is an animated film that has won awards at various domestic and foreign film festivals.

There have been so many discussions, so many people know about the situation, and Zhao Sheng from Hong Kong is also a big shot in the film and television industry. Do we need to delve into the details of who Zhao Sheng heard about this matter from?

Director Hu was shocked, "5 million??"

He was shocked and stunned by the huge amount of money for a moment. After all, he wanted to shoot the Calabash Brothers again and again. He applied for proposals and studied them in the factory. Because he had no money, the supportive leaders would only consider giving him 500,000 yuan at most...

This is not like after a few years, although the money given was more, it depreciated quickly.

Director Yan patted Director Hu on the shoulder, "Since you created this project, I ask you now, do you want to sell it? Selling refers to various broadcast rights and copyrights. Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong offered 5 million, or I specifically asked you to start a team creation."

Director Hu was ecstatic, "I will continue to direct, and the production fee will be 5 million??"

What kind of fairy pie is this smacked over the head? As long as we can continue to produce, copyright and all, selling it at such a high price now is definitely a huge profit.

Factory Manager Yan nodded, his eyes and posture very affirmative.

Director Hu immediately said, "No problem, leave everything to me. If you really have a production fee of 5 million, then you won't have to wait for about ten episodes."

With a budget of about 500,000 yuan, no matter how much you save, if you want to produce a high-quality cartoon of the times that can withstand the test of thousands of households, it will only take ten episodes to make it to the top.

However, even if you give him 2 million, he can produce at least thirty episodes!

Director Yan laughed, "Let's go to the meeting. Go to the meeting. You can recruit all the elite soldiers in our factory. Did Mr. Zhao finally pay attention to the animation field after working on the live-action version of Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions?"

"Once this project is completed, as long as he is satisfied, our factory will have no shortage of benefits!"

Zhao Donghuai spent tens of millions of RMB each on the crews of Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions, and he was constantly urging...the two big crews over there were able to speed up the production of 10 to 20 episodes of TV series in half a year.

Now that we are entering the field of cartoons, Shangmei Factory will also become rich!

On the way to the meeting with Director Hu, Director Yan also revealed another piece of news, which was that Zhao Sheng was furious and spent another 20 million yuan on the animated series "Feng Shen Yan Yi".

Well, Nezha Naohai, the animated film that won various awards at home and abroad, was directed by Director Yan!

He can become the director of the factory this year, and Nezha Naohai's boost cannot be underestimated.

This Fengshen Romance animated series is naturally a project that the owner of the Fengshen movie is focused on. "I feel a little unsure about the Fengshen animated series. I am afraid that if the filming is not good, our factory will be stabbed in the spine. After the meeting, I have to I need to pay a visit to Wan Lao and ask him to come out and help me check."

The Wan Lao he was talking about was the one who produced the Uprising cartoon in the 1960s.

The man is currently 84 years old, but is in good health. Not only did he create Havoc in Heaven, he is also the founder of Chinese animated films and a world-class animation master.

That person’s status and authority in the world of animation is such that dozens of papers could be written about it in detail.

As long as Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong dares to strongly support them? They also naturally have the confidence to look at the global animation field and are not afraid of various opponents.

In this era, mainland animated films are really good.


When the Shanghai Film Studio was in full swing, it was on a street in Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Island.

Xiao Yingying said to an uncle in his 30s with a look of laughter and tears on his face, "Thank you very much, Mr. Liu, for being considerate, but I really can't accept such an expensive gift."

She also didn't expect that during the summer vacation, she would come to ATV to participate in the "Modern Diao Chan Campaign" program, and she would appear on the stage and quietly sing a song "Courage of Zhou Huimin".

The next day, Liu Sheng, who claimed to be a tall man who loves beauty, called her and wanted to invite her to dinner or something, but she didn't go. After all, this was an uncle who was not much younger than her father.

Now this is the third time that Da Liu has come to visit her. She was accidentally encountered when she was shopping. The gift that Da Liu wanted to give her was a piece of jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Xiao Yingying... She was quite speechless. The jewelry was good, but Xiao Yingying was actually from a good background. She was not rich, but her family was comfortable. She had been pampered by her parents and brother since she was a child.

There are a lot of boys chasing her in school. She is only 16 years old and she really doesn’t want to have anything to do with an uncle of Liu’s age.

Da Liu looked surprised and said, "Yingying, you are really a good girl. I don't mean anything else. I just think you are innocent and cute. I want to get to know you and make friends. This is nothing. Just accept it."

"I just want to support you and see you go further in the ATV program."

Xiao Yingying looked at the jewelry necklace and smiled brightly, "Liu Sheng, I really can't accept it, it's too expensive. I'm very grateful to you. Otherwise, if you want to support me, why not buy a few more pairs of my personal Diao Chan women's shoes?"

"The more Diao Chan shoes I sell personally, the higher my points will be, and I will be able to go on stage next time and have the opportunity to compete with those famous stars."

Liu Luanxiong waved his hand grandly, "It's just a few pairs of shoes..."

He decisively called his subordinates to buy hundreds of pairs of Xiao Yingying's personal women's shoes.

A pair costs several hundred yuan, which is only a few hundred thousand yuan.

The last time he failed to pursue Tingting, a girl in a foreign dress, Liu didn't believe that he couldn't win a girl this time. He found out clearly that Xiao Yingying has not signed a contract with Zhao's Pictures or ATV, and only has an ordinary contract to endorse women's shoes.

After settling the matter, Liu Luanxiong made another appointment and wanted to treat Xiao Yingying to dinner. Yingying's BB phone rang. After she made a call at a nearby public telephone booth, she said to Liu with an embarrassed and apologetic look. , "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Liu Sheng, my mother told me to go back to the hotel..."

She was only 16 years old. During the summer vacation, she came to Hong Kong Island from Wanwan to participate in the show. Of course, she was accompanied by her parents.

Big Liu,"……"

What could he say? I can only smile and watch the girl leave.

When Xiao Yingying returned to the hotel, Xiao's father scolded her directly, "Why are you just a little girl running around? Are you not afraid of something happening?"

Xiao Yingying immediately acted coquettishly, causing her father's attitude to soften quickly.

At this time, Xiao's mother also came over and said in surprise, "There was a Lin Sheng before, who said he was from Lixin Group. He bought thousands of pairs of Diao Chan women's shoes endorsed by you and wanted to treat you to dinner."

"Isn't this money very profitable? If you sell thousands of pairs of personal items, you can get tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars according to the contract."

The Xiao family has a good family environment, but they are indeed not rich, far from being a wealthy family.

A little girl went on ATV to sing a song and perform. She has such sales power in just a few days?

Just then, the phone rang in the guest room.

When Father Xiao went to answer the phone, he soon became shocked. After putting down the phone, he rubbed his forehead and said, "It's from Diaochan Women's Shoe Store in Han Dynasty. It's said that it's the shameless old man Zhao Shizeng from Zhao Shipwang's family." Yes, I bought 10,000 pairs of Yingying’s personal women’s shoes.”

"That old ghost is 48 years old!! What does he want to do?!"

"Isn't that Ship King Zhao almost bankrupt? Is he still so outrageous? He just had hundreds of girlfriends in the first eight months of 1984, right?"

Which of Zhao Shizeng's romantic harbors is not well known to everyone? Over the past ten or twenty years, the number has changed every three days on average.

Xiao Yingying was shocked, "Huh? I can earn one or two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars right now? It's already five or six hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars in bent coins?"

It’s only been a few days!

Her program was recorded on September 2nd and was broadcast throughout Hong Kong through ATV on the evening of the 3rd. Today is only the 5th.

In her shock, Father Xiao gritted his teeth and said, "Contact the Zhao family quickly and tell them that you are willing to drop out of school and sign a contract with them. These gangsters from Hong Kong Island, I don't think anyone will dare to mess around until you join the Zhao family!"

Logically speaking, people with comfortable families generally look down on the entertainment industry and will not let their children get into that big quagmire. Just like in the original track, Li Ming, a second-generation rich man, struggled with his father when he wanted to join the entertainment industry. Quite a few times.

It's really different now.

There are real cases of Cheng Long, Hong Qinbao, Lin Zhengying, etc. collaborating with Zhao Sheng and Huo Sheng to form a chain business called Chaoheng.

Celebrities can indeed have another track! The earning power of those top stars is also explosive.

When Li Ming dropped out of school to join the ATV training class, Li's father in this dimension did not stop him at all and still supported him.

The Xiao family has a comfortable family background, but when it comes to big bosses like Lin Jianyue and Zhao Shizeng of the Lixin Group, they can only look up to them. How can I dare to let those old gangsters harm my 16-year-old precious daughter?

As for being sent to the Zhao family, will he be harmed by Zhao Donghuai? ? That doesn't matter, anyway, Zhao Sheng is famous for being young and handsome and not yet married.

Even if he continued to let Xiao Yingying stay in Wanwan to study, he was afraid that his daughter would fall in love prematurely because there were too many boys chasing her in school.

But I heard that Mr. Zhao is known as a good man... Yes, Mr. Zhao's reputation as a good man is relatively recognized in the upper class circles.

Who among Hu Huizhong, Lan Jieying, Zhou Huimin, etc. is not a stunningly beautiful girl? There are so many beautiful girls in the ATV training class, but none of them have been touched by Zhao so far.

Hu Huizhong and Lin Qingxia were outside, and when they talked about Zhao Sheng in private, they also expressed all kinds of respect, praise and flattery. He was a gentleman who was decent and elegant and never acted recklessly.

Wanwan Shuanglin Sanhu is a certified super good man, is that still fake?

Xiao Yingying was also shocked, "Am I really going to drop out of school?"

Father Xiao stared at her meaningfully until Yingying felt guilty, and then he sneered, "Don't be a good boy, I don't know you..."

"But if you can join the Zhao family, when you face those old men, don't make this news public for now. Continue selling shoes, and you can cheat as much as you can. Anyway, with Zhao Sheng protecting you, you are not afraid of those guys daring to retaliate."

"The more shoes you sell, the more you contribute to Zhao Sheng's Han Tianxia brand. In any company, you can be called a sales elite."

"The boss will protect you."

It’s not that he doesn’t want a face, it’s that those old men in Hong Kong are too shameless. His daughter is only 16 years old. She has been pampered by her family since she was a child. It’s ridiculous. Old men ranging from 30 to nearly 50 years old are running away one after another. What do you want to do here?

Telephone canvassing support, because ATV cooperates with communication companies, each landline only counts one vote, and every pair of personal women's shoes sold counts one vote. Xiao Yingying simply cannot compete with female stars such as Zhou Huimin and Guan Jiahui, and has no competitiveness.

But selling shoes is different.

You can earn hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in just two or three days. It is not a big sum of money for the current Xiao family, but it is not a figure that can be ignored.

Thinking of this, Father Xiao said again, "When you sign the contract, from now on, you can hang out with Hu Huizhong and Wang Zuxian more and recognize your two god sisters. Everyone is here for me. As long as you act coquettishly and run errands more diligently."

"Those two seniors should take care of you."


Night falls.

When in the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai learned that Xiao Yingying had also signed with the Zhao family, he suddenly showed a strange smile. This is the wool of the rich.

For the show Modern Diao Chan, when the real contestants who emerged from the citizen circuit started recording the show, they were also given contracts one after another. Whether they signed or not was entirely up to their own will and not forced.

Yingying, whose future stage name is Xiao Qiang in the original track, is still very good in appearance and figure. Although she is a little smaller than Wang Zuxian in height, her net height is also 169. The key is that her figure is much better than that of Lao Wang on the Kai Tak Airport runway.

Over there, they were still hesitating for a short time on the issue of whether to suspend school or not.

As a result, one after another rich people came to cause trouble, but instead promoted the signing? ?

"This model of Xiao Yingying's personal Diao Chan women's shoes is selling well."

"I collected a lot of money from Lao Zhao, Lao Yue, and Da Liu, but why didn't anyone take action? Could it be that I have lost too much money recently and am not in the mood??"

Mr. Li was probably so honest because he was beaten to a bloody pulp by Director Zhao in the shopping mall.

With more than 10,000 pairs of Xiao Yingying's Diaochan women's shoes, Zhao Donghuai still earns about 350 yuan per pair, which is a profit of several million.

Female stars such as Amin and Jiahui rely on ordinary citizens and female citizens to buy goods. Citizen girls like Xiao Yingying have opened up a new track.

The program featuring Chen Farong, Li Meifeng and Yang Baoling was also broadcast last night, and I don’t know if it’s still possible to get some money from the rich.

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