Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 125 The prison situation that came out in advance

On September 6th, the program (campaign for Modern Diao Chan) was carried out steadily. It relied on famous actresses such as Guan Jiahui and Zhou Huimin to appear from time to time to boost their popularity, and cooperated with the beautiful women who came out of the public track to cut new leeks.

This show has stood up, and there is no need for crooked ways to cause trouble.

When Zhao Donghuai appeared in a large conference room at ATV, he already saw the Meteor Garden creative team who had been waiting for him.

Needless to say, the leading actors are four men, Li Ming, plus two women, Zhang Min and Zhou Haimei. As for the supporting roles or supporting roles, ATV has them all over the place.

The producer he ordered is Mei Xiaoqing. This 31-year-old is a director and producer of ATV. He is not well-known at the moment, and is far less famous than Xu Xiaoming, who created the Fearless series.

However, Mei Xiaoqing is still talented. The drama she will produce in the future (No Regrets in This Life) can be regarded as the first generation of Hong Kong idol dramas in the early 1990s.

Yuan Zhenxia's TV series stars Li Ming as the protagonist, and that version also has a lot of beauties, and it is also considered a semi-idol drama.

Later, when I supervised the production of (Forensic Pioneer) Parts 1, 2 and 3, they were classics. Part 4 didn’t mention anything, and that’s not how money is made.

(Gong Scheming) has started the trend of palace fighting dramas.

Letting Mei Xiaoqing be the producer of (Meteor Garden) is an early step forward, but... the most important way of serving idol dramas, Zhao Donghuai has already demonstrated it in the first and second movies of the New World, which is very epoch-making.

If you follow the way of serving and transforming, you will be fine.

Zhao Donghuai also brought Chen Musheng here, Xiao Chen, who studied with Johnnie To in New World Parts 1 and 2, and studied with Zhao Sheng in The Wilderness and Fast Chase, asking him to become a TV series director.

If you team up with an old director to collaborate, it won't be bad.

The old director is Wang Jing... Fatty Jing is also idle when he is idle. After he finishes filming "Fashionable Chasing Girls", he wants to make a movie with his fat boy Xiao Wang as the male protagonist. He wants to become famous as an actor and sell goods. Money, that's really not easy.

It consumes too much scripts and ideas, so Fatty King has been in seclusion and holding back his notebooks these days, which means he has nothing to do.

Just pull it out and use it, no trouble.

(Fine Cover Chasing Girls) Fatty King received a director's salary of 200,000 yuan for the film's launch. It was a hit at the box office and received another 200,000 yuan in red envelopes. Now they are co-producing an idol drama and they will also give him 200,000 yuan.

Zhao Donghuai started arranging the show on August 28 and asked Li Ming and others to prepare for the start of the show. On the 1st, he asked Wang Jing and Chen Musheng to assemble the team, including judging and giving guidance on the acting skills of Li Ming and others.

When many of the main creators stood up to say hello to Zhao Donghuai, he also smiled and waved, "Okay, no need to be polite, have you decided who will play who?"

The specific character settings were sent out on the 28th.

Even if there is no detailed script, it is enough to choose actors based on their characters.

Fatty Jing immediately laughed and said, "A Ming plays the male lead, the domineering F4 boss, Yi Jian plays the second male lead, Ajie plays the playboy third child, and Cheng plays the fourth child."

"Miss Zhou plays the heroine, and Miss Zhang plays the heroine's friend."

After saying this, Guan Lijie smiled and bowed, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I have played Huang Maozi many times, and I finally have a chance to clear my name."

The 22-year-old Ajie is actually not bad in appearance and figure. In his original trajectory, he did not become as popular as the TVB Five. It can only be said that his personal opportunities are different.

Now standing in the F4 team with Lai Ming, Aaron Kwok, and Cheng Yijian, although it is a little inferior, it is not difficult to play a playboy type, and it is not worse than the original Zhu Xiaotian.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, you can make your own decision. That's it. Let's turn it on. We don't have to shoot two or three episodes and then broadcast it on the TV station like before. We'll broadcast it while filming. We have plenty of time, so we can do it well."

"By the way, during filming, those who can speak Mandarin will speak Mandarin for live recording. Those who can't speak Mandarin or can't speak it well will be dubbed in Mandarin later and the Cantonese version of the show will not be broadcast."

A group of people were startled.

Then it was okay, Zhao Sheng said something, just do it!

Besides, mainland skits like "Eating Noodles" are played on ATV in turn, and the live stage version of the fairy tale song in which Gong Li plays the leading role in the show is also often played on ATV.

Aren’t countless citizens listening and watching with gusto?

As for the opening and ending songs, Zhao Donghuai did not write them. He just asked Huang Zhan, Zheng Guojiang, Gu Jiahui, Chen Xunqi, and Lu Guanting to do it.

After making these arrangements, Zhao Donghuai left. After he had just worked in the ATV office for a while, he saw Qiu Shuzhen knocking on the door and saying, "Boss, Director Xu is here, and he brought a few people with him who said he wanted to work in Zhao's to make movies... "

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let them come in."

When he saw Xu Ke and several familiar faces, Zhao Donghuai wanted to laugh a little. Although it was his first time to meet these guys, they seemed like acquaintances.

Xu Ke hurriedly introduced, "Zhao Sheng, this is A Dong. In 1982, A Dong directed (Yin and Yang) in Xinyi City and ranked fourth in the annual box office in 1982. This is A Dong's brother Anan. This is A Xiong. …”

"Anan and Ah Xiong have saved a book, which is a prison movie. Ah Dong thinks the book is good and wants to come to Zhao's to look for investment cooperation. Of course, it would be best if he has the opportunity to open a company like me."

"I've read it too. The book is good and the box office should be good..."

Xu Ke brought two brothers, Lin Lingdong and Lin Lingnan, as well as Wu Zhixiong, the big brother in the Young and Dangerous series and Chen Haonan's good brother.

In the 1970s, Ng Chi-hsiung was also a talker in Hutchison District 1, a leading figure in Causeway Bay like Young and Dangerous. He was imprisoned in the early 1980s.

Times have changed since he came out. When the newcomer came to power, not many people paid attention to him. He was a has-been gangster who would do anything to support his family.

Lin Lingnan is similar and has also been with Hutchison.

So this group of guys got together, Prison Storm, School Storm, Women's Prison, My Life in the Underworld, Dragon in Prison, Five Tigers Will Break Up, Gold List...

Both are written by Lin Lingnan.

This An Nan also supervised the production of the Yin Yang Road series. An Nan's most outstanding actor image is Hong Xing North Point's fat guy Li in Young and Dangerous, the middle-aged street guy who likes to pick his toes.

(Prison Storm) Li Afa sang (Light of Friendship) on the playground, "How many close friends are there in the world, how many friendships can last forever". This song is the melody of (Green Island Serenade) in 1955. Lin Lingnan re- Lyrics are written and composed.

This is also a talented person in the club!

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he waved, "Let me read the notebook."

Lin Lingnan hurriedly and respectfully put the script on his desk. Zhao Donghuai read it for a few minutes and was a little surprised. It was really (Prison Storm). This was not a split-shot script, and there were not many details.

But the general outline of the story is the prison situation.

He seems to have some impression that the 1987 version (Prison Story) was written by Lin Lingnan, who had been in Hutchison and had just come out of jail. After writing, he found Lin Lingdong to direct it, and it made more than 30 million yuan at the box office.

Prison Storm is also Anan's first work in the industry. Is the first work so popular? Can you script and write songs? Because he has a life.

The content is basically a realistic depiction of the scenes of Lin Lingnan and Wu Zhixiong squatting in Stanley, and then some artistic exaggeration.

Now Lin Lingnan did it before he went to jail? Isn’t this Wu Zhixiong who has been released from prison? Besides, as a Hunhe reporter, he doesn’t have some younger brothers and friends who are in prison around him? The club saw the prosperous Hong Kong film industry, making money that made everyone in the Li family jealous.

Leaving the game early is a basic act.

After reading it, he nodded and said, "The book can be shot, and the writing is good, but if you want to set up a company, A Dong can do it, but Anan and A Xiong don't come in."

Lin Lingnan was ecstatic, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for your support! I used my real estate loan to fund Adong's company. Please rest assured, Ms. Zhao, that everything is clean money."

Speaking of this, he said with embarrassment, "Actually, I used to do some waste paper business, but I couldn't do it this year, and I still have some clean money in my hands."

Speaking of which, he, who had been with Hutchison and had been friends with Wu Zhixiong for many years, felt very sad when he saw Wu Zhixiong being imprisoned and everything collapsed and nothing was left.

Since my brother is a great director and has become famous and capable, it seems like a good idea for him to try his luck in the film and television industry? Although he looks fierce, he is not as handsome as Lin Lingdong, and he is also a bit crooked.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then follow the process. I will get 51% of the subsidiary company. When this script is filmed, who do you want to cast?"

Lin Lingdong explained, "After I read the book, I wanted to cast Fa Ge and Liang Jiahui as the main characters. As for the supervillain as the Chief of the Custody Section, I wanted to cast Xu Jinjiang or Ji Chunhua from Black Man. As for the prison boss, my brother and Brother Xiong can both guest star. , it’s enough to look for He Jiaju, Cheng Kui’an, Huang Guangliang and the others.”

Zhao Sheng nodded, you really have original vision!

Brother Zhang Yaoyang is gone? That's right, Wu Wu was discovered by Adong in 1986, and he is gone...forget it, he is banned from attracting fans, so there is nothing he can do.

In all the roles of Brother Crow, if you ask people like Ji Chunhua or Xu Jinjiang to stand in for you, there won't be much of a sense of disobedience.

"The female lead is Gong Li from my company, and the male lead's sister is Chen Hong. They won't do any intimate scenes. When you're on the set, Adong, try to improve their acting skills."

These two girls joined the Zhao family at the end of April, and it is now September 6th. They have spent more than 150 days studying and improving in five months. Even compared to students in majors such as China National Theater and Nortel, it is equivalent to the end of the semester and it is time for summer vacation. .

It’s time to join the crew for some actual combat, not counting the guest appearance in John Wick, which was really too much of a one-on-one role.

"By the way, you add a line to the prisoners, just like when the new prison van drove into Stanley, some bosses in the barbed wire fence stared at the prison van and said (When the Toyota drives, the newcomers come, brothers have a party tonight) ”

Lin Lingdong, Lin Lingnan and Xu Ke were all stunned.

Zhao Donghuai sighed helplessly, "General Motors gave me too much, 10 million Hong Kong dollars plus various free cars. They just let me use Heidao's national cars more. I'll get one piece of money and do it twice."

"I'm too honest!"

General Motors paid for it. With 10 million Hong Kong dollars and the car that the commander-in-chief of Amei’s family rides in, he can drive into the set for free.

Lin Lingdong and others nodded in confusion. The boss had given the order, so of course they had to do it!


Night came as expected.

Director Zhao packed up and planned to get off work and go home to relax, when Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, Lin Qingxia and Sister Hu are here, waiting for you outside."

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "Are they coming??"

Azhen smiled and said, "I seem to be sending invitations for the Golden Horse Awards. I want to invite you to the Golden Horse Awards next month. The New World Part 1 has received many nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, etc."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I won't go, let Adu lead the team."

When it comes to the Golden Horse Awards and his current status, even if the Hollywood Oscars award him the Best Foreign Language Film, he won't even be able to attend.

If he has time to win the Academy Award one day, is it because he controls the award? His level is not enough? Get hyped up!

While joking, he started to walk outside. He also saw the beauties outside. Not only Lin and Hu were there, but also Wang Zuxian and 16-year-old Xiao Yingying.

Lao Wang, who is over 1.75 meters tall even in casual shoes, looks particularly disharmonious among several beauties.

After a brief and polite exchange of greetings, Director Zhao smiled and said, "Ms. Lin, is the filming of New World 3 going well?"

The two of them are currently working well. Lin Qingxia has finished filming Black Man Enters the New World 3, and Lao Hu is about to... Hurricane Rescue, Sister Tuoqiang, Overlord Flower, Owl and Dumbo, Happy Ghost 1, Black Man, Happy Ghost 2. Hurricane rescue 2. Good luck!

Ever since Hu Huizhong joined the Zhao family, there has been a steady stream of film resources, and all the films she has participated in have grossed more than 20 million at the box office, with many films rated over 3,000.

It would be easy to say that she is now a new generation of box office queen in Hong Kong movies. At this stage, she is mainly working on the crews of Happy Ghost 2 and Lucky Star.

This doesn’t even count the two women’s guest appearances in John Wick .

Lin Qingxia hurriedly said, "Zhao Sheng, just call me Qingxia or Axia. I am very happy on the crew, but Ayu is not good at shooting, but it feels like it is almost finished."

New World 3 has been filming for two and a half months!

This is the "Ni Yongxiao state" that Wu Zhenyu had to endure for half a year in advance.

After saying this, she said again, "Zhao Sheng, are you really not considering going to the Golden Horse Awards?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "I'm too busy with things. It's the same as asking Sir Du to go with Ah Fa and Ah Liang."

Lin Qingxia nodded, "By the way, Mr. Zhao, your Baijia Xing 24-hour chain, don't you want to go to Wanwan? If you go, I think there will be many artists who are willing to help Zhao Sheng free publicity and call on the public to go to Baijia Xing Consumed.”

Hu Huizhong said hurriedly, "Yes, Sister Qingxia and I will definitely do our best."

Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying nodded repeatedly. It was said that this was the first time Xiao Yingying saw Zhao Sheng in person, and she felt that he was taller and more handsome than she expected.

Baijiasuring on Hong Kong Island has exceeded 200 stores in mid-August, basically covering Hong Kong Island. Although at its peak, there were nearly a thousand 711s in Hong Kong, that only refers to after the 2010s.

Compared with many places at this stage and in the 21st century, the development level of Hong Kong Island is far behind.

When it opens to more than 300 stores, which is the goal that can be achieved by the end of September, there is no need to rush to expand. It will be enough to slowly expand with the development of the times. By then, the big move of Baijia Xing will also be transferred to the original rental space. ’s stores, relying on the profits from Baijia’s retail terminals, were replaced by full purchases.

Lin Qingxia and Hu Huizhong came here this time, saying that they invited Mr. Zhao to watch the ceremony on behalf of Jinma. It was just a drop-in. They came to gain favor and help promote the Baijia surname convenience store chain.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Okay, just wait a little longer. Hong Kong is completely stable. Let's go to Wanwan. Wanjia General Store can't get in, but Baijia Xing still has a leader."

It's just a shopping mall war.

If the Baijia surname chain is opened in all major cities in Wanwan, and with this retail terminal, if your daily fast-moving consumer goods are sold in Wanwan, you won't have to share half of the profits.

The All-Star call is indeed a good move!

Wanwan star? Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong, Wang Zuxian, Xiao Yingying, aren't these a group of people who have signed up for the Zhao family? Besides, many Hong Kong stars are also very popular in Wanwan.

The main retail convenience store in Wanwan is Uni-President Supermarket. It was opened in 1978 and 711 was introduced in 1979. Now after six years of accumulation, it almost dominates the market.

That Uni-President not only sells instant noodles and drinks, but also its large supermarkets and 711 convenience stores, which are heavy weapons. It was the Watsons supermarket originally owned by Li Chao who entered Wanwan, and brands such as Carrefour entered the market in 1987. Just started.

Watsons' current out-of-town chain store was mainly developed by the Gui Lao family in the colonial circles of Niubuluo Federation member states during the British capital period.

Having said this, he looked at Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying, "Xiaoxian, Yingying, are there any rich people who have come out and been cut with leeks recently?"

"No matter how much money they spend to treat you to dinner or a date, don't agree. You have to be the beautiful female star that the rich people ask for but can't get. The most profitable thing is that I will let the newspapers publicize it tomorrow and it will be enough to help you deal with it. "

"You can also take advantage of the trend in the previous issue (selected modern Diao Chan)."

Xiao Yingying nodded in surprise, "Thank you boss, I really have another big order. It's Luo Sheng from the toy king's family, who bought me 5,000 pairs of personal Diao Chan shoes."

"All in all, I have sold more than 20,000 pairs of my personal models, and I can earn more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars!"

"I earn so much, do I really not need to care about those rich people?"

Wang Zuxian was shocked and said, "Luo Qiren? He also bought 5,000 pairs of my personal models... He bought so many shoes by himself, and they were all women's models. Who would wear them? He won't return them in the end, right?"

"You can return items sold in Wanjia General Store."

It was Hu Huizhong and Lin Qingxia's turn to be shocked, "Why are your personal women's shoes sold this way??"

These two forward-looking literary queens can also stimulate sales by selling goods, but they are really just ordinary sellers. Movie fans buy one pair or two pairs each.

There are no rich people who spend a lot of money to buy thousands of pairs.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's okay, I will set a target for everyone tomorrow and report the incident of Zhao Shizeng buying 10,000 pairs of Yingying style and 2,000 pairs of Xiaoxian style women's shoes."

"Xiaoxian and Yingying, please cooperate with the daily publicity and say thank you for everyone's appreciation and support, but you are still young and underage. At present, you are mainly studying to improve yourself. If the rich and powerful families feel that they are at a disadvantage, you can go to Hantianxia return the goods."

"If they dare to go, we will arrange all-round entertainment programs for them."

It depends on whether the rich can afford to disgrace this person.

Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying suddenly looked at each other with strange eyes! !

The rich want to pursue multiple goals at the same time, and don't interfere with their basic business, but why did Luo Qiren still buy 5,000 pairs with each person's personal funds, and when it came to Zhao Shizeng... Xiao Yingying had 10,000 pairs versus Wang Zuxian's 2,000 pairs? ?


a new day.

Liu Luanxiong arrived at Aimei Gaodao's office. He first dealt with the work at hand, then grabbed the newspaper and started reading. As a result, the headlines of the Kowloon Daily made his heart shrink suddenly.

"The girl Wan Wan got the support of a wealthy man and spent nearly 10 million Hong Kong dollars to buy 10,000 pairs of personal Diao Chan women's shoes!"

When he read the content carefully, he discovered that Zhao Shizeng, the super playboy, actually purchased 10,000 pairs of sneakers, high heels and the like for Xiao Yingying, a citizen contestant on the show (Running for Modern Diao Chan).

However, when a newspaper reporter interviewed Xiao Yingying, the girl expressed emotion, gratitude, and thanks to Zhao Shizeng for his support. However, she is still young and is currently mainly studying to improve herself. Whether after the beauty pageant, she will go back to middle school or stay in college. development on Hong Kong Island.

At her age, learning is her biggest task.

Regarding Mr. Zhao Shizeng's support, Xiao Yingying said that Mr. Zhao is welcome to return the goods. It seems that he, a nearly 50-year-old man, cannot wear 10,000 pairs of women's shoes.

The Kowloon Daily reporter expressed his position after the interview, "Old Zhao, please stop harming the little girl. Isn't your family going bankrupt? How dare you spend millions to date someone else's little girl?"

In addition to Lao Zhao, I also heard that some other wealthy people are also following Zhao Shizeng's example. They bought a lot of Diao Chan women's shoes and wanted to return the money. The purpose of Wanjia must be in line with it. It's you guys who are disrespectful to the old and want to return the money. Just go.

We can't wait to eat the melon and want to know who is throwing money.

Then, the Kowloon Daily announced that Siu Ying-ying's personal women's shoes sold more than 20,000 pairs, which is equivalent to accumulating more than 20,000 votes, which is equivalent to more than 20,000 landline phones in Hong Kong voting for her.

The success allowed Xiao Yingying to advance to the next stage, and she could continue to go on stage to compete with actresses like Gong Li and Chen Hong who had already released singles.

After watching Liu Luanxiong, he covered his heart and felt very uncomfortable. "He's on the street. Zhao Shizeng is such an old scammer. He actually bought 10,000 pairs of Xiao Yingying women's shoes? No wonder I bought hundreds of pairs that time and added one or two more afterwards." Qian Shuang, I still won’t even give you face even if I eat a meal.”

It was expected that there would be competitors, but he did not expect that the competitors would be so big.

In just a few days, an unknown Xiao Yingying, just a girl, sold more than 20,000 pairs of personal Diao Chan shoes. Who smashed them?

He and Zhao Shizeng only had more than 12,000 pairs combined.

Who smashed the other 10,000 pairs? ?

As for the newspaper saying that the Zhao family is about to go bankrupt, is Zhao Shizeng still so arrogant? This is nothing. The bankruptcy of a group does not prevent the big boss from making a fortune personally. This happens everywhere.

In the early 1980s, the Huaguang Group of the Zhao family encountered a debt crisis, with a debt of HK$6.7 billion. However, the old shipper Wang Zhao Congyan held on and sold his collection of antiques from home, and easily sold part of it for several hundred million in cash. .

Even after selling off the real estate group developed by Zhao Shizeng and so on, Huaguang has been kept alive.

In the mid-to-late 1980s, Zhao Shizeng developed Zhaoyuan Real Estate by himself. It is a famous luxury property in Victoria Road in the Western Ring Road. It not only has large sea-view villas, but also various high-end residential areas.

Let’s take Zhou Xingxing’s (The Saint of Love) as an example. The main location of the movie is the Zhaoyuan villa. In (Police Story 3), the sea-view villa where the big drug lord Guan Chaiba is located is also the one in The Saint of Love. House.

With large villas, yachts, and various properties, the Zhao family is seemingly in bankruptcy, but that doesn't stop them from having a solid foundation.

Zhao Yuan has not officially started operations for several phases now, but the land belongs to Zhao Shizeng.

After Ah Xiong cursed lowly, he was confused. It seemed that he had bought more than two thousand pairs of Xiao Yingying women's shoes for nothing...want to return them? ?

It seems that he can't afford to lose that person. Didn't he look at the Kowloon Daily and look like he is ready to take advantage of it and want to dig out other rich people?

He didn't know if others would return the goods, but he didn't have the nerve to do so.

Don't say sorry, even if he did go, what would his wife think of him once he was exposed by the Kowloon Daily? What do Ameco's partners think of him?

At this stage, Aimigo's business was not doing well. The business of selling fans in North America had been shrinking, and its market share was gradually getting worse. Partner Liang Yingwei also had fierce friction with him.

He already had the idea of ​​​​squeezing A Liang out of Aimei Gao.

After a while, I saw many other newspapers, whether it was Tiantian Daily, Oriental Daily, Kwun Tong Industrial News, New Territories Chinese Press, etc., they were all hyping up the fact that Xiao Yingying and Wang Zuxian were bought by rich people for personal money.

Liu Luanxiong silently put away all the newspapers, speechless.

Just take this loss.

This news will definitely spread throughout Hong Kong.

This is indeed the case. (Contesting for Modern Diao Chan) is already a popular program that even the 1984 Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant could not withstand. Why is such gossip suddenly coming out?

In addition to having various thoughts about Zhao Shizeng, countless people who eat melons also have other rich people who spend a lot of money to buy shoes and want to treat little girls to dinner. Who are they? Who are they? They spent a lot of money to date someone, but they were rejected. ? ?

This melon is so tasty.

There is no shortage of people discussing this on the streets and alleys, including in companies and schools. It is the most popular person to eat this big melon on campus, because Xiao Yingying is a 16-year-old female student who had no reputation in Haowan, Hong Kong.

It has only been a week since you participated in the Diao Chan beauty pageant, and you have earned more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars? ? This is a hot topic for countless middle school students in Hong Kong.

Which middle school student can earn more than 200,000 yuan a week? ? Isn't it just that Xiao Yingying is pretty and fierce, and she just sang a song on ATV? How can you make more than 200,000 yuan? ?

As soon as this news topic came out, it bombarded the whole Hong Kong in just one day.

Everyone in the streets and alleys knew about the explosion, and everyone was still discussing it fiercely!

But what Liu Luanxiong didn't expect was that just the next day, on September 8, TVB would broadcast an exclusive interview with Zhao Shizeng, the son of a shipping king and a former real estate tycoon.

In the interview footage, Lao Zhao said very calmly, "I just want to support that girl Xiao Yingying, I have no other intention."

"To prove my words, I plan to purchase another 10,000 pairs of Xiao Yingying women's shoes and give them to all female citizens in Hong Kong for free, or to female employees of Huaguang Group and other Zhao companies."

"Including Wang Zuxian's personal models, I will buy two thousand pairs and get them for free."

"It only cost more than 10 million in total. It's nothing."

"The real estate company I run has been sold, but I still have a large piece of land in my hand. I plan to re-establish the company and officially develop the Zhaoyuan project! It is positioned as the first-class villa and luxury community in Hong Kong."

After watching the entire interview program, Liu Luanxiong suddenly slapped his thigh, "Fuck, this is an advertisement! Ma's old guy can't chase women, so he went with the flow and made a super big advertisement for his new company!"

More than 20,000 pairs of Diao Chan women's shoes were smashed out and given to female employees and citizens for free... Is this sensational?

As much as the previous news about the big brother buying shoes attracted the attention of gossips, Zhao Shizeng's new real estate advertisement will have much effect.

In this era, 16-year-old Xiao Yingying and 17-year-old Wang Zuxian can make the big brother on the list a hit without any plastic surgery, makeup or beauty shots.


ATV big office.

Zhao Donghuai was a little emotional about Zhao Shizeng's sudden move, the advertising effect... This old Zhao could keep pace with tycoons such as Li Chaoren, Huo Daheng, Guo Bingxiang and others in the 1970s.

He is indeed talented.

Luxury properties are everywhere in Hong Kong, including Clear Water Bay, Deep Water Bay, Happy Valley, Waterfront, Peak Road, Kowloon Tong, etc. There are too many to count.

However, Zhao Shizeng played this trick and his Zhao Yuan plan would be in the limelight in a short period of time. As long as more than 20,000 pairs of women's shoes are actually sent out one by one, there are still people wearing them.

Then the Zhaoyuan project will become popular.

Zhao Donghuai is not at a disadvantage either. She is just a 16-year-old Xiao Qiang. As soon as she debuted, wealthy people spent tens of millions chasing her, but they still couldn't catch her... This label will rapidly expand and promote Xiao Yingying's fame and image.

Not only has Xiao Yingying become popular, Mr. Zhao of Han Tianxia Women's Shoes has also made millions in net profit!

I just don’t know if other rich people who were rejected after pursuing Xiao Yingying or Wang Zuxian, such as Lin Jianyue, Luo Qiren, Liu Luanxiong, etc., will learn Zhao Shizeng’s trick.

Only then did he remember, wasn't Luo Qiren the weirdo who cheated Li Saifeng? In the original trajectory, he married Li Saifeng many years later and dated other beauties. He wanted to divorce Ah Feng and did not want to be divided among his property, so he took the lead in slandering Ah Feng for cheating on her godson...

Spreading rumors and defamation means just opening your mouth to spread rumors and then breaking the rumors.

Zhao Donghuai felt that an old man like Lao Luo who did not respect martial ethics would most likely not be able to learn from Zhao Shizeng.

Luo Qiren is 37 years old this year. Although his main job is to be a doctor in North America, he was born in the family of a toy king in Hong Kong Island.

How valuable is the toy industry? Whether it's Hasbro's Transformers series or Zhao Donghuai's Calabash series, which is currently under preparation, there is a sea of ​​cash.

Director Zhao was still thinking when he heard a knock on the door. Qiu Shuzhen reported that it was Monica.

When this lady in short skirt and black stockings walked in, she smiled and said, "Boss, I'll work overtime and have a meeting."

Monica's current focus is on learning acting from Laura Fanna, singing in the music department of the Zhao Group, and learning Chinese characters and Mandarin.

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised. Wasn't this a meeting just last night?

After an intense sports meeting and seminar, Monica exclaimed, "I discovered that I had found the right path. It turns out that making money is so easy. A little girl who is new to the industry and has much less qualifications than me."

"How can you easily earn 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars? That's crazy!"

Xiao Yingying, a girl who suddenly rose to prominence, made more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars and 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. dollars without having to pay anything on the surface. It is so amazing and enviable.

Wang Zuxian, a pseudo-citizen track player, also earned hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

"It's a pity that I'm white, otherwise I would really want to pester you to be on that show."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "How else do you want to pester me?"

(ps: I saw some people complaining about me selling goods. Let me explain. The core logic of celebrities making money by selling goods is that red stars don’t want sky-high salaries, newcomers won’t be poached to find new jobs, and they won’t be turned into playthings by the rich. Without this logic, there won’t be many stars.) Newcomers, including little celebrities like Li Saifeng, can withstand the money thrown by the rich.)

(PS: People like Lin Zhengying and Liu Dehua, who are popular among the protagonists, will be robbed by Hollywood's million-dollar salary if they don't bring the goods.)

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