Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 126 Superbodies and Supercomputers

A week later, in mid-September, as soon as Zhao Donghuai arrived on the floor where the main office of Zhao Films was located, he saw Zhu Jiaxin, the head of the special effects department, hurriedly got up and walked over, "Boss, I'm back!"

Seeing the smile on his face, Zhao Donghuai also smiled and walked forward, "How was the harvest?"

Zhu Jiaxin nodded excitedly, "Yes, I have been immersed in the Hollywood special effects circle for the past two months. I have not been able to break into Industrial Light and Magic, but I spent some money and learned about the most advanced special effects technology."

“A mechanical device invented by Lucas in the 1970s can easily synchronize real-shot images and post-production synthetic images, improving the efficiency of recording methods that can only rely on manual hard-coating of film by dozens of times. We paid patent fees to buy the machine. Done."

"I also bought the source sequence computer processing method invented there the year before last."

"Including a lot of rendering software that is specially used for computer processing of film post-processing, we can also buy it, but it is not a one-time sale, but a fee every year. Every computer has to pay. The fee is very expensive. I I suggest that the boss hire someone to develop similar software himself.”


While Zhu Jiaxin was explaining eloquently, Zhao Donghuai nodded repeatedly and entered the big office. He was still talking happily...

Don't be afraid that Zhao Donghuai won't understand. He gained master-level special effects movie shooting experience from the simulator when he only had intermediate simulation.

It's like the master-level handheld photography physical skills that were originally developed.

Without this kind of worry, Director Zhao had to practice photography for a year or two when he wanted to shoot Hurricane Rescue 1.

To sum up, Zhu Jiaxin has been here for two months and has almost everything that should be bought. At the end of the conversation, after taking a sip of tea, Zhu Jiaxin solemnly said, "Boss, I also heard news that Hollywood wants to buy a supercomputer. Set up a supercomputing center to serve as a special effects processor."

"We talked about it several times, but it didn't work out. Supercomputing represents the world's top technology. It doesn't mean you can buy it if you have money. They are also afraid of technology leakage, but if supercomputing can really be introduced."

"But we don't have it here..."

Zhao Donghuai was silent. He knew that the blockbusters of the 1990s, such as Jurassic Park and Titanic, were able to make such exaggerated and realistic special effects that shocked the world and swept the world. It was the result of supercomputing.

But it’s not clear which blockbuster movie they started using super computing.

If this kind of hardware thing widens the gap...

After being silent for a few seconds, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "I have good news for you. There is also a supercomputer in the mainland. Galaxy 1 can calculate hundreds of millions of operations per second. We should be eligible to use it."

"This news came from experts invited from northern Qing Dynasty."

In the past, even before time travel, Zhao Donghuai had never paid attention to the field of supercomputing or supercomputers, but recently he has been making big moves, regardless of recruiting film special effects talents from northern Qing Dynasty.

In order to develop Octopus, we built our own large-scale LAN network group across Hong Kong and hired many professionals.

There were not only graduates from Northern Qing Dynasty, but also some professors.

It was also from those people that he learned about supercomputers like Galaxy 1. Supercomputers are widely used in various important fields such as oil exploration, weather forecasting, and engineering physics research. The mainland did not have its own supercomputer before the 1980s. .

When I use it, I can only spend a lot of money to go abroad, and I am stuck.

The big bosses were uncomfortable and launched a big push. Last year in 1983, Galaxy 1 was successfully developed and was at the international leading level.

Moreover, the cost is very low, and the circuit boards are all hand-soldered by eighth-level workers.

I heard that after it was completed, it helped many units or departments and did a lot of calculation tasks.

Zhu Jiaxin was overjoyed when she heard this, "Really? We can also use supercomputers? That would be a promising future."

Zhao Donghuai handed over a cigar, "After much thought, the special effects base is no longer on Hong Kong Island. I plan to spend money to build a special effects base in Pengcheng and build my own special effects building. If there is a chance, it is best to ask the mainland to build another one. One or several Galaxy 1 supercomputers can be brought into our building, or even handed over to experts assigned by the authorities to help us use them."

"As long as it can be used exclusively for us to do special effects, it's worth whatever money you spend!"

"I finished the script for my next drama on August 20. I plan to try out a science fiction blockbuster, practice my skills, and hone my team by the way. It's now mid-September, more than 20 days have passed."

"Just come back. I'll take a few minutes of sample footage later, and combine it with the fake skin created by the modelers and other models. After filming, you can lead a team to create a sample special effect for me."

"As for the development of our own special effects rendering software, we can just pay Qingbei to do it."

In March, Zhao Qiang was put in charge of the waste paper business. He made two trips a month and earned 10 million to 20 million yuan. This was already September.

RMB income exceeded 100 million.

About 30 million was spent on the crews of Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions, and 25 million was spent on Shanghai Film Studio. There is still a lot left over.

Even if you go to Pengcheng to build a twenty-story special effects base building, you won't spend much money these days.

After all, the 20-storey commercial building in Pengcheng is far from the 30-storey Jianing Building in Central, Hong Kong Island, which is worth 1 billion.

The remaining money is to hire a master like supercomputer and ask Qingbei to help develop software. If it is not enough, he will continue to buy and sell waste paper, including the car glass business.

How to develop? Hollywood has related software for commercial use... imitate it?

If supercomputing can really do things, then it seems that the cosmic nebula lens that was not possible in the original plan and the Jurassic dinosaur lens that I wanted to omit can be tried.

There are two types of special effects: there are supercomputers that can be used and those that can’t be used!


after an hour.

On the special effects team floor of Zhao Films, when Monica Bellucci hurried over and saw Zhao Donghuai, she hugged his left arm excitedly, "Boss, the shooting of the new movie is finally going to start? I've been waiting for a long time!"

She joined the Zhao family on August 1st, which is almost 50 days ago.

Even if I have been studying acting, singing, etc., including learning Mandarin, I still live a fulfilling life. Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all free. I can use and exchange all kinds of luxuries whenever I want, and they are also free.

The most indispensable thing among the major movie crews is the investment and promotion samples from advertisers.

But when will she be able to launch her first drama, she will still be the heroine. There are almost no blockbusters with male protagonists. Monica has been very excited and looking forward to it.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and clapped his hands, "Okay, now we are shooting samples."

"What you need to perform next is that when you wake up, you find that your right hand is turning into nothingness, as if it is broken, and all kinds of superficial skin are flying like dust. When you gently touch the skin of your right hand with your left hand, it is exposed Blood layer.”

"Can you perform that kind of shock, panic, and fear well?"

Monica, "..."

She thought for dozens of seconds before nodding, "I will work hard to meet your requirements."

After a while, the stylist, makeup artist... well, this is just a sample film, and it is not edited into the movie. There are no changes in makeup and styling.

In front of a green screen vacated in the big special effects office, Monica sat on a chair. First, she filmed her sleeping and waking up movements, and then she shouted "click".

The modeler handed over a piece of fake leather clothing that was almost the same shape as her hand, and looked just like the real thing.

The seventh- and eighth-level workers worked with their apprentice team for more than 20 days to make fake leather suits? It's too simple.

Put on the fake leather suit, find the previous state and movements and continue acting along.

Continue clicking and change to the next layer of fake leather clothing.

The actions of waking up, looking at hands, raising hands, and wiping the left hand with the right hand, if displayed on the big screen, would only take a few seconds or more than ten seconds, all connected together.

But when it came to filming, it was just clicking in front of the green screen, constantly replacing props, models, and fake leather suits, while waiting for the special effects shot where Monica went to the bathroom and saw her face distorted and collapsed.

A group of seventh- and eighth-level engineering masters came up with three or four different models that were the same size as Monica's head, with either a collapsed left eye, a collapsed nose, or a split mouth.

These models are all lifelike and 70% similar to Monica herself.

After shooting a short two-three-minute shot, when Zhao Donghuai shouted to call it a day, Monica came out with a look of doubt on her life, "Boss, is this a special effects movie? It feels... it feels..."

The shooting felt really low.

Very poor performance experience.

When Zhao Donghuai handed the camera to his assistant to handle the subsequent development and editing, he went to the outside and said, "Don't worry, this is a shooting that requires special effects. When it comes to other scenes, it will be the same as normal shooting."

Monica then breathed a sigh of relief, "How long will it take to make this sample?"

Director Zhao was also a little helpless, "Based on 24 frames per second, it takes half an hour for a mature Hollywood team to render one frame, but our new team takes one hour? One second of footage requires the team to work day and night."

"A one-minute shot takes almost two months..."

Monica squirted directly, "Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Don't worry, what we are pursuing now is not to make this sample film reach the level of theatrical special effects blockbusters, but to hone the team!"

"They all learn from scratch. It will be very slow at the beginning. But if they reach the standard of producing special effects for theaters, they will not need to continue to do it later. There is no need to make all these useless shots to theater standards. ."

"When they are almost done practicing, we will officially start the group and start filming!"

A special effects shot that lasts for more than two minutes really requires a novice team to render and post in one hour per frame. It takes four or five months of busy work for just over two minutes.

Even if you practice well in the middle and later stages, upgrade to Hollywood's experienced mode, and double the efficiency, it will still take more than three months?

That's really unnecessary! The two-minute scene will not be cut into the super body. When the super body is officially filmed, it will be shot on a green screen combined with an airplane flight.

"Let's see their progress. If the progress is satisfactory, Super Body will be launched at the end of the month or early next month. How about your acting skills?"

Monica said in surprise, "I will definitely work hard!"


Time flies to the end of September.

According to the work progress of the special effects team, Zhao Donghuai was planning to start a super body group when he received the good news that the editing and soundtrack for Johnnie To's New World 3 was completed.

Along with this good news, Yangma sent another 10 teachers, this time ten handheld photography teachers.

These ten people are still the same as Zhang Feng and Li Bian'an. They just received the news in March that they had no difficulty in wearing a big string for the first time and could walk and run in half an hour.

Together with Zhang Feng and Li Bianan, they first came into contact with photography in March. They have been practicing for more than half a year now, and they are all capable of making movies!

According to Zhao Donghuai's words, if a qualified candidate is found in three months, the individual will be rewarded with 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and if one is found in half a year, the reward will be 50,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Ten more will be half a million.

But if this group of people joins in, it will really...let Zhang Feng and Li Bian'an breathe a big sigh of relief. Although Lao Zhang and Lao Li are very strong, they are currently working on the crew of Hurricane Rescue 2. Many months.

They have been able to shoot 70% of the cinema-quality sports shots.

But the most exciting and intense fight scene still requires Zhao Donghuai to make a cameo. For the sake of the quality of the movie, we can't go too far.

The difference between the 70% level and the master level is that they can shoot the action clearly so that the audience can see it clearly, but they will sway around and make the audience dizzy and uncomfortable.

Working hard like this for half a year has put a strain on Lao Zhang and Lao Li's physical endurance.

But with ten more friends, everyone is much more relaxed.

Zhao's Film Screening Room.

After a group of people finished watching, as the ending song of Infernal Affairs played, Director Zhao stood up and applauded, "That's right, it was beautifully shot. Ayu, your acting skills have suddenly become great!"

"Although Hong Kong Island currently has many professional villains and extremely outstanding villain actors, you can have hope with a movie like "A Lonely Tiger" or a "New World 3". With "New World 3", Ah Fa and A Liang will be nominated for Best Actor. ”

Wu Zhenyu was flattered and thanked him humbly.

Johnnie To laughed again, "It took more than half a year to complete a play. If he can't achieve this kind of effect, he can quit the show."

Lao Wu has been preparing for so long in advance. Shooting will start on June 20. He is waiting for finalization, post-production, etc., and it will be completed by the end of September.

By the way, if Zhao Donghuai hadn't selected Ayu to be the biggest villain in the three films and the most charming candidate for the new Godfather of the Hong Kong version, and other companies would have come to film the film, they would have been replaced a long time ago.

A group of people were chatting and laughing, and when they walked out of the screening room, Johnnie To laughed and said, "I scolded Ayu a lot on the set, but I have more free time, so I can also think about my own play, and now I have an idea."

"I want to make a series based on the topic of Hong Kong's Hutchison election. Boss, would you like to introduce some Hutchison brothers to me? I'll go and learn more about them."

Zhao Donghuai's eyes lit up. The theme of Hutchison's election campaign was "everyone is human"?

Filming New World 3 is definitely a big test for Wu Zhenyu. Fortunately, he has this talent and has developed it, but filming a gangster movie is also a test for Johnnie To.

Is this the beginning of a two-part underworld story?

"That's easy to say. You can ask Snake Zai at any time. There are also Lin Lingnan and Wu Zhixiong. You can go to the Prison Storm studio to visit and chat casually."

Du Qifeng nodded in surprise, thanked him, and then asked curiously, "When will New World 3 be released? October 1st?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "Let's put it in the Lunar New Year period. There's no rush. The quality of the third part is not bad, and the box office will be higher in the Lunar New Year period."

How could Zhao be absent from such an important Lunar New Year period? Rescue 2 and New World 3 are Lunar New Year blockbuster resources.

His new drama "Super Body" was released very quickly and it was released in the summer of 1985. I have to stock up on it. After all, the Lunar New Year release is also in two time periods, before the Spring Festival and after the Spring Festival.

Of course, these are not the only two options for Zhao's Cinema during the Lunar New Year period. It's still early, and if Wang Jing wants to make quick money again one day, he can start shooting Chasing Girls 2 in high-end at any time.


after a while.

Zhao Donghuai was still in the office preparing for the super-body crew when he heard Azhen report that Amin was here. When Zhou Huimin walked in, he hugged him when he got to the desk and rubbed his ears.

Zhao Donghuai has been waiting for Amin to reach adulthood when he turns 18.

But Amin took the initiative to ask for a hug again and again. He was so kind that he didn't know how to refuse.

After a while, Zhou Huimin asked curiously, "Brother Huai, we have almost finished shooting the scenes of Hurricane 2 in Hong Kong."

"I'm going to the island country soon. I've never been there before. Do you want to come with me? Hurricane 2 is not the most important shot. Do you still have to take it personally?"

Zhao Donghuai pulled out a notebook and said, "Okay, my new drama Super Body is about to start filming, and there are a lot of island country scenes to be filmed. By the way, this is a new song for you."

Zhou Huimin was so happy that she couldn't help but kiss him again.

Ten minutes later, she started to watch the song, and the more she watched, the more surprised she became. She was very happy when she came. Meeting the male god was a super happy thing, not to mention that it lasted for so long. She ran for the modern Diao Chan and defeated powerful enemies one by one. It has won the reputation of modern Diao Chan.

It’s not that Amin Yan is uncontroversial over everyone else including Kwan Jiahui, Chen Hong, Zhu Lin, etc., but buying a pair of shoes can accumulate one vote. Amin is currently the most popular and her fans have the strongest purchasing power!

The ultimate goal of the show Modern Diao Chan is to bring goods and make money!

Career development is smooth and smooth in all aspects.

This time I got a few more popular songs, and I was so happy.

Zhao Donghuai explained, "Originally, I was thinking of just asking for a few songs for your first big album, but now that's it... I'll give you a few more songs."

Courage, Fairy Tale Chorus Version, Wishful Chorus Version, and Say You Say Me have both solo and chorus versions. Madonna’s explosive song Love To Tell also has Amin singing solo and a duet version with Monica and Laura.

That equals seven songs.

At most, there are different solo and chorus versions, and two arrangements can be chosen. The arrangement is left to Huang Zhan, Lu Guanting and Chen Xunqi, and they can be easily handled.

He took out another song by the future SHE group Lovers are not full, and Lovers are not full is also a cover of the song Brown Eyes by the North American girl group Destiny's Child.

After taking Lover's Not Enough, the original English version of Brown Eyes is also available, which equals two more songs.

Destiny's Girl is not bad, this group has won three Grammy Awards.

He also thought about picking up Amin’s favorite song in his future trajectory, but that song was also a cover of an island country singer. Miyuki Nakajima wrote the lyrics and composed the music. It was already released in the island country this year, so he abandoned it.

The tenth song is Luo Dayou's "Dream Chaser". In order to praise Amin, he temporarily gave birth to Luo.

Amin sang it solo, and then re-arranged the song to sing it together with Amin, Gong Li, and Chen Hong.

Finally, there is the single "You Are Not Alone" released by Michael Jackson in 1995. This song has topped the singles charts in many countries around the world.

Zhou Huimin sings it solo and then duets it with Monica and Laura Fanna.

A 13-song big album comes together!

Thirteen songs like this, with Zhou Huimin playing the lead role, and Gong Li, Chen Hong, Monica, and Laura Fangna serving as supporting singers.

If this album doesn't sell out, there's something wrong with the world.

The several singles released before have sold well. Last time, the two songs "Say You Say Me" and "Say You Say Me" were recorded into a single album. After being charted by radio and television stations, it started to be sold in Hong Kong in August, and it accumulated 20 in more than a month. Thousands of copies, four platinum singles.

A single album cost 30 Hong Kong dollars, more than 200,000 copies, and more than 6 million Hong Kong dollars in profits. After paying more than 10% of the tax, Amin pocketed hundreds of thousands, and the rest was almost all Zhao Donghuai's profit.

After all, from song writing and recording to transportation and final retail, Zhao's one-stop service is a perfect closed loop.

The net profit of a single album in Hong Kong is three to four million. Even if it is cut by more than half in other places, the profit is still huge.

Just when Zhou Huimin was familiar with the tunes of the new songs, the phone rang. After Zhao Donghuai answered the call, he chatted for a few words and said in surprise, "Okay, I'll go over and have a look later."

After hanging up the phone, he said to Amin, "Let's go to TVB. I made an appointment with Shao Daheng to help him promote a girl group. However, the eight girls there are different from yours."

"The complementary genre is sweeping across Asia. Come with me to see the results of their month of rehearsals."

Shao Yifu called and said that two songs of TVB’s New Generation Eight Fairies, Calorie and No Body, had been arranged and danced.

Although it is still in the practice period, it has been rehearsed for a month, and it is up to Zhao Donghuai to perform a complete performance.

Amin nodded excitedly, "Okay."

Five p.m.

Director Zhao took Amin to TVB by car and saw Shao Yifu and Fang Yihua at the entrance of the TV City. He got out of the car and exchanged a few polite words with the two before entering the TV City.

Arriving in a spacious stage-like room, more people were following them now, including not only Wang Tianlin, Wang Jing and his son, but also Gu Jiahui, Huang Zhan and others.

On the stage, there were eight TVB girls wearing the same uniform-style tight-fitting short-sleeves, short skirts, and high heels.

Zhou Huimin was shocked... Is it too disrespectful for everyone to wear this in public? ? She looked at Shao Daheng with incredulous eyes.

It's only the 1980s, and even though Hong Kong's fashion has become very open, if you go to a nightclub, you'll see similar outfits everywhere, but this is a big stage? ?

But she also suddenly understood why Zhao Donghuai said that the track of this women's group is different from that of Zhao's group.

The eight girls, including Lan Jieying, Gao Lihong, Zeng Yuqian, and Qi Meizhen, all in their 20s, have attracted many men with their eye-catching fashionable looks before they started singing and dancing.

Zhao Donghuai is not included in this list, Shao Yifu is almost the same.

After everyone was seated, Shao Yifu made a gesture, and the prelude of Calorie started to play. A song and dance only lasted a few minutes. Of course, the dance mode of this one was different from what Zhao Donghuai remembered.

However, TVB has no shortage of talent for line dancing. Looking at it, Zhao Donghuai felt that it was good, very good. After all, the legs are white, and the appearance of most of the eight TVB girls cannot be picked.

If you don't compare to Zhou Huimin, Chen Hong, Guan Jiahui and other cheat-level good looks, the singing and dancing of these eight TVB girls can instantly kill the girl groups from all over Asia at the same time.

After the calories, there is the pure English version of No Body, which is still a completely different line dance and a new performance method from the original version, but the eight TVB girls are really good at it!

The lead singers are Mei Yanfang and Lan Jieying. Ah Ying has been studying and improving for ten months since the Spring Festival, and her performance is not outstanding. It is normal for her singing skills not to catch up with Ah Mui, but it is not difficult to get a passing grade.

After watching the two songs and dances, Zhao Donghuai applauded, "Although there is still a feeling of rawness, and occasionally there will be people who can't keep up with the beat and fall behind, but it will be enough to practice for another month or two and officially debut in 1985."

"These two songs are the main hits, and I wish Shao Sheng's group a hit."

Mei Yanfang is already popular in the music industry, but her looks are not enough, and the other seven girls have the looks and thighs to make up for it.

Shao Yifu smiled brightly, "That's all thanks to you, Mr. Zhao, who is willing to help push people."


It's October.

Zhao Donghuai was surprised to find that the supercomputer model of the Galaxy 1 supercomputer had passed through Tiananmen Square, showing its elegance to the world and demonstrating the mainland's high scientific research capabilities in computers.

Shocking both China and foreign countries!

Director Zhao watched the grand event on TV before arriving at a certain office. He talked about wanting to build a building in Pengcheng and establish a special effects base for the film industry, and wanted to use the Galaxy supercomputer.

Most people would definitely not be able to buy this, and they would not be qualified if they had money. However, Zhao Donghuai's purchase of this is really not a big deal.

Especially, knowing that the Galaxy 1 model only costs a few million yuan? ? Zhao Donghuai sighed with emotion, "So cheap? How about I buy five units first..."

"In addition, I plan to donate 50 million yuan every year for five years. I hope the mainland will put more effort into researching stronger and more useful supercomputers."

The 50 million every year is not donated all at once, just every year.

His waste paper business has made more than 100 million in profits in half a year, and he can't even spend it all on investments in mainland TV dramas and animations.

There is also car glass. The second batch of 30 million Hong Kong dollars was purchased, and the profit of nearly 150 million Hong Kong dollars was settled in mid-September. The third batch is still being bought and sold. It does not need to be settled in Hong Kong dollars, as long as RMB is used to invest in the supercomputing field?

It's equivalent to him sending people to make more trips. If he makes a profit, he can easily donate 50 million a year and buy several Galaxy 1s. That's super!

The leader of a certain office was speechless for quite a while after hearing Director Zhao's words, but he also knew how terrifying Zhao Sheng's current financial resources were in Hong Kong.

The Galaxy 1 supercomputer, which costs several million yuan, is not worth money to Mr. Zhao, but it is a great thing for the development of scientific research in the mainland.

After making several calls, the leader of a certain office smiled and said, "Everything is easy to say. Thank you Mr. Zhao for your kindness. If you are in a hurry, you can temporarily use a few one-story factories in Pengcheng to do special effects in the factory. The building can Build slowly.”

"Just move the base in after it's built."

"Do you need us to provide supercomputer operation, guidance and maintenance and other professional talents?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "The more, the better. It would take several months for my special effects team to make two or three minutes of special effects for a movie. With supercomputer, it can be greatly accelerated."

It was not a big deal for Zhu Jiaxin to take the team directly back to Pengcheng. More than half of the entire special effects team were professionals hired from the mainland.

Setting up a base in the mainland also saves money. After the Galaxy 1 supercomputer was shipped to Hong Kong Island, some people were concerned about it.


October 2nd.

The large conference room of Zhao's Film Industry.

The main creative team of Super Body has gathered one after another, and the behind-the-scenes personnel are all selected. Not to mention, Monica Bellucci, Laura Fanna, Zhou Xingxing, Ji Chunhua, Xu Jinjiang, Xiong Xinxin, Jet Jet Binnie...

These main creatives all got the chance to read the script.

Zhao Donghuai has already planned an all-star guest appearance, a flight attendant team, a stewardess? Wouldn't it be enough for Guan Jiahui, Chen Hong, Zhou Huimin and others to make guest appearances at will? Doctors and nurses in the hospital, Lin Qingxia and Hu Huizhong make guest appearances.

This drama involved filming in many different countries and regions. The largest island society was arranged by Ji Chunhua to let Monica and other drug mules take off from Tokyo.

One by one, they flew to Benbei, Hong Kong Island, Xingjiapo and other airports to pass the customs with drugs hidden in their bodies, and the drugs exploded in Asia.

Among the four drug mules, except for Monica, who is unexpectedly a woman, the other three are all men, including Huang Rihua, Miao Qiaowei, and He Jiajing.

After the crowd had finished reading the script, Zhao Donghuai looked at Xingzi and said, "Axing, your role is not too big, but it is not light either. It is mainly to show Monica that she still has humanity and a sense of contrast when she is not a super god. .”

"In this process, you have to show some comedy. You have a unique comedy talent. Try to express it as much as possible."

There are no inexplicable kissing scenes in this version of Super Body, and there is no such thing as holding hands.

Xingzai nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will work hard."

As early as when the Octopus card was first launched, in August, he received the news that he might be cast as the leading actor in the new film, and he worked hard for more than a month to get a sense of comedy.

At that time, he was very puzzled. He actually had comedy talent? ? Doubts remain doubts, Xing Zai is still trying very hard to find this sense of comedy.

After all, Liu Dehua also started to improve his condition more than a month before the filming of "The Flying Tiger" 1 began, practicing fighting scenes and improving his voice, and he became famous all the way.

Wu Zhenyu also worked hard for more than half a year in order to feel like a gentle godfather.

Anyway, Zhao Sheng set the direction for him, which is to "do things seriously, but do it with a sense of comedy that will make others laugh"? ?

Follow this direction and slowly find the feeling.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "If you can bring out this sense of comedy, the male lead as the chief inspector of Interpol in this drama may be light, but I will open a few dramas and praise you as the new king of comedy like Xu Guanwen." "

"Once you can take over from Xu Guanwen, you will earn no less or even more than Ah Fa and Wan Ziliang by selling goods."

Talking about this Xingzi became even more excited and hurriedly stood up and bowed to express his thanks.

Director Zhao looked at the crowd again, "This drama will be shot extensively in the island country and Hong Kong. Once the preparations are complete, we will fly to the island country to start shooting. Are your passports, visas, etc. ready?"

When going to the island country, he also needs to bring a few more people with him.

Last time, because Bai Anni was fishing, a group of dragon and tiger warriors were caught as temporary workers on the island.

Within Hong Kong, no matter how well trained those guys are, they will never be able to get out of Director Zhao's control. If they go to the island country, they may encounter surprises.

However, at this stage, flying to the island country to start shooting is also accompanied by the crew of John Wick 2, which complements each other. Not to mention that Lin Zhengying has successfully parachuted into the island country and has become a new generation of superstars in the island country. Aaron and Jiahe's network of connections in the island country is also not weak.

Not to mention Monica Bellucci and Lola Fernandez, the popular North American female singers who also made guest appearances in Hurricane 2 and toured the island country. When they made guest appearances, they sang the chorus version of Madonna's Love To Tell.

From the beginning of August to October, I was still not good at real singing, but it didn't matter if I pretended to perform lip-synching in a concert.

Everyone nodded one after another and said that there was no problem. This was also the preparation period after being notified one by one in August and waiting for more than a month.

Visas and other things that should have been obtained have been obtained long ago.

Then it's no big deal.

Fly to the island nation of Tokyo with Uncle Ying’s people to start a career!

The scenes in the super-physical island country were relatively easy to film in terms of location and location. Most of them were scenes of Monica, the main heroine, before her brain was cheated and she awakened, and in the initial stage of awakening.

Not too many special effects shooting methods are needed.

There are few special effects, just some action scenes, literary scenes, etc., which would be much simpler.

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