Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 127 JAL Hotel Shooting Incident

October 4th.

When Zhu Jiaxin and most of the special effects team had already opened a base in Pengcheng, Zhao Donghuai also boarded a flight to Tokyo with a large number of super body creative members.

Carrying a large number of behind-the-scenes and actors and other roles for the two crews of Super Body and Hurricane Rescue 2 at once, the passenger plane that Director Zhao was traveling on was directly booked.

Except for the crew members, the entire plane was filled with people from Zhao Films.

In the first class cabin, Zhou Huimin excitedly sat next to Zhao Donghuai, waiting for takeoff, "Brother Huai, you said we are going, do you want to invite Brother Cheng Long and Brother Sanmao to guest star?"

"They were filming there too."

Cheng Long completed the food truck on August 11th. He flew back from Europe and wanted to join the summer season later, but in order to coordinate with the promotion of Bawang shampoo, it was postponed.

Of course they won't be idle.

Even before the filming of Food Truck started, Hong Yin Bao was impatient to film the second part of Lucky Star. The second part is about a Hong Kong Interpol police officer who robbed a batch of stolen jewelry worth hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars and ran to the island country to work in the gangs. The rich and powerful BOSS.

It's Lin Zhengying's guest appearance as a gangster policeman. In the script, it is planned that after Aying defeats all the invincible opponents in the group... she is shot and wounded by Hu Huizhong, a beautiful female overlord, and then arrested. It's still a very funny way.

It's similar to a certain movie by Cheung Suet-you in the future where he doesn't talk about martial arts and uses black guns.

Their scripts and other things have been prepared a long time ago.

I'm not in a hurry to release Food Truck, but I still want to take advantage of the Lunar New Year period, so I'll shoot Lucky Star. The filming officially started in late August, and in October, I also filmed various plots in Tokyo.

I flew to Tokyo a week ago.

The cast member Lin Zhengying's popular cameo was only started after Hurricane Rescue 2 went to Tokyo for filming.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "Hurricane 2 A Ying is responsible for the whole process. Just ask him, I don't care about such trivial matters."

"But if we really want to make a cameo, it would be nice to have Aaron or Hong Ping Bao as an Interpol stationed in the island country. They can provide a little help when A Ying is killing everyone."

The lucky star Miley Long plays Daliwan is Interpol.

At this moment, in the first class cabin, apart from him and Zhou Huimin, the only ones left were Lin Zhengying, Yuan Heping, Monica Bellucci and Laura Fangna.

As for the deputy director and assistant director of the Super Body crew, Zhao Donghuai chose Lan Naicai... He is also a weirdo. His more famous directing works in the future are Yuan Zhenxia and Wesley, The Peacock Prince, Asura, Yimei Taoist, King Li and so on.

Regardless of whether these films are fantasy or criminal action, they are more or less related to science fiction special effects. For example, the prison warden villain in King of Power, what about his final transformation? ? It also involves a lot of things in the field of special effects.

In addition to being an assistant director, Lan Naicai is also one of the main photographers. He is one of the best photographers in Hong Kong. In addition to Lao Lan, there is also a 30-year-old mainland assistant director, Huang Jianxin, who is the fifth generation of mainland China. One of the more talented ones.

In the early stage, Director Huang's performance was far inferior to that of Zhang Amou and the Little Poetry Master.

However, he worked hard in the later period. He was the screenwriter of Changjin Lake and the director of the two parts of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" and "The Founding of the Party". No matter how well those two films were filmed, his ability to control large scenes was demonstrated.

Super Body also has many scenes shot in the mainland, specifically looking for landscapes of deep mountains and wild forests in ancient times. It must cooperate with the mainland. Zhao Donghuai went back and forth, choosing director Huang, and Deputy Director Han of the Emei Factory.

Deputy Director Han is the future of China Entertainment.

After filming the island country and Hong Kong Island scenes, when going to the mainland, it is up to these two to connect the dots.

The Korean factory is still working on Hong Kong Island, mainly responsible for earning foreign exchange and helping to sell Zhu Lin's various endorsement products. Lan Naicai and Huang Dao followed Zhao Donghuai to Tokyo.

After sitting and chatting with Zhou Huimin for a while, Zhao Donghuai planned to do a daily simulation after the plane took off while Amin was focusing on the window.

There may be some trouble when going to an island country, so give it a try.

After all, he had fought off a wave of island ghosts in Hong Kong.

[In October 1984, you led a team to Tokyo to shoot Super Body. As soon as you landed, you were warmly welcomed by Toho, Toei and other film and television groups, and they cooperated and assisted you throughout the filming process. 】

[The filming of Super Body in the island country went smoothly, because your film and television group's various blockbusters were sold well in the island country, and both Toho and Toei made a lot of money. 】

[Sony executives came to visit. They wanted to embed Walkman and camera ads in your new film. They wanted to invite guests, behead you, and accept you as a dog. You offered a high price of 30 million Hong Kong dollars to blackmail Sony. Agree without hesitation. 】

[In November, while you were filming, you were thinking about how to make money and cheat Sony at the same time. A young and female senior executive at Sony coveted your power to "make Monica Bellucci support the wall in the hotel corridor". I wanted to get you drunk and do whatever I wanted, but I was injured and hospitalized due to your "anger". 】

[Sony's sugar-coated bullets and intrusions are like a continuous drizzle. They always want to corrupt you and buy into your various industries. They mainly focus on anti-customers, but what they value most is your media promotion power. They treat you like a dog. It is beneficial for Sony to enter Hollywood. 】

[In July 1985, your movie Super Body was released, a box office hit, and a sensation in the Asian film industry. It also ruined the Sony Walkman after (brand, Coca-Cola, everyone likes it). You were blacklisted by Sony, and courts everywhere went crazy. Sue you. 】

[In August 1985, there was news that a Sony Walkman exploded, injuring and maiming people. The world was in an uproar. North American customers frantically sued for a billion dollars, and Sony's sales performance plummeted to the bottom. 】

[In September 1985, Sony was in dire straits and ordered the Yamaguchi-gumi to attack you, but was easily suppressed. 】

[In October 1985, a fire broke out at a Sony branch, and several gangs of North American gangsters simultaneously claimed responsibility for the incident. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Never HIV."

"B: Super stomach power."

"C: Never pneumonia."

"At the end of each simulation, you can only choose one of three rewards."

After a quick glance at this simulation, Director Zhao was very confused. Is it okay to make the film in the island country smoothly? Instead, he was in the simulator, and Sony kept fighting with him in the later stages.

Receive Sony's money and then hack Sony? There's nothing wrong with that. Those who want to buy shares in his various properties are like a magpie's nest and a dove!

But think about it seriously and put aside the feud with Sony.

One after another, Zhao Donghuai's Hurricane Rescue, Lone Tiger, and John Wick hit the box office in the island country. The second generation of Li Guoxing came to the island country and made a lot of money for distribution.

As for the local film groups in the island country, such as Toei and Toho in the five major areas of the island country, they all have movie studios, film production companies, TV stations and theaters. They make more money than Li Guoxing.

Can you make money? ! Director Zhao will naturally be popular.

There are local snakes like Toho and Toei assisting, and island giants like Sony coming to invest in advertising.

Of course everything will go smoothly.

Just like when Cheng Long was filming in the island country, not only the film group protected him, but giants like Mitsubishi Motors would also protect Aaron. In 1982, Cheng Long began a comprehensive journey of cooperation with Mitsubishi.

The five giants in the island country's film industry are more powerful than the Hong Kong film tycoons. One is a film and television giant with a population of more than 100 million, including film companies, theaters, studios, TV stations, etc...

The Hong Kong film industry tycoons are just dominating among millions of people.

It is not easy for such a giant to protect Hong Kong filmmakers from making films and the likes of the Yamaguchi-gumi to cause trouble.

This simulated accident happened at Sony. If you want to invest money to promote advertising, forget it. It is too common for various brands to invest money in film and television projects, but Sony wants to include him? ?

Then he would eat the sugar coating while returning the cannonballs, and use the opportunity to take advantage of small signs.

It has become a gay thing!

The ghosts of the island country all have this kind of virtue. In order to develop in the mainland since the 1980s, they have been frugal and frugal, buying the world's advanced equipment, buying and selling clearly, it doesn't matter.

But what the guys from the island country like most is to sell you defective products or industrial machinery and equipment with hidden dangers. After using it, it breaks down. Then when you ask them to repair it, they will blackmail you for a large amount of money. Every one or two months, they will blackmail you for repairs. You get money once.

No one knows how much unscrupulous money has been made by using this method, and how many industries have been ruined.

The desire to enter Hollywood is not something that lasts for a day or two.

award? Super stomach power is a good thing. He has received it once before. For example, he can eat a random meal and then go without eating or drinking for seven days and seven nights.

Not eating for seven days is not considered super, but not drinking a drop of water for seven days will be fine, and leaving no consequences is a strong abnormality.

However, it seems that if you get it again and stack it, it won’t be of much use? ? So what if seven days add up to 14 days? ?

In modern society, he is so rich and powerful that he feels that receiving it once is enough, and too many will be of little use.

Not to mention that he still has pocket space. After accumulating so far, Zhao Donghuai has accumulated 8 cubic meters of pocket space after 1,000 points of simulation at a time.

Not to mention that there are guns, big snipers or Gatling six-barreled Bodhisattvas in the space that can be conjured out of thin air for you.

So choose A or C? ?

Let’s choose A.


A few hours later, Tokyo International Airport.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai and others entered the exit passage, they saw a group of people coming in front of them. The familiar ones included Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao, Yuan Biao and others.

Also included is Hu Huizhong, the heroine of Summer Lucky Star.

Accompanying them were a group of men and women in suits and leather shoes, most of which were of new styles, designed by Zhao Donghuai and suitable for Asian figures.

Still far away, Cheng Long said excitedly, "Zhao Sheng, let's pick you up. Let's take a special passage. Dongbao Dongying has made arrangements..."

Everything is arranged.

The movie project started smoothly. After a sumptuous reception banquet, Zhao Donghuai's crew directly checked into a five-star Nikko Hotel in Shinjuku.

Of course, Lam Ching-ying's crew, Hong Yinbao, Cheng Long and others do not live here. They say that most of the filming locations for "Lucky Star Shines" are in amusement parks near Mount Fuji, which is actually in Yamanashi Prefecture, more than 100 kilometers away from Tokyo.

Due to location issues, I didn’t live in Shinjuku in Hurricane 2. Only Amin lived next door to Director Zhao.

After checking in and getting to know the situation a little bit, Zhao Donghuai was shocked and said, "Damn it, we came to stay in this hotel to shoot a movie. Do we think we can afford him, and why do we still have to pay?"

Lan Naicai was also shocked, "Ah, Zhao Sheng? Isn't it right to stay in a hotel, clear the location for filming, and pay the money?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Cheng Long doesn't have to pay to stay in the hotel. A Ying and Hua Zai usually don't have to pay either. I just chased them to Lijing quickly and it was all free of charge."

Lan Naicai, "!!!"

His eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. Is there something wrong with me?

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, waved to A Guang, and then took A Guang away from Director Lan and went to the corner to talk.

After talking for a while, he came back and said to Director Lan, "In our film, there will be guest appearances by Zhang Guorong, Hua Tsai, Lin Zhengying and others. Please go and ask how the fees are calculated."

In Super Body, Zhang Guorong can also make a guest appearance as the Hong Kong Interpol police officer, Xing Zai's subordinate.

Hua Zai and Lin Zhengying are all there. When Xing Zai receives news from Lucy and contacts various places such as Wanbei and Xingjiapo Airports to capture the drug mules controlled by the villain Ji Chunhua, these people will appear one by one.

Some drug mules will also be added to resist, overthrowing a few ordinary Interpol colleagues, and then they will be easily suppressed by Hua Zai, Lin Zhengying, Zhang Guorong, etc. After all, the original version of Super Body is not long enough, so some drama will be added to sell the stars.


number 6.

Outside a hotel in Shinjuku, the streets were cleared by police and some community members. This was all done by Toho Toei.

Director Zhao's crew has officially started filming the super-body scene.

It is Lucy, played by Monica Bellucci, who meets a drug mule who carries CPH4 in his body while having fun in a nightclub. This drug mule will be played by Wu Yi.

When Lao Wu was first launched, Lao Wu was the first actor to bring his own dry food, not only appealed to the neighbors to visit Bai Jia Xing more often, but also worked for free at Bai Jia Xing. Zhao Donghuai would not treat him badly.

Not to mention his appearance in Hurricane 2, Super Body is an action blockbuster. There are not many bad guys who start out, and they have names and lines...

This opening scene basically contains no special effects components. Shooting involves basic operations, including clearing the scene, positioning, lighting, focusing, and rehearsing.

At the end of the rehearsal, Zhao Donghuai sat behind the viewfinder and waved his hand, and the scene manager directly said, "First scene, first realm, Aikesh!"

In a dialogue scene outside the hotel, Wu Yi used various deceptions and even handcuffed a box containing a pack of CPH4 on Monica's wrist to let her into the hotel.

The shooting went smoothly.

Lao Wu is indeed a graduate of the ATV training class, although it was not until 1985 that he appeared in a supporting role with a name and lines.

But he had prepared for so long more than a month in advance, and he didn't miss it during the actual battle.

The crew moved into the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to continue the next scene.

Ji Chunhua plays the boss of the Shanhui Group, and he has a group of strong boys and girls in suits and leather boots, who are very fierce in their work.

The four fierce girls all carried or carried Monica into the elevator and escorted her upstairs.

As for where to find these actors? There is no shortage of supporting actors in the island nation’s film industry. It's nothing more than when acting, everyone may say their own words, and the dubbing of the lines cannot be unified until later.


Until, the hotel scene.

In the large suite of a five-star hotel, because in the plot, the boss of the Shanhui Group, played by Ji Chunhua, had just killed a group of people, and the bodies were still undisposed of in the bathroom.

Lucy, played by Monica, is a stranger who comes to deliver a box. For a while, she is not sure what is in the box, and she thinks it may be a bomb sent by the enemy, trying to blow him up.

Teacher Ji hid behind the wall of the suite, urging a group of boys and girls in suits, each with anti-explosion shields and a gun in one hand, to aim at Monica with a box behind the desk from about ten meters away, and let Monica Unboxing.

With the routine of positioning, lighting, focusing, and rehearsing, the filming went smoothly until the official start.

A group of actors were acting, and a certain actor who was a walk-on was holding a shield and pointing his gun sideways at Monica, when suddenly there was a bang... the gun went off.

A bullet was fired from the chamber of her gun, two meters away from the right side of Monica, breaking a piece of glass and rushing out of the Nikko Hotel building.

All the actors in the film and television industry of the archipelago country were dumbfounded. Even the actor Xu Manhua who fired the gun was also dumbfounded, "Holy shit, how could it be a real gun? Who tricked us??"


"Fax Daddy~"


There were all kinds of screams, and Monica was so frightened that she ran out from behind the desk, quickly ran to Director Zhao and hid in his arms.

Zhao Donghuai also threw the cup angrily, "Fuck, this is the 1980s, is there still justice? Is there still king's law??"

Aguang, who was near him, seemed to be looking around coldly and sternly, full of defensive posture.

In private... Guang didn't know how to complain.

You didn't pay me just to stay in a hotel, or you didn't pay me for filming and filming, and you were having too much fun!

Zhao Donghuai hugged Monica again and shouted angrily, "Let's go, buy a ticket and leave Tokyo immediately. The societies here are so lawless."

"Do you really think my media group is fake??"


A few hours later.

A group of barristers were on the periphery to deal with the Tokyo police who came after hearing the news, including senior executives of the Nikko Hotel, while Zhao Donghuai, accompanied by current Hong Kong superstars such as Hong Yanbao, Cheng Long, and Lam Ching-ying, was asking Dongbao, Toei and other film and television The group severely criticized the social environment of the island country.

"Didn't I just arrange for the Shanhui group to be the big villains? Let me borrow the name. If they don't like it, they can say it. Call me and tell me that I will change it. Do they need to put real guns in my crew?"

"Do you know that if the actress hadn't really aimed at someone, someone would have been killed!"

"Look, look how frightened Monica is? No, I have to seek justice!"


Under his severe criticism, Monica also burst into tears, speaking English, French, Italian, and Mandarin.

She suffered extremely severe and horrific mental injuries.

The top executives of Toho, Toei and other groups were bowing and apologizing while saying "Red Bean Paste Smith Marseille" with shameless expressions on their faces.

As we all know, Director Zhao is their little God of Wealth, Cheng Long is also their little God of Wealth, and Cheng Long is currently Zhao Sheng’s younger brother!

An accident in which a prop gun turned into a real gun inexplicably and almost killed someone? ? grass.

Now not only Zhao Donghuai's crew is evacuating Tokyo, but the Hong Yinbao brothers' lucky stars, including Hurricane Rescue 2, have also stated that they will evacuate.

If it really flashes people like this and no longer shoots in the island country, the matter will continue to ferment... It can be said that the international image of the island country will be affected? Although they don't have a good image either.

But this matter will make the island country a laughing stock around the world, and even a forbidden area in the film and television industry!

After the person in charge of Toei bowed and apologized again, he said repressedly, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will definitely seek justice for your crew. The Yamaguchi crew cannot be so lawless!"

Toei is not a small company. Its subsidiaries or affiliated companies, such as TV Asahi, Asahi Shimbun, and Toei Animation, which hold shares in each other, are not giants.

A few books could be written about their glory in the island country.

To give a small example, Toei Animation, a subsidiary of Toei, will have future representative works such as Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Slam Dunk, One Piece, Digimon...


After a while.

The heads of Toei and Toho walked out of the circle and directly scolded several police chiefs who came to the scene. They sat down on the spot.

The person in charge of this Nikko Hotel was also sitting in the seat, begging Director Zhao not to expose this matter, to reconcile privately, to keep it private...

In order to keep it private and avoid exposure, Hotel Nikko is willing to compensate Ms. Monica Bellucci, who suffered great mental harm, five million Hong Kong dollars in mental damages.

Zhao Donghuai kicked him over, "How the hell am I earning millions of Hong Kong dollars a day, and one of my actors, the noble muse of Europe, was almost shot dead?! Is it worth five million? What the hell are you doing?" You are mocking me!"

After talking and talking, Zhao Donghuai stepped forward and beat the opponent violently again, but Aguang, Ahe and others were able to hold him back with great difficulty.

Hotel Nikko, a subsidiary of Japan Airlines, is also a behemoth.

The parent company, Island Air, is currently the largest airline in Asia, with an annual turnover of billions of dollars. The chain hotel brand is already the first echelon of the island hotel group.

This matter lasted until night.

Toei, Toho and Nikko Hotel executives came up with a new solution: 50 million Hong Kong dollars for mental damages, Monica would get 30 million, and the remaining 20 million would be given to everyone on the set at the time.

The filming after the super body was accompanied by police guards throughout the whole process, and there was no charge. If such an accident happened again, someone from the Shanhui group would definitely perform hara-kiri.

All the super-body crew, food, clothing, housing and transportation, including filming and filming, are all free of charge and are provided by the Nikko Hotel Group.

The police will definitely find out the truth within a week and send the person who committed the crime with guns to jail.

In exchange for this, Director Zhao will continue to film super bodies in Tokyo and not expose this matter.


At nine o'clock in the night, Monica, who had been crying all day, hugged Director Zhao excitedly, "I just made 30 million Hong Kong dollars? Four million dollars? Oh my god...E!"

The real Glock 17 mixed in the prop pile was of course made by Director Zhao in his personal space.

The islanders are so shameless.

He came here to film a scene to save the other party's face, but he still charged him for it, which was outrageous? ? It's okay now, it's okay!

Of course, the only real insiders were him, Guang, Monica and the person who did it, Xu Manhua.

Xiao Xu, I’m an old acquaintance, Ah Hua, the pretty girl who guest-starred as the Go teacher in New World 1.

In this drama, she plays the fierce young girl of Ji Chunhua's Shanhui group, who almost accidentally kills a big star and becomes a murderer? ? Naturally, he was allocated HKD 5 million in mental damages.

Because of this incident, Xu Manhua was escorted by the bodyguards of the Pan Asia Group and flew back to Hong Kong Island overnight to change into a second actor.


There was a shooting incident at the Nikko Hotel. Even if there was a mental damage fee, the crew still delayed for a few days before starting production.

Monica Bellucci suffered so much mental damage that she did not dare to go out for two days and two nights.

But when work resumed on the 9th, the situation was much better.

Night fell again, and when Zhao Donghuai called out to call it a day, the entire crew relaxed. It was the first time for many people in this crew to come to Tokyo.

Filming... Although there was a shocking shooting on the day of filming, fortunately no one was really injured, mainly because of the mental trauma. After a few days of respite, all food, drink and entertainment expenses were free, and the restart of production would be much smoother.

To put it bluntly, there may be more police uniforms or plainclothes policemen in the vicinity where the crew is filming than there are regular actors and behind the scenes combined.

In the opening chapter, Monica was deceived into giving CPH4, including the scene where the female doctor operated on her and stuffed CPH4 into her stomach, all of which were completed on the 9th.

These scenes didn't require many special effects shots.

On the contrary, in the feature film, the shots of the white mouse facing the mouse trap, the South China tiger hunting and other scenes that match these shots are probably more difficult to shoot than these.

As for the movie in which Xu Jinjiang becomes a professor and teaches at the University of Hong Kong and talks about various knowledge theories, he is also filming in Hong Kong.

Returning to the presidential suite, Zhao Donghuai looked at the bottle of tiger bone wine sent by Zhou Huimin, speechless, "Amin, I really don't need to make up for it, you will know next year."

Amin smiled broadly, "It's okay, just have a drink to cheer up."

Brother Huai hasn't played with her much for two or three days, and he has gone to comfort Monica who was almost shot. Well, almost being shot is quite scary, and she can understand it.

Amin was also quite depressed. It was the first time in her life that she left Hong Kong. Guan Jiahui and He Qinghui were not here. She didn't even live on the set of Hurricane 2, but lived in the room next to Brother Huai.

I just want to have more romantic fun outside of filming... You mean Hurricane 2? She is the one who is kidnapped and taken away, similar to Lan Jieying's scene in Hurricane 1, which is not a lot of scenes.

It can be completed in a few days of intensive shooting.

I originally imagined all kinds of wasted and wonderful Tokyo travel, but was directly blinded by a shooting.


About the same time.

Senior executives from Toho, Toei, and JAL, accompanied by senior police officials, were meeting with a group of Yamaguchi-gumi representatives and team leaders.

A group of Yamaguchi-gumi bosses all had bruises and swollen faces, and it looked like they were not having a very comfortable life these past few days.

After looking at each other, Dongying's senior management raised his finger and said, "There are still three days left. If the truth of this matter cannot be found out, there is no need to continue the investigation. You choose a few people to go in by yourself."

"Too arrogant, too lawless?"

"Hong Kong Island Zhao Sheng has already established his status and influence in Hollywood and the world film industry! Coupled with the influence of Lin Zhengying, Cheng Long, Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau..."

"Someone has to pay the price for this!"

JAL's top management also spoke up, "How much money we paid before, you can pay it back by doubling it."

The Yamaguchi-gumi is very popular. There are many violent organizations and societies in Asia, but they are like that in front of companies such as the media tycoon group and Japan Airlines.

Do you think that a white-faced Fortune 500 boss can't afford to offend the society in his own territory?

Wait for a certain generation to open his mouth and explain.

JAL executives waved their hands, "Once Cheng Long publicizes this to the outside world and evacuates the island country, the Mitsubishi Group will tear you apart and sell your flesh! I will just choose a few younger brothers to replace you. Is it difficult?"

A certain generation said sadly, "It's really not us! That tycoon Zhao from Hong Kong is willing to use our Yamaguchi-gumi as the prototype of the club in the movie. I'm too late to be happy. How could he arrange a shooting incident..."

The middle and senior management looked at each other and got up and left. The words had been left here. Three days later, the Yamaguchi group could not figure out the result, and they would be the ones to take the blame!

This outrageous shooting was so outrageous.

However, after everyone checked, they still agreed that Zhao Donghuai was the victim. After all, they were the local gangsters here.

Many supporting actors were also provided by Toho and Toei, including some coordinating behind-the-scenes personnel.

Director Zhao's crew started operations with their comprehensive coordination and companionship. Zhao Sheng landed on the 4th and started filming on the 6th.

How could he, an outsider, get a real gun? The island country is not North America, and gun control here is relatively strict.

A black gun with no criminal record and no source will cost a certain amount of money if you want to get it in the community, and you need to have channels!

All investigations on the reality and physical level have found no trace.

That can only be caused by other local snakes!

Now they can only be thankful that Hong Kong star Xu Manhua, who fired during the performance, aimed at the side. If Monica was really killed or seriously injured, it would be... a bad choice.

Everyone has seen Monica too.

She is truly a muse in the world of Europa and white North Americans. Maybe it won’t be too controversial if you say she is unique.

Several popular beauties in Hollywood are overwhelmed by their beauty in front of Monica.

What is the current environment of the island country? There are people all over North America who are rejecting and protesting against their expulsion. Because island products are cheap, they have squeezed out too many small white factories, businesses and even various goods.

Amei’s family is full of unemployed white lower-class people.

And then what if you beat to death a super beauty who has a chance to become a superstar in the future because of people from the island country or because of the gangsterism? ?

Just wait, it is possible for Japanese companies, branches or employees in North America to be shot by automatic rifles when they go out, or to have pineapples thrown at their companies or residences.

Monica doesn't have many works now...but she is like Zhou Huimin, who has good and popular songs on one hand, and high-quality film and television resources on the other.

Just show this resume and look at your appearance and figure? ?

In the shooting incident at the Nikko Hotel on the 6th, if someone really died... maybe the soldiers from Amei's family in the base would rush out and buy all kinds of fun for zero dollars.

This is such a blessing and worth burning incense!

If you don't let the Yamaguchi-gumi or Sumiyoshi-kai engage in seppuku to celebrate being able to survive this major crisis safely, it will feel unsatisfactory and satisfying.


On the 10th, Monica rubbed her waist and walked out of the bathroom. When she arrived at the dining table, she whispered, "Boss, do you want to do it again??"

Zhao Donghuai asked in surprise, "Are you sure?"

Monica was stunned for a few seconds and waved her hands hastily, "No, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about another shooting incident?"

"Four million dollars at a time..."

She never dreamed that she could still be involved in the entertainment industry like this!

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Don't think about those messy things, just keep filming and singing. If you are good at this, who doesn't make more money than those?"

He was just protesting a little against the various charges charged to him by Hotel Nikko.

Ordinary people do this trick. If you don’t have the space to carry it around, you can only do it through real channels. If you do it, it will leave traces and clues and you will be found out. Do you really think that local snakes are blind?

Now that I have received a wave of protection money, I have to start making movies seriously.

While they were talking, Amin knocked on the door and walked in, holding a piece of braised abalone. "Brother Huai, try it. I learned it from the hotel chef. This is either nourishing or serious food."

"If you like it, I can learn more in the future."

Amin ignored Monica and treated her as a transparent person. After all, if you want to be a real wife, you must learn to be generous.

It doesn't look like a succubus like Monica can be married off in Chinese society.

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