Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 128 Sony Group’s large protection fee order

After breakfast, watching Amin rushing toward the crew of Hurricane Rescue 2 accompanied by eight male and female bodyguards, Zhao Donghuai rubbed his chin and thought, "Why didn't anyone come to me to discuss business investment this time?"

In the simulator, Sony still wants to invest in his movie to promote Walkmans and cameras. Why is it missing? What about beheading a guest? He landed in Tokyo on the 4th, and this is already the 10th.

Monica said in shock, "What did you say? You spoke too fast, I didn't hear you clearly."

She has only learned Mandarin for more than two months. Even if she has good language talent, she will not be able to understand it if she speaks it fast.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head and did not explain. Sony must have been distracted by the shooting and wanted to wait for the dust to settle before contacting him?

Logically speaking, after such an accident, shouldn't Sony take the initiative to do something to show his kindness? You've come here, and spending 1,000 reputation points to simulate it once is considered as a way to increase your abilities.

[In October 1984, you encountered the "miraculous" shooting at the Nikko Hotel. Under constant pressure from the top management of Toei, Toho and Japan Airlines, the Yamaguchi-gumi launched a thousand-person sneak attack in order to shirk the blame, killing and injuring several Sumiyoshikai Hundreds of people seized a large amount of land, and with the support of Toho, Toei Nikko and others, they madly grabbed Sumiyoshikai's wealth, and relied on "kind" means to get several senior Sumiyoshikai officials to take the blame. 】

[The Yamaguchi-gumi will repay double the money that JAL spent on you, and the Sumiyoshi Kai will soon double the compensation for the Yamaguchi-gumi’s losses...]

[Seeing that things are about to "come to light", those who are in jail will be in jail, and those who are disabled will be disabled, Sony sent people to drive away the Yamaguchi group, picked peaches and contacted you, wanting to advertise on a large scale, and sprinkled sugar-coated bullets to send the daughter to miss her mother. It’s expensive to have a child. 】

[You, who are upright and pure, are dismissive and denounced that there are no beauties in the island country. Sony feels that it is shameful. Just when they are about to search for talents in all directions, you suddenly propose that you want to bring hundreds of surnames to the island country]

[Sony is greatly surprised. It welcomes Wanjia and Baijia surnames to be introduced to the island country. If you nod your head, they will open with you. The basic routine of occupying the magpie's nest and turning against customers is as long as Wanjia is introduced, Sony injects capital, and then raises funds to go public. They can stir up trouble in the stock market. 】

[Wanjia chain supermarkets can make profits without relying on department store commissions, but raising funds to go public and cutting leeks is still very good. The worst thing Sony can do is screw up the money and run away, leaving a lot of chicken feathers, and your reputation will be blamed on you. 】

[After the shooting of the Chinese Super League and the back-and-forth discussion, you waved your sleeves and returned to Hong Kong. The Sony generals followed and continued to launch the continuous drizzle version of the offensive, trying every possible way to corrupt you. 】

[In July 1985, before Super Body was released, you felt so tired that you just prayed to God to blow up the Sony headquarters. 】

[Super Body is booming in Asia, word-of-mouth and box office are rising in both directions, and 100 big pineapples were sent to Sony’s headquarters by bombers, which temporarily suppressed the momentum of Super Body]

[In October 1985, during a business negotiation with Mr. Li, you encountered a group of gangsters from the island country. You escaped easily and Mr. Li became a hostage. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Never lung cancer."

"B: The more you eat, the healthier you will be."

"C: A complete set of production and manufacturing technical information for Toshiba notebook T1100."

"At the end of each simulation, you can only choose one of three rewards."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

The development of this simulation is all expected. The simulation on the last plane was not because Sony wanted to cause trouble, inject capital, use sugar-coated shells, and try to steal its various industries.

When it comes to things like going public, there are many cases where the founders of the original group will be kicked out if their grasp is even a little bit low.

for example……

Sony’s various routines are really common.

Just take your time and deal with it, but what about the reward? ?

The rewards for A and B are all good things, but what the hell is C? After the entire simulation, there was no trace of Toshiba bubbling.

Why did he release a complete set of manufacturing and production technical information for Toshiba notebooks during his battle with Sony? ? Toshiba launched the world's first laptop computer in 1985.

In 1987, Toshiba launched the world's first commercial notebook, the T1000.

This was already October 1984...

The three choices are all good things, but Director Zhao has difficulty choosing again.

However, after thinking about it, he found that even if he chose the full set of Toshiba T1100 technical information and had technical support, it would be difficult to build without the corresponding manufacturing machines and industrial machine tool equipment.

Just like the Galaxy 1 Mainland, you can rely on various magic bosses to hand-roll some parts. Zhao Donghuai wants to buy a few units and continue to roll them, but it is difficult to industrialize and mass-produce them.

It will also be easy for Toshiba to sue you on various patents.

Of course, if you acquire manufacturing technology, slowly build equipment, and upgrade it, everyone will be happy if you can still throw the pot away.

Well, there aren't that many technical talents on Hong Kong Island who are experts in related fields. Only the mainland has a rich reserve of talents, but it's not easy to let go of the blame.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai left Monica behind and continued eating breakfast. He went back to the bedroom and received a complete set of production technical information for Toshiba T1100. Several boxes appeared out of thin air in the place.

When he opened it, he found that the box was full of 3.5-inch Sony floppy disks. This thing...a now popular Sony floppy disk has a storage capacity of about 1.44 MB. For future generations, this capacity can easily reach hundreds of gigabytes, or several As for T's mobile hard drive?

It's just a sight to watch.

However, 1.44 MB can roughly store more than 1 million bytes, or more than 700,000 Chinese characters!

How thick is a printed book with more than 700,000 Chinese characters? ? How thin is a floppy disk?

All floppy disks are stored neatly.

A standard Sony plastic box contains ten floppy disks, which is roughly equal to the thickness of a video tape, which is equivalent to more than 7 million Chinese characters or more than 10 million bytes of technical information.

A box contains 20 plastic boxes...more than 140 million Chinese characters.

How many boxes? ?

Zhao Donghuai, this is such a good guy!

Fortunately, he has space with him, otherwise it would be difficult to store and transport these things. "It is not convenient to build a factory and manufacture it now. There is no machinery and equipment, but it doesn't matter. Wait one or two years, two or three years, and the technical information here will be Knowledge is still the first in the world.”

"Who knows what will happen in one, two, or three years?"

"Or if you want to make quick money, find a big gangster team in North America or Europe and sell it directly for a small profit!"

"If we sell this to IBM, it would be shameful if IBM doesn't pay hundreds of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars!"

Putting these away, Zhao Donghuai continued to play the simulation, Never Lung Cancer and Eat Healthier, which looked delicious. He wanted to play those two rewards and claim them.

It makes no sense to compete with a world-class giant like Sony to develop Toshiba's core manufacturing technology.


The whole day of October 10th, Director Zhao's super-body crew spent the whole day happily and smoothly shooting.

At night, Director Zhao stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling glass window of the presidential suite and waved to Amin, who had just walked in, "Amin, come and see the fun."

Zhou Huimin was stunned for a moment and walked over quickly, "What's the excitement?"

She finished work much earlier than the crew of Super Body. She came back early to learn how to cook soup and cook from top chefs. In addition to her recent ability to stabilize herself in the film and music industry, her biggest goal is to learn to cook.

When he reached the window, Armin looked down and saw that there was no traffic on the streets of Shinjuku at night...

Two groups of men in suits were dragging samurai swords and the like. One group went from east to west, and at first glance there were hundreds of people swarming over them. The other group went from west to east, and there were hundreds of people swarming over them. It seemed like something was going to happen. All martial arts.

Zhou Huimin was shocked, "Is the island country so chaotic? Didn't you hear that the island country is a paradise? You can drink the water used to flush the toilet..."

When she was in Hong Kong Island, she had heard and even seen societies cutting each other's throats.

But this is an island country, Shinjuku, Tokyo!

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao was speechless, "Who told you that you can drink toilet water directly? I caught it and drank toilet water every day in Tokyo."

Zhou Huimin's eyes widened, "Is it fake?"

Zhao Donghuai didn't want to say anything more, so let's do it. If he found such people, he would directly hand them over to Sony and force him to drink toilet water every day. After all, Sony had always wanted to buy a stake in his industry.

In the initial stage, at least before Director Zhao tarnished Sony's brand image in the movie and even caused the Walkman to explode and hurt people, the relationship between the two parties was very good.

Glancing downstairs, he looked at the sky and said regretfully, "Without some rain in this weather, it won't feel like a movie... Amin, please play a song for me. There is a piano here."

Zhou Huimin looked downstairs again. Hundreds of people were about to rush into each other and fight. She immediately walked to the living room. She didn't want to see this scene of killing each other. It was too bloody. "Brother Huai, what do you want to hear?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Let's play What I Have Done."

This song dedicated to Tan Yonglin, the theme song of Transformers 1 sung by Linkin Park in the future, also has a rock-like anti-war theme. The Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi will be shooting blockbusters on the streets. How can it be done without some exciting music?

Along with the music, hundreds of people downstairs finally fought together. Under all kinds of exciting scenes, Director Zhao just became more excited and took a sip of wine, "Fuck, the Yamaguchi group doesn't talk about martial ethics, Ma of……"

A bunch of high-altitude objects were thrown from the sky above hundreds of people in the Sumiyoshi Kai, and the main force of the group was thrown off their feet. When this wave passed, the suit boys of the Yamaguchi-gumi, who were several hundred in number, killed them all in one breath.

The other party is disabled.

At this moment, the phone rang in the suite. When Zhao Donghuai walked over to answer it, he heard the skilled English voice of a senior executive of JAL, "Mr. Zhao, the shooting incident has been found out. It was done by Sumiyoshi. In addition to what happened downstairs tonight, Things will happen in various districts in Tokyo."

"The Yamaguchi-gumi will attack the Sumiyoshi-kai in full force."

Zhao Donghuai listened to Amin's piano sound and said with disappointment, "I know."

It was obvious that he was responsible for the murder of Nikko Hotel, but the Yamaguchi-gumi doubled the offer and Sumiyoshi took the blame again. This is so speechless.

It's hard for an honest person to be so wasteful when he takes the blame.

A few minutes later, police cars and ambulances came downstairs one after another to clean up the hundreds of suits who rushed to the street. Amin also finished playing a song and came over with a little regret, "Playing such a rock song on the piano is not satisfying... …”

"Brother Huai, how about we go shopping? Monica is sleeping anyway."

When Director Zhao is alone with Monica, he often falls asleep.

Italy's fertile backside is far from enough.

Director Zhao thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, let's pack up and go out for a walk. I've never been to Tokyo before."

It was only 10 o'clock in the evening, which was still very early.



Under the bustling night scene, with busy cars and pedestrians, Zhao Donghuai and Zhou Huimin, accompanied by several bodyguards, looked at the beautiful street scene and couldn't help but sigh, "It's such a beautiful scenery, it's a pity that there aren't a few machine guns to shoot at it..."

Aguang rolled his eyes wildly after hearing this.

Zhou Huimin, who was wearing a mask, also rolled her eyes at Director Zhao and took him happily to go shopping.

For several days.

Zhao Donghuai was filming during the day, and went shopping with Amin at night. After returning to the hotel for the usual sex, Amin set fire to the scene and ran away.

As a result, every morning when eating breakfast, Monica started to stare at Amin resentfully.


After resting for a whole day on the 15th, just before sunset, Zhao Donghuai led a large team to prepare for the night scene.

In the night scene, Lucy, played by Monica, begins to wake up and her brain is cheating. First, she is imprisoned in a secret room by the Shanhui group's younger brothers and sisters. The secret room is a big drama with special effects.

Then Monica started her extraordinary journey, easily killing a branch and then going to the hospital.

In the original work, there was a scene where a gangster took advantage of the heroine and went directly under her clothes to climb Black Widow Mountain. This is no longer needed here. Instead, a female lesbian with short hair comes on stage and touches her shoulders.

In order to set the stage for what the other male co-stars want to do, the female lesbian leader will beat them violently to show her strength. Hong Xinbao is taking a lucky star photo, so Michiko Nishikyo with big arms will make a guest appearance.

Zhao Donghuai feels that now that the supercomputer Galaxy 1 can be used for special effects, the internal evolution effect in this special effects scene should be done well.

As for the special effects of Monica being beaten and lying on the ground, because CPH4 merged into flesh and blood, began to float, and rolled in the air? In fact, this can be done well by using a hanging steel wire and a pressure-type hanging type.

Director Zhao specially asked the eighth-level craft masters from the Mainland to make some steel wires that are suitable for many different environments and can appear transparent in special environments.

First shoot one version using the wire method, and then shoot a version with computer special effects. It depends on the plot in the later stage. If the special effects can be done better, use the latter. If the special effects are not good enough, then choose the former.

For the night scene, guest stars also appeared one after another. Hu Huizhong, the overlord, played the chief surgeon, and Lin Qingxia was the nurse.

The crew had just started construction at a shooting location, a factory headquarters of the Shanhui group. While the scene was being cleaned and decorated, Lan Naicai came over and said, "Sheng Zhao, someone from Amei's Motorola is here and wants to advertise."

Motorola has not yet dominated the world with the help of Mobile Phones, but Mobile Phones has already appeared in North America in this era. To do this, you need to build signal stations. Only when you have stations can you move wirelessly, and the promotion is not fast.

Even so, Motorola's influence is not low, including car phones and pagers. It also provides electronic engine control modules to Ford, General Motors and other major automotive industry leaders.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Please come, I am also a money-giving boy."

Motorola's Asia Pacific President Thompson not only planned to sponsor 10 million Hong Kong dollars in advertising fees, but also provided a batch of model phones, all of which were specially made with wood-block paint like those in "John Wick". The style was 1995 A decapping machine that will only be available in 2018.

The display also has a built-in small light and a stop-motion animation shooting mode to replace content one by one.

Motorola has done everything needed.

This is not a question of thoughtfulness or not, but Motorola wants to advertise its brand. The more detailed they are, the better the advertising effect will be.

When he learned that the movie would not be released until the summer of 1985, the president of Motorola Asia Pacific laughed repeatedly, "Mr. Zhao, by next year, we should be able to make mobile phones appear in Hong Kong and Macau."

"The most troublesome thing about this thing is the construction of signal base stations around the world. Previously, we only focused on the North American market and have not expanded outwards."

"But starting from now on building base stations on Hong Kong Island, when your movie is released, you will be able to use the first-generation mobile phones. I have to say that the prediction method in your movie, John Wick, is really correct! "

"That's the future of mobile phone development!"

Zhao Donghuai also smiled politely and said, "Happy cooperation!"

It is really profitable for him to make movies now, and his reputation has been established. Lixin Garments, which has been praised in several movies, is competing with the Europa brand in Asia. When new movies are released, various advertisers continue to send money.

Super Body is also sponsored by various clothing and luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Europa. Including Motorola, the advertising fees have collected more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars.

Even though "Super Body" is known to the outside world as a big science fiction movie, this is Zhao Donghuai's first time directing a big science fiction movie. Hong Kong has never produced such a brilliant science fiction movie, but it still collected more than 30 million?

That’s when everyone thought... Zhao Donghuai was making the kind of futuristic soft science fiction prophetic film (Quick Chase) that was trying to sell the dog’s meat.

It's just that the male protagonist has been replaced by a female protagonist. Look at the female protagonist again? Monica Bellucci, who has started to whiten her skin at the age of 20, looks like an international model. I heard that Director Zhao even wrote an English song specifically for her.

In the same way that Zhao Donghuai promoted Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua to become popular in the European and American music circles, he promoted Monica Bellucci, who is white?

That was really a woman beating up several popular Hollywood actresses. Hollywood actresses are great at acting, but their looks and figure are not as good as hers.

After seeing this person off, Hong Qianbao came over and said, "Zhao Sheng, your speed of making money is really sharp. I admire you. We can only look up to you!"

Sanmao sent Michiko Nishiwake to come and make a cameo, and she also briefly took on some martial arts action scenes.

When Diao Wei Ya filmed Monica's volleying scene, Hong Yanbao and Cheng Long are the best in Hong Kong. The only people who can compare with them are Yuan Heping and Lin Zhengying.

On the contrary, due to the green screen special effects shooting method, Hong Yinbao and others were confused and bewildered.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and waved his hands, "It's a small matter, the show is about to start, the show is about to start!"

They said it was filming, but before the first filming started tonight, Sony also sent people.

Zhao Donghuai had expected this for a long time. After all, he had known it many times in advance in the simulator.

Movies with ads for Walkmans and cameras? ? this……

When the superficial things were settled, Zhao Donghuai took a few shots and then summoned Ji Chunhua, "Old Ji, do you want to get rich?"

Ji Chunhua was a little confused, "Zhao Sheng is joking, who among serious people doesn't want to get rich? But I don't have any special abilities..."

There are probably many unscrupulous people who want to get rich.


August 17.

When Guan Jiahui, He Qing, Chen Hong and others arrived in Tokyo one after another and were about to play the role of the flight attendant team, they entered Zhao Donghuai's presidential suite.

The women looked towards the living room with their mouths open.

There, two men and women from the island nation were kneeling and performing various kinds of red bean paste Smith Masai.

After apologizing and begging for mercy again and again, the man from the island country blushed and said, "Sheng Zhao, please, please be kind, this video really cannot be played..."

"Here is 50 million Hong Kong dollars. Please accept it and let us go."

Zhao Donghuai said angrily, "Who are you looking down on? My actor suddenly exploded during filming because he was using your Walkman..."

That's right.

It was a scene where Lucy fights her way through the hospital and towards the Nikko Hotel. Ji Chunhua plays the Sankai-gumi in a contemporary drama, wearing cucumber slices on her eyes, wearing a Sony Walkman, listening to music while being massaged.

The Walkman exploded...injuring Ji Chunhua.

It suddenly exploded while filming.

All the camera lenses recorded everything clearly. The only good thing is that it is not like when some mobile phones explode, because when people use it against their ears, the damage will be greater.

The Walkman on his waist exploded slightly, even if it caused Ji Chunhua a slight injury or a skin injury, it was not a bomb.

It was just the battery explosion that destroyed the Walkman machine.

This is not an explosive level that Zhao Donghuai deliberately messed up with the machine sent by Sony, but was produced by the system...

He simulated battles with Sony again and again, and one time a "Sony Walkman that could explode and cause minor injuries" suddenly appeared.

Let’s take this Walkman, it’s not much better than the rewards of never having appendicitis or never having athlete’s foot, but how can this thing be implemented in reality? ?

The effect will be amazing.

It is produced by the system, that is, the complete set of technology is exactly the same as that of Sony. It is no different from the samples sent by Sony. Even the machine sequence can be found in Sony's production batch. It is a perfect replacement for a certain Sony Walkman.

But it really explodes!

After multiple cameras recorded the footage, Zhao Donghuai quickly gave the explosive machine to Sony and asked them to self-check and check again and again. It was really... I heard that the president of Sony was so angry that he fired many employees and even fired people directly. Sent several to prison.

Since Sony launched the Walkman in 1979, the Walkman has been decimating the global market. It is invincible. Will you suddenly explode?

And the whole process was recorded by each machine on the filming site?

If this leaks out, Apple in North America and Samsung in Asia will laugh like crazy!

The woman in the earth seat raised her head again and begged, "Mr. Zhao, please accept 100 million Hong Kong dollars. Please..."

Zhao Donghuai called the security guards directly and drove them away.

The hotel security guard looked at Sony and the two of them, and they were speechless. That scene was also shot in the large suite of the Nikko Hotel. It's a chain hotel, so let's change the filming location to a pediatrician.

Some of the people responsible for maintaining the scene at the hotel, including the police, witnessed the famous scene in which Teacher Ji was assassinated by an exploding Walkman in full view of the public.

Even though they were from the island country, they used to have a high sense of admiration and respect for the Sony brand. Once the explosion incident came out, their impression of Sony was completely different.

Everyone received hush money.

At that time, everyone in the crew received red envelopes starting from 10,000 Hong Kong dollars. Ji Chunhua was stuffed with 5 million Hong Kong dollars, and Monica Bellucci, the heroine, received 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

I beg them not to release news about this explosion in various programs in the future after it becomes popular.


This crew has only been going well for a few days, here again? ?

After the people from Sony left, Guan Jiahui and the other girls had a little understanding of what had happened, and their eyes widened. Chen Hong could not close his mouth, "No, no, Monica. Did you receive 40 million Hong Kong dollars in hush money for the first time?”

“Are you here to make a movie or to make a fortune??”

Is there such a strange way to make money? ?

Cheng Long, Lam Ching-ying, Zhang Guorong and others, who are the best in carrying goods in Hong Kong, started from March to mid-October, which means they have a similar income from carrying goods.

The experience of Monica Bellucci being frightened and almost being killed by a real gun is horrifying and chilling to think about.

But isn’t it okay in the end, there are no skin injuries, and you can still earn 40 million Hong Kong dollars? ?

Although the two incidents have been investigated by a large number of islanders, they have nothing to do with Zhao Donghuai.

But this kind of money-making power to suppress news and hit hot searches? ?

It’s too arrogant!

Guan Jiahui was anxious, "No, why don't you give it to us... If they don't give you hush money after the filming is over, I will talk about these things every day in my concerts or programs!"

Isn't this discrimination and looking down on others?

As they were talking, someone knocked on the door again. It was Monica and Laura Fangna. Laura said excitedly, "Boss, I was not at the scene of Teacher Ji's scene, but I just received 20 Ten thousand Hong Kong dollars in hush money, my God... more than twenty thousand dollars."

"This is amazing!"

It turned out that Zhao Donghuai pioneered the way of making money through all-star sales, which attracted far more money than the salary. This has shocked countless people in the film, television and music industry, as if they saw a ray of sunshine tearing through the darkness of the world.

In Hong Kong in the past, whether Shao Daheng or Zou Wenhuai, they never showed mercy when it was time to go dark.

But this filming trip to the island country was so eye-opening.

How much does Monica get paid? The starting price is 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is still the result of Zhao Sheng's concern for his own people and his special care.

Monica has not yet had any achievements in film, television or singing.

Pure newcomer!

Earn 40 million in just ten days? ? It’s worth 5 million U.S. dollars.

Laura Fangna was still speaking Spanish at the moment. When Monica helped her translate it into awkward Mandarin, someone understood. Guan Jiahui slapped the table directly, "Why, Sony can't discriminate against us like this..."

Chen Hong, Gong Li and other girls also nodded hurriedly.

Even though she was not present at the scene, Laura Fanna could still charge 200,000 in hush money? ?

At this moment, a landline phone rang in the guest room. When Zhao Donghuai went to answer it, he heard that...

"Don't worry, everyone, someone from Samsung is here, and they should give you money!"

Soon, the Samsung Crown Prince arrived at the suite with his translator and secretary. When he saw the many beauties in the suite, he was stunned for two seconds before quickly waving.

The secretary smiled resolutely, bowed and handed out red envelopes with both hands. Except for Director Zhao, Chen Hong, Gong Li, Guan Jiahui and others all received red envelopes.

The red envelope was very thin and no one looked at it.

The eldest prince of Samsung personally handed Director Zhao a red envelope, stating his intention, and hoped that Mr. Zhao would not easily agree to Sony's "private conditions for the explosion of the Walkman."

Yes, he either asked Zhao Donghuai to expose this matter, or advised Zhao Sheng not to agree easily.

After this person left with his team, everyone opened the red envelopes one after another.

Guan Jiahui's eyes lit up, "Wow, this guy named Li is pretty good. Although he is an old man, he gave me a check of 500,000 Hong Kong dollars. This is my current salary for a movie."

Chen Hong was shocked, "I also have a check of 100,000? I brought goods and sold products, but I haven't accumulated such dividends until now."

But before that, Mr. Li's team didn't say a word to them. They only had a meeting to share the bonus package, and the rest was all between Lao Li and Zhao Sheng.

After chatting and having fun for a while, everything that needed to be left was gone.

Monica was so moved that she hugged Guan Jiahui and thanked Sister Hui for coming in time. A Min was really too much sometimes!


No. 18.

Guan Jiahui and He Qing, who had just finished cleaning up, went downstairs to have breakfast, and met Sony's guest who was bowing and kneeling in the restaurant area.

Red envelope!

Each of them earns 2 million Hong Kong dollars. I implore them to persuade Zhao Sheng more and not to let the news about the Walkman explosion spread. It is best for all insiders not to reveal the news to the outside world.

On the same day, Chen Hong, who was going shopping with Gong Li and accompanied by bodyguards, received a red envelope of 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars in a daze.

In front of a large crowd and in full view of everyone, Sony came to kneel down and beg A Hong to say nice things. This made A Hong stunned for a while. She looked at the streets to the left and right, and then looked at the middle-aged man from Tuxia seat. She was so shocked that she could not speak. .

Gong Li was a little unhappy. She obviously went out with Ah Hong. Why didn't she get a red envelope? ? Hey, have you waited? One hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, an instant black face.

Qiu Shuzhen, who was also a guest stewardess in the flight attendant team, was stopped when she was helping run errands and working part-time as a secretary. She begged for an income of 3 million Hong Kong dollars.

All kinds of things...

A few nights later, Zhao Donghuai saw the check for 100 million Hong Kong dollars again, and reluctantly forgave Sony. He was a good person and wanted to cooperate with Sony for a long time.

After accepting the check, he was speechless and said, "Hey, I'm not telling you, this good Walkman can explode. This is too scary."

"Fortunately, it exploded when it was hung on the waist. But if Motorola launches a mobile phone and everyone makes calls with their faces close to their faces, what if the battery exploded..."

"That's it!"

After these words were published, Motorola Asia Pacific President Thompson, who had already had a good impression of him, went to the Sony building and criticized Sony deeply, making Sony executives spit on their faces.

This is so shameful. It discredits all high-tech products of modern industrialization in the world!

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao has been publicized. If it had not been settled, it is not private. Once this matter gets out, even if Motorola really launches Mobile Phone, how many citizens will dare to accept Mobile Phone after the Sony explosion incident? ?

After all, mobile phones also need batteries.

Is there a risk of explosion in the products used to criticize people’s faces and ears?

That scene is simply beautiful. Don’t you like committing seppuku? Is it appropriate for you to express your disapproval by committing seppuku in such a major crisis of trust? ?


In early November, Zhao Donghuai compared multiple simulator simulations with reality and found that an explosion reduced his chances of being attacked by Sony at least ten times.

Without so many troubles, he finally managed all the filming in the island country.

Looking back on the whole process, it’s quite exciting.

Super Body is really a super memorable movie. Things outside the movie are simply more exciting than in the movie. Not to mention the investment from Sony, which received more than 40 million in advertising sponsorships and various products.

Nikko Hotels Group and Sony spent a total of more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in additional expenses.

Making a movie like this is comparable to a gang of gangsters robbing a bank! It would be difficult for you to rob a bank so much at once, and even if you do, you still have to launder the money.

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