Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 130 The print version will be distributed around 8:20

Jiu Long Tang.

Super Body is filming a drag racing scene today, in which Lucy drives a car and takes Xingzi on a rampage on the road, causing all kinds of chaos, including going the wrong way on a main road.

In the end, a large number of police cars chased them, and then they were paralyzed by an automatic lifting bollard.

This is definitely a big deal and very dangerous.

Various cameras and vehicles were arranged, including helicopters for aerial photography. Zhao Donghuai walked to the stunt team and said to Ke Shouliang and Luo Lixian, "When the filming starts, everyone's top priority is safety."

"The scene can be re-shot, with a few more takes. Even if this scene is shot for a few days, it will be fine. Everyone must pay attention to safety."

Ke Shouliang entered the circle very early, Luo Lixian actually did not enter the circle until next year, and Cheng Long wanted to find a driver for the filming of Police Story.

However, these two will be really good in the Hong Kong stunt circle in the future, especially in speeding stunts.

The part of his drama in Hong Kong needed a fast driver. As soon as the news came out, countless people came to apply. He discovered Ronaldinho among the vast number of applicants. Luo Lixian is also 23 years old this year. He drives too fast every day and gets fined. It’s not enough to charge too much.

He was also very happy when he heard that he could go fast during filming without fear of being punished.

Zhao Donghuai said again as the two nodded excitedly and restrainedly, "Everyone has seen the big car accident in The Five Lucky Stars that spread to more than 50 cars."

"Our play will definitely be more exciting and more dangerous than that car accident!"

Having said this, he waved to the outside, and Guang, Xiao Bawang, She Zaiming and others ran over.

Director Zhao said, "What about the martial arts master Longhu from the island country? Pull it out. If they finish filming this flying car scene alive, they will be free."

Aguang nodded and asked people to do things.

On the contrary, Luo Lixian, who had just joined the circle, was shocked. What is this called? Can you be relieved after filming while alive? Isn't this a bit scary? ?

Ke Shouliang was also a little trembling.

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "You guys go get busy and familiarize yourself with the road conditions first. Although many of the cars during the speeding scene were driven by members of Dragon and Tiger Warriors, Pan Asia Group, and Zhao Logistics, and the police will also help coordinate traffic, you still have to deal with the traffic conditions. The more familiar the better.”

As if they were amnesty, the two quickly ran away to drive.

During various preparations, Xingzi suddenly ran over and said, "Zhao Sheng, Brother Long is here and he said he has something to ask you for advice."

Zhao Donghuai turned around and saw Cheng Long, Yuan Biao and Hong Yinbao who were leading a group of dragon and tiger martial arts masters to distribute refreshments to the Super Body crew.

Director Zhao spent a month filming Super Body in the island country. Before he came back, the crew of Lucky Star Gaozhao had finished filming.

When these people arrived, Cheng Long smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, our joint venture with Yangcheng Bawang Shampoo Factory has been completed, and we have begun to produce and stock up on goods. Zou Sheng said that tomorrow we can have Jiahe fast food trucks open across the board."

"He asked me to come and discuss with you the stocking of Wanjia Supermarket and Baijia Surname? How do you think we should arrange it?"

I came back from Europa after filming the food truck on August 11th... In order to promote the shampoo belonging to Zou Wenhuai's joint venture factory, it was delayed until mid-November? Normal operation.

Zou Wenhuai invested 20 million Hong Kong dollars for 49% of the shares, Yangcheng provided the land and money to build the factory, and the Chen family provided the formula, accounting for a total of 51% of the shares.

Today, there are 19 Wanjia integrated supermarkets, covering all 18 districts in Hong Kong. However, it is normal to build more in prosperous areas, and Wanjia will continue to expand.

At its peak, Lao Li's Watsons had more than 200 branches in Hong Kong. It is still some time before Hong Kong Island enters its most prosperous stage. Many places have not been fully developed, but Wanjia continues to open.

Next year, we will open around 50 stores to be fully covered.

This was almost achieved by the summer of 1985, with 50 Wanjia and more than 300 Baijia surnames operating 24 hours a day. In the future, as the times develop, new development areas will continue to develop.

At this stage, Baijia surname has also entered several cities in Wanwan. It entered Wanwan in early October. Now in mid-November, more than 50 branches have been opened in Wanbei, represented by actresses such as Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong, Wang Zuxian, Xiao Yingying and so on. , Qin Xianglin and Qin Hanlei also called on citizens to use hundreds of surnames.

Baijia Xing is currently developing very well in Wanwan.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "You really don't think about it and strike first? Make a small movie to blackmail P\u0026G and Unilever??"

Cheng Long said awkwardly, "I definitely want to follow your instructions, Zhao Sheng, but Zou Sheng is too timid to..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Forget it, you guys, let's do what you want. Just put the Bawang shampoo on the shelves like a regular product."

Not everyone is as smart as him. He has no taboos in doing things and can hit whoever he wants. Normal people have a lot of concerns when doing things, but... the shopping mall is dangerous. He mentioned various operating routines of white brands, Zou Wen. Huai also only fought in Hong Kong.

To be so conservative in doing things is a bit too passive.

Cheng Long thanked him with a smile, and then said with a hint of surprise, "Sheng Zhao, Mitsubishi wants me to pass on a message. From now on, Mitsubishi can provide you with cars for movies and TV shows for free. No matter how many cars you want, there will be no advertising effect."

"I just ask you to be noble and don't blackmail Mitsubishi like you blackened Toyota in Meteor Garden... What do you think?"

Director Zhao, "..."

He was silent for a few seconds and smiled, "I am a serious businessman. Meteor Garden only takes money from General Motors to do things. I have always been well-known. We will talk about Mitsubishi later."

Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao and others were a little skeptical about life, but they instinctively nodded in agreement.

Zhao Donghuai and Zhao Sheng are of course the most serious businessmen. Who objects?

So you object to coming out and taking a few steps to take a look?

The day's drama ended smoothly.

When Zhao Donghuai returned to the Repulse Bay Villa, he saw Ahe, Li Minghui and other stockbrokers waiting on the lawn outside the villa.

Seeing him, Li Minghui and others first bowed respectfully and said hello, and then said excitedly, "Sheng Zhao, your plan for Hong Kong Electric can launch a comprehensive acquisition."

"So far, 9% of HK Electric's shares are in your name, 18% are in the names of Ms. Kwan and Ms. He, 8% are in the name of Ms. Qiu, and 8% are in the name of Ms. Bellucci. , which is already much more than Jardine Matheson’s shareholding.”

"There are also two small shareholders holding 7% of the shares. We have already made an appointment and will cooperate with you throughout the entire acquisition."

"When the market opens tomorrow, you only need to purchase 1% of HK Electric's shares in the market to become a major shareholder holding 51% of the shares!"

In July, Zhao Donghuai successively invested 5.6 billion to acquire 6% of Hong Kong Electric's shares. This is already November, and more than four months have passed.

From March to July, Power Beer and Jianlibao alone made a profit of more than 300 million in the island country. This is equivalent to each island citizen drinking a total of single-digit Jianlibao beer in more than 100 days. From July to November, sales of those two were better.

One island country contributed 1 billion Hong Kong dollars in net profit to him. After calculation, it only took a total of more than 100 days. Each island country guy drank 20 cans of strong beer and Jianlibao.

As a new brand of fast-moving goods, as time goes by, the advertising effect and the all-star effect promote the total sales volume in the last four months more than tripled compared to the first three months, which is normal.

The total profits of places like Star, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, etc. are equivalent to that of an island country, 1 billion, and Hong Kong has more than 600 million, which is 2.6 billion in revenue.

The mainland earns foreign exchange... The island countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea add up to 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, which can be exchanged for 150 million U.S. dollars! Hong Kong Island FMCG earned HK$1.8 billion, US$20 million.

In less than a year, East Guangdong earned 250 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange thanks to these two leading products!

It’s really crazy!

Even though Mr. Li had already speculated that he was secretly working on Hong Kong Electric and did not dare to say anything to the outside world, the top management of Yihe must have also noticed the undercurrent and still did not make many big moves.

This is still the profit of two fast-selling products, Strong Beer and Jianlibao.

When iced black tea, green tea, including Wanjia brand instant noodles, mineral water, as well as Han Tianxia Liu Xiu shoes and Diao Chan women's shoes were launched one by one, they were launched into the market!

The mainland's killing spree in order to earn foreign exchange has spread to mountain cities, Tianjin and other places.

Each of these rivers of cash can form a sea, giving Zhao Donghuai a profit of six to seven billion.

He also relied on this to spend more than 4 billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire 43% of Hong Kong Electric's shares. It seems that Jardine Matheson currently holds less than 30%, so they have reduced their holdings.

As for the 7% agreed upon by the two small shareholders? That is to rely on Pan Asia Group's elegant, gentlemanly, courteous and refreshing negotiation power to negotiate a good agreement.


On November 17, Food Truck was released in Golden Harvest Cinemas across Hong Kong.

When the Hong Kong stock market opened, Zhao Donghuai suddenly held a press conference during the new operation, announcing that he held 9% of Hong Kong Electric's shares and had made arrangements with several small shareholders to make trading plans.

A comprehensive acquisition plan for Hong Kong Electric is about to be launched.

Hong Kong stocks are in shock.

HK Electric's shares are rising rapidly...

Before the market closed that morning, HK Electric's stock had only risen by 50 cents, from more than 6 yuan to 7 yuan. Zhao Donghuai announced through ATV live broadcast that he already held 51% of the shares of HK Electric and became the largest shareholder.

Public opinion was in an uproar.

I have never seen such an exaggerated and outrageous comprehensive acquisition.

In Changshi's big office, watching the news program, Mr. Li also had a messy look on his face, "How much money does this guy make?"

Huo Jianning had a wry smile on his face, "It is said that Strong Beer and Jianlibao created more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash for him this year!"

In the stock market, if you have money, you will show it off!

Cash is king, and the two beverages cost more than 3 billion. Director Zhao has launched so many new brands. Even if the total sales volume is not high, iced black tea, green tea, green plum green tea, instant noodles, and mineral water , Liu Xiu shoes, Diao Chan women's shoes, so many types combined.

Isn’t it difficult to compare with strong beer and Jianlibao? ?

This is a cash flow of six to seven billion Hong Kong dollars!

This kind of huge wealth poured into the stock market, and the chaos lasted for seven or eight months. When the war officially started, it was normal to cut through the mess as quickly as a blitzkrieg.

Mr. Li had a headache, then he wiped his glasses and put them back on, "What do you think of the Lin family entering the Kwai Tsing Pier? Is this the Lin family's intention to get involved in the terminal industry, or is it a white glove for others?"

Huo Jianning frowned deeply, "It's hard to say, but the Lin Baixin family has the strength to get involved in the terminal industry. They raised more than one billion to do things, which is not outrageous. After all, the terminal is a cash cow comparable to Watsons' retail terminals."

The wharf is where leeks are cut from countless shipping commodities.

Lin Baixin is not a rookie. From him to Lin Jianyue at the helm, he was once one of the top ten wealthy families in Hong Kong.

Guo Taiming, the son-in-law of the Lin family, is known as one of the examples of a poor boy marrying the beautiful Bai Fumei of the Lin family and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Li Chaoren sighed helplessly, feeling quite hurt.

During this period, I don’t know how many calls I received from rich people. They all said that although you and Zhao Sheng had business conflicts, we are all a family, and we don’t fight our own people...it’s business, They all value harmony.

It's so fucked up. How could he become one with Zhao Donghuai if he is so talented? Tycoons who said those words, don’t you think it’s inappropriate to say so?

But even Huo Daheng made such calls several times and ignored the reality.

Putting aside the facts, what can Li Chao Ren do?

Just as we were talking, suddenly, the TV went dark, and even the water dispenser went dark...

Li Chaoren was stunned for a few seconds, "What's going on??"

Soon he discovered that the company had a power outage!

After asking questions for a while, Li Chaoren stood speechless in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window. Only his business had a power outage, and all his neighbors next door were fine.

Someone went out to call Hong Kong Electric and received the reply that the equipment was faulty. They apologized profusely and promised that it would be repaired before evening.

Huo Jianning said with a look of confusion and a little sadness, "Li Sheng, why don't you spend some money to buy a batch of Diao Chan women's shoes and donate them, or give them to female employees for free?"

Does this power outage reminder imply that they should pay protection fees? ?

If yes, then recharge! The power outage in Cheung Kong Building is not terrible, but what if there is also a power outage in Hutchison Whampoa, luxury homes and even construction sites?

Li Chaoren complained with a dark face, "Young man doesn't have martial ethics!"

He is determined to move various base camps to Yau Tsim Mong. After all, if he can stop once today, there will be a chance of power outages from time to time in the future.

How can young people do this kind of business and collect protection fees? ?

He was so envious that he almost vomited blood.



In the main office of Oriental Daily, Ma Chengkun was still smoking and reading the newspaper when he heard a knock on the door. When he shouted to come in, the secretary opened the door and a white ghost guy and a Chinese young man came in.

The little secretary quickly explained, "Boss, this Mr. Chris is the president of Procter \u0026 Gamble Group in Greater China. He wants to discuss some business with you."

Chris laughed and stepped forward, extending his hand, "Hello, Ma, nice to meet you..."

He spoke in English, which was translated into Cantonese by the secretary.

Ma Chengkun asked curiously, "Procter \u0026 Gamble Group, do you want to place an advertisement in my newspaper??"

Chris's smile became even brighter, "Ma, have you seen Golden Harvest's new food truck movie?"

After the translation, Ma Sheng shook his head. He hadn't watched it yet. It had just been released at 8 o'clock in the morning. He was not a die-hard fan of Cheng Long.

Chris said again, "I offer five million Hong Kong dollars. I hope your newspaper will send out a few columnists to write a few popular science columns, saying that the Bawang shampoo that Cheng Long and Jiahe just promoted can cause cancer if used for a long time... …”

Although this was the first day that the food truck was released and the Spanish lady Lola Fonna appeared in front of the people of Hong Kong Island for the first time, he had seen the movie and knew that this was another very lethal soft advertisement.

In the movie Food Truck, the scene where the heroine played by Laura Fangner stays overnight at Cheng Long and Yuan Biao's home for the first time, takes a shower and wipes her hair, is really a classic.

Adding just a few lines at the right time will make the famous hair washing scene deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, including the brand Bawang New Hair Water!

How could you keep Chris from panicking? ? There are precedents for Zhao Donghuai, such as San Miguel, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, including in the shoemaking field, Europa or Amei's big brands are not much weaker than P\u0026G.

What happened to those seniors? As for Zou Wenhuai's establishment of a shampoo factory, it took three months to prepare, and he had already received the news!

There is such a precedent, P\u0026G is panicking!

This move was intended to kill Bawang Shampoo with lethal force.

The secretaries of Ma Chengkun and Chris acted as translators. After communicating for a while, when Ma Chengkun fully understood the other party's intention, he smiled and comforted Chris while going out to do things.

He didn't do much and ran to call Zhao Donghuai, "Sheng Zhao, help, P\u0026G asked my Oriental Daily to blackmail Zou Sheng's shampoo brand... I'm not afraid of Chris, I'm afraid of Wanwan Wanwan from North America. Put on more pressure and force my father and uncle to take sides."

"Zhao Sheng, I have no choice."

It's really a rush. The influence of people in North America and Europe can make the big TV station over there spend 20 million to snap up the rights to broadcast the first and second rounds of Meteor Garden.

P\u0026G can also influence many people to operate.

Ma Chengkun, a small heavyweight, can't bear it at all! He doesn't want his father and uncle to live in the Bone Tower!

In the Super Body crew, Zhao Donghuai, who was holding the phone, laughed, "You can accept the money. No matter how much P\u0026G gives you, you have to double it. Then when Zou Sheng gives me the money, our old routine is like covering up Cheng Long's Just like the news about his wife and children, just speculate on it."

"The more hype there is, the less impactful the news will be. P\u0026G said Bawang shampoo causes cancer. I can say that Bawang shampoo can make people wilted. You say Bawang can give people HIV, but I say Bawang can distort the mind. , making people change their gender..."

Ma Chengkun's eyes lit up. Yes, he couldn't withstand P\u0026G's pressure, but whether the money he paid to do things was effective was another matter.

After ending the call, Ma Sheng happily dialed Zou Wenhuai again and transferred the pressure by blowing himself up.


The night of the 17th.

Zhao Donghuai returned to the Qianshuiwan Villa after completing the super-body shoot, and saw Zou Wenhuai, Cheng Long and others standing outside the gate with frowning faces.

After the two parties contacted, Zou Wenhuai sighed helplessly, "Gui Lao is so shameless. Zhao Sheng, I will pay 30 million. I hope Zhao Sheng's media group can help me more."

Director Zhao laughed, "Okay, this is a small matter. Laura Fanna is also an actor under my banner. It's mutually beneficial."

The food truck was officially released and began to take the whole of Hong Kong by storm. She endorsed Bawang Shampoo, and the sales volume was not bad in Hong Kong Island, Bay Area and South Korea.

A bottle of Zou Wenhuaiding's Bawang shampoo retails for 10 Hong Kong dollars like Head \u0026 Shoulders, and he will give 50 cents to the endorsement stars.

This share ratio is also in line with Zhao Donghuai’s retail FMCG.

A bottle sold for ten yuan, but what ended up in Zou Wenhuai's hands was less than five yuan, because the retailer that put it on the shelves had to spend at least two or three yuan to distribute it to Wanjia and Baijia surname chains.

Taxes, transportation costs... and production costs allocated to the mainland.

Zou Wenhuai gritted his teeth again and said, "Along, the ghost guy who is fighting on the street, call Zeng Mowei and ask him to film a new movie and do Procter \u0026 Gamble for me. The bayonet is red, and I won't talk about peace being the most valuable." .”


In the next few days, Zhao Donghuai started filming the super body smoothly.

With the rise of food trucks, Lola Fonna's fame has soared in Hong Kong. After her famous hair washing scene, the Overlord shampoo launched together with the movie also exploded in sales.

But starting from the 20th, Oriental Daily invited Huang Weiming and other film critics to write a column, saying that excessive use of Bawang shampoo can cause cancer. He is just a film critic and does not understand shampoo, but Mr. Huang has consulted experts in related fields.

As soon as the news came out, the whole Hong Kong was shocked!

Then, Kowloon-based newspapers also joined in the hype. What does it mean that washing your hair can cause cancer? Bawang Shampoo obviously allows you to transform from male to female just by washing your hair.

No need to go to Thailand for surgery!

The Oriental Daily News continued to be hacked, and the entire Kowloon system was hacked. Even the Daily News was also hacked. The joy of being hacked together quickly made the entire Hong Kong people feel great sympathy for Bawang Shampoo.

It wasn't until the 23rd that the latest day's Kowloon Daily was released, and the front-page headlines shocked countless citizens.

The front page is still the usual Black Overlord Shampoo, but at the end of the article, there is an extra sentence, "This article will be published on the 25th. After it is posted, go ask the ghost guy to stop putting pressure, even if you give us money to blackmail For a new film, this is too much."

"If the relevant units hadn't exerted so much pressure and the newspaper would have closed down if it didn't cooperate, we wouldn't be able to get back the money after it was burned. The money they gave us would be used for charity afterwards."

After reading this paragraph.

Citizens across Hong Kong bombarded the streets.

Fuck, this last paragraph is obviously different from the content of Black Overlord. It looks like the text of the leader's instructions. As a result, the editing or printing team made a mistake and printed the contents of the leaders' instructions? ?

The first citizens who saw the newspaper were still surprised by this strange thing.

Newspaper delivery trucks took to the streets one after another to collect the Kowloon Daily News from the newspaper vendors.

Recycle? Rushing to recycle? What a printing accident!

As soon as they saw those recycling trucks, the citizens near the newsstand became even more happy to buy.


Procter \u0026 Gamble Building.

When Chris received that day's Kowloon Daily News and saw the last paragraph of the front page headline, a mouthful of old blood was about to rise and spurt out of his throat.

I didn't give you any money! I have never done so, nor have I found any relevant units to put pressure on you! Where did your trick of "disguising suggestions and solutions disguised as leadership instructions and selling them as printing errors" come from? ?

This kind of coquettish move will not allow anyone to live!

Even if the entire Kowloon Daily system joins the Black Overlord series in the past few days, when the truth is finally revealed, the citizens will be disgusted with the Kowloon series.

But didn't it clearly stated in the text of the leader's instructions that they were forced to do this under pressure... All the money they earned would be used for charity. They were helpless, forced, and force majeure!

This not only caused trouble for Procter \u0026 Gamble, but also dragged relevant units in Hong Kong into the water. What’s the next step? Sue, file a lawsuit? Let relevant units review it? ? Criticize Kowloon Daily?

That's... Kowloon Daily followed the instructions of relevant agencies and suspended operations for a few days.

Even more, this big blame was thrown on their heads, creating a dead end!

If the relevant units dare to cause trouble, if the Kowloon Daily really dares to stop publication, just for a few days, then it is just a link in the Zhao Donghuai Media Group.

After all, the Kowloon Daily Group has more than ten copies with sales of more than 30,000 copies. Today, only the Kowloon Daily is slandering him.

Chris resisted the urge to vomit blood and wanted to recruit a public relations team to work, so he received a report from his secretary, "Boss, it's bad, there has been a large-scale wave of resignations in our group..."

Chris' vision went dark and he wanted to faint.

The president of P\u0026G Greater China, senior executives, etc. are all ghosts, but there are still many Chinese in the middle and lower levels, and almost all of them are Hong Kong citizens.

Are Hong Kong citizens facing the Bawang shampoo incident after eating a lot of melon for a few days? ? Having come this far... who doesn't know that the most popular celebrity endorsers of Bawang shampoo are Laura Fangna, Cheng Long, and Hong Yinbao?

As for Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao and the others, with the help of Wanjia Supermarket, the favorability of Hong Kong citizens was like starting a prairie fire, right? ?

Wanjia integrated supermarkets have opened 19 stores in Hong Kong and are still expanding further.

In the past six months, there is no Hong Kong citizen who has not visited Wanjia. At this time, he has witnessed such a disgusting and crazy smear and suppression routine.

The hearts of the middle and lower classes in the Procter \u0026 Gamble Group were completely shattered!

When they stabilize the situation again, it is estimated that the market in Hong Kong, including Bendong Province and other places... Bawang Shampoo will also gain a firm foothold.

A "newspaper printing accident" directly put a hammer on this advertising war.


The night of the 23rd.

When Zhao Donghuai finished work and returned to the big villa, Zhou Huimin happily ran from the villa next door carrying some food boxes, "Brother Huai, my movie "Happy Ghost 2" will be released tomorrow. I'm a little nervous. It's Thanksgiving and I don't know how the box office will be. "

Amin starred in The Flying Tiger 1 and Hurricane 2. In both films, she had a very good image and good character design, but they were all action films. The biggest selling point was the new action films like Andy Lau and Lin Zhengying.

Happy Ghost 2 is a comedy film that she performed with her singing star appeal.

Not to mention the 500,000 salary, there are three songs, Dream Chaser, Brown Eyes, a song by the future North American girl group Destiny’s Child, and a cover version of SHE’s Lover’s Not Enough.

The opening and ending songs and interludes are complete.

These three songs are originally three songs from Amin's first big album.

In Happy Ghost 2, her setting is that of a has-been singer, the female ghost Amin, who is protected by a big boss in heaven. She wants to have a good pregnancy, but is delayed again and again because of the various pitfalls of Happy Ghost played by Huang Baiming. Can't reincarnate smoothly.

Then Amin, a ghost with super powers, began to punish the happy ghost.

The general formula is the third plot of the original Happy Ghost.

There are also many changes. The super-powered female ghost played by Amin is quirky, focuses on selling songs, and has a cute girl comedy style.

Zhou Huimin, who will be 18 years old next year, pretends to be a cute and cute girl for you. I guess not many people can stand it.

Hu Huizhong, Guan Jiahui, and He Qing all played supporting roles for Zhou Huimin in this drama. However, in Happy Ghost 2, Guan Jiahui and He Qing continued the setting of the previous drama. The school beauties group, Renmei Ge Tian, ​​strives for their music dream, and they will Demonstrates the ability to compose blue and white porcelain songs.

The composition of the song "Blue and White Porcelain" was originally an ancient song performed by the two girls when they were on the show (campaign for the modern Diao Chan). The two would also wear various gorgeous Hanfu for the performance.

Finally, there is a happy ending.

The original "Happy Ghost Collision with Ghost" achieved a box office of 15 million in Hong Kong Island. This version is really a sublimated and upgraded version several times, with four songs...

Zhao Donghuai rolled his eyes speechlessly. November 24th is Thanksgiving Day, a wonderful holiday.

He could only praise, "It's okay, our Amin is so good, it will definitely do well at the box office."

Zhou Huimin put down her lunch box excitedly and started to talk eloquently.


On the 24th, Thanksgiving day for white people in North America, Golden Princess will be released across the board at 8 a.m. Happy Ghost 2. After the publicity and distribution is done, the only thing left is to rely on the singing power of Happy Girls or Young Women to dominate the box office.

Songs such as "Dream Chaser" and "Not Enough Lovers" began to bombard the whole Hong Kong one after another. Coupled with the good looks of Amin and others, and the comedy power of Huang Baiming's team, the box office hit 1.8 million on that day.

As for this drama, advertising placement is also indispensable.

Amin and other teams endorse lipstick tissues and makeup remover tissues, using their images and personal styles to promote female consumption, and the market is absolutely vast.

Xu Ke made a cameo in it, pushing office paper. It was not outstanding, and he only got one or two scenes.

In order to make money, Huang Baiming showed off his figure... He personally performed a funny scene about forgetting to bring paper in the toilet, and used his super powers to choose Kowloon toilet paper from a large number of branded paper products, which made countless movie fans angry.

On the 25th, Happy Ghost 2 once again hit the box office with 1.9 million Hong Kong dollars. Such results have affected the screening of Food Truck to a certain extent. Food Truck was only released one week earlier than Happy Ghost 2.

In this November schedule, two major dramas are competing against each other.

But whether it is Jiahe or Princess Jin, the current focus of the two tycoons' struggle is not just the box office, but the all-star promotion and sales of goods to make money.

Compared with the huge market for daily consumables such as paper and shampoo, the box office of a movie is just a fraction of a cent!

Look at Zhao Donghuai, a ruthless person. He started a bunch of new brands and built up a cash retail profit chain of 6 to 7 billion Hong Kong dollars in less than a year? Even if their sales terminals were named Wanjia and Baijia, they would have to pay for their share of the money, and the transportation would be Zhao Logistics, and they would have to pay for it.

But if done well, this will still be a vast river of cash that can upgrade their status!

In the past, all kinds of consumer goods were made by ghost guys and British capital. Now Zhao Sheng leads the team and Chinese capital has risen. Regardless of the brand and consumer market, the mainland has 51% of the controlling stake.

This is so delicious, and for the sake of money, even Lei Juekun and Zou Wenhuai, who were vague and wavering before, are now solidly positioned.

Zhao Donghuai leads by example and makes a lot of money the way he has done!

Amidst all the turmoil, it was December 1984. The food truck had already exceeded 20 million in box office, and Happy Ghost 2 was also steadily increasing its accumulation.

Zhao Donghuai has already moved to the mainland with his super-body crew!

This serious sci-fi masterpiece on Hong Kong Island was filmed in the island country for more than a month, and in Hong Kong for more than 20 days, shooting in the mainland? Only faster.

When getting on the car heading to the mainland, Qiu Shuzhen stood next to Director Zhao and said, "Boss, Toyota gave me 300,000 Hong Kong dollars, Nike gave me 300,000 Hong Kong dollars, Coca-Cola did the same, and Zhang Min earned 100,000 Hong Kong dollars each..."

"In the end, Meteor Garden is still the original version, and it has been shown on other TV stations without any changes. They won't ask me for money, right??"

This kind of money is booming and trance-like. Azhen is obsessed with it, and Zhang Min is almost the same.

Is there this way to make money? ? Amazing!

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's okay, they will continue to give you money. Meteor Garden is already a done deal, but if Toyota and Nike want to change their brand image, next time they will just spend money on advertising for our new idol drama."

"Just let Ajie and F4 praise them..."

Why give back the money you earned through your own skills? ? This time I went to the mainland to shoot scenes, mainly to shoot scenes in which Monica Bellucci travels through time and space alone, as well as various animal scenes.

As long as she is a real actress.

(ps: I’d like to thank all the friends who have tipped me~)

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