Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 131 Co-creation of Jurassic Park


When Zhao Donghuai's crew arrived, they also received the amazing news that the Zhao Special Effects Industrial Base Building on Chunfeng Road in Luohu was more than half completed.

From the beginning of October to the beginning of December, more than ten floors were built in two months.

Zhu Jiaxin's special effects team, which originally stayed in a one-story factory building for two months, is very hopeful that they will move into a new home before or after the Spring Festival.

The location of the Special Effects Building is very good, just a few kilometers away from the customs.

The construction unit is originally the Huajian team, and in this era, Huajian is creating a new Pengcheng speed.


ATV building.

When Guan Lijie, Lai Ming, Zheng Yijian, and Aaron Kwok were rescued by security guards, they finally escaped from the fan group and entered the building.

The four of them couldn't help wiping their sweat. Fortunately, they finally came out.

Is this the trouble with being famous? In the past, I could only envy Cheng Long, Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, Lin Zhengying and other superstars for their reputation.

After the first broadcast of Meteor Garden, the ATV version of F4 was completely popular in Hong Kong.

Nowadays, there are probably more fans who come to ATV to harass them than those who go to Jiahe Studio to harass Cheng Long. Most of them are middle school students and college students.

When the four of them arrived at a lounge at ATV and drank half a bottle of the iced black tea drink that he endorsed, Li Ming said excitedly, "Hey, people from Toyota came to me again yesterday and said they would give me various Toyota cars for free. 10 million Hong Kong dollars just allows me to drive more Toyota cars when I go out."

"It's so crazy. I never thought that just a TV series could be so crazy. It's like Fa Ge, who has been famous for making movies for so long, and his income from selling goods can barely exceed 10 million, right?"

"Are TV series this cruel too?"

It's simply unbelievable.

At these words, Zheng Yijiandu said excitedly, "Coca-Cola also approached me and asked me to shoot a Coke endorsement advertisement. The endorsement fee is 8 million Hong Kong dollars a year."

"I never dreamed I would be so valuable!"

When Aaron Kwok joined the discussion excitedly and said that Nike also offered him a lot of money, Guan Lijie smiled and said, "Then you three agreed?"

In a word, the trio of Li, Zheng, and Guo raised their middle fingers at him, all with both hands!

Ordinary celebrities, faced with the temptation of such international brands to spend crazy money on you, can't help but kneel down and surrender. The worst they can do is break the contract and betray the original company.

In ATV F4, Zheng Yijian's father is an ordinary working family and his mother is unemployed. He also has an older brother and sister, all three of whom are at school age.

You can imagine what his situation was like before, a grown man raising three children in school.

Aaron Kwok is slightly better. He opened a small shop at home and has five brothers and sisters...

When a big boy from an ordinary citizen background meets an international big name, he will pay you tens of millions, eight million or something like that? ? Can you resist it? ?

After Guan Lijie received a few middle fingers, he coughed and said seriously, "I'm a few years older than you three, and I'm the first to get to know Mr. Zhao. Take my advice and don't betray. None of you can afford the consequences." .”

"And the treatment that Mr. Zhao gave us is super good! You should all be grateful that Mr. Zhao is in the industry in Hong Kong. Otherwise, if Brother Fa went to TVB to film a TV series, a movie would only cost tens of thousands of yuan."

"Before the broadcast of Meteor Garden, our personal beer, beverages, black tea, instant noodles, etc. had already been produced, and they were sold under the surnames Wanjia and Baijia as soon as the broadcast started."

"I asked. Since the show started, I have accumulated more than one million Hong Kong dollars in revenue from my personal fast-selling products. It was only a month, and they called me around the 10th!"

The income of more than one million yuan is equivalent to selling more than 10 million cans of strong beer or Jianlibao in a month.

"And as Meteor Garden starts broadcasting in other places, when we become popular in other markets, we will make more money selling goods, and Meteor Garden will be re-broadcast..."

"On the contrary, if we agree to those big-name advertising endorsements, we will really be in trouble. In every sense of the word, they may not give us all the money. No matter how much we talk, we will give you a deposit first. What can you do if I don’t get the balance after what you did?”

"Zhao Sheng is the most fair in doing things."

Ajie is about to turn 23. Faced with three younger brothers who are 17, 18 or 19 years old, he still has the responsibility of being the boss.

He played the original third child in F4, but he is the oldest and most experienced in the film and television industry. He also helped to teach the other three's acting skills on the set.

Li Ming thought for a while and nodded, "I have also been notified that my endorsement income last month was 2 million Hong Kong dollars, which was more than my dad made from business last month. And to be honest, I have been waiting for a few months. , we will not only earn more.”

"A combination like ours can be replaced by new people at any time. Zhao Sheng created a crew at will. If Director Wang and the others take their time filming...it will probably be completed in a month or two."

The four handsome boys have similar academic qualifications, which is equivalent to graduating from middle school or dropping out of school. However, Li Ming is a rich second generation and has a far-sighted vision than the other three. At this stage, he can see further.

Talking and talking.

There was a knock on the door, and without waiting for their response, Wang Jing, Chen Musheng, and Mei Xiaoqing pushed the door open. The three of them greeted F4 with a smile.

Still Lao Wang said with a smile, "Four beauties, what are you whispering about? Forget it, I won't say that much anymore, the new idol drama is here."

"Two plays, four male protagonists, shot separately."

"Everyone read the script and find the corresponding characters. Based on your performance, we will decide who will be the biggest male lead in the next movie, who will be the second male lead, etc..."

"After watching it, I will prepare for ten and a half months and start filming."

Lao Wang now really feels that the idol drama market has great potential!

Not to mention that he started filming with a salary of 200,000 yuan and received a red envelope of 1 million yuan afterwards. Look at F4's ability to sell goods and make money. Nima has directly risen to the level of a star like Ah Fa and Wan Ziliang, who have exploded in box office and word-of-mouth.

This is quite embarrassing!

Bullying him that fat guy Jing is not handsome, right?

As for the new drama, it is not a sequel to Meteor Garden, but a brand new idol drama.

Zhao Donghuai threw in two outlines, which were real outlines, just set up, and asked Wang Jing and others to fill in the details. One was the outline of Blue Life and Death Love, and the other was the outline of the sequel Winter Sonata.

Then the domineering boss, the warm-hearted man and the dog-licking No. 2, car accidents, abortions, amnesia, and terminal illnesses all come together.

Fatty Jingxin was trembling when he was expanding the book and filling in the details. He suppressed the bloody feeling and continued to edit it. Later, he thought about it, maybe after the big bang, there would be a new big red envelope, a million-level red envelope. Red envelope?

Thinking of Qianqian, Director Wang killed people and killed Buddhas!

The same goes for Mei Xiaoqing and Chen Musheng over there. Mei Xiaoqing serves as the producer of two dramas, while Xiao Chen and Lao Wang each direct a crew.

As for preparations, starting up the movie, etc., only by taking the high-quality route of Meteor Garden last time can we have a chance to explode like Meteor Garden. For the sake of money, Wang Jing doesn’t mind filming slowly.

Wait for the script to be released, send it, and quickly browse it with F4...

Sit in rows and divide the fruits!

As for the actress? There are so many. Even if Zhang Min quits the idol drama track, Zhou Haimei can still be recruited at any time, and Xiao Yingying, Li Meixian, Wu Wanfang, Chen Yalun, Ye Yuqing and others can also come up at any time.

While everyone was discussing in full swing, another person pushed open the office door and came in. It was Li Zhuanglie, the director of ATV. Director Li glanced at the crowd with mixed emotions before coughing lightly, "A Ming, there is a wealthy lady from an island country who wants to I’ll give you 1 million Hong Kong dollars to treat you to dinner.”

"I asked Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhao said the old rule is that you refuse first, and then call to say thank you, just like the actresses like Xiao Yingying and Wang Zuxian who came out of the (campaign for Modern Diao Chan) program."

"Try to get these rich and wealthy fans to increase your purchasing power."

"If someone really did that, the woman would have spent a lot of money. You can take time to have a meal with him, have a serious meal, chat, take photos and sign autographs, etc., and get closer to your super fans, without any involvement. On the third route, there will be an agent and security team accompanying you."

Li Ming was shocked and confused.

Someone spent 1 million Hong Kong dollars to treat him to dinner? Good guy, this level of shock is almost the same as when Xiao Yingying, Wang Zuxian and others were pursued by Hong Kong rich men.

Has he become so valuable without knowing it? Earning two million Hong Kong dollars a month from selling goods is one kind of stimulation, but having someone treat him to dinner for one million Hong Kong dollars is another kind of stimulation.

Guan Lijie was also shocked, "No, I'm not uglier than A Ming. Why is no one inviting me to dinner?"

No one paid attention to Guan Lijie's question. When Li Ming looked at Wang Jing, Fatty Jing smiled and cursed, "What do you think I'm going to do? Why don't you call him quickly to refuse, and then thank him?"

"If we can stabilize the group of rich fans, one of them can have as much purchasing power as hundreds or thousands of your student fans. Besides, young women from the island country...what are you embarrassed about? Hehehe~"

Fatty Jing's smile became more and more wild as he talked.

Ah Ming is not a girl who easily suffers. He is an 18-year-old boy. When he met a rich woman from an island country who was empty, lonely and cold, he would have fallen in love with Lao Wang a long time ago.

Then Wang Jing started to sigh again. He had to go to Axejun's place in East Point to talk to some young ladies about his life ideals. He was obviously so talented, and he was also one of the main directors of (Meteor Garden). Why did the movie fans outside Just look at appearance.


December 1984.

"Prison Storm" has been fully released in Zhao's Cinemas in Hong Kong. In just 12 days, it has already achieved a total box office of 15 million. According to the trend, this is another big movie in the range of 20 to 25 million.

Brothers Lam Lingdong and Lam Lingnan, together with Leung Ka-fai, Chow Yun-fat, Tsui Kam-kong and others, once again contributed a good new film to Hong Kong movie fans.

Zhao Donghuai also returned from the mainland by car.

The super-body shoot is finished and completely wrapped!

Thinking about this movie, it's really a big deal. Zhu Jiaxin was recruited to work on the special effects team in mid-July, and the super-body project was launched in late August. It has been nearly four months since the filming.

This is just the filming period, the post-production special effects... it will probably be completed around May or June of 1985. Fortunately, there is Galaxy 1 supercomputer. According to the current situation, the special effects of super body have a chance to surpass Terminator 1.

Once the sci-fi blockbuster is done well and the team has been trained, there will be something to be done in the future.

When Zhao Donghuai, Qiu Shuzhen, and Zhang Min arrived at the Zhao Films Building, they saw Xu Ke, Shi Nansheng, Zhang Guorong, Wang Zuxian, Tan Yonglin and others waiting for them.

As soon as they met, Zhang Guorong and Tan Yonglin came over in surprise and exchanged warm greetings, "Zhao Sheng, thank you so much. I have sold almost two to three million copies of the What I have Done single around the world. Thank you so much!" "

At the beginning of September, Alan Tan was given a powerful rock song by Linkin Park. He actually reunited the Wenner band for a while and recorded a solo version of Principal Tan and a duet version of Wenner.

It went on sale in October and lasted until mid-December. The album has sold more than two million singles, which is very strong!

At this stage, he is also signed with Zhao, and has all the film, television and song contracts.

Tan Zhang's struggle for hegemony... still exists.

But these are some big singers who are now leading fans to buy personal endorsement products every day!

Spending money to buy things proves your influence. This is much more comfortable than the original version of Tan and Zhang's fight for supremacy, where thousands of fans fought each other on the streets.

In addition to these few, Zhou Huimin's 13-song album is also on sale. It has sold millions of copies in one month, which is much better than Tan Yonglin's single.

That big album was priced at 120 Hong Kong dollars. Zhou Huimin took 10 HKD for every album sold. More than 500,000 copies were sold in Hong Kong. With ten platinum records, Amin shared more than 5 million in Hong Kong, but Mr. Zhao still made the profit. most.

His net profit from one album was more than 80 yuan, with more than 500,000 copies, and the revenue in Hong Kong was 40 million Hong Kong dollars.

Other places have to share more than half of the profits with other record giants and retailers, but still have a net profit of more than 20 yuan per record.

With more than 3 million records, Amin still earned 10 yuan per album, making a profit of more than 30 million, and Director Zhao made a profit of 60 million. This big album is equivalent to two people earning 100 million Hong Kong dollars!

This was still only sold for a month.

Zhao Donghuai used the profits from the recording industry to repay loans. After all, in the early days of Wanjia's development, he really used real estate loans. He borrowed a lot of money from the Chen family's Hong Kong Commercial Bank. He also used loans to buy ATV. , now the record profits are used to repay the loan.

Zhou Huimin can repay a lot with just one big album!

No way, courage, fairy tale, wishful thinking, Say You Say Me, Love To Tell.

Lovers Are Not Full plus Brown Eyes, Dream Chaser, You Are Not Alone (You Are Not Alone), multiple solo and chorus versions.

Various classic representative songs by Michael Jackson and Madonna have been plagiarized.

This big album that Zhao Donghuai worked hard to create has too many issues. Amin's current status in the music industry is that of the most awesome diva in Hong Kong. No female singer can compete with her.

What is the next level?

For Tan Yonglin and Liu Dehua's singles and multi-song albums, the entire profit chain is also to repay the loan first.

As for Tan Yonglin now appearing on the set of A Chinese Ghost Story? That's when the principal also came to make a guest appearance. He now has a very close relationship with Zhang Guorong.

What I have Done, a masterpiece that hit Europe and the United States, was requested by Zhang Guorong after he returned to Hong Kong.

Tan Yonglin plays the Xiahou swordsman!

It's not that Lin Wei's performance in the original version was bad, it's just that Tan Yonglin's music scene exploded again and reached a new level. With a superstar like him starring alongside Zhang Guorong... the fan-drawing effect can be stretched to the limit.

They are still talking here.

Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min stared at Wang Zuxian without saying a word, which made the little Xian feel uncomfortable. Then Azhen explained, "Don't get me wrong, we just think you are really tall..."

Azhen looked at Zhang Guorong again, "How do you coordinate your acting? Put your feet on the ground and turn your head?"

Wang Zuxian was a little internally injured.

After a while, the crowd moved to the screening room. Xu Ke wanted to watch A Chinese Ghost Story in early August. It was already December 12, and he couldn't wait for it, but it was also a good time.

Christmas and New Year's Day stalls are both great.

A more exciting movie, mainly because the special effects were given to Zhu Jiaxin's team to improve a bit, and the special effects are stronger and better than the original version.

Zhao Donghuai was the first to applaud, "Yes, it's a beautiful shot. Lao Xu, you two just wait to collect the money."

Xu Ke was smiling and extremely excited. After being polite, he said curiously, "Sheng Zhao, there are really super computers at the special effects base doing special effects. This is so cool. Do you think I can make another Shushan Swordsman?" ??”

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "It's not impossible, but the cost is hard to calculate..."

Xu Ke said hurriedly, "Zhao Sheng, your super body is also science fiction. How much did it cost?"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Shuzhen came over and said excitedly, "You mean the cost of a super body? Wow, the Japan Airlines Hotel Group and Sony Group in the island country paid their bosses 300 million Hong Kong dollars in protection fees!"

"There are also about 50 million investments from various advertising sponsors, which is equivalent to more than 40 million US dollars."

Xu Ke was directly injured internally, autistic, and could not be cured!

Including Zhang Guorong, Tan Yonglin, Wang Zuxian and others who had just come over, they also looked at Zhao Sheng as if they were looking at heaven.

Even if it’s not the first day everyone knows about this, they’ve known about it for a long time, and it still shocks people into confusion when it’s mentioned again.

Whose director can make a science fiction film and extort hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in protection fees from Fortune 500 companies? ? The other party begged you to accept it!

Even Hollywood giants can’t do it? !

Azhen said excitedly again, "Sister Monica received 40 million Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to 5 million U.S. dollars in salary. She is at the peak of her career after her debut and is the number one actress in Hong Kong."

Zhang Guorong glared at Azhen and went to get cigarettes silently. From March to December, his annual income from selling goods had exceeded HK$50 million.

But I am still stunned by Monica Bellucci's magical income-generating power.

After the crowd chatted for a while, and it was decided that a full-line screening of A Chinese Ghost Story would be held on December 23, Xu Ke and others were almost ready to leave.

But as soon as Azhen and Amin started working, they saw Wang Jing and Chen Musheng coming to kill them.

The two have been preparing for more than a week and can officially start working on Blue Life and Death Love and Winter Sonata.

After coming in and being polite, the fat boy Jing Can smiled and said, "Zhao Sheng, do you want to let us go for a show? We'll have to collect another protection fee before we can officially start filming?"

Zhao Donghuai hit Wang Jing with a paper ball in disgust, "You can't put it another way, making us act like a club, which is advertising sponsorship!"

"But it's okay to let some wind blow and let the wind blow for a while."


After a hard day's study, Chen Hong and Gong Li ran out of the ATV training class holding hands and were about to go shopping at Wanjia.

As soon as I got out of the ATV, I saw a car approaching. When the bodyguard forced the car to stop, a middle-aged man from an island nation came down from the car. A few meters away, he walked over with a bow and said, "Ms. Chen, here is 1 million Hong Kong dollars. I hope you can pass it on." Give it to Zhao Sheng."

"This 1 million is just for the sake of it. Please make sure he doesn't hack our Toyota in the new big TV idol drama..."

"There is also a check of one hundred thousand here, which is for your labor."

Chen Hong looked at the middle-aged man, then looked around, with question marks and exclamation marks on his face, although this was not the first time he had experienced this.

After exclaiming, she accepted the check and said, "Okay, I will tell the boss."

After the people from Toyota left and Chen Hong and Gong Li got into the car driven by the female bodyguard, she whispered, "Hey, what's going on with these island guys?"

"You gave me so much money before, this..."

"I explained it to my parents many times on the phone, but they just didn't believe that someone would kneel down and cry, begging me to collect money... I'm even worried about what I will do if I go home for the Spring Festival this year."

Gong Li was extremely speechless, "Hey, stop showing off, you're almost going to break my defense."

Occasionally, I hear Zhao Donghuai talk about some new vocabulary from time to time, and everyone is very active in following suit.

In the past, Gong Li always thought that she was a great beauty, a super beauty. As long as there was a suitable stage, she would definitely be the most dazzling princess or queen.

But since I joined the Zhao family, I have been stimulated many times in the past six months or so.

Forgetting all the famous beauties who are prettier than her, Chen Hong, who joined the Zhao family together with her, can make countless men and women dazzle with her looks.

Normal people vote with their hearts and eyes.

The last time Sony gave money to Hong in the island country, it was 1.5 million to Hong, and she only received 100,000. This time Toyota paid protection fees and also gave Hong 100,000 for running errands. She was simply ignored in a gorgeous way.

A trace of pride flashed in Chen Hong's eyes, but she still laughed softly and said, "Hey, do you think the boss is interested in me?"

In fact, she felt that if her popularity hadn't been too low and her quality level was absolutely inferior to Zhou Huimin's, she wouldn't have lost the last time she ran for Modern Diao Chan.

In a dozen days' New Year's Day, she will be 17 years old.

Amin, the eldest sister, felt that she had the ability to secure her position in the palace, but Ah Hong felt that she had no hope of stealing the house.

Gong Li rolled her eyes wildly and didn't want to talk to her. If she continued like this, she would consider breaking off the relationship with Ah Hong temporarily, but then she still said, "Work hard, look at Sister Min, a big album has earned more than 35 million, this is not the end yet." For sale.”

"She also bought several villas near her boss's Repulse Bay villa. It seems she wants to surround that area."

"If she knows that you want to steal your home, then if you want to see the boss in the future, be careful of being blocked!"

After arriving in Hong Kong at the end of April, professional teachers first taught her and Chen Hong acting, lines, and singing skills.

Later, they would occasionally go to ATV training classes to experience the feeling of the whole class being taught by the teacher together.

There is no long vacation like summer or winter vacation...just weekends off.

While the two sisters were chatting, the four-car group was forced to stop. Then Matt, the president of Keke in Greater China, got out of the car, bowed and apologized, and took out two checks and handed them to Chen Hong.

One is for Zhao Donghuai, 3 million, and the other is Chen Hong's errand fee, 300,000! We must request that in the new big idol drama market, we don’t criticize them anymore.

So much time has passed, and with Meteor Garden becoming popular in other places, the destructive power is simply incredible!

I don’t know how many big brands have been hacked into shit.

Wang Jing and Chen Musheng, with F4 split into two teams, will launch two new idol dramas to take over Meteor Garden? ? fall!

Even if Matt feels that his career has never been so humiliating, he still has to pay the protection fee. He doesn't expect the other party to promote them in TV series. That's unrealistic.

However, not being hacked again is a victory!

How about you go to Heihei Pepsi? But I can't stand this kind of abuse.

In fact, Matt had already thought about resigning, but the headquarters did not approve it.

The feeling at the headquarters is that in the face of the various unscrupulous advertising methods of an Asian local snake like Zhao Donghuai, it is impossible to change people.

Instead of doing this, let's ask Matt to bear this shame first, and wait until one day he has the strength to handle brands such as Zhao Donghuai, Jianlibao, and Tianfu Cola, and then replace him.

Yes, during this period, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's presence in the Asian market was far inferior to that of Tianfu Cola, Laoshan Cola, etc., which had gone through Wanjia and Baijia chains through normal channels.

When Coca-Cola and Pepsi entered the mainland market in the early 1980s, they were beaten down by the Coca-Cola crowd. Now when they come out and take advantage of Zhao Donghuai's success, they quickly surpassed Coca-Cola, whether in Hong Kong Island, Haojiang, or Benzhou. , all exceeded.

It's mid-December, and the Baijiasing 24-hour chain has opened more than 100 branches in Benbei. There are more than 100 branches in other cities outside of Benbei, which is almost 300 stores.

Still relying on various celebrities and movie stars from Wanwan to bring goods, as well as the calls of Zhang Guorong and Tan Yonglin, the 711 convenience store jointly owned by Li Chao and Tongyin was defeated steadily.

With its own final retail end, the scene will be exciting.

After Matt handed over the check and walked away, the crew still didn't drive to Wanjia. Chen Hong encountered the president of Nike Asia Pacific blocking the way again, and the president of Converse Asia Pacific blocked the way...

Chen Hong was so excited that she stopped going to the mall and went home directly to change her clothes before going to Zhao's to find Zhao Donghuai.

There was no suitable reason before, and she was too embarrassed to find it. If Sister Min found out, she would be in trouble. What an honest opportunity was this now? ?

A few hours later.

In the past few hours, I arrived at Zhao's, waited for a while, and then shamelessly had a meal. During this period, Ah Hong also said good things to several brands and acted cute.

It's not that she has a sense of responsibility and works hard after receiving money... but that she takes the opportunity to brush her face and say good things for those brands just to stay in front of Zhao Sheng for a while. This is an honest and upright reason. Zhou Huimin couldn't fault it.

It was past ten o'clock at night, and when she got home, she thought about it and took a long distance back to her hometown. "Mom, I made another six to seven million Hong Kong dollars today. Seriously, it was because others blocked my way and begged me to accept it..."

"Don't believe it, I'm telling the truth..."

"Forget it, I won't go back during the Spring Festival this year."

After hanging up the phone, she felt very powerless. It was really true. She was not the only one who would encounter this kind of thing. I heard that pornographic directors who were also from the mainland also took in a lot of money.

Teacher Ji Chunhua was injured by the explosion of the Sony Walkman. She earned 5 million Hong Kong dollars, which was much more than her. It was still accepted by Sony's popular teacher Qiu Ji.

This is the fact, but her parents have never believed it, and they still speculated whether she was given to Zhao Donghuai...

In the Mainland, how rich Zhao Sheng is is the subject of countless discussions and the most intense discussions.

Not to mention other things, hundreds of key members of the Pan Asia Group earn a monthly salary of 5,000 or even tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. The crew of Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions were robbed of more than 30 million yuan, and Shangmei Film Studio took 25 million yuan.

Zhao Sheng's joint venture factories are everywhere from eastern Guangdong to mountain cities, from Fujian Province to Tianjin.

Many powerful and powerful people have been cooperating to sell car glass.

Zhao Donghuai's Donghuai Building, like Yifu Building, was built in eastern Guangdong. The business of car glass and waste paper continued, and the money for charity came out. He no longer expected to use those two items to earn Hong Kong dollars in the mainland.

Just maintain his various investments and charitable actions.

Zhao Donghuai is the richest person in Hong Kong Island who is best known to people from all walks of life in the mainland since 1984. Countless people have discussed whether he is the richest man in Hong Kong Island. Is he worth billions or tens of billions? ? No, it should be tens of billions.

After all, Zhao Donghuai bought a stake in Hong Kong Electric and spent 5 billion to acquire 51% of the shares. It is now a 10-billion-dollar group!

What Chen Hong's parents mean is, has their daughter grown up? If she can become the girlfriend of the richest man in Hong Kong Island, even one of his girlfriends, it would be a great thing. It would also be a great thing for someone to give them tens of millions in pocket money. .

In the Mainland these days, whoever has overseas Chinese relatives is the envy of people from all over the country.

But Ah Hong was good. She said every day that there were foreigners whom she didn’t know at all, and people from large island countries sent people to kneel down and beg her to collect money... wasn’t this nonsense?


a new day.

Zhao Donghuai arrived at Zhao's Film Building and saw a group of people ranging from 20 to 40 or 50 in a conference room. He smiled and said, "Welcome to Hong Kong, everyone. I am here this time just to ask you to give me Working together to create a big project.”

Having said that, without too much politeness, he arrived at the big blackboard at the front of the conference room and wrote the name Jurassic Park.

This group of people is composed of more than a dozen science fiction writers from the mainland.

There are also more than a dozen experts in various fields invited from the University of Hong Kong and the mainland. Before the term expert was coined, this group of experts he invited was still very powerful.

Jurassic Park is a novel published by Michael Crichton in 1990. It was an extremely best-seller and soon caused several Hollywood giants to compete for adaptation.

Perhaps in history, before it was officially published, such as in the early 1980s, Michael would say that he had already had similar ideas and ideas...

But as long as Zhao Donghuai's team publishes it in 1985, sells it for free or at a low price, hypes up the concept, and produces the movie in advance, it will be fine!

Just like Super Body, the original director also claimed when the movie was announced that he had the idea for the story of Super Body ten years ago, but it took until 2014 to finalize it.

But what about the announcement? There has been discussion about whether it is true or not. Sony is still claiming to the world that their Walkman is the best in the world. There is no such thing as a Walkman that can explode. This is also propaganda.

Whether Bawang shampoo can really cause cancer is also discussed and hotly debated.

It took a full year. Many teachers came from other writing fields and were involved in the field of science fiction. However, after one year, many of them have colleagues who can help you brainstorm ideas, provide opinions, etc. when writing.

One year of practice.

Zhao Donghuai only needs to determine the theme and general development route of the Jurassic Park trilogy, and then he can adapt the novel.

He even wrote the script for the first part of Jurassic Park. The whole script, including the scenes, is used as a reference. What are you afraid of? Together, more than 30 experts and writers can't come up with a passing novel?

That's ridiculous.

"In the past, best-selling novels were transformed into movies and TV series. I first published the script, and then published the novel of the same name to popularize the concept of dinosaur fever. I can't give you the creative copyright, so I will ask teachers to jointly adapt it. , one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars per person as hard work fee."

"I will be responsible for food, clothing, housing and transportation during my stay in Hong Kong!"

“I hope you all have a pleasant cooperation!”

More than 30 teachers and experts all applauded together, full of motivation and wanting to do things. Director Zhao is a great person.

This version has all the sub-shots, lines and so on.

Copying and adapting a novel? That's similar to Liu Heping copying history books to write Liu Xiu's legend.

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