Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 132: Rushing to buy Marvel and taking advantage of others

After finishing the adaptation of Jurassic Park, Zhao Donghuai arrived in the office and quickly called Monica Bellucci.

When Monica came over and bit him, she said in Mandarin, "Brother Huai, do you need me for anything?"

After more than four months of study, Monica has been able to achieve the simplest daily communication in Mandarin. After all, the depth and intensity of learning are relatively intense, not to mention her language talent is not bad.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "I want you to help me acquire a company in North America, including daily management. Isn't your godfather a mafia? He also has many friends in North America. I can ask him to help."

Monica asked curiously, "What company?"

Director Zhao smiled brightly and said, "Marvel Comics."

In its original trajectory, Marvel was resold several times. In 1986, it was acquired by New World Films for $46 million. If others could acquire it, so could Zhao Donghuai.

As a Hong Kong Chinese, he may encounter a lot of trouble when doing this, but there is also Monica, and the Italian Mafia also has considerable influence in North America.

If you choose this card in advance, you can play it.

Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and the X-Men are all under control. It doesn’t matter whether Zhao shoots them or not. If they don’t give him enough benefits, then other Hollywood giants will not be allowed to shoot them.

If Marvel can be won with less than 400 million Hong Kong dollars, then various mainland cartoonists will be sent to learn from it... There will be many ways to play and it will be huge.

Monica blinked. She didn't understand comics at all, but she just had to do what the man told her. This was an Oriental tycoon who could completely conquer her body and mind.

She asked curiously, "What are you planning to make in your next movie?"

Director Zhao shook his head, "I haven't decided yet, but early next year I will promote book publishing."

We have recruited a team of writers. After they finish writing Jurassic Park, which is adapted from the movie script, will there be another Matrix series adapted from the movie script? ?

An Avatar novel adapted from a movie script? ? Titanic? Resident Evil series movie scripts adapted from novels? ?

Regardless of whether these dramas will be created ten or twenty years later when the technology can keep up with them, or whether Zhao Donghuai will direct them himself.

Even if he invites James Cameron to direct Titanic and Avatar, it will still be a big copyright within the Zhao Film Group.

Zhao's Pictures and the Hong Kong film and television industry can rely on these and no longer collapse so easily.

If you have all Marvel and these series in your hands, that would be a good thing. There will be no shortage of blockbusters in the next thirty years.

Thinking of this, he asked again, "Should you consider getting an American green card?"

If Monica Bellucci is naturalized in North America, there will be many things that can be done. Not to mention a certain star running for the position of commander-in-chief, that is too unrealistic.

However, after years of operation, there is still hope to turn Monica into a person with a certain degree of influence in the Los Angeles council system.

Zhao Donghuai's capital size is getting larger and larger. If he has capital to support it, he hopes to succeed.

Just send a professional team to train Monica. Once you establish a foothold in Los Angeles, you can invade Hollywood.

But this goal is really a long-term goal. To naturalize in North America, you need to obtain a green card for five years, and to run for Congress, you need to live there for ten years and so on...

Monica was confused for a few seconds, then nodded, "You can arrange whatever you want."

Even if she goes to Tokyo to do a super-body shoot, she can receive an additional income of 40 million Hong Kong dollars. It's incredible. Zhao Donghuai is indeed fully supporting her in the music and film circles.

Several English songs she sang with Laura Fangna and Zhou Huimin became a global sensation... In North America and the European world, she is only one of the chorus members and has not yet recorded her own solo single.

She is still more popular than Amin in the white world!

She is a popular singer. She has already become popular in the white world with her few English songs. She does not have to wait for Super Body to be released in half a year.

Thinking of this, Monica smiled and said, "If you want to make a big move in Hollywood, not only can you operate me, Laura can also join you."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless.

He's not such a playboy...well, this is a bit of a statement.

But he has never touched Laura. If he operates her like that, there is a great risk of losing control. Once she loses control, it will be over.

Also, he chose to recommend Monica, because this Italian football player has excellent qualifications and can learn multiple languages. She is not bad in any field, as long as she seriously learns how to become a white road boss in Amei's family. , if you understand political correctness, there is hope.

Where's Laura Fonna? The potential in this area is hard to say.

Take Guan Jiahui again, if you want to praise her, even if you immigrate to Amei and become a naturalized citizen now, does she have that potential? How can He Qing have that potential? ?

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhao Donghuai discovered that to operate this routine, it would be better to choose a star born and raised in North America for easier operation.

There are almost no restrictions on nationality and years of residence.

But he has no one to choose for the time being, and he doesn't know who to favor... Let's get Monica's green card first, which can be a start on this matter.

In this case, Pan Asia Group's business will have to expand first.


Send Monica away.

Zhao Donghuai received news again that Mr. Huang was here, Huang Sheng, who sold 1 million pairs of Hantianxia Liuxiu shoes at a price of 300 Hong Kong dollars in August.

From that business, Zhao Donghuai recorded a profit of HK$150 million.

Waiting for Mr. Huang to come in, he clasped his hands and bowed with laughter, "Sheng Zhao, I'm here to give you money. If the price is still the same as before, including Diaochan women's shoes, I want 3 million pairs, including Ms. Zhou Huimin's personal silhouette women's shoes. One million pairs.”

3 million pairs, which is another 450 million Hong Kong dollars!

Zhao Donghuai laughed and threw a cigar over, "It seems like things are going well."

When he took over Hong Kong Electric, Power Beer and Jianlibao contributed the bulk of the capital chain, and those two products earned more than 3 billion in profit.

Other Wanjia instant noodles, iced black tea, green tea, mineral water, including the shoe industry, have only saved a total of more than 3 billion.

It will take time for the latter to fully develop!

The accumulation up to now is considered to have entered a period of explosion.

Huang Sheng's smile became even brighter, "Yes, Ms. Zhou not only won the last contest on the Modern Diao Chan show and gained great popularity, her last big album sold more than 3 million copies. She is also popular in Wanwan and has countless fans... …”

"But for women's shoes, in addition to Ms. Zhou, I also want 200,000 pairs each for Lin Qingxia and Hu Huizhong, and 50,000 pairs each for Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying."

"Tsk, Han Tianxia Brand can now compete with Nike and Converse, thanks to Meteor Garden! Each of F4 has 200,000 pairs, Andy Lau and Zhang Guorong have 200,000 pairs, and Cheng Long and Lin Zhengying have 150,000 pairs."

Zhao Donghuai nodded and called to place the order.

One million pairs at a time, Amin can draw another 10 million Hong Kong dollars in dividends this time!

He also didn't expect that in terms of shoe delivery, F4 personal style has surpassed Cheng Long and A Ying? ? This is really...

For this kind of goods, Mr. Huang also gives a 30% deposit, and then pays the balance when the goods arrive. The checkout is a big cycle. The sales system of Wanwan is different from that of Hong Kong Island. Thousands of supermarkets in Hong Kong can return goods at any time, but Wanwan does not have such a return channel.

It can only be said that this transaction allows the stars to know first how much money they will pocket after a period of time. Mr. Huang also made a lot of money. Last time he mortgaged his property and took out a loan, he settled on 1 million pairs. This time, it tripled!

Mr. Huang has just left, and buyers from island countries have also arrived. The province with a population of more than 20 million can buy 3 million pairs at a time.

The island country has a population of more than 100 million, and the purchasers are also very arrogant. They place orders for 10 million pairs of shoes at a time, both for men and women.

He also told Mr. Zhao that because of the popularity of Meteor Garden, island countries have begun to start a trend of learning Chinese, with follow-up reactions like the original Meteor Garden.

Zhao Donghuai has given away 200 yuan of profit. He earned 350 yuan on a pair of shoes in his hometown, but now he only earns 150 yuan by transferring it to buyers from all parties...

But if an island country has 10 million pairs, this is another profit of 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars!

Two groups of people, after a transaction, another 2 billion was recorded.

Mainland China will also win. They pay 50 Hong Kong dollars for a pair of shoes. Thirteen million pairs are equivalent to 650 million Hong Kong dollars, which is a discount of more than 80 million US dollars!

This is the Han Tianxia series of overtaking in corners, which is much wilder than iced black tea, green tea, Wanjia instant noodles, and mineral water.

However, there is still a big difference between the orders placed by the island country and Wanwan. Among the 10 million pairs of shoes, Monica Bellucci received 1 million pairs, Zhou Huimin only 800,000 pairs, Zhou Haimei 600,000 pairs, and F4 each received 30 Ten thousand pairs, Cheng Long 1 million pairs, and Liu Dehua 1 million pairs.

Guan Jiahui has 500,000 pairs, and He Qing has 300,000 pairs.

wait wait wait.

Monica just sang a few English songs with Amin, and she has automatically gained a large number of fans among various groups in the island country. Her white identity has great advantages.

There are even many albums from the island country that are sold with full-body photos of Monica on them.

Even the heroine of Meteor Garden, Zhou Haimei, has exploded in popularity in the island country, catching up with Amin.

After seeing this one off, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but sigh a few times. He picked up the phone and called the mainland mother, "Do you want to make a TV series? You have already filmed Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions, so hurry up and make Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

"Short of money or something, I'll invest! I'll invest 30 million yuan first, and the crew will start it!"

What are you waiting for? Are you waiting until the mid-1990s to watch the Three Kingdoms? ? Brand! Han Tianxia can fully invest in the Three Kingdoms brand.

This is all money!

He called the Hantianxia Shoe Factory in Yangcheng again and asked about their production pressure...Yangcheng said everything was fine.

Not to mention that the current order of 13 million pairs of shoes can be completed within a month or two, and there will be no problem with orders of tens of millions more.

Expansion and merging factories, just opening branches!

This kind of foreign exchange earning power can drive countless people crazy!

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms will be finished next year, and they will start working on the personal funds of the Three Kingdoms one after another, and there is still no problem!

With tens of millions of dollars in pockets, getting strong support is really exciting.

Replacing Wanwan as the "shoe capital of the world" in the 1980s is not a big deal.

The amount of foreign exchange earned by Zhao Sheng to Eastern Guangdong in one year is really more than what the whole province can get in the whole year. It feels like it will even double. The mysterious forces will feel that they can't contribute to the development of Zhao Sheng's career. I'm a bit embarrassed that I can't help much.


A few days later.

Zhao Donghuai was at work when he received news that Lin Jianyue was visiting. When he saw this Ayue, Ayue laughed decisively, "Sheng Zhao, I will bid for Kwai Tsing Pier 6 next month. I have secured the qualifications."


Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Money is a small issue. How much do you think it will cost?"

Not to mention the new wave of money from selling shoes, a profit of 2 billion, which was being recorded one after another, and the 30% deposit that was the first to be paid was also quite a lot.

Even when he was working on Hong Kong Electric, he accumulated more than 6 billion in cash flow and only spent 5 billion.

Lin Jianyue said, "If the competition from Li Chao Ren is not fierce, I feel that I can win it for 12.3 billion. If the competition there is fierce, it may cost more than 1.5 billion."

"On the contrary, Charter King will not pay too high a price. Charter King already has several piers in Kwai Tsing, and his piers are not only in Kwai Tsing. Their piers are all over the world, so they will not spend too much in one place. money."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "No problem, just do it and the money will arrive on time."

Lin Jianyue was qualified to bid. If he succeeded, he would not directly transfer it to Zhao Xueyan, but the relevant operations... there were already countless templates in the world.

Regardless of white gloves, black gloves or green gloves, there are common operating modes. Just ask professionals to do it.

Regardless of whether it is HKD 1.2 billion or HKD 1.5 billion, etc., it is not paid in one lump sum. After bidding, it will be invested in the construction of Kwai Tsing Pier 6 over four years.

After talking about business, the exchange was very pleasant. After drinking tea, Ayue complained, "Zhao Sheng, you are not authentic and unscrupulous. You can be a celebrity who can buy hundreds of thousands of jewelry and a house with just a few hundred thousand yuan." .”

"I have been promoted by you and my class has jumped. I spent millions on dinners, but I didn't see anyone and didn't even care. Fortunately, Uncle Six was cheaper..."

"I spent more than 1 million, plus recruiting a crew to hire her as the heroine for a movie, and I managed to get one."

When he said a name, Zhao Donghuai was speechless, ah... Ah Yue and Fatty Jing became Taoist friends? You are really not taboo.

When a fat guy chases a girl in a beautiful scene, he doesn't have much investment.

Now Fatty King is back to direct the second major idol drama, and that guy is still using his rights as a director to cause trouble. Of course, he doesn't dare to touch people from Zhao and ATV, and even the female training class students don't dare to touch him, but he will give him a supporting role Female villain, recruited from TVB...

This is the director's right!

Lin Jianyue's complaints are also correct. Let's talk about Zhou Haimei, who only studied in the training class for a few months and then went to Meteor Garden to play the heroine corresponding to Shancai in the original version. In a short period of time, the second order from the island country was 600,000 pairs of her personal model. Diaochan women's shoes.

This seafood can be divided into 6 million Hong Kong dollars, just wait for two or three months to transfer.

What kind of divine excitement is this?

The two were chatting when Azhen called to report that Hong Yinbao had arrived, bringing with him a beautiful mixed-race girl. When the two came in, Zhao Donghuai felt a little...

He thought the beautiful mixed-race girl Sanmao brought was Gao Lihong or something, but he didn't expect it to be Tong Ling.

Tong Ling, a mixed-race girl, has a much richer flavor than the white ghost girl in Korean red. Just by looking at her appearance, you may feel that she is a pure white girl.

In the original track, after the Five Lucky Stars, the Lucky Star, and the Summer Lucky Star, in the fourth part, the best lucky star directly takes the lead as the heroine, an actress whom Debao strongly supports.

It's a pity that her acting skills were so bad that she couldn't be praised. It wasn't until she crossed over into romantic films that she made a big splash, and then she quit acting.

After coming in, Sanmao first said hello politely, then smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, we have a new girl signed by Debao, she is Tong Ling, do you think there is a chance to join the crew of an idol drama to build up your resume? What if you act in an idol drama first? Make a name for yourself.”

"It will be convenient to act in movies in the future..."

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let her go to the ATV training class to learn more. While studying, she can get involved in some idol dramas. For the two films she is currently directing, she can join in and play a supporting role or a small supporting role first."

Tong Ling was ecstatic, "Thank you, boss! Thank you so much!"

At this stage, there are examples of F4 and Zhou Haimei, but no one thinks that acting in TV is low. Each person in F4 means that each person can earn 5 million Hong Kong dollars by selling shoes in the provinces and island countries, and 600 Hong Kong dollars for seafood in an island country market. Ten thousand!

Steal the bank's profits.

These are just Han Tianxia shoes, plus all kinds of beer, drinks and instant noodles, and the money is really great. The earning power of those guys is much greater than that of Hong Yinbao, the big brother in the film industry.

Of course, San Mao came here this time not just to recommend Tong Ling, but by the way. He then smiled and said, "Zhao Sheng, I plan to start filming the third part of Lucky Star. Who else will I choose as the heroine besides Hu Huizhong?"

Lao Hong is currently very motivated.

The food truck has been discontinued, and it has grossed HK$25 million at the box office, which is higher than the original food truck, because giants such as Procter \u0026 Gamble, Unilever and other giants have used Dark King shampoo and the print media version of the "distribution at about 8:20" hype routine .

It's really eye-catching in this day and age.

The second film Lucky Star Gao Zhao took advantage of the situation and was released in Jiahe Cinema. Before the release, he had negotiated with Zou Wenhuai. The copyright of the Lucky Star series belongs to Jiahe and can be distributed here, but if it is sold out in other places, you have to give it to me in time.

Otherwise, he would come to Zhao's Cinema to distribute it, and let Zhao Donghuai operate it in other places.

Zou Wenhuai could only nod.

Besides, these days, Zou Wenhuai has not only made a fortune by selling out his products in other places, but Bawang Shampoo has also started to become popular thanks to the huge wave of hype and marketing. After a month, Laura Fangna has made a lot of money. , her personal collection sold more than 300,000 bottles.

For 50 cents a bottle, I earned more than 150,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Cheng Long endorsed the island country as the best. After one month of landing, he sold millions of bottles.

Zou Wenhuai earned the most, eight or nine times the total personal income of all celebrities.

He didn't care. After all, he still expected Sanmao and the other brothers to help him film the Lucky Star series. Moreover, Hong Yinbao was also a super-minority shareholder of Wanjia General Merchant, so his status and status were different.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "Let Li Zhi be the new heroine. Follow the rules."

Originally this was Kwan Jiahui's heroine, but Jiahui could no longer look down on such resources. She earned HK$5 million from Han Tianxia Shoes' second major island order.

The new resources are given to Li Zhi’s new little girl Jia Hui.

It's winter now. Isn't it appropriate to call the third part Summer Fortune? Taking pictures of lucky stars in the New Year and lucky stars in winter is just a matter of revising the script.

It's impossible for Li Zhi to show anything for people to see.


Time passes.

Super high-quality schedules such as Christmas, New Year's Day, and Lunar New Year are coming one after another. Zhao's Cinema is also releasing good movies one after another. Prison Storm 1 finally scored 25 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

It was sold out for 25 million Hong Kong dollars in other places. There is no way to sell this to North America and it is worthless.

A Chinese Ghost Story was released on December 23. With the influence of Zhang Guorong and Tam Wing-lin, it made a crazy 27 million yuan at the box office. Wang Zuxian became an instant hit and sold out 30 million yuan in other places!

Xu Ke and his wife made a lot of money. They only shared 49% of the income from other places. After paying taxes, it was still huge.

New World 3 is much wilder. Taking advantage of the halo of the first two works, it was screened one after another until the eve of the Spring Festival, and once again jumped to 31 million levels.

New Year's Day.

It is already February 20, 1985.

When Zhao Donghuai came out of Amin's villa for morning exercise, he couldn't help but sigh that he was attacked by a weak assassin again. During the Chinese New Year last night, Amin was waiting for him in the villa wearing a wedding dress.

He once again disappointed the folks in Dakeng Village and did not stop him.

This Spring Festival should be a short vacation for Guan Jiahui, He Qing, and Monica.

When they arrived outside the villa, Qiu Shuzhen, who was waiting outside, came over and said, "Boss, this is the list of people who called you yesterday to wish you a happy New Year..."

Azhen handed over a thick printed book.

Film and television special effects bases have been developed, and even supercomputers such as Galaxy 1 have been purchased. Zhao's Pictures, including ATV and other groups, has also introduced some computers for office work, as well as typewriters and so on.

Two little secretaries, Ah Zhen and Zhang Min, were among the first people in Hong Kong to be exposed to computers for office work, and they were ahead of the times.

Zhao Donghuai glanced at the thick notebook and asked, "Is there anything else important?"

Azhen smiled and said, "Brother Hua and Leslie didn't forget to call you to wish you a happy New Year before they went on stage to sing Chinese in the Spring Festival Gala. But to be honest, the Spring Festival Gala is really beautiful."

Director Zhao didn’t know when the Spring Festival Gala was introduced to Hong Kong Island, but he had a TV station, so he naturally rushed to get the broadcast rights.

With the Spring Festival Gala, there is no need for ATV stars to hold separate New Year's Eve parties.

"By the way, those teachers and experts have finished writing Jurassic Park 1, which is adapted from the script. Do you want to read it? Or when will it be printed and sold?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I won't watch it because I believe in their level."

This is not just a matter of poor quality, but a matter of adapting a novel with a complete storyboard.

Various experts also perfected the scientific logic of the novel version based on the scientific and technological theories in the movie. The level of this adaptation will not be too bad.

Of course, the Hong Kong version of Jurassic Park is made up of scientists from Hong Kong Island. Some of the most outstanding scientists are Chinese. The miracle of Jurassic Park was replicated on an outlying island in Hong Kong Island. The protagonist group includes white female scientists, and most of them are Chinese.

It took more than two months for a team of more than 30 people to adapt...it was a basic skill to get it done.

"Let's print it all and sell it. On the sixth day of the new year, it will be put up for trial sale in 21 bookstores in Wanjia supermarkets. It will be sold normally and promoted by all-stars... If the sales volume is good, there will be no tricks. If the sales volume is not good, it will be hyped and promoted in various ways."

"The Chinese version and the English version will be published together!"

Azhen nodded and took notes, then asked curiously, "How long will Sister Min be sick this time? Wow, Sister Min is now the most beautiful female star in Hong Kong. Did you help her with makeup?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, stretched out his hand and flicked Azhen's forehead lightly before leaving.


What were the major events in 1985? ?

North America and island nations sign the Plaza Accord.

Before the signing, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen basically fluctuated around 1 U.S. dollar to 250 yen. Just a few years after the signing, the exchange rate in 1987 was 120 yen per U.S. dollar.

The outrageous gap here, the operable mode? ?

To give a simple example, if Zhao Donghuai speculates on foreign exchange... well, he really doesn't understand this aspect, let's not talk about foreign exchange changes.

The stupid way is to convert the Hong Kong dollars in his hand into Japanese yen before the Plaza Accord, hoard 1 billion U.S. dollars, 250 billion yen, and put it in the bank. By 1987, it will become 2 billion U.S. dollars.

But this method is too stupid... 100% profit in two years? Selling waste paper, selling car glass, selling fast-moving consumer goods with celebrities, or making movies, which one doesn't earn hundreds of percent of the profit? ?

After much thought, Zhao Donghuai still felt that he should hire someone to speculate in foreign exchange when the time comes.

If he doesn't understand, he can also ask experts from the mainland for consultation.

It was already late February 1985, and the Kwai Tsing Pier No. 6 prepared by Zhao Donghuai was delivered as scheduled. It was nothing more than another robbery and a cash beast was defeated, and the development and growth momentum was directly cut in half.

Of course, this is Lin Jianyue's white-glove violation of the Hong Kong government. If it cannot be transferred to him directly, it will be a breach of contract. This transfer must have a process and time.

Pier 6 was still under the name of the company run by A Yue. Zhao Guan paid the first sum of money to the Huazitou construction team to start the development and construction of Pier 6.

He provided money, and Huajitou Construction received the money to do things, just to live up to the name of Ayue Company. It will be transferred slowly over time.

Starting today, Zhao's Cinemas will screen Rescue 2 on all lines. This is the first time Monica Bellucci has participated in a major movie with a supporting role.

In it, she plays a North American singer who is touring an island country. She will sing "Live To Tell" originally belonging to Madonna with Laura Fonna on the big stage. It is not the whole song, and it does not have such a long shot.

After this Spring Festival, Zhao Donghuai plans to start filming his next new drama.

He chose a love story with a length of nearly 130 minutes. It was started in the late 1980s and released in the early 1990s. It cost 22 million U.S. dollars and directly made more than 500 million U.S. dollars in the global box office, which is equal to More than 4 billion Hong Kong dollars.

It also hit a box office of 6.1 billion yen in the island country, which was an achievement that had never been achieved by Chinese films before the millennium. The highest Chinese record before the millennium was 3.6 billion yuan for the Shaolin Temple, about 15 million U.S. dollars.

As for the 6.1 billion box office of Rengui, one US dollar is exchanged for 120 yen, which is equivalent to the value of 50 million US dollars!

You can copy it and explode it.

The most difficult part of this film was the special effects of the male protagonist walking through walls and appearing and disappearing. Although the level of special effects in the 21st century was very poor, in 1990 it represented Hollywood's top-notch special effects technology at the time.

It's not as good as Jurassic Park, but it's still next level.

Once Zhu Jiaxin's team has completed the super-body special effects, they can continue to be a ghost. Regardless of whether the original special effects can be achieved, just work hard and don't be afraid of delaying time.

As for the heroine, the first thing he thought of was Monica Bellucci or Laura Fernandez, and then he rejected it.

First of all, there are too many intimate scenes of unresolved love between humans and ghosts. If they were all deleted, it would probably not be able to set up the various sad and sad atmosphere after the death of the male protagonist.

This is a love scene, and the second is to show the special effects of the movie. The special effects of this movie can really train Zhao's special effects team.

But if all the contact between the male and female protagonists in the love scene is deleted, the box office will be greatly affected, not to mention that it is a Chinese male protagonist?

Let’s just talk about the most classic scene in this drama, where the male protagonist is holding the female protagonist and making pottery together, with the soundtrack (an unrestrained melody). Can the classic pottery making be deleted?

If you can't delete it, you can only replace it with a white female star who doesn't care about making intimate scenes.

Monica Bellucci was ruled out as the heroine, firstly because she couldn't film too many intimate scenes, and secondly because of her acting skills... Monica can still stand up to the cold and expressionless scenes of superhuman beings, and the love between humans and ghosts However, her current acting skills are really not good, they are still far from good.

Sophie Marceau is good. It seems that she is in love with a certain director from last year. The 19-year-old French director of The War of the Roses and the 45-year-old director. Can you give me a film appointment? ?

It's best if you can come, it's just an actor from Hong Kong who is cheap, but you can't come...

Also try sending a film appointment to Isabelle Adjani? This is the French Rose of Sophie Marceau's previous generation, and her acting skills are much more impressive than those of Sophie Marceau at this stage.

Now 30 years old is a bit older, but how can I put it, like Zhu Lin is 32 years old, it does not hinder the charm of her daughter's king.

If Isabel Adjani doesn't come.

You have to choose slowly. Demi Moore, the heroine of the original work, is now 23 years old? Director Zhao thought about it, but it was a pity that that guy was attracting fans now. He was just a fellow Taoist, and he would often perform some magical operations in the future.

For example, photos are published on best-selling magazine covers.

Tong Ling, a mixed race who is 70% to 80% white, could also be considered for the role of a white heroine, but that is the future. Her acting skills are too bad and she cannot be supported in the short term.

In Hollywood at this time, he didn't have many familiar choices. He didn't know who to look for, especially if he was afraid of a sudden thunderstorm.

If you can't find a suitable white female lead after much selection, you will have to choose a Chinese actress. Then there will be more choices. Lin Qingxia is a good candidate. Sister Qingxia still has some acting skills, especially in acting. Romance movie.

In this case, should the male lead be given to Tony Leung Ka Fai or Cheung Guorong? The former's acting skills are better, while the latter's popularity in the music industry and box office are strong, which gives them a good job.

The important female supporting role of a black female psychic can be given to Monica Bellucci. This requires changing the character setting. The villain Wan Ziliang or Zhou Runfa? Or get a white man to guest star?

Richard, the foreign killer in the original Summer Fortune, and Jet Binny, who often starred in Cheng Long's movies, can all be tried.

The purpose of filming ghosts like this is to train the special effects team and seize the opportunity first!

But you can ask Monica to cover it (the unrestrained melody) and use it as the theme song of the movie to boost the wave.

The Ghost Story ranks much higher than Titanic among the top 100 love movies of the 20th century. The ratio of investment to total box office is 1:25, making it worthy of being copied.

Let Monica first call and invite Sophie Marceau and Isabelle Adjani during her Spring Festival vacation...

Isn’t it more likely that Adjani will come? That Sophie is passionately in love with the director, so Adjani? She had a son with a French director without getting married. Is the child six years old now? And did you break up with the director? ?

Adjani, who is single with a baby, should be easier to invite.


On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, when the Jurassic Park novel had just been published and was being put into the 21 Wanjia supermarket street bookstores in Hong Kong, Monica smiled and rushed into a certain villa of Zhou Huimin and said, "Brother Huai, it's done."

"Both Sophie Marceau and Adjani said they could give it a try, but there are still differences between the two. Sophie wanted a high salary, while The Lion asked for two million U.S. dollars, and there were various conditions and benefits that had to be determined. , Adjani doesn’t care much about the pay, but she has to read the script before deciding whether to act or not. If the performance is good, it can cost one million dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Sophie Marceau's salary is worth $2 million? ? Nonsense! She just won the Cesar Award for Best Newcomer.

As we all know, in this era of Hollywood, male superstars are paid very high salaries, often costing millions of dollars per movie, but female stars are much cheaper than male stars.

Not to mention the Europa movie, which is a piece of shit compared to Hollywood.

Pay? How much does Laura Fonna cost? Her salary was so high that even Cheng Long would not hire her, and the penalty for changing jobs was only 300,000 U.S. dollars.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then invite Adjani. Although she is 30 years old... she is not old by any means. We will cover her food, clothing, housing and transportation in Hong Kong. If she comes to see the script, even if she is unsuccessful, she will receive a red envelope of US$10,000. "

Adjani's asking price is one million dollars, which is relatively low-key.

At the age of 19, she received a Hollywood Oscar nomination for Best Actress, and also won the title of Best Actress at the Cannes International Film Festival. This is not a nomination, but a real Cannes Best Actress Award.

Gong Li originally won the Venice Best Actress at the age of 27, which was the cornerstone of her career as Gong Huang.

Adjani is 26 years old when she takes the same weight as the Cannes Best Actress.

Sophie Marceau, the César Award for Best Newcomer, Adjani has already won two César Awards for Best Actress. The César Award is relatively unreliable, and it is also one of the highest honorary film awards in France. It is better than Hong Kong these days. The Island Film Awards are more valuable.

With so many titles attached, it is not outrageous for a film to cost around 1 million, but Sophie Marceau is really outrageous. Let her continue the war with the 45-year-old director.

Adjani is not worried about her acting skills, but she is worried about her as a person. It is rumored that she is a bit difficult to get along with. This is a super-personalized actress, so she said that the crew who signed the contract ran away and stopped filming.

Even when I went to perform in an opera, I ran away while performing, claiming to the public that I was too tired.

This was the two consecutive withdrawals from the group in 1983.

In the early 1990s, when I was still at my peak, I fell in love and quit the industry... I helped this director give birth to a baby, and helped that superstar give birth to a baby, but I was dumped repeatedly.

When Gong Li was originally expected to serve as a member of the jury at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1997, Adjani was already the boss and first in the jury, and she also had a lot of weird tricks.

Let's give it a try. I hope she can play the role from beginning to end. According to the situation, she is single and has a child to raise. She has run away several times in 1983. Do she need to pay liquidated damages? Doesn't she have the pressure to support the family?

This is also a strange thing. The guy never chooses commercial blockbusters, but he is attracted to all kinds of heroines with weird personalities. He really doesn't care about the remuneration when choosing movies.

Otherwise, with her good looks and a 19-year-old Oscar-nominated actress, she would be the envy of countless beautiful or handsome faces in the film industry!

And when she was 35 years old, she was no longer nominated, and once again won a North American Oscar for Best Actress.

If he had entered Hollywood at the age of 19 and followed an ordinary path, he would have become a first-line superstar.

If such a movie queen comes back to make a bargain for Zhang Guorong or Liang Jiahui, it's really...forget it, Director Zhao won't suffer, he still doesn't like this kind of older aunts with children with strange personalities.

It is a serious business cooperation, to complete the big project of "The End of the World", and to use the other party's various halo resumes, hoping to vigorously enter the North American and European markets. Besides, it is also a real person who promotes Monica.

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