Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 135 Start with 40 episodes of the masterpiece Journey to the West

Pascual Bellucci and Maldini both felt that what Monica said was too exaggerated. They were silent for a while and looked at the few island guys who were still kneeling to negotiate terms with Zhao Sheng.

Pascual asked curiously, "Why don't you give us a few examples?"

Monica glanced at Zhao Donghuai and smiled, "For example, big stars are easily controlled by associations to shoot movies and launder money. Do you understand this?"

Maldini nodded, of course he understood. Although there are not many such things as profiteering, it is not uncommon in North America.

Monica smiled and said, "Brother Huai likes to hide the news after signing a big star, and send the star to wander around the club's residence. Once those clubs dare to catch the star, then... they will directly take over the other party's lair. No matter what happens when acting in the future, A racing scene with a high probability of death can be used by those in the community to try it out."

"For various movie scenes that may cause disability, if the actors are not good at acting, people from the society can be used as stand-ins to actually shoot them."

Got this.

Maldini looked at Pascual again and asked curiously, "Well, aren't you afraid of the society's revenge?"

Monica's smile was bright and exaggerated, as if she had heard something very funny, "Godfather, you don't understand. Brother Huai's security group has hundreds of elites who have been on real battlefields."

"When necessary..."

Maldini took a long breath of air-conditioning and was frightened. He felt that the Chinese and the current China were very backward and rustic, like poor people in the third world, but the fighting power of the Chinese? That is far beyond what Italians can compare to.

How many hundreds of people did this Nima show up on? ? Who are you scaring?

After taking a long breath of air-conditioning, he said in disbelief, "Will the Hong Kong government allow it??"

Monica smiled again, "No matter what they think, Brother Huai's group is there anyway. By the way, Godfather, I strongly recommend you to watch the New World Movie Trilogy directed by Brother Huai."

"Although there is no Italian version, there is an English version."

"I feel that it is as exciting as the two parts of The Godfather in North America, on the same level!"

The third part of The Godfather in North America would not be released until 1990, but here in Hong Kong, the trilogy was completed in just over a year!


After a welcoming banquet and a polite exchange of greetings with Zhao Donghuai for a while, Monica stayed behind to receive her old father, while Maldini took several of his younger brothers to watch the New World Trilogy.

After reading it, several mafia gangsters were shocked!

After all, only films such as Rescue, Alone, and John Wick have been released across Europe, and there really is no Hong Kong version of the New World trilogy.

This was their first time watching it, and they were stunned after watching it! I feel that my colleagues on Hong Kong Island are so advanced. Unknowingly, the power of Hong Kong Island’s associations has become so cruel and domineering.

Then I learned that the Pan-Asian Group in Part 1 was, in reality, just a few hundred elite backbones who had been on the battlefield... a monster composed of four-digit ordinary peripherals and temporary workers.

That night, Pascual Bellucci came to the hotel suite and shouted at Maldini, "Incredible, hell, do you know how that guy collected protection money? When we were filming in Tokyo,..."


"What the hell, is this a film and television tycoon?? This Eastern Hollywood is crazier than real Hollywood."

Wait until he finishes talking about Zhao Donghuai's various tricks while filming in Tokyo, and the various reactions in Tokyo?

Maldini was shocked again. He was a member of the Mafia and knew that he had to pay to stay in hotels and pay for food!

You, a rich man from Eastern Hong Kong Island, not only refused to pay you when you went to the island country to film, but you also extorted tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars? ? Fuck, isn’t this more shameless than the Italian Mafia? ?

The most common Italian mafia would bully a small shop on the street, not paying for food and even taking away some food or small money before leaving.

Do you dare to blackmail one of the world's top 500 companies? ?

Pascual yelled again, "Hell, he actually blackmailed multinational groups in various TV series. What kind of business routine is this? He can still live after being blackmailed. I feel like he is many levels higher than us."

Maldini, "!!!"

Pascual said again, "Why don't we change hotels? Monica helped us book a large suite in a five-star hotel."

Maldini thought for a while, nodded, and when a group of Italians left, they discovered that it was free to stay in a hotel here, and the hotel also gave them many small gifts.

I just hope that some of you can help them put in a nice word in front of Zhao Sheng.

When they checked into the Peninsula Hotel, they were surprised to find that the most famous hotel in Hong Kong offered them free of charge. They hoped that they would help and say kind words when in front of Zhao Sheng.

Zhao Donghuai's various film and television works have not yet blackened the Peninsula Hotel, but he has already sent a signal to the real estate group.

Sometimes it's hard to talk about some things.

Standing in front of the spacious floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the Peninsula Hotel, smoking a cigar, Maldini couldn't help but complain, "Damn, I just saw what a real gangster is."

It's low, it's really low. His previous pattern was too low!

He feels that the mafia can start to change its goals and learn from the new world system. It is outdated to follow Vito Corleone and Mike Corleone in the North American Godfather.


After a busy day of shooting at the Repulse Bay Villa, Zhao Donghuai returned to the villa and said to Monica Bellucci, "In the stock market, I received 6% of the shares of China Electronics. Under your name, you can work part-time in the future." It’s now a small shareholder.”

"Just run it and get a seat on the board."

The CLP of Hong Kong Island is on a par with Hong Kong Electric in the whole territory of Hong Kong, or even one or two better. Hong Kong Electric is responsible for the power supply of Hong Kong Island, Lamma Island and other places.

CLP Hong Kong is responsible for electricity in Kowloon and the New Territories.

In the past, everyone was on the same page, and no one crossed the line.

And since Zhao Donghuai joined HK Electric 51% last year, new personnel have also been arranged to take charge of operations, so why not do what you do and love what you do?

I walked into CLP Hong Kong Island and took a walk. The power of this group is in the hands of the Kadoorie family. It is the Kadoorie family behind the Peninsula Hotel, a Jewish family in the white world.

If Zhao Donghuai were to engage in China Electronics in his own name, it would be really inappropriate. It would be suspected of being a monopoly, but it doesn't matter to Monica Bellucci. First of all, this is a standard Italian white man, and secondly, he has a North American green card. .

His Han Tianxia brand is in full swing. In one round, the provinces and island countries can provide 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in profits. Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and other places combined, it is not difficult to supply more than 1 billion. It is nothing more than selling a wave of shoes. , the shoe industry that can smash the future has not had a big business for a year and a half.

For example, soda drinks and fast-selling products accumulate steadily every day. The shoe industry spends a lot of money in two or three months, but then there is no big sales for a year and a half.

There was a big order in December last year, and it has continued until now. The profit from the payment has been settled at 7788. How about letting the bank earn interest? Is that true?

If you do what you do and love what you do, push Monica to test the waters first. If the Kadoorie family refuses to let her join the board of directors and occupy a seat... then it will be a mistake.

In the next few years, the Kadoorie family of CLP will jointly build a nuclear power plant with Guangdong East. Hong Kong Electric... is not easy to get in. It is a bit far away, but if you join CLP and play together, there will be no problem.

Monica pointed at herself excitedly, "Me? A seat on the board of directors? Haha, do I still have a chance to be an electric power tycoon?"

Guan Jiahui ran over from the bedroom while the two were talking, "What about me? What about me?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and reassured, "Don't worry, let Monica try it first. She can be a small shareholder on the surface, just one seat, and play slowly in private."

"You already have 6% of China Electronics' shares in your name, and Ah Qing has 5%, which adds up to 17%, but you two don't have to rush to show off."

Already accounting for 17% of the shares, this is not a small amount.


a new day.

When Monica announced through ATV that she had acquired 6% of CLP shares and wanted to get a seat on the board of directors.

Michael Kadoorie, who was in his 40s, looked messy.

Why the hell is it not enough for you to have Hong Kong Electric? Do you still want to engage in my power group? CLP Hong Kong was founded by his grandfather Eli Kadoorie.

Mi Gao thought that HK Electric would compete with him for the nuclear power plant project in eastern Guangdong. First of all, Zhao Donghuai's relationship with eastern Guangdong was much closer than that of Mi Gao... Secondly, Zhao Donghuai was born in the New Territories. On the surface, he was from the New Territories.

With a background in the New Territories and HK Electric, and a network of connections, if HK Electric really wanted to rob it, Mi Gao would be in a very embarrassed position, so he probably couldn't beat him. But he didn't expect that the other party was not interested in the nuclear power plant project. Ma didn't follow the rules and came directly to rob him. The electricity is on!

Monica Bellucci, the great singer on TV, who is standing behind her? Do you need to reason?

As the boss of CLP, Mi Gao is quite silent.

In his silence, the secretary looked nervous, "Chairman? Are you going to let Monica join the board of directors? If not, there will be a war. I heard that in the past few months, just Han Tianxia Shoe Industry, the income from other places has been given to Zhao Sheng provided a capital chain of three to four billion Hong Kong dollars."

Just as he was talking, the phone rang.

After answering a phone call, Mi Gao was rubbing his face when the phone rang again.

At the end of the second time, Mi Gao said helplessly, "Welcome Ms. Monica to join us. She is already at 6%. This is still public information. She is doing things in private. Who knows."

The first call he received was from the Hong Kong boss Bai Dao, who said he must not let Monica get involved. The second call was from the North American Consulate, who hoped that Mo would hold Amei's green card. Nika can join CLP and contribute more to the harmonious and prosperous development of Hong Kong Island.

Monica is not very popular in North America and Europe for the time being. It's not that her songs are not good, it's that she basically doesn't go there to promote...

But here on Hong Kong Island, ever since she received her North American green card, the consulate has been paying close attention to this rising star, and she has starred in two blockbusters by Zhao Donghuai, both science fiction blockbusters.

There is hope that after Super Body hits theaters, it will explode around the world.

With Zhao Donghuai's ability to promote stars and create stars, Chinese people such as Zhang Guorong and Lin Zhengying can become famous, not to mention Monica Bellucci, a white star with a well-established reputation? Even if he is not popular because of his super body, Zhao Donghuai is only 21 years old. Why is he so anxious?

So Michael Kadoorie was speechless.

He doesn't want to go against the Hong Kong government, nor does he want to let Zhao Donghuai's people enter the CLP board of directors to occupy a seat, but it is very important.

The hooligan Zhao has no taboos. The consulate in Hong Kong in North America is taking action? ? Is your return already scheduled?


time flies.

In mid-April, the last scene on the set of The Last Day was the kiss scene where the male and female protagonists were making pottery together, and the scene after making pottery ended.

Zhao Donghuai shouted in surprise, "It's done! I won't come home until I'm drunk tonight."

Preparation started in February, shooting started in early March, and filming was completed in mid-April. The entire crew has not used it for 50 days, so it was successfully completed.

The crew suddenly relaxed, and Isabel Adjani came over with a smile and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Zhao, you really gave me a different shooting experience..."

Adjani is referring to green screen shooting of some special effects shots.

For her, she still had very little relevant experience. She followed Adjani and said with a smile, "The shooting efficiency of you Hong Kong Islanders is really exaggerated. In France or Hollywood, even if there are mostly literary dramas, there are no big action scenes."

“It’s hard to end without filming for three months.”

Of course, there are various labor unions running rampant in Hollywood. They are very strict about not being able to work overtime, being paid more for overtime, etc.

Not to mention the cheap labor on Hong Kong Island, everyone is still willing to work hard, and they don’t mind taking a few more photos or visiting for a while.

Of course, in this regard, Zhao Donghuai's crew has the best and highest remuneration in the industry.

Zhao Donghuai also smiled and shook hands with the other party, "I hope we can work together again next time. Your acting skills also make us..."

In the entire crew, as long as they have had scenes with Adjani, there is not a single one who has not been overshadowed by her. She can easily endure some situations and can overwhelm the opposite actors... Wan Ziliang, the leading male lead, is also the fastest. The shot took two takes before it passed.

It's not that Wan Ziliang and Zhang Guorong are inferior, it's that when they reach their peak, they are almost as good as Adjani, and they haven't reached that level yet.

While joking, I watched the crew disband, and various tasks entered the next process, which was to send the special effects production footage to Pengcheng for special effects. Zhao Donghuai was about to get in the car when he saw A Zhen running from outside, "Boss, good news, super The body effects are finished!”

Zhao Donghuai was overjoyed, "So fast??"

This is really great. The super-body special effects started from...well, although the big crew completed filming in December last year, the whole team did not start working on the special effects in December.

For example, in the scenes shot in the island country in October, Lucy had just been integrated into flesh and blood by CPH4, and her brain began to develop overclocking. She was imprisoned in the warehouse of the Sanhui Group, flying in the air and other special effects, all of which were performed by Wei Ya.

One side is shot with a green screen.

After filming these scenes, the crew returned to the island country in early November. If special effects were needed, they had already been rough cut and sent to Pengcheng for special effects. At that time, Zhu Jiaxin led a large team to do it in a large warehouse base on the first floor.

After he finishes shooting the scenes on Hong Kong Island in early December, those who need special effects components will be sent directly after rough cuts.

Therefore, the super-body computer special effects were officially produced from the beginning of November. From the beginning of November to the middle of April, it has been more than five months!

There are more than one supercomputer to help, and there are also some free helpers... It took more than five months to complete computer special effects for a blockbuster, which is not too strange.

More than one supercomputer? That's right, he not only spent money to buy five supercomputers in the Mainland after the National Day, but also started production in the Mainland, and joined the special effects team one after another. After that, IBM took the initiative to ask him if he wanted a supercomputer. North America Produced.

The mass-produced model in North America not only has stable quality, but also has a lower price than the Galaxy 1.

Why? ?

This is how the Western white world deals with such high-precision fields. Before the mainland had supercomputing, they were extremely stuck. Once the mainland had it, they would dump it and steal your market at a lower price.

If there is no market and no profit for supercomputers developed in the mainland, there will be a lack of more research and development funds. Related projects, such as the development of supercomputers with stronger computing power, will be short of money.

A Galaxy 1 in the Mainland only costs a few million yuan, and the ones produced in North America are cheaper. Don't take advantage of them. Zhao Donghuai bought three more, two of which were integrated into the special effects team, and one was donated...

Speaking of which, one after another, a total of seven supercomputers entered the Zhao special effects base!

As for people who help for free? ? Mr. Zhao donated a North American supercomputer and donates 50 million yuan every year to support the mainland supercomputer research and development team.

The computer-related talents he recruited from the mainland are not enough? Isn’t it enough? It’s only been two months since the super-body shooting and production. You’ve been working on it for three or four months, and the post-production hasn’t been completed yet? This is inappropriate.

Eastern Guangdong earned hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign exchange last year, and everyone is still a little embarrassed.

So too many big guys came to help Zhao's research and development, guidance, and hands-on efforts to improve the efficiency of the special effects base for free. Chinese people pay attention to courtesy.

This is not like after the 2010s, if you don’t have money, don’t talk about anything.

The special effects of the changing universe and nebula were all drawn by experts in the animation field such as Shanghai Film Studio and shot in stop-motion animation according to his requirements.

There are several Jurassic dinosaur models. There are large models with full scale of Jurassic, and there are also smaller versions. A large group of eighth-level workers lead a team to help for free. The mobile shooting is like the Terminator robot killer. It is slightly distorted, but it is better than the Terminator effect. Slightly stronger.

This is the situation. Industrial Light and Magic may take eight or nine months to complete the special effects production, or even longer. Relying on the dividends of the times, Zhao completed it in more than five months!

After the surprise, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "I'll go to Pengcheng today. I'll take a look at the effects before streamlining them, and arrange the recording of the special effects and subsequent dubbing and soundtrack."

The super-body special effects will be finished in mid-April, and the production effects will be recorded into the streamlined version of the film later. The dubbing and dubbing will be much faster.

It will be May when everything is finished.

By the way, this is already mid-April. The four-month-long Marvel acquisition plan has been successful. Monica Bellucci is now not only a shareholder with a seat on the board of directors of CLP Hong Kong, but also a small player in the comic industry in North America. Got it.

Her godfather also invited many colleagues from North America to Hong Kong Island and helped Monica introduce many new contacts.

Monica was not in a hurry to intervene in the specific management. Instead, Stan Lee, the front-end chairman, came to Hong Kong Island once, wanting to see Monica and convince her to support him in bringing Marvel Heroes to theaters. level film and television production.

Zhao Donghuai dismissed him happily, just make a promise first and deal with it.

Marvel was originally acquired in 1986 with the intention of promoting film and television projects, but the new company had just acquired it and was still studying it. The 1987 global stock market crash came!

In order to protect itself, the company sold Marvel in 1988. At that time, it had not yet finished the romance between humans and ghosts, so naturally it was not in a hurry to talk about the film and television version of Marvel.

But Monica has become the absolute majority shareholder, with more shares than Stan Lee, and Marvel has not gone public. Want to turn it into a movie? ? Yes, the copyright will be sold out to Zhao Films first.

As for the TV series of superheroes, it was realized in the 1960s and 1970s, such as the Green Hornet and the Hulk filmed by Brother Xiaolong.

Qiu Shuzhen said again, "By the way, Mitsubishi has negotiated with Universal about the rights to adapt the movie version of King Kong. Within 15 years, our company has the right to remake it. After 15 years, for example, in 2000, if we haven't filmed it yet, we can't do it again." made a bid."

"But in these years, Universal also has the rights to remake the film!"

Another good news.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Okay, let's change the cause of cancer caused by the blue love of life and death introduced to the island country, and change it to a genetic attack."

At this point in time, even Winter Sonata has been broadcast in Hong Kong. F4's two new blockbuster movies have really given those people a crazy boost in popularity.

Blue Love of Life and Death has also been released in Wanwan, Xingmatai, South Korea and other places. Only the island country has not yet entered, and has been fighting for the rights to remake King Kong.

The goal has been achieved, and there is time to play.

The production capabilities of Jurassic Park were already available in the early 1990s, so the remake of King Kong in the same era is expected to reach the special effects level of the 2005 version.


On a new day, Zhao Donghuai quickly led his team to kill Pengcheng Branch.

He did not return to Hong Kong until April 20, but he had to wait a few more days for the special effects recording to be completed.

Schedule? The schedule of "Super Body" is not that strict whether it has to be in the summer season or not. The box office will not be bad when it hits theaters in early May. This new drama starring Monica as the heroine will meet the call of the stars. It will not be bad at the box office.

Don't forget that Zhao Donghuai has a hobby of collecting stamps. He has four poisonous mules and horses in his body. The three are Huang Rihua, Miao Qiaowei, and He Jiajing.

The flight attendant team, flight attendants Guan Jiahui, Chen Hong, and Zhou Huimin make guest appearances, and the doctors and nurses in the hospital, Ah Fa, Lin Qingxia, and Hu Huizhong make guest appearances. Hu is the chief surgeon, Afa was frightened and fainted, and Lin is the nurse.

Just print out dozens of posters showing Chow Huimin starring alongside Monica Bellucci and Laura Fernandot, and then you can attract countless fans.

Sitting in Zhao's big office, Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and decided to schedule it for May. Let Hong Yanbao, Lin Zhengying, and Xu Ke work hard during the summer.

Xu Ke celebrated the Chinese New Year and was very active in filming A Chinese Ghost Story 2. This guy also likes money. He was originally a hero. Wasn't he just rushing to make a sequel to make money, so the filming became worse and worse and he fell out with Wu Yusen?

This time, A Chinese Ghost Story 1 grossed more than 20 million at the box office in Hong Kong. It was sold out in other places and earned giggles. His 2 movies were approved before the Spring Festival. They are all finished filming now and are waiting for the summer release.

The Double Cannon series produced by Hong Qianbao's Debao can be regarded as the most profitable series promoted by Zhao Cinema after the Spring Festival.

Just as Zhao Donghuai was sitting busy in the office, the phone rang, coming from the mainland, "Sheng Zhao, the filming is over. All 40 episodes of Journey to the West have been produced. We will send them to Hong Kong Island immediately for your review."

"We'll be there this afternoon."

Zhao Donghuai is so big. He started investing in the Journey to the West crew in March last year. It was already April 20, 1985. The filming was finally completed?

The original 86 Journey to the West only has 25 episodes, and it has been delayed for several years. This time, 40 episodes have received an investment of 10 to 20 million, and there is no shortage of all kinds of machinery and equipment. It has still been going on for more than a year.

But the extra 15 episodes are a huge profit!

The drama is finally going to hit the streets.

"I asked ATV to send out invitations. All the main creators should come to Hong Kong Island and help me promote it."

The Journey to the West project is not suitable for advertising in the TV series, but while this magical drama is sweeping Asia, it would be good to let the creative team advertise in reality.

It's also how that bunch of TV stars get rich.

Last year it was an investment, and this year it will be a bumper harvest.

All 40 episodes of Journey to the West have been filmed, so Dream of Red Mansions, Calabash Baby cartoon, and Fengshenbang cartoon are probably not far away from being finished, and they will appear one after another. Dream of Red Mansions is the slowest, but the slowest is at the end of 1985 or early 1986. .

In 1985, it was really getting more and more prosperous.

Meteor Garden, Blue Life and Death, Winter Sonata, an adapted version of Tokyo Love Story, Journey to the West, etc. I would like to ask Shao Daheng what TVB will compete with him this year? ?

In the following two years, just rebroadcasting could generate countless ratings.

After finishing this series of calls, Zhao Donghuai just took a sip of tea when he saw A Min running up with a blushing face and rubbing his ears and temples.

Amin cried every day when he was at home. After a week away, Amin was still very honest.


April 30th.

In the large screening room of Zhao's Film Industry, when many people came here to watch the final film of Super Body...

Everyone was shocked and stunned. They were dumbfounded.

The Terminator has a good status in science fiction movies. Many people who watched the movie for the first time were shocked by the special effects technology. With this movie, Cameron also made a breakthrough in the film industry!

As for the super body, the special effects level is still higher than that of Terminator 1, because Terminator 1 does not have so many super computers to use.

A lot of special effects, and the exciting feeling that the heroine Lucy has in the air every second?

Really stupid.

Including Ross, the film buyer who still came from Warner.

Monica was the most excited. When she was acting, she knew that she was the only female protagonist, and she also knew that it was a science fiction blockbuster chasing the Terminator, but she never expected that the finished film would be so cool that the moviegoers would have blood on their faces. Shocking.

Shocked to the end, Ross came over excitedly, "Zhao, you are really an amazing film artist, even in the vertical and horizontal action fields, such a super body..."

"We at Warner are willing to pay US$20 million to sell out the distribution to European and American theaters!"

His highest previous performance was in Taken 2, for which he paid $15 million to buy out the role, but Super Body is different. This is Monica Bellucci, a proper white heroine.

What is certain is that after this movie is actually screened, Monica will become famous all over the world, and even the Oscar-winning actress will not be enough for Monica.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said nothing.

Ross danced anxiously, "25 million US dollars, it can't be higher, it really can't be higher."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I think Super Body has hope of breaking over 100 million U.S. dollars at the box office in North America. Once it breaks 100 million U.S. dollars, you Warner will pocket 40 to 50 million U.S. dollars."

Ross was furious, "30 million US dollars, Europe and the United States together, and Monica and Ms. Zhou must cooperate with our Warner's announcement."

Zhao Donghuai was amused, pointed at Monica and said with a smile, "Don't you know? Monica is Marvel, the major shareholder of your North American Marvel, or the major shareholder of China Electronics in Hong Kong... This is a billionaire worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Wan Fu Po, help you run the propaganda campaign??"

Ross was dumbfounded. How the hell is this okay? ?

After being depressed for a long time, he finally said, "How much do you want?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "50 million U.S. dollars."

There is a good chance that Super North America will break 100 million and Europa will break 100 million again. It may not be able to reach the box office of the original film in 2014, although there is an era difference between the two and the depreciation of the U.S. dollar.

However, there weren’t that many science fiction masterpieces in 1985 to wash away the brains of movie fans around the world? Back to the Future can earn more than $200 million at the North American box office!

First Blood also had a box office of $150 million.

Just take Ghostbusters, half of the ghost special effects were half-finished during the test screening... This movie received rave reviews and was praised by the whole audience, just because there is so little blockbuster movie in this era.

He can also choose to share the profit with Warner in half, because after Super Body breaks through 100 million, it is hard to say whether it will be 100 million US dollars, which is a lower price in North America, or 150 million US dollars or even 200 million US dollars.

But if you choose to share, you will have to face Warner's bad tricks of deducting money from promotions, delaying the distribution of box office accounts, and even falsifying accounts, stealing box office, etc.

Rose was speechless and wanted to vomit blood, "No, this is impossible!"

After saying that, he walked out. When there was no sign of reluctance except at the door, Rose was really gone.

Then wait until he comes next time. Super Body has embedded a lot of Motorola cover-up machine advertisements, so it can’t go to North American theaters? Motorola will be anxious.

He will be back.

Zhao Donghuai's introduction just now also means a different kind of announcement. Marvel's new boss, what is Marvel? It is the most influential superhero animation base in North America. Generations of North Americans have grown up watching its superhero comics.

Turns out Marvel’s new boss is starring in a live-action superhero movie? ?

If the newspaper publishes it, countless Marvel fans will spontaneously watch it, not to mention that Monica is still well-known in the North American music scene.

When Zhao Donghuai moved to the office, he said to Azhen and Zhang Min, "Xuanfa has been fighting for a few days. Starting from May Day, all Zhao's theaters will screen Super Body. How are the feedback from the fans secretly collected?"

Qiu Shuzhen nodded excitedly, "That's great. Sister Min's album sold more than 4 million copies last year, and her previous single (Sudden Love) also sold 300,000 copies in Hong Kong."

"Fans are still looking forward to her new movie starring alongside Monica and Lola Fonna!"

Amin, in the first half of 1985, had relatively few masterpieces in both film and music circles. She was mainly challenging the song "My Heart Will Go On". Both of them, including Monica, started practicing in December last year, just to sing. Good it.

Until now, there is still a gap from the original version, but the gap is narrowing.

Their vocal talents are not as good as the original singers, but they have been working hard for a song for half a year, and there are still people who are still in love. According to the current situation, the earliest release will be at the end of the summer season, or in October.

So long? She is still preparing for the competition and is not afraid of not practicing well. The successful singer has been practicing one song for nearly a year...

This is a song that can last a lifetime once you sing it, and they all understand it.

"Then it'll be okay."

May Day is also International Labor Day, there is a holiday, and the 4th and 5th are the weekends, so the box office is worth looking forward to.

To put it bluntly, it is not unusual for a sci-fi blockbuster like this to extend its release schedule.

Seeing that Zhao Donghuai was in a good mood, Qiu Shuzhen quickly ran over to help him rub his shoulders and back, with a cute look on his face, "Boss, I have been studying for almost a year and a half. When will you arrange for me?"

Director Zhao was dumbfounded. He joined in late January 1984, and this girl has been here for 15 months. She used to play a supporting role in movies. In terms of fame, she is not even as good as Zhang Min outside.

Zhang Min at least has the label of a supporting actress in Meteor Garden.

Of course, even though Qiu Shuzhen is very transparent and is only 17 years old, she is praised by countless people in the many groups under Zhao Donghuai. ? Sister Zhen’s name is also very famous.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I haven't decided what to shoot in the next movie yet, but at least you are the supporting actress. If I don't have a suitable role in the movie, I will find a suitable crew for you."

Azhen happily cheered and thanked her, and the massage became more attentive.

Really attentive massage!

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