Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 136 Super Body Released, Bombing the Whole Hong Kong

The May Day holiday came as scheduled, and early in the morning, Naomi Watts was knocked on the door by her brother Ben, "Hurry up, you damn girl, you finally bought the tickets for Zhao's latest film in Hong Kong Island, you can't Late."

Naomi rolled her eyes wildly, calmly put on her makeup for a few minutes before walking out of the room, and said impatiently, "It's not even half past seven yet, and the hotel we're staying in is more than a hundred meters away from the Tsim Sha Tsui Theater!"

Ben Watts was speechless, "What do you know? This is called being first. We are the first batch of viewers of Director Zhao's new film!"

"Wow, this Mr. Zhao is really amazing. I am also a photographer. Although handheld photography has been invented a long time ago, it can be so perfectly integrated into action movies and various fighting scenes. It's so cool!"

"Since Rescue 1, I have watched every one of his action scenes at least five times. I even heard that some teachers in the photography departments of some film schools are starting to use these films as teaching materials!"

Naomi rolled her eyes again, not wanting to talk to him.

Naomi actually still has resentment towards Zhao Donghuai, a Hong Kong film tycoon... As a peripheral practitioner, she is not a fan of new genre action movies, but a fan of Leslie Cheung.

Hurricane Rescue and Lonely Tiger used Zhang Guorong's name to cheat and deceive again and again, attracting fans like them into the theater, watching the whole process, and falling, that's it? ?

You movie promoters are so unscrupulous, but fortunately, Hua Zai in "The Last Man" is handsome enough.

When the two siblings walked out together, Ben Watts said excitedly, "By the way, Naomi, don't you also want to be a star? You have shot so many commercials in Australia and there is no hope of joining the industry."

"It's better to stay in Hong Kong Island. This new movie Super Body stars Monica and Lola Fonna. Since Director Zhao needs white faces, he has hired people from Europe. Let's stay in Hong Kong Island for more time in the future. There may not be a chance.”

Only then did Naomi feel excited. She had decided to pursue a career in movies after watching her mother's movie in 1983. However, she had shot a lot of commercials in Australia and was also a fashion model. .

As for the chaos in the modeling world... Naomi has a little family advantage in this regard. Her mother is an antique dealer, actor, model and fashion designer, and her brother is a photographer.

Under the protection of her mother and brother, she has not been contaminated for the time being. After all, they are all close relatives.

Film and television? ? Isn't it funny? There are no good film and television resources in Australia at this time. Also, she lived in England until she was 14 years old. She moved to Australia when she was 14, so she was not used to it.

But Hong Kong Island? ?

Ben Watts laughed, "I think you're not a bad looking girl. I heard that Director Zhao's TV station did a program last time (campaigning for modern Diao Chan), but there were many, many girls from citizen families who made their debut directly and signed in ATV."

"Even if you are not suitable for that kind of Oriental beauty pageant show, if ATV recruits new trainees this summer, you can try it?"

Naomi was moved and said, "I think so too, but will mom agree?"

Ben Watts said excitedly, "My mother has also been an actor. It is not a bad thing to join the ATV training class. Besides, all of Director Zhao's dramas have been able to land in North America and Europe and achieved good results."

"John Wick was the ninth highest-grossing film in North America in 1984!"

Talking and joking, when the two brothers arrived outside the Tsim Sha Tsui Cinema, they already found that the streets were full of moviegoers and fans waiting to see the super body.

Because Xuanfa focuses on the three girls, Zhou Huimin, Monica, and Laura Fangna, it feels like three big female leads, similar to Tuoqiang Senior Sister Bawanghua, and almost all of the people who come are fans and moviegoers of the three girls.

When Ben and Naomi got mixed up in a group of white fans and fans, they soon heard a lot of complaints.

"The surname Zhao is so deceptive. Is it really appropriate for us to come so early? I heard that when John Wick was released, it only had Cantonese dubbing and Chinese subtitles. Many fans couldn't understand it at all!"

"Yes, there won't be English subtitles this time, right? This is discriminating against us!"

"How about we wait and see?"

"But the tickets have been bought. Zhou and Monica's songs are so good that I have played them countless times without thinking."


When these English words fell into the ears of the two brothers, Ben and Naomi, they gradually turned into idiots.

The various action movies that were first released on Hong Kong Island didn’t even have English subtitles? ? Or the local Cantonese dubbing? Then this...

Isn't this a scam?

After listening, Naomi suddenly raised her foot and stamped on Ben's instep, "Look at the good thing you did!"

At this moment, a young white man came over with a smile, "Beauty, are you afraid you can't understand Cantonese? I can help you translate."

Naomi stepped back, and Ben, who had been kicked, stood up to block her, "Get away, stay away from my sister!"

How could this happen? The modeling world is so chaotic, yet I could have protected my own sister.

After all, his sister is still pretty good-looking and has a strong figure, so she can hope to become a big star.

The white young man looked at Ben with a disappointed look on his face, "Hell, how can I watch a movie with my brother..."

After saying this, he even raised his middle finger before running away.

The blonde beauty took her boyfriend to watch a movie together, and he didn't mind trying to poach her with a hoe. My brother couldn't do it. After all, boyfriend and girlfriend can be separated at any time. Brother and sister are blood ties for life.

As for everyone’s accent? They are all British, and no one is nobler than the other.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when the theater was about to show Super Body, Ben and Naomi were already sitting in the corresponding seats, waiting with great interest.

There was a risk of not being able to understand or understand, but Ben was still very excited. As a photographer, what he wanted to see was a new genre of action scenes and photography techniques!

When the super-body movie lights up on the big screen, the opening credits flash by.

A female ape drinking water in a beautiful and gorgeous natural valley deep in the mountains and old forests came into view. Many movie fans were dazzled by this natural scenery. Then the female ape drinks water? ?

I'm confused.

The Cantonese dubbing sounded, "We were given life billions of years ago, what did we do with it?"

As the dubbing camera rotates, it suddenly pulls up to the sky, the planet rotates, and quickly sinks down to overlook the bustling Tokyo street scene in the mid-1980s! Various landmark buildings and busy traffic!

In the large theater, countless exclamations immediately erupted.

"Fuck, it really isn't dubbed in English?!"

"Hey, did Zhao give English subtitles this time? Haha, don't worry about watching the mime anymore!"

“F, why can’t it be in English??”

"What's wrong with Cantonese? I understand it anyway!"


A large movie theater that can accommodate thousands of spectators, the attendance rate is over 90%, more than half are Chinese, and there are also many white people, but the opening scene is dubbed in Cantonese and has Chinese subtitles and English subtitles.

Just let the moviegoers go to war with each other and make a fuss over this issue.


When Lucy, played by Monica, left the country, the noise and bustle suddenly decreased by half. Her skin tone has become much whiter, and she is no longer the wheat-colored Monica. She is 20 years old, has short blond curly hair, and her face is shot through a big camera. She has such good looks. force? ?

You say she is one of the flowers, it is not too much nor an exaggeration!

Just pull out this heroine, all kinds of noise and so on, it doesn't matter.

As for the beginning of the gangster played by Wu Yi, the drug mule arranged by Shanhui Group's partners to trick Monica into giving Ji Chunhua CPH4, the dialogue here is already in English.

Everyone can understand it, but what makes a lot of movie fans depressed is that during the live-action drama, the screen suddenly cuts to a scene of a white mouse and a mousetrap, and a South China tiger is about to hunt small animals... What does it mean? ? Many viewers were confused.

Until Wu Yi was about to be beaten to death, Lucy was forcibly taken to the top-floor presidential suite by four Shanhui girls.

The tension just rose!

When the camera enters the large suite, Ji Chunhua, his subordinate Jet Binney, and Xiong Xinxin, the backbone of the club, all have the style of the Pan Asia Group in the new world.

The two parties couldn't communicate in Japanese and English, so Teacher Ji called a translator and threatened Lucy to open the box... suspecting that there was a bomb in the box.

This scene made many movie fans feel exciting and frightened, and many viewers who had become fans of Monica because of her appearance and figure started to curse.

All kinds of scoldings of the island country Sanhai group are not human beings, they are too shameless and cruel.

As for the drama "Super Body", does it sound awkward when all kinds of languages ​​are used? In fact, in this day and age, it’s not a big deal if you don’t understand various languages ​​and read subtitles.

After all, Chaosi has set foot in many places, including Bay Area, Singapore, and airport scenes in Thailand. If you want to make an international blockbuster, speaking the local language or finding a translator when you go to a place is more in line with the style of a blockbuster.

The story continued on the big screen. Lucy opened the box and revealed four bags of CPH4. Ji Chunhua arranged for a white man to test the drug. The white tester almost sucked it to death, which shocked many people. When the tester laughed crazily again, Ji Chunhua Seeing that he didn't like it, he was shot dead.

This kind of cruel and domineering black boss also frightened many people.

When Teacher Ji was about to arrange a job for Monica, Monica was knocked unconscious, the screen went black, and 7% of the numbers occupied the camera. Then there was another animal scene, and it cut to the professor of the University of Hong Kong played by Xu Jinjiang, talking in Cantonese. Teaching science topics to a large number of white Chinese people in a large classroom? ?

Many viewers were really confused and confused, with questions on their faces.

Many people have already begun to complain, is this really Zhao Donghuai's new action blockbuster? ?

What a story about a heroine who is mistakenly pushed into a drug lord's group and has to transport drugs, those messy animal scenes, and Professor Xu running out to give lectures, what are these? ?

Naomi was confused and tugged at Ben, "What are you talking about?"

Ben was speechless, "It seems that normal people only use 10% of their brains? Once the brain is developed and used more than 10%, it will be very powerful??"

The 5%, 7%, and 10% that are occasionally shown on the big screen are the current development and utilization rates of the brain of ordinary pretty girl Lucy? ?

The story continues.

Soon the plot progressed to the point where Lucy was operated on by a female doctor and a pack of CPH4 was stuffed into her body. She was also thrown into a factory base camp guarded by the Sankai team members led by Michiko Nishikyo.

Michiko Nisigyo wanted to tease Lucy, but Lucy hit her head hard on Nisigyo's stomach. The island girl with big flowery arms got angry and punched and kicked Lucy.

The theater was abuzz.

Monica is so beautiful and eye-catching on the big screen, but now she is so miserable. The contrast is huge.

Then the special effects came, first showing Lucy's wound, the CPH4 in her body was kicked to pieces, and Monica herself began to become super amazing. Although her body was tied up with chains, she could float in the air and be tossed around when she was lying on the ground... …

It's flying!

This special effect had its original Wire version, but in the end it was rendered by computer stunts. After all, not only would it be super-computing, but there would also be too many big guys who came to help for free!

The big boss with the Chinese subtitles led the team to help and guide the process. The special effects version really looks more handsome than the Diao Wei Ya version, with a full sense of science fiction.

When Lucy was tied up with chains at her wrists in the secret room, swung and flying around, the whole room seemed to be spinning around.

Countless people were shocked to see it.


It switched to Xu Jinjiang giving lectures again!

Class content is over.

Michiko Nishitaka once again showed her big arms, grabbed the key and walked into the secret room, wanting to tease Lucy, but Monica's state had completely changed.

Killing Michiko Nisigata instantly with one move, causing her to spin 720 degrees in the air and attack the street. She pulled the chain to the far table, grabbed the gun, walked out of the secret room, said "Hey, bang bang bang bang" and killed all the Sankai team members? ?

The theater is buzzing with excitement!

"Fuck, what happened??"

"How did you do that just now? How did you suddenly change from an ordinary girl to a super master? She feels as cool as Andy in John Wick!"

"so cool!"


Ben Watts, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't help but stare, "FXXX, could it be that if a person's brain usage rate increases, can he really become a genius or superman??"

"Didn't Lucy become a Marvel superhero? Isn't this like Captain America absorbing the super soldier serum?"

Naomi Watts suddenly realized, "It turns out to be a superhero movie! No wonder..."

The Chinese audience is still scratching their heads. The white audience is the first to confirm that this is a superhero movie, so that’s fine. They are familiar with it and understand it!

Then everyone watched it with gusto. The more they watched, the more excited they became, and the more they watched, the more excited they became.

Since her brain developed 20%, Monica's Lucy has been so cool all the way.

When she arrived at the hospital, she casually watched what was playing on TV, then looked at the ward, walked into an operating room, picked up the cases, and shot the brain cancer patient who was being treated, and asked Hu Huizhong to operate on her. Take something from the stomach.

That kind of coolness and calmness.

All moviegoers are adrenaline pumping. At this time, even if Hu Huizhong doesn't know English and speaks Japanese, Monica, who didn't understand Japanese before, speaks with skilled Japanese dubbing, and it won't be a drama at all.

After all, this is a superhero movie, and she has already started her career as a superhero. Or is she a superhero with a developed brain? Will it be a problem to quickly master a new language? ?

No anesthesia, direct surgery, holding a Motorola decapper and talking to my mother on the phone...

Then when she entered the Nikko Hotel and faced a large group of Shanhaigui boys, she was not cutting the grass like Hua Zai or Lin Zhengying, but a dimensionality reduction attack. She had no vision through the door and could accurately kill everyone behind the door. The guy in the suit kills with a headshot.

Slow motion soundtrack along.

Paired with Monica's super hero lethality and a hospital gown, she really looks like a queen wearing a super suit.

"Cool, so cool!"

"Quick, kill them all..."

"What kind of superhero is this?? Super Brain Man??"

"It's because her body was integrated with CPH4 and her brain was continuously developed and sublimated that she became a superwoman??"

"Damn it, you can invade the enemy's brain memory by pressing your forehead?? This is the Super Brain Man!"

“This setting is great!!”


As the plot continues, the scene continues, Lucy presses Ji Chunhua's forehead to read various memories from a few days ago, tracking the other three drug mules.

White audiences were the first to accept it and responded most enthusiastically.

Thirty years later, there are still many unreliable super-body settings. Normal people know that the human brain only uses 10%, which is a hyped up topic.

But this was only 1985, and with this setting, no professional scientists had yet done much research and confirmed the final results.

Thanks to decades of preparation by Marvel and DC, Western audiences accepted this so easily, and Chinese audiences... Chinese audiences just watched and accepted it.

It just feels so high, so different.

Mainly because of Monica Bellucci's peak appearance. She was born as a Milan show model. She walks beautifully and looks for the camera professionally. She kills everything from east to west.

When Monica took the initiative to contact Xu Jinjiang, across the ocean, she was in an island country, but she could control the landline phone, TV, microwave and other electrical appliances in Professor Xu's home on Hong Kong Island to automatically turn on.

You can also talk to Xu Jinjiang through the TV and quickly learn proficient Cantonese...

Lao Xu was shocked and speechless on the big screen, and the audience was even more shocked and excited!

Lucy, played by Monica, started to go to Hong Kong Island. Before going, she called Interpol Zhou Xingxing in advance. They talked on the phone, but Zhou Xingxing was still chatting leisurely. Monica directly told him his current state and what was around him.

Xingzi was shocked, and a super funny and surprised expression appeared.

It made the theater roar with laughter, and the laughter couldn't stop at all.

Then there are scenes where several other drug mules were arrested when they landed in Benbei, Xingjiapo and other places. There are a lot of fighting scenes here, and there is also a handheld action photography of Zhang Guorong, Hua Tsai and Lin Zhengying to speed up the shooting. Edited action routines.

Finally, it gave a burst of cheers to the movie fans who originally came for the new action scenes, after all, the extra time was long.

When Lucy was on the plane, her limbs began to blur and her face was distorted by the special effects, which once again shocked countless people. As I said, the super-body special effects are one or two higher quality than Terminator 1.


Monica woke up from the hospital and was surrounded by a group of Interpol policemen led by Xingzi with guns. With a movement of her eyes, all the policemen except Zhou Xingxing fell into a coma and rushed to the street.

When he walked over, the magazine of Xingzai's pistol was completely empty, and bullets fell out one by one.

She walked like a model, and she felt as beautiful as she wanted, and as cool as she wanted. With her god-like superhero strength, the applause, cheers, and vents in the theater were almost deafening.

When Monica left the hospital with Xingzi, the special effects of eavesdropping on all landline and mobile phones in the metropolis came out, which once again shocked countless movie fans.

In the reverse scene, the scene where a team of suit-clad boys from Shanhui came to Hong Kong Island and went to the hospital to snatch three drug mules... made countless viewers want to laugh and couldn't help it.

Ji Chunhua, Jet Binny, Xiong Xinxin and others here show the cruel, domineering, and fierce image of the club. The stronger they are, they are just the strength of ordinary people and ordinary gangs.

Lucy is so awesome, what are you going to do? ?

The racing scene in the metropolis was filmed by countless people who also watched it, applauding and cheering endlessly, and their adrenaline was racing. It took the lives of three dragon and tiger martial arts teachers from the island country, and two people were disabled to film it!

The car-mounted camera tracking and helicopter-assisted aerial photography are even more exciting than the original drag racing scene.

In the section where the police car tracked the car and overturned after hitting a road bollard, two teachers from the island country were killed.

When Monica and the Sankai team met in the hospital? ?


Xiong Xinxin has no real performance, and there are various clips of wires and various pistols that fly away and stick to the ceiling. Monica walks all the way, and the younger brother in a suit also flies in the air and is stuck to the ceiling and struggles.

Too many people were stunned by the comfort level.

Since the awakening of Monica's secret room in the factory, there has been one wave after another, and there is no stopping at all. Many people clapped and clapped their hands until it hurt.

The super body is now coming to an end, but with the previous waves of foreshadowing, almost everyone feels that it is more than enough, as long as Monica's Lucy is still on the big screen and the camera is still facing her.

The eye-catching effect is explosive.

Many people also enjoyed watching the dialogue and drama with Xu Jinjiang and other professors from the University of Hong Kong. At this time, especially when the special effects of the universe shot in stop-motion pictures started to move, Monica flashed back to the Jurassic era.

Several large models presented slightly distorted dinosaur shapes, and once again the audience cheered and shocked!

Dinosaur! This can be regarded as the first time in a live-action movie or TV series that all movie fans around the world have seen a living, moving, and more realistic dinosaur image on the screen than the special effects of the robot played by Arnold in Terminator 1.

That kind of contact and discussion between prehistoric giants and modern humans? ?

Applause, exclamations, strange screams, all kinds of sounds combined together are so shocking that it can lift the roof! Even though these dinosaur scenes only appeared for a short time, only tens of seconds, they were still exciting and made countless movie fans go crazy.

Fans who are familiar with superhero scripts are more interested in literary drama settings.

At the end of Super Body, Monica communicates with a group of professors from the University of Hong Kong under various special effects, and the suit boys of the Shanhui Group outside, led by Ji Chunhua, fight against Zhou Xingxing and other Interpol police.

Finally, it ends with Monica saying "I am everywhere".

The special effects here aren't as good as the original.

But it was only 1985, and there were only a handful of places in Hollywood that had (the current version of super-body) series of special effects.

Movie fans around the world have not been brainwashed by countless special effects blockbusters and have heightened their taste!

At the end of the 90-minute super-series, brother and sister Ben and Naomi Watts took to the streets, surrounded by spectators who cheered, shouted, or pumped their fists to vent their passion.

They are all blowing up Monica in various ways!

This superhero movie with a female protagonist is so popular and the special effects are so awesome. Most of the movie fans are white...

As they walked, Naomi, who looked excited, suddenly turned around and said, "No, I want to do it again, it's so hot! Lucy is so handsome! So beautiful! So cool!"

"Those shots of the changing cosmic nebulae, the tumbling of drugs in the body, the virtualization of the body, and the dinosaurs? Oh my God, how on earth were they made? I just can't believe that there are such beautiful and wonderful science fiction movies in the world!"

"The Terminator is inferior compared to it!"

Is this a female star drama with an absolute heroine? ? Naomi just wanted to worship. Is there any big sci-fi movie in Hollywood now where there is an absolutely great heroine, and all the other men are supporting roles?

Here in Hong Kong Island, she has made a decision and must join the ATV training class. Even if her mother comes, she will not go back to that crappy place in Australia!


May 2nd!

A large number of citizens took to the streets and discovered that almost all the newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong had a super body occupying all the front pages.

Ming Pao: "Shocking! Do humans really only use 10% of their brains? If they can continue to develop it, they will become super gods and supermen??"

Oriental Daily: "The release of Hong Kong's science fiction masterpiece Super Body not only shocked countless movie fans for their audio-visual enjoyment, but also opened up a serious scientific topic!"

Kowloon Daily: "Super Body scored 3 million Hong Kong dollars at the local box office on its first day. Following the rapid chase, the second film to break 3 million Hong Kong dollars on the first day is shocking!"

Kwun Tong Industrial News: "This 1985, there will be an actress named Monica sweeping the world with a super body and bombing the global film and television industry!"


Anyone who saw the super body yesterday bought a bunch of newspapers and ran away. After all, is the scientific concept thrown out by the super body real or fake? ?

There are many illiterates in this era, all kinds of superstitions are rampant in Hong Kong, and there is also Qigong craze in the mainland...

Who can really explain the scientific concept of super-body? Is it true or false? ?

Those who have never watched Super Body are beginning to be brainwashed by Monica, the female superhero. Although many people have also bought the album with Monica as the cover, and watched Monica sing with Zhou Huimin and Laura Fanna on ATV. .

I know this is a beautiful woman.

But today, the color photo of Monica with short blond hair, wearing a hospital gown and holding two guns while walking in the hotel corridor really shocked the eyes of countless passers-by.

The hospital gown looks like a royal robe, making it look like a queen has arrived? ? Immediately attracted countless fans.

Anyone who has seen this color photo in the newspaper will really want to see the super body. When these people enter the theater... continue to explode!

That night, Monica appeared on the ATV program and sang Madonna's Live To Tell solo.

Three songs, Destiny's Child's Brown Eyes and Michael Jackson's You Are Not Alone, appealed to fans to continue watching Super Body, and the ratings rose to 60%!

She started practicing her singing voice on August 1 last year. After 8 months, she did have the ability to sing solo.

Starting from May 3rd, places where Monica might hang out, such as ATV and Zhao's Pictures, have gradually seen hundreds of fans chasing Monica, a rising star, for autographs and photos.

On the 2nd and 3rd, which were not holidays, the box office of Super Body was only 1.8 million and 1.9 million, but on the weekend of the 4th and 5th, it once again jumped to the terrifying figure of more than 3 million a day.

Among them, there are the most white movie fans living on Hong Kong Island, and there are also some who watch super bodies several times a day.

In its first five days of continuous screening, Super Body has grossed more than 13 million at the box office in Hong Kong!

The major theaters directly screened the films mainly with English, Japanese and Cantonese dubbing, as well as bilingual subtitles in Chinese characters and English, which could not stop the crazy trend of Super Body.

After all, in this day and age, although many Hong Kong residents are illiterate and cannot read subtitles, countless people can watch the special effects and get goosebumps.


number 6.

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai was meeting with people from CCTV. After the normal discussion came to an end, he smiled and said, "Director Li, do you think it is possible for Super Body to enter mainland theaters?"

"I know that movies like New World and John Wick are generally not released in the Mainland, but although there are island societies in Super Body, the main theme is science fiction..."

"If you can get in, our Mandarin dubbing version will already be ready."

In mid-April, he knew that the filming of 40 episodes of Journey to the West had been completed, and he also sent invitations to many mainland actors to come to Hong Kong. This matter has only been decided now.

Journey to the West will be broadcast at the end of May. It will be broadcast by Yangma and Zhao Donghuai's ATV together. The creative team he invited are all being trained.

Under the words, Director Li smiled brightly, "I'll ask Mr. Zhao more questions. I feel there is great hope, but in terms of box office..."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and waved his hand, "The situation is different. I didn't expect how much box office it would make."

This is for future Zhao stars to lay a solid foundation first.

Director Zhao has thought about bringing Wanjia into the mainland, but this will not be possible until 1986. Only in 1986 will sole proprietorships be allowed to enter, so Wanjia can easily enter Jingshang Yang.

With Wanjia's current development model, the more theaters it opens in the mainland, the more theaters it will build in Zhao Donghuai's favor at any time!

As long as the theater chain is opened, Jing Shang Yang will focus on the area in the early stage, then sink into provincial capitals, and then spread to prefecture-level cities... By the turn of the millennium, he will have the opportunity to become a theater tycoon.

Of course, the development of private theater chains also has to wait for policies. I can only say that there is no rush on this matter and we can just slowly follow the pulse of the times.

Director Li smiled and nodded, then smiled sheepishly and said, "Zhao Sheng, Journey to the West has been filmed, but Dream of Red Mansions still has to wait. I hope you can understand..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "It's okay, just take your time filming. Where are the Three Kingdoms?"

He invested 30 million yuan in December last year to urge Yang Ma to open a drama crew for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Now the big crew has been built, but the filming progress? ?

Director Li smiled awkwardly, "Three Kingdoms is also a big project, and it involves too many big scenes. Scheduling manpower is definitely not a problem, but the shooting time will definitely be extended."

"Journey to the West can be completed in 40 episodes, and Dream of Red Mansions can also be completed in 40 episodes, but Romance of the Three Kingdoms may not even be completed in 80 episodes... And in the later stages, maybe 30 million is not enough??"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I understand this. If I don't have enough money later, I will continue to spend money. It's not a problem at all."

He knew that the classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the 1990s had more than 80 episodes filmed, and the total investment accumulated to 170 million yuan.

Although the RMB in the mid-1990s compared with 1984 and 1985, there was a huge price difference. A household worth 10,000 yuan in the mid-1980s was not at the same level as a household worth 10,000 yuan in the mid-1990s. But if you want to keep improving, you must rely on the Three Kingdoms The series sells for a lot of money, and all kinds of Han Tianxia men's and women's shoes from the Three Kingdoms brands are popular.

Even in this era, investing 100 million yuan is worth it!

After all, a pair of Liu Xiu shoes and Diao Chan women's shoes, and Wanwan and a Hong Kong Island purchaser made a large purchase, would be a profit of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, which would be digested in less than a year.

Director Li's smile... he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

I can really recommend him to arrange the introduction of super bodies to the mainland. He is from the TV industry, but it’s not like he doesn’t know people in the film industry.

After Director Li joked a little more and stepped away, Monica quickly came in and was so excited that she said, "I'm really angry. I originally wanted to go out and go shopping to buy some things. After the news spread, I just did it." Tens of thousands of shopping malls and supermarkets near Repulse Bay were paralyzed by heavy traffic..."

"I went up to the top floor and came here by helicopter!"

"Brother Huai, Warner Bros. has offered me a salary of 3 million yuan to play another movie. Oh my god, this is more than A Hua and A Ying!"

What is explosion? The remuneration offered by the Hollywood Film and Television Group is one of the biggest proofs.

But Monica still said excitedly when she got on the big gear lever, "I refused without even thinking about it. Hollywood is so chaotic, how could I dare to go alone."

After all, Monica is a minority shareholder of CLP Group in Hong Kong and holds a seat on the board of directors. She is qualified to sit and vote when tycoons in countless movies and TV series hold board meetings.

She is also the majority shareholder of Marvel! Stan Lee wanted to turn various superhero comics into movies, so he had to get her support.

What's the paycheck in Hollywood? Monica is just excited about this viral trend.

I am so happy that I need to find a way to vent this super exciting feeling!


A few hours later.

Zhao Donghuai met Li Guoxing, an Asian foreigner who was interested in super-body, and directly offered a sky-high price of 50 million Hong Kong dollars!

The selling fees of Quick Chase and Hurricane Rescue 2 are only 30 million and 35 million respectively, which directly raises the level of Super Body.

We are all professional filmmakers, and of course we know that a white female lead can achieve box office heights that even Jet Li and Cheng Long cannot achieve in just an island market.

Shaolin Temple's 3.6 billion yen discount is 15 million U.S. dollars, which is super physical. That is the total box office height of 20 to 30 million U.S. dollars.

No matter how Li Guoxing is divided by Toho or Toei, a large amount of money will be pocketed.

"Sheng Zhao, I want 300 million bottles of the iced tea that Monica drinks in Super Body. I want her to pay for it personally! I believe that as a big star with a green card in Italy and Italy, she has a strong ability to bring goods."

After negotiating the buyout of Super Body, Monica's commercial sales are about to take off.

Only 300 million bottles. There are more than 100 million people in an island country. Who do you look down on? ? An island country could probably sell out all of its products within a month.

Three hundred million bottles, Zhao Donghuai bought 150 million Hong Kong dollars, and Monica bought 30 million Hong Kong dollars!

At this point, Li Guoxing also smiled a little from ear to ear, "Countless beautiful girls from all over the world are chasing dreams of Hollywood. After Super Body is screened around the world, there will probably be many others chasing Zhao's dream of Hong Kong Island!"

Zhao Donghuai smiled brightly, Ah Xing was right, the super body exploded, as long as Monica became more and more popular, it would be the effect and sign of buying horse bones for a thousand dollars.

Think about it, a big model who originally only participated in Milan shows and modeling circles, came to Hong Kong Island and not only gradually established a certain status in the music scene, but also had a big explosion in the film industry? ? Become a superstar?

Super Body is also a movie with an absolute female protagonist and almost no male protagonists.

What's this? ?

There seems to be no such absolute heroine movies in Hollywood right now, right? ! Is there any? No? Such benchmarks and signs are erected for countless handsome men and beautiful women who want to become stars in Hollywood.

Will Hong Kong Island become a new place of rise? Once such information is given to the outside world, Hong Kong's name as Oriental Hollywood may not become more dazzling and powerful.

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