Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 139 The 1980s version of the recruitment order in the global film industry

After communicating with Li Zhuanglie about the new situation of Asia Drama, Director Zhao started to work and contributed to the life and death crew.

Liang Jiahui, Xu Jinjiang, He Jiajin, Miao Qiaowei, Huang Rihua... a group of people who received the invitation to run for the protagonist are also the Flying Tigers team of Fast Chase 2. Lin Zhengying led many students to train with Hua Zai.

Choose a police protagonist among them?

Can the timeline of life and death speed be set before they enter Feihu for training? Because of his outstanding performance in life and death this time and saved many people's lives, did he have the opportunity to join Feihu?

If you choose a protagonist in this way, the Flying Tigers Linkage Team and the "Wea Timber-logging" team will have another successful branch.

When a group of guys came to ATV, Zhao Donghuai asked them to perform a piece respectively, and the protagonist was finally determined to be Liang Jiahui.

After more than a month of training and preparation, Ah Fai is the best in both acting and action!

In the original track, Tony Leung Ka-fai, the actor with a thousand faces, is not famous for his action scenes, but this guy, if you set a standard goal for him and give him a certain amount of time to prepare, he can really surprise you.

"Okay, Life and Death stars Tony Leung Ka-fai, and the timeline is still one of the movies with the Feihu universe before you become an ordinary inspector and join Feihu before being trained by Uncle Ying."

"You will continue to practice when you get back. Your acting skills are up to par, and you need to continue to strengthen your movements!"

Announcing this in front of everyone, Liang Jiahui bowed excitedly and thanked him. Others also looked at Ah Hui with envy, but it was just envy, not jealousy.

After all, Zhao Donghuai asked Qiu Shuzhen to convey the new drama project in May, and it took more than a month to prepare. In terms of acting skills, Liang Jiahui is currently inferior to others.

Director Zhao thought for a moment and said, "Huang Rihua, you, Ah Hua, play Ah Hui's colleague in the police station. It's time to part ways. We'll work together next time if we have a chance."

After the group of people left, he called A-Zhen over again, "Let me tell Tan Yonglin and Chen Baixiang to join in the speed of life and death, and let them sing the theme song of this drama!"

The original soundtrack of Life and Death is also very classic. Zhao Donghuai will naturally copy it, but the song What I have Done given to Tan Yonglin has been a big hit and has entered Europe and the United States, so let him come and guest star as a senior police officer, and let the song What I Also used as the ending theme...

When the movie is announced, it’s a plus.

As the villain, he chose Tsang Jiang to play the role of a retired policeman who turned into a bomb maniac due to his dissatisfaction with the government. There was no need to worry about Tsang Jiang's acting skills.

Zhao Donghuai also thought about casting a white villain, but sometimes things are like this. If white people are frequently cast as villains and Chinese protagonists, it will only have a counterproductive effect. For the sake of box office, it is more appropriate to make the image of white people a little more glorious.

For example, the protagonist's best partner is the policeman who almost died when the villain plotted to blow up the elevator and blackmailed the police. He and Liang Jiahui investigated the case together. When they were arresting the villain, they were threatened by the bomb maniac and almost died.

The same Binny was caught in a trap and sacrificed by a big bomb when the identity of the villain was exposed and he led a team to arrest people.

This role is very positive, Jet Binny can play it well.

While he continued to help, half an hour later, Azhen came to report that Cheng Long was here. After Aaron came in and greeted politely, he expressed his intention, "Zhao Sheng, my new play is about to start filming. I would like to invite you to take charge of it, Mr. Zhao." Actresses participating..."

"I promise not to mess around, everything will be in order!"

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Aaron and said with a smile, "New drama? Are you planning the one about being a policeman on Hong Kong Island? Who are you planning to find?"

This was July 1985, and it was normal for one of Aaron's masterpieces (Police Story) to be started.

It's nothing more than the two heroines of the original work. One is Manyu who is busy in the thigh era, running around Asia to hold concerts, and the other Qingxia? Xu Xian and Xu Shilin, who started filming the new White Snake Legend in May, are waiting for her to finish filming on the Clear Water Bay set in Hong Kong Island.

It's estimated to be late August or September, maybe October.

The fifty-episode TV series was filmed in just over a month, which couldn't be faster no matter how fast it was shot.

Cheng Long smiled and said, "I want to ask Gong Li to play the girlfriend of the police protagonist. I heard that she has been training at Zhao's for more than a year, and her acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds. She is the fastest and strongest among many actresses."

"Another female secretary working for a big drug lord, I would like to ask Miss Li Zhi to give it a try?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "Okay, remember what you said and abide by the rules."

Is Gong Li going to replace Manyu's role? It doesn't matter, Gong Li has been greatly stimulated since then, for example by Chen Hong. She knows that her appearance is far inferior to monsters like Chen Hong and Zhou Huimin, so she can only work hard on her acting skills.

She joined the Zhao family in late April last year, and she didn't have a long vacation. In addition to improving her singing skills, she focuses on improving her acting skills. She can ask famous actresses or even movie queens for advice at any time, and learn the individual improvement mode one-on-one.

She has only officially played the role of Tony Leung Ka-fai's girlfriend in "Prison Storm 1", but her performance was really good.

It's been so long since Prison Day was released. It's been more than half a year, and Ali's acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

She is known as the strongest actress and the best potential among the Zhao girls.

Gong Huang replaced Man Shen as one of his masterpieces, so there is absolutely no problem. As for Li Zhi? She was also recruited by Kwan Jiahui in July last year, and she worked hard on her acting skills. Will she replace Lin Qingxia to play Salena in Police Story 1? It's not a big problem either.

During the Spring Festival, Li Zhi joined Hu Huizhong in the mutant version of Summer Lucky Star, and her performance was not bad. She also played the role of Xu Xian's sister Xu Jiaorong in (New White) very well. She is no longer Azhi who can only play supporting roles in Low.

Aaron's ethics... He didn't dare to go overboard with Laura Fang Na during the food truck period. Zhao Donghuai's words to help him check back then were still very intimidating.

After watching Aaron go, Azhen opened the door again and said, "Boss, Huang Weiming from Oriental Daily is here."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Teacher Huang, please come in."

When Huang Weiming came in, he immediately bowed and said hello, saying that no matter what happened to Mr. Zhao who might need him, he would go through fire and water without hesitation.

Director Zhao smiled and poured a glass of wine for Huang Weiming, "A Ming, have you ever thought about immigrating to North America and getting a green card?"

Huang Weiming was confused, "Am I qualified?"

Zhao Donghuai's smile became even brighter, "I'm optimistic that you can break into a new world in the North American film industry. Recently, a science fiction blockbuster was released in North America, Back to the Future, which grossed nearly 20 million U.S. dollars at the box office in its first week. It's about to happen again. Continuing the glory of super body."

"You fly there as a tourist, watch Back to the Future, and then use your identity as a film critic to post some comments."

Teacher Huang understood instantly, "What comment?"

Director Zhao took a sip of red wine and said, "Back to the Future is so good and exciting. It is definitely a science fiction film that will go down in film history. But as a film critic, while you are deeply shocked, you also feel a little bit lost."

"Such a great film, a classic masterpiece, why doesn't a black brother participate in the performance? Why can't he even be the villain?"

"There are so many friendly and kind-hearted black celebrities, are they not even qualified to support such a masterpiece?"

"Furthermore, it would be great if the male protagonist was played by a gay actor. The heroine has too few scenes. Why is the aura so different from that of the male protagonist? It's the 1980s. Why are there so few scenes for the sisters..."


Huang Mingwei's eyes widened, what kind of magic operation is this? ?

He didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Donghuai finished speaking, and Teacher Huang nodded repeatedly, "I have written it all down. I will fly to North America today, but can these film reviews be published in newspapers?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes. In the beginning, you spent money to get newspapers to publish your film reviews. When your fame became public, TV stations, newspapers, etc. spent a lot of money to get you to write film reviews!"

To defeat Hollywood, in addition to Zhao Donghuai's own establishment of the film industrialization foundation, he must also rely on North America's ZZZQ.

ZZZQ hasn't gained much popularity yet, and women's rights are relatively popular, but it can be boosted in advance.

Last year, he thought about acquiring the copyright for Back to the Future and participating in the cooperation, but he was tricked by Hollywood giants in many simulations.

In this case, don't blame him for not wanting Face, just let Huang Weiming go.

As we all know, Teacher Huang is the favorite general of Ma Tycoon of Oriental Daily. How can he have anything to do with him, Zhao Donghuai?

As for whether Mr. Huang will be blackmailed, in fact, Zhao's international trade has developed so far. In addition to regular transportation of paper, it has also developed hundreds of people with work visas in North America, all of whom are Pan Asia Group A Guang and A Guang. The quality of He and Alu.

This matter has been progressing since the operation of Monica's green card. This does not mean much in North America, but it can still be done to protect the personal safety of several people.

In the future, when Monica goes to North America to manage Marvel or other things, it will also be a protective force.

Huang Weiming, who operates this thing, is of course a small pawn and has little strength, but he is responsible for lighting the fire, and he will definitely not be lonely after lighting the fire.

As for whether someone will use similar tricks on Zhao Donghuai's movies in the future? As we all know, there are basically no black people in Hong Kong Island. This is a Hong Kong Island movie, not a Hollywood movie.

Moreover, he controls the media group, and Shao Daheng, Lei Juekun, and Ma Chengkun are all on his side and working with him. So you have to have a platform for what others want to do? Some things have been announced, but in fact there is no fear of being misled.


Two days later.

When Huang Weiming's first article about the film (Back to the Future) was published in a major newspaper in Los Angeles with money, it seemed that there was nothing outstanding and no one responded.

But after his second film review appeared in another major newspaper.

Some female groups immediately stood up and praised Teacher Huang in various ways. Yes, why is it that compared to movies with big female protagonists like Super Body, the female protagonist in Back to the Future has so few scenes? This is unscientific!

You must know that the 1980s was the second peak period of various feminist movement trends in North America, which lasted from the 1960s to the late 1980s, followed by the 1990s, and the third wave of popularity lasted until the 2020s.

Super Body is still being released in North America. It has been in theaters since May and has been running for two months. The North American box office has exceeded 200 million US dollars, but...

In order to make more money, Warner doesn't quite understand what kind of monster ZZZQ is at this stage. It can still be operated by using a wave of traffic to let the super body warm up again.


When Warner followed Huang Weiming's lead and spent money on it, there were suddenly many more people in the public opinion media who supported super-body and rejected (Back to the Future). Universal was furious, but well, you haven't dealt with this matter yet.

What did you say? Is this a way to start a public opinion war? If you are tough, you will easily be attacked by ZZZQs from all over North America who will spray you around the world!

Universal could only hold back his anger and take a look first before talking.

Judging from the momentum, Super Body has dropped to a box office accumulation period of hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. Following Teacher Huang's operation, it has risen to the million-dollar level, and can even break two million dollars a day.

Warner laughed silly, and quickly arranged for the media to interview Mr. Huang and appear on the show. Then Mr. Huang became famous and received warm welcome from a large number of women, gays and black brothers.

As a film critic who traveled to North America from Hong Kong Island, he immediately became popular.

A Hong Kong film critic, a man, who originally had nothing to do with many things, published so many correct words and remarks with such enthusiasm and enthusiasm. What kind of spirit is this?

Mr. Huang even announced in a TV interview that if Back to the Future 2 dares to use a black male protagonist, he is willing to run away to Los Angeles to celebrate. If the female protagonist in Back to the Future 2 can share the same role as the male protagonist, he is willing to perform in front of the camera. Yoneda total.

I hope that Universal Pictures can help him realize these two wishes in his lifetime!


Universal wants to kill Huang Weiming.

But Teacher Huang immediately became famous in North America after the show was broadcast. Even countless film critics looked at Huang Weiming with admiration and were extremely shocked.

This is still an era where the comments of well-known film critics can slightly affect the box office of some movies. An era where a group of well-known film critics band together to praise or criticize a movie can affect the box office trend more obviously and fluctuate more strongly.

Black actors working in Hollywood have also begun to speak out publicly, boasting and praising Teacher Huang Weiming, saying that he is like a light shining in Los Angeles.

Back to the Future is a science fiction film that has indeed become the most popular movie in its debut, dominating the movie charts for more than ten weeks in a row. It is also a blockbuster hit with a box office hit of US$200 million. Who wouldn’t want to play the leading role? It’s only 1985, and a black star wants to be the male lead in a blockbuster film? ?

Are you dreaming?

But Teacher Huang supports them like this? Is there really hope in making a fuss? Not to mention the male lead, giving him an important supporting role is as good as a dream.

Why is it not supported? Teacher Huang is really great! Seriously, this is the best brother and good friend of their black actors and stars.

Needless to say, female stars? Look at Monica, there is almost no male protagonist in a super body, it is all about her various cool operations that kill the whole world in seconds, it is a science fiction masterpiece.

If a drama goes from being unknown to becoming a global superstar, it’s a hell of a lot of money to make.

Huang Weiming cheers for the female stars, hoping that the female protagonist can catch up with the male protagonist, and preferably the scenes will be equally divided. This is so cute!

The result of Teacher Huang's popularity is that immediately after he got off the TV show, various celebrities sent him a large number of party invitations. Countless people, either spontaneously or with money, held various parades to support Teacher Huang's dream.

Back to the Future...the box office is up!

It was originally shown for a week or two, but the downward trend unexpectedly increased again. Universal was furious, but suddenly it was not so angry anymore, and began to investigate and study. It was obvious that they were being criticized, so why did the box office increase?

This is a little strange, but now that the box office has increased, Mr. Huang Weiming is no longer an eyesore in the eyes of the world, but has become more cute.

Super body box office is also picking up!

It was already July 24th when Mr. Huang returned from Hollywood with great success. The last time he appeared on the show before leaving was to tell the public that he heard that Paramount was preparing to shoot a masterpiece, which seemed to be some kind of Top Gun.

He feels that the male lead can be played by Muhammad Ali or Morgan Freeman. Once those two join the male lead, Paramount will definitely become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

Let Paramount be the brightest light in Hollywood...

After setting the fire, regardless of what happened next, Huang Weiming returned to Hong Kong.

He was actually named a world-renowned film critic by some magazines in North America. Although he invested a lot of money in the early stage, when Warner ended, he no longer needed to invest anymore and he made a profit.


Kowloon Daily, Ma Chengkun put down the phone, rubbed his face with a magical look, and said, "Did you get a call from Amblin Entertainment? I wanted to spend $50,000 to ask Mr. Huang to write a film review for 6 The Goonies was released in September.

This film, which has been released for more than a month, has already grossed US$60 million at the box office and is in the pre-production stage. It is written by the great director Steven Spielberg.

But seeing Teacher Huang’s operation, whether it’s Super Body or Back to the Future, the box office is actually rising? How about giving it a try? ?

$50,000 to write a praise review of (The Goonies)? ?

If the female protagonist's role in Back to the Future 2 can be as exciting as that of the male protagonist, 50-50, would Teacher Huang, who has to perform in a TV show to celebrate by eating rice fields together, already be worth this much by writing a film review? When Teacher Huang wanted to run away from Tsim Sha Tsui, it only cost HK$30,000.

Even so, he, as a Hong Kong film critic, is already a high-income model among his peers!

And US$50,000 is nearly HK$400,000!

This is too magical!

Ma Chengkun could only sigh in his heart, if he wants to be sexy, the whole Hong Kong still has to look at Zhao Sheng!


Zhao Donghuai looked at a newspaper from North America. It was a senior executive at Paramount announcing that all black friends were welcome to audition for Top Gun. As long as their acting skills were qualified and other aspects met the standards, it was not that they could not consider letting black people. The star is the hero.

Director Zhao let out a very hearty laugh. Paramount saw that Super Body and Universal's Back to the Future had both made money in this round of hype, and they wanted to get a piece of the pie.

However, if it weren’t for the support of these big film industry groups, how could there be a black actor (Snow White) later? Now that the initial profits are getting better and the development continues, there will be hope.

Director Zhao didn't do anything, he just accelerated the boost.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai suddenly called Monica and said, "You can find a person named Frank Abagno Jr. He is a wizard and say that our company wants to adapt his own experience into a movie. Movie."

"After purchasing the copyright, I will select a director from Zhao Films and shoot in North America. In order to adapt to the rising status of actresses, I will make a public announcement and select a leading heroine as the protagonist..."

"Let's see how Hollywood reacts."

The famous cat-and-mouse game is also one of Leonardo DiCaprio's masterpieces. It cost US$52 million to produce and has grossed US$350 million at the global box office.

But within this production cost, what about the stars’ remuneration? After Leonardo DiCaprio's starring role in Titanic became a global hit, his salary alone cut too much money from the cat-and-mouse game. The other male lead, Tom Hanks, was nominated for a Hollywood Oscar and won an award-winning actor when he participated in the film. Already several times!

Tom's remuneration is also a huge cut in the production cost.

Zhao Donghuai will not shoot it himself. If he works it out, Xu Ke, Wang Jing, and Du Qifeng can co-direct. After all, Director Zhao can come up with a storyboard script at any time.

And if you choose a new one...replace the male lead of DiCaprio with a white actress? It’s quite possible to take off with ZZZQ.

As for who to choose? Among his first batch of Asian opera students, weren’t there Naomi Watts, Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, etc.?

Naomi Watts is good. She has become a criminal genius girl and continues to make money while committing crimes. But what she wants most is to return to "timberland"...

The character design is very good. As for Naomi’s acting skills? ? You can grind it out slowly, and as long as you don't pay too much in terms of remuneration, the production cost will be much cheaper.

The good wind, with its power, sends me to the blue clouds!

The trend promoted by Mr. Huang will initially make Hollywood giants profitable. The increase in the box office of (Back to the Future) is nothing more than the more and more harsh it is, the white people will be disgusted, and then they will support the wave of Back to the Future. .

After all, white people are the largest majority in North America in this era. Even thirty or forty years later, they are still the core. If you brag about black brothers, leading heroines, gays, etc., it will only make white men unhappy. Use the facts to tell the truth. Support (Back to the Future) and Universal.

This seems to be a win-win situation. Universal has tasted the benefits, and Paramount also wants to take advantage of it.

But the faster this building is erected, the more prosperous it will be, and it will be exciting in the future.

Now is the time when Hollywood is consolidating its global dominance. The 1990s and 2000s were the peak years. It dominated everything. Now it is exerting its strength. What if all ZZZQ broke out in the 1990s? ?

That's it. Not to mention that the copyright of the Marvel series currently belongs to Zhao Donghuai. Even if he charges money to sell part of the copyright, how can several major Hollywood companies be like Zhao, and both parties can make superhero movies?

Black Widow is played by a black actress, Captain Amei is a magical super-gender person, Iron Man only likes men...

The various normal Caucasian male stars and female stars created by Zhao's Pictures can make the audience breathe a sigh of relief!

After holding a seminar with Monica during the exercise, Zhao Donghuai happily started the group and officially started filming Life and Death.

It is estimated that by the time he finishes filming, the special effects of the unresolved human-ghost relationship will be almost done, and it will be able to catch up to the end of the summer season. Even if it cannot make it, this kind of blockbuster will be able to continue on the junk schedule with Zhao Media's promotional capabilities. break out.


Early August.

Near the Clearwater Bay set, when Johnny Depp, Naomi Watts, Sandra Bullock and others came from school, they were near the set.

Hearing that they can also join the crew and play supporting roles, supporting roles, etc., several white men and women were so excited that they wanted to worship Zhao Sheng, the big boss.

Now it seems that they gave up their original living environment and came to Hong Kong Island to join the film and television industry. It was so right!

In the midst of all kinds of excitement, Laura Fangna came over and said with a smile, "You little guys, please learn from me more in the future. Although you all have certain acting skills and may not be short in years, acting Stage plays, TV series, etc. are still very different from movies.”

"So far, you have only studied acting at Asia Opera for more than a month. If you don't work hard, the supporting roles originally assigned to you will only become secondary roles, or even be screened out and let other students take your place!"

After saying this, several students nodded enthusiastically.

They are also another kind of "buying horse bones for a thousand gold" erected by Zhao Donghuai!

When the world is bombarded with life and death in the future, Hong Kong Island will naturally become another kind of holy land for those who pursue stardom dreams.

The more popular this group of guys becomes in the future, the more intense the label of the holy place (Asian Drama Academy) opened by Zhao in Hong Kong will be! By then, even if the government still insists that "Asia Drama" is a community college, it will be more popular and popular than countless formal undergraduate drama schools and performance schools.

Apart from anything else, the cat-and-mouse game has been worked out, with Naomi Watts as the heroine competing with the old mother-style FBI? Then, it doesn’t matter if the box office profit is cut in half.

Does he want the box office profits of the cat-and-mouse game?

No, this is the 1980s film version of the recruitment order!

He wants to use this to enhance the wonderful status and appeal of Zhao Films in the eyes of female stars and actresses around the world.

After a while, when Johnny Depp and others read the rough script, they were all confused and dumbfounded. Naomi Watts was even more incredulous and said, "Oh my God, we are passengers on a bus. There is a bomb on the bus. The speed is... Direct explosion below 50 miles?"

"Will it drive on a broken bridge that has not been repaired? There are more than ten meters between the two bridges that are empty? The bus has to fly more than ten meters in the air to be safe??"

"How could this be filmed?!"

Johnny Depp was excited, "Not only that, there was a bus rushing towards the plane from behind, a big explosion... hiss, this is too crazy!"

But the crazier the better. The future director of the Transformers series is known as a bombshell, and he can make a name for himself in the global film industry with his explosions.

It was only 1985, how could there be so many sensational shots and big explosions?

After only reading the script description, a group of students could not imagine what a crazy and terrifying situation it would be if an explosion of this level appeared on the big screen. If it were filmed... it would be absolutely exciting!

Thinking about it again, Lola Fanna is one of the saviors in this play who is both literary and military.

For a time, several white students excitedly regarded Laura Fanna as an idol they could pursue.

What follows is a day of filming. Regardless of whether they have a role or not, these trainees are very attentive to learning in the crew. They stay and do chores on the set. This is something they enjoy and never get tired of.

Of course, the camera will secretly record some things. When these big stars become famous in the future, it will be another kind of inspirational chicken soup.


August 3rd.

After finishing the day's shooting, when Zhao Donghuai entered the main office of Zhao Films, Xu Ke, Du Qifeng, Wang Jing and others came one after another.

Zhao Donghuai came up with all the scripts for the adapted version of Cat and Mouse Game.

Monica's plan to adapt the life story of Frank Abagno Jr. into a film project went very smoothly.

Originally, it was Frank Jr. talking about his early experiences in an interview video in the 1990s. He was noticed by a Hollywood screenwriter, so he went to talk to him about the movie adaptation, and published a book that became one of the best-sellers. At this stage... you It's not difficult to buy everything with money.

If he thinks it's not suitable, just add more money!

Even if other Hollywood film groups want to remake the film in the future, they can no longer buy the copyright from Frank Jr., they can only buy it from Zhao Films.

In this story, Zhao Donghuai wanted to take advantage of the various ZZZQ trends that had just exploded in North America and follow the trend of movies with female protagonists, so many details were changed.

For example, in the original version, the male protagonist is staying in a hotel, and a prostitute wants to make money from him. Not only does the male protagonist vote for the prostitute, he also uses a fake check to earn real money from the prostitute.

If Naomi Watts were to play the role, this scene would definitely not exist. It could be changed to a scene where room service wants to sell luxury goods, famous wines, and delicious meals. Make money by exchanging checks for real money.

The male protagonist in the original work was super romantic, but here the female protagonist cannot be romantic, and her belt is looser than anyone else. She is a female thief who is knowledgeable, courageous, insightful, easy to learn, and super smart.

It’s easy to navigate all walks of life.

The male protagonist's romantic hobby can be changed to the female protagonist's love for food. The white female protagonist can buy all kinds of world delicacies, and she can also make money after eating them. The character of a cute foodie beauty is sometimes a plus.

This drama has very high requirements for the protagonist's various acting skills. Naomi Watts, just wait and see, we can only let a group of directors comprehensively guide her.

After a group of people finished reading the script, Wang Jing couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Zhao Sheng, such a sharp-tongued liar? Such a person cannot exist in the world, right? Only film and television works can exist."

Du Qifeng and Xu Ke nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and opened a bottle of red wine, and Azhen came over to pour the wine, "No, this is a movie adapted from real events. This prototype of a liar defrauded 26 countries and escaped capture many times."

"Although he was eventually arrested and sentenced, he was soon paroled. He was so talented that the North American Federation asked him to be a financial security consultant, and the FBI asked him to be a teacher..."

Wang Jing was so shocked that his eyes almost dropped to the floor. He said such a big thing, he didn't know what to use to describe this prototype.

Xu Ke and Du Qifeng are similar.

They can only say that Niu Ben’s people really can’t imagine and speculate with ordinary people’s thinking.

Zhao Donghuai said again, "The prototype is a male, super romantic. I plan to adopt a heroine setting for this movie, and take advantage of the ZZZQ trend in Hollywood. There is an actress named Naomi Watts."

"Her acting skills are far from enough now, but you can wait until she finishes filming the life-and-death scene and find some actresses to help her improve her acting skills 24 hours a day. You can also direct her off the set and start filming when she is in a suitable state."

"When filming officially starts, you will go to North America for filming."

"Of course, she is not irreplaceable. If she grows too slowly and can't act after the Spring Festival next year, we will continue to use Laura Fanna!"

Naomi Watts still has some acting talent, but she had to undo it in advance, so she could only ask the Hong Kong movie queens to lead her 24 hours a day, and big directors often gave her guidance.

I really don’t expect this adaptation of a mutant cat-and-mouse game to make much money.

But give her time, give her a chance, and if she still can't grow up, change her to Laura Fanna.

Xu Ke laughed and said, "I understand, just like Adu and Wu Zhenyu's acting skills, it's not too late to wait for a year and a half before starting the movie."

The second part of Xu Ke's A Chinese Ghost Story was released in June and once again made 25 million at the Hong Kong box office and sold out 25 million. At this stage, he has continued to plan the third part.

Besides being happy and making money, cultivating a white girl's acting skills is not a big deal.

What Zhao Cinemas released in July was Mak Yuen-hsiung's Lame Hao. It grossed 28 million Hong Kong box office and sold out 30 million Hong Kong dollars. Lui Liangwei, Zheng Zeshi, Tsang Jiang, etc. once again became popular.

This can be regarded as starting the trend of hero movies and biopics in advance. Mak Yun-hsiung's fame has skyrocketed, and he no longer looks like a provincial and Hong Kong flag soldier. Countless actors want to blacken his street image.

After watching several directors go, Zhao Donghuai was just about to call it a day and go home for a sports meeting when Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and said, "Boss, someone from Sony wants to discuss new film investment."


The last time Zhao Donghuai filmed a super-body movie, he had many battles of wits and courage in the simulator. In the end, because the protection money provided by Sony was relatively large, he stopped creating underworld scenes in the movie for the time being.

Sony has not become a spokesperson for brand products like Coke.

Come again? ?

A moment later, when several middle-aged men and women walked in and bowed politely, Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea and asked, "The Walkman won't explode again this time, right?"

Several men and women immediately blushed, sat down, and ate various kinds of red bean paste and simi. They all swore by committing seppuku that there would never be another explosion.

Zhao Donghuai temporarily accepted an investment of 10 million Hong Kong dollars and a batch of supplies. After the group left, he began to think about how to cheat Sony.

What is the best way to cut? It's not appropriate to continue to explode. Some things are accidental once, but they can easily arouse suspicion twice. Maybe Sony has already suspected him, and this time is just to test? But his gangster attitude is not afraid of Sony.

With his current background in Hong Kong, he is not afraid of outsiders in his own territory. There are more than 20 crisis warnings, and even someone who is secretly targeting him will not be able to target him, let alone the repressive pressure of the Pan-Asia Group.

It’s better to simulate it a few times first and see if you can get some unique rewards.


a new day.

From the Life and Death crew, Zhao Donghuai gathered a large group of behind-the-scenes actors, including Tony Leung Jiahui, Laura Fonna and other leading actors. He took out a Walkman and said, "For today's scene, let's study how to cleverly insert advertisements..."

"Sony just sent it yesterday. It says there are all kinds of classic songs recorded on tape. Come, let's take a look at what songs are recorded in it."

Distribute more than a dozen Walkmans one by one.

After most people pressed the button, the Walkman without headphones would play various songs, most of which were masterpieces of Hong Kong singers, with Chow Wai-man having the most songs.

A small part are the songs of Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau.

However, when a tape without a soundtrack, which was purely a monologue of an island guy, played, Laura Fangna, who pressed it, looked confused, "This is not a song? What is it?"

When everyone gets interested, turn off the serious music.

Paragraphs of words resembling the monologue of an island countryman rang out.

Zhao Donghuai complained helplessly, "What the hell is Sony doing? Is it a prank? Or is it a little easter egg? Find someone who understands Japanese to translate it."

After a while, a staff member who knew Japanese came over and listened to a passage under the attention of the crowd. The more he listened, the paler his face became, and his body began to tremble. Finally, he looked at Director Zhao in horror, "Sheng Zhao, do you want to let the others Can you please avoid me? I'll report to you alone?"

A large group of people came to watch.

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "What are you avoiding? Just say it directly. These are prototypes sent by Sony for us to advertise. They made the tapes themselves. What can't be told to others?"

A staff member swallowed hard and said, "That's right. This is audio evidence recorded by an island guy who calls himself Xiong Gu. He said that he was instructed by Toshiba to work with Big Bear on the five-axis linkage CNC that was restricted from being sold to Big Bear by Batumi. Machine tool trading…”

"Kumagai left the tape to elaborate on the evidence, specific transaction methods, and various detailed memories so that the tape could save his life or make a fortune when needed."

Having said this, he looked carefully to the left and right, and found that everyone was indifferent, calm, and confused.

How much does machine tool trading and Batumi restrictions have to do with the entertainment industry? Many celebrities even don’t know what a five-axis CNC machine tool is...

Everyone thinks it doesn’t matter, after all, they don’t understand.

On the contrary, this staff member is proficient in Japanese and is mainly responsible for how Zhao Films communicates with Toei Toho and the like when a film is shot in Japan, and how the island country's box office and Li Guoxing's settlement are operated.

Proficient in Japanese, occasionally Zhao's international trade wants to find business from island countries, and he also needs advisers.

Therefore, he knows a lot about international business.

If the monologue and verbal evidence of Mr. Xionggu on the tape are true, then this tape is a murder weapon!

Seeing that most people didn't think it mattered after hearing this, and there was still a sense of bafflement on their faces, he looked at Zhao Sheng. This big boss couldn't understand, right?

Zhao Donghuai also looked at him, frowned and asked curiously, "This is a bit big, but I'm a little curious now. Sony sent products and asked me to shoot advertisements for them. What does it mean to send a tape like this??"

staff member,"???"

He fell into silence for a while and was dumbfounded by Zhao Donghuai's question, "Yes, Sony, what does this mean?" ? Even if Sony can't stand Toshiba's cheating and secretly making money behind the back of their father's country, shouldn't they file a complaint to their father's country after they get the evidence?

When Toshiba is sanctioned, will we happily grab territory again? What is the significance and rationale of giving such a tape to Zhao Sheng?

After scratching their heads and feeling confused for a while, the staff looked at the sky a little stupidly. What kind of magic operation is this? He felt that there was a 99% chance that it was sent to the wrong person.

But such an important tape could be sent to the wrong person? ?

More than a dozen models of Walkmans all come with their own tapes, all of which are for recording songs. The reason for recording so many of Zhou Huimin's good songs is undoubtedly to please Zhao Sheng.

At this time, there is a strange monologue tape from Mr. Kumagai, which is so wrong.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head and said speechlessly, "Go and contact the person in charge of Sony's visit this time and call them to ask what is going on."

"It's so unreasonable to do this for no reason. Sony wants to kill Toshiba, tell me what to do?"

The staff member took a long breath and ran to do something. He suddenly felt that this might be an opportunity to make a fortune.

It’s possible to make a small fortune yourself!

Liang Jiahui was shocked, "Huh? Sony wants to kill Toshiba? How??"

Many production and creative teams were also shocked. Why did Sony want to kill Toshiba? How to kill? Isn’t Azhi also a Fortune 500 company?

"Why did Sony want to kill Azhi?"

Zhao Donghuai coughed and said, "Okay, no one can leave the crew for the time being."

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