Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 140 The Toshiba Explosion Case of Copying Others

after a while.

At the scheduled location for filming, not a single person who had listened to a certain monologue tape of Mr. Kumagai, an island countryman, left.

There are even more people here, such as Huo Daheng...

When several Sony executives who delivered the Walkman, tapes, cameras, and film arrived yesterday, they quietly listened to Xiong Gu's monologue on a certain tape. As they listened, some people began to take out medicine and put it in their mouths.

Some people knelt down and grabbed the hair on their heads with both hands, pulling it out hard. Some people shivered and fainted.

A tape is hardly solid evidence, and they don't know Kumagai, but at least Sony's senior executives know what a special five-axis CNC machine tool is? ! ! !

Their knowledge is much richer than that of a group of celebrities.

They don't know if Toshiba has actually traded such a thing with Big Bear!

have? So Sony actually exposed this matter, or did it go to Hong Kong Island and become famous all over the world? What will Sony's image be like in the future? ? A pig teammate, or a role model for professionals to backstab their own people?

No, this thing is purely false? This is still a joke. Why does Sony want to slander Toshiba like this?

As long as this matter is leaked and North American dad knows about it, then the other party will definitely make trouble and sanction Toshiba.

No matter how you look at it, once this tape came out, Sony really...

So, why is Sony doing this? Why send such a tape to Zhao Donghuai?

The various reactions of several Sony executives made many people dumbfounded. Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "Huo Sheng, what is going on? I am confused..."

Huo Daheng, "..."

He was also very messy. He even had a little suspicion that Zhao Donghuai had done this. Zhao Sheng was the only one in Hong Kong who was so arrogant, but that shouldn't be the case. It involved a deal between a Fortune 500 company like Toshiba and a big bear. It is impossible for Zhao Donghuai to have the power to find out.

Is it possible that his investigative power is stronger than that of Amei's family?

slander? What nonsense? Why do you do this for no reason? But Huo Daheng knew that this matter was indeed big or small, a magical size.

At this moment, a Sony executive who was lying limply on the ground suddenly stood up, hurriedly grabbed a certain tape, and began to read the number.

When I saw that it was indeed the tape that they had sent after recording the content, I suddenly felt black and dizzy again.

However, someone who had just taken a few pills suddenly brightened up following the behavior of his companions, "Zhao Sheng, there is no grievance, you can't cheat us like this, even if the tape machine is produced by us, but before This is not what was recorded..."

"Zhao Sheng, you washed out the songs on the tape and asked someone to re-record them."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "You sent this thing to me so outrageously, and now you want to slander me?"

"First of all, technology can definitely detect whether a tape was originally recorded once, or was recorded twice or three times after cleaning. This is an original tape!"

"And on the way you guys came, I asked someone to check. The man who called himself Mr. Kumagai said he was running errands and doing business for Toshiba. He has been in Tokyo since a week ago and has never left Tokyo."

"I even asked someone to make a long-distance call for him... and record it!"

Along with his words, a separately recorded tape began to play, which contained a conversation between the previous translator and Mr. Kumagai.

During the conversation, after the translator got in touch and said hello politely, he asked Xiong Gu whether he was helping Toshiba and Da Mao Xiong trade five-axis CNC machine tools, and in the process, he received kickbacks from both directions and made a lot of illegal money.

Xiong Gu retorted three times in a row, "I'm not, I didn't, you're talking nonsense, I make too little" and hung up the phone.

You can hear Kumagai from this sound. It’s really Kumagai’s voice from the tape sent by Sony!

The original trajectory of the Toshiba incident was that Mr. Kumagai felt that both Toshiba and Big Bear were making a lot of money, and that he, an errand boy, made too little. His request for more money from Toshiba was not met, so he reported Toshiba in his real name.

It triggered various follow-ups.

Suddenly I got a call and was asked like this? Mr. Kumagai was furious! I make so little, and you still slander me and make a lot of money?

Original track Kumagai reported Toshiba this year, and North America used this as an excuse to impose major sanctions on the island country. The sanctions did not hit Toshiba too hard, but they followed the trend and hit Toshiba indiscriminately. Various restrictions and many years of operation gradually kicked the island country's chip manufacturing out of the world's first echelon. .

The entire semiconductor industry has also been dragged down a lot.

It can be said that North America’s various actions to suppress semiconductors in island countries and support South Korea originated from the Toshiba incident!

The boss sees that a certain younger brother is getting stronger and stronger. If he wants to suppress you, he must have a reason, an aboveboard reason. Otherwise, what will the other younger brothers think?

As soon as the Toshiba incident came out, there was a reason!

Zhao Donghuai said again when Sony's senior management was in a bit of a breakdown, "Don't worry, the camera has completely recorded the phone call clip of our staff, and it's better to record it live. After all, this is the film crew!"

"When the film is developed, you will know that the conversation recorded on the tape is real."

Sony executives grabbed the pill again and took it.

Director Zhao asked curiously, "Let me ask, I don't care about you slandering me for the time being, but I am curious, what do you mean by giving me this tape?"

"I have never had any business dealings with Toshiba, and neither has Big Bear...I have never been to Big Bear. You gave me this tape recording??"

"I'm not boasting. I'm a little clever to create my current family business, but I can't figure it out even if I think about it. Among the dozen or so popular song tapes, a tape like this is mixed in?"

"Why is this??"

A senior executive on the ground who was pulling his hair was immediately shut down by the question, and then started trembling and spitting foam.

you ask me? Who the hell am I asking? ? They just came to invest in movies and advertise, so why would they get involved in such a bizarre incident?

Someone who had taken the medicine for the second time suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully, "Zhao Sheng, I'm going to make a call to ask for instructions... Please give me 10 minutes."


Ten minutes later, under the supervision of the Life and Death crew, the other party hurried over after making the phone call, "We will pay 20 million Hong Kong dollars as a shock payment to everyone present."

"We also hope that everyone will help us to prevent the news from spreading. Zhao Sheng and Huo Sheng each have 8 million, and everyone will share the rest equally."

Damn it, people named Zhao are poisonous!

Last time, the Walkman exploded. Although after repeated investigations, it was found that the cause of the explosion was indeed the quality of the Walkman battery they produced, which caused the explosion. That was evil enough.

This is such an outrageous incident. Sony cannot handle this kind of sinkhole. He is determined. Regardless of whether Sony will continue to cooperate with Mr. Zhao in the future, he will never serve this god of plague again. .

Zhao Donghuai sighed helplessly, "This is not a question of money or not. I just don't understand. We have a happy cooperation. What do you mean by doing this?"

"I'm quite confused."

"You see, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari and so on, including Dior, Armani, Chateau Lafite, etc., they always have a happy cooperation. Aren't you islanders the most craftsman-minded enterprises?"

"Why do such strange incidents happen again and again? Don't let it happen again. I think your Sony partner is really toxic."

"What do you mean, Huo Sheng?"

Twenty million Hong Kong dollars? Who do you look down on?

But Zhao Donghuai knew that this incident could not deceive Sony too much. This was different from the Walkman explosion. If the explosion spread, Sony's Walkman would be regarded as a plague in the global market, and it would kill the Walkman in a short time.

How much profit is involved? How many billions of dollars in profits are there every year? It’s normal for Sony to spend one to two hundred million Hong Kong dollars to seal the deal.

But in this matter, without Director Zhao, Xiong Gu would have come out to report this year because he made too little money. In this case of Sony, people are really sitting at home, and the blame comes from the sky.

However, after the incident broke out, Toshiba was criticized in various ways.

Sony paid for the hush money because it didn't want to backstab one of its own and defraud the image of its teammates.

Director Zhao will know that they are different in nature, and it will be fine if he means it.

Huo Daheng has been invited. Is this the core issue of how much money to make? Whether Huo Daheng and his friends can take the opportunity to acquire high-tech equipment is a big deal.

Huo Daheng stood up and walked away with a smile, "I don't want money. I'm just here to help witness. After witnessing, it has nothing to do with me. Let's talk to Mr. Zhao when he has time."

This is really big news.

Especially when Zhao Donghuai's people contacted Xiong Gu, the other party actually said, "I'm not, I don't have it. Don't talk nonsense, I don't make enough money." He denied and retorted three times in a row? ?

It seems that such a magical thing is not caused by Zhao Donghuai. He does not have the strength!

Hurry up and think about something before you say anything.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Sony executives were anxious and wanted to pursue Huo Daheng but were easily blocked. Then they cried and gave money and asked Zhao Sheng to help stabilize the news, and then hurriedly called to ask for instructions.

There had been the "JAL Hotel Shooting Incident" and the last "Walkman Bombing Incident". I felt that as long as I spent money and bowed to admit my mistake, Zhao Sheng was indeed a decent person and would help cover up the news.

But if that Huo Sheng can't settle things, he will be in trouble!

It's best if the thing is fake. At most, it will cause some blood and lose a fortune. If it is true... then it will be the title of "Best Pig Teammate of the 1980s" and "Backstabbing One of Our Own", which is not good for Sony. What an honor!

How can they make friendly friends in the island country in the future? Make a fortune together? Taking the initiative to backstab is too filthy! unintended mistake? The image of the pig teammates is not much better.

Their reaction at the beginning was much more intense and horrifying than the Walkman explosion incident. It was mainly about Toshiba's play, and it was a bit violent in nature. Wasn't this a kick in the butt of my father's country? I was frightened by that nature.

They are just the middle level of the group.

But after calming down, I did find that Sony was not burdened with so much. At most, it was some magical honorary awards.

Seeing several Sony executives leaving one by one, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but slap his thigh, "Who are these people? They will mess around and delay my filming!"

A group of crew members were also confused.

On the contrary, Laura Fanna was very excited... After all, she also had money for the Nikko Hotel shooting incident and the Walkman bombing incident, and now it seems she has it again? ?

This time, Sony only plans to offer a total of 20 million Hong Kong dollars. The price is not high, but filming with the boss is exciting!

Next, today's scene of Life and Death has officially started filming.

It was busy until noon, and Sony executives came again, bringing a check for 10 million Hong Kong dollars and another for 5 million. By the way, they wanted to ask Zhao Sheng to help persuade Huo Sheng.

He accepted the two checks and asked Sony's people to return them. He didn't want to return them? Pan-Asian Little Suit settles these things too easily.

Director Zhao also recruited the team who had the closest knowledge of the "Azhi recording incident" together in the morning, Liang Jiahui and Laura Fangna.

Naomi Watts, Johnny Depp, and Sandra Bullock are pure passers-by.

In addition, there are Guan Jiahui, Chen Hong and Feng Baobao.

The serious bus driver in the crew is Wu Zhenyu. He was originally driving the bus, but when Liang Jiahui got on the bus to defuse the bomb and comfort the passengers, a gun-wielding passenger thought that Liang Jiahui, the policeman, was going to arrest him, so he threatened him with a gun and asked the driver to stop and get off. …

How could the bus stop? In the setting, it will explode directly if the speed is less than 50 miles per hour.

While Liang Jiahui was calming down the gun-wielding passengers, another passerby wanted to help in a sneak attack and subdued the gun-wielding gangster, but accidentally hit the driver Wu Zhenyu during the struggle.

The gun-wielding passenger was Richard Norton, the good-hearted passenger Xiong Xinxin did bad things, and Feng Baobao was the kind-hearted passenger who took care of Lao Wu after Wu Zhenyu was shot.

In addition to a group of actors, the assistant director, photography, and lighting behind-the-scenes people also came.

A large group of people gathered around Zhao Donghuai, and he took a check in his hand and said, "You share these five million, Ah Hui 500,000, Laura Fangna 500,000, Jiahui 500,000, Ah Hong 300,000, and the rest You divide the 3.2 million according to your head."

The remaining actors plus the behind-the-scenes team total only thirty or forty people.

This is a sports scene where the bus moves on the road. The crew will be on the road at any time.

Evenly divided on a per-capita basis, each person pockets nearly 100,000 Hong Kong dollars!

At the words, a group of people cheered directly.

Guan Jiahui came with Chen Hong and said with surprise, "Brother Huai, I still don't understand. What is going on? What's the logic? Ah Hong, do you understand?"

Chen Hong looked up at Qingcheng's little face and shook his head, with a look of confusion on his face, "Yes, I could understand it a few times, but this time it's really weird."

But the boss is really kind to her, so can she share 300,000? How should I repay my boss?

She felt that if there was an opportunity to make Sister Min less overworked, it would be a good way to thank her, but she was afraid that Sister Min would not think so and misunderstand her as a good sister.

Thinking of this, Chen Hong suddenly said, "Boss, you often cast a lot of handsome men and beautiful women in your blockbusters. Are you really not afraid of being upstaged? The theory teacher told us, doesn't the supporting role shouldn't be too handsome or eye-catching?"

Female passengers like her and Guan Jiahui are obviously no worse than the heroine Laura Fanna, right? Maybe more beautiful?

Even Naomi Watts and Sandra Bullock...

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "This is called urban publicity. Many passers-by in Hollywood blockbusters are also handsome men and beautiful women. They highlight the prosperity and beauty of North America time and time again. Do you really think that the streets over there are also full of handsome men and beautiful women?"


The filming continued, and when the filming bus in Life and Death was moving and racing on various roads, there were also many veteran drivers from Zhao's Logistics who drove together as extras, cooperating with the movement of the bus and occupying several sections of the road.

When the work was almost done, Director Zhao shouted to call it a day and the crew dispersed, A Lu quickly walked over and said, "Boss, the people from Toshiba are here."

Guan Jiahui and Chen Hong, who had just walked over, were both bright-eyed. Someone from Toshiba is here? Isn't this the case? ?

Yes, for the inexplicable and confusing "Azhi recording incident", Sony didn't give much money, only 15 million Hong Kong dollars. Who are you looking down on?

But isn’t there also Azhi?

Azhi is the protagonist!

After a while, several middle and high-level executives from Toshiba arrived in front of Zhao Donghuai. They all bowed deeply. The leader then spoke, "Sheng Zhao, can you let us listen to the tape?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, and naturally someone took out the tape and played it.

After listening to a paragraph, the leader immediately shouted to stop. His expression was so wonderful. No matter how wonderful his expression changed, he still said again, "Zhao Sheng, can we buy this tape? Also, do you have a backup?"

"For 10 million Hong Kong dollars, I want to buy all the tapes and backups, and I beg you not to spread the matter to the outside world."

10 million? Stingier than Sony?

In fact, this is quite a lot for Toshiba. You need to know the deal between Toshiba and Big Bear. One five-axis linkage CNC machine tool only cost more than 4 million US dollars. Big Bear bought 4 units for less than 20 million US dollars.

Even if Big Bear also bought an excessive amount of various accessories, the entire transaction would only be more than 20 million US dollars.

This is equivalent to more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars! But that's the entire transaction volume, and the profit in Toshiba's hands... well, the profit is huge, almost more than 300% of the profit, otherwise they would not do this business.

Their net profit exceeds more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

But why did Zhao Donghuai master this inexplicably? Do you need to pay a layer of protection fee? Gan, if you pay too much, then Toshiba will be busy and have the guts to kick the butt of North American dads, just to make money. How come it is easier for Zhao Donghuai?

So they wanted to buy out all the recordings and asked Zhao Sheng to help seal them. They felt that they had already released a lot!

The net profit is only over 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and a robber comes out halfway, which is outrageous!

Zhao Donghuai said curiously, "Although after Sony mastered such a recording tape and gave it to me... I still don't understand the logic of this behavior."

"Ignore this for now."

"But since you have come to me, you should know that I am not short of money, right? My fast-selling products, Hong Kong Haowan's profit can exceed tens of millions in one day!"

Wanwan has thousands of Baijia chain stores, and he doesn’t have to give half of the goods to others. Even if he has to pay an extra layer of fees, he can get a bottle of Jianlibao, strong beer, iced black tea, green tea, Wanjia instant noodles, etc. The profit is also 80 cents.

It’s no longer at the level of fifty cents!

Wanwan has a population of more than 19 million, and business is booming. On average, each of the more than 19 million people drinks a can of Jianlibao, iced black tea, green tea, eats a bag of instant noodles, etc. Just average any one of them, which is tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. profit!

Even when consumption is bad, there are millions of profits to be made.

With his own retail terminal paving the way, Wanwan's nearly 20 million people bring him money-making power, which is much more exciting than the market of hundreds of millions of people in the island country.

The entire Toshiba made more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars in machine tool transactions, which is the profit of fast-moving goods in Hong Kong for more than ten days.

Azhi, you are here, you must have heard of who I am? Just 10 million? Isn’t this so shabby? !

The leader of Toshiba was silent for a moment with a confused look on his face, "How much does Zhao Sheng want?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "Why do you mistakenly think that I want money? I am also a victim like you! It's all Sony's nonsense!"

"Okay, don't talk about money. Those are just personal belongings. You are welcome to travel to Hong Kong Island, but I won't entertain you."


On a new day, as soon as Zhao Donghuai walked out of the villa, he saw someone from Toshiba waiting outside the villa with an excited look on his face.

Seeing him, he wanted to break through the bodyguard blockade and squeeze in. Zhao Donghuai was surprised and said, "Let them come over. What happened?"

The person from Toshiba came over quickly, bowed deeply, and said with a pleading look on his face, "Sheng Zhao, please do me a favor and suppress a piece of news."

A Lu also quickly explained, "Last night, there was an explosion in Li Chaoren's villa, which attracted the Hong Kong government's great attention. After investigation, it was found that the outdoor unit of the Toshiba air conditioner exploded during operation, and it almost caused an electrical fire."

"Fortunately, no one was hurt and it was a false alarm. However, this incident has been snapped up by reporters such as ATV, TVB, Kowloon Daily, Oriental Daily, and Tiantian."

Zhao Donghuai was shocked, "Holy shit, is this okay? Whose product do I use in my villa? Will Ma's air conditioner explode if I use it? Isn't this too unlucky for Mr. Li? Will there be any psychological shadow in the future?"

We all know how hot the weather is in early August. How many people can work smoothly without turning on the air conditioner? How many people can sleep well without turning on the air conditioner?

Although Toshiba air conditioners are a big brand, they are also the pioneers of the world's first split air conditioner... Split air conditioner? It's like putting an air conditioner indoor unit in the bedroom and an outdoor unit outside the room.

From this you can know the status and influence of Toshiba air conditioners in the field of air conditioning appliances.

The person from Toshiba was so shocked by these words that his face continued to turn black and green, but Zhao Donghuai didn't seem to be wrong? The explosion of the air conditioner was so terrifying. Fortunately, the person who robbed it was okay, otherwise what an exaggerated tragedy would this be?

When he bowed deeply again, Zhao Donghuai asked A Lu to escort him, and spoke more righteously, "As a media person, the most important thing for us is to fulfill our social responsibility and make the truth public. Where are you coming from?" "

This is not something that 10 million Hong Kong dollars can give someone.

Involving Li Zhizhi and the police team's full investigation, the result was that the outdoor unit of the Toshiba air conditioner was damaged, and air was mixed into the outdoor unit, causing an explosion.

Those were not newly installed air conditioners, they were old brands that Li Chao's family had been using for a year or two.

This must have nothing to do with Zhao Donghuai, the pioneer of good citizens and tax payers. He could not have arranged for pan-Asian elites to sneak into Mr. Li's house without any reason, just to cause an explosion of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. That would not be in line with Director Zhao's kind and friendly style. .

As we all know, Zhao Sheng is also Li's biggest enemy in the shopping mall, and it is impossible for him to help Zhao Sheng. This is an accident caused by the shoddy manufacturing of Toshiba air conditioners.

A new day of life and death was started at a fast speed. As soon as Zhao Donghuai finished shouting a click, he heard the report. Shao Yifu, Ma Chengkun and Lei Juekun came to visit the class.

The tycoons brought a lot of visiting gifts and distributed them to the crew. When they came to Zhao Sheng, Shao Daheng said, "Zhao Sheng, Toshiba gave me 5 million Hong Kong dollars to suppress the news, but I didn't agree for the time being. Look at this. How to do it?"

Lei Juekunle showed his teeth and said, "I was given 5 million. Damn... the Toshiba air conditioner actually exploded. Even if the outdoor unit exploded instead of the indoor unit, it would have almost caused an electrical fire. It would be difficult for Li to copy someone." , fighting in shopping malls all my life, I am almost 60 years old, and I still get this kind of fright in the middle of the night."

"I heard that Toshiba was going to give Li 10 million to suppress the news, and the police force also gave away 10 million."

Ma Chengkun said in confusion, "Fuck, why did you only give me 2 million? Are you looking down on me?"

Ma Sheng even gestured with his fingers depressedly, 2 million? ?

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea speechlessly, "How stingy!"

It’s not stingy, Toshiba has always acted on its own terms. For example, in the famous notebook computer compensation case in the future millennium, Toshiba felt that North Americans could compensate, and the compensation was more than one billion US dollars, but in their eyes, Chinese people did not deserve compensation. .

After Toshiba laptops were sold to North America and China, the same batch of computers were found in North America to have defects in the laptop floppy drive controller, which may cause save errors and destroy files stored by users.

North American users sued Toshiba, and as a result, North American users received more than one billion U.S. dollars in compensation. China...

Anyway, this is a solution for Chinese users. It doesn’t cost a dime. At most, it will give you a free patch. Once you download and install it, you will be fine. The flaw in the floppy drive controller will not damage the files.

Recalling this, Zhao Sheng said decisively, "Island guys are so contemptuous of people. Do you really think we are short of such a small amount of money? The news spread and heated up, so we gave Li a copy of 10 million. This is too insulting to Lao Li." !”

"After all, Lao Li is also a billionaire with a market value of tens of billions!"

Ma Chengkun laughed, "Yes, you look down on people! Fight him!"

Once the few media tycoons here made the final decision, things became obvious. First of all, ATV and TVB took action. Yesterday, the news clips about the explosive debris and electrical fire in Li Chaoren's big villa were directly included in the program.

There are also professionals who are explaining why a Toshiba air conditioner explodes even if it is used and slept in the middle of the night. ? It is also very dangerous if the outdoor unit explodes through the wall. If you are not careful, an electrical fire may occur.

Fortunately, the big villa is where you can run if you want. There are not many people and there will be no congestion. There are many places where you can run.

But what if the outdoor units of many old tenement buildings with only stairs on the sixth and seventh floors explode and cause fires? How to run? How many people will be killed or injured in the fire?

What if, in a government-built low-rent public housing building with a height of 20 or 30 stories, an outdoor unit explodes on one or more floors and causes an electrical fire? There are hundreds or even thousands of people in a building. Not to mention those who are directly burned to death in the fierce fire, how many will be killed by the thick smoke, and how many people will be killed or injured overall?

Today the outdoor unit exploded. What if the indoor unit also explodes one day? You are sitting under the air conditioner, working or sleeping with the air conditioner blowing on, and then suddenly it explodes and everyone is gone? Is this appropriate? Isn't this appropriate? ? !

The whole Hong Kong was in an uproar and public opinion was boiling!

All major newspapers, even Ming Pao, also joined in the explosion, and the news was directly spread to North America that day.

ATV filmed a live video of Monica standing in a group of male and female bodyguards, instructing workers to dismantle Toshiba air conditioners, as well as an interview. During the interview, Monica looked frightened and told the camera that although she was in a super body, she was Superheroes, but in reality they are not.

What if the air conditioner explodes while you are sleeping, even if it is separated by a wall, causing a fire? Can we wait until the fire brigade arrives safely? If during the explosion, part of the outdoor unit shell shatters the window and blows into the room, how high is the risk?

Even the Toshiba air conditioner used by Li Chaoren, a wealthy businessman with a market value of 10 to 20 billion in Hong Kong, will explode. Is the one used by her, a mere little star, more advanced than Li Chaoren's? More quality?

As soon as this news interview was broadcast, it was Monica, the female superhero who had just bombarded the world with her super body this early summer and gained countless fans! Her current global influence is not much weaker than that of Black Widow at her peak.

Even Wonder Woman in her prime can't compare to her, because Super Body is the first major science fiction live-action female superhero movie!

This is not the era of female superheroes who only emerged after Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc. took the global audience by storm and made the audience accustomed to blockbusters.

Even if the Superman movie was released earlier, the special effects of Superman are far inferior to that of Superman.

After this news was reprinted by North America and Europe, North America and Europe were excited!

The Toshiba air conditioner explosion scandal shocked the world!

When the crew finished work that day, a white, blond guy was already waiting outside the crew. He waved a check with a look of shock and surprise and asked to see Zhao. When he came over to introduce himself, Zhao Donghuai discovered that he was the Asia Pacific president of Carrier Air Conditioning in North America.

"Zhao, there are 2 million US dollars here. Please push forward the Toshiba air conditioner explosion incident. Please!"

This is an era when North American goods are losing ground to products from island countries, and numerous small and medium-sized enterprises have gone bankrupt. Even though Carrier air conditioners entered the bustling market in Shanghai as early as the 1930s, they are now one of the giants in the global air conditioning field.

We are still often tricked and bullied by island country brands.

The market has been being robbed by island country air conditioners. Carrier's air conditioner business has also been losing ground. It has been severely beaten. The group has laid off employees, branch factories have closed down, and a large amount of goods are stored in warehouses and cannot be sold!

Just like Toyota, Mitsubishi and other cars competing for the market of General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other groups.

Suddenly, such an accident occurred. The CEO of Carrier Air Conditioning Asia Pacific took off with joy. Monica is so powerful. She has just become famous. An interview news can shock countless Toshiba users in Europe and the United States, and then...

According to a survey by Carrier Group, at least thousands of people in North America are studying to sue Toshiba over the safety hazards of air conditioners!

Officials are sharpening their knives!

With so many air conditioner users, is it appropriate for you not to compensate them US$580 million? That's definitely inappropriate.

After the CEO talked endlessly and danced excitedly for a while, he saw Guan Jiahui, Chen Hong and others coming over, and then he quickly opened his handbag and said, "Ms. Guan, Ms. Chen, please!"

One check per person, Guan Jiahui for US$200,000 and Chen Hong for US$100,000.

Please what? Need I say more? Help them open up the air conditioner and blow the pillow wind in Zhao Sheng's place.

Please let the media in Hong Kong increase their efforts!

Once Toshiba collapses in the air-conditioning market, users in North America and Europe will receive compensation, as long as a proper atmosphere is created. For example, does the use of Toshiba air-conditioning not feel safe enough?

How many billion-dollar markets can Kaili capture? ? This is a market that happens every year!

In the summer, air conditioning is needed all over the world, and this is the scorching heat of early August! I heard that the Toshiba executives who were still blocking the door outside Zhao Donghuai's villa this morning have rushed back to the island country. Maybe... the end will be better.

The new people in charge have already landed on Hong Kong Island.

Next, who loses and wins depends on who is willing to spend more public relations fees.

You say this is the case, can Toshiba still reverse its reputation? There is hope, but the worst case scenario is that after spending so much money, someone from Li's family will come forward and say that the fault occurred because the Li family's servants did not perform routine maintenance on the air conditioner. The outdoor unit exploded. It was not because Toshiba's quality was poor, but because the copycat's servants did not do routine maintenance well. , and it was caused by accidentally damaging some mechanical parts.

Mr. Li dares to speak out like this, and if the TV stations and major newspapers clear their name, Toshiba will be able to reverse its market image.

And the CEO of Asia Pacific is here to throw money. Please increase your efforts to kill Toshiba air conditioners!

When Zhao Donghuai, Guan Jiahui, Chen Hong and others were waiting in the car to pass by, the CEO was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he watched people serving food. He saw Laura Fangna walking out. What a good guy. She is so beautiful. No wonder he is the successor. Nica Bellucci's blockbuster heroine was given the same $200,000 check as Kwan Ka-wai.

Please, ma'am!

Seeing 17-year-old Naomi Watts, this blonde girl is pretty good, $30,000 check, please, lady!

See 21-year-old Sandra Bullock? It feels okay, but I don’t know what Zhao Donghuai’s vision is. Forget it, let’s start with $10,000.

Once this is done, he still has to run and continue to increase his offensive.

They really can't learn the 90-degree deep bow like that of the island country guys, and Dogezai is even more outrageous. They will definitely fight one by one when they meet, which will seriously damage the market competitiveness!

If you can't learn that, you can only contribute to the silver bullet offensive.

What is public relations? Spend money to suppress trending searches, or trigger bigger and more sensational news to cover up the last scandal. The CEO of Carrier Air Conditioning Asia Pacific really doesn’t mind spending money on big things. This surprise is really wonderful.

Waiting for this person, Naomi Watts, who was holding a check for 30,000 US dollars, looked suspicious of life. Yesterday, she received the hush money sent by Sony, pocketing nearly 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is considered to be 10,000. What a beautiful knife.

What's going on? ? Can this also make money? She is only a student of the Asian Theater Academy with a monthly salary of 2,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Richard Norton came over with a look of regret on his face, "Why did everyone share the money equally yesterday, but today only the pretty girls are left to collect the money?"

He also really wants to get rich by collecting this kind of money!

Johnny Depp also came over and said excitedly, "This way of making money really opened my eyes. Speaking of which, I made the right choice to come to Hong Kong for development this time."

The 22-year-old Depp is already married. In 1984, last year, he played a role in the horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street. His wife introduced him to Nicolas Cage, and Nicolas helped him. He really got in touch and entered the film and television industry.

Unfortunately, Nicholas is currently developing quite well... Nicholas is developing well in Hollywood. After all, his uncle is a great director, the great director of the North American classic (The Godfather) series. In 1974, he won the North American Oscar for Best Director for (The Godfather Part 2). Awarded.

It's just that Cage is uncomfortable in his heart. He doesn't want the outside world to think that he is famous because of his uncle, but wants to prove to the outside world that he is famous because of his strength, so he is in various ways.

At this stage, even if Depp met Cage and he admired him very much, he could still only play small roles.

But after coming to Hong Kong Island, he really found that his colleagues in the film and television industry here were a bit unusual.

(ps: Thanks to friend "L Jingming" for the 15,000-point reward, and to all the friends who gave rewards. It's really hard to save more chapters for us. I'll have to save for a few more days. Please forgive me. ~)

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