Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 141 There is a super hitchhiker called the Plaza Accord

Early in the morning on August 6, in a villa in Deep Water Bay.

As soon as Mr. Li left the yard in his car, he saw three men and women in suits kneeling down on the road ahead, blocking the way for his car.

The driver was stunned and the driver stopped in a hurry.

A certain man in the lower seat got up in a hurry, and when he arrived in the back car and knocked on the window, he looked humble. When Mr. Li rolled down the window, he held up a check and said, "Sheng Li, please, here is a check for HKD 5 million. "

"I hope you, Li Sheng, can change your words on something!"

"Money is not very important and is very little, but Li Sheng, as long as you are willing to help us, you can gain our friendship from Toshiba in the outside business."

Mr. Li was suddenly moved, Toshiba's friendship? Toshiba itself is a behemoth, much bigger than it is at this stage, not to mention that behind Toshiba, there are three famous wells?

What are the three wells? One of the four major chaebols in the island country, the 1987 stock market crash, the 1997 financial crisis, and the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis all had little impact on the three wells.

Even though Mr. Li didn't know about the 1987 stock market crash and the 1997 financial crisis, he knew that Sanjing was a behemoth that had been making great efforts during the invasion of China! During the invasion of China, among the various warships, guns, vehicles, and aircraft, which one did not need the steel support of the three wells?

At this stage, it is a behemoth to Li Chaoren's long strength.

After he quickly opened the door and got out of the car, he smiled and said, "I didn't want such an accident to happen. Really, I investigated very seriously afterwards. It didn't look like someone had tampered with it..."

It was outrageous. Suddenly there was an explosion while he was sleeping peacefully at home. He thought he had offended someone and let the gangsters rush into Li's house. But when he got up in a hurry, he saw that the outdoor unit of the air conditioner had exploded and set the wires and other things on fire. Got up for a while.

That happened in the middle of the night on August 4th.

A responsible person from Toshiba had a surprised look on his face. Mr. Li’s attitude is negotiable, as long as it can be discussed, “Whether it is a quality hazard or someone is doing it, it doesn’t matter anymore. Mr. Li, the most important thing is that you want to Say something and let..."

Just as he was talking, a flash of light came on.

When they looked over, they discovered that it was a figure hiding behind a trash can on the roadside more than 20 meters away, running away with a camera!

The people at Toshiba were stunned and angry, and Li Zhiren also slapped his thigh, "If it's bad, I was photographed, then even if I am willing to cooperate with you Toshiba, I may be distorted by the media."

"Your Excellency, my attitude can change some situations and situations, but the most important thing is what the media writes. You also know that someone who spreads rumors and refutes them loses his legs. Media platforms..."

Mr. Li is now deeply awakened. It is extremely important to have his own media and voice platform. Yes, whatever you want to say is all your will, right? That's ridiculous. Many Kowloon-based newspapers have entered into the rhythm of "starting with a picture and relying entirely on the editor" when it comes to news.

But now the media power in Hong Kong is almost monopolized by Zhao Donghuai. Shao Yifu, Zou Wenhuai, Lei Juekun, Ma Chengkun, etc. all follow the same path as Zhao.

In order to cooperate with the mainland and bring goods to sell for money, all newspapers in Hong Kong with a daily sales of more than 100,000 copies were bought up by those guys.

Even best-selling magazines, weekly magazines, etc., as long as you start doing it, people like Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun will buy it up! Including commercial radio stations!

Those guys were engaged in paper, shampoo, daily necessities, etc., and all the money they earned went into the media. Shao Yifu had TVB in his hand, and he also bought a newspaper. When he was donating various buildings in the mainland, he threw money into setting up a The joint venture factory is producing tea... and is very profitable.

The Eight Fairies of TVB's Tall Era and selling tea made Shao Yifu a huge amount of money.

Jin Yong? Mr. Jin has no intention of making a comeback. Ming Pao Group has long fallen to the level of daily sales of 60,000 to 70,000 copies, falling out of the first echelon of newspapers.

Any of the Kowloon-based newspapers that serializes best-selling novels has a similar sales volume, and there are more than a dozen such small newspapers in the Kowloon-based newspaper!

The person in charge of Toshiba shouted angrily at the two people who were still sitting in the front seat of the car, "Stop kneeling and stop them and grab the film!"

When Sony once invested money in advertising to Zhao Donghuai's crew, wasn't there an explosion? Why can Sony suppress it so easily, but it's so difficult for them?

By the time the two men got up to give chase, the reporter who took the photo had already ran onto a car on the side of the road and quickly moved out of the way.

The person in charge of Toshiba could only bow 90 degrees to Mr. Li again with grief and anger, "Li Sheng, please!"

Li Chaoren, "..."

Although he intended to help Toshiba, and he wanted to consider Toshiba's friendship among other things, these island guys bowed deeply at 90 degrees at all times, and even had a doge seat. It was so magical.

Just as he was sighing, he saw two blond foreigners suddenly opened the door and rushed out of a car parked on the roadside. They stopped the two Toshiba chasers and started fighting.

Another foreigner also got out of the car and walked towards the person in charge of Toshiba angrily.

Mr. Li looked at the arrival of the other party in bewilderment. This person even raised his foot and kicked the person in charge of Toshiba, "Wang Defake, you bunch of beasts are always raising the bar for apology. I will make you kneel, I will make you kneel..."

Li Chaoren hesitated, "This gentleman?"

While the other party continued to beat Azhi's people, he smiled ferociously, "I am the president of Carrier Air Conditioning Asia Pacific. If I had known that the island guys would never give up the fight, I would still be angry when I see you kneeling down!"

We are all the colleagues who are most looking forward to the death of our colleagues. If something happens, public relations is public relations. Giving money, suppressing news and making news are all traditional methods. It’s basic. But when you meet the person involved, you bow at 90 degrees. , Dogeza, so outrageous!

The person involved couldn't resist this enthusiasm and agreed to you. Wouldn't that be cheating us?

Li Chaoren, "..."

He stood silently and did not dare to speak. Carrier Air Conditioning is also one of the top 500 companies and the founder of modern scientific air conditioning systems. Is this a father beating his son? He looks like an outsider...

After the people from Carrier Air Conditioning beat Toshiba until they cried and howled, attracting the military and police to come for questioning, the CEO of Carrier Air Conditioning Asia Pacific put away his fists and tidied up his appearance, "Sir, we are just good friends. Just kidding, you don’t have to go to the police station to go to the trouble, right?”

"I'm from North America, and he's from an island nation..."

The two uniformed policemen looked at each other, looked at Mr. Li for a while, and then left. It seemed that they would not be able to interfere in the father's beating of his son. Who knows, now that I have been arrested and taken back to the police station, I am busy when I get a call. Are Azhi’s people not suing?

That is a waste of public service and a waste of Hong Kong Island taxpayers' money.

After they left, the CEO of Kaili Asia Pacific cursed angrily, "Gan, what bothers me the most is that polite business competition has to turn into a fistfight. You guys from the island country are so shameless."

"If you let me see you, I'll beat you every time I see you!"

He is the kind of elite who is well-dressed in suits and ties. He sits in a big office drinking coffee and directing his secretary to do things. He is really angry at Toshiba for staging a physical business war.

Anyway, the former president of Coca-Cola Greater China and the president of Nike's Greater China also beat up Toyota's Pou Street.

There is not much more of him now!

After cursing, he looked at Mr. Li politely and said, "Li Sheng, are you trying to perjure yourself because of Toshiba's persuasion?"

Li Chaoren, "..."

Where's the money? Where's the money? He likes Toshiba's friendship, but Carrier air conditioners are not easy to mess with. Since Toshiba asked him to do things for him by Dogezata before, and now it's your turn, shouldn't you give him money?

The CEO of Kai Asia Pacific did not mention the money at all, but looked at the other party with a smile. After all, those who have reached their level often know what the truth is. It depends purely on how the media group guides you and whitewashes the superficial truth.

Isn’t this what group public relations wars are all about?

Facing Zhao Sheng, who was invincible in the media in Hong Kong Island, he was of course eager to give money away. He had the right to speak, and a group of younger brothers followed Zhao Sheng together!

But at this stage, Mr. Li would be nothing without the Watsons P100 Group, the terminal prospects, and an energy group like Hong Kong Electric. Without HK Electric, Li Chao Ren’s market value has not only shrunk by tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, but its weight has also been significantly reduced.

Not as good as the Lin family of Lin Baixin and Lin Jianyue!

The Lin family can be said to be one of the top ten wealthy families in Hong Kong in the 1980s and 1990s, and Li Chaoren is now in the second echelon.

The second echelon still has no media power and no right to speak.

In the eyes of the CEO of Carrier Air Conditioning Asia Pacific, Mr. Li is not as important as Shao Yifu. At least he has a TV station! Newspapers, commercial radio stations!


Repulse Bay Villa.

Zhao Donghuai was having breakfast with his family of five when he suddenly said, "By the way, Amin and Jiahui, if you guys raise money now, how much can you raise with what you have? I mean including the mortgage of real estate."

"But there is no need for mortgage for film contracts and the like."

Zhou Huimin was a little confused, but she quickly calculated, "The money I earned from selling records, selling goods, etc. is roughly one to two hundred million Hong Kong dollars. Although a lot of cash was used to buy a house, if I mortgage the property now, I can still make up one hundred million Hong Kong dollars." Two hundred million??”

Amin's big album last year eventually sold more than 4 million copies. Each album cost 120 Hong Kong dollars. She took 10 yuan, which is more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars before tax, not counting her single records.

The accumulated sales volume in adulthood, Diao Chan shoes are the most popular items.

Monica thought for a while, "I can also raise more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars."

She earned 40 million from the Tokyo JAL Group and Sony through her nonsensical super-body shoots. After her super-body became famous, in just three months, the personal endorsement products she sold have accumulated sales of tens of millions. .

For example, the iced black tea she drank in Super Body earned tens of millions from just one drink.

He Qing counted on her fingers and said, "I can collect 80 to 90 million. Although I sent 10 to 20 million to my parents, but..."

Guan Jiahui immediately threw her chopsticks with a dark face. She didn't know that she was the poorest among them. She could only raise 30 million. This also meant that after leaving aside the wealth sent to Guan Shan, including her mother and brother, numerical value.

After all, the round of whitewashing and hype after the release of "The Flying Tiger" made her image turn around, and she became popular for a while. In "Quick Chase", she was still the female singer who helped A Ying go to the island country to save A Min.

The next moment, Guan Jiahui hugged Zhao Donghuai's arm, "Brother Huai, what are you collecting money for? Although I don't have much money, if necessary, I can hold a few more concerts with Ah Qing and the others, and I can make a lot of money quickly."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "This is to make you rich."

This is August 6, 1985. September 22 next month will be the signing day of the Plaza Accord. He can spend money to make quick money. He doesn’t understand the foreign exchange market, but he found someone who helped him operate the acquisition of the port. The traders from Deng and Hong Kong Island CLP had an in-depth chat.

He also understood the general gameplay.

It is determined that from late September to the end of December, the Japanese yen will appreciate by more than 20%. How to make money? Just spend money to buy the appreciation of the Japanese yen. The foreign exchange market can leverage the leverage, which can be as low as 10 times or as high as hundreds of times.

Zhao Donghuai spent 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, and 10 times leverage is equivalent to leveraging the capital system of 15 billion U.S. dollars. By the end of the year, the Japanese yen will appreciate by more than 20%, which means that you have earned more than 20% of the 15 billion U.S. dollars.

To be more stable, if you spend $1.5 billion and leave it there for a few months, you will earn $3 billion. If you add the principal, 1 billion becomes $4 billion.

Be bold, with 20 times leverage, you can invest US$1.5 billion and earn US$6 billion by the end of the year.

Spend a little more money, spend 1.5 billion US dollars, use 50 times leverage, and earn 15 billion US dollars by the end of the year! The principal plus profit is US$16 billion.

risk? The Japanese yen may rise a few yen today and fall a few yen tomorrow. The higher the multiplier. If there is a slight fluctuation, the $1.5 billion you invested will be liquidated and you will lose all your money.

At present, the price of one U.S. dollar is about 250 Japanese yen. If one day the U.S. dollar falls to 255 Japanese yen, and you buy appreciation, the leverage of ten times or twenty times will be stable, but the leverage of 50 times or one hundred times is hard to say. It is very easy for you to blow up your position and lose all your money.

The Japanese yen appreciates. For example, in September it went from 250 yen to one U.S. dollar, to 200 yen against one U.S. dollar in late December, a decrease of 50 yen. If 50 is divided by 200 yen, it will fluctuate by more than 20%.

This is the algorithm for foreign exchange appreciation. The 50 yen lost is not the ratio divided by 250 yen, but the ratio divided by 200 yen a few months later!

It rose from 250 yen in 1985 to 120 yen in 1987, which is equivalent to one dollar. This is an appreciation of more than double!

Zhao Donghuai, he has prepared a capital of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars and plans to have a little fun.

Han Tianxia Shoes, plus all fast-selling products, generated profits of more than HK$8 billion in the first five months of 1985, and accumulated profits of more than HK$4 billion from May to the end of July.

Although a lot of the previous 8 billion was spent on buying land, couldn't it be that the land could be exchanged for bank loans at any time?

It is certain that the Japanese yen will appreciate steadily and very quickly. If you use 1.5 billion to operate with 20 times leverage, you will make 6 billion US dollars by the end of the year. Even if these are gross profits, there are also commissions from various operations.

This is also quick money!

You said you can earn more by doing 50 times or 100 times leverage? The risk is also high. His various business bases are already expanding rapidly, so there is no need to take big risks. After all, this is a big plan for Japan by many countries.

Those who make tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollars are either backed by North American or European officials, or they are super conglomerates in the financial market. It doesn't matter if an Asian rich man rides on the ride and earns billions of dollars. If you want more, just do it. May have been targeted.

Even if he sets the goal of earning US$6 billion in three months, he needs to simulate it once a day, predict the changes in the foreign exchange market that day in advance, and operate in a timely manner...

But this, it’s worth it, it’s just one simulation a day, it consumes some reputation points, it’s so profitable!

It’s not that there’s no chance to make more, but the profit scale of tens of billions of dollars is too easy to target. It can’t be smoothly simulated once a day. It has to be simulated once an hour, and you may be liquidated accidentally. Let’s calculate the situation!

Without explaining more to the girls, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Then you guys, slowly collect the money in the past few days and give it to me. I will help you make some quick money then."

After thinking about it for a while, Director Zhao said speechlessly, "The four of you individually own 6% to 7% of the shares of CLP Hong Kong. You also asked a bank to use them as collateral. Each of you can borrow HKD 6.7 billion to make a fortune together."

We are a family of five, so we can’t treat anyone too badly.

He paid for those shares, and now the four beautiful sisters together can hold more than 20% of the shares, making them the major shareholders of Hong Kong Island CLP Group.

But more than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, only more than 300 million U.S. dollars. In the end, earning four times more than one billion U.S. dollars is not too much. Compared with official white-glove and super consortiums such as American, British, French, and German capital, which cost hundreds The profits of hundreds of billions of dollars are just small amounts of money.

"Within a month, just collect the money one after another. Keep it low-key. The more low-key the better."

After doing this, the four of them each have a cash flow of US$3.4 billion, which is equivalent to HK$2 to 3 billion in cash, adding up to tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars...

Classes have leapt! !

He has also simulated it many times in the simulator, and has set a profit scale of several billion dollars. Nothing will happen, it is very stable...

Amin and others were a little shocked, not sure what the money was going to be used for, but all of a sudden they had to collect two to three billion Hong Kong dollars in cash flow, which was definitely not a trivial matter! !

After trying hard to digest this information, Guan Jiahui suddenly said, "Brother Huai, do you think I should call my mother and brother back from North America? I feel like they are not familiar with each other there and they are not living a happy life."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "You decide your own household affairs."

Zhou Huimin suddenly said, "Brother Huai, can you tell Ah Hong and the others about this?"

Director Zhao shook his head, "No need to tell them yet."

The other girls in the Zhao girl group are also poorer than the other at this stage. Hu Huizhong may earn tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, but it doesn't mean much.

These few people can't even make much money if they don't use Hong Kong CLP Group shares to mortgage the loan. Amin can get 200 million Hong Kong dollars and let him and a large team operate it, with 20 times leverage for more than three months. After that, we only made a gross profit of HK$8.9 billion.

Including the loan of 600 million, you can earn more if you continue to invest.

The Plaza Accord created by many countries is an express train in the international currency war. This is a super outlet!

After making this money, I can also spend several hundred million in the future. I have been bullish on the Japanese yen for many years. After all, from the beginning of 1986 to 1987, the Japanese yen rose from 200 Japanese yen to one U.S. dollar, all the way to 120 Japanese yen to one US dollar. Beautiful knife.

Counting 200 yen per US dollar from January 1, 1986, it reached the peak of 120 yen per US dollar in 1987. Divide 80 yen by 120 yen, which is another 60-70% appreciation!

If you take a few hundred million and look at the long-term appreciation, it will be a terrifying figure after one or two years.

The next time we think about this kind of trend, it will be the 1987 global stock market crash and the big hairy bear in the 1990s.

With this money, it would be a piece of cake for Monica Bellucci to go to North America to acquire newspapers and TV stations. Monica already has a North American green card... Didn’t media tycoon Murdoch also change his name from Australia to Australia? If you are a North American, you can develop smoothly around the world.

When newspapers and TV stations join forces with Marvel, we can try to bypass Warner Bros. and directly contact theaters for marketing. At that level, many things will be easier to handle. What is worth thinking about is whether to buy those stocks next year in 2086, or during or after the 1987 stock market crash.

During the global stock market crash in 1987, Zhao Donghuai would not make a profit by working on Hong Kong Island. That would be too bad, but he had no worries about the British market or the stock market of the island country.


Two days later.

On the set of Life and Death, after a busy morning was over and Zhao Donghuai called it a day to let the crew rest, Hu Huizhong, Lin Qingxia, Wang Zuxian, and Xiao Yingying came to visit the set.

After delivering a batch of lunch boxes brought from the hotel to the crew, Sister Hu came up and said with a smile, "Boss, aren't you going to participate in this year's Golden Horse Awards?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I won't go."

He was invited to the Golden Horse Awards last year, but he didn't go, but New World 1, which was filmed in 1983, still won the honor of Best Director.

Zhao Donghuai's first film won the Hong Kong Film Awards and Golden Horse Awards for Best Director.

However, the best feature film, that is, the best picture award was not given to New World, but to Lao Mo's The Second Spring, which was the best film in the original track.

This kind of award is just sitting in a row and sharing the cake. It is the same whether it is China Entertainment or North America, and Europa is not much better.

Of course, ordinary filmmakers pursue honors, but Director Zhao...he is a super rich man worth tens of billions, and he goes to the scene to watch others give you awards to change the atmosphere?

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai said, "I plan to acquire the Academy Awards. Starting next year, my media group will promote the Academy Awards on a large scale and strive to turn it into a large-scale awards ceremony in Asia."

"When the time comes, super bodies, human-ghost romances, and even the speed of life and death that I'm currently filming can all be up for election."

"I have become a colleague of the Golden Horse Awards, and I will not cause trouble to my colleagues!"

He asked the special effects base. The film was completed in April and the finished film will be available in early September. The special effects will be fully injected and the dubbing and soundtrack will be completed.

Then take advantage of the situation and do the special effects of life and death.

The special effects of life and death are much simpler than the super-body and human-ghost romances. For example, when a bus flies over a broken bridge, all that can be dismantled in a bus is removed, and the dragon and tiger warriors of the island country drive it directly. It is a real shot.

In the end, the bus hit the plane and exploded, which is a model plane with only an empty shell left in appearance. The rotten bus exploded directly into the real shot.

In the end, the subway was running rampant underground, knocking over this and that. It was also a real shot of the dragon and tiger martial arts masters from the island country and the scumbags of the Hong Kong society. The most important part of this movie is really not the special effects, but the speeding stunts.

This can also help you enjoy the Lunar New Year stalls before the end of the year.

Hu Huizhong, Lin Qingxia and other girls did not come just to invite him to attend the award ceremony, but they just received an invitation from Wanwan and it was more practical to drop by to increase their presence.

After chatting and laughing, Zhao Donghuai suddenly said, "By the way, Huizhong, you can film the Overlord Flower, like the female version of the Flying Tigers, but you can film a lot of the training of female police officers."

"Find a few good screenwriters, save some good books, recruit a group of beautiful girls, and it can become your main film and television project!"

The Overlord Flower series already has a lot of box office and video potential.

It is Hu Huizhong's first time filming a policewoman movie. The target of Tuoqiu Senior Sister Bawanghua is the original Royal Senior Sister. Now it is drawn alone. It can no longer compete with Lin Zhengying, Liu Dehua and even the Flying Tigers such as Liang Jiahui in the current filming stage. The main force competed in combat strength.

It's not bad to be a side supplement for the Flying Tigers.

Just like the original positioning, to protect female politicians and the like, the all-male Flying Tigers team is sometimes inconvenient.

Once this is filmed, they can definitely pull off the scene of (Zhongnanhai Bodyguard).

And the female version of Overlord Flower? With Hu Huizhong as the instructor, the first batch of students can include Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min, Xiao Qiang and others.

After Azhen and Amin finished filming (The Legend of White Snake), they can join the cast seamlessly, but Xiao Yingying? She was originally the second female lead of Winter Sonata. She has accompanied Winter Sonata for many rounds and has been played all over the country, and she has become famous.

Hu Huizhong and Xiao Yingying were both ecstatic. Sure enough, it was the right thing to seize the opportunity to brush their faces. Isn't this just another new project?

As they expressed their ecstatic thanks, Lin Qingxia and Wang Zuxian also looked at Director Zhao eagerly, hoping to get new projects.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "What are you looking at me for? Xiaoxian, aren't you still planning to film A Chinese Ghost Story 3? With your ghost image, you've made millions just by selling goods in South Korea, right?"

Let’s not talk about A Chinese Ghost Story. Last year’s film, the second one in June this year, was also a big hit. It was simply because Li Jiaxin was too young and she chose Chen Hong as the second female lead. Zhang Xueyou, who is also a veteran Zhiqiu Yiye, played Very funny.

One thing to say, A Hong's appearance... Compared to Li Jiaxin, Zhao Donghuai still thinks A Hong's appearance is better.

After two consecutive costume blockbusters, Xu Ke's subsidiary has made a lot of money, Wang Zuxian has become popular, and Chen Hong's popularity has also increased.

17-year-old Chen Hong plays a heroine in costume... Besides, her acting skills can keep up. After all, she has been studying for a year. Xu Ke is also very capable in guiding actresses to improve their acting skills.

After making a lot of money, Xu Ke once again pulled Cheng Xiaodong to make a blockbuster movie, the third part of A Chinese Story. However, Zhang Guorong did not star in the third part, and Xu Ke was still looking for new actors.

The strongest Zuo Qianhu in the second part is played by Li Zixiong. In the original track, he debuted in the TVB training class in 1982 and was signed by Xu Ke in 1985.

It can be said that except for Chen Hong replacing Li Jiaxin in this version, the other candidates have not changed much.

After saying this, he looked at Lin Qingxia and said, "Qingxia, you can try to prepare for the company's next blockbuster that will hit the international market. I originally booked a little white girl to play the female lead, but her acting skills are not up to standard next year. "

"It will be played by Laura Fonna. When the time comes, you can play the second heroine, chasing the FBI agent who captures the first heroine, and go to North America to film."

If we really want to start filming next year, it will be 1986. Brigitte Lin is 32 years old. She puts on a little makeup to look older. Being a detective chasing the heroine of the cat-and-mouse game is not a hassle. The most important thing is that it is cheap. If he goes to Hollywood to hire a man If a movie star comes to act, will the salary be several million dollars or 10 million dollars?

Use Lin Qingxia and give her 500,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is high.

The film was filmed in North America. Du Qifeng, Wang Jing, Xu Ke and others came together to shoot according to the split-shot script. It was nothing more than changing the two male leads to two female leads... and they didn't expect her to make a lot of money. The main thing was to add fuel to the fire. ZZZQ brought out by Teacher Wang Huang Weiming!

Most of the ordinary actors are hired from North America, and behind the scenes is the Zhao team. As long as Lin Qingxia has enough acting skills, she can play one of the masterpieces. Now Axia has been nominated for the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress many times!

If you had replaced He Qing or Guan Jiahui in that role, it would be a poor performance, and your acting skills are still far behind.

Lin Qingxia was ecstatic, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I will seize the opportunity with all my heart."

She has been filming for three months (The Legend of White Snake) as Xu Xian. She doesn’t know whether this TV series will be popular, but Zhao Sheng wants to promote it into a big Hollywood movie? That is truly a magical resource.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "After you finish filming Xinbai, go to Lao Xu and the others to ask for the script and start preparations."


The day's drama ended smoothly. When Zhao Donghuai arrived at the Repulse Bay Villa, he got out of the car and saw a white guy, including several Chinese, waiting.

When he got off the car, a middle-aged white man walked over quickly with an enthusiastic look on his face, "Mr. Zhao, I am the president of Trane Air Conditioning Asia Pacific. I have 2 million US dollars here. I hope Mr. Zhao..."

The last time Carrier air conditioners spent money like this, it was to defeat Toshiba. The bigger the fuss, the better. Trane also popped up?

Yes, Toshiba has a large market share in Europe and the United States. Compared with the overall volume of sales of several billion US dollars a year, if there is an opportunity to kill the peers, everyone will work hard.

Make a polite introduction and wait for the person to collect the money and send the Trane air conditioner away.

A few middle-aged people not far away were a little embarrassed...some of them could understand English and knew that Trane air conditioners had given away 2 million U.S. dollars at a time! ! !

Although they were embarrassed, several people came over quickly and introduced their identities. One was a Haier air conditioner and the other was a Midea air conditioner.

The conditions are similar to the original Changhong Color TV. For every air conditioner sold, Zhao Donghuai can share 100 Hong Kong dollars. As long as the cooperation can be successful, the large teams of the two air conditioning factories can live in Hong Kong Island at any time to fully cooperate with sales and after-sales services.

Haier and Midea were both established or involved in the air-conditioning field just this year.

But they are not afraid of fighting a tough battle. As long as they have the opportunity to earn foreign exchange, earning foreign exchange is the most important event these days. You said that the U.S. dollar will fall soon and the Japanese yen will rise... There are so many types of foreign exchange, which can be converted into pounds.

Zhao Donghuai's current business circle has begun to prepare for all parties to settle accounts in Japanese yen or British pounds.

The next time is for sex.

Air conditioners from Haier, Midea, Carrier and Trane Group are available in 52 Wanjia supermarkets in Hong Kong, but Carrier and Trane Group have no celebrity endorsements.

For Haier and Midea, Monica Bellucci, Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui and other celebrity endorsers are in the battle. For every unit sold, Zhao Donghuai gets 100 yuan, and another 10 yuan is given to the celebrities.

In just ten days, the entire Hong Kong media has made the Toshiba air conditioner explosion case a dead end and a solid case. Even if Mr. Li wanted to retract his confession and speak for Toshiba, he was stared at by Carrier Group and Trane Group. Turn around.

From early to late August, a large trend of discarding Toshiba air conditioners broke out in all cities in Hong Kong. What is even more exaggerated is that hundreds of North American users of Toshiba air conditioners directly sued Toshiba for safety risks...

North America made great efforts and asked Azhi for a compensation of US$1 billion.

Carrier and Trane Group did not hesitate to contribute. They even took the initiative to stir up trouble. They also caused the outdoor units of Toshiba air conditioners in North America to explode several times, and then asked North American media groups to cooperate with the hype.

It's so crazy. How could a decent person do that? !

Toshiba has been resisting and persisting, and then the five-axis linkage CNC machine tool transaction between Toshiba and Big Bear broke out.

Although Sony was able to clean itself out here and couldn't resist Kumagai's silence and continued to sue, North America is anxious and red-eyed. It is not only staring at the user compensation compensation of 1 billion US dollars, but also contributing in all aspects to make big things happen. .

It will take many years to promote the entire Japanese semiconductor industry, but how many dollars will Toshiba air conditioners take first?

In a short period of time, Haier and Midea air conditioners have exploded in sales across Hong Kong, and have been integrated into thousands of households with a streamlined attitude. You can tell them about technical needs. Once sales start, big names from all over the mainland will come to boost them.

Trane and Carrier air conditioners actually don't pay much attention to the Hong Kong Haowan market. They are eyeing their European and American bases and trying to kill Toshiba in the huge European and American markets.


Late August.

The filming of Life and Death took a month, and most of the plot of the entire movie had passed before Zhao Donghuai received the call and the special effects of the unresolved love between man and ghost were completed.

The rest is dubbing, soundtrack, subtitles and so on.

Zhao Donghuai happily set the schedule for early September, and then called Zhang Guorong, "Ah Rong, the movie is about to be released. You can try inviting Isabel Adjani to see if she will come to Hong Kong to watch the movie."

Zhang Guorong nodded excitedly, "Okay, it took more than four months to shoot and it was released. This kind of special effects film is slow, but is there a chance that it will be as popular as Super Body? If it is, it will be a bit too surprising!"

A lesson from heaven and earth, The End of Love between Man and Ghost is Zhang Guorong's first serious male-led drama with Zhao Sheng.

It's really different from all the previous blockbusters.

After ending the call, Zhao Donghuai went to the recording studio, where Zhou Huimin and Monica were recording the single "My Heart Will Go On" together.

In order to sing this song well, the two girls have been practicing since before the Spring Festival, eight or nine months!

As for the singing level, Amin's solo song already sounds good, but the chorus version feels even better. It's Monica's solo song, which is a bit barely passable.

It’s also possible. Three different versions can be recorded into a single record. After printing, it can be sold in more than 50 Wan supermarkets in Hong Kong and more than 1,700 Baijia chain stores in Hong Kong.

When the movie is released, you can make money along with the romance movie!

"The Legend of Ghosts" was also released on Hong Kong Island. It was the first Hollywood masterpiece to break 30 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office. It also performed very well in the island country, with a box office of 6.1 billion yen.

In this revised version, the male protagonist Zhang Guorong, with Ah Rong's popularity in Asia, the female protagonist Isabel Adjani, is much better than the original female protagonist in terms of popularity, acting skills, and appearance.

We can look forward to the future of this drama.

Again, the Star Wars series has cultivated enough fans of science fiction movies around the world, and many blockbuster movies have not yet hit the market. There is hope that the film will be like Super Body, standing on the limelight and grabbing the box office!

Since the cumulative release of Super Body, the global box office is no less than the original version, but the original version cost more than 400 million US dollars in 2014. Now in the mid-1980s you can hit a similar figure, which is much better than its original performance.

Standing at the forefront has the dividends of this era!


September 1st.

When Isabel Adjani arrived in Hong Kong on an international flight, Zhang Guorong was already picking her up.

After the two parties arrived at Zhao Films after a warm exchange, Zhao Donghuai came over to greet him with a smile, "Adjani, it will take two more days to complete the film. You have to wait two days, so just treat it as a holiday."

After being polite, Director Zhao asked Qiu Shuzhen to serve tea, then smiled and said, "Do you think our film will win a Cannes Film Festival award?"

The original Ghost Story bombed the box office around the world and won the North American Oscar for Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress. It was an award-winning film and was nominated for Best Picture and Best Soundtrack...

This remake is definitely useless, it's not even a North American movie.

But the heroine Adjani, Cannes International Film Festival is one of the three major international film festivals in Europe. Zhang Amou, Poetry Master, Gong Li, including Man Yu, etc., are all directors and actresses who have won one of the three major international film festivals. Only by winning a prize can one become a god.

As a long-time acquaintance of Cannes and a best actress, Adjani can also be one of the Cannes jury members.

Adjani was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "Zhao, although the script is good and I was quite happy during the filming, I haven't seen the finished film yet..."

You haven’t even watched the finished film yet, so you’re asking me if I can run the Cannes International Film Festival?

After a pause, Adjani said again, "It's hard to say whether the relationship between humans and ghosts is over, but if you don't want it to be released until next year, you can try Cannes."

The Cannes International Film Festival has very different film selection criteria. For example, the North American Oscars, the Hong Kong Film Awards, and the Wanwan Golden Horse Awards were all held in the 1985 awards ceremony. The selection criteria are that films were released between January and December 31, 1984. Released between.

Cannes, what it requires is that the shortlisted films have not been screened in market theaters outside France before the awards period... nor have they participated in the competition for awards at other film festivals.

The Ghost Story will be released this year. It can participate in the 1986 Hong Kong Film Awards and Golden Horse Awards, but if you want to participate in Cannes, you have to postpone it. After winning the Cannes award, it can be released in theaters around the world.

After Adjani said this, Zhao Donghuai was quite speechless, "Forget it, I won't win awards for the time being. We will talk about awards later."

We prepared for the Spring Festival, shot for several months, waited for special effects for several months, and finally finished it. What if we waited for Cannes and waited until after May 1986 before releasing it? This is so fucking outrageous.

What's more, even if it really waits until it is released after May next year and has a wave of Cannes... The love affair between people and ghosts may not be able to win the Palme d'Or and the title of Best Actor and Best Actress. Adjani is an acquaintance and France is her territory, but she One person cannot control the overall situation.

Only ten years later will Adjani have the ability to influence the overall situation. After all, we all know that seniority is required to join a circle. The larger the circle, the more high standards are required in terms of qualifications, such as age...

It was only a few years later that Adjani really won the North American Oscar Best Actress trophy with her movies. She was no longer just nominated, and she was getting older and over 40 years old, and she became a major award-winner in Cannes.

At this stage, she is a 30-year-old mature woman and an unwed mother, and her influence really needs to be improved. If she can't win the grand prize after waiting for more than half a year, it will be even more funny and weird.

It would be better to just release it and talk about the next films later. After all, there are so many award-winning works that he can copy, and he doesn't know which one to choose is more suitable.

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