Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 143 Shark Beach and the Crazy RMB Appreciation

After the filming of "Life and Death" was completed, the big crew dispersed, just waiting for the wrapping party at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Donghuai went back to Zhao's Pictures first. Looking at Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua who had been waiting here for a long time, he immediately waved, "Wait a minute."

Zhang Guorong and Hua Zai shook their heads hurriedly, smiled and came over to say hello politely.

After a few people moved to the office, Zhao Donghuai grabbed two notebooks from his desk and said, "A new song for you two, practice hard, Hua Zai, you have been studying hard for a year, how is your English?"

Liu Dehua has indeed been studying hard since he finished filming the cameo scene in "Hurricane Rescue 2" last October and then went to the Yangma Spring Festival Gala to sing a song "Chinese" with Zhang Guorong.

He requested that on his own initiative because he was holding back on one song (As Long As), which resulted in a delay in recording and broadcasting for several months. Although this was related to his lower talent "compared to a singer like Zhang Xueyou".

But after Ah Hua recognized his shortcomings, he studied in various ways for a full year. Wu Zhenyu was able to work for more than half a year in order to become Ni Yongxiao in New World 3. He also has that kind of courage.

After all, he has also made a fortune from records and the John Wick and John Wick series. After getting rich, he has no shortage of money. Whether he wants to live out his life and enjoy the life of wealth in reality, or to study hard and improve himself depends on personal choice and willpower.

From October last year to September 1985, apart from spending some time on his first singing (Chinese), he has been improving his singing skills comprehensively, including sorting out his acting skills since entering the industry, summarizing them and further honing them.

In comparison, this year, Zhang Guorong successively filmed one or two Chinese Ghost Story movies, and the series of "The Unresolved Love" was a hit. At first glance, it seems that Hua Zai's career has stagnated.

But he is indeed different from Ah Rong. Ah Rong had eight years of experience in the football industry before he became famous.

Hua Zai also smiled and nodded, "I think it's okay. If I go to Europe and the United States now, at least I can communicate on a daily basis without a translator, and in terms of singing skills, if I sing new songs... I will definitely not be held back like As Long As." "

Zhang Guorong was not in a hurry to chat, but couldn't wait to grab the new song.

The three songs were all released on the same album by Justin Timberlake, one of the future top singers in North America, in 2006. One (sexy comeback) hit number one on the North American singles Billboard chart. This best-selling number one was enough. Took seven weeks.

This is a rock, dance, and electric genre that has won many awards.

The second song (What You Sow, You Reap) also topped the Billboard singles best-selling chart, and the third song (My Love) topped the Billboard best-selling chart for three weeks. Speaking of which, the man known as Boss Jia The singer will win 10 Grammy Awards in the future.

These three songs contributed twice.

An album with three top-selling singles is considered a masterpiece.

Now that they are singing together for Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau, they still need to continue to consolidate their status in the music world.

As for Boss Jia’s album, it only sold nearly 10 million records worldwide? Instead of the Backstreet Boys' I Want and As Long As, which sold 20 to 30 million albums?

This can only be said that times are different. When the Backstreet Boys' two albums became popular, it was before the millennium, and the popularity of computers or MP3s was not too outrageous.

In 2006, Mr. Jia’s fans stopped buying records and switched to computers to listen to music and online music. There were already a huge number of fans. In the mainland, online songs and ring tones have taken over everything.

To be able to achieve sales of nearly 10 million copies in this post-apocalyptic era of the physical record industry is already very strong.

"These three songs will be the main hits. Then you spend money to recruit some English, Cantonese, and Mandarin songwriters to put together a dozen songs to make a big album."

"Then when Ah Rongqian holds a concert in North America, you don't have to cover other people's works frequently or ask other singers to help you warm up the show."

Zhang Guorong was ecstatic, "Thank you Zhao Sheng, I will definitely practice singing with A Hua! The quality of these three songs..."

The quality was definitely not bad. He could get a feel for it by simply reading through it and humming the music score.

At this moment, Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and said, "Boss, Director Chen is here."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, and A-Zhen let Chen Musheng in. When Xiao Chen saw that Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua were there, he excitedly greeted the two of them, and then said a little restrainedly, "Zhao Sheng, I wrote a book, and I want to give it a try. Can I take a photo?"

Director Zhao took the notebook with a smile, and after flipping through it, he was a little surprised... Tianruo is sentient? ?

After watching it hastily, he confirmed that it was the original 1990 film "Love in Love" produced by Johnnie To, directed by Chen Musheng, and starring Andy Lau and Karen Wu.

During the filming of this movie, Andy Lau had a falling out with Johnnie To for several years because he often had to style his hair.

This is only 1985? Well, the original Tian Ruo Youqing was created by a group of directors and producers from the film and television industry, who scraped together retirement funds and pensions for Wang Tianlin, Wang Jing’s father.

At first, he didn't know what to shoot, so Xiao Chen took Johnnie to watch the racing. Then he used his racing experience when he was young to write the outline of the script for "Tian Ruo Qing".

Chen Musheng, who is only 24 years old this year, is at the age where he loves racing.

It’s hard to say whether this script is based on his own experience, or whether he witnessed the experiences of racing friends and then artistically processed it.

Chen Musheng finished filming Meteor Garden with Wang Jing last year, and then took over to direct Winter Sonata. He also took a few months off from March.

After two idol dramas, he received a big red envelope of 2 million yuan. Money is really not cheap in this era. It is understandable for young people to waste it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "The book is fine. The love story is quite tear-jerking. Who do you want to play?"

There is a story to tell. The box office of "If You Are Love" in Hong Kong Island was very average. In 1990, Andy Lau played the leading role and the box office was only over 12 million Hong Kong dollars. However, its influence and status in South Korea are simply incredible! It was released continuously for more than half a year and was hailed by South Koreans as one of the three most classic Hong Kong films of the 1980s and 1990s.

Liu Dehua became famous in South Korea with this movie, just like Cheng Long was stuck in the island country.

Xiao Chen looked at Ah Rong and Hua Zai, "If last year's Alone Tiger and John Wick were first aired, I wouldn't have dared to invite Hua Zai. Now that it has been settling in for more than a year, I feel like I can give it a try..."

The Last Airbender 1 was released in mid-April last year, and John Wick was released in August last year.

Even though Hua Zai later made an appearance in Rescue 2, he was a guest star in a prison scene. He couldn't go out to rescue people. He could only vent his anger by beating up the prison bullies.

This is now late September 1985.

Before Chen Musheng came here, he really didn't think about who would be the most suitable person to play the leading role, but now that he saw Andy Lau, he felt that if Hua Zai could play the role, he would definitely be good.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, where is the heroine?"

Chen Musheng smiled and said, "Bai Anni? Wu Wanfang? Or Xiao Yingying or Zhou Haimei, I think they are all fine. There are too many candidates."

Director Zhao nodded, "Okay, then you can make your own choice."

Now within the Zhao family, there are really too many male and female stars available, and there are a lot of candidates at Yaxi.

After discussing for a while and watching these people leave, Zhao Donghuai suddenly called Azhen in, "I heard that there is a guy named Huang Jiaju who is good at underground rock. You ask the company to invite them to write songs for Chen Musheng's new movie. .”

Xiao Chen has already taken it out. The most important theme song in this movie is "Dream Chaser"... Zhao Donghuai has already copied it and stuffed it into Zhou Huimin's big album last year. Just use it when the time comes.

The rest of the soundtrack songs were basically arranged by the Beyond band led by Wong Ka Kui. He originally composed them for the movie in 1990 (Gray Track), and now he doesn’t know what he can write a few years in advance.

But there is no doubt that Wong Ka Kui is talented, and Beyond has been established for more than two years.

After asking Azhen to call and arrange the invitation, he stepped out and headed to the banquet of life and death!


A few days later.

Zhao Donghuai has just arranged for professionals to send all the rough-cut samples of Life and Death to Pengcheng Special Effects Building.

I saw Li Minghui, Chen Jiapeng and nearly ten stock brokers coming together. They all had red eyes, sloppy hair, and severe dark circles under their eyes. Their appearance was simply... these are not all traders, they are now traders. Taking the lead is a big brother level.

Currently, everyone has a professional team under them.

After Azhen and Zhang Min poured tea for everyone, Chen Jiapeng took a sip and said excitedly, "Sheng Zhao, it's up, it's a good increase! We are all going to get rich!"

Li Minghui's face darkened, and he yelled at Chen Jiapeng, "Aren't you talking nonsense? North America took the lead, and many countries assisted in making the Japanese currency appreciate. How could it not rise? We are all going to get rich, get rich, hahaha~"

Smiling, Li Minghui took another deep breath, "Boss, is it too late for me to borrow a loan now? How far do you think this wave can go? Since it is boosted by many countries, the daily yen will rise by 20 to 30% in one or two years. , shouldn’t be difficult, right?”

"I really regret not taking out a loan like Apeng did... I really lost a lot!"

Chen Jiapeng is the person who not only lost his capital, but also borrowed 7 million Hong Kong dollars from the bank to leverage 50 times. According to the current increase, the gross profit at the end of the year will be 70 million Hong Kong dollars!

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "If you want to get a loan, it's best to choose Chen's Hong Kong Island Commercial Bank. I also feel what you said, it's not difficult to increase by 20 to 30% in one or two years..."

More than two or three percent? That’s more than doubled in two years!

As for how these guys borrowed money, as long as they took out the million-dollar annual salary contract that Zhao Donghuai gave them, the bank knew that they worked for Zhao Donghuai, and it was not difficult to borrow several million Hong Kong dollars.

The next moment he shook his head again, "You two just need to be good at trading. How many days have you not slept? Pay attention to rest. You can pursue loans and capital, but remember not to be as ruthless as A Peng. Not everyone can play with 50 times leverage." It has to be turned around.”

Zhao Donghuai's own capital of US$1.5 billion is basically 20 times the chosen amount, and it is still scattered among many different financial companies. If he really wants to play with 50 times leverage, the gambling component is too great, and this is really not a simulation once a day. , which can be solved once by “foreseeing the future” in advance.

But A Peng, that guy, only has 50 times the leverage of 7 million Hong Kong dollars. The amount of funds is so small that it can be ignored in the world of big countries.

In the future, I will rely on the simulator to predict risks. I only need to remind him once or twice occasionally. If I mention him once or twice, there will be various subsequent storms, but that guy has never been afraid and persisted 50 times. The loss is his own fault. .

After chatting for a while, several people thanked each other excitedly and left.

Azhen ran to Zhao Donghuai and started to rub his shoulders, "Boss, they bought the Japanese yen to appreciate? They had to borrow money to buy it? Can I follow suit?"

After working as Zhao Sheng's secretary for more than a year, Azhen learned a lot about things outside the film industry. In the past, she arranged for those people to acquire stocks and shares of Hong Kong Electric and Hong Kong CLP Group. Azhen also spent part of the time conveying information. Order, collect information and report to Zhao Donghuai.

She doesn’t know anything about foreign exchange, the appreciation of the Japanese yen, or anything like that.

But looking at the group of guys who have made several contributions to the boss, so excited and excited, with the momentum to borrow loans and invest in the financial foreign exchange market?

Ah Zhen really wants to try following the trend. Apart from other things, she went to Tokyo last year to film a movie and make a guest appearance as a stewardess. Someone from Sony performed a show on the street and gave her 3.5 million Hong Kong dollars.

Later, after meteoric garden, blue love and other popular idol dramas were aired, major brands sent money and benefits, asking for help to say more good things about Zhao Donghuai.

A new member, Zhang Mindu, was blocked by someone to deliver a check of 100,000 yuan. Azhen, the senior secretary who has been giving massages and cuteness all year round to take care of life?

She didn't have many outstanding appearances in filming this year, and she was just a supporting role in The Legend of the White Snake, which hasn't been aired yet... But from other messy income, plus the accumulated goods, she has accumulated almost 10 million Hong Kong dollars. .

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "If you want to invest, you can leave your money to them for operation. The risk is not high and the returns should be high."

Qiu Shuzhen happily jumped half a foot high, and smiled sweetly after landing, "Boss, I am almost an adult. When will you fully guide and improve my acting skills and inspire me?"

Director Zhao, "..."

Azhen acted coquettishly and cutely, "I'm really not young anymore. I'll give you a massage next time. Don't chase me away when you want to be generous."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Go and play."


October 1st.

Zhao Donghuai was still watching the grand ceremony on ATV when he heard a knock on the door, "Boss, Director Yan from Shangmei Film Studio is here."

Director Zhao was overjoyed and said, "Please come in quickly."

A moment later, when he saw Director Yan and Director Hu of the Calabash Brothers, after exchanging polite words, the two of them also expressed their intention to bring good news.

Yan Chang laughed and said, "Sheng Zhao, starting from September last year, one year later, 40 episodes of the Fengshen Bang cartoon have been completed."

Director Hu also smiled and said, "And the Dragon Ball cartoon you asked us to make, we have also completed two parts, with a total of 30 episodes, and the finished film has also been brought."

In September last year, he spent 25 million yuan to ask for help in making an action movie. The 30-episode "Calabash Brothers" was obtained as early as April. It was completed in 7 months due to financial constraints, so it was not difficult.

Moreover, Calabash Brothers has been broadcast on ATV for one or two rounds with the bombing of 40 episodes of Yangma's Journey to the West in May. Whether it is the first broadcast or the rerun, the ratings are overwhelming, and TVB cannot hold its head high.

Although Calabash Brothers is not as popular as Journey to the West, especially Monkey Brother, the card-collecting game of Wanjia Instant Noodles, Calabash Brothers is also very popular among the people and belongs to the brainwashing generation of the current post-70s and post-80s generation. Generations.

It was also in May that he contacted Director Hu and wanted him to make a Dragon Ball cartoon... Where did the Dragon Ball come from? ?

This is why when he went to the island country to shoot super bodies last year, he unexpectedly discovered that Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball had begun to be serialized in the (Shounen Jump) comic magazine.

It is a manga magazine owned by Toei Animation, a subsidiary of Toei Group.

At that time, the relationship between the two parties was "very good", and Toriyama Akira's new (Dragon Ball) manga initially ranked very low in the manga market, much lower than his previous best-selling manga.

The sales of the first Dragon Ball adventure chapter were indeed very average. Starting from the second chapter of Dragon Ball, The World's No. 1 Budokai, this comic started its incredible journey of bombing the world, including Europe and North America.

Not popular enough? Akira Toriyama is also communicating with the editorial team in various ways, having disagreements, etc. And the comic book author likes Cheng Long very much. It's not a male-to-male love, but it's just like the ordinary island country movie fans who are crazy fans of Aaron.

So what are you waiting for?

Zhao Donghuai paid some money and asked Cheng Long himself to recruit people. From the most fundamental copyright point of view, he dug out all the Akira Toriyama and Dragon Ball series and joined the comics department of his Zhao Group.

At that time, Toei, Toei's top management was busy trying to reassure Mr. Zhao not to run away, just like the JAL Group. Where is the red bean paste, Smi Masai? I heard that such a thing happened? Hey, isn't he the cartoonist who has written explosive comics, and the opening chapter of his new work looks shocking?

The entire Toei Group is involved in such huge and diverse industries that a small cartoonist can just give it away. After all, Mr. Zhao gave the money.

Akira Toriyama was poached to Hong Kong last year. The copyright of the Dragon Ball series fell to Zhao Films, and he began to draw Dragon Ball for weekly magazines in Hong Kong.

Zhao owns martial arts magazine (Jiang Hu), science fiction magazine (Parallel World), and the comic magazine (Colorful Sky) that was launched later. It was also launched when planning Calabash Brothers, but it did not directly publish Calabash Brothers comics. Calabash was mainly focusing on cartoons at that time. of.

Therefore, before Toriyama Akira painted Dragon Ball, there was a lack of heavyweight works.

Since last November, Akira Toriyama joined and started serializing the Tenkaichi Budokai chapter, sales have taken off. Up until now, the Red Ribbon Army chapter has almost had the courage to suppress the Huang Yulang Comic Group.

Zhao Donghuai spent another 5 million yuan in April to let Director Hu and his team continue to produce Dragon Ball cartoons.

After some exchanges, he smiled and asked Azhen to arrange for someone to properly receive the two people from Shangmei Film Studio, and he also went to watch two cartoons.

This is different from Calabash Brothers. In the original trajectory, Yan Chang directed the Fengshenbang cartoon? It doesn’t exist. Yan Chang is in the field of animated films. This is a new work made with 20 million yuan...

After watching one episode, Zhao Donghuai felt stable.

This is a commendable high-quality animated film that almost has the quality of an animated movie. But looking at the creative team and the producer Mr. Wan Lao, it’s fine and fine.

A world-class animation master, he spent 20 million yuan to work hard for a year to produce 40 episodes of the cartoon. It is really good-looking and exciting.

As for Dragon Ball, he was relieved after watching one episode. Although this was not the original production team, a team that could produce the calabash brothers and carefully created the Dragon Ball cartoon was based on the original comics.

It's really pretty.

After Hulu Brothers, ATV’s animation department has another masterpiece that beats TVB.

This is not just about an anime or cartoon, but all the copyrights are in hand. In the future, the island company wants to produce a series of Dragon Ball video games? Have you purchased the copyright?

Can you agree to that?

In the future, in the era of big sci-fi special effects, Hollywood will spend a lot of money to buy the movie rights to the live-action version of Dragon Ball. Although the movie was super bad, it also shows how popular the Dragon Ball series is in North America. If it is not an explosion in North America, who will buy the live-action movie? Copyright.

A Dragon Ball movie could take Akira Toriyama, a member of the Zhao Group, for ten years and take the global comic industry by storm.

This is not a question of whether it is popular or not, but because it is so popular that even capital is reluctant to finish it!

It is estimated that Toei will regret and feel distressed in the future, but this is a foregone conclusion.

After watching two episodes of the film, he handed over Fengshen Bang and Dragon Ball to the TV station. Let's broadcast the Fengshen Bang animation for a month first, and then Dragon Ball will take over.

As time enters this October, The Love of Humans and Ghosts has been on the downtrend in Hong Kong. It has sold 37 million Hong Kong dollars, failing to break 40 million, but is it popular in the island country? The box office hit 3 billion yen within half a month of its release in the island country.

Judging from the trend, it is even more than when it was released in 1990, which made a total of 6 billion yen.

Zhang Guorong complained to Director Zhao more than once that the island guy wanted to invite him to a concert, and the price he offered became higher and scarier each time. It would be even better if he could bring Isabelle Adjani with him.

But Ah Wing is recording new singles with Andy Lau. The three are good songs that can hopefully continue to top the Billboard singles best-selling list in North America.

He really wasn't in the mood to go and make publicity.

At this stage, Zhang Guorong's popularity and influence in the island country market can already compete with Cheng Long's. The music industry has been swept by various explosions, including three major ghost movies...

Well, Ah Wing is the one who acted in the ghost film "Feng Shen", "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "The Love Between Ghosts".


October 3rd.

As one of the assistant directors of Super Body, Huang Jianxin walked into the big office of Zhao Films with a spiritual brother in his 30s.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and asked Azhen to serve tea, and also said to Lan Naicai, who was reading the script, "Old Lan, the top photographer from the mainland is here. When the new film starts, you can exchange more techniques with each other."

You just finished filming Speed ​​of Life and Death in late September, are you still doing post-production on special effects? Is he going to start a new movie? No, Zhao Donghuai plans to be the producer of this new film and not direct it himself.

With a complete storyboard, his new film is planned to be co-directed and photographed by Huang Jianxin, Lan Naicai and newcomer Zhang Yimou.

Yes, the spiritual elder brother in his 30s is Ah Mou, who was promoted to a first-class photographer after filming "Yellow Earth" last year.

The new film he chose is a horror and thriller film, Shark Tank.

This is a blockbuster film to be produced in 2016, with almost a single female protagonist. The production cost in 2016 was more than 10 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office was 120 million U.S. dollars.

This is a big movie with subtitles for actors and actresses, just put a name on it. The whole process shows the beauty of various seascapes, the heroine is surfing on the sea, various beautiful shots, and then the shark comes... the heroine and the shark compete with each other in a battle of wits and courage.

This is the masterpiece of Blake Lively, one of the four Hollywood actresses in the 21st century.

If it is filmed now, the shark special effects will be handed over to the Pengcheng production team, and the heroine will watch the whole process alone, which can be regarded as a test of the heroine's acting skills.

He originally thought about directing it himself.

The heroine thought about Kwan Jiahui. Anyway, as for the Chinese heroine, wearing a one-piece swimsuit covering her head to her ankles, and looking beautiful with the beautiful scenery of the shallow sea, there is no problem.

When Guan Jiahui heard that she might need to do a lot of physical training and surfing training... she just gave up acting like a baby and didn't want to act. She thought it would be nice to lie down. She still had a weak kidney and couldn't handle it with more exercise.

He Qing said that she was also in the nourishing period, and the doctor told her that it was best to rest more.

Monica and Amin are not suitable for this kind of film. They are too bouncy when exercising, and their one-piece swimsuits cannot block the bouncing feeling during exercise. They are like a famous Internet picture from Future Secret.

There are some ball games that Zhao Donghuai still only wants to enjoy by himself.

Then there is the choice of Laura Fernandez or 18-year-old Nicole Kidman to star. Nicole Kidman has only been in Asia Drama for four months.

But she has received professional acting training since she was 10 years old. In 1983, she also appeared in a New Year's film in Australia.

A Mou and Lan Nai were introduced to each other, and soon Laura Fanna and Nicole Kidman arrived at the office.

Director Zhao directly threw the script to the two of them, "This is a new film that I will produce in my name. It can also be regarded as a thriller, similar to the Hollywood movie Jaws, but the whole process is about a heroine and a shark fighting wits and courage."

"After the performance is completed, it will be one of your masterpieces! This shows the charm of the heroine better than the super body, because the super body at least has countless human supporting roles and supporting roles. Shark Beach puts actor subtitles, and the name of a heroine represents the whole world. The crew is full of actors.”

"Of course, it's not easy to shoot a big science fiction movie. The biggest expense is in post-production special effects. From today on, the three directors will join forces to scout every bay and beach in Hong Kong."

"Which of you two will be the lead actor? In addition to your acting skills, it also depends on whether you are willing to put in the effort. If you win the leading role in this drama, you will have to undergo a lot of surfing and swimming training..."

Under his words, Laura Fernandez and Nicole Kidman, who had not yet read the script, were ecstatic and endlessly surprised!

Can it show off the charm of the heroine better than Super Body, the sci-fi movie that took the world by storm? This is so exciting that I want to cry. As for the name of Jaws? It is not without its status and influence in the global film industry.

Steven Spielberg became a global sensation with Jaws, which grossed US$470 million at the global box office in 1975 and cost only a few million US dollars to produce.

After the surprise, the two women looked at each other again, both of them full of aggression.

Fortunately, Lola Fanna is already the heroine of Life and Death, and the filming has been completed. As for the filming process, whether it was the bus flying over a broken bridge more than ten meters, or the tattered bus rushing towards the shell of the passenger plane and exploding.

With all the thrilling action and explosions in the (Speed ​​of Life and Death) movie, we can predict that it will not be bad at the box office.

Having had such experience as a heroine, missing out on being the heroine of a film is not an exaggerated loss, but Nicole Kidman... started studying acting at the age of 10, and has never had a supporting role in a film until now.

The heroine of Shark Beach treats her like a gold brick falling from the sky.

After the two of them thanked each other and started reading the script, Zhao Donghuai said to several directors, "The tone of this drama is very different from Jaws. The most important thing is the beautiful scenery. The camera chooses various beautiful scenery to shoot both above and below the water." .”

"Director Zhang, I am still very optimistic about your photography skills."

Zhang Yimou, when it comes to photographing beautiful scenery with a camera, he is truly one of the best in the world...

It’s not that Amou is capable of photographing beautiful scenery, and he wouldn’t specifically ask Director Huang to bring him over from the mainland. Once the movie starts shooting, he will just spend a few days in the initial stage to set the tone, and the rest will be It's all up to these three.

After all, neither Guan Jiahui nor He Qing wanted to act, and Monica and Amin were not suitable.

Then let actresses from ordinary brands take part in the battle.

In the original version of the movie, when the heroine first went surfing in the sea, she also met two surfers. They appeared briefly and then disappeared, allowing Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying to make guest appearances.

Although Xiaoxian is average...a little bit ordinary, he can still be photographed beautifully while surfing with his long legs.

The dolphins and the heroine are playing together on the sea. You can first shoot the scene in the aquarium, and then use supercomputer special effects to change the background.

If you think about it this way, (Super Body), (Female Version of Cat and Mouse Game), plus (Shark Beach), when the time comes, let Huang Weiming go to North America for various waves and do more sexy tricks, then all kinds of political correctness will definitely Taking Hollywood by storm ahead of time.

As long as a black actor can be promoted to play Snow White before the millennium, or Iron Man who only likes men, it will be a huge victory!

Once Hollywood crosses the border, it means that Hong Kong Island Film Industry will have greater room for improvement.

The preparations for Shark Beach started on this day. The three major directors directly took various assistants and assistants to travel all over Hong Kong to scout locations and select shooting locations. In the weather in October, the daily temperature on Hong Kong Island is still above 20 degrees.

I shoot a lot of water scene scenes in this season, so I’m not afraid of the cold.

On the contrary, if you are filming Home Alone on Hong Kong Island, it will be a snowy scene. Artificial snow can only be made during the lowest temperature period.

After running for more than ten days in a row, the animated version of Fengshen List began to bombard the ratings. When the ratings got higher and higher, the three of them finally chose a location, which was an uninhabited island in Hong Kong. The beach and seascape shooting in that area ( Shark Beach), I feel very handsome and beautiful.

There are more than 200 large and small islands in Hong Kong, many of which are uninhabited. It took a lot of effort to get the best result. Zhao Donghuai visited it once and found the beauty of this beach very moving.

The heroine has also been chosen, and it’s Laura Fanna...

There is no way, her acting skills are better than Nicole Kidman's now. As long as Laura is willing to train, exercise more and surf, she has little chance of losing.

I chose Laura. In the movie, the heroine is playing at sea and the two surfers she meets are Joey Wong and Nicole Kidman. In terms of height, Xiaoxian is more stable standing next to Nicole.

She and Nicole shot the scene together, finally no longer having to bend over, and shed tears of joy.

When the beach is officially launched, it will be October 18th.

Zhao Donghuai stayed on duty for three days, and on the 21st, he completely left the crew and stopped doing things. He just asked the bodyguards to station on the set to rescue people in danger.

He stationed four large yachts near the crew, with more than 20 female bodyguards, most of whom were proficient in swimming and diving. In addition to controlling the scene, they could also occasionally perform stunts. For three days, the entire crew except Laura... Outside of Fang Na’s personal show.

All the scenes involving other actors have been completed...

When Zhao Donghuai returned to ATV and arrived at the door of the office, he saw Guan Jiahui and Amin rushing over excitedly. Sister Guan was so excited that her whole body was trembling, "Brother Huai, we are getting rich. We are really getting rich. Oh my god." ah……"

It’s already October 21st, one month since the Plaza Accord was signed.

The Japanese yen appreciated by 10%.

In other words, when Guan Jiahui, Zhou Huimin, Monica and others each came out with HKD 6.7 billion, or HKD 7.8 billion, they have already made more than one billion Hong Kong dollars each in the foreign exchange market!

20 times leverage, no matter how much you invest, the profit after 10% appreciation is twice the principal.

This global harvest feast is so amazing.

At first, Director Zhao asked them to collect money to buy foreign exchange. These few people didn't know anything at all, even less than Zhao Donghuai. Later, they invested and found out that they were speculating in foreign exchange and buying the appreciation of the yen.

At that time, that is to say, the certainty of winning money was relatively high, so just wait slowly.

Guan Jiahui asked someone today... and asked casually. Qiu Shuzhen reported directly, "You have earned 1.4 billion Hong Kong dollars?" ?

Guan Jiahui was stunned at the time. When she woke up, she frantically searched for Zhao Donghuai all over the world. However, at that time, he was working on the set of a certain beach on an outlying island (Shark Beach), and there was no mobile signal for Big Brother there.

Then she and Amin ran to ATV to wait, while Monica and He Qing ran to Zhao and others.

It’s incredible. In just one month, you made more than one billion Hong Kong dollars? Who dares to believe this? ?

This kind of thrilling feeling is so terrifying that it can cause all the emotions in your mind to explode. You really need to vent like crazy before you can calm down again.

Guan Jiahui's excited reputation kills Amin.


A new day, three poles a day.

Qiu Shuzhen looked at the already-cooled breakfast outside the office and complained with red eyes, "I should have listened to Chen's advice and borrowed more money. Oh my god, in one month, I got 10 million Hong Kong dollars with 50 times leverage." , now the Japanese yen appreciates 10%, I make a profit of 50 million!"

"If we borrow more or use higher leverage, for example, 100 times, wouldn't we make 100 million?"

Zhang Min rolled his eyes, "Sister Zhen, quickly take back some of it and convert it to 20 times leverage. Can the boss be smarter than you? Ten times or twenty times, there is no need to worry at all. I heard that there was a fluctuation last time, then Chen Jiapeng almost suffered a heart attack and needed to be sent to rescue."

"Even if the position didn't blow up later, the excitement would be too great."

"Also, if it wasn't for the boss reminding you several times to close your positions first to avoid short-term declines... I guess your positions have been liquidated more than once."

Zhang Min also saved more than one million by being given red envelopes and checks by others. Then she starred in Meteor Garden, playing the role of Xiaoyou in the original version. It started airing in November last year and has been replayed for many rounds. She has saved one or two million with her goods. Thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

She bet with full 20 times leverage and has made 6 million Hong Kong dollars so far.

Although in comparison, Zhang Min does not earn much as much as Qiu Shuzhen, her method of making money is safe, and there is no need to worry about nervousness when investing money. It is not like Qiu Shuzhen who used 50 times leverage and needed Zhao Donghuai's guidance from time to time to escape in advance.

Otherwise, in the big financial battlefield, international capital will smash the market casually, and occasionally fall for a few hours in a large upward trend, and many high-leverage positions that buy appreciation will be exploded. The risk of 50 times is too great.

Azhen stuck out her tongue and said proudly, "You girl, what do you know about movies? Even if I lose, I will find a chance to get my menstruation with the boss. Are you afraid that I won't have any money to spend?"

This way of making money, if Zhao Donghuai is willing to bring more people together to make a fortune, will really attract all the fairies in the sky than the Tang Monk in the TV series Journey to the West.

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