Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 144 Investing in AMC Cinemas, Long Live Friendship

In the large office.

Monica's waist hurt, but she still rubbed her waist and said excitedly, "Brother Huai, we have made such an exaggerated fortune, how should we spend it in the future? Oh my God, we have made 1.6 billion Hong Kong dollars in just one month, which is equivalent to US dollars..."

"Forget it, the U.S. dollar has been depreciating recently, and the depreciation rate is the same as the appreciation of the Japanese yen. I feel that it is more cost-effective to reserve Japanese yen."

She raised 100 million by herself, plus borrowed 700 million Hong Kong dollars from the bank. With 20 times leverage and a 10% appreciation in one month, she earned 1.6 billion with tears and blood. Monica Bellucci felt so floating and unreal. .

How to spend money? ?

Speaking of this, Guan Jiahui said boldly, "I want to buy villas, big villas, dozens or hundreds of them at a time. I can live wherever I want in the future."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "I think we can consider it and try to buy the Columbia Group gradually. Once we can buy it, and it's not too bad, we will have our own media group in North America!"

Now that Coca-Cola still owns the Columbian film, will Coca-Cola sell it? Coke originally sold Columbia to Sony in 1989.

A sky-high price of $3.4 billion plus $1.6 billion in debt!

Are Columbia movies worth that much money? It was not worth it at the time, but Sony was still willing to spend so much money to cause trouble in order to lay out the big media groups, especially those in North America, even though they had been severely ripped off by the other party.

Afterwards, he continued to make large investments one after another, and was defrauded of a lot of money.

This is just a Colombian movie!

other department……

For example, in 1986, Sony wanted to buy the record company under Columbia Group. This record company was a behemoth with global distribution and sales capabilities. Instead of Zhao Donghuai's Zhao Records Department, it could only sink to retail in Haowan, Hong Kong. terminal.

In 1986, Sony wanted to buy it for the first time, and the price offered was US$1.25 billion. Nine months later, it asked for US$2 billion!

The record department spent $2 billion, and the film company spent $3.4 billion plus $1.6 billion in debt.

This is still two departments under the Columbia Group. The entire group is referred to as CBS, which is the Columbia Broadcasting Company.

The CBS Television Network has collapsed and now has five directly affiliated television stations in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and other cities, which are under the full jurisdiction and operation of the group, similar to Zhao Donghuai's ATV.

At its peak, it had 200 affiliated TV stations throughout North America, and now there are more than 100 affiliated TV stations. It is the third largest TV network platform in the entire A-Mei family!

It also has 6 AM radio stations and 7 FM radio stations!

The future classic series are the (Big Bang Theory) series, (Broke Sisters) series, (Criminal Minds) series and so on.

CBS as a whole is similar to Zhao Donghuai's current media group and TV station group in Hong Kong, including film production and distribution plus record production and sales that have spread to the world.

If five to six billion US dollars can buy out Columbia's record and film divisions, that's really...Zhao Pictures' big movies will land in Europe and the United States, and Warner will no longer have to take so much profit.

However, when Sony bought Colombian movies and records, it was often tricked by the management. At that time, there was a wave of resistance in North America that "island countries want to buy all of North America." Sony did not dare to change the management at will after buying it.

Then he was tricked by the management and the film and television production group into continuing to lose money.

You bought it, and the top management is all working against the will. There are so many tricks to cheat money in the entertainment industry. What if Zhao Donghuai cuts him off? Even if Monica ostensibly becomes the chairman and the largest shareholder, Monica still holds a green card.

This may not go smoothly.

By the end of the year, he had earned 6 billion US dollars and more than 40 billion Hong Kong dollars. He was really qualified to swallow up the record and film groups under CBS, but it was difficult to manage.

If after the settlement, we put hundreds of millions of dollars there, buy the yen in the long-term foreign exchange market for more than a year, wait a year or two, and buy CBS's huge TV network and radio station network, it would be nothing. hope.

From January 1, 1986, to its peak in 1987, the Japanese yen ratio increased from 200 to one U.S. dollar to 120 to one U.S. dollar.

The value has appreciated by 80 yen in more than a year, an increase of 60-70%!

If you put 300 million US dollars lying there, the profit of 20 times leverage would be nearly 4 billion US dollars after more than a year! Putting 1 billion US dollars there is a profit of 13 billion US dollars!

And in 1987, the global stock market crash swept the world...

During the stock market crash, we acquired shares in CBS, a huge television network, and we have great hopes of becoming the owner.

With this, it is a new level of media tycoon like Murdoch.

"Monica, how many Hollywood film invitations have you received recently? Are there any Columbia films?"

Monica nodded in surprise, "Yes, Columbia's highest score was that they offered me US$6 million to film a movie."

"He also said he wanted to work with me to make a Marvel superhero movie."

Director Zhao laughed, "Then I called and said that I had a certain intention to cooperate, and asked some senior executives from Columbia to come and discuss it."

As long as people come, can the management of Columbia Film be arranged in advance?

He is so kind, harmonious and loving that the scumbag villains such as Snake Ming and Little Bully who were moved by his sincerity turned from darkness to light and became part of the effort to build a prosperous Hong Kong Island society.

It makes no sense that the senior executives of Columbia cannot communicate with each other.

Infiltrating one by one, that's almost it. Let's talk about the acquisition of Colombian movies. As for whether to sell Keke? Since Coke took over in 1982, it has been unable to play Hollywood at all in the past few years.

In the delicious era, there were only a handful of high-quality films produced by Colombia. Throughout the 1980s, could Columbia films be among the top ten blockbusters at the annual box office in North America? Very few.

After Sony's acquisition, in the 1990s, no matter how much money and investments were swindled by Sony's executives and production teams, at least it produced blockbusters like Mr. Sweetheart, which were nominated for Oscars and grossed nearly $300 million in global box office.

My Best Friend's Wedding has a global box office of US$300 million, Air Force One has a global box office of US$300 million, Terminator 2, Anaconda started the series, the 1998 version of Godzilla, etc.

Sony continues to spend money and still allows Columbia to shine with the aura and glory of being one of the major Hollywood groups. It is much better than the Coke era.

He wants to arrange for Monica to buy a large stake in the Colombian Group from Coca-Cola, become the major shareholder and chairman, and buy the Colombian record department. If it is not as aggressive as the North American people, it is estimated that it will be possible at this stage or next year in 1986 , four billion dollars to buy it is the normal price.

The only regret is that it is unrealistic to develop smoothly without being cheated.

Even if Monica got a North American green card, not all North Americans are fools. There are many people who can see through that he is controlling Monica behind the scenes and invading Hollywood...

There is also another possibility. Even if many people see through it, he is the man behind Monica, but if billions of dollars of equity are transferred to Monica's name, someone wants to instigate Monica and instigate Monica. If you betray him, you hope that he, a Hong Kong tycoon, will lose both his life and wealth.

Then if Monica wants to take over Dilumbia, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

In this aspect, it depends on whether his relationship with Monica is deep and whether he will lose control easily.

Director Zhao felt lucky again that he was safe! After this wave of huge profits is settled at the end of December 1985, it may be possible to arrange for someone to acquire Columbia Pictures' shares in the market.

After receiving a certain level, we can discuss the acquisition with Coca-Cola.

During this time, he also needs to further deepen his relationship with Monica.

Take off your clothes a lot, push food, and talk about your heart.

When Monica left and called someone from Dilumbia Films, Amin and Jiahui also went home to rest. Zhao Donghuai thought about it, turned on the simulator, and gave it a try first.

The reputation value is so high, let’s do advanced simulation for three years.

It is difficult to see the long-term development trend of acquiring Columbia-related companies for one year or something. Fortunately, it is only 3,000 reputation points for three years at a time, which is nothing to him now.

[In late October 1985, you asked Monica to invite Columbia Film executives to come to Hong Kong. A vice president of the production department led the team. They were moved by your "sincerity" and secretly became the "Pan Asia Group" One of the spiritual shareholders. 】

[In early January 1986, with the help of more than 40 billion Hong Kong dollars in crazy profits from the Plaza Agreement, you secretly and stably acquired the shares of Columbia Film. After receiving the news and becoming a minority shareholder, you contacted Coke to become the owner. Coke was overjoyed and wanted to use Columbia. The movie shares were exchanged for shares in Jianlibao and Hantianxia Iced Black Tea and Green Tea Factory. 】

[Negotiations have been in a stalemate for several months, and Coca-Cola holds 51% of Columbia Pictures' equity and is determined not to let go. 】

[During the negotiations, you quietly accumulated strength and acquired shares of CBS Broadcasting Company in the stock market. Until the 1987 stock market crash, Keke not only relaxed the conditions and was willing to let you take over Columbia Pictures, but also let Monica Bay Rucci became the majority shareholder of CBS Broadcasting Company. 】

[In November 1987, the new production of Friends was broadcast on the national television network and bombed North America. The heroine Jennifer Aniston's catchphrase, "Have you drunk too much Coca-Cola? You are so stupid!" caused Coca-Cola to be blackmailed as Yoneda Kyo. 】

[But long before Friends was aired, Coca-Cola had promoted to the world that Monica was just your pawn, and that a yellow race lower than the island countryman was invading the North American media world, triggering protests from countless white groups. 】

[Following Coca-Cola, countless North American conglomerate tycoons want to instigate Monica and make her betray you, losing both people and money. 】

[Pan Asia Group work visa and green card holders were deported or arrested and imprisoned one by one, and the mafia circles she was familiar with were beaten. 】

[In February 1988, with the support of many parties, Murdoch launched a hostile takeover of CBS Broadcasting and Film Group. After a bitter battle in the middle, your apparent value shrank a lot before retaining absolute control. 】

[Since March, more than 100 affiliated TV stations have switched to other TV networks. AMC Cinemas and other theaters have secretly stolen box office, concealed data, and delayed the payment of accounts, which means they will not give you money, which means they will not give you money, causing Columbia Film Group to lose money on its investment. , every Pan Asia Spirit shareholder can no longer play with the theatrical distribution system. 】

[Stanley Durwood, chairman of AMC Cinemas, even called you to taunt you. You, an Asian, will die if you play this. Go back to your Asia. Let’s split the account? Do you have the qualifications for yarn and want to split accounts? 】

[In June, Jennifer Aniston, who was inspired by your love and justice, used your profits from the 1987 stock market crash to sneak attack Murdoch and take away Murdoch’s Fox Television Network, the fourth largest television network in North America. right. 】

[In August, two media queens, Monica and Jennifer, used their huge media power to comprehensively report on Murdoch’s daily tax evasion collection...]

[In October, major consortiums made numerous attempts to plot against Monica and Jennifer, but failed. Shootings occurred frequently. The two women relied on their status as white superstars to stay alive and fled North America in embarrassment. North America will never allow the egg beauty to have the power of media and public opinion. 】

[When pigs are fattened, they can be killed. Numerous cases of corruption, tax evasion, etc. broke out among the middle and senior management of the two major media groups. The finances of the two major groups were frozen by the FBI. New white executives were officially appointed to take charge of the media empire. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Part 1 of the illegal and criminal information of some FBI gangsters."

"B: Part 1 of the evidence of Murdoch's tax evasion and illegal crimes."

"C: Double the liver function (specifically, double the basic level of an ordinary person before you have strengthened)."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Good guy, this is really a good guy. He wants to control his girl as a Chinese to become a media tycoon in North America. He will compete with each tycoon or consortium, which is normal.

In the end, it was normal for North America to shamelessly kill pigs and cut leeks. In the past, when it made trouble in the financial battlefield, the Hong Kong authorities froze the funds in his account to make money.

The explanation in the simulator is very correct. North America will never allow Egg Beauty to have the power of media and public opinion. Anyone who wants to get involved in such a powerful tool as comprehensive public opinion must pay a price, including paying a certificate of nomination.

Sony is only engaged in Colombian movies and records. It has been defrauded of a lot of money before it has even entered the field of television networks and radio broadcasts. It does not dare to change management at will. Media tycoons like Rupert Murdoch want to develop television networks and newspapers. Wait, you must be naturalized in North America.

Naturalization means how many years you have to live in North America after you get your green card before you are eligible for naturalization.

Regarding stance, we need to be absolutely ZZZQ, conform to the mainstream, and be obedient.

Monica Bellucci has a green card and is white, but she is the egg beauty in Director Zhao's hands, with white skin and yellow heart, so that won't work.

What's going on with Jennifer Aniston?

One of the representatives of North America's sweethearts... why is it like that? Zhao Donghuai in the simulator is a bit of a slut, but in reality he is not such a person at all.

If Jennifer's beauty wants to challenge his weakness in reality, he feels that he can definitely stop it and will not waver. After all, he has never touched the many high-quality beauties in Hong Kong Island, and he has no interest in it.

Are Laura Fonna and Naomi Watts so bad? Are Lan Jieying, Xiao Yingying, Gong Li, and Li Zhi also bad? Even Isabelle Adjani, who is single and raising a baby, is also very popular.

There are many opportunities to volunteer to help repair faucets.

If he could be easily shaken, he would already have double digits around him, far from just four young ladies.

Could it be that for the sake of the territory of the media empire, Zhao Donghuai of the simulator sacrificed himself and sacrificed himself? ?

That's how it should be, it's okay to make some personal sacrifices occasionally for the greater good.

Jennifer is only 16 years old this year? ? However, it was simulated that Jennifer did not appear to attack the Fox TV network until 1988, when she was already a 19-year-old good girl.

The sweet and lovely Jennifer in the original version (Friends 1) is already in her 25th year.

In this wave of simulations, Zhao Donghuai suffered a big loss again.

But what do these three rewards mean? It’s too weird, isn’t it? The first part of the criminal information of some FBI criminal police officers? ? Will there be some information about the first and second episodes of the FBI crime scene in the future?

After finishing these three episodes, will there be another small collection of FBI criminal information?

Will there be a small collection of all the FBI's various criminal police information?

This thing, this thing is a big killer.

Part 1 of the evidence of Murdoch’s tax evasion and illegal crimes? ? It is said that the first pot of gold in capital is black. Even if Murdoch inherited his father's business and started a news newspaper, it seems that when he inherited the news, the newspaper was in a state of loss.

How did you become a global media tycoon step by step? The process is always clean, laws and regulations are abided by, and laws are never exceeded?

Zhao Donghuai didn’t believe it!

To put it bluntly, for a reborn businessman like him, the first pot of gold needs to be raised by enthusiastic people in the market, and he has to battle with local associations time and time again. He will also encounter bans and restrictions from the Hong Kong authorities, and even directly rob him without following the rules.

If you insist on saying that Lao Mo, who was born in Australia, is as clean as an angel, who will believe it?

so? What does the option "double hepatitis C function" mean? ?

Literally understood, this is super good stuff! In the past, when you simulated for one year at a time, you were rewarded with rewards such as never getting HIV or pneumonia. But this time, after three years of simulation, the function of an organ has been doubled? ?

Even if it refers to double the data of an ordinary person before he received the reward even once, it doesn't add up to a weak figure.

Options A and B are also of great value.

If you choose A and get some criminal information about FBI criminal police officers, then let’s contact you. Is there a good friend who can help if the Zhao Group is developing in North America? ?

After much deliberation, Zhao Donghuai chose B, the first episode of Australian Lao Mo's illegal and criminal tax evasion.

Murdoch is now very powerful. He acquired 50% of the shares of Twentieth Century Fox Film in 1983. He is already one of the major Hollywood giants. The Fox Television Network, which was expanded in 1985, is already the fourth largest television network in North America. Internet.

It is the kind of TV station that has direct and full management control in core cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, etc., plus a large network of one to two hundred affiliated TV stations.

Just like in the Mainland, there is the Central Television Network, and there are various provincial, municipal, and county-level TV stations. A media tycoon has taken over hundreds of TV stations. What is the coverage and public opinion power? ?

In the simulator, Zhao Donghuai wants CBS TV network and Colombian movies. Once realized, it will be on the same level as Murdoch's current influence in North America.

What's more, this Australian old man also has strong media power in England, France and other countries. In a few years, he will come to Hong Kong Island to purchase newly built satellite TVs.

The next moment, several large boxes appeared near the ATV office.

Zhao Donghuai opened a box. There was a Sony floppy disk inside, which was still 1.44 MB, but there was also a paper file bag. He opened the file bag casually and found English materials, including some photos...

There are several big boxes, all of which are filled with black materials from Australian Lao Mo! ! !

After reading it hastily, Zhao Donghuai sighed, "I'm determined to be my friend Lao Mo! I really should have imitated it earlier."

Lao Mo is over 50 years old this year, and Zhao Sheng is only 21 years old, but he has made this friend, and even Jesus can't stop him.

With this in mind, if we cooperate with 20th Century Fox movies in the future, more than just the buyout fee can be raised by a higher standard? It's okay for serious theater chains to get a share of the distribution.

Of course, making Murdoch a friend is not something that must be done immediately. When to chat with Lao Mo and make friends depends on the situation and situation. It is not too late to contact him when you need him.

By the way... Do you want to try simulation and get involved in AMC theaters?

Directly asking a huge TV network in North America. The power of media public opinion is too irritating to North America's pain points. No matter how he uses love to influence Monica's body and mind in the simulator, as long as Monica is still an egg beauty, she will be easily targeted, sanctioned, Group fights, shameless confrontation.

But what if you just want a theater chain equity?

The media and public opinion power of theaters is much weaker than that of large TV networks composed of hundreds of TV stations, and they are completely incomparable.

What if we can take control of AMC? What else do you need to cooperate with Warner?

AMC Cinemas is the first of its kind in the world to transform a cinema, which has hundreds or a thousand seats, but can only show one movie at a time, into two screening halls that can play two movies at the same time.

It can then be upgraded to a four-screen, six-screen, or eight-screen mode that can play multiple movies at the same time.

This was upgraded and renovated in the 1960s. It is now the first-tier theater chain in North America. There are AMC cinemas in all major cities in North America. There are hundreds of AMC cinemas in total, and they control large screens worth about 3,000 yuan.

In the past, when Zhao's movies were released in North America, they basically had 1,000 or 1,200 screens, and could fetch US$60 to 70 million. Another example is Super Body, which finally grossed more than US$200 million in North America!

AMC also has hundreds of directly owned theaters or franchised and cooperative theaters in Europe, with one to two thousand big screens.

When Warner went to distribute it, it also negotiated with AMC and other theater leaders. After the negotiations were completed, North America and Europa were released together.

"After three years of simulation, let's see how much interference there is from outside theaters..."

Zhao Donghuai happily engaged in simulation for three years.

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Part 1 of criminal information on Stanley Durwood, chairman of AMC Cinemas."

"B: Double the kidney function. (Specifically refers to the fact that before you were strengthened, the basic level of an ordinary person was doubled)"

"C: Liver function doubled. (Specifically refers to your normal level doubled before strengthening)"

Zhao Donghuai fell into silence again. In the first simulation, before he had ever provoked AMC Cinemas, this guy popped up and used various methods to steal box office, conceal data, delay the payment and refuse to pay, etc., and let him take it. Colombian films have suffered long-term losses.

Now, option A is popping up with all kinds of dirty information about the current chairman of AMC, which is not surprising.

With this, it will be easier for him to win AMC, even if he does not win all of them, becoming an important senior partner of AMC whose opinions cannot be ignored, it will be enough for Zhao Pictures to surpass Warner and screen blockbusters in North America and Europe.

Could it be that the relationship between man and ghost has not been settled yet and Warner has not been settled yet?

But what the hell is option B? ? He has already gained master-level handheld photography physical strength and gained more than 20 waist-and-kidney-strengthening rewards.

Now do you want to double it? ? Before strengthening, he had twice the kidney power of a 20-year-old guy...

This is too sinful!

Forget it, he is not such a cruel and unscrupulous person, so let's get the first one. From now on, it will be more delicious if he brushes it a few more times and doubles his liver function.

A three-year reward level can strengthen the heart, liver, spleen and lungs. This is a desirable result.

Liver function plus basic multiplier appears continuously. Can it be like the original strengthening of waist and kidney plus 3, accumulating seven or eight times to reach more than 20 points?


A few days later, Zhao Donghuai was working at Zhao's Pictures when he heard Qiu Shuzhen reporting that Stanley Durwood was here.

Director Zhao was overjoyed and walked to the door to greet him with a smile. However, when the AMC theater chairman came in, he was surprised and confused, "Zhao? Is it you? Is it really you?"

"Shet, are you kidding? How can you have evidence that I cheated on the exam when I was studying? This is too damned!"

That's right, an international courier sent a letter inviting Stanley to come to Hong Kong to discuss some business cooperation, and here he is...

If you don’t have any weight, how can you possibly achieve it? On the surface, in addition to sending an invitation, the letter also contained some little Easter egg tips about Stanley's life.

For example, you cheated on an exam while studying, borrowed a sum of money from a friend or classmate after graduation, and still haven't paid it back, etc.

These are all innocuous and dispensable trivial matters, but some things are said too clearly and accurately. If Zhao Donghuai had not reminded him in the letter, Stanley, a theater tycoon in his 50s and 60s, would have forgotten these past events.

He thought it was an old friend from his early life, or someone he was very familiar with and close to, who was making fun of him. Someone who knew about his embarrassing things... must be someone close to him.

While Stanley Durwood was scolding, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Azhen, "Azhen, bring the coffee quickly, Armin, open the champagne, I want to entertain the distinguished guests."

Now that this cinema tycoon, who is similar to North America's Shaw Brothers, is here, would it be appropriate not to discuss some business in depth?

Yes, the AMC theater chain was developed by the Durwood brothers in the 1920s. From a small theater chain at the beginning, it gradually developed into theater chains all over Europe and the United States. Stanley took over the reins in the 1950s after his eldest brother passed away. .

In the 1960s, various screening modes such as double hall, four hall and eight hall were introduced.

He is currently the largest shareholder of AMC. Of course, there are also many scattered small shareholders, not to mention the nature of the franchisees in Europe, which are cooperative theaters. Similar to how Zhao Donghuai used four leading companies to attract a group of small theaters to join, based on shares Proportional accounting.

When Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min came over with coffee and champagne respectively, Stanley Derwood's face turned dark, "Zhao, you'd better give me a perfect explanation, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he didn't say anything else after that, but looking at his super dark complexion, you could tell that he was very unhappy. As he got older, he would occasionally reminisce about his youth. He originally thought that a long-time friend sent him a mysterious Easter egg in Hong Kong Island. , surprise invitation.

When I arrived, I met an Asian in his early 20s, Chinese? ?

What a waste of emotion!

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of a cup of coffee, walked to the desk, and quickly took out a file, "Mr. Stanley, don't worry, take a look at these documents first. This is a little surprise in life."

Stanley Durwood frowned and took the file bag, and began to pull out the files and flip through them. As he looked at them, he became angry and annoyed, but after looking up at Zhao Donghuai for a few times, he still endured his annoyance and continued reading.

As he watched, he began to sweat.

Finally, Stanley put away the file, "What do you want to do? Why do you have these things? Wang Defake, who did you bribe? Tracy? James?"

"How much did you give them? How dare you let them betray me?!!"

In this document bag, there is information about AMC theaters stealing box office of some blockbuster movies, concealing data and accounting, and making illegal money, including evidence that it helped some mafia use box office to launder illegal money.

And tax evasion...

The world is as dark as crows. How many good people are there in the capital circle? ? In the 1980s and 1990s, countless black gold flowed into the film and television industry, money laundering and so on. Various theater chains in Hong Kong Island did a lot, and the theater chains in North America did the same.

This does not have much solid evidence, because more evidence is still hidden in Zhao Donghuai’s portable space. This is just a detailed list of AMC’s various black backgrounds.

Zhao Donghuai smiled brightly and said, "Stanley, I want to become a partner of AMC Cinemas and buy shares with real money. In the future, my movies will be launched in Europe and the United States. I don't want to give Warner any more money."

"Just think of me as a normal Hollywood production company like Warner, Columbia, and Universal, and share money with you through serious business cooperation."

After hearing this, Stanley Durwood suddenly felt relaxed again. He thought Zhao Donghuai threw these things out because he wanted to take away AMC... but it turned out that he was just one of the partners?

Like the major Hollywood companies, put the movie on AMC? This requirement was far lower than the fright he felt when he first read the information.

After walking to the reception area and taking a few sips of coffee, Stanley said, "Actually, these things don't have that big of an impact. Even if you tell them to the media, I have a lot of friends in North America."

Zhao Donghuai also walked over and smiled, "What about tax evasion? You also have many friends in the IRS, can you handle it?"

Stanley Durwood rolled his eyes wildly and didn't want to talk to Zhao Donghuai anymore. Damn, how can we talk about this? He really doesn't have many friends in the IRS.

After taking two more sips of coffee, Stanley put down the cup and said, "It's not impossible for you to be a partner, including running your Hong Kong movies to theaters. Warner has made a lot of money before."

"But you have to hand over all this information to me, including any evidence that may exist in your hands. Who did you bribe and betray me? You must tell me."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "No problem."

After saying that, he walked to the built-in dressing room, took out some archival materials, photo evidence, including audio recording evidence from his personal space... and walked out and handed it to Stanley Durwood.

The AMC president looked and listened, his face getting darker and darker.

After he looked over it, he quickly took out the lighter and burned it all, triggering a fire alarm. Suddenly, several sprinklers popped out from the ceiling, spraying cold water at the fire spot and Stanley himself.

Stanley didn't care, but stared at Zhao Donghuai, "No more? Are you sure you don't have a backup?"

Zhao Donghuai said nonchalantly, "No, there really is no backup. You have to believe me, I like to make friends the most."

Stanley, who was soaked by the shower head, looked crazy, "Shet, can you stop looking so perfunctory??"

The next moment he walked out of the spray zone, grabbed another coffee and took a sip, "Zhao, you don't understand, these don't mean that much to me. We have private prisons in North America. Even if I go to jail, I can still go to a private prison like It’s like a vacation to end your prison term.”

Since 1983, there has been the first private prison in North America. It is a profit-making operation under the control of capital, so everyone understands.

When the rich go to jail, it's just a vacation.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded like a loving father, "Yes, yes, everything you said is right."

Stanley stared at him dumbfounded, and then sighed after dozens of seconds, "You villain! Tell me, how many shares do you want?"

"But don't blame me for not reminding you. The islanders are buying and selling in our North America, squeezing out a lot of businesses and companies, and making countless white people unemployed. Although you are not an islander, you are Chinese, but once it is revealed, you will become the major shareholder of AMC. one?"

"You'll still get a lot of ostracism."

"You still have money. You can become a senior partner of AMC Cinemas, but the amount you should pay should be less, otherwise I would rather go to jail!"

Zhao Donghuai poured two glasses of champagne and clinked glasses with Stanley, "Of course, I am known for being fair and loyal, so the money I should pay will not be less."

"As for the shares, how about I get 20%? It's not in my name, but in the name of Monica Bellucci. She is already the largest shareholder of Marvel. She will invest in theaters to prepare for future Marvel superhero movies. It makes sense to go the extra mile.”

Are theaters valuable?

Shaw's four leading theaters on Hong Kong Island are all leased to him for 35 million Hong Kong dollars a year. AMC in North America is located in all major cities, with hundreds of theaters and controls a big screen worth about 3,000 yuan.

And the industry in Europa...

This is of course a big figure, but by the end of December, more than 40 billion Hong Kong dollars will be pocketed. Buying 20% ​​of AMC's shares is not a big deal.

Stanley was stunned, "Shet? Do you really have that much money? Are you kidding me?"

The Derwood brothers currently own more than 30% of the entire AMC theater chain group. After all, it is open all over North America and Europe. There are also other theater chains that are franchises and share shares, and are transformed and operated according to the AMC model.

AMC continues to expand and expand.

But how should I put it, this amount of money is not too exaggerated. Let’s say that in 2012, Lao Wang’s Qianda acquired a majority stake in AMC, and it only spent US$2.6 billion. That still refers to the number of theaters in Europe and the United States, compared to AMC, which doubled in 1985.

It also refers to AMC, which has developed various 3D stereoscopic theater chains.

In this era, you can buy 20% of AMC, which is a few hundred million dollars. As for whether it is less than 500 million or more than 500 million, it depends on whether Stanley's Durwood family will kill you severely.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and clinked glasses again, "A few hundred million dollars, what do they mean to us? Friendship, I still value your friendship, Stanley."

Stanley rolled his eyes in annoyance, why did you come to talk about friendship with me because you had evidence that could put me in jail? ?

Don't let him know who betrayed him! Even in some recordings, he could hear who the traitor was, but was that the only traitor? Obviously not.

Now Stanley just wants to make peace with him first, appease Zhao Donghuai, return to North America, wait for the other party's money to come in, and slowly settle the accounts with Zhao Donghuai!

How could such a big loss be swallowed so easily? !

He fell into a big pit when he first came to Hong Kong Island, but it doesn't matter. Just be steady and just deal with it first. When he returns to North America, it will be his own territory.

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