Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 146 I recently made a small profit of 100 million, okay?

November 12, 1985.

This day is not a big holiday, nor is it a weekend. A Chinese Ghost Story 3 directed by Xu Ke was still released in Zhao Cinema.

Lao Xu has no choice. Once it enters December, it will be close to Christmas, New Year's Day and even the Lunar New Year. There are so many blockbusters. If his Chinese Drama 3 is not brought forward in advance, he will not be able to enjoy the treatment of full-line screening.

Apart from anything else, Zhao Donghuai himself directed Life and Death, which is said to be released during the Lunar New Year.

There are also the double-shot and triple-shot series that Hong Qinbao continues to plan. Hu Huizhong's Overlord Flower will be launched in August. Beauties such as Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min, Xiao Qiang, etc. are all included in it. Even Lao Xu is afraid that he will not be able to beat many beauties on the big screen. The curtain is so beautiful.

There are so many great movies in the big schedule, but there are always some movies that should be avoided.

In Tai Po, New Territories, in the new town, when the first screening of A Chinese Ghost Story 3 ended, Zhao Qiang, who was in his early 20s, looked good-looking in a suit and leather shoes, and was holding a mobile phone in his hand. He was held by a pretty girl and walked out of the theater. .

The pretty girl looked coquettish and cute, "Brother Qiang, that Xingzi and Ayou are so funny, so funny. I didn't expect that the third part of A Chinese Ghost Story changed the leading role, Leslie even quit, and her acting was not bad."

Xing Zai’s acting skills...

Xingzai is not the great Tiantian of later generations, and he cannot be praised no matter how much he does. Ever since he met Zhao Donghuai, Xingzai has gradually joined the group as a sidekick and taught himself. The comedy state of "You will feel funny when you do things" has lasted for several months.

Later, I followed Xu Ke to play A Chinese Ghost Story, and continued to act in that comedy state, and was trained and guided by Lao Xu for a long time.

From July 1983 to November 1985, it took Zhou Xingxing two years to become the leading actor in a major movie for the first time, partnering with Zhang Xueyou and Liu Xun. His acting skills in A Chinese Ghost Story 3 were acceptable.

His magical sense of humor and power of laughter have already given birth to a new style.

At this moment, not only the pretty girl next to Zhao Qiang, but also many other audiences walking out of the theater were rubbing their bellies and laughing as they walked out of the theater.

Zhao Qiang also smiled and nodded, "What, Awen, are you also chasing stars? Which star you like, whose autograph or poster you want, just ask."

This is not Aqiang's bragging. After all, he is Zhao Donghuai's childhood friend. Director Zhao's first waste paper business was when he and Director Zhao went to North America together. Ever since the acquisition of ATV in March 1984, Aqiang has been leading the team. Operate waste paper business between North America and the Mainland.

He earns 100,000 yuan from one business, twice a month. As for daily necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all covered by Zhao Donghuai, so he doesn't need to worry.

After one year and eight months, Zhao Qiang earned 4 million Hong Kong dollars just from the waste paper transshipment business.

At the beginning of September, Zhao Donghuai asked him to take out 3 million, and even add bank loans, for a total of 10 million Hong Kong dollars to invest. At that time, he didn't know what to invest, but Brother Huai, who had always made him rich, said so.

Ah Qiang naturally followed and did as he was told.

Later I found out that he was investing in foreign exchange speculation, buying Japanese yen to appreciate, and Zhao Donghuai opened him a 20 times leverage! As of mid-November, the Japanese yen has appreciated by 15%. This guy actually made about 30 million Hong Kong dollars in blood!

As long as the settlement is completed at the end of December, he will earn more, and he will be a wealthy person with a cash flow of 40 to 50 million yuan.

So now Aqiang feels that he is extremely wealthy and promising, and he is definitely one of the representatives of young talents in Hong Kong.

In just two years, following Zhao Donghuai, he went from a waiter in a Western restaurant to a multi-millionaire. Who dares to believe it? But that's how he rose.

Within the scope of the Zhao Group in Hong Kong, Zhao Qiang’s influence is very small, and very few people know who he is. He mostly buys waste paper in North America, goes to the mainland to settle, and then runs away with various millions or tens of millions of yuan. Invest in various institutions such as Journey to the West, Dream of Red Mansions, and Shanghai Film Studio.

It can be said that in the mainland entertainment industry, he, Aqiang, is relatively well-known and widely known. He is the one who often comes to deliver money at doorsteps. How can he not be remembered?

But even though it was relatively small and almost transparent in Hong Kong, if his girlfriend wanted a signed record or poster from a celebrity, he would still be sure.

Ah Wen was delighted, "Really? Then I want Wang Zuxian's and Weng Hong's. Wow, that Ah Hong is so big!"

Zhao Qiang was speechless.

At this moment, several people walked up the street in front. When they saw Zhao Qiang, their eyes suddenly lit up and they walked faster. Huang Mao, the leader, couldn't help but joke, "Fuck, who do I think I am? I look at people from a distance." Looks like a dog, isn’t this Aqiang?”

"I haven't seen you in a few years. Is this your son? He's quite handsome!"

When Huang Mao was still about to reach out to wipe the oil, Zhao Qiang's eyes flashed, he grabbed the big brother and threw it at the opponent. I have to say that the phone signal of the big brother is not very good, but it is very convenient to carry it with you when fighting. .

There was a bang, and Huang Mao staggered back as he was a little dizzy after being hit by his elder brother. Several bad guys behind him became angry.

"Going to the street, you dare to hit my boss?"

"Sai Zai, don't even think about leaving standing today!"

"Kill this idiot!"


When several gangsters threatened and some took out knives and chains from their pockets, Zhao Qiang's expression remained calm. He glanced at the street and shouted, "Are there any folks from Dakeng Village? Are there a few from the Zhao family? !”

One sentence.

Let alone the expressions of other pedestrians on the roadside, far or near.

Huang Mao, who was hit by the big brother, was stunned at first, "Yes, Aqiang, you are from Dakeng Village, I'm sorry..."

Several of his younger gangsters were also stunned, and then some of them were so scared that they collapsed on the ground, with a look of horror and doubt on their lives, wondering if they had followed the wrong boss. This was already November 1985.

Does anyone dare to bully people from Tai Hang Village in Tai Po? ?

Dakeng Village is nothing. It was inconspicuous before 1983, but since Zhao Donghuai came out, it has become nothing short of extraordinary.

Almost everyone in the entire Tai Po area is proud to have relatives and friends in Tai Hang Village!

The simplest point is that there are currently 50 Wanjia supermarkets in Hong Kong. The benefits and benefits are so explosive that they can make countless capital vomit blood and make all Hong Kong citizens ecstatic. There are two Wanjia stores in Tai Po, New Territories. .

The Zhao family in Dakeng Village work a lot, which is unavoidable.

Zhao Donghuai himself rarely comes back. Even during the Spring Festival, he rarely comes back to his hometown in Dakeng Village, Dabu District, because...

As the old saying goes, if wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking at night in brocade. But after he became extremely rich, when facing the folks and relatives in Dakeng Village, he would definitely help those who needed to be helped, but he was always afraid of favors and grudges.

A Qiang, who likes to be quick-tempered, should help. Isn't he going to become a multi-millionaire soon?

His implementation strategy for Dakeng Village is to help villagers or neighbors build houses and roads, find a comfortable and good job, and help with medical treatment if someone in the family is seriously ill and has no money, etc., and so on.

Don’t give it directly to the fish but give it to the fishermen!

Even so, Tai Hang Village is quite prestigious in the current Tai Po area!

In the past, there were five major families in the New Territories: Deng, Wen, Hou, Liao, and Peng. Those five families in the New Territory were the most powerful. At this stage, the Zhao family in Tai Po is catching up and almost has the tendency to develop into the most prominent family.

Wanjia Supermarkets in various districts in the New Territories are recruiting workers, and the Zhao family is the easiest to get into. As long as you don't cheat and bully others, but work honestly, learn and strive to improve yourself, not only can you easily enter Wanjia, but you can also Can have the fastest and most effective way to rise.

Secondly, who can enter and who cannot enter other places in the New Territories is usually those who have relatives and friends in Tai Hang Village.

And no matter where people go in Hong Kong, including Kowloon Island and Tai Hang Village in Tai Po, almost no association dares to provoke oppression.

Those club members who dare to cause trouble to the Zhao family in Dakeng Village have countless lessons of blood and tears to serve as a beacon of light.

Even if you don't join Wanjia and just do other businesses honestly, the people in Dakeng Village will also enjoy the best development environment.

Let’s take one example. There was a villager from Dakeng Village who was a bad gambler. He borrowed loan sharks from various large and small associations by relying on his relative relationship with Zhao Donghuai who had not yet played the fifth server. Before 1983, his family was ruined by loan sharks. His wife The dispersion began in the fall of 1984.

If he can borrow a sum, it is equivalent to cheating him. Even if the usurious loan he obtained by cheating expires, no one will really dare to ruthlessly collect the debt.

Xinji, Hutchison and 14th Dui Lending Brother are all helpless in the face of such scoundrels. They can only learn from their losses and blacklist that bad guy from the list.

Of course, if a guy like that uses his power to bully others and dominates ordinary people, other people in Dakeng Village will naturally come out to fight him, such as Zhao Qiang's elders? Aqiang made such an exaggerated fortune following Zhao Donghuai, how could they not uphold and implement Zhao Donghuai's will?

When Huang Mao and several younger brothers were frightened and panicked, a group of people came running out from the street, including people in front, back, left and right.

"Fuck, someone dares to bully our Zhao family in Tai Po?"

"Isn't that a waste of money for Yixing? Beat him!"

"After seizing the bad fortune, go to their Yixingtuo land and ask their leader to come out and give an explanation!"


A group of people who ran out quickly figured out what was going on and even recognized Zhao Qiang. Zhao Qiang had rarely returned to Dabu in the past two years, but he had been helping Zhao Donghuai and made a lot of money.

Aqiang is the closest boy to Zhao Sheng in Dakeng Village after the rise of Zhao Donghuai.

During the first two Spring Festivals, Zhao Donghuai did not return to the village, but Aqiang came back to celebrate. When did he not receive the warmest and best hospitality after returning?

As for Zhao Donghuai’s parents after time travel, are there other close relatives? As early as the winter of 1983, he was sent to live in eastern Guangdong.

The reason Zhao Donghuai gave at that time was also very straightforward. He said that doing business had offended many people and had many enemies... He was afraid that those enemies would not be able to deal with him and would come to Dakeng Village to seize relatives and threaten him.

So far, they are all in eastern Guangdong. With Zhao Donghuai's current circle of friends in the mainland, what about the personal safety of his parents and other relatives? ? This is the level where you really don’t have to worry about it.

A group of citizens and villagers rushed over and gave Huang Mao Lankou Cai and the others a slap in the face. Even when the police came, they did nothing.

When I heard that this was Yixing's waste of money, he wanted to be rude to Zhao Qiang on the street? Damn it, the police also directly helped, and a few people went to Yixing Tuo to capture the dirty money.

Don’t the police have any relatives? Don’t the police want their parents, brothers and sisters to have the opportunity to work in Wanjia General Store?

Wanjia's welfare package is fucking higher than that of the police force!

Even if you have no education or education, can you be a cleaner? If you become a cleaner, you have a complete path for advancement, including free training to teach you various life skills and knowledge.

A group of people quickly gathered around Zhao Qiang, all saying hello to A Qiang and Brother Qiang.

The crowd was chatting on the street. When a Mercedes-Benz passed by, it quickly stopped on the side of the road. A man in a suit also got out of the Mercedes-Benz, "Aqiang? Long time no see. I heard you are doing well recently."

The crowd surrounding Zhao Qiang also paused, looking at the person with complicated eyes. In the past, they could only look up at the person in awe. That was the new generation of the Peng family in Fanling. Ordinary people could only look up.

But now that Zhao Donghuai has appeared in Dapu, many people have a different mentality.

Zhao Qiang smiled and shook hands with the visitor, "Apeng, it's been a long time. I heard that you went to London to study?"

Xiao Pengsheng joked politely and then asked curiously, "I heard that you are working with Zhao Sheng recently and have been traveling to North America? How is the business?"

As soon as these words came out, most of the Zhao family or those who had brought their own dry food became energetic and listened attentively.

Zhao Qiang smiled lightly and said, "Brother Huai is so kind and helped me get rich. I made a small profit of 100 million Hong Kong dollars recently. It's not bad."

If he starts settling accounts in late December, he will only earn 40 to 50 million Hong Kong dollars, but bragging is not too much, right?

Everyone, including Xiao Pengsheng, took a long breath and had the urge to beat Zhao Qiang to death. It's only November 1985, are you pretending like this? ?

Zhao Qiang smiled again and said, "I came back this time to help Brother Huai investigate how to let Hong Kong Electric enter the power supply scope of the nuclear power plant, how to lay circuits and carry out projects. I hope you can help me, Appeng."

The construction of nuclear power plants in eastern Guangdong to supply power to Hong Kong Island was previously negotiated by CLP Group. After all, CLP Group in Hong Kong dominates the New Territories and Kowloon Power and has a location advantage.

And as early as 1980, Hong Kong CLP Group began to negotiate with Guangdong East. At that time, both Hong Kong CLP and Hong Kong Electric were British-owned, so there was no obvious competition. Later, it was because of negotiations that Things at the nuclear power plant were temporarily suspended.

However, after the negotiation, Hong Kong Island CLP Group was still renegotiating with Guangdong, and the talks went relatively smoothly.

Now HK Electric wants to get involved?

A lot of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Xiao Pengsheng smiled decisively and said, "We are all from the New Territories regarding Zhao Sheng's matter. We will never refuse to help if we can, but what about CLP Hong Kong?"

Zhao Qiang smiled, "It's okay. Hong Kong Island CLP. The worst we can do is let a few sisters-in-law buy out CLP and drive Kadoorie away. It's a trivial matter."

Before the Plaza Accord, Monica, Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui, and He Qing each held 6% or 7% of CLP shares, adding up to more than 20%, making them one of the major shareholders.

After the Plaza Accord? Just two or three of them pooled together some money, and it was not difficult for them to hold 51% absolute control of CLP.

Capital is king in the stock market. The current chairman of CLP Group Kadoorie in Hong Kong only wants to sit back and watch Hong Kong Electric enter the market and get a piece of the pie. He is still the major shareholder and chairman of CLP Hong Kong.

If you don't know what's interesting, you will be kicked out of the power platform!

With the windfall that Zhao Donghuai made in the Plaza Accord, since he can't do big things in North America for the time being, it is unrealistic to become a North American media tycoon, because even North American officials will end up messing with you.

With so much money in hand, it would not be difficult to acquire all the properties of the Kadoorie family, not only CLP but also those of the Peninsula Hotel.

Xiao Pengsheng, "..."

Zhao Qiang's smile faded and he said calmly, "I hope everyone can help with this matter. If any household is causing trouble, cut off their power... Let Mr. Kadoorie come out and cut off the power to each of their villages and households."

Xiao Pengsheng, "..."

On the contrary, many of the Zhao family members and the spirited Zhao family members are in high spirits at this moment, and they feel that Aqiang, no, it is Brother Qiang. Brother Qiang is not talking and doing things in an ordinary way, he is running like a bull.

Zhao Qiang looked around again and said in a low voice, "By the way, let me tell you a secret, don't spread it. This is our Zhao family, and Apeng, we are not far apart. Now there is a way to make money, who wants to Brother Huai will help you with investment and other things, and it can also be considered as giving back to the fellow villagers..."

He came not only to announce the power group for Zhao Donghuai, but also to bring more people, including fellow villagers, to join the carnival party of the Plaza Accord to speculate on the appreciation of the Japanese yen.

From September 22 to late December, there was the first wave of crazy actions.

Initial confidentiality is required.

But from January 1986 to the peak of 1987, the harvest period of one or two years, that was the second wave. In the early stage, Zhao Donghuai only brought his closest people to make a fortune.

In the second long-term, the appreciation range of 60 to 70% in one or two years, plus the appreciation in 1985, equals to double the appreciation. In the long-term, more people can enter the market.

Once more people enter, then...

Even after his rise, Zhao Donghuai himself returned to the New Territories, and the number of times he returned to Dakeng Village was pitiful. He could still make a fortune by bringing everyone together and establish his supreme prestige and status in the New Territories.

He can help everyone and help everyone get rich together! One thing can determine the outcome!

At these words, let alone Xiao Pengsheng, even some of the nearby Zhao family members or the spiritual Zhao family members became excited.

Xiao Pengsheng immediately smiled humbly and said, "Ah Qiang, Brother Qiang, for such a great thing, of course we will follow Zhao Sheng with all our strength..."

"I'll go home right away and let grandpa prepare a family dinner. I hope Brother Qiang can give me a treat in the evening. Brother Qiang is right. Zhao Sheng will help us make a fortune, so don't spread rumors."

His grandfather is the head of the Peng family of this generation. Fanling Peng is one of the most distinguished squire models in the New Territories.

But the squire set an example and also wanted to get rich.

With Zhao Donghuai's current status, Xiao Peng felt that it was impossible for the other party to lie to them about this kind of thing. Zhao Sheng was just a profit chain that accelerated the sales of Han Tianxia shoes and had a cash flow of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars a year.

Rich people like their Peng family were not worthy of being deceived by Zhao Sheng, and they even said they were not qualified to be deceived by Zhao Sheng.

As for whether the New Territories will become the Zhao family's New Territories once the investment and fortune-making matters are completed, it doesn't matter, who will limit their development to the New Territories after making a fortune.


In the big office of ATV, Zhao Donghuai put down the report and drank a cup of coffee after reading the ratings of ATV from 1985 to now, advertising revenue, etc.

Now in mid-November, as long as everyone in the New Territories pools their money and continues to do big things starting from January 1, 1986, the benefits will be seen for a year or two.

If there are more people involved, the news will be exposed and spread. It doesn't matter. What a worry. From September to now, the Japanese yen has appreciated rapidly by 15%. Everything that should be seen has been seen.

Those who pay attention to the financial and foreign exchange market do not need to be reminded at all if they want to get out of the game.

At most, very few people, including the officials of the island countries, do not believe that the Japanese yen will appreciate so much again in a year or two!

That's right, the officials of the island countries are willing to sign the Plaza Accord because they feel that they can grasp the appreciation of the Japanese yen and stop it rising after it rises by 20 to 30%. Stabilizing the exchange rate is a great thing for the officials and even the people of the island countries.

Then it got out of control, and the total value doubled like crazy.

Zhao Donghuai's only concern is that Hong Kong should not directly freeze the funds, but in this matter, he has already made Pan Asia Group develop a group of new friends.

At this moment, Azhen opened the door and said, "Boss, Chen Sheng and Li Sheng are here. Wow, they are all little gods of wealth."

After saying this, Chen Jiapeng, who had a blushing face, quickly apologized and said, "Sister Zhen is joking, what kind of gods of wealth are we? We are all supported by Zhao Sheng."

Lao Chen spent all kinds of money on capital, borrowed money, and used 50 times leverage. When the Japanese yen appreciated by 20%, he made a blood profit of 70 million Hong Kong dollars. Now it has increased by 15%!

Li Minghui also had a bright smile on his face, "Yes, it's all supported by Zhao Sheng."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hands speechlessly, "Okay, don't be polite. More financial companies have been established. By the end of December, liquidate them first and make a profit. The profits will be pocketed. Then you can recruit more troops. As senior executives of financial companies, go The operation helps a large number of citizens invest and make money.”

“It’s better to speculate on the Japanese yen and buy it to continue to appreciate in value!”

"Next time, it will be a business calculated on an annual investment cycle. Citizens in the New Territories, Kowloon, Hong Kong Island, and Lamma Island want to invest, and we will accept it, but this financial company must keep a low profile."

"No matter how much money you charge to cause trouble, the lower profile the better. I will notify the media group and try to get the cooperation of the media in Hong Kong and not to sensationalize it, but there will be no mercy when it comes to collecting money."

He wants to make the people of the New Territories rich. Of course, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island can get on the bus, but he just wants to make a fortune in silence.

The New Territories spread out from the close relationship between fathers and fellow villagers. Tai Hang Village was used as the starting point to drive a circle of relatives and friends. Kowloon, Hong Kong Island and Lamma Island, etc., started from the Zhao Group Workers' League to drive more circles of relatives and friends. .

Without a strong enough media platform, it would be a joke to make a fortune in silence, but... with Zhao Donghuai's current influence in the media industry in Hong Kong, if he sets a tone and does not hype certain things, he can really make the entire media lose their voice. of.

Chen Jiapeng's eyes shone with excitement, "Sheng Zhao, are you still optimistic that the Japanese yen will continue to rise in the long term? If it rises again, the Japanese officials will fully resist it."

The increase is too much. It is equivalent to the island's domestic products that could be bought with one thousand Hong Kong dollars in the past, directly changed to one thousand fourteen five, two thousand? ? This will cause the competitiveness of various goods and commodities in the island country to plummet!

It will cause factories in island countries to go bankrupt and countless people to lose their jobs...

Zhao Donghuai waved his hands calmly, "Don't worry, North America is the butcher who cuts the meat, and other countries work together to help. It's not up to the island country to think about it or not. Do you think an island country can withstand the European and American powers?"

"What we are doing is free riding and grabbing meat to eat. You recruit soldiers on a large scale and register more financial companies and investment companies to serve as vests."

"Including registering offshore financial companies in Cayman, Virgin Islands, the Bahamas and other places, you are the professionals in this area!"

It’s easy to be manipulated when the market is big, just like the initial Japanese yen in his simulator. Once the profit reaches tens of billions of dollars, he will be attacked by European and American capital. He can’t withstand the rapid changes in the market even if he simulates it once or twice a day.

Even if you make billions of dollars in profit, you still need to simulate it once a day to predict the market trend in advance and do things in a timely manner.

But with more financial companies under his umbrella and more vests, the worst thing he could do is simulate in time to avoid risks and increase the number and frequency of simulations. This is just a matter of spending more reputation points for him, which is a trivial matter.

Once he brings all the citizens of Hong Kong, let’s not say too much, and brings 10 to 20% of the citizens of Hong Kong to make a fortune, and the wealth will continue, then at a certain time his words will be more powerful than the governor of Hong Kong.

After all, his reputation exploded with the explosion of his super body, already exceeding one million. His unresolved love affair exploded again, and his reputation exceeded 2 million. This still refers to the situation where daily simulations will continue to consume a batch.

But the consumption is still there, various works have taken the world by storm, and his reputation has been growing steadily.

It's no exaggeration to say that if he doesn't want to keep playing advanced simulations to get rewards, he can use basic simulations to get 10 reputation points a year... to see through the foreign exchange market in time to make money. This is almost invincible in the stock market and capital world.

But when it comes to his current status, influence, and how much money he has, the meaning is no longer important. It’s like in the simulation, he can obviously rely on money, add a layer of white gloves like Monica Bellucci, and buy Dilumbi. Asian movies and even CBS broadcasts.

With the money earned from the 1987 stock market crash, white-glove Jennifer Aniston was able to sneak attack on Murdoch's Fox TV network, including 20th Century Fox movies.

so what? Once the North American official cuts the flesh, he will not be able to bear it.

Regardless of the pan-Asian little suit or the mafia that Monica can persuade, who deserves to go to jail, deserve to die, or run away and be deported, Monica and even the North American sweetheart Jennifer Aniston in that simulation still have to Run away.

They are successful because they are big stars, and their status as white female superstars plays a big role.

With his current identity, his gameplay is really different.

Zhao Donghuai now wants to use financial platforms to speculate on the appreciation of the Japanese yen, speculate on foreign exchange during the 1987 stock market crash, and even the disintegration of Big Bear in 1991. Step by step, he will pull all Hong Kong citizens onto the chariot of getting rich.

If this game goes well...

Jardine and HSBC will kneel down, and they will kneel down without any resistance.

What if this matter flows into Haojiang along the channels of Wanjia and Baijia? ? He Gambling King is like that, Haojiang He will become Haojiang Zhao, even if Zhao Donghuai doesn't join the casino, it will be the same.

Money is a bastard, but once he becomes the living god of wealth in Hong Kong? ?

The living God of Wealth is the most powerful!

After Zhao Sheng finished speaking, Chen Jiapeng, Li Minghui and others felt as if they were struck by lightning, and even their views were subverted and shocked to a certain extent!

On the contrary, Qiu Shuzhen listened in a daze and was confused, and Zhang Min was not much better.

After all, there is indeed a gap between the intelligence of Azhen and Amin and professional financial professionals like Lao Chen and Lao Li, and they are not as fast as them.

After a full two minutes, Chen Jiapeng spoke tremblingly, "Zhao Sheng is domineering, don't worry, we will do this well, this..."

This is not a thing.

This has long been a major undertaking that has surpassed the structure of many companies and groups. It is still a super crazy undertaking, but what if it is completed? ?

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

Li Minghui also shivered and lit a cigarette for himself, then smiled and said, "If this thing is done..."

How dare you take all the citizens of Hong Kong and Haojiang to grab meat from the mouths of big European and American countries? If you succeed, you will be an everlasting legend and myth in Hong Kong!

Just succeed once.

Really, just once, the name Zhao Sheng is destined to go down in history, and top traders like them, even if they are just tool men, will still become legends.

At that time, the names of Li Minghui, Chen Jiapeng and others may be used to slander Li Zhiren.

If you only make money yourself, what kind of plagiarism is that? If it succeeds once, even if Zhao Donghuai doesn't hold a single share of Changshi stock or has any shares, he may still be more effective than Lao Li if he sends a message in Changshi!

As for whether it can be successful? At least in the past two months of trading, they were the ones doing the specific things. Zhao Sheng occasionally gave orders, gave guidance, and followed his wishes. The tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars earned were peaceful and smooth, without any twists and turns.

Wait for a few financial traders to leave.

Azhen just ran over, sat in Director Zhao's arms and rubbed his shoulders, "Boss, does that mean my parents, aunts and other relatives can also invest money in Japanese yen?"

Zhang Min also came over to pinch his legs with bright eyes, "Really? If more people know, the news will spread... Will someone attack our fund? Most people are definitely not capable, but white gloves controlled by North America and England It’s a bit scary…”

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I'm in control of the general direction. What are you afraid of? Besides, that was in 1986."

When a large number of financial investment companies are opened, including many offshore companies, they become a large group. No matter which subsidiary's funds are attacked, the simulator can simulate and transfer them in advance, how simple it is.

One simulation a day, one advanced simulation worth 1,000 points, only 365,000 reputation points for one year, and only 730,000 reputation points for two years. He now has more than 2 million reputation points!

Increasing the number of times is just that, because his reputation keeps growing.

You can effectively avoid various pitfalls in the foreign exchange market by just playing the junior level without brushing for advanced rewards. It’s 10 points at a time. So, after two consecutive years of continuous simulation, you only get 7,300 reputation points once a day! Simulating ten times a day only consumes 73,000 reputation points.

What's this? ? This is the expansion of the Wanjia comprehensive supermarket model into the financial battlefield!

Just as he was smiling, Zhao Donghuaai turned pale and pushed Azhen away. Just massage her. Why are you twisting around?


Night falls.

After get off work, Zhang Min happily took a car to go to Zhou Haimei's appointment. When she arrived at the location, she found that not only Haiwei was there, but also F4, including Li Ming, Zheng Yijian, Guan Lijie, Aaron Kwok, etc. She didn't say anything yet.

F4 quickly stood up and greeted Sister Min in various ways.

Amin only played the supporting actress role in the original version of Meteor Garden, targeting Xiaoyou, but she couldn't handle the fact that she was Zhao Sheng's secretary...

No matter how popular they are, within the Zhao Group, which big director or star would call Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min "sister"?

Not to mention them, Hong Qianbao, Xu Ke and other big shots were also shouted by Sister Zhen and Sister Min.

After a brief polite greeting, everyone sat down one by one. Zhou Haimei poured tea for Zhang Min with a smile, "Sister Min, I heard that Director Wang has come up with another script and wants us to act in it. You work hard every day, do you want to join the new crew? Play a role and relax?”

Zhang Min was slightly surprised, "What script?"

Li Ming spoke with a melancholy look on his face, "It's not finished yet, it's still being perfected, but roughly speaking, it's as bloody and abusive as Winter Sonata. I heard that the main plot is about a pair of childhood sweethearts and a male and female protagonist, facing a vicious stepmother and a boyfriend. Among sisters.”

"Love quadruple, amnesia, cancer and so on... I'm just speechless."

"It's best not to ask me to act again. I'm starting to pray."

Aaron Kwok complained, "Are you speechless or something? Is your last Blue Life and Death script okay? It's just a cancer. The winter love song between me and Brother Jie was simply..."

Zhang Min stared at his pocket and trembled before waving his hand, "I won't go. In fact, I feel that Meteor Garden is quite good, at least it's smooth. The next two movies are too scary! Want something more exciting?"

"Art comes from life, but Winter Sonata is also so artistic!"

Everyone knows that the ratings of Blue Love and Winter Sonata once caught up with Meteor Garden. Even if there is still a gap, the gap is not particularly big.

Knowing that everyone can make crazy money from this, Zhang Min still wants to stay away from these idol dramas. She feels that The Legend of White Snake is more suitable for her acting career.

No matter how bad it is, just go to a movie and play a supporting role in Bawanghuali, which is still better than those idol dramas.

Zhou Haimei smiled and said, "Sister Min, although these roles are a bit challenging for actors, they are all acting and they can make money."

When it comes to making money, F4 and Zhou Haimei are both energetic. At least at this stage, facing Sister Min, the only thing they can praise is making more money.

Zhang Min waved his hand again and said in a very casual manner, "There's no need to worry about running out of money when you follow the boss? Just Sister Zhen, in two or three months, she easily earned nearly 100 million Hong Kong dollars."

Zhao Qiang could only make 30 million by collecting 10 million with 20 times leverage. It's a bit outrageous to call it 100 million. But Azhen used 50 times leverage, and the value of 10 million increased by 15%, so he could really make 75 million.

When it was settled in late December, the value had increased by more than 20%, and the net profit really exceeded 100 million Hong Kong dollars, which is not a blow.

F4 was stunned for a moment.

Zhou Haimei was shocked and said, "I lost it. Is it true?"

After saying that, she hurriedly said, "Sister Min, I'm not questioning you. I just feel that earning 100 million easily in two or three months is too exaggerated. I haven't heard of any outstanding roles that Sister Zhen has played?"

Isn’t Azhen a professional role player? I heard that The King of Flowers and The Legend of White Snake, which have relatively heavy resumes, have not even started airing or been released in theaters yet.

Income from carrying goods? Did that sister Zhen earn 2 million Hong Kong dollars? Are major international brands sending money to beg for mercy? Then it will only accumulate a few million or tens of millions at most, right?

Zhou Haimei has only made 10 to 20 million by relying on various popular female protagonists. This is also related to her island country's popularity and crazy fans.

Zhang Min? Amin is now following Zhao Donghuai's orders, pretending "I have a secret to make a fortune, please don't tell anyone about it", doing things in a "low-key" manner, attracting friends or relatives one by one, to invest money in 1986 On the 1st of the month, there is a big channel for speculating on Japanese yen.

Under Zhou Haimei's stunned inquiry, she smiled and said, "Don't tell anyone, this is how the boss makes the people around us rich."

"He started speculating in Japanese yen a long time ago. Not to mention, Sister Jiahui, Sister Min and Monica each made at least 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in profit after the Plaza Agreement was signed, and even more made 3 billion. There’s more.”

"Those are the second, third and fourth bedrooms of the big house. Sister Zhen just followed the boss for a long time and made a profit of 100 million."

"I can't do it anymore. I entered the industry late, I have little financial resources, and I didn't borrow any money at that time. I only earned more than 10 million."

F4 and Zhou Haimei breathed in the air-conditioning and once again made a personal contribution to global warming.

Several people were so shocked that they had nothing to say!

Azhen earns 100 million, or is it just a small amount of money? ? How many boss ladies pocketed at least 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in profits? Damn it, what kind of celebrity is this?

After being shocked, Zhou Haimei was excited and incoherent, "No, no... if that's the case, then those boss ladies who just join the Hong Kong stock market can acquire listed companies and become chairman of the board, right?"

"This is much more exaggerated than robbing a bank. What is Japanese yen speculation? What is the Plaza Accord?"

Li Ming was not much better, "Yeah, these... are so profitable??"

Zhang Min smiled easily, "It's about foreign exchange speculation. Will a currency appreciate or depreciate in the future? The Plaza Accord has been signed by many countries, including North America and European countries, pushing the Japanese yen to appreciate. If you buy the Japanese yen before then, it will appreciate and use 20 times leverage. Speculation, now the Japanese yen has appreciated by 15%..."

“It’s easy to earn 30 million from a principal of 10 million.”

"It's still being promoted. Don't spread the word. If it spreads, it will definitely harm the boss. We can't tell you until the settlement starts in late December."

"Sister Zhen's current income is only over 70 million, which is less than 100 million. But the boss said that many countries have promoted the appreciation of the Japanese yen. When the balance is settled at the end of December, the net profit of 10 million principal will be more than 100 million, which is very stable. "

Now that the news has been spread, it will have little impact, otherwise Zhao Donghuai would not have hinted Zhang Min to spread the news to attract more funds to do great things.

At this stage, it will be difficult for funds from many countries to engage in Zhao Donghuai's business, unless the Japanese yen suddenly depreciates wildly... but that will be a short-term shock at most.

It has no impact at all on the 10x or 20x leveraged market. The initial funds of many small companies have now doubled their book profits several times, and even those profits cannot be lost much due to short-term shocks.

As the curtain rises, the national power of North America cannot be reversed. Otherwise, how could there be financial crises and financial tsunamis again and again? ?

The only thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the freezing of capital outside the direct rules of Hong Kong. But today, when the Hong Kong authorities manage this, as long as someone proposes to freeze capital, important people will immediately come out and say "I object"!

The reasons for the opposition are very fair. The return of Hong Kong is imminent, and the British need to leave in a dignified manner. The international reputation in the world cannot be reduced to tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

Once funds are blocked without following the rules, credibility will plummet. You can freeze foreign exchange capital without any reason today, but will you freeze the stock market without reason tomorrow? To put it more seriously, if you do this today, your credibility will be lost.

Hong Kong's stock market may collapse, and Hong Kong's status as one of the global financial centers may collapse.

And what kind of image has Daiying been able to maintain after operating here for so many years?

One "I object", two or three "I object", each one is a righteous statement, full of concern for the international image of the United Kingdom, this is...

To put it bluntly, Zhao Donghuai earns tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, not tens of billions of US dollars. Dai Ying's international image and face are only worth tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars? There is no agreement internally, and there are not only many people who oppose it, but also their weight is not shallow.

Those who insist on ignoring the law, trampling on the law, freezing funds and swallowing money will also have Pan Asia Group to make friends when the moon is dark and the storm is high.

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