Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 147 Who does he think he is? God?

Xu Ke's A Chinese Ghost Story 3 has been released all the way. From its opening on November 12, it grossed HK$8 million in box office in the first six days to the 17th, and from the second week to November 24, it grossed HK$11 million.

It has been more than two years since I met Zhao Donghuai, and Xingzai can be regarded as a hit. Not counting Super Body... Xingzai's role in Super Body has not yet returned to the group boss Ji Chunhua, or Xiong Xinxin, Jets Binido, he was just a fake male lead in that drama.

A Chinese Story 3 is different. Zhou Xingxing is the leading male lead from beginning to end.

On December 3, 1985, A Chinese Ghost Story was released for 21 days, with a total box office of 25 million Hong Kong dollars. It was not a big hit, but this series had already made Lao Xu a lot of money, and allowed Xingzi to directly enter the third echelon of movie stars. .

Starting from December 4th, the sequel to Double Bang Cannon starring Yuen Biao, Lu Guanting, Hui Yinghong and others will be released, and A Chinese Story 3 has basically been canceled except for being released in small theaters.

This is why Hong Kong's film industry is still a big theater for the time being. A theater can basically only play one movie at a time. It can accommodate seven to eight hundred or even thousands of viewers at a time. Good movies make a lot of money, but bad movies lose money because they are empty.

It is not like AMC in North America where there are four, six, and eight theater screening models everywhere.

Fortunately, since Zhao Donghuai took over several leading theaters of Shaw Brothers and reorganized Zhao Theaters, the entire Zhao Theater chain has never been short of good movies!

It was under such circumstances that Zhang Weifan, an ordinary man, finished a busy day at work. After cleaning up and returning home, he said to his parents at the dinner table, "Dad, have you collected enough money?"

Zhang Weifan is a very ordinary salesman at Wanjia General Merchant Supermarket in Kwun Tong. But at this moment, among the Zhang family of six, he is the main earner, and his family status has also been significantly improved.

Whenever anything happens at home, his parents must consult him. This does not mean that Afan, who has joined the Wan family, has become a feudal patriarch at home, but that if you encounter any problems or troubles in life, you should tell Zhang Weifan , he can go back and consult Wanjia.

Wanjia has professional lawyers or other various elites. Their existence is to perfectly solve the daily trivial matters, conflicts, and problems of employees.

Let's just say that Wanjia encourages its employees to act bravely for justice. Apart from the supermarket being the one to tell the truth, if you don't have a group of elites to sit in and give advice, how can you properly handle the situation where sometimes the hero bleeds and sheds tears after acting bravely for justice?

From April 1984 to now, Wanjia has opened 52 branches in Hong Kong. In eight months of one year, everyone has experienced how it has become well-known throughout Hong Kong.

So when Zhang Weifan suddenly learned unexpectedly that there was an ultimate boss who wanted to bring ordinary workers together to make money, make extra money, and invest in the Wanjia brand, Afan decided to go all out to convince his family to join this express train. .

He had heard about this from his colleagues five days ago, and he was still privately begging to put in a good word and beg the leader so that he could have the opportunity to invest money...

In future generations, no matter whether it is the 1990s or the 21st century, someone, whether it is a colleague or a leader, will trick you in private to spend money on investment and finance, saying that you will make a profit without losing money, but more than 90% of it is a big trap. You are attracted by what the other person promised. Profit, but the other party is interested in your principal.

But this was led by Zhao Donghuai. Taking advantage of the daily appreciation after the Plaza Accord and the global stock market crash in 1987, he really relied on simulators to simulate in advance, even if he simulated once or multiple times a day, it would not be a pity for the reputation value. Avoiding danger again and again, making a fortune by predicting things.

This is no longer a trap.

Generally, stars and directors can trust Zhao Donghuai's golden signature.

But if you get to the level of a super-ordinary salesperson at Wanjia in Kwun Tong like Zhang Weifan, then you will trust Wanjia, a signboard that has been erected for a year and eight months!

Following Zhang Weifan's words, Zhang's father lit a cigarette with a troubled look on his face, "Although I think what you said, based on the news from my colleagues, is that you can make sure you make money by investing in finance, which is a bit inappropriate."

"But...since the leadership of Wanjia wants to vote, they can't be any less discerning than me, a minibus driver."

"I have the money ready, 600,000!"

When Zhang Weifan was overjoyed and even his wife and younger brothers and sisters were a little shocked, Zhang's father said again, "Afan, the six of us are still living in low-rent public housing. This money was originally used to wait for your brother to finish his studies. I’ll give you and Ami money to buy a house while you’re out of school working.”

"Your mother and I have saved our lives..."

Zhang Weifan was a little moved, looked at his younger brothers and sisters, and became even more silent, but still gritted his teeth and said, "I believe in Wanjia's brand name!"

"If thousands of families can't trust it, what else can Hong Kong trust?"

Father Zhang smiled bitterly, "Part of the 600,000 yuan is deposited in the bank, and part of it is made by selling Changshi stocks to make money. The stock market is very good now. I really can't bear to part with it..."

Younger sister Zhang Weifan smiled, "Dad, eldest brother is right. If the Wan family can't believe it, what else can be trusted? In the past, during the holidays, even if we celebrated, we would live frugally. In the past year or so, since eldest brother Join Wanjia.”

"The benefits given by thousands of families during the holidays are enough to eat and drink, and I still can't finish them."

"In the past, my eldest cousin graduated from the University of Hong Kong and went to Central to work for that Li copycat. He was always a role model for the younger generation of our whole family. Now, in my opinion, he is not as good as the eldest brother!"

"My eldest brother liked to read comics in middle school, so he got bad grades and stopped studying. Now he has professional cartoonists to guide him after work. What if he can start a career one day and leave the Wan family to become a cartoonist, and he will become a high-end white-collar worker! "

Zhang Laoer nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I don't like reading, I like chasing stars. Although I am ordinary and don't have any talents, if one day my eldest brother changes his career to become a cartoonist, if I can join his class and join Wanjia , I won’t have to worry about it for the rest of my life.”

"For my sister-in-law to marry my eldest brother, isn't it because of the Wan family's influence..."

This is not because he got into Wanjia and got a girl, that's impossible. It's just that Zhang Weifan has been working for a year and three months. He has always been honest and willing to work hard and is not ugly, but he is introverted.

He is very introverted when it comes to chasing girls. Wanjia saw that he was always single. The young man was tall, not ugly, down-to-earth, and didn't have any bad habits, so he decided to try matchmaking.

They helped him choose a target in various ways. Zhang Weifan's daughter-in-law, A Mei, was not very beautiful herself, but she was definitely not ugly. She also liked a stable and down-to-earth life. As long as the other half had no bad habits and took care of the family, it would be fine.

Let's get together and try everything together. If it works, it will work. If it doesn't work, we will break up.

The Wanjia platform helps you be a free matchmaker, similar to various dating and dating platforms in later generations. However, in the Internet era, countless platforms are like killing pigs and cutting leeks. Wanjia does things for free, helping employees solve problems!

This is also why Zhang Weifan is so willing to believe in his group!

The company has treated you like this. Although your daughter-in-law Ami is not an employee of Wanjia, she is still a good girl in the circle of relatives among employees. He also talked to Ami about half a year after joining and got married in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

We still need to fight for the opportunities for making money that are circulated within the group. Don’t tell the outside world easily, lest the secrets of the opportunities for making money are leaked...

He really asked for it, why don't you believe it?

Listening to the words of his children, Father Zhang looked in a daze. He always felt that he was born in the wrong era. In his daze, he hit the second son on the head with chopsticks, "What are you thinking about? What are you dreaming about? Do you think you are the one who controls Wanjia?" of?"

"That's a charity launched by a few great philanthropists. It's a charity for thousands of families in Hong Kong. Why is it that your eldest brother will change his career one day and you will take over??"

Having said this, he couldn't help but glance at his wife, "We haven't caught up with the good times. If Hong Kong Island had something like this twenty or thirty years ago..."

Zhang's mother had a bright smile on her face. It didn't matter that they endured hardships when they were young. Now they mainly see the hope of the younger generation. This is the greatest relief for parents.

Zhang Xiaomei suddenly said, "By the way, brother, since this is such a rare opportunity to make a fortune, why don't you tell my aunt and his family? My aunt's family is the richest among our relatives."

The aunt's family she was talking about was the family where her eldest cousin graduated from the University of Hong Kong and went to Central to work for Li Zhiren.

He used to be the most prosperous among relatives, but now Zhang Weifan, with his qualifications as a salesperson in Wan's family, has quickly shared a lot of the glory of his eldest cousin.

In the past, Zhang's father was a minibus driver, and Zhang's mother was a street food vendor, with two eldest sons and one daughter. In the aunt's house, the uncle was the dean of a middle school, and the aunt was the head of the human resources department of a small company. Their family has too much respect.

They were lucky enough to get a low-rent public housing, and they had already bought a thousand-square-foot mansion there to live in, or three units.

The six members of the Zhang family live in a low-rent public house with more than 700 square feet. The second child, Zhang, often sleeps in the living room.

At these words, Zhang Weifan hurriedly shook his head, "Can't say."

He took another deep breath and explained, "In the past, when our family was having a hard time, my aunt helped us a lot, but my boss told me not to tell anyone about this kind of investment and making a fortune. Just one thing, my boss repeatedly told me, I know The more we have, the less we make..."

"I'm not afraid that my aunt's family will come in and our profit sharing will be diluted, but no one of their family works in Wanjia. How can we introduce a financial company that only our leaders know to my aunt and them?"

Father Zhang frowned, "We're going to invest money, but we can't even meet people from that company? This is a bit..."

Zhang Weifan explained, "I couldn't see it before investing, but I will definitely see it when I invest. I have to sign a contract. The one witnessed by a lawyer is our Wanjia Group lawyer. This is also an endorsement of credibility."

"But haven't we seen it yet or gotten the investment contract? How can I tell my aunt's family now??"

Father Zhang was relieved and stopped talking. A lawyer from Wanjia Group can help you witness the signing. He is trustworthy.

It was Zhang's mother who said, "It's definitely not easy to invest in an investment that is basically guaranteed to make a profit without losing any money. This is an opportunity that comes to you. Don't make things difficult for Afan."

The family had dinner, and the next day, early in the morning on December 5, Zhang Weifan ran to work with a bank deposit of 600,000 yuan.


The same day.

At Changshi Group, Mr. Li sat in the office and read some reports, then frowned and said to his secretary, "Has the stock price fallen again?"

The secretary smiled bitterly, "Sheng Li, Watsons, PARKnSHOP, and 711 closed down one after another. One after another, the Lin family robbed Kwai Tsing Pier 6..."

Mr. Li nodded helplessly, yes, that's what happened. Isn't it normal for the stock prices of Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong, which controls Hutchison Whampoa, to fall steadily?

After waving his hand to the secretary to leave, he took a sip of coffee depressingly. In fact, there was a good opportunity. If he took advantage of it, it would definitely increase the confidence of investors in Changshi Group.

That's the Plaza Accord!

With his perspective, how could he not see that the Plaza Accord was a joint effort by many European and American countries to cut off the flesh of the island country? Once the agreement is signed, the U.S. dollar will fall and the Japanese yen will rise. It’s certain, 100% sure!

But when he wanted to cause trouble, HSBC spoke. This is a feast for white capital. Don't make trouble... If you Li Sheng earns more, doesn't it mean that American, British, German, etc. capital earn less?

You can spend some money privately and earn less pocket money.

Too many!

Mr. Li also bought tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars when the Japanese yen appreciated in September, but his leverage was not high. He sold it when the Japanese yen appreciated by 15%.

He was sure that the island nation's officials could not watch the Japanese yen keep rising. Two or three achievements would be the limit. At a high level, the island nation's products that swept the world would be deceived and destroyed.

Officials with some foresight will avoid that kind of situation! Resist with all your strength!

So he made money, but it was only a small amount of money, and the big guys behind the scenes such as HSBC wouldn’t give him a chance. And he can't publicize how much money he made in this matter. He made it out of his own pocket, and he didn't let Cheung Kong and Hutchison speculate on Japanese yen.

British capital is not allowed, you can only spend private money.

The next moment, Mr. Li picked up a newspaper and read it. This was news from the mainland. It said that China was preparing to send practical communication and broadcast satellites to space in February next year, which was more than a month later.

"Practical communications satellite..."

"If we can open up this relationship and operate a TV station with satellite channels, it will be very interesting. A group of people named Zhao will join forces and almost monopolize the entire media in Hong Kong."

"But if I can have my own satellite TV station, the world will be brighter..."

Historically, China's practical communications and broadcasting satellite was launched on February 1, 1986, and was successfully targeted on the 20th. For China, satellite communications are no longer in the experimental stage, but practical and can be commercialized.

Mr. Li took the lead in the operation and established Asia Satellite Corporation in 1988. In 1990, he persuaded the Hong Kong government to relax regulations and officially obtained a satellite TV license.

The Satellite TV Company was established in 1991. In 1993, 63% of its shares were sold to Murdoch Media Group for US$52.5 billion. What he pursued was not media influence, but making quick money.

Now, Mr. Li has completely taken the power of the media seriously and really wants to have a public opinion mouthpiece that belongs to him for a long time.


The main office of Zhao Films.

Zhao Donghuai still doesn't know that Li Chaoren has already started thinking about satellite TV... But it doesn't matter if he knows. With his current BUFF stacking level, Li Chaoren wants to develop satellite TV? Dreaming.

As long as he talks about opening a satellite TV in addition to ATV and opening various multi-channel ones, the probability of success is still very high.

British Club Card Qualification? The card is certain, but in the game, the mysterious power will help him. Either he can't open it at all, or he can open it all together, and then Zhao Donghuai can beat Li Zhiren to death in the TV field.

This is something that will take several years to achieve.

A few years later? ? I used to consume a lot of the best TV series from South Korea, Taiwan and Taiwan. I can continue to use them from Europe and the United States. You can get them from Asia Drama (Friends), The Big Bang Theory (Breaking Bad), etc. Actors, performing various versions of Hong Kong Island.

There are also many white actors at the Asian Theater Academy.

Or change it and go to Bendong Province or South Korea for filming? ?

As long as the quality is excellent, it would be strange to see whether the TV field can be paralyzed and copied.

At this moment, Zhao Donghuai was surprised to receive the finished film of "Speed" and invited Azhen and Zhang Min to watch the movie together.

He didn't plan to notify too many people, so he would take a look first. On September 22, the day when the Plaza Agreement was signed, everything would be filmed, and a rough cut would be sent to the mainland a few days later. The finished film would be available in early December.

It can only be said that, as he expected, too many big scenes of life and death were shot in real time, with real explosions, so there were not that many computer industrial special effects shots required.

After experiencing the bombing of super bodies and unresolved human-ghost romances, the special effects team of Zhao Films in the Mainland has really honed its somewhat mature technology.

While walking, Qiu Shuzhen was jumping up and down, "Boss, it's so scary that the romance between humans and ghosts is unresolved. It has been released in North America for more than eight weeks and it hasn't been released yet?" It has already grossed US$190 million at the box office. "

"Europa also opened for more than seven weeks and grossed $200 million at the box office."

"How long does it take for AMC to pay us??"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "I don't know. I can only ask the debt collection group to press more. Stanley is unruly and wants to cause trouble again and again. If it weren't for stability, I really want to wish his family prosperity."

I'm really annoyed that Stanley Durwood is still alive and kicking now. Forget it, let's invest in AMC for a year and a half. After stabilizing, we won't talk about the consequences of going to jail or not.

The opening of Hong Kong film distribution rights to European and American theaters is more important than Derwood's health report.

Super blockbusters in North America are often released for seven to eight weeks, or even ten weeks, including this year's Back to the Future. That is, there are many four- and eight-hall theaters there, and eight-hall theaters can theoretically show eight blockbusters at the same time...

He began to consider reforming the theater chain in advance. The 52 Wanjia supermarkets spread across Hong Kong were built with half a floor. No, 52 theaters were a bit too much to open at once.

There is no complete monopoly, and it seems that theater chains are not suitable for monopoly. It is not that he is incapable of monopoly. With Zhao Donghuai's current prestige in the film and television industry, if he negotiates with Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun, Hong Kong will open 52 six-screen cinemas. The arrangement is fair.

It is not difficult to gain a monopoly at once.

But a true monopoly will be hammered!

26 of the 52 Wanjia supermarkets in Hong Kong will be divided into half a floor each, and a six-room theater will be opened on the fourth or fifth floor. After a few months of decoration, the current Zhao's Theater can be replaced. It is also the most common theater chain model across the mainland from province to county after the 2010s.

There is no need to continue renting theaters from Shaw Brothers next year.

By the way, the Hong Kong-wide Internet system that was promoted after the release of John Wick last August was also realized this year. The real Internet is no longer a local area network.

Zhao's version of Octopus can really be achieved. You can apply for the card at any Baijia chain in Hong Kong, recharge it, and you can make purchases at all Wanjia and Baijia chains in Hong Kong.

After all, it had been pushed for more than a year, and the communication group and IBM worked together to promote it. The various networks of the store were successfully implemented like Motorola building a signal base station.

Hong Kong has entered the Internet era, five years ahead of schedule! But it doesn't matter. Just one Zhao Group, from TV stations, theaters to Wanjia retail and logistics, this huge group system can contribute massive market profits to IBM.

In order to make money, capital will run and do things.

It’s been more than a year and you still can’t build a Hong Kong Hao Internet? After all, one year later, the mainland will be able to send e-mails to the other side of the Pacific. It is also promoted by international giants like IBM in order to open up the mainland market.

Two hours later, I watched a life and death episode.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Azhen, "Okay, get up quickly and let me know that it will be released on January 1st, New Year's Day. It can also be regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year."

Azhen was so frightened by the various big explosions and the big scene of the subway rushing onto the road that she lay down and did not dare to raise her head. She must have taken advantage of Zhao Donghuai.

Azhen then rubbed her face and said, "Wow, Ah Hui is going to be popular too, like Brother Hua and Uncle Ying... This movie doesn't have many new fighting styles, just all kinds of explosions. It's so exciting to explode around." Got it!"

"By the way, Sister Min's single record has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. Isn't that too exaggerated?"

That’s right, The Last Day will be released in Hong Kong on September 7th and in the island country on the 15th. The timeline is also similar in other places in East and Southeast Asia. It will be released in North America on October 31st and in Europe on November 7th.

One after another, three versions of the My Heart Will Go On theme song have been recorded into a single album, with sales exceeding 10 million!

Just a song.

Chow Wai Man and Monica have directly become the top singers in Hong Kong. No one can beat them. Not to mention that female singers are invincible, and male singers cannot achieve such a terrifying record.

But this is normal. My Heart Will Go On was originally a hit with Titanic in the 1990s, and sold 15 million singles worldwide. This time, the love story is as classic as Titanic.

Zhou Huimin, a Chinese who sings English songs, is not unreasonable in terms of sales, but Monica also recorded a single, three versions together.

The sales of singles reaching tens of millions are the classics copied by Zhao Donghuai, which for the first time have the strength and power of the original version.

Unlike (I Want) and (As Long As), a white group sold 20 to 30 million albums worldwide, while Ah Wing and Andy Lau only sold 3 to 4 million records.

My Heart Will Forever single record is priced at HK$30 each, and Amin and Monica each receive HK$3.

The global revenue is 30 to 40 million Hong Kong dollars each!

Of course Zhao Donghuai earned more, but compared with the Japanese yen speculation and the impending first wave of rapid wealth, this amount of money can only be regarded as a small amount of money.

There are only about 20 days left before the settlement period for making money by speculating on Japanese yen.

As for the drama (Shark Beach) starring Lola Fonna, filming officially started on October 18th and has been completed... After all, it depends on the heroine alone to support everything. Laura Fangner has good looks and basic acting skills. Not bad either.

It was sent to Pengcheng for special effects two days ago. If it is done quickly, it may be released after the Spring Festival.


When Yuen Biu, Lu Guanting, and Wai Ying-hong starred in "The Brave Cannon Sequel", it continued to slash the box office in December, and time went by.

Late December.

When Mr. Li woke up from the big villa again, he received a report as soon as he went out. Huo Jianning was here and he had been waiting for a certain period of time.

The copycat was no longer in a hurry to clean up, and hurriedly arrived at the living room and saw Aning and asked, "What happened?"

Huo Jianning had a strange look on his face, "Li Sheng, Cheung Kong Hutchison's stock price has been falling for such a long time. Although it is not a sharp drop, it is a steady fall... but the situation is also very unusual. I took a comprehensive look later."

"I found that not only we are falling, but also the companies controlled by Charter King and Zheng Sheng have also fallen to varying degrees. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be."

"Since 1985, the stock and real estate markets have been picking up and rising."

"I spent some time and money to investigate, and found a very strange thing. Many employees working at Wanjia, Baijiasurname, and Zhao's Logistics were asking their families and even close relatives to chip in money. Give it to some financial investment company to invest."

"There are 50 Wanjia, more than 300 convenience stores with hundreds of surnames, Hong Kong Electric Group, logistics and transportation system, Zhao's Pictures, ATV, etc., tens of thousands of employees bring their families, and then to the circle of relatives... a large number of Hong Kong People do not invest in the stock market and hand over all their money to the operation of many hidden financial investment companies."

"That's what caused the stock market to plummet."

From mid-November to late December, it was more than a month. Not to mention how many people in the celebrity film and television industry started to follow the trend and engage in financial investment. Among the 500,000 companies, which company does not have hundreds of management teams and employee groups?

A family with hundreds of surnames works three shifts day and night. There are 5 people in each shift. Starting from 15 people in a store, how many people are there in more than 300 stores? Hong Kong Electric, Zhao's Pictures, ATV Group, Asia Drama, logistics and transportation, international trade, etc. How many people are there?

How many families is involved? In addition to a single family like Zhang Weifan, how many relatives are involved? ?

Relying on Zhao Sheng's halo of honor to drive the film and television industry, and the reputation established by Wanjia, when the global stock market was booming, these Hong Kong Island citizens handed over their money to dozens or hundreds of registered financial companies. Japanese yen......

A collective decline in Hong Kong stocks is inevitable!

There are so many people involved, so those who said "This is a secret, please don't tell anyone about it" must have been in vain for a long time!

It was only then that Li Chao and Huo Jianning realized something was wrong, and noticed Wanjia's big move. It was nothing more than that they had fallen into "rigid thinking" before. They had always thought it was Watsons, PARKnSHOP, 711 and even Kwai from Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa. Everyone in Qing Pier was killed.

The confidence of stock market investors in them plummeted, causing the stock market to fall all the way.

Mr. Li was silent for a few seconds, then said with a dark face, "What does that guy want to do when he rushes to the street? Just wait for me."

Soon he ran to make a phone call, and then went to HSBC to visit the big boss in the morning. At noon, when he got in his luxury car, Li Chaoren took off his glasses with an envious look on his face and said, "Damn it, that foreign exchange guy on the street The market bet on the appreciation of the Japanese yen and actually made a profit of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars."

"In just two or three months, tens of billions of cash were made? This is what HSBC can confirm. It is nothing more than trying to snipe and being easily resisted."

"Now that he has mobilized so many employees to invest together, he still wants to make Japanese yen??"

Huo Jianning was surprised and asked, "The Japanese yen has risen by 20% in just three months. Are you still betting? The Japanese officials are not fools."

Mr. Li thought for a few seconds, "Do you think it's possible that he would do the opposite and bet on the depreciation of the Japanese yen?"

"If it rises again, the officials of the island country will definitely not be able to sit still and will control the extent of the suppression."

Huo Jianning, "..."

After a few minutes of silence, he asked curiously, "What should we do now? Do you want to take a gamble?"

Li Chaoren shook his head and said lightly, "The next step will definitely be a war between various countries, a game, ups and downs, and entanglements. If we don't do such unstable things, it depends on how he operates... He does so many things. Financial investment companies have sucked so much money from the private sector.”

"Once the losses are big, I wonder how he will explain it to the people of Hong Kong! If there is a bad one, the reputation that Wanjia has built up for more than a year will completely collapse. By then, our Watsons and PARKnSHOP may not have a chance."

Again, Lao Li always puts stability first when doing business.

He will not act easily if he is not absolutely sure about something.

Huo Jianning nodded, "I don't understand a bit. His Han Tianxia shoe series and fast-selling products, after opening up the Wanwan retail channel, can make tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in cash profits without doing anything big in a year. If it goes public... he will quickly become The richest man in Hong Kong.”

"He also made tens of billions in the Japanese war. He is supposed to be the richest man already!"

"In just three years, he went from being unknown to becoming the richest man... Why did he manipulate so many citizens into falling into the trap? Doesn't he know that once the game fails, there will be a super backlash??"

Mr. Li lit up a cigar and took a few puffs before sneering, "Young man, his ambitions are frightening. He thinks he can make the whole Hong Kong rich? Want to build an invincible golden body??"

"If he can continue to win at gambling and make Hong Kong rich... his words will be more powerful than the Hong Kong government!"

Lao Li realized it later, but after discovering the situation, he saw through Zhao Donghuai's purpose in a short time.

Huo Jianning took a long breath, "No way? How can it be so big? Isn't he afraid of failure? How could someone be so crazy?"

It’s not that he didn’t expect this, he simply couldn’t believe it! It’s normal to seek to make a fortune on your own, but how about bringing so many outsiders and strangers in Hong Kong to make a fortune with you?

You have to be extremely crazy to dare to do such a big thing, right?

Mr. Li shook his head, "Even if he loses, fast-moving goods retailing, a few years' profits plus the tens of billions earned before, plus a loan from the bank, will be enough to pay off everything. It will just interrupt the development momentum for a few years."

"If he loses, as long as he is willing to cut his own flesh, he will still be the movie tycoon and media overlord."

"It's done, he will..."

Once he wins the bet on this kind of thing and brings all the people in Hong Kong to get rich, even if each citizen's assets increase by 50% within one year and lasts for one year, he will become a god in one battle!

He is the kind of god who speaks from outside Changshi and is more effective than Lao Li who speaks from within Changshi!

Losing means giving up one, two, or three years of profits. Not everyone is like Zhang Weifan who dares to spend all his wealth to invest. The vast majority of citizens only take 10% or 20% of their wealth. If you invest successfully, you won't be hurt even if you lose.

If he loses, Zhao Donghuai will pay tens or hundreds of billions, just admit defeat.

At least at this stage, Zhao Donghuai cannot be like the big liar Lao Chen in the Jia Ning case, who refuses to admit his losses and goes to jail.

"Ponzi schemes have been around for a long time, but there are still countless people who fall for it every year, all over the world. But in Hong Kong, he will not lose his wealth like that. He wants to rely on financial resources to become the king of black and white..."

"Young man, you are so arrogant and lawless!!"

"It's a pity that the Hong Kong stock market, which is currently booming, will be lonely for another year and a half."

Isn't it? Since the conclusion of the negotiations, the Hong Kong stock market has been rapidly recovering its glory and is still improving to a higher level. Zhao Donghuai's behavior is to undermine it! Destroy countless capital bosses.

Huo Jianning laughed, "He has a lot of capital and can afford to play the big picture and the general trend. Let's wait for a year or two. He can play until 1987 at most..."

"If he plays for a year or two, the citizens who follow him to invest will not earn as much as if they invested in the stock market, or even lose money or lose everything. Sooner or later, he will have to admit defeat. This person is too ambitious and too crazy..."

"Who does he think he is? For God's sake??"

That’s right, the game can be played up to 1987, when the global stock market crash swept the world, and the gameplay will be different by then.

A large number of citizens have withdrawn their capital from the stock market in advance, which is the biggest good news!

Before today, HSBC or the chartering king, Zheng Sheng, Guo Bingxiang, etc. must have discovered the clues one by one. They guessed something. Like Li Chao and Huo Jianning at this moment, they could only watch after knowing it.

No matter how much they complain about Zhao Donghuai's endless ambitions in private, what can they do? When people open financial investment companies, they do so through formal channels and are legal and law-abiding.

Hong Kong Island is already one of the global financial centers and has no shortage of such companies.

Administrative intervention and holding back citizens’ money? ? Not allowed to be used by citizens? What level of credibility crisis do you want to trigger?

Wanjia, which Zhao Donghuai created more than a year ago, is so terrifying that its aura of reputation is invincible.

As for the chartering king, Guo Bingxiang and others, they did not inform Lao Li of this matter, so he only found out about it later... I can only say that everyone is not in a group yet.

Or even if they are united, they find that Zhao Donghuai has often criticized Lao Li since his rise? ? Let’s put Lao Li out of the circle for the time being and see what grudges and grudges these two have? We will decide who to play with after we decide the winner.

Or maybe Lao Li has fallen out of the first echelon and is no longer suitable to play with those big or top ten financial groups.

There are all kinds of possibilities.

At this moment, Huo Jianning frowned and said, "The profits of tens of billions, plus his principal, are even more. I'm a little curious, has no one thought of freezing it directly? As long as you look for it slowly, you can find a reason, right? "

"Li Sheng, you wanted to play a big game at first, but you were rejected. You can only use your private money to make some pocket money."

Mr. Li said feebly, "I have heard that someone has proposed that, but there are also many opponents. The opponents want to preserve the dignity of Britain's empire, and the honor and good image it has achieved so far in Hong Kong... "

"These words are not wrong, they are very ZZZQ."

Within the rules, short-term fluctuations cannot destroy Zhao Donghuai's funds, but outside the rules, external manipulation will indeed destroy credibility.

Countless people made money in the era of the Four Detectives, but what the public hates the most is a group of detectives and various gangster police and societies. How many of them have tried to reflect on the source?

Credibility is sometimes important!

The truth is like this. Lao Li still wants to vomit blood. He wanted to make money and get rich at first, but he couldn't do it and had to obey. Now I see that Zhao can easily earn tens of billions. Ma's is taller than him and Hutchison Wong's current total market value is high.

This is so exciting!

Blood pressure soars!

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