Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 148: Life and death are launched at a high speed, once again raising the bar for Hong Kong p

December 28th.

Zhao's Building in Tsim Sha Tsui is a 32-story building that was purchased in October and opened in just over two months after simple renovations. It cost HK$1.2 billion when purchased.

For Zhao Donghuai now, 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars is really a small amount of money. He can collect the cash flow by saving fast-moving goods for about 20 days.

From today on, the 30-story Zhao's Building below is also the home base of hundreds of various investment and financial companies. The 31st and 32nd floors... are one of Zhao's new homes in the downtown area.

Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min ran around from place to place and came back excitedly after walking around most of the way, "Boss, this new home is so luxurious. It's much grander than the film company and ATV!"

"Let's just talk about this big office and a room with an unparalleled sea view."

This is nonsense. The ATV Building and the Zhao Film Building are only about 100 million each and are six stories high. Compared with this skyscraper that was built two or three years ago, they are far behind.

The president's office is more than 200 square meters, and the built-in rest suite is more than 30 square meters, including various bathing and bathing facilities. Next door or on the 31st floor downstairs is the indoor fitness center, karaoke room, sauna room, large kitchen, private screening room, etc., including a large bedroom of more than 200 square meters.

These two floors are more luxurious than many large flats or villas.

The rooftop above the 32nd floor is like a rooftop in Zhou Xingxing's original God of Cookery. It has green facilities, a small golf course, and a helipad, and of course there are helicopters.

Pan Asia Group has never been short of experts who can fly helicopters.

When Azhen was excited, Zhao Donghuai waved his hand and asked Amin to open a bottle of champagne. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window and drank a few sips. He couldn't help but sigh. If he hadn't really been cheated, he would have been able to be more successful in the financial and foreign exchange market than he imagined.

He would suspect that he was running a Ponzi scheme at this moment, pulling in money from various group employees and family relatives for investment? The funds raised are really huge, huge. If Liu Luanxiong does stock market sniping...

The corporate groups of Li Zhiren and the chartering kings also had to be destroyed.

Originally, in 2008, the world-shaking fraud case in South Korea was caused by a liar named Cho Baxi, who defrauded more than 30,000 people in South Korea and made off with more than 4 trillion South Korean dollars in the name of high interest rates?

If he is doing this now, once he loses money, he can deceive countless people. Fortunately, there is a cheat, so he can drink another sip of champagne to calm down the panic.

Azhen ran over and hugged his arm and acted coquettishly, "Boss, you are really good to me. Just let me taste something sweet to thank you... salty is fine too."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Not far away, Zhang Min chuckled and explained quickly, "Sister Zhen's parents and several brothers and sisters are living a very nervous life. After settling a batch of her foreign exchange profits, she went home and spent 30 million to buy Got a big villa.”

"The family is so happy."

Director Zhao sighed, "You dared to play with 50 times leverage back then. Fortunately, it was only a small amount of money. It doesn't matter if you lose..."

Azhen is one of the first batch of people who made money by speculating on Japanese renminbi. It is a rare 50 times leverage. The bigger you play, the more you will earn after landing.

Foreign exchange settlement, on such a huge scale, does not have to wait until December 31st or January 1st to be completed on the same day.

Since the Japanese yen has increased by 20% on December 25, successive settlements have begun.

Azhen stopped studying at the age of 16 and became an advertising model. Her family environment was poor, but her neighbors had always praised her for her beauty and her qualifications to be a big star. A talent scout approached her to shoot a commercial.

Hong Kong stars who became popular in the 1980s and 1990s, including male stars from Aaron Kwok to Ekin Cheng, Andy Lau, and Zhang Xueyou, and female stars from Qiu Shuzhen to Li Ruotong, had ordinary family conditions, many brothers and sisters, and their parents were under great pressure to support the family.

Zhang Min's family environment is also not good. For ordinary citizens, foreign exchange profits have begun to be settled, and sending millions to his family is also a great thing.

The three of them were chatting and joking when the big brother rang loudly. Zhang Min ran to answer the call and Cai Wei was surprised and said, "Boss, it's Jiandong Axejun calling..."

Zhao Donghuai waved and quickly started chatting with Big Brother. He even learned that this was Stanley from AMC Cinemas in North America. He secretly sent a group of killers to Hong Kong. When he was buying goods, he was attacked by the Hong Kong society.

Well, this isn't the first time.

At the end of October, the company landed in North America, and the business war caused a lot of impact on Stanley. They also tried to fight back, basically spreading hidden tricks in Hong Kong, and the middlemen who caused the hidden tricks were quickly dealt with.

Not to mention that if anyone wants to take over Anhua's work, there is no chance.

Stanley continued to hire a group of people to enter Hong Kong, and from time to time they were hired by Pan-Asia Peripheral temporary workers. So far, no one has successfully appeared near Zhao Donghuai.

"Arjun, I'll take care of those working people first. I'll take care of them when I need a stuntman for a movie."

With the start of a business war with AMC, it can only be said that Zhao Films will have more death-defying stand-ins to choose from when it comes to big action movies that require the desperate efforts of dragon and tiger warriors.

His influence in Hong Kong Island, even if it is not as good as the big boss behind the scenes in the movie "The Dark Flower" directed by You Dazhi, is fast. By the summer of 1986, Zhao Donghuai's influence in Hong Kong may be greater than that of "The Dark Flower". ), the big boss is even more exaggerated.

The Ghost Story is being screened in European and American theaters, and it's almost time to check out, and it's time to say hello to Stanley Durwood again.


During the friendly and harmonious business greetings between Zhao Donghuai and Stanley Durwood, most of them were dump trucks running wildly and stray bullets flying around.

After discussing again for a few days, the time steadily entered 1986.

On the streets of Shatin, early in the morning on the 1st, Li Ruotong... no, her name is still Priscilla Li now. She got rid of the second brother Li who wanted to continue to get in touch with her, and quickly arrived in front of a Zhao's Theater in Shatin. As soon as she arrived, she saw two people on the street. One of the girls quickly waved to her, "A-Xian, here!"

Li Huixian stepped forward with a smile, "A'e, who is this beautiful girl?"

The beautiful girl named A'e is Priscilla Li's colleague and a stewardess who joined Cathay Pacific in 1985. The two have a very good relationship. Not only are they the same age, they can talk to each other, but they were also graduates of the same school where they went to middle school. The kind that's next to the wall.

After getting to know each other after joining the airline company, I learned that they had studied next to each other for several years, and they had impressions or acquaintances with some of the famous figures in each other's schools. This can bring a closer feeling of intimacy in a workplace relationship.

A'e is good-looking, but standing next to Priscilla Li, she is obviously crushed. The pretty girl next to A'e is also better than her.

A'e smiled and introduced, "This is also my classmate, Li Meixian. Wow, this A'xian is amazing. She graduated from the same training class as F4 and Zhou Haimei."

"Now I can still make an appointment with Meixian. Soon she will be a big star and she will have to compete with groups of fans to find opportunities to approach Meixian and ask for her autograph."

With a slightly exaggerated chuckle, Li Meixian smiled and pinched A'e's arm, "I'm going to make fun of you if I kill you."

The next moment, Li Meixian looked at Priscilla Li and said, "Wow, you are so beautiful. It would be a pity not to become a star. Unlike me, I used to study in Peiying and thought I was good-looking. But after entering the training class, I realized that I was just a little girl." transparent."

"This year's training class has been changed to an Asian opera, with a two-year academic system. There are more beautiful girls in it, including many beautiful white girls. It's simply too exaggerated! I feel that I may not have any chance to stand out."

Priscilla Li, "..."

She could only show an awkward but polite smile. Others praised her for her beauty and it was obviously a good thing to become a big star. Unfortunately, she had an awkward conflict with her boyfriend again.

The last time she watched The Ghost Story in September, she was on duty and flew out of Hong Kong Island. Unexpectedly, her boyfriend was beaten and hospitalized. The police didn't find out who it was, but her boyfriend suspected that it was Brother Li who led someone to do it. .

Brother Li refused to admit it.

Now Priscilla Li is caught in the middle and suffers from both sides, but her family is still urging her to try becoming a star to see if she can find a way out.

Her boyfriend still wouldn't let her go, why... It's not hard to understand. Wanwan Xiao Yingying took the public track (running for the modern Diao Chan), and after participating in several episodes of the show, one after another rich people gave her a lot of money to support her.

Her boyfriend is not stupid either. He knows very well that once Priscilla Lee tries to be a star, it will easily attract the pursuit of various rich people. He is afraid that he will not be able to keep it. To put it more deeply, even if Priscilla Lee swears that she will not change her mind even if she becomes famous and makes a lot of money. …

But if she earns too much, her boyfriend is an ordinary wage earner, the kind who quit studying after graduating from middle school and enter the society.

Strong women and weak men are also prone to problems.

She gradually guessed and understood her boyfriend's thoughts. Well, she also wanted to make more money to improve her family's situation. Her parents worked hard to raise their ten siblings, and the eldest, second and others also started to get married and have children.

The eighth, ninth and tenth children are still studying in school.

Sometimes she even thinks that even if she can't make a lot of money as a star, if she has the opportunity to enter the Wanjia General Merchant Supermarket, it will be able to improve her family situation.

The three girls were chatting and laughing outside the theater. It was not until 7:45 that those who had bought tickets could enter, and then the three girls quickly lined up to get in.

In early December, Life and Death finished all the post-production, and it is scheduled for New Year's Day on January 1st. The announcements have already been made. The main focus of this announcement is the linkage of the Flying Tiger series of Lonely Flying Tiger and Hurricane Rescue. Blockbusters.

It's Hua Zai's Flying Tigers trained partner Leung Ka Fai starring in the new film.

The Flying Tiger universe crossover film is a large-scale modern urban action film. With the popularity and reputation of director Zhao Donghuai, it can attract countless movie fans to rush to see the first scene.

After all, Zhao Donghuai’s action movie? There are many audiences around the world. On the contrary, the real starring actors such as Tony Leung Ka-fai and Laura Fonna are temporarily well-known, but they cannot be said to be popular.

No matter Priscilla Li, A'e or Li Meixian, they were all attracted in this way.

While walking, Li Meixian lamented over and over again, "In this drama, Life and Death, there are many white men and women out of the country. There are too many handsome men and beautiful women in it. Don't be dazzled by it later."

"A-Xian, no, people used to call me A-Xian, and now they call you A-Xian, it feels so strange, haha, if you want to enter the entertainment industry, you should do it as soon as possible. In the future, Zhao Sheng's big movies will sweep the world again and again. , the reputation is getting stronger and stronger, I am afraid that a large number of handsome men and women from all over the world will come to Hong Kong Island to look for opportunities..."

Priscilla Li showed an awkward yet polite smile again. Her heart was moved again, but what about love? After all, it is a love brain.

Moreover, he is very humble in love and takes the initiative to put himself in a low position.

A moment later, when the lights in the cinema went out and the big screen came on, the three women were no longer chatting. They were all focused on staring ahead, waiting for Zhao Films' subtitles to flash and the title of Life and Death to flash.

With a cold and melodious soundtrack, the camera reflects the interior of the elevator room of a building. From top to bottom, layer by layer flashes, until it freezes in the elevator repair room, where a white man in a suit comes out and faces a man wearing a maintenance suit. The figure in the work uniform said from behind, "Sir, no outsiders are allowed in here..."

The figure from behind responded calmly, "Yes, I was called to repair the elevator."

The white man in a suit looked confused, "Why didn't anyone notify me? Can you let me see your work ID?"

The figure from behind still responded calmly, "Of course, just wait."

When he turned around and seemed to be holding an ID and handing it out, the man in a white suit just looked at the ID and the maintenance man suddenly reached out, grabbed a repair screwdriver, inserted it into the other person's ear hole, and stabbed him to death.

There were bursts of screams and noises in the large cinema. Isn't it too exciting? Kill someone at the beginning? Or kill people with a ubiquitous repair tool like a screwdriver?

When Zeng Jiang's face was shown on the big screen, he said with an evil smile, "I'm sorry, this is not directed at you, it can only mean you are unlucky."

Zeng Jiang, a male villain who has played several big bosses in the New World series, his image suddenly became explosive!

As the audience screamed, the movie continued. In this skyscraper, white-collar workers on a certain floor poured into the elevator. The elevator was going down, and suddenly the steel cable was detonated by a bomb and broke...

More than ten people were trapped in the elevator, falling rapidly and screaming. They fell from more than 30 floors to more than ten floors in one breath before stopping in the middle of the building.

The camera turned and the police led by Liang Jiahui arrived!

The movie "Speed ​​of Life" is very simple to put it bluntly. The bomb disposal expert of the Hong Kong Island Police played by Tsang Kong was once blown off one of his fingers during a bomb disposal. When he retired at the age of 60, he was dissatisfied with the treatment given to him by the police force. The pension is too small and the pension is insufficient.

In just two years of planning, he planned an elevator bomb case, deployed various bombs in advance, trapped a dozen innocent people in the air with half of the steel cables blown off, and then called the police to extort money, 5 million!

If he was given money, he would let a dozen innocent people go. If he didn't give money, he would continue to detonate bombs. If he continued to explode, more than a dozen people would actually fall to their death from a high altitude.

Liang Jiahui and Jet Binny are chasing the murderer and during the bomb disposal process, they demonstrate the capable police operations of rescuing people and catching thieves.

The biggest attraction of this movie is the madness of the bomber, the pity and innocence of the hostages, and the life-and-death rescue of the police team.

In an elevator bomb extortion case at the beginning, all kinds of thrilling and crazy scenes flashed by. Liang Jiahui finally rescued the hostages and found Zeng Jiang, but because Zeng Jiang had hijacked Jet Binny, he could only watch him escape.

The more than 20 minutes of police catching a thief was handled cleanly and handsomely, and the thrilling experience was extremely comfortable. By the end of the movie, there were shouts and applause everywhere.

Soon, more excitement is coming!

After the elevator bomb case, there was a celebration reception. The protagonist played by Tony Leung Ka Fai had just received a medal at the reception. He drank a lot and went to have breakfast the next morning.

After buying breakfast and walking out of the Baijia convenience store, I saw a walking bus suddenly exploded not far away. The sound of explosions and flames filled the air and swept across the big screen.

Ah Hui was blinded by the explosion and stared blankly as the empty shell of the bus burned violently. The phone at a nearby public telephone box rang. When he went to answer the call, he found out that the call was from the bomb maniac Zeng Jiang.

Tell him directly that he has installed a bomb on a certain Kowloon bus. Once the bus speed drops below 50 miles per hour, it will explode and kill all the people on the bus.

This time he wants 10 million!

The speed of life and death starts from here!

When Liang Jiahui found the bus, it was already on the road. There were a lot of people in the car and he couldn't stop. Ah Fai could only let a passerby in a Mercedes chase the bus. He jumped from the Mercedes to the bus in a thrilling way.

During the filming, the bus scene was a stand-in bus, the driver was a Zhao Transport driver from the mainland, and the Mercedes driver was also a Zhao Transport driver, so the filming was not thrilling.

But the thrilling chase and jump on the big screen made the audience exclaim again and again, and the shouts could not stop at all.

When Ah Fai got on the bus, the driver Wu Zhenyu, the heroine Laura Fangna, and all the handsome Chinese and white girls showed up one by one. The bus was racing wildly.

Wu Zhenyu was shot and wounded by a passerby, the gangster Richard Norton, and Laura Fanna got up to drive the bus. The intense and exciting racing on various highways and even highway bridges could not stop.

The police and the bomber Zeng Jiang battled wits and courage. Time and time again, they tried to transfer the passengers on the bus and get off the bus at high speed. Time and time again, they were sabotaged by Zeng Jiang who secretly installed surveillance video on the bus.

The bomb fanatics not only secretly installed surveillance videos, but also watched the live broadcasts of TVB and ATV. Those helicopters were broadcasting live the bomb case that shocked the whole city.

He tried hard again and again, but failed again and again, until the bus drove to the broken bridge that had not yet been repaired. In the sky, the two bridges were more than ten meters apart and were not connected.

At the moment when Laura Fonna was about to fly over the broken bridge, countless movie fans in the theater did not even dare to breathe too loudly. This was really thrilling and exciting!

In this era, none of Cheng Long's Police Story 1 has such exaggerated, terrifying and dangerous scenes!

Police Story has also been filmed and released on December 14th. In the movie, he chases the bus, jumps from the rooftop of several floors into the swimming pool, and finally fights in the shopping mall, grabbing a decorative lamppost and falling from the third floor. Jumping down and sliding down, the thrilling shot made all movie fans in Hong Kong excited.

But even if it is a police story, compare it to the scene where Lola Fanna is driving a bus, carrying a bus of passengers, flying over a broken bridge of more than ten meters...

It feels like Lola Fanna is braver!

The bus made a leap in the air, then entered Kai Tak Airport and ran on the runway. In the end, Liang Jiahui first took a video of the people in the bus and used this video to block the video surveillance, making Zeng Jiang think that what he saw was still live.

The passengers fled one by one, accompanied by a parallel bus driven by the police.

The last ones to escape were Liang Jiahui and Laura Fangna. As soon as they escaped, the bus crashed directly into a huge parked passenger plane. The bus and the passenger plane exploded together! ! !

The fire flooded the entire big screen.

It was only January 1, 1986. Whether it was Hong Kong or movie fans around the world, where had they ever seen such an urban blockbuster that was so explosive that it was impossible to stop? ? This is not a war movie!

Not to mention the male audiences in theaters in Shatin, Tsuen Wan, Yau Tsim Mong, Hong Kong Island, Sai Wan, and North Point, countless female audiences were equally excited and screamed, going crazy.

Michael Benen relied on various explosions to create the world-famous Explosive Shell, which started in the mid-1990s.

This is only 1986!

Subsequently, the speed of life and death continued to be shown, and the explosive journey of the bomb maniac Zeng Jiang was still so exciting that countless people even stopped breathing, when Ah Fai's good partner Jet Binny was killed by the explosion.

Then there is the scene where Zeng Jiang kidnapped Laura Fang Na, strapped all kinds of bombs on his body, and ran to the subway to play with bombs. As a real shot, the subway rushed off the tracks, rampaged in the underground space, and even rushed out of the underground and rushed to the surface.

In almost all theaters on Hong Kong Island where this movie is being shown, moviegoers have goosebumps all over their bodies.

The fear or the screams of excitement come one after another.

This movie about crazy big bombs bombarding people indiscriminately was really exciting. Even when Zeng Jiang was killed, the audience didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief. Who told us that at that time, the subway was racing out of control, crashing and crushing everything? .

In this version of Life and Death, there is no scene in the finale where the male and female protagonists hug each other and kiss passionately.

However, after the disaster, the two of them managed to survive with a tacit understanding of knowing each other for a day as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

After the first show was over, Priscilla Lee, A'e, Lai Meixian and others walked out of the cinema with the crowd of moviegoers. Priscilla Lee couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so exciting and enjoyable. It's even better than Brother Long's Police Story."

"Jack has not yet joined Feihu and is not as strong as Brother Hua and the others, yet he has solved such a big case? No wonder he can train with Brother Hua!"

No one stipulates that girls cannot like watching action movies. It can be said that since the era of Bruce Lee, action blockbusters have had different meanings to all Hong Kong citizens.

Priscilla Li also liked it, but she didn't expect that she had only watched Police Story in mid-December. Even though the action style was different from that of Daredevil and Hurricane Rescue, the excitement was still eye-catching.

Cheng Long, Brother Long, after the development of Hollywood action movies is in full swing, he can still make a name for himself in North America.

But now in comparison, Liang Jiahui in "The Speed ​​of Life and Death" is indeed very explosive.

After watching the movie, the girls all felt so excited that they had goosebumps all over their bodies. In this movie, the heroine Lola Fanna is also very prominent and eye-catching.

After all, it was the driver who was assigned to take over from Wu Zhenyu to drive the bus in a critical situation. If it weren't for her, the whole bus would have been gone.

This A-Xian was still sighing with excitement, and Li Meixian suddenly smiled and said, "A-Xian, A'e, do you want to make money and get rich?"

Meixian Lai also found it exciting after watching "Speed", but there are too many good things for her to say. The box office will prove what an outstanding blockbuster this is.

She discovered that in all walks of life of the Zhao Group, employees, families, and relatives are investing in the financial field to make money, basically making money without losing money.

Those who have graduated from training courses like them can still invest even if they are not yet popular.

It was even allowed to invite some friends to invest together. She wanted to give it a try and bring Priscilla Li, whom she had just met today, with her.

reason? Even if Priscilla Li has a more beautiful appearance and figure than her, once she quits being a stewardess and goes to the Asian Drama Academy to take the exam, there is still a high probability that she will be able to enter the industry, and there is also a high probability that she will become famous before she, Priscilla Lai.

Isn't now a great time to build friendships?

A'e's eyes suddenly widened, "Getting rich? When you mentioned this, I became energetic. Meixian, is there any good way? Please help me?!"

"You grew up in a privileged family and had no worries about food and clothing. I am different. I have been a middle school classmate for five years. You must not forget me!"

"And A-Xian, there are ten brothers and sisters. She is now an aunt and an aunt. The whole family is not well off..."

Priscilla Li also widened her eyes and nodded in anticipation.

Adults in society, once they talk about getting rich, then...


On the 2nd, the first brother of the police force walked into the office early in the morning and saw that the secretary had helped him sort out various newspapers and periodicals waiting for him to check.

When he picked up a daily newspaper, the front page headline was, "The world's most powerful police force, the new Hong Kong police star is coming!"

Brother Yi grabbed it and took a look, and found that it was a touting article about the movie "Speed". The review not only mentioned that "Speed" broke 310 Hong Kong dollars on the first day, which is destined to be another blockbuster that can hit the box office of 40 million.

Still praising, starting from Lam Ching-ying, to Andy Lau, to Cheng Long and Leung Ka-fai, if the Hong Kong police can learn half the combat power of those big star movies, they will definitely sweep the world.

Then it will become the world's number one police force.

After watching it, Brother Yi threw the newspaper with a sullen expression. Nimei, although he hasn’t watched Speedy yet, he has watched Hurricane Rescue 1 or 2, One Man and One Man, and Police Story.

Those policemen in blockbusters, why the hell did your newspaper actually touch the real police? It's so shameless!

The next newspaper was Oriental Daily, and the front page was still related to the hit release of Life and Death, which made more than 3.1 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office on the first day.

The comments also boasted and praised every classic police screen image in the Hong Kong film industry. They bluntly said that blockbusters have created the ultimate goal for police around the world to learn to pursue.

Brother No. 1 smoked his teeth again, stopped reading the newspaper, opened a desk drawer, and took out a document, an anonymous and unofficial document on how to dismantle the Pan-Asia Group.

"This Zhao really makes me love and hate him at the same time..."

The matter of dismantling the Pan-Asia Group has been discussed in private countless times and told to many people.

But that’s it, it feels like I don’t know where to start and I have too many concerns.

White people who can sit in a certain position are not stupid. Killing people's wealth is like killing their parents. Even if they haven't heard it, they understand what it means.

Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone the hundreds of people who have been on the battlefield. Moreover, there are countless people in the mainland waiting to make a fortune like them, and the number may be too large to be counted.

After thinking about it for the last time, Brother No. 1 quickly picked up the phone and called, "Mary, let the Public Relations Department publicize Life and Death Speed, call on all colleagues to read more Police Stories and Life and Death Speed ​​when they have time, and tell Smith... Zhao Every birth helps our police force refresh its image."

"It took a lot of effort to get countless citizens to change their view of us. When they hear the police force, they no longer think of the four detectives and the old days when rogue police officers were everywhere. There are some things that our police force is really not suitable to intervene in."

"Apologise to him for me."

That's how it is with some things. When the sky falls, the taller one will be the first to hold it up. But Brother Yi feels that among the various plans against Zhao Sheng, he is just one of them. He is too short and is far from being able to take the lead.

Haven't you heard? Since the signing of the Plaza Agreement, Zhao Donghuai has made tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars privately. With his current situation, he is already the real richest man in Hong Kong Island.

The richest man in Hong Kong personally goes to film a movie for you to entertain the public. Isn't it right to call on the entire police force to watch the movie and appreciate the talent of the richest man?

Some time later, when a Chinese policeman knocked on the door and got the order to come in, Brother Yi immediately enthusiastically invited him to sit down and made coffee himself, "Wang, I admire your talent very much. Work hard and you will definitely be the one to take the lead in the future." Opportunity."

"By the way, I heard that Zhao Sheng of ATV is leading all the employees of the group to engage in financial investment and make a fortune? Do you think it is possible for me to invest the money and put it in your name... Can you help me hold it? Let's go and have some fun too. finance?"

Zhao Donghuai has already made tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars by speculating on Japanese yen, and he has pocketed it safely.

So, he has the courage to open so many financial companies and attract tens of thousands of citizens to invest money to make a fortune with him. It feels... feels that the probability of him winning is not small?

Even the probability of losing is not small.

But Brother Yi wants to invest all his family property, so he just invests a small amount to test the waters? ? If he loses money, it will have little impact on him. Once he can make money, it will be fair and clean money. It is a financial investment outside of official duties.

Isn't this the same as when you go to the bank and the bank tries to persuade you to buy funds or financial products?


The first brother of the police force gave an order, and starting from the 2nd, a large number of off-duty police officers from the Hong Kong police force started to watch the speed of life and death with their families.

The explosion of life and death, the big-screen murder from beginning to end, excited the blood of countless people. Many off-duty policemen came out of the theater excited and went home with dark faces.

Because along the way after watching the movie, the off-duty police officers often heard all kinds of complaints.

"Wow, our Hong Kong police, let alone catch up with Brother Hua and Uncle Ying, even if we have half the strength of Jack Hui in Life and Death, we can still burn incense!"

"Stop bragging, do you still have half the strength of Jack? They don't even have half the strength of Chen Jiaju!"

"Yes, the police in reality are too weak. The police can fight in any large circle and run wild."


These various remarks made countless police officers dumbfounded while watching the movie. With the release of blockbuster action movies one after another, many of the protagonists are police officers. The image of the Hong Kong police has really begun to change. It is no longer as popular as the detective era. Having reached their lowest point, the citizens began to like them.

However, whether it is Zhao Donghuai, the overlord of the film industry, or action movie tycoon like Cheng Long, the standards for being a police officer are really set too high.

Zhang Jiahui, who also watched a movie and walked out of the theater with several colleagues, couldn't help but sigh to his colleagues, "This is too exaggerated. If we police want to reach the heights of Chen Jiaju and Ah Fai, we probably can only Only if you can make a movie can you have a chance to realize it.”

Colleague Ah Hui had a funny look on his face, "Okay, the protagonist of Life and Death is Jiahui, and you are also Jiahui. Maybe you can change your career and become a big star. Don't forget me then."

Zhang Jiahui was speechless, "No, I am Zha Zhahui, and he is the back-up for the Best Actor Award winner... not even close!"

He said this, but Zhang Jiahui felt a little cautious, so he took out a small mirror from his pocket and looked at himself. His handsome face of eighteen or nineteen years old is not too bad, right?

Why are you excited? Being a star can really make you money and make a fortune!

While he was still watching, a colleague poked him and said, "Zhahui, a cousin of mine works at Baijia Xing. Now his family has invested 30% of their savings into a financial company to speculate in foreign exchange to make a fortune, and he asked me if I can follow. Hey, what do you think? How about we invest some money together and give it a try?"

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