Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 149 Die Hard and the 19-year-old Tiger Goes Down the Mountain

On January 3rd, after watching a movie in a theater in Tsim Sha Tsui, Bruce Willis was shocked and said, "It's so cool! It's a different kind of cool than John Wick, John Wick, and Hurricane Rescue." !”

"Such a blockbuster, big scenes, big explosions... shocking!"

The one who watched Speed ​​of Life with Bruce was a middle-aged white man, his potential agent Johnny. At this moment, Johnny couldn't help but nod, "The current Hong Kong movies are really shocking in terms of action scenes. No wonder every one of them is shocked." The series can bomb Europe and the United States."

"Bruce, it seems that this New Year's Day holiday, you specially flew to Hong Kong Island to watch director Zhao's new film. It is a wonderful travel experience."

Bruce nodded with a smile, "Just at the level of life and death speed, this time I won't run in vain. By the way, I want to visit that Zhao... Do you think I have a chance to meet him with my current popularity?"

At this stage, Bruce Willis is far from being a classic Hollywood tough guy on screen, an action movie hunk who can chase after Stallone, Schwarzenegger and others.

He attended a formal acting school and studied acting. He first participated in a stage play in 1977 as a stuntman. In 1979, he began to play a small role in TV dramas. It was not until 1985 that he was lucky enough to star in a TV series (Blue Moonlight Detective Agency).

The TV series "Blue Moonlight" was broadcast one season after another for four consecutive years from 1985 to 1988, which built Bruce a lot of fame and reputation.

Then he starred in the movie (Die Hard) in 1988 and received a salary of US$5 million!

Isn’t that still far away now? Blue Moonlight Detective Agency has just finished its first season.

On January 3, 1986, Bruce Willis was a rising star in the North American television industry. He was just 31 years old this year. Because of his emergence in the television industry, he attracted the behemoth CAA and sent Johnny to sign him to a management contract.

Of course, before CAA, Bruce also signed agency contracts with other companies. CAA's current behavior is considered poaching.

Following Bruce's words, Johnny frowned slightly, but still smiled, "There should be a chance, right? That director Zhao, since he has made many beautiful women famous, including Monica, Laura Fanna, Isabelle Adjani, etc. Europa Rose.”

"He shouldn't only praise actresses. Wasn't the good partner of the protagonist Jack in the previous life and death played by Binny?"

Jet Binny also has a certain reputation in North America. After all, he is a macho man in the free fighting circle.

Are there still few macho men who are famous in various sports competitions? Like Muhammad Ali? ?

Bruce nodded excitedly, "Then let's go to Zhao's Pictures and give it a try?"

Johnny didn't want to, so he could only nod. He was poaching people but hadn't succeeded yet. How could he control Bruce's will at will? He knew that Bruce went to visit Zhao Donghuai just to see if there was a chance to land on the big screen.

After all, Bruce had been playing on stage and on the small screen for eight years before he was lucky enough to be the leading actor for the first time.

However, even if he could meet Zhao Donghuai, would Zhao Donghuai be willing to praise him? I'm afraid it's not a prerequisite, but also signing Bruce Willis...

This has become a competition with CAA.

But how does Johnny stop it? ? How to stop this kind of thing? ?


Some time later, Zhao's Financial Building in Tsim Sha Tsui.

I heard from Azhen that there was a North American TV star named Bruce Willis. I went to the studio building to visit him? ?

Zhao Donghuai is a bit... He has occasionally thought about whether to make a Die Hard series. Of course, (Die Hard) he will not direct it himself, but will write a script and let people such as Johnnie To, Chen Musheng or Lin Zhengying Be a director.

That's it.

As for the male protagonist? Jet Binney and Richard Norton are both fine.

He has had this idea before, but it has not been implemented yet. He is not sure whether the Hollywood Screenwriters Guild already has this script. After all, in Hollywood, a script takes several years to develop and operate before it enters the actual shooting process. ,very common.

Whether it’s the story of the Terminator script or the Back to the Future script, they all appeared very early.

He also plans to ask someone to check if there are similar scripts over there. If there are any, he will buy them. If not, then...

Why did Bruce Willis, the male protagonist of the "Alone and Away" series, pop up? ?

After thinking about it again, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Azhen, "Call over there and ask them to come to the Financial Building."

More than half an hour later, Bruce Willis and Johnny entered the 200-square-meter office with a sea view under the guidance of the secretary.

As soon as he came in, Bruce bowed his hands and smiled brightly, "Sheng Zhao, it's great to have the opportunity to meet you. Is this kind of etiquette popular in the East? I shouldn't have done anything wrong, right?"

Although he bowed his hands, he spoke authentic English. Bruce is a very pure North American.

Zhao Donghuai laughed loudly, and when he asked his secretary to serve tea, he smiled and said, "Sit down, you are a guest from afar. I still like to make friends."

The two parties sat down and chatted for a while, before Bruce said with expectant eyes, "Sheng Zhao, I wonder if I can have a chance to star in your movie? I have been studying acting for many years, and I have worked in countless roles. Just last September Released on TV…”

Along with these words, Johnny looked constipated.

He knew it would be like this, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Since action blockbusters, including sci-fi masterpieces such as "Super Body" and "The End of the World", romance blockbusters have swept across Europe and the United States, the prestige and appeal of the great director Zhao Donghuai in the North American film industry has really increased step by step.

Not only young people like Johnny Depp and Naomi Watts who have just entered the industry but have not yet entered the industry will come to Hong Kong Island to pursue their dreams.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and looked at Bruce a few times, "You have a good image, but??"

At this point, he looked at Johnny, who was speechless, but Bruce said politely, "Johnny, can you give me a few minutes?"

Johnny had no choice but to get up and leave.

Bruce then said excitedly, "Sheng Zhao, Johnny is a CAA agent. Although they want to poach me, the conditions they are offering are not good, so he and I don't have many friendships or contracts for the time being."

"The liquidated damages between me and the previous agency were roughly US$1 million, but if Zhao Sheng is willing to use me and thinks highly of me, I can handle that myself."

It was only eight years since he was a walk-on actor that he got the leading role in a TV series. He was actually very dissatisfied with his previous agency.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "If I sign you and make you the leading actor, how much salary do you expect?"

Bruce was also unambiguous, "One hundred thousand dollars or two or three hundred thousand dollars will do."

Now he has just gained some fame through the first season of (Blue Moonlight Detective Agency). This is not the moment when his popularity exploded after four years and many seasons.

I started working as a stunt double in stage plays in 1977, and this was already January 1986!

For people like him, compared with opportunities, opportunities are obviously more important than remuneration! After graduating from high school, he worked as a security guard, salesman, restaurant waiter, bartender, etc.

I have been a bit player for eight years!

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "Happy cooperation. As long as you sign with my company, within a year, I will give you a contract as a leading actor in a movie. Whether you can become a hit depends on your ability."

Bruce Willis is ecstatic. In fact, he has a TV series contract with the Blue Moonlight Detective Agency series, but this is not a big problem.


After a while, after watching Bruce Willis leave, Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and called out to urge people to check as soon as possible to see if there was any similar script on record in Hollywood.

The protagonist of the original Die Hard is here and signed to Zhao, so there is no problem in casting him in advance.

Actually, the first Die Hard movie didn't have a huge box office, it was just over 100 million US dollars. This refers to the whole world, not North America.

In North America, Die Hard only took in $83 million at the box office.

But the most important thing is that it has made a new action star famous and has a big series. The second and third parts of this big series are worth looking forward to at the box office.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai said to Qiu Shuzhen again, "Azhen, ask Monica to contact Adjani to see if she will come to Hong Kong Island to film..."

In the first Die Hard movie, Bruce Willis actually played a hero who was afraid of pain, was very embarrassed, and had a bad mouth. If his wife hadn't been taken hostage by a gang of gangsters, he would have escaped long ago.

There is still a big gap between him and the classic screen tough guys like Stallone and Schwarzenegger, who are more civilian.

Bruce Willis can definitely play the role. After all, he is a man who worked as a bit player for eight years after studying formal acting. His acting skills are better than those of the current Jet Binnies, including Richard Norton.

It's not that Monica Bellucci and Lola Fonna can't be cast as the heroines. There are very few intimate scenes in this drama, but at this stage, Monica and Lola are too high-ranking for Bruce. They are completely There is no need for them to play a role that is purely a vase and help newcomers to gain popularity.

Well, Isabelle Adjani also promoted Bruce Willis, but she was an outsider. In other words, Adjani's appearance can greatly increase the box office potential.

Double standard, that's it.

If Adjani is willing to star in the previous film, which has an unresolved ghostly affair, the box office will definitely surpass the original Die Hard 1.

In the original version, Bruce, a popular TV star, was pulling in the box office, stimulating the audience with various gun battles and big explosions. At this stage, he is not that popular!

If Adjani doesn't play, let Nicole Kidman do it. Is 19-year-old Nicole too young to play the role of 31-year-old Bruce Willis, the daughter-in-law of a Hong Kong police officer? Just put on makeup and look older.

It is said that when Nicole Kidman was around 20 years old, her appearance was at its peak, and her shelf life was a bit short...

Soon, Monica Bellucci came to the Financial Building from her home and said with a bright smile, "Brother Huai, Adjani said that she can act, but she has to wait for a while, her schedule..."

At this point, Monica paused for more than ten seconds, and said with a dumbfounded expression, "Adjani is really... I don't know how to evaluate her. Since the romance between ghosts and people has swept across Europe and the United States, someone in Hollywood has offered 3 million US dollars." Dao asked her to act."

"Then we were almost done talking and it was time to start filming. She broke the contract and ran away. She thought the script was too boring."

"Then she took on another French movie and a British movie, and the pay was two to three million US dollars each. After all, she had to save money to raise her children. The contract has been signed, so she is more grateful to Brother Huai for bringing her to this point. worth."


Zhao Donghuai understood that after signing a contract, he had to star in two films, and they were still in England and France. It was too difficult for him to fly back and forth between Europe and Hong Kong Island.

"Then how long will it take for her to finish filming these two movies??"

Monica shook her head, "Not sure, maybe three to four months, maybe half a year or a year."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head speechlessly, "Then let's forget it for now. I'll let Nicole Kidman play the part."

In addition to Nicole, Sandra Bullock is also an option. Sandra, the heroine of the original version of Speed, was pretty good-looking when she was the youngest. She is also an orthodox graduate of the North American Drama Academy.

I practiced at the Drama Academy for several years, and now I have joined the Asian Drama Academy and studied for more than half a year...

If Zhao Donghuai sets the scope so that Chinese actresses can star, then Lin Qingxia and Hu Huizhong can be cast.

It's just that this is still in the period when "Hong Kong Zhao's Pictures can promote famous and white stars at will" to strengthen its brand foundation.

Superbodies, unrequited love between humans and ghosts, and speed of life and death are all out of the circle, making white female stars popular, and Die Hard is making white male and female stars popular.

What's this? Spend thousands of gold to buy horse bones.

When Hollywood ushered in the ZZZQ era ahead of schedule, in a few years, his Zhao's Pictures will become stronger and stronger, and its star-attracting aura will become stronger and stronger.

The name of Oriental Hollywood can only be solidified if it is repeated several times.

The script is finalized and co-directed by Lin Zhengying, Yuan Heping, Du Qifeng, etc., some white and Chinese supporting characters are inserted, and the main villains are Richard Norton and Jet Binny.

In order to find opportunities, Bruce didn't care about the salary, and Nicole didn't care even more. So the production cost was severely reduced. The original production cost of Die Hard was 28 million U.S. dollars, and the North American box office was 83 million. It was not a huge hit.

But that's because Bruce alone was paid $5 million, and the other actors were also paid quite a lot. There were also various shooting locations in North America, which made things expensive.

Shooting on Hong Kong Island, the total cost is not even 20 million Hong Kong dollars, it can be done.


Time is passing by (at the speed of life and death) as the box office of Hong Kong Island is bombarded day by day. It was released on New Year's Day on January 1st. Until the 4th, this bomb-busting movie has already made more than 12 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office. Basically, More than 3 million every day.

Liang Jiahui is completely angry.

Of course, the heroine Laura Fangna has also reached a higher level. She originally made her debut in front of fans in Hong Kong with the help of Cheng Long's food truck and surprised many people.

But that kind of stunning, pure role is completely different from the role of a character who is in danger of life and death and saves the personal safety of a bus of passengers. Especially the scene where the bus flies over a broken bridge really adds a lot of fire to Laura's popularity.

As of the 10th, the total box office of Life and Death has exceeded 28 million.

Although a Hong Kong movie can basically earn more than 60% of the total box office in the first ten days after its release, it still makes more than 28 million in ten days...

Countless media outlets began to exclaim that the Hong Kong film industry has truly entered its most prosperous era. The box office bombs of each film exceeding 30 million or even 40 million are the best proof.

January 11th.

When Bruce Willis arrived at a large office of Zhao Films, he looked at the people sitting in a room and immediately apologized with a smile. He was indeed late.

Today is a small script reading meeting for the movie (Die Hard).

When Bruce saw Nicole Kidman as the heroine, he felt...well, he didn't want to think too much about it right now. The main thing was to seize the opportunity and rise.

Because he terminated the contract with his former agency and paid $1 million in liquidated damages, he owed a lot of money to the bank.

But being in debt is a basic thing for North Americans. It is too common. Every college graduate, who is not allowed to repay student loans?

If you think about it, you will know that he has been a bit player for eight years. He just made his mark on a TV show in September last year and three months ago. He has not yet taken over the filming of the second season. He is really poor.

He was just optimistic about Zhao Donghuai's ability to attract big stars time and time again. He made a big bet and signed all contracts with Zhao.

Soon, Bruce got the overall script and the male protagonist script of Die Hard. Bruce became more and more excited. The more he watched, the happier he became. He felt that he had made the right bet!

This is another action blockbuster where the male protagonist breaks through everything. Look at the precedents of Lam Ching-ying, Andy Lau, Tony Leung Ka-fai, etc. As a white male lead, he will definitely not be bad.

In comparison, liquidated damages debt is not that important.

Zhao Donghuai had finished reading the script in the crowd, and then he coughed lightly and said, "Okay, this is the script. I will not direct this drama. I will be the producer in name, A Ying, Director Yuan, Sir Du, and so will you three." I leave it to you, experienced people.”

"By the way, Bruce's salary is set at US$200,000. When this series becomes popular, your salary will gradually increase. Nicole, your salary will be US$30,000. You will be given 30% when the team is formed, and the remaining 70% will be distributed after filming. ,any questions?"

It’s okay to give Bruce a salary of 100,000 yuan. 100,000 yuan is also 780,000 Hong Kong dollars, but as I said before, we need to build a solid foundation and a strong brand.

Bruce and Nicole rushed to express their opinions that it was okay.

Time flew by.

When the script reading went on until nightfall, Bruce Willis quickly stepped out and planned to go back to the dormitory.

He also lives in a staff dormitory. After all, a certain broadcasting community has been bought up, and arranging dormitories for male and female stars is too childish.

While still waiting for the bus, Nicole Kidman chased after her and said with a smile, "Mr. Bruce, when the crew starts shooting, I hope you can give me more advice. This is my first time as a heroine in a movie. I have a lot of acting experience." The basic thing is that I have never experienced a real female lead filming."

Bruce nodded excitedly, "Actually, I am the same. I hope we can learn from each other and make progress together."

Nicole smiled and nodded, "By the way, how do you plan to spend your salary?"

Bruce said in shock, "Repay the debt??"

This was a bit of an acquaintance. After all, this was the first time we met, but it was both the male and female lead roles in a major movie for the first time, and they had many scenes opposite each other. Bruce still planned to communicate with Nicole more.

If the male and female protagonists of the same movie don't communicate much, it will obviously hinder the filming.

He didn't want to ruin the gamble of risking everything and taking out a loan to pay liquidated damages.

Nicole blinked and laughed, "I didn't expect you still have debts, but I feel that you can try investing your remuneration in the boss's financial group. This is a friendly suggestion."

Bruce was confused, "Financial investment?? I don't understand."

He just graduated from high school and has been working as a handyman for many years. He has been working as a side job for eight years. How can he know anything about high-level financial investment?

He only knows one thing about financial investment, investment, there are profits and losses, and the probability of losing everything when you are new to the industry is more than 90%.

Nicole Kidman smiled even brighter, "The boss is kind-hearted and wants to help us make a fortune together. We don't understand, but he has hundreds or thousands of financial masters under his banner. I heard that several of the boss ladies were married last year. In the Plaza Accord, each made hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Now the proprietresses are still worrying about how to spend so much money... The most simple thing is to buy luxury houses and villas. I heard that Ms. Guan has already bought more than a dozen houses in Peak Road, Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay, and Kowloon Tong. A big villa."

"It also includes large flat floors in dozens of residential complexes."

“Even some commercial office buildings in busy downtown areas.”

"Although I don't understand, I invested more than two hundred thousand dollars, and I'm just waiting to get rich!"

Nicole has not yet participated in a major role in a major movie and has not become popular, but her family is well off. Her father is a university professor and her mother is a publisher. She also started appearing on magazine covers as a model at the age of 14.

Whether it's the wealth she's saved herself or asking her family for tips... she has scraped together more than 200,000 US dollars to join the fortune-making bandwagon. She feels that her future gains may be more than what she will earn after her fame explodes and her salary increases.

Bruce was even more confused. Is this okay? Zhao Donghuai, a great director and currently his boss, is not only a new force in the global film industry, but also a financial expert?

How to make a fortune with several girlfriends, each earning hundreds of millions of dollars?

This is too exaggerated!

After all, he is a poor person now, in debt.

Nicole continued with a smile, "When you first come here, you may not understand how Hong Kong stars make money, but it's okay. You will know when you get familiar with it. In Zhao's, whether stars become popular and how popular...remuneration has never been a controversial point. "

"Even if (Die Hard) makes us famous and participates in the sequel, the salary will still be a small amount of money that doesn't matter. The key is whether we can stand on the road of making real money."

After saying that, Nicole Kidman walked away, leaving Bruce who was even more confused, standing there doubting life. When you are a star or an actor, the salary is not money? ? So what is money?

What is the real way to make big money? ?

He knows that in the current Hong Kong film industry, the name of Eastern Hollywood is getting more and more famous, including in Europe and the United States. It has also received a lot of recognition, but isn't Eastern Hollywood a pursuer of Hollywood?

Why don't you make money from film remuneration? ?


In the Repulse Bay Villa, when Zhou Huimin, whose knees were weak, was once again simmering soup that could clear her heart and relieve her internal heat, Chen Hong suddenly ran into the kitchen and said with a complicated smile, "Sister Min, the financial analyst has found a target. You want to acquire a listed company." , as chairman.”

"Many experts have analyzed and analyzed, and I feel that Chinese real estate is a good choice."

"First of all, even though Huazhi Group's stock price has been depressed for a long time, it still has many high-quality assets in its hands. The current market value of the group is far lower than its true market value."

"Secondly, the Li family and the Feng family, which have been jointly controlling Huazhi, are having internal strife. This is a good opportunity to take ownership."

Chinese Real Estate was founded in the 1920s. The founders, the Li family and the Feng family, have been together with Hemeimei for decades. The two companies combined have an absolute control of more than 50%, and outsiders cannot cause trouble at all.

However, until now, the cooperation between the two families has collapsed, which has given outsiders a huge opportunity.

Zhou Huimin said while making soup, "What's the stock price? What's the market value?"

Chen Hong's expression was still full of amazement, "The stock price is around 14 to 15 yuan, while Huazhi's overall market value is only a few hundred million Hong Kong dollars..."

Amin waved his hand, "That's it, buy it first, and I'll be the chairman of the board of directors. Only with this status can I be worthy of Brother Huai."

"So far, there is no young female boss like me in Hong Kong, right?"

It was only January 1986, and Amin was only 19 years old. He had been deeply developed by Zhao Donghuai for only a year. In the original trajectory, it would not be until after the millennium that Zhang Yushan would become the youngest chairman of a listed company in Hong Kong at the age of 29. .

But now, Amin has made more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars from the appreciation of the Japanese yen. How to spend it? Guan Jiahui's buying and selling style of buying and selling, taking over a bunch of luxury houses and large flats, including commercial office buildings, is already too old-fashioned.

Amin has long since passed the stage of being a rent collector.

She felt that if she wanted to become the principal wife, it would be more appropriate if she held the chairmanship or chairmanship of one or two listed companies.

She doesn't understand the stock market or stocks...but Zhao Donghuai has long told her that in the stock market, cash is king.

If you have more money, you’ll be better off!

A Chinese property owner with a market value of only a few hundred million has a cash flow of more than HK$3 billion without borrowing money. Is it difficult to acquire it?

Chen Hong, "..."

Ah Hong was a little suffocated by the grandeur shown by Sister Min at this moment, and then she felt regretful and collapsed. If I had known... the big boss was so generous, the shares of Hong Kong CLP Group held by several big sisters were all owned by Zhao Donghuai I paid for it.

It's just in their name.

But in the case of the Plaza Accord, he asked Sister Min and others to pledge their shares for loans, and each made two to three billion Hong Kong dollars in a single gamble? ?

This is really a different class!

No matter how latecomers want to overtake others in a corner, or want to steal others and gain a higher position... do you have that much money? Is there any temptation to leave behind being a celebrity and move up to a new class of status?

She asked herself that she was definitely not afraid of losing to Sister Min wearing various fashionable or ancient costumes, wedding dresses, etc. But Sister Min would soon become the chairman of a listed company. With the level of chairman, would Zhao Donghuai feel the same at home?

Even a little girl like Qiu Shuzhen who only knows how to act coquettishly and give massages earns 100 million with tears and blood because she is closer to her!

She felt that she had missed too much. When she first joined the Zhao family, she should not have been ordered by Zhou Huimin to follow Amin. If she had gone to imitate Qiu Shuzhen, she might have become a billionaire.

This is January 11, 1986.

Even if she hasn't reached her 18th birthday yet, she is still 18 years old in theory... Of course, Ahong let go of the plate in Zhao Donghuai, and the second wave of attracting a large amount of citizens' funds to continue speculating on Japanese currency was also entered.

But this is obviously not as good as the first wave of dividends!


A few days later.

January 15.

At the Aimeigao Group, Da Liu was sitting in the office, studying something confidently, when his secretary knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, you asked me to keep an eye on the stock price of Chinese Land. Today, the stock price of China Land has increased from 14 to more than 14%." , it has risen to 16..."

Da Liu was confused, "Who is causing trouble?"

Last year, he wanted to drive his partner Lao Liang out of Aimeigao and take sole control of the company. But when he couldn't drive him out, he took risks and sold Aimeigao's stock and left the market. Aimeigao fell from 4 yuan to the lowest level. 7 cents.

Liu Luanxiong took advantage of the situation again, re-invested in Aimeigao, and drove away Lao Liang.

In this process, he not only became dominant, but also made a lot of money by selling high and buying low. Therefore, Liu Du started his career as a sniper in the Hong Kong stock market.

Nowadays, it doesn’t matter whether Aimeike electric fans can sell well in North America. As long as the stock market plays well, you can make much more money than Aimeike fans, and faster!

Chinese real estate is one of his targets.

Although this company has a market value of only a few hundred million, it represents an established real estate developer. It also controls 10% of the equity of China Entertainment Real Estate in Hong Kong. It can be considered a large shareholder. It has various high-quality real estate and land in its hands, which is huge in itself. wealth.

Among other things, the entertainment store owned by China Entertainment Properties in Hong Kong is located on Queen's Road in Central. The entertainment store itself is only a few floors high and has a total area of ​​580 square meters.

It looks like an ordinary, outdated, outdated building in Central...

But you took over Chinese Real Estate, controlled China Entertainment Real Estate, bought the small entertainment building, demolished it and rebuilt it into a 30 or 40-story commercial building.

That is a commercial center with a market value of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars!

Once this land is built, it will be super profitable!

The Queen's Building Entertainment Shop in Central is just one example among the various real estate properties of China Real Estate including China Entertainment Real Estate in Hong Kong!

If we can take away Chinese real estate from the hands of Li and Feng, what future profits will it represent? ?

Someone is eyeing Huazhi like him? Want to do something big? ?

After being confused, he quickly said, "Go and find out who it is..."


There was no need to inquire. When the market opened in the afternoon, Zhou Huimin announced in a high profile that she would acquire Huazhi at a price of 18 yuan per share. From the initial price of 14 to 15 yuan, she had already arranged for people to acquire more than 10% of the shares.

The war officially started today, and the stock price soared from more than 14 yuan to the 18 yuan she claimed in the afternoon. This is a big show of money.

In the past, the Li and Feng families combined to hold 50% of the shares, which was absolute control, but on average each family held more than 20%. In one afternoon, Amin absorbed 30% of the accumulated stocks from the stock market.

She is already the largest shareholder of Huazhi. If the Li and Feng families are still as close as before, her largest shareholder will also be suppressed.

But this is the time when the two major families of Li and Feng are in turmoil, and they can't wait to stage a full-scale martial arts situation with each other!

When the Huazhi Li family announced on the market the next day that they would acquire Huazhi shares at a price of 19 yuan, they set a premise that they would buy them for 19 yuan... The shares they acquired must exceed 50%. cash.

This means that if you sell your stock to me now for 16 or 17 yuan, I will continue to replenish you with the price difference of 2 to 3 yuan after I receive 51% of the stock.

What if I don’t reach 51% in the end? Sorry, it was only sold for sixteen or seventeen yuan.

There is no need to pay the difference.

Zhou Huimin decisively raised the price to 20 yuan, and there were no messy conditions.

There is nothing more. Shareholders, large and small, can vote with their feet on who to sell their stocks to.

On January 18, in just a few days, Amin already held 53% of Huazhi's shares and officially became the owner of Huazhi. He is the chairman and chairman of the listed company and the 19-year-old Hong Kong's number one female singer.

Watching this, not only Da Liu, the stock market sniper, but also many people from established families and wealthy families looked collapsed.

How can you resist this kind of play? The business that the Li and Feng families had controlled for 60 years just changed hands!

This is not a wolf coming, but a 19-year-old tigress coming down the mountain!

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