Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 155 Is there any more royal method? Is there any law?

after a while.

Zhang Guorong, Ah Fa, Wan Ziliang and Zun Lung all arrived at Zhao Films, including the heroine Adjani.

Also here are 15-year-old Gu Tianle and 13-year-old Cameron Diaz.

There is a juvenile scene in Forrest Gump. It is a story line in which Forrest Gump meets the heroine as a boy and the heroine protects him. Cameron Diaz played the role of Adjani when she was a child. Young Forrest Gump ? He also doesn't know if Goo Jai's current acting skills are up to par.

If it works, go ahead, if it doesn't work, replace it.

This can only be said that Goo Jai, who joined the first batch of students of Asia Opera in June last year and has been studying for 9 months now, will definitely not be like the original track, where he went to jail in a daze and was cheated.

The crowd was almost gathered, and Zhao Donghuai said with a smile, "The script has been sent to you a few days ago. Now that the heroine is here, you will play against her one by one, try out the scenes, and who you choose in the end will depend on your performance."

The remuneration has been negotiated with the director Robert, and the rest is the industrial process. By the way, Zhao Donghuai has the idea of ​​​​shooting for an Oscar for this movie. He has already asked Monica's godfather to find White Gloves to register a North American film company.

On the surface, it will be a North American film company, co-produced with Zhao Films, and Robert is the most orthodox Hollywood director. Most of the actors in the script will be hired from North America, and about half of the behind-the-scenes staff will be recruited from Hollywood.

There is really a good chance of winning the Olympics.

Just like the future Ang Lee's (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), the Chinese actor also won four Oscar trophies for Best Foreign Language Film, Best Art Direction, Best Score, and Best Cinematography.

There are even more nominations, including nominations for Best Picture and Best Director!

Ah Fa, Zhang Guorong and Wan Ziliang have all received the script for three or four days. Even Zun Lung, who just flew to Hong Kong Island yesterday, also received the script yesterday.

One by one, the actors began to play against each other...

Zhao Donghuai just watched with Robert. After more than an hour, after letting a group of actors leave first, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Which one do you think is suitable?"

Robert thought for a moment and tentatively said, "John Long? His performance is the most flavorful. I'm not saying that his acting skills are better than the other three, but that he can give a strong North American flavor."

"Since the protagonist is a Chinese who grew up in North America and participated in the Vietnam War,..."

"The most important thing is whether you can act like a native North American. Zhou and Wan's acting skills are pretty good, but they can't act like a North American!"

"In this regard, even Leslie, who often performs concerts in North America and promotes movies, is still far behind!"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, but there was nothing wrong with him. Zunlong is now 34 years old. He ran to North America when he was 18 without knowing English and has been working there for 16 years.

How do you compare to Zhou Runfa, Wan Ziliang and others who have almost never been to North America? ? It just feels like being beaten down, not because of my acting skills.

Instead, the male protagonist, who is born and raised in North America, feels like he is being beaten and crushed. This feeling, Zhang Guorong is much better than the two of them.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then let's choose Zun Long. If the male protagonist of Forrest Gump can't portray a North American and American character, it will only make this movie a bad movie."

Zunlong's acting skills are not bad. Not to mention his performance in the movie "Year of the Dragon", but the filming of "The Last Emperor" started in August this year.

He also played someone's life in it, his acting skills? ?

Zunlong did not win the North American Oscar for Best Actor for his role in The Last Emperor, and he was not even nominated.

But this is because he is Chinese and is discriminated against!

The Last Emperor won the Oscar trophies for Best Picture and Best Director. If the leading actor's skills are not up to par, how can he win such trophies? ?

It’s okay if the Oscars discriminate against Chinese people, but thanks to The Last Emperor, John Lone was at least nominated for the Golden Globe Best Actor. The Golden Globe Best Actor in North America is not bad.

The current 34-year-old John Lone's acting skills are on par with those of Chow Yun-fat and Wan Ziliang. The gap is really not that big. If Zhang Guorong had not acted with Adjani for a few months and was improved by the actress, he would probably be suppressed by John Lone. of.

Even if a Chinese plays Forrest Gump, it would be very inconsistent. The box office is destined to be impossible to reach the heights of the original film. But this is a film for Oscars. It doesn't matter if the box office is twice as bad as the original film. The box office is only 30% of the original film. Zhao's Pictures There is still money to be made.

The more black people make trouble, the more important they become in Hollywood. Chinese Americans in North America are just too honest... We need to set a precedent for them and test the waters.

Robert nodded, "The male lead will be Zun Long, but of the two young actors, Cameron Diaz is fine, and Gu is a bit weak."

Zhao Donghuai is a little melancholy. If Gu Zai can't do it, who can the handsome young man of his generation look for? ? A child star around ten years old? We can choose from Mainland male stars born in the 1970s. In this case, we can choose Lu Yi, Ren Quan, Yu Hewei, etc.

The question is, Goo Jai has been in formal training at Asia Opera for 9 months and he still can’t do it. Can those little kids do it?

After thinking about it, he said, "We can try to film the adult scenes first, and let Gu join the crew to learn more. After he improves, please Zunlong give him more guidance..."

"I will also look at child actors of appropriate age and replace them if they meet the standards."

John Lone had been living in Hong Kong Island until he was 18 years old, and he had no problem speaking Cantonese. When he went to coach Goo Jai's acting skills, he didn't worry about communication problems.

Robert nodded, "Okay, when will the filming start?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled, "Now that the main creative team has been decided, we can send out various invitations in Hollywood at this stage. If the filming is completed this year and it can be released, I don't have much hope at the box office, but I still want to hit the 1987 Oscars."

"By the way, Robert, do you know anything about financial investment? Do you have similar ideas? If you want, you can give a sum of money to my group for investment..."

Robert is confused, financial investment? How do I understand this? ? ?

You asked me to invest my money and tricked me into spending it? That's not right. Oriental film tycoons like Zhao Donghuai currently have almost 10% of the strength of a single group such as Warner, Universal, Paramount and other major Hollywood companies.

Given the other party's status, he shouldn't be defrauded of his private money as a newly famous director.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and took out a business card, "Don't rush to reply to me. This is a person's business card and contact information. You can call him for consultation."

Robert looked at it and saw Sean Corbett's name and phone number on it, "This is??"

Director Zhao smiled even more kindly, "The Wall Street representative, behind him are big plutocrats like Rockefeller and DuPont. In the past six months, my capital was constantly at odds with Wall Street and I made too much money, so I sent a representative to talk to me. negotiation."

Robert took a long breath and made a new contribution to global warming.

Is this bragging? This must be bragging!

In this world, there are definitely very few people who can compete with Wall Street and steal money. Hollywood... No matter what Hollywood is like as a whole, Robert is just a newly famous director. He is just a tool man in Hollywood.

It only scratches the surface of Hollywood.

Wall Street, Morgan, Rockefeller, DuPont, and Goldman Sachs are the big representatives! Wang Defake? How dare a filmmaker named Zhao go up against those financial behemoths?

Those terrorist plutocrats actually sent people to negotiate with him? ?

If it is true, then giving your private money to Zhao Donghuai is definitely a super fast move!

Zhao Donghuai said again, "When you go to North America and recruit the team, in order to make the filming smooth and reduce conflicts among everyone, anyone who has money and wants to give it to my financial group to invest and make a fortune can report it to me."

If you want to have fun in North America, the fastest way is to spend money, but if you directly increase your salary by paying wages, you will only be regarded as a fool and a fat sheep by the Hollywood practitioners there.

This way of opening a small door and letting them use all their family assets and wives to enter the financial battlefield to make a fortune is much more advanced than offering a high salary, because this is what the other party is begging you to invest in.

No matter how many behind-the-scenes and front-stage actors Robert recruits for (Forrest Gump), as long as he understands the huge profits of speculating on Japanese currency and foreign exchange...Hollywood will quickly have a group of spiritual shareholders who are devoted to Zhao.

Robert's eyes widened and he was a little speechless, but he also grabbed Sean Corbett's business card and held it tightly.


After some time.

After seeing Robert off, Zhao Donghuai was just about to relax when he saw Zhou Huimin knocking on the door and walking in, "Brother Huai, my Huazhi has completely demolished four leading theaters with the help of China Construction Group and started planning to build a building. "

"When will Wanjia's project be launched?"

In February, Amin completed a new project for Huazhi, and the market value increased sharply. This was already in late March.

In addition to the massive expansion of Chinese real estate and various poaching efforts by Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui and others, various construction groups in the mainland have also begun to come to help. The mainland... is currently in the early days when Pengcheng's speed is famous all over the world.

With the help of those teams and spending some money to hire a group of experts and construction teams, four 30-storey commercial buildings in the core business district of Yau Tsim Mong will be completed next year.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Don't worry, I have been buying suitable land and buildings for more than a month, and I have only bought less than 100 properties over there. I have to wait for a month or two, and by this summer, I will get all 200 land or buildings. What's more?" Construction plan.”

Amin walked up behind him, touched Zhao Donghuai's back with two elastic sincerity, and said, "Why are you so perverted when I drink fire-reducing soup for you every day... I've made two little goblins cheaper, and I'm getting thinner day by day." ”

She was not here to report on the development status of Huazhi. This was to test whether Microsoft's major shareholder was dazzled by two little maids.


Three hours later, it was already after lunch time.

Zhao Donghuai sat behind his desk, thought for a while, and started another simulation. He simulated whether there would be fluctuations in the foreign exchange market war today when he got up.

This simulation was to see if investing in Microsoft and Oracle would cause a stir.

[In March 1986, you invested in Microsoft and Oracle, becoming one of the major shareholders respectively. This attracted the attention of Morgan, DuPont, Rockefeller and other consortiums that had been fighting with you for half a year, and began to recruit large teams to conduct in-depth research on Microsoft and Oracle. 】

[They want to understand why you invested in these two companies. 】

[In May 1986, the big players exited one after another and quickly raised Microsoft's stock price from US$30 per share to more than US$50 per share, and Oracle's stock price from US$20 per share to more than US$50 per share. Bill Gates and Ellison and others were at a loss, surprised, happy, and uneasy...]

[In June 1986, your war with Morgan, DuPont and other consortiums caused the stock prices of Microsoft and Oracle to soar to more than $70 per share, and Bill Gates, Ellison and others cashed out and became rich. 】

[In September 1986, you sold your stocks and made huge profits of two or three times your principal. Microsoft, Ellison, etc. were taken over by Morgan, DuPont and others. Bill Gates and Ellison were driven out of the group, and the core creation The team was all left behind, and the large group vigorously pushed the two companies forward. 】

[In December 1986, you joined forces with Bill Guy, Ellison and others to create a new company, join the competition, and recruit a new team...]

[In February 1987, the newly minted billionaire Ellison died accidentally after being hit by a dump truck. Bill Gai gave up cooperating with you, rejoined Microsoft as CEO, and controlled 15% of the shares. He was still one of the major shareholders. 】

[In March 1987, when Microsoft and Oracle were booming, you received letters of thanks mailed to Hong Kong from consortiums such as Morgan and DuPont. It was not your fate. They really did not discover the two super unicorn groups in time. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Never stomach cancer."

"B: Never have a heart attack."

"C: A fisherman will never fly in the air force."

After Zhao Donghuai finished reading, he was so big. Damn it. Mr. Ellison, who was only promoted to the wealthy class in his 40s, is now a dumpster? ?

Look at Bill Guy, isn't he fine?

He just wants to take advantage of the favorable conditions and dividends of the times and become one of the major shareholders of Microsoft and Oracle. He does not want to interfere blindly in power, but just waits for the development of the times to make a profit, buying low and selling high.

Because he has been fighting with Wall Street capital for so long without losing, and still making some profits. Which companies he invests in will be studied in depth by a large team recruited there?

This is too dark! Is there any Wangfa? Is there any law?

These assholes will even send him thank you notes next year.

Even Zhao Donghuai did not lose money in this simulation, and even made twice the profit of his principal. For example, he invested 15% of Microsoft in the early days and invested more than 100 million US dollars. If in the subsequent war, Bill Gai took advantage of the cash-out Rich, and pursued more shares.

So after this fight, the capital will be doubled, and at least three to four billion US dollars will be earned? ?

It doesn't seem like a loss.

But compared with the prospects of Microsoft, where Bill Gates holds 15% of the shares as CEO, Morgan, Rockefeller, DuPont, etc. have become the absolute majority shareholders, and the core team has not left, he still suffered a huge loss.

What’s $70 per share? That's not right. It was only the mid-1980s, and a share of $70 was already a huge profit. After all, Microsoft and Oracle only entered their big take-off period in the 1990s.

The real losers were Bill Gates and Ellison.

The real profit is from the terror capital.

Don’t think that even in the 2020s, Microsoft’s share price was more than 200 US dollars, and Zhao Donghuai’s current exit price of 70 US dollars does not seem to be a big gap? ?

No, the real gap is too big, because the stock market has a trick called stock splits!

What is a spin-off? That is the company's decision to change one share into two shares, which is equivalent to the Microsoft Group's shares suddenly changing from 25 million shares to 50 million shares. Then the stock price will suddenly drop from 70 US dollars to 35 US dollars, and then grow again.

Split again, 50 million shares become 100 million shares, 200 million shares, 400 million shares...

Zhou Huimin, the Chinese real estate company bought by Amin, originally had a stock price of 15 yuan per share. At that time, the apparent market value was still HK$6.7 billion. It has now grown to a total market value of more than HK$4 billion. In fact, it has been split twice.

After the spin-off, the number of shares in circulation in the Chinese Real Estate stock market increased several times, and the stock price fell back a lot.

From the time Microsoft went public this year until the 2020s, it was split up a total of 9 times! Six times it was a 2-for-1 split, turning 25 million shares into 1.6 billion shares!

There are three more times.

If you calculate it this way, you will know how much profit it contains.

If it were not split even once, its current stock price of 25 million shares in the 2020s would have been US$8,000 or 9,000 per share.

From now more than 20 US dollars per share, Zhao Donghuai simulator left the market at 70 yuan per share, and at the peak period without splitting, it would be equivalent to 8,000 to 9,000 US dollars per share. How many times the profit is this? ?

Microsoft Group has been split up many times, and Oracle Group has been the same!

Otherwise, how could Bill Gates and Ellison easily become the richest man or among the top few?

As for why he sold and cashed out in the simulator? ? This is clear from the fact that after Bill Gai and Ellison were kicked out of the group in the simulator, he joined forces with each other to rebuild a new company.

It is a pity that large financial groups such as Morgan, Rockefeller, and DuPont do not want Face and directly launch a dump truck offensive!

In an outsider's territory like North America, it's easy for Director Zhao to have difficulty playing the game. Even if he plays the game well, he will end up with the black palace getting sidetracked.

Of the three reward options, C was a bit weird, so Zhao Donghuai quickly chose A.

What should we do now? After thinking about it, Director Zhao still felt that this was the case for the time being, and he continued to hold shares. Even if the big capital on Wall Street went down in the future and raised the stock price, he just had to hold the stock in his hand and not sell it easily.

Starting anew will cause Ellison to encounter a dump truck.

As for small long-term holdings and not selling, will Morgan, Rockefeller, DuPont, etc. lead Bill Gates, Ellison and the core team to start a new business? Is Microsoft ruined and made too soft?

You think his simulator is fake.

He is so handsome because he can see the opportunity first.

He has worked hard to learn financial, foreign exchange and stock market knowledge on his own for so long, but he is still a novice and layman. He can get the upper hand in the battle with Wall Street and others only because of good luck.



Zhao Donghuai was at work when there was a knock on the door. Then the formal secretary opened the door and Chen Hong walked in.

After the door closed, Ah Hong found that Zhao Sheng was the only one in the big office. Azhen and Zhang Min were not there either. There were only serious working secretaries. Ah Hong immediately walked to the desk excitedly and said, "Boss, Sister Min and the others are not here..." "

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Sister Min, you are resting in the room."

Ah Hong immediately retreated to the other side of the desk angrily and acted cute again, "Boss, if you have anything to do, just ask, I will definitely handle it properly."

Director Zhao rubbed his eyebrows and said, "The assets you invested in the foreign exchange market, based on your initial strength, could only collect 20 million Hong Kong dollars, but you ended up raising 100 million Hong Kong dollars..."

Chen Hong hurriedly explained, "Boss, I reported to Sister Zhen and Sister Min that those are my hometown..."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "No need to explain whose money it is, I just want to tell you that if you folks still want to get rich, you can continue to throw money in!"

What has Chen Hong played so far? The sister of the male protagonist in Prison 1, and Wang Zuxian's sister in A Chinese Ghost Story 2, (running for Modern Diao Chan) have performed on the track several times, and debuted in a wedding dress during the fairy tale MV live broadcast.

These are just these important roles or programs. The rest are all the guest appearances of the beautiful saleswoman in John Wick and the guest appearance of the stewardess in Hurricane 2.

I made money by carrying goods, and after saving for a year or two, I could earn more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

In other aspects of making money, since the shooting at the Nikko Hotel, many people have come out of their seats to beg her to receive checks worth millions of Hong Kong dollars.

However, for the foreign exchange speculation that started on January 1st, she could only raise 20 million Hong Kong dollars, which was the limit, but she managed to throw out 100 million Hong Kong dollars. Where did the rest of the money come from?

Of course, someone in her name handed over the funds for foreign exchange speculation, and a group of official enterprises in Gansu Province in the mainland collected them together.

This is not just a situation for Chen Hong. Many transport drivers of Zhao Logistics can scrape together tens of thousands or 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to get on the bus. This is the capital they can afford after joining Zhao Logistics with high wages and high salaries.

Zhao's Logistics was opened in August 1984, and it has been more than a year and a half now. It saves money with a high salary, invests in foreign exchange speculation, and can come up with 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. It is really an outstanding category, but the second round started on January 1 When speculating in foreign exchange, many truck drivers invest hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Where does the money come from? ? No need to ask.

On the contrary, many employees of the Pan Asia Group and the bodyguard group still receive normal salary levels and no extra money.

"I know that you and Gong Li are helping the fellow villagers. This kind of thing is of course allowed. I have brought a large number of people in Hong Kong to make a fortune. It is a privilege to help your parents in the mainland to make a fortune."

"I'm just telling you that if you want to raise funds, you can continue to raise money."

Morgan, Rockefeller, DuPont, etc. did not respect martial ethics and cheated him on Microsoft and Oracle stocks, so Director Zhao naturally opened "higher quotas in the foreign exchange market."

There is no need for those Ah Hong’s parents to wait in line together with the citizens of Hong Kong as usual when they want to pursue capital.

Chen Hong's eyes lit up and he said, "Boss, I wanted to report to you face to face when I took the money. Even though I couldn't see you, I did report it to Sister Zhen and the others. It should be that they didn't help. I said."

"How about you leave me a phone number where I can contact you in time?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Ah Hong, please stop making trouble, I'm almost turning into a scumbag..."

"By the way, I'm here to write a script for you. You've been studying for two years. You can try to be a real heroine for once!"

Chen Hong looked around in surprise, ran to make a cup of tea and handed it over, "The tea is a bit hot, I'll help you blow it, boss."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless again and talked about a new project. The one he planned to bring out was (My Sassy Girl). If Chen Hong plays the heroine, it should be a hit in Asia.

As for the male protagonist? ? Find Ye Tong to play the male lead.

If Ye Tong plays the male lead, he can put up a fake Adam's apple prop that can look real. For example, asking an eighth-level worker from the Mainland to make this prop, and then finding a male to dub it, all problems can be easily solved. Lin Qingxia later played the role of Oriental Invincible, and in the early days There is also no shortage of male dubbing.

My Sassy Girl is one of the representative works of feminist thought in the original Confucian cultural circles across Asia. However, no matter how it is promoted in movies and TV, the real situation is...

Until the 2020s, the situation of women in South Korea and island countries was still very different.

In the Mainland, I can only say that the public opinion is relatively...you can even squint your eyes and look like a high-end person.

In South Korea, no matter how the movies expose the arrogance and lawlessness of the chaebol conglomerates, in reality they still do whatever they want and never care, it is just a matter of control.

Without the nod from those consortiums, many film and television projects would not have been approved at all.

Zhao Donghuai took out a script and asked Ah Hong to read it by himself.

She came to Hong Kong to study in April 1984, and it was already the end of March 1986.

Gong Li became famous with "Prison Story", "Police Story" and the variant version of "Stairway to Heaven" directed by Wang Jing. It's now Ah Hong's turn to take the lead.

After getting the script and not rushing to read it, Chen Hong thought for a few seconds and asked curiously, "Boss, you asked me to send a message to my fellow villagers to collect money to make a fortune. Can I continue to pursue capital?"

She only ended when the 200 yen exchanged for one U.S. dollar on January 1. Currently, the Japanese yen has appreciated by 9%. 9% in three months is already considered slow. It is the result of the island country's official suppression, because throughout 1986 , the Japanese yen rose to a maximum of 152 yen per US dollar.

According to the final figure of 120 yen per dollar, it was equivalent to a 40% appreciation in one year in 1986, 40% in a year, and an average of 10% in three months.

This means that Ah Hong has also made a lot. She has made a gross profit of 36 million Hong Kong dollars with a principal of 20 million Hong Kong dollars and 20 times leverage.

The 80 million Hong Kong dollars raised by her mainland family members, which she held on behalf of her, also made a gross profit of more than 140 million!

Gong Li's situation is similar, and there are other similar examples. Zhao Donghuai's circle of friends in the mainland is naturally much larger.

China State Construction Engineering Corporation came to help Chinese people develop real estate and build buildings. They didn’t want any salary at first, they just wanted to take care of the food. It’s easy to understand!

Of course, Zhao Donghuai still asked Zhou Huimin to pay the salary at the market price.

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "How do you plan to raise the money?"

Ah Hong’s new income is not much in the past three months.

Chen Hong said in surprise, "I think we can try borrowing money. We should be able to get some money together. Boss, you are so tired. Since Sister Zhen and the others are not here, can I give you a massage?"

Just as she was talking, Zhou Huimin walked out of the small suite, and Chen Hong changed her face angrily and ran to greet the eldest sister, even though she wanted to steal the house more than once and wanted to make Sister Min less overworked.

This opportunity is always rare.

At about the same time, Chen Musheng and Mei Xiaoqing arrived, as well as Ye Tong, the male lead.

Xiao Chen and Amei directed (My Sassy Girl), so there’s not much of a problem.

Last year, Xiao Chen approached Hua Zai to film "Heavenly Love", and Beyond composed the entire soundtrack, which was considered a success.

It was released in Zhao's Cinemas in late February and is still showing on some screens a month after its release. After all, with the six-screen model, movies on Hong Kong Island can be released continuously for one or two months.

With 26 theaters and 156 screens in Hong Kong, there is no need to quickly shift gears to make room for new films.

The original version of "The Love of Heaven" only grossed over 12 million when it was released in 1990. However, Hua Zai's popularity in this world is far beyond what it could have been in his original trajectory, and "The Love of Heaven" also hit the box office threshold of 20 million.

Xiao Yingying, who stole Wu Qianlian's opportunity, became popular again, Ye Tong? He made his debut early, is very capable, and is very talented. His first movie in 1982 won him the Academy Award for Best Newcomer.

Putting aside the other two minor roles, such as The Five Lucky Stars, the second movie in which she became the heroine in the second year after joining the industry, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress.

Even though the early Academy Awards were relatively unremarkable, it wasn't that difficult for her to play the male lead in My Sassy Girl.


Time has entered April.

Zhao's three major projects (Cat and Mouse), (Juno), and (Forrest Gump) have all set off for filming in North America.

Zhao Donghuai also met Sean Corbett again at Zhao's Financial Building. This visitor was the movie rights to the live-action version of King Kong, and he won it.

Within 20 years, that is, until 2006, he has the copyright to shoot. After this period, it is gone. Similarly, Hasbro can also shoot their own version.

Director Zhao laughed and shook hands with Sean, "It's a pleasure to work with you. Look, I didn't confiscate any of the big money sent by Li Chaoren and Wang Dehui."

Sean had a lot of things to say in his heart, but he still restrained himself with a bright smile on his face and said all kinds of nice things. Is this considered a happy collaboration? Barely, Sean knew that since Zhao Donghuai invested in two emerging companies in North America, Microsoft and Oracle.

All major financial groups are very interested in this, and countless elite think tanks have been recruited to study Microsoft's two new companies.

The guy surnamed Zhao is so good at grabbing money in the foreign exchange market, why did he choose Microsoft and Oracle? It deserves vigorous research.

If these two companies are worthy of long-term investment and holding, then large financial groups such as Morgan and Rockefeller will also grab meat and eat meat in North America?

That was the territory of the major consortiums, so Zhao Donghuai ran away if he was absolutely confident.

Therefore, Sean is in a good mood at the moment.

After a pleasant exchange, Zhao Donghuai saw Sean off and soon met fellow villagers from the New Territories, such as Kam Tin Tang, Sheung Shui Hou, Sheung Shui Liu, Fanling Peng, San Tin Man, etc. .

Morgan, Rockefeller and other consortiums dared to mess with his Microsoft and Oracle. He could only continue to liberalize investment authority in the foreign exchange war and bring more fellow villagers to get rich together.

After some warm and polite greetings with a group of New Territories big guys, the next step was to have sex. The other party gave money, while Zhao Donghuai transferred the money to an investment company and continued to speculate in Japanese yen.

He has definitely kept his promise. According to the other party's request, he will not give the wealthy people such as Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui, Li Zhaoji, Guo Bingxiang, etc. a chance to enter. But the natal families of Chen Hong and Gong Li from the mainland and this group of folks from the New Territories are not Monopoly money.

Someone is messing with his Microsoft and Oracle. What heartbreaking news...

Wait, Bill Gai? ? Forget it, Brother Gai's background is not weak. Otherwise, why would he return to Microsoft as CEO and hold 15% of the shares after starting a new business? ?

However, the major consortiums ended early, and with Zhao's funds, Brother Gai can still live a superior life. If he wants to be the world's richest man for more than ten years in the future, there will definitely be no chance.

At this stage, his family environment is far superior to Ellison's, so how can he compete with behemoths such as Rockefeller, Morgan, DuPont, and Goldman Sachs? ? Those guys must hold much more stock equity than Brother Gai.

Zhao Donghuai only simulated for three years, and only saw the next three years. When Microsoft becomes more and more inferior in the future, it is estimated that it will be more difficult for Brother Gai to keep 15% of the equity, and he will be driven out as a shareholder by several major Wall Street consortiums step by step. As for his identity, he is just a professional worker.

Oracle's Ellison? This can only be said to be such a pity!

If you are not careful, it will be a dump truck warning.

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