Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 156 The enthusiastic citizens of North America

April 2, 1986, North America, Hollywood.

In a large office, Robert looked at the many current creative staff, including art directors, assistant directors and other behind-the-scenes staff.

I quickly started reading the script (Forrest Gump) with a smile. Forrest Gump starred in the team, with Zun Long as the male lead, Isabelle Adjani as the female lead, and Bruce Willis as the second male lead.

Bruce joined Zhao in early January to prepare for the filming of "Die Hard". The filming was completed at the end of March and he began to do various post-production. So when Forrest Gump needed to cast more white supporting roles in North America, Bruce went directly and seamlessly. Group.

For the role of Forrest Gump's mother, it cost 300,000 dollars to hire a supporting actress from Hollywood, Jennifer Taylor.

As an important supporting role, Forrest Gump's comrade who lived and died with him in the Vietnam War was later killed in action. Forrest Gump always named his company "Bubba" after him when he started his business. He chose a black actor, Barthel Nelson.

The acting is good and the salary is cheap, 30,000 dollars.

This black man was obviously super excited. It was only 1986, and it was a rare opportunity for a black man to play an important role in a big production with a very positive image.

As for Cougars and Cameron Diaz? They followed Zunlong and Adjani respectively.

After a seemingly pleasant exchange meeting ended, when Robert grabbed the script and walked to the hotel room, the assistant director and producer chased after him.

Producer Steve patted Robert lightly and said with a smile, "Mr. Zemeckis, I never thought that after Back to the Future, you would direct a movie about Hong Kong Islanders with a budget of 20 million U.S. dollars. Not bad." Project."

This producer was also recruited in Hollywood according to standard procedures, including assistant director Aaron, all of which were normal procedures.

Robert said a few polite words and talked while walking. After the initial polite period, Aaron smiled and said, "Director, the original budget was 20 million US dollars, but I think this movie has so many big scenes, including going to Vietnam, and the male The protagonist is received by the commander-in-chief and so on."

"I'm afraid 20 million U.S. dollars is not enough? Maybe we will continue to pursue capital in the later stage? 30 million U.S. dollars feels about the same."

This is no longer just chatting, but testing!

Just like the first time Zhao Donghuai directed New World in Hong Kong Island, on the first day of filming, a lot of behind-the-scenes staff were thinking about how to make money from the crew and make a fortune to make extra money.

If they test it out and Robert agrees, then they can make a fortune together. The budget of 20 million US dollars is not enough? Want 30 million?

If Robert really wants to nod, then it is not impossible to continue to pursue capital with a total budget of 40 million U.S. dollars, or a total budget of 50 million U.S. dollars.

Similar to the movie (Black Gold), Zhou Chaoxian's eldest brother is doing a project to make Yuanzi Soup. The budget for the first phase of the project is several hundred million. Half of the construction is not enough. There is no money. Ask the official for additional funding. Half of the construction is already completed. You can't just stop like this. Come on? That's a big waste.

It’s okay for Hong Kong Island filmmakers to film in Hong Kong Island. How dare they come to Hollywood to employ a large number of Hollywood filmmakers? Just looking for death.

But at this, Robert frowned suddenly, "No, Aaron, and Mr. Steve, I plan to make every effort to make (Forrest Gump) into a high-quality movie. With a budget of 20 million US dollars, I hope every penny Money is spent wisely.”

"I even hope to complete the film and make a profit when it is finished, so that I can give Mr. Zhao in Hong Kong a beautiful answer."

Aaron and Steve were confused together, looking at each other in disbelief.

Even if, Robert, you are a relatively disciplined director, you can't stop them from making a fortune. That is making a fortune. In the past, when faced with several major Hollywood film projects, they didn't dare to do whatever they wanted.

After all, whoever is big in Hollywood can dominate the current scene. Do you think they are all decent people and set examples as gentlemen? ?

Universal, Warner, Columbia and other groups forced the Supreme Court of North America to sell theater chains because of their monopoly!

What do you think a monopoly is? ? Sofa girls have clear rules, so why talk about all kinds of unspoken rules?

Robert and the two of them looked at each other for a few times, then took a sharp breath and explained in a low voice, "I can give you an explanation. If you want to make a fortune, you can give the money to Mr. Zhao and ask him to help you run financial investment projects. ."

"In a movie project, no."

Steve's expression suddenly turned funny, "Hand over your own money and give it to Director Zhao from Hong Kong to run financial investments? What international joke are you kidding? I don't even believe in financial companies in North America, will I trust him?" "

Robert shrugged, "I handed over 2 million US dollars to Mr. Zhao at the end of March. Now I'm just waiting to make a fortune. The salary from a movie and the money obtained through various black methods are far less than the money from financial investment." Big profits.”

"Don't say I didn't tell you. Although Mr. Zhao is from Hong Kong, he has many acquaintances with our North American mafia. How do you think he got hold of the AMC theater chain?"

"Now the famous new boss of Marvel, Monica Bellucci, is already one of the major shareholders of AMC Cinemas."

Steve's smile became even funnier, "Is the Mafia great? Well, the Mafia is indeed a bit scary, but are you drunk? You gave Zhao $2 million to play finance? Are you crazy? ??”

Aaron didn't speak, but he had the same expression and mentality as Steve.

Robert took out a cigar and lit it, "I regret that I met Zhao. It was too late. You don't know that Bruce Willis paid his own liquidated damages and jumped to the Hong Kong film industry. Mr. Zhao gave him his first movie. The salary is $200,000."

Aaron sneered, "Bruce is indeed crazy. Is he as brain-dead as you? He has been playing a supporting role for eight years and finally became famous with one movie (Blue Moonlight Detective Agency). He is not in a hurry to continue making sequels." , to increase one’s fame and popularity.”

"Going to the Hong Kong film industry? What the hell kind of operation is this?"

Robert explained again, "He received 30% of the film's salary at the beginning of the filming, which was US$60,000. He entered the foreign exchange market at the beginning of January with 50 times leverage. After three months, he had already earned US$240,000."

"So when his first movie in Hong Kong was completed and he received a subsequent salary of US$140,000, he did not hesitate to invest in the financial field. Unfortunately, the subsequent money could only be calculated based on 20 times leverage."

"In three months, I made a profit of 240,000 US dollars on a principal of US$60,000. What a crazy record!"

Three months, 400% profit? ?

Now Robert is really passionate and enthusiastic about making the movie (Forrest Gump). Once the movie is made, the better it is, the more he can earn from his $2 million principal.

He doesn't expect to make 400% profit. Even if it is 1200%, this is still much better than making huge profits from various movie projects.

What's more, you made money from movies. Zhao Donghuai is also a senior movie tycoon and can easily see through all kinds of tricks and tactics. You made money... Did you get the money? Is the dump truck coming? ?

One is to make money but not to spend it, and the other is to make a fortune easily, pick up legal money cleanly and clearly, and know how to choose with your butt.

He must make the crew of (Forrest Gump) run smoothly. Even if Louis Koo's acting skills are terrible, he doesn't know much English, and communication is troublesome, Robert still plans to fight this tough battle.

The better the battle, the more opportunities he will have to invest more, and even ask for financial leverage of more than 20 times.

This is the endorsement of Wall Street, a strong man from the East who can fight with Wall Street and never lose. He... He doesn't even accept the CEOs of Warner and Universal, but now he accepts Zhao Donghuai, a ruthless man.

Steve and Aaron looked at each other again.

A few seconds later, Steve spoke one after another, "No way, how could this be possible? You must be lying to us!"

Robert glanced at the two of them with disgust, "In addition to the fact that AMC theaters do not share the box office of Hong Kong movies, there is another thing that you can also investigate on your own. Hasbro has acquired the rights to the live-action version of Transformers. , and also sold part of Hong Kong Island. How deep the water is here is up to you to think about."

"If you want to seek death on your own in the future, don't blame me for giving you a ride."

After saying that, he left!

Steve and Aaron, “…”

They couldn't understand it, but it didn't stop the two white people from being shocked! Yes, if North American cinema operators dare not steal the box office, conceal data and delay the division of accounts for a Hong Kong movie, this would be a huge matter.

It means the water is very deep here!

A group like Hasbro would actually sell the live-action rights to a big project like Transformers? ? The water is deeper.

If it can be found out, what does it mean?


About the same time.

Zunlong, Adjani, Gu Tianle, Diaz and others were walking and chatting with Jennifer Taylor and Battle Nelson.

While chatting and everyone gathered for dinner, Diaz received a call... When she reported her address, a middle-aged man and woman soon ran over.

These are Diaz's parents. After a simple and polite greeting, Cameron's father Emilo Diaz looked to the left and right, "Is it convenient to talk here?"

Diaz nodded, and Emilo took out the check directly, "Our family has collected one million US dollars. You should get on the road to wealth as soon as possible. This kind of opportunity only comes once or twice in a lifetime. You must look for it." Join the financial foreign exchange market.”

Cameron Diaz exclaimed, "$1 million? Where did you get it?"

Emilo looked excited, "Get a mortgage, borrow money from various friends, and borrow money from places other than banks. Anyway, you don't have to worry about how we will repay the loan. You can just bet on whether you live or die!"

After he handed the check to Cameron Diaz, he patted his daughter on the shoulder again and said, "Leave it to you. Your mother and I won't disturb your work."

"We will live in Los Angeles these days. When you have some free time after filming, come find us."

After the couple left, Cameron Diaz grabbed the check and couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't expect her parents to bet so big.

Her family background is average for all living beings in North America. Her family lives in a small town dozens of kilometers away from Los Angeles. Her father is an ordinary foreman and her mother worked in an import and export trading company and is now a small broker. He is also considered a fringe person in the entertainment industry.

However, when she joined Asia Opera in June 1985, she received a monthly salary of HK$2,000 and didn't have much to spend on. She just saved the New Year's money she had saved since she was a child, plus half a year's salary.

I invested 15,000 Hong Kong dollars into the financial investment field in early January. In 3 months, the Japanese yen has appreciated by 9%? With 20 times leverage, I have now earned HK$27,000.

As for the salary for Home Alone, Zhao Donghuai gave her 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to a salary of more than 5,000 US dollars.

But Home Alone started shooting at the end of January. Even if the 50,000 Hong Kong dollars were sent to her directly, without talking about 30% of the filming, and the remaining payment after the filming was completed, it could only be regarded as a 6% appreciation so far. After all, she entered the market a month late. , this amount is calculated as a profit of 60,000 Hong Kong dollars.

In summary, with a principal of HK$65,000, I made a total of HK$87,000 in two to three months.

It was because she had communicated these things with her parents many times on the phone that her father Emilo was so excited to bet so big!

In addition to mortgaging various industrial properties for loans, are you also borrowing from relatives and friends, and continuing to borrow from channels other than banks? Borrow from where? ?

In Cameron's Dizzy, actress Jennifer Taylor, who played the mother of Gu Tianle and Zun Long, looked surprised, "What happened? What are you talking about investment? Borrowing a loan to invest? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

Black actor Barthel Nelson also looked shocked. As we all know, most black people in North America generally have very little savings and pay attention to carpe diem. Whether they are in the sports or entertainment circles, a star will often bring out a group of brothers from the slums.

After being confused, Battelle exclaimed, "In addition to mortgage loans on various properties, are there other loans?? Isn't it a usury?"

"Cameron, your parents???"

crazy? ?

There are countless loan sharking syndicates in Hong Kong that suck the blood of citizens, and there are quite a few in North America as well. Do you think the mafia all over North America doesn’t engage in loan sharking? There are many legal casinos but no one lends money?

Before Cameron said anything, Adjani smiled and said, "As long as you have the opportunity to get on the bus, it is worthwhile to borrow an ordinary loan shark that is not a scam. Our Forrest Gump crew, the biggest boss, Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong Island, 1 At the beginning of the month, I took 1 million US dollars and gave it to his financial group for investment."

"I have earned 1.8 million US dollars so far, and I have earned 1.8 million US dollars in three months. Ordinary loan sharks should not have such high interest rates."

Jennifer and Barter were shocked and said they couldn't understand. 180% profit in three months? Is this really a bank robbery?

Most Hollywood stars have relatively low academic qualifications. How do they manage their finances after making money? There are countless financial investors and stock analysts here who like to defraud celebrities out of their money, and there are many professional fraud teams.

But even if the scammer group has set its sights on the big stars' huge capital from the beginning, the most they dare to tell you is 10% or 20% profit a month? ? I'm afraid you won't believe me if I say too much? ?

Bruce Willis scratched his head excitedly, "Hey, thanks to the boss's consideration, he gave me an opportunity to use 50 times leverage. I made a direct profit of 240,000 US dollars from my 60,000 US dollars."

"It's a pity that I won't have the opportunity to use 50 times leverage for the later remuneration, otherwise I would have become a millionaire by now."

"Guys, the special effects post-production of Die Hard, which I am starring in, will take time, but it should be released this summer. I'll invite you to watch the show then..."

Jennifer and Barter looked at each other again, and both of them couldn't help but wonder if they had joined a gang of scammers who were uniting to deceive them.

It shouldn’t be, the heroine is Isabelle Adjani.

A big shot who had been nominated for Hollywood Best Actress and won the Cannes Best Actress trophy. Later, Adjani first accepted a movie in Hollywood with a salary of 3 million US dollars and signed a contract. Jon received a few percent of his salary.

It was an exaggerated and big event that Adjani didn’t want to film anymore, quit the team, and would rather pay liquidated damages than film the film.

Bruce Willis is also a newly famous TV star. He has a bigger reputation than Jennifer Taylor because he is a male star.

Will such big guys join forces to deceive them?

No lie, that financial investment with 180% profit in three months? Fuck, Wall Street tycoons wouldn’t dare to praise Haikou like that, unless they are following the country’s will to grab money from the wind.

After a while of silence, listening to Adjani, Bruce, including Goo Jai and Cameron Diaz talking about this heated topic, Jennifer Taylor finally tried, "Ajani Ni, do you think I have the opportunity to make this kind of investment? It feels like the profit is too high..."

After listening for so long, it really gives people the feeling that once they miss this opportunity to grab money, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Adjani smiled brightly and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult."

The opportunity is here. Whether you can get on the bus depends on your performance! As for how to behave? We are all adults, do we still need to speak clearly?

Sometimes, if you make it easy for something, outsiders won't appreciate it.

On the contrary, the more you whet the other person's appetite and make the other person think that it is an opportunity that they have worked hard to win, the more they will cherish it and be more grateful.

Making money and getting rich should be something that should be begged "brother, please take care of me".


The (Forrest Gump) crew, which had just been formed and each had their own ideas, suddenly integrated rapidly starting from the 2nd and entered a period of super-efficient and rapid development.

Those who know know why.

For example, producer Steve and assistant director Aaron learned from their sources that AMC really didn't dare to cheat Hong Kong's Zhao's Pictures on the box office share of blockbuster movies like "The End of the World". Don’t dare, Hasbro did sell some of the live-action movie rights (Transformers)!

I don’t know if I thought some magical but unscientific miracle was happening here. The entire crew, from the producers to the on-set chores, began to work hard to perform, and the same goes for the actors.

Every day during their spare time during filming, there are scenes where a group of people are collecting money, begging to get on the bus...begging for a guide to guide them towards a new direction in life.

Goo Jai, who doesn't speak English very well, has experienced actors, actors, and behind-the-scenes staff caring for him, guiding him, and helping him integrate into the crew.

Not to mention the treatment of people like Adjani and Cameron Diaz.

The news is spreading secretly or not so secretly, April 5th.

Zhao Donghuai was working in the Financial Building when he heard Azhen report that Ross from Warner had arrived. When he nodded, Ross came in and bowed deeply with red eyes, "Zhao, we at Warner can take some of your movies that were shot in North America." I will give you my full support.”

"Anything you can do for free is fine."

"In terms of Japanese yen and foreign exchange? I wonder if there is a chance to take us there??"

Zhao Donghuai laughed and asked Zhang Min to bring him a cup of coffee before regretting, "I should say sorry in this regard. It's not that I don't want to take Warner with me, but I promised Wall Street not to bring rich people's money into the venue."

"The situation at this stage is that I don't know how many wealthy people in Hong Kong want to show me goodwill and take them with me once, but..."

Do you think it would be okay for Hong Kong's richest people not to send money to them, but to simply buy and appreciate in the foreign exchange market in the long term? Of course, it's entirely their freedom.

But not everyone can withstand the attacks of American, British, German and French capital.

If Zhao Donghuai didn't have a simulator and could simulate and predict in advance once or twice a day, he would have been liquidated N times a long time ago. Those capitals can control the long-term daily and annual appreciation.

But who do you want to snipe? Joining forces, and the capital of the island countries, including the officials, want to suppress the extent and intensity of the appreciation of the Japanese yen... So in just a few days, how many days did the Japanese yen suddenly plummet amid the great appreciation?

The big bookmakers behind the scenes casually discussed and made an appointment, and they could operate it with their hands.

Let’s give an example. Last time Wang Dehui wanted to send 500 million Hong Kong dollars to make money. After being rejected, he also bought 100 million Hong Kong dollars in appreciation with 20 times leverage.

Within 48 hours, it was suppressed by all kinds of capital, the position was liquidated, and 100 million disappeared.

During that time, it wasn't just a wealthy Hong Kong man who tried to buy stocks that appreciated in value.

But more than 80% of those like Wang Dehui were cut off with a wave of leeks!

In fact, the short-term trading of various capitals caused the Japanese yen to suddenly fall. They were not targeting the 100 million or tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars capital of Wang Dehui and others. They wanted to hit Zhao Donghuai.

Just like countless attempts to discuss in the past six months, it turned out to be useless. Many people on Wall Street began to suspect that they had Zhao Donghuai's undercover, or that he had a very high position and great power.

Even if there are no high-level undercover agents on Wall Street, there must be super-senior undercover agents among British, German, and French investors!

Rose's excitement made everyone tremble, "How could Wall Street be like this? Why are they so domineering? Are they still shameless?!"

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of coffee and said, "Sorry, Wall Street sent me the rights to shoot the live-action Transformers movie."

Ross, “…”

Ross was confused for a while, and then he tried, "What if Stanley Durwood from AMC Theaters wants to get on the bus? Do you refuse too?"

Stanley Durwood is definitely Zhao Donghuai's partner. After all, he has not dared to play any tricks in box office splitting since the beginning.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Stanley wants to get in the car. I'll let him go and talk to Wall Street himself. Once the negotiation is settled, he can talk to me."

He relies on this trick to share the pie. Just by being on Hong Kong Island, he can affect too many countries and regions, and too many things in all walks of life and aspects.

Really, if he is willing to lead Stanley Durwood to make a fortune in the long term, then AMC Cinemas will distribute Zhao's movies in Europe and the United States, and the box office split will not be a big deal. But in this matter, Stanley cannot agree to it so easily, and he has to make things difficult for him.

Forget it, if Zhao Donghuai is replaced by Wall Street capital, British capital, French capital, etc., this is not called making things difficult. Stanley is interested in profits, and Wall Street is interested in the foundation of his principal.

Stanley was qualified to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in capital. Even if he got on the bus in April 1986, it was already very late and it was already a middle-class bus. It could last until the peak in 1987, and he could still make a lot of money.

In the next nine months of 1986, the Japanese yen could still rise by 30% in total. If you make things difficult for Stanley and wait for him to beg to get on the bus, will he blackmail the other party's principal and profits at a certain time... That is New options.

This is the core centripetal force of Zhao's film to vigorously open up the Hollywood and North American markets. As the same saying goes, this can be agreed to, but it cannot be agreed easily.

Anyway, it's not Zhao Donghuai who's anxious, but Stanley Durwood.

After the appreciation of the Japanese yen, there were still the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of Big Bear, the North American attack on the pound, and the 1997 financial crisis.

Rose trembled with excitement again for a while, and suddenly knelt down, "Boss, you are the greatest guiding light. Warner Capital can't get in. I'm just a transparent, low-level executive. I want to get on the bus, please!" "

"As long as you are willing to take me for a ride, you are my biggest boss, even if Jesus comes, it won't count!"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Good guy, you, a white man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and green hair, are you willing to be an undercover agent?

After being speechless for a few seconds, he smiled and said, "How much money do you have?"

Rose's eyes doubled in surprise, "2 million, no, I have 5 million US dollars. I mortgage all the properties, borrow money, and borrow money from all my relatives and friends..."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hands in disgust, "Amin, take him to the investment department."

When Zhang Min came, Ross quickly got up from the ground, bent over with a bright smile, "Ms. Zhang, this is a small gift. It's not expensive. It's only a small gift of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. Please accept it."

It’s just a ladies’ watch worth 100,000 Hong Kong dollars.

He had made plans, and when Zhao Donghuai refused to let him in, he thought of sending a watch to ask Zhang Min and Qiu Shuzhen for help in putting in a good word and blowing the pillow.

Now Zhao Donghuai doesn't make it difficult for him and directly allows him? That’s even more important!

One piece for Zhang Min, and after he walked out the door, he respectfully gave another piece to Qiu Shuzhen. The brand and style were the same.

After a while, Azhen came over and sat in his arms, twisting the big peach a few times, and then said excitedly, "Boss, I feel like this time, it's even more exaggerated than when you robbed the Nikko Hotel and Sony."

Zhao Donghuai smiled brightly and said, "Those who have gained the truth should help me more. As long as I have more friends, the situation will be different."

Qiu Shuzhen nodded repeatedly and changed into a more comfortable posture, "I went out a few days ago, and many people gave me various checks, jewelry, etc., but Amin and I didn't take them."

That was the wealthy people led by Wang Dehui, Zhao Shizeng, etc. In early February, they bet that the Japanese yen officials would definitely not let the Japanese yen soar all the way, but would make big moves and buy a wave of decline.


When they saw that Zhao Donghuai had been making so much by buying the appreciation, they ran to buy another wave of appreciation, and were once again killed by the cooperation of international capital, and suffered heavy losses again.

Now I can only think about finding opportunities to get on the Zhao family's chariot. Who doesn't know how to learn bribery? Sony, Hotel Nikko, and later Toshiba, who didn't set an example for everyone?

But Zhao Donghuai also said that he would not accept any money this time.

This is not about credibility, it is unreasonable to help the rich to make a fortune. Just kidding, those capitalists are already shady enough. If you make them rich, why do you care about the handling fee?

In the past, Zhao Donghuai extorted island companies and collected protection fees from Hong Kong groups. His reputation as a gangster had long been spread.

But since January this year, countless Hong Kong families have secretly placed memorial tablets for him, worshiping him several times a day.

Then countless people rarely had the chance to meet him.

When women such as Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min, and even Zhou Huimin went out to go shopping for a meal or something, the scene would be incredible. The Hong Kong Governor was not as majestic and domineering as they were when he went out on the street.

Just go shopping, let alone the eight or sixteen male and female bodyguard groups. Wherever they pass, the police force will quickly multiply several times, or even increase.

You said that military uniforms with fixed patrol routes are running out of their jurisdiction one after another, looking for opportunities to gain favor. Will they be scolded by their superiors, or given demerits?

It doesn't matter. At worst, he won't be a policeman anymore.

The police's salary is not low, but compared with Zhao's Financial Express, it's like a beggar's salary.

I heard that this batch of police academy trainees were originally outstanding police officers who had a chance to win the Silver Flute Award or even the Xue Fu Cup. Some people submitted their resumes to Pan Asia Group, were accepted, and then decisively resigned from the police academy. .

It's not just police academy students, including veterans who have been working for many years, elite police detectives, etc. There are dozens of people who can directly change jobs if they submit their resumes privately and are accepted by the Pan-Asia Group.

After all, once you join the various groups under Zhao Donghuai, you will be in the first echelon if you want to get on the financial express. It is no longer like investing in various industries outside. You can only wait for Zhao's company to digest it internally before you can slowly get into the queue. you.

The police force can only deal with this phenomenon and is unable to stop it.

After all, the first brother of the police force has used some high-level connections with Chinese people to throw away some of his capital and enter the financial battlefield. The first brother, even if he is the first brother, Jardine HSBC will not let him play.

Brother 1 is like that. Ordinary policemen no longer want to be policemen, and they don’t even care about their retirement salary. What else can you do?

By April, Zhao's financial express began to radiate to Hollywood. Zhao Donghuai's status and influence in Hong Kong Island had already eclipsed wealthy people such as Li Chaoren and even Li Zhaoji.

Chinese Real Estate, which Zhou Huimin absolutely controls, has a market value of over HK$5 billion even though it has not yet announced that it will take over the mega-infrastructure project of 200 Wanwanwanjia integrated merchants.

The market value of Hong Kong Electric, a listed company held by Zhao Donghuai personally, has reached 20 billion. Not to mention that Hong Kong Electric has also joined the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant project. There is such super good news.

Just say that after countless investors withdrew their capital from listed companies of ordinary rich people and large companies.

If you fail to join the financial market in time, how will you spend your money? Of course it is investing in Chinese Real Estate and Hong Kong Electric.

With the Hong Kong Electric Group alone and the 20% shareholding of the Hong Kong CLP Group, the market value of Zhao Donghuai's industry has long since surpassed that of Li Chaoren's Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa.

He directly or indirectly controls the two electric tigers, and they can pull electricity from whomever he wants. They cannot escape in Hong Kong, and even if the stock market crash in 1987 happened, Hong Kong Electric would not be too badly affected.

Stock market crash? As long as you keep an energy company like the Electric Power Group open, a temporary drop in the stock price won't be a big deal. In modern society, who in the 360 ​​industry can use less electricity?

And is there any person or strength that can break the influence brought by Zhao Donghuai's carnival during the appreciation of the Japanese yen?

Yes, it can be done.

As long as Wall Street is willing to bring North American citizens to make a fortune, and British capital is willing to bring British citizens to make a fortune, it will not be difficult to break Zhao Donghuai's current situation.

North America is willing to do that, and is willing to bring the big names in Hollywood, including those at the bottom of the industry, to make a fortune together, and give them so much real money. If Zhao Donghuai wants to invade Hollywood, he will be easily blocked.

But just like Wanjia Supermarket, it easily killed Watsons and Wellcome.

Would Wall Street do that? Won't!

Divide most of the profits of tens or hundreds of billions of dollars away? Except that Zhao Donghuai can do whatever he wants, if Wall Street does that, it will directly lead to internal strife and civil war.

The mode he is operating now is really an upgraded version of the financial war of Wanjia General Merchant Supermarket!

American capital, British capital, German capital, and French capital are not copycats. Director Zhao's current influence in Hong Kong is to fight against anyone to death.

Since his rebirth, he has never been back to Tai Hang Village in Tai Po, New Territories. However, there are already countless voices coming to Zhao Qiang's childhood home, saying that there are too many fellow villagers who plan to raise funds. Build a luxurious villa for the Zhao family, a large villa manor with several thousand square meters.

As for whose homestead or small house rights he occupied, everyone said it didn't matter. It was just that his reputation and prestige were so great that everyone wanted to spend money and help Director Zhao with the construction.

The other five major surnames in the New Territories are all willing to pay for designers and various building materials to help build it for free.

Many folks in the New Territories have made a lot of money since they made their first investment on January 1. They invested a few thousand yuan and earned twice as much, and even invested tens of thousands of yuan and earned twice as much.

This will continue for a long time to come.

Everyone is almost crazy for money.

Tens of thousands of dollars? Since Wanjia Supermarket opened in Tai Po, the Zhao family from Dakeng Village started working in the supermarket. Even if they started as cleaners, it would not be difficult to save 40,000 yuan by January.

From April to July 1984, Wanjia opened one after another, with a monthly salary of more than 4,000 yuan a month. 4,000 yuan was the minimum level for a cleaner. A leader might earn nearly 10,000 yuan a month.

There were all kinds of explosive benefits at every turn, but by January 1, 1986, employees who could not scrape together 40,000 yuan could only say that there were too many brothers and sisters in the family, and the money was divided too much.

But as long as the people in Dakeng Village are diligent and honest and have no bad habits, any adult and a family of several people can join Wanjia, at most not in one branch.

If one person's financial investment of 40,000 yuan in three months becomes 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and three people from a family work in Wanjia, that is 120,000 yuan, doubled...

If you continue, you will earn more. Buying a thousand-square-foot mansion in Yau Tsim Mong is no longer a dream. This kind of treatment is comparable to that of more than 80% of the villagers in Tai Hang Village.

In the past, this was really just a daydream.


Two days later, Massachusetts arrived in Vancouver.

In a certain campus, when Zhang Yimou and Huang Jianxin shouted "Ka", the crew temporarily entered a break, and a group of people watching the filming roared and got involved in the crew.

Many people came for the superstar Andy Lau, but there were also many who came for Directors Zhang and Huang. They spoke English, Mandarin, Cantonese, white faces, Chinese faces, mixed-race faces, etc. have.

"Director Zhang, are you tired? Drink a cup of hot water to warm yourself up."

"Director Huang, I have soup here, it's nourishing..."


Facing a large number of enthusiastic people, Director Zhang and Director Huang still felt a lot of pressure even though it was not their first time meeting them.

Director Huang has experienced all kinds of magical scenes when he followed Super Body to the island country to film. Logically speaking, his vision and knowledge should have improved a lot.

But when the crew actually came to Vancouver for filming, and as some news spread, it attracted too many enthusiastic local citizens.

The weather in Vancouver is still relatively cold in April, but the cold wind and cold air are far from being able to stop the charm of money. Money can make the devil push you!

Local communities, entrepreneurs, including some film and television practitioners, are really starting to compete among themselves to see who can serve the (Juno) crew better.

After enduring a round of warm hospitality and service, Zhang Yimou wiped away his cold sweat and said, "It's so exciting to help Zhao Films make a movie!"

"When I heard about your experiences in the island country, I always thought it was too magical and unscientific. Now no one is begging us to collect money... No, there are, but this kind of money cannot be taken."

"If we don't talk about money, how about the benefits and benefits?"

The citizens of Vancouver are so enthusiastic that the enthusiastic Director Zhang can hardly bear it anymore.

He's just a movie maker, why do so many big guys want to treat him to food, drinks, and bathing? What do those blonde witches mean?

Huang Jianxin also wiped his sweat, "I finally figured it out. Isn't this just extending the Wanjia model to the financial battlefield? But Zhao Sheng is really..."

Such Zhao Donghuai is so speechless. Do you admire him? I really admire that he dares to throw away his massive wealth of hundreds of millions to the outside world like this. If he dares to continue spreading money to the outside world, he can really create a terrifying and perverted influence.

Who can believe that this is their first time filming in Montana? But here, the welcome and treatment they receive are infinitely higher than in their hometown base camp.

Zhang Yimou wiped his sweat again. He just drank a little too much hot drink and hot soup. "It feels like a dream. The Shark Beach North America we shot has exceeded US$60 million?"

Speed ​​​​and Shark Tank were released on March 1 and continue until April 7. The total box office of Speed ​​​​and Shark Tank has accumulated to 130 million U.S. dollars, and the total box office of Shark Beach is more than 60 million U.S. dollars.

This was only 1986, and this was the first time that Zhang Yimou worked as one of the directors in "Shark Beach". Before, he was just a photographer. In "Yellow Earth" shot in 1984, he was still helping Brother Kaizi as a photographer.

In the blink of an eye, he became famous? ? The film he directed actually sold over 60 million US dollars in North America, and oh, it also sold over 50 million US dollars in Europe.

Not to mention other parts of Asia, Europe and the United States alone sold more than 110 million US dollars, directly catching up with the sales of Shark Beach in 2016. However, for the same reason, the audience of this era is far from experiencing countless big movies. The brainwashing bombing of a sci-fi action movie.

I don’t have much film-reading experience, so it’s easy to get excited by big productions.

Director Zhang, before it was released in Europe and the United States, he, Director Huang and Lan Naicai each received a big red envelope of 1 million Hong Kong dollars.

Director Huang had a complicated smile and sighed for a while before rubbing his forehead, "Okay, let's start the next one."

He and Ah Mou will both be the pillars of the Five Generations of directors in the future, but at this stage, Brother Kaizi is the most awesome and eye-catching one among the Five Generations. However, a Shark Tank and the current new film (Juno)? It’s really hard to say.

What if they rely on Juno to win the Palme d'Or at Cannes? ? Even if it is only nominated for the best director, the picture will be so beautiful that I can’t even imagine it.

He felt that the depth of this movie was average, but many white actors said it was too deep!

"Ah Mou, if you work overtime and shoot faster, we can hope to win some prizes."

Zhang Yimou was so excited that he was only nominated for international awards, which was invincible in this era.

After returning to the mainland, he and Director Huang were able to defeat many of their contemporaries.

Working overtime? This is nothing serious. Originally, Juno only took more than a month to shoot. They didn't know it, but there was a split-shot script, and Nicole Kidman's acting skills kept up with her. They worked overtime to speed up the filming, so they didn't think it was too difficult.

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