Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 157 Cannes and North American Oscars under the influence of money

Deciding to work overtime and try to shoot (Juno) as quickly as possible, since there was a complete script for each scene, Zhang Yimou and Huang Jianxin quickly recruited all the main creatives in front of the camera.

Looking at Hua Zi and Nicole Kidman, as well as the supporting cast recruited from Hollywood, Director Zhang just expressed his thoughts, mainly to try to prepare for the Cannes International Film Festival next month in May...

All the creative teams raised their hands in approval.

Especially Nicole Kidman, as a pure white girl, she understands better that in Western society, an 18-year-old student gets pregnant out of wedlock, gives birth to a child for adoption, and goes through various emotional tangles. What is it like to find love? of.

Well done, this can really win awards!

Especially now that feminism is at its peak, her role in this movie is overweight, much heavier than that of Hua Zai. The key is to portray a girly look. She is only 19 years old this year. Although she is a bit taller, her girly look itself is Super awesome.

One day of shooting, from morning to evening, the crew seamlessly transitioned to the night scene.

Nicole Kidman is here to win awards, anyone else? The reason is to perform as well as possible and seek a chance to get on the bus and make a fortune.

What does overtime count? Whoever asks for overtime pay at this time is inhumane. It is blocking the financial path of more than 90% of the crew!

When a night scene was successfully filmed again, Zhang Yimou was just about to take a break and catch his breath when he saw a white stage manager running over, "Director, someone came to visit the class and said he is your old classmate."

Director Zhang was a little surprised, but he still went out to greet them. Soon he saw the poetry master and Ms. Hong. Director Zhang was shocked, "Old Chen? You are a bit elusive."

In the mid-1980s, it was quite difficult for mainlanders to go abroad.

Of course, for powerful people, it is much easier to go abroad than for ordinary people.

The poetry-reciting master strode over, hugged Zhang Yimou, and smiled brightly, "Okay, the last movie you directed (Shark Beach) sold like crazy all over the world, but the box office in Europe and the United States was US$110 million. It was simply... …”

The little poetry master was jealous with envy.

Yellow Earth, which he filmed in 1984, was his debut film and made a lot of money. It also won many awards at some second-rate international film festivals. The TV series he directed in 1984 also won awards.

But compared with Zhang Yimou and Huang Jianxin who made a movie and each received 1 million Hong Kong dollars in red envelopes? Earn too little!

This is 1 million Hong Kong dollars in 1986!

Now it’s even worse. Lao Zhang and Lao Huang actually came to Montana to film. Most of the movies are starring white people. The only Chinese male protagonist is Andy Lau? !

During the Spring Festival of 1984, Ah Hua and Zhang Guorong appeared in the Spring Festival Gala to sing (Chinese) and became famous all over China! Andy Lau's status in the European and American music and film circles is also one of the role models for Chinese people around the world.

Standing at the highest level.

The little poet-reciting master was so envious that he almost vomited blood. How could he fly all the way to Madana to visit the class? Of course, Ms. Hong next to him helped, his girlfriend.

After a brief exchange of polite greetings, I got to know Director Huang by the way. The little master of poetry did not dare to take up too much time, but expressed that he wanted to watch them make a movie.

After watching a few scenes, he also came to read the script (for Juno), which he read with Ms. Hong.

After reading it, I am a bit confused as a poetry reciter. What is the point of this kind of book? ? He doesn't quite understand it, it's not that he doesn't understand it, it's just that he thinks this book is a bit too ordinary.

It feels like there's nothing outstanding about it. Isn't it just an 18-year-old girl who got pregnant out of wedlock, went through various confusing stages, and gave birth to a child to a middle-class couple who wanted to adopt a child?

And then continue to be passionately in love with the male protagonist, no more? ? This is too ordinary, it doesn't have the depth and connotation of his Yellow Earth.

When I discovered that the entire script had split-shot paintings... the little poetry-reciting master was even more speechless. Does this still require joint guidance?

For a serious directing graduate, if you didn’t graduate through the back door, wouldn’t you be able to shoot if you have hands? ?

But watching the whole crew, who were full of morale and fighting spirit and cooperated throughout the filming process, the little master became even more curious, is this drama? Does it really have such charm? Is it worth fighting so seriously? ?

It wasn't until 11 o'clock in the evening that the big team finished the work.

The little poetry master just asked out of curiosity what the future of this movie was, and Huang Jianxin said excitedly, "When the project was launched, Zhao Shengli of Hong Kong said it was aimed at the European and American markets, and it was expected to win awards at international film festivals."

"As long as the quality of the film is high enough, I hope to get nominated for Best Director and Best Actress."

The young master was so shocked that he almost vomited blood. With this main line, how could there be any depth or profound connotation? Just...? Are you kidding me?

But he didn’t know that this was indeed the original version that could win Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress.

It won a lot of second-tier international awards, and, with a cost of US$6.5 million, it grossed US$230 million at the global box office!

He wanted to refute it, but was unable to refute it. Zhao Donghuai from Hong Kong was at the top of the list of Chinese directors not only in terms of box office revenue.

Zhao Sheng's circle of friends in the Mainland is too scary. Last year, he earned two to three billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange just by helping the eastern Guangdong province. Before the Spring Festival Gala, the level of people Zhao Sheng visited or met in the Mainland...

Hong Kong Island Zhao Sheng is no longer just a person in the entertainment industry!

The richest man in Hong Kong may also be the richest Chinese person in the world, but many of his properties are not listed on the market and there is no detailed statistics on his wealth.

For example, in 1985, the Island Economic News Agency counted the top ten richest people in Asia. The Chen family of Thailand's Bangkok Bank and Hong Kong Island Commercial Bank had an estimated assets of US$2.2 billion, which made them the top ten richest people in Asia.

This does not refer to the total market value of Bangkok Bank and others, but to the Chen family’s wealth of US$2.2 billion.

Much of Zhao Donghuai's wealth has not been listed on the market.

However, the market value of HK Electric and Chinese Land is more than HK$20 billion, which is one of the top ten consortiums in Hong Kong. If it is really going to be listed, a Wanjia integrated supermarket chain may have a market value greater than that of Hong Kong Electric and Chinese Land. high.

In the final analysis, what the stock market buys is the confidence and future of investors in it. With Wanjia's reputation, are you afraid that the people of Hong Kong Island will not have confidence in it? ?

When the other party said that, there was silence for a while, and the poetry master felt that he hadn't understood the script yet. Well, let's try reading it a few more times? ? This is because his depth of thought has not kept up with the channel!


When Madana fell into midnight, the sun was still shining brightly on Hong Kong Island.

The weather in April is already a comfortable 20 degrees Celsius, so there are more and more people wearing big pants, short skirts and black stockings on the streets.

In Zhao's Financial Building, the air-conditioning blew through every corner of the big office. Director Zhao closed the script in his hand and said with a slightly weird expression, "The True Colors of a Hero? A remake of the 1967 version..."

"Who do you want to star in?"

Opposite is Wu Baige, the great king of pigeons. Later generations of Lao Wu like to make bad money, and he especially likes to support Hong Kong stars and step on mainland stars. However, at this stage, Lao Wu is far from that kind of reputation.

He is just an ordinary street director who has a very good relationship with Xu Ke.

Now we are planning to film A Better Tomorrow, which is under the name of Xu Ke Film Company, which is also a subsidiary of Zhao Film Company.

It's just that the difference between the script of "A Better Tomorrow" that Wu Baige has come up with now and the one that was released in the original trajectory in 1986 is still very big.

For example, Xiao Ma Ge is an ordinary supporting character. The main plot is about the two brothers Song Zihao and Song Zijie fighting against the eldest brother. Secondly, Lao Wu's iconic violent aesthetics of gun battles, the kind of bang bang bang, click click click bullets fired wildly, and only a few people died after fighting for a long time. The style is gone.

The storyboard scripts were all replaced with action and combat routines from Alone Tiger, Hurricane Rescue, and John Wick, including gunfight routines.

Xiao Ma is still dead here, but without a lot of exit scenes of the original hero, he is just a slightly supporting character who awakens Song Zijie's brotherhood and is shot to death.

There is no drama about the shootout at Maplewood Pavilion, and there are no lines like "I have been lame for three years, I have been waiting for three years" or something like that.

Director Wu was immediately excited when he heard this. This was a trial. "As for Song Zihao, I would like to ask Wan Ziliang to play Song Zijie. Song Zijie can be Lu Liangwei, Zhou Runfa, Zhou Xingxing, Zhang Xueyou, Wu Zhenyu, etc., but if he can Invite Ah Rong or Brother Hua, that would be perfect."

After listening to Director Wu's description, Zhao Donghuai wanted to laugh.

Both Xing Zai and A You were selected by Director Wu. It can only be said that Xu Ke’s various training and guidance for their acting skills during the filming of A Chinese Girl 3 conveyed a lot of information to the outside world.

Why would Xu Ke rather waste more scenes than mention Xingzi's acting skills? Of course it was Zhao Sheng who wanted to support Xing Zai.

But he still didn't expect that if Xing Zai was asked to play Song Zijie... well, it wasn't that Xing Zai was asked to play Brother Pony. Xing Zai had known Director Zhao for almost three years.

That 24-year-old handsome boy Xing Zai plays Song Zijie? It's not too dramatic, at most it's a step or two less handsome than the original version of Zhang Guorong.

Xing Zai's original role in "The Heroic Heroes" did not make the audience laugh out loud.

"Okay, you can coordinate Lao Xu's company's movies yourself."

If the original version of the hero is filmed, the box office can still be a hit. At most, the audience will complain that this hero's character is not as cool as the Hurricane, Flying Tiger, and John Wick series.

But it’s not difficult to cut a box office of 20 to 30 million in Hong Kong.

But with Zhao Donghuai's current status, if he changes a script, is it just to break 30 million in Hong Kong? That's all too much.

(Shark Tank), (Home Alone), (Juno), (Cat and Mouse) and other movies that can make hundreds of millions of dollars, he is too lazy to direct it himself, and that's it for a hero.

Let Wu Baige be free to express himself in this movie.

Perhaps Lao Wu could have pieced together the original story trajectory without his guidance?

After watching Old Wu leave, Zhao Donghuai had just started to work again for about ten minutes when he saw Azhen opening the door and walking over, curiously saying, "Boss, a North American director named Sidney is here to visit you. He said... This year’s Cannes International Film Festival, the chairman of the jury..."

Director Zhao suddenly realized, "Adjani introduced him, please invite him in."

The oldest member of the jury at Cannes this time, the boss? No problem, the selection for the 1986 Cannes International Film Festival will be held next month in May. Who will be the first and who will be the various members of the jury have already been determined.

Various films and films competing for Cannes have already been confirmed and submitted.

But as long as you have a charismatic personality and can impress the jury, you can still be included in a new movie that has just started shooting and has not yet shot much film.

Zhao Donghuai is this charming person!

A moment later, he met Sidney, who was in his 50s. He was a standard North American director. Before this year, he had been nominated for the North American Oscar for Best Director twice and Best Picture once.

In March this year, with one film (Out of Africa), it really won the Oscar for Best Director and Best Picture.

This 50-year-old North American director has also won many awards at the Cannes International Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival.

There are even more awards for other first-tier film industry awards.

His qualifications were so perfect that he became the first member of the jury at the Cannes International Film Festival.

After the two parties met and exchanged polite greetings, Sidney both smiled and praised, "Zhao, I am also very familiar with your name. Each of your new action movies has opened up new genres. It is simply one of the best contributions to the world's film industry."

"When I came here this time, I heard from Adjani that a movie you are currently filming (Juno) is expected to be completed in early May? I heard Adjani describe that the script is too classic."

"If you are willing, I can recommend (Juno) to enter the main competition unit of this Cannes."

Zhao Sheng is a good man, and not many people can stop his personal charm. For the sake of his film career, he recommended (Juno) to enter the main competition section and was nominated for the Palme d'Or, the Grand Jury Prize, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Actress. What……

This is the charm and magic of the film industry!

It can make countless people move to do things under the influence of classic movies.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Thank you, that's great. Sidney, I've also seen your Out of Africa. It is indeed the Oscar for Best Director and Best Picture."

"By the way, do you usually have a hobby of financial management and investment?"

Sidney was overjoyed, "Yes, yes. I am a person in the film and television industry. I have earned a lot of salary. If I put it in the bank, I can only watch it depreciate. It is so heartbreaking. I like financial management very much. Unfortunately, in the past Those I encounter are often scammers or low-skilled practitioners.”

"I'm so desperate to find real professionals to help me manage my money."

That’s it.

It was Adjani who had negotiated everything and came here to make friends.

Even if it doesn't win too many awards, just one Palme d'Or or Best Director, (Juno) this movie can be considered a contribution to Zhao Films!

A jury chairman can’t handle everything? But in 1986, the entire jury only had 9 judges, and including Sidney, there were only 10 people.

Juno itself has that Western quality and depth…


Two days later, April 9th.

A French director named Charles arrived at the Zhao Financial Center after being introduced by Adjani. After a pleasant exchange between the two parties, Charles asked curiously, "Mr. Zhao, do you want to nominate the best actor?"

"I think Andy's acting skills are passable. The action movies he starred in before were not in line with the aesthetics of the award circle, but the movie Juno is still a classic."

Zhao Donghuai is sweating, was Hua Zai nominated for Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival in 1986? ? Even if Hua Zai from this plane has not been banned by Shao Daheng.

Even if the quality of (Juno) is there, he was nominated for Best Actor at Cannes... Hua Zai's current acting skills are even inferior to those nominated for Best Actor at the Hong Kong Island Film Awards.

You can’t be too enthusiastic as a person!

In later generations, various awards circles in the Mainland were destroyed. Isn't it because of the great contribution of Beibi and others? If Juno had Tony Leung Ka-fai, Chow Yun-fat and Wan Ziliang as male leads, it would be reasonable and logical to be nominated for Best Actor at Cannes but not win.

Hua Zai, it’s not that he doesn’t want to help Hua Zai, this is too vain and too watery!

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Forget it. Even a nomination for Best Actor is too weak. It would be nice if Best Director could win."

"However, for our Hong Kong Film Awards next year, we need many industry elites to sit as judges..."

Charles laughed, "No problem, whether you need me to do something, Mr. Zhao, or find some other friends to help, it's all a trivial matter."

There is no way, it's not that the people in the judging circle have low moral integrity, it's actually that Zhao Donghuai is too charming!

Charles also knew that judges from the three major European film festivals, Cannes, Berlin, and Venice, and even the Oscar Film Festival, came to serve as guest judges for the Hong Kong Island Film Awards. This was a super over-the-top behavior.

It will make the Hong Kong Film Awards’ status in Asia soar!

We have participated in various film festivals such as Benzhou and Tokyo.

But so what if you know? Can film festivals such as Wanwan and Tokyo put him on the fast track to making a fortune? Does not.

Zhao Sheng can do it!

Whether you are competing for the Oscars or the three major international film festivals in Europe, you need to spend money to operate. Spending money to win awards is basic. In the future, the notorious Harvey Viens will rely on helping others. A little trick to win the Olympics and become a super villain?

Under this situation, Zhao Donghuai is willing to show mercy and lead them to grab quick money from American, British, French and other national capitals. Of course, he must support it with both hands and feet.

Asking Zhang Min to take Charles to the financial company on the 25th floor again, Zhao Donghuai once again sighed, money is such a thing, money can really make a fool of himself, Batman's super powers are well-deserved!

Now his financial group is involved in all kinds of money, too much... I wonder if the Hong Kong government will use the method of freezing funds again?

Let’s try another new simulation.

The new simulation made Director Zhao feel smooth and stable, with a positive attitude. There was still no off-market move to freeze the funds. It was normal when you think about it. When he was the only one who made a fortune with a few young ladies, no matter how he cheated or froze it, everything It's a matter for the Zhao family.

What now? How many thousands of Hong Kong Island citizens participated?

How many mainland funds are involved? Not to mention the small sums of money from Hollywood funds and judges from film festivals such as Cannes and Berlin that have been added sporadically.

Whoever is using that kind of extravagant trick is cutting himself off from the people!

All the hundreds of financial investment companies established by Zhao Donghuai are running cleanly within the rules. Are you using unwarranted and nonsensical tricks? How many tens of thousands of people will go crazy?

Including the police force system, they will jump and scold them. In the various Zhao Group employee systems, there is no shortage of relatives who are in the police force. They are not direct relatives but also close relatives, such as cousins ​​and cousins.

If you have such close relatives in the police force, you will have the opportunity to invest money and make a fortune with your close relatives.

What impact does this have on Zhao Donghuai? It's just that he wants to go to North America to film in person, and he may be arrested for "leaving the plane with his left foot first after landing".

It's not just him, but Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui, Monica and other women may also be detained if they go to North America to film, and they will be used to threaten Zhao Donghuai.

Fortunately, when she first proposed that the girls pool money together to play financial and foreign exchange in August, Guan Jiahui had already brought her mother and younger brother back from North America...

Otherwise, the pair of hostages will definitely become a good weapon for North America to cause trouble!


Los Angeles on April 10th.

When the sun shines on the earth, the entire (Forrest Gump) crew, under the coordination of Robert, operates in an orderly and orderly manner.

When the shooting of a shot was finished and Robert called out, a scene manager came over and said, "Director, Mr. Jack is here to visit the team. It's Jack from the Film Editing Association."

Robert was startled and hurriedly dropped what he was doing to greet him. Throughout North America, including Europe, North and South, and Africa, there were not hundreds of thousands but tens of thousands of men named Jack.

But Jack from the Film Editors Guild is very different!

That is this year’s North American Oscar Academy judging panel, the oldest one. Countless North American movies want to win the Oscars, but if they don’t have a good relationship with big guys like Jack, they basically have no chance.

Sidney was able to win the Oscar for Best Director and Best Picture in March with "Out of Africa", and with this resume, he became the first member of the jury at this year's Cannes International Film Festival.

How could it be done without Mr. Jack's permission? After all, five films are competing for Best Picture, and five directors are competing for Best Director, such as Akira Kurosawa of the island country...

Directed by Robert (Back to the Future Part 1), it exploded at the global box office, taking in more than $400 million, which was higher than the original track. It was the feminism hype brought about by Teacher Huang, which stimulated white male audiences. They all voted for (Back to the Future) and got more box office.

But even for Back to the Future, in the entire Oscar, it only received nominations for Best Sound, Original Song, and Original Music.

The winner was Best Sound Editing...it wasn't even film editing, it was sound editing!

So Jack, the oldest member of the Academy President’s Jury, came to visit the class (Forrest Gump)? Robert felt a little flattered when he ran to greet him.

In this era, including the next twenty or thirty years, countless directors are pursuing artistic achievements! What is artistic achievement? Isn't that the various international film festival awards?

Most of your fellow directors don't know how much money you make for a movie. The higher the box office, the more you will be discriminated against and looked down upon by academics, and it will feel like you have gone astray.

Jack is one of the pinnacle figures on the path to directorial honors, and can influence the pursuit of dreams of countless directors. For example, in the future, DiCaprio will become a global hit when he shoots Titanic, and his commercial value will explode. However, he was rejected by the Oscar Academy. How long has Pi been struggling with?

That is just one example, there are many similar examples.

You said that Jack was the first member in March this year, and next year... The first member of the Oscar Academy's presidential jury can be re-elected. His term of office is one year under normal circumstances, but as long as he is not re-elected for more than four years, he is allowed. .

Who knows next year in 1987 or the year after that in 1988, whether this Jack will continue to sit in the highest position and influence whether each movie can be nominated and win awards.

Zhao Donghuai said at the beginning of the film that (Forrest Gump) could win an Oscar once the film is finished. Robert also wanted to win an Oscar.

Robert ran to greet him, as did assistant director Aaron and others.

On the contrary, this scene stunned actors such as Zun Long, Adjani, Bruce Willis, and Jennifer Taylor who had just finished filming.

Until Jack, the Oscar boss, walked into the set accompanied by Robert and others Canxiao, Robert quickly waved and asked Zunlong and others to come over.

After briefly introducing the identity of Old Jack, a group of filmmakers were in awe, and then Robert began to introduce the general plot of Forrest Gump... and also prepared a novel (Forrest Gump) for Old Jack.

After hearing this, Old Jack was greatly shocked, "The life of a disabled person with low IQ? He has created different miracles in life in many fields. What a great book!"

Old Jack didn't want to come. An award boss like him had already stood at one of the pinnacles of the academy. In the past, he would sit at home while others came to ask for money.

But, old Jack is not alone in the world. He has a wife, children, grandchildren...

After certain news spread wildly in Hollywood, the undercurrent became more and more turbulent. Even among the many film practitioners currently serving the (Forrest Gump) crew, few have actually been able to get paid to get on the fast track.

However, the US$1 million that Cameron Diaz's parents scraped together has been transferred through international banks and joined the Zhao Financial Group to continue operating foreign exchange.

It’s already profitable again!

Look at the vivid examples of Adjani, Zun Long, Robert, Bruce Willis, Cameron Diaz, etc. Every day, they are making money outside the film and television industry. Pick up money.

What a great example this is!

Old Jack is not in a hurry about this matter. He still wants to wait at home for Zhao Donghuai's crew to take the initiative to visit him and wait for the confession...

After waiting for several days, his grandchildren, sons, daughters, etc. all became anxious.

Every day that passes is equivalent to watching the money you originally earned slip away from your eyes? ! That’s money! !

In a capitalist society like North America, among all the people living in the world, who is not running for capital and money? ?

So old Jack had to come. He was almost bored to death by his family at home!

These are real family members, not the "family members" that anchors will talk about decades later!

He couldn't stop talking about financial investments to make money, so he could only praise the good script (Forrest Gump). After all, this script is really in line with the taste of academics.

After praising the script, Old Jack took another serious look at Zun Long and said with a smile, "John, you are a very good actor. I have also watched your Year of the Dragon. If it hadn't been for too much resistance, your Year of the Dragon There is also a chance to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.”


It’s only the 1980s, and Chinese actors want to win Oscars? Are you dreaming? He was the one who ran the Oscars for the movie "Year of the Dragon" in the first place.

In the Hollywood film industry, how is it possible for Chinese people to be the protagonists? Not even a great match.

However, in this era, the greatest weapon that can help everyone eliminate discrimination is the beautiful sword! Old Jack is rich and can save hundreds of millions of dollars, which is the result of a lifetime of hard work. However, as long as he can catch the express train of the financial industry.

These hundreds of millions may turn into 20 million or 30 million US dollars in a short period of time... Is there a chance that the total net worth will double or triple? ?

He can't help but wait for the crew of Forrest Gump to come to him. His family can't help but wait for Forrest Gump to be filmed, released, and the Oscars will be held next year.

Will this biggest trend and bonus period disappear?

Old Jack can only come and praise people, in public, and with his status and status, as long as someone works, the crew of (Forrest Gump) will at least win the best adapted screenplay, best editing, and best Oscar at next year's Oscars. Nominated for Best Art Director? It is also deserving of receiving such small prizes.

Otherwise, we would not be able to live up to Old Jack’s status as one of the kings of the North American awards circle!

As long as after the movie is finished, Zunlong's acting skills are up to par and the quality of the movie is up to par, there will be North American capital, North American film companies participating in the production, and a large number of white actors and even black actors?

Wouldn’t it be ridiculous not to give a few small nominations? ?

When Old Jack looked at Goo Jai, after a few glances, he decided to forget it. For the 1987 Oscar nomination for Best Newcomer, he felt that he would vote with his feet and choose a white man like Cameron Diaz, a pure North American white man. Rather than Chinese.

Is Cameron Diaz not good enough?

Before leaving, I told Robert and Aaron to take pictures slowly and give them good guidance and training, Adjani? She was also an Oscar nominee many years ago, so she's not a stranger either.

As for whether to finally give him a nomination for Best Actor and Best Actress? It really depends on the situation, whether Zhao Donghuai really leads them to make a fortune. If someone named Zhao dares to lead them, they dare to give it to them!

Old Jack just came over to take a look, brag about this and that, and then left with a novel (Forrest Gump). Superpowers mean he can do whatever he wants.

But his visit was really exciting for the entire crew!

Even if everyone has confidence in the script (Forrest Gump) and their respective acting skills and other performance abilities, the oldest member of the Academy President’s Jury is here to praise someone? ? This is a real thrill.


On the 11th, during another filming session, Robert welcomed a new visitor, Uncle Sam, who was the first vice president of the Oscar Academy Presidential Jury in March 1986.

This is also a boss whose term is one year and cannot be re-elected for more than four years. However, Uncle Sam will be the deputy in March. If Old Jack cannot be re-elected next year, it is obvious that Uncle Sam has a high probability of becoming the new senior boss.

Uncle Sam once again affirmed the script of Forrest Gump, as well as the acting skills of Zun Lung, Adjani and others. The entire crew has more confidence and morale! !

After sending Sam off and before restarting, Robert noticed that the mentality of the whole crew was obviously different, so he smiled and grabbed the loudspeaker and announced that everyone should take a half-hour break.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people gathered around Zun Lung. Goo Jai said excitedly, "No way, Uncle Long, does our crew really hope to be nominated for an Oscar next year? Even if it's a small nomination, that's awesome!" "

Zunlong was both excited and dazed at the same time, "Those two are here, and they are giving all kinds of compliments. As long as the filming goes smoothly, it shouldn't be difficult to be nominated. We have to work hard..."

He started studying Peking Opera at the age of 10 and started acting in small roles in 1976. This is already 1986. He is confident in his acting skills. Even when he plays opposite Isabelle Adjani, he feels that he will not lose too much and he can catch up even if he works hard. Go up.

But an Oscar nomination or something?

Based on his performance and the weight of his role in (Year of the Dragon), the Oscars were not even willing to give him a nomination for Best Supporting Actor... Year of the Dragon also received nothing at the Oscars. The entire cast did not receive any Oscar nominations. It is better for France to at least give him one. (Year of the Dragon) a trophy for Best Foreign Language Film.

Now, this new movie hasn’t even been finished yet! It should even be said that it has been less than 10 days since Forrest Gump was officially launched.

Bruce Willis came over excitedly and said excitedly, "John, I am a supporting character in Forrest Gump. As long as we film well and work hard, the finished film will not be as long as the script. Then I……"

Wouldn't he also have a chance to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor or something?

The first and second eldest members of the Academy Chairman's Jury have all been here. It is estimated that they may meet the third and fourth eldest children in the next few days. With so many big guys coming here in person, giving a trophy for the best supporting actor really doesn't count. Too much!

And he is an orthodox North American white man. He is a great match. He has a much higher chance of winning Best Supporting Actor than Zun Long and winning Best Actor. After all, he is white.

Once these things are done? As he thought about it, Bruce Willis's heart suddenly sank. Damn it, he almost forgot. If it happened, Zhao's Pictures' brand name in the global film industry would only become more dazzling and brilliant.

Then there will be more and more competitors!

At this stage, Zhao is the only white acting actor. Bruce, who worked as a bit player for eight years before becoming popular, is currently good at both literary and martial arts. He can act in action blockbusters and roles that require acting skills.

So (Die Hard) and (Forrest Gump), he got on board.

But wait until (Juno) wins a wave of awards at the Cannes International Film Festival, and (Forrest Gump) will win a wave of attention at the North American Oscars? ?

How many famous people will go to Hong Kong Island to look for opportunities? ? When thinking of this, Bruce just thought that Alexander, no, he had to work harder to perform.


About the same time.

The crew of "Cat and Mouse", who were still filming in Los Angeles, waited for Fatty King to hang up the phone and said with a speechless and confused look, "Why do I feel that I should have been competing for the director of Forrest Gump? "

"I feel that if we win, then we will truly gain both fame and fortune."

"It's crazy. All the big guys who give out Oscars have come to visit us. So the film (Forrest Gump) usually has to be nominated for garbage, right? There is a lot of hope for a real award after the film is made. Why is no one coming to us to rewrite the script?" What about turning?"

Xu Ke rolled his eyes wildly, "Can you shoot (Forrest Gump)? There are too many big scenes in it. The production fee is 20 million US dollars, which is 160 million Hong Kong dollars. Can you handle that kind of crew?" ?”

He felt that if Wang Jing was asked to shoot a club movie, Fatty Jing would be able to make things clear for him, but if he were to shoot scenes of the Vietnam War, or the big scenes of Forrest Gump rising up in various fields to create miracles, A Jing would not be able to do it at all.

Given the fat boy scene, this guy can also film a war scene as a group fight scene.

After complaining, Xu Ke also took a deep breath, "Oscar awards, it's really..."

Fat boy Jinglang laughed a few times, patted his thigh and said, "I used to look down on the Hong Kong Film Awards at all. Even if they gave me a trophy, I might not go. But seeing today, Zhao Sheng is willing to be the main sponsor, so he might not be able to do it next year." We recruited judges from the three major European film festivals and even the Oscars.”

"At that time, there will be another wave of films from island countries, South Korea, Europe and North America to compete for prizes."

"This pattern has suddenly emerged and opened up. Let's film the cat-and-mouse game well. We can't win the Oscars. We must win the Academy Awards."

Du Qifeng also nodded repeatedly. He used to look down on the Academy Awards controlled by Shu Qi and others, but now? ? So delicious!

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