Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 158 The most hyped talented woman in Hong Kong

April 12, Golden Harvest Pictures, Wong Tai Sin.

Cheng Long walked into Zou Wenhuai's office with a notebook with an excited look on his face, "Zou Sheng, I plan to continue my efforts and start filming Police Story 2 directly. I have a preliminary idea for the notebook. Can you help me take a look?"

Zou Wenhuai laughed and stood up to welcome him.

In early March, they went to visit Zhao Donghuai together, hoping that Police Story 1 would be released in North American theaters with Zhao Sheng's care.

Police Story 1 made over 10 million US dollars in cooperation with AMC theaters for promotion. As of mid-April, Police Story 1 has made more than 21 million US dollars at the box office in North America.

Again, in the future Aaron's Hong Kong film-style films such as "Double Dragon" and "Drunken Master 2" will earn tens of millions of dollars in the North American video tape market. Films like Police Story can be released and launched on a large scale. .

It is not surprising that the box office of Ordinary Xuanfa exceeded 10 million US dollars in just one month.

And you dare to spend 10 million US dollars on publicity? The box office is naturally higher. This is HK$78 million in 1986 to play Xuanfa.

Zou Wenhuai and Cheng Long don't care at all whether this movie can make money in North America. What they want is long-term benefits, including the profits from the sequel to Police Story. As long as they help Cheng Long become famous, then all the movies he stars in in the future will be profitable. made money.

In the original trajectory, Cheng Long finished filming Police Story 1 in 1985, and then filmed the second part three years later in 1988. In the meantime, he went to film "Brothers of the Dragon and Tigers", and almost died in a filming accident.

Why film Dragon Brothers and Tiger Brothers? I travel all over the world to shoot scenes, hoping to open up the North American and European markets. Now I see that I only film in Hong Kong Island. As long as the filming can be good-looking, I can also open up the North American market?

Then let’s continue filming in Hong Kong!

Instead of traveling around the world to make movies and spending a lot of money on filming, it is better to make movies at low prices in Hong Kong and invest all the money in promotion.

After Zou Wenhuai took over the script and read it, he nodded and said, "Okay, of course we will fully support you in making the movie... By the way, is Aaron still short of money?"

"If you are short of money, you can borrow it from me at any time, and I don't ask for interest. We are all on our own, so we help each other."

Cheng Long smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, there is no shortage for the time being. After all, Zhao Sheng also brought us into the foreign exchange market to make a fortune. I had no money at the time, but I went to the bank to borrow 100 million Hong Kong dollars."

"Now that the Japanese yen's foreign exchange has appreciated by 11%, we have already made 220 million!"

"This is not mine alone, there are four of them: A Ying, Brother Sanmao, and A Biao."

Will Cheng Long be short of money? Of course, there are 200 Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets in Wanwan. Buy, buy, buy. That is 200 pieces of land and real estate in the commercial bustling areas of various places.

The quartet of Cheng Long, Lin Zhengying, Sammo Hung and Yuan Biao still want to maintain 15% of Wanjia's shares, so they can only continue to pursue capital.

If it weren't for Zhao Donghuai's arrogance and letting them participate in the second wave of big financial investments, Cheng Long and the others would really be extremely poor. Even the big money they made from selling goods in the past few years would not be enough. Buy 200 pieces of land or a three- to five-story building in one go!

This is also the fundamental reason why Zou Wenhuai is now an equal partner to Cheng Long. Aaron is no longer just a star, he is one of the Hong Kong business tycoons.

At present, Hong Kong has long formed a consumption pattern in which shopping at Wanjia is the best and most high-end shopping experience. It can be said that if a brand, from clothing to shoes, electrical appliances and other department stores, cannot enter Wanjia, then it will It represents low, and once you get in, you have the concept of a big name.

Hong Kong Haowan is scheduled to have 252 chain stores by the end of the year. This is still the current era. As the times develop, there will be more and more new urban areas, and Wanjia will continue to expand and develop.

What is the status of such a businessman? Zou Wenhuai's independent film business is not as high as Cheng Long's current status. Fortunately, he also has a newspaper, shampoo, soap, and toothpaste factories.

After a few pleasantries, Zou Wenhuai lit another cigar and said with emotion, "I heard that the big judges of the North American Oscars and the big judges of the Cannes International Film Festival in France are all tired of sitting still and are going to die."

"I feel that Zun Long will have a chance to be nominated for an Oscar, and (Juno) directed by Zhang Yimou and Huang Jianxin will also have a chance to win the Cannes trophy..."

"I have been making movies all my life, and I never dreamed that such an operation mode could be possible!"

As a filmmaker who has been working all his life, he hopes to break into Europe and the United States. In addition to making more money, he also wants to promote the internationalization of the Hong Kong film industry and make money and win Canadian awards.

Up to now, Zhao Donghuai's playing style has shattered his outlook many times.

Wrinkle Huai sighed again, "What about next year's Academy Awards? The weight will be very different."

At these words, Cheng Long trembled with excitement, "As long as Police Story 2 is well shot, I feel that there is hope for the Golden Horse Award. Before, the Golden Horse Awards for the first film didn't look down on me, so they jumped on the street. Now they invite me to go." I’m too lazy to offend them.”

Yes, Aaron's Police Story 1 was nominated for Best Film, Best Director, and Best Actor at the 1986 Hong Kong Film Awards. Although it didn't win much, it was at least nominated.

However, he wanted to go to the Golden Horse for the first time. The 1986 Golden Horse, which will only open in September or October this year, was turned down by him.

Not a single nomination!

Aaron was so angry that he almost exploded with anger!

Anyway, he was nominated for the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor in 1984 for his work in "Plan A". How could he work so hard for "Police Story"?

Now, with the Cannes International Film Festival and North American Oscar judges frequently visiting the Zhao Financial Center, as well as Zhao's North American film crews...

The Golden Horse hurriedly called him again, hoping that he would go to the Golden Horse this year, and there were many more nominations, but Cheng Long decided not to take this opportunity.

He also has a premonition that with the emergence of new styles of play, the influence of the Hong Kong Film Awards will completely surpass that of the provincial Golden Horse and film awards from other places such as Japan and South Korea.

The Asia Pacific Film Festival will be suppressed by the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Having said this, Zou Wenhuai handed Aaron another cigar, "Pack it up and go visit Zhao Sheng? I just got the news that Li Zhiren is rushing to run a satellite TV station. Is this to challenge us? .”

Cheng Long's eyes widened, can he agree to this? I can’t agree!

Now he has experienced firsthand what a terrifying power the media is. Let’s just say that when someone wanted to expose the incident about his wife and children in North America, the media could easily use it to wash out the photos and other things, and they would be easily suppressed by all kinds of news. Got off.

Is Mr. Li trying to cause trouble? ?


after a while.

In the big office of Zhao's Financial Center, Zhao Donghuai looked at Shao Yifu, Zou Wenhuai, Lei Juekun, Ma Chengkun and other media guys sitting together, and immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know about that too."

"Although it will take several years to operate, we can stop it from the fundamentals. I will say hello to Wall Street and let them communicate with British capital. Satellite TV can be launched, and it must be launched in a big way."

"But Lao Li can't do it. I'll apply for qualifications another day."

In the past, Hong Kong capital was blocked. He wanted to run the terminal business, but even the entry qualification for the bidding meeting was blocked. During the first war of speculating on Japanese yen and foreign exchange, outrageous operations such as pulling out network cables and grabbing official seals were made.

Directly freeze the funds on unfounded charges!

If he hadn't been able to warn in advance, the trouble would have been huge. We couldn't really let the Pan-Asia Group stage a blockbuster scene. For the sake of harmony and friendship, some things could be saved.

It's different now. How dare Hong Kong investors block satellite TV anymore? By changing hands, he can let go of the large funds of Hong Kong's richest people to operate.

Do you continue to freeze? ? Is this really about cutting ourselves off from the people, including Hong Kong’s capital? Even if you dare to do that, Zhao Donghuai can persuade Wall Street to buy pounds a few years in advance!

Although it is said that building the British Pound cannot be done at once, it requires a suitable environment. Without an environment, you will fail if you try to do it...

But after World War II, the British Commonwealth has been stumbling. Now that it has fallen, as long as you work hard, you will have a chance. Be more ruthless and operate the quadruple set of counterfeit banknotes to deceive the British pound.

Mainland practical communication and broadcasting satellites have been operating stably for two months!

Based on Zhao Donghuai's current circle of friends in the Mainland, even if Hong Kong Capital supports Li Chao Ren, Director Zhao keeps in touch with his friends, but Li Chao Ren is not qualified.

Developing satellite TV is no longer just ATV’s English and Cantonese channels. Although the satellite TV originally developed by Li Chao and others was finally sold to Murdoch, the channels...

There are so many channels, and the most famous one in mainland China in the 21st century is Phoenix TV. "Really? I don't believe it" is just one of the many.

No matter whether Mr. Li still wanted to do what he wanted in the original trajectory, run it to get qualified, and then transfer and sell it after making a lot of money. With such public opinion, Director Zhao would not give him a chance.

Hearing what he said, Shao Yifu and others naturally breathed a long sigh of relief. Shao Daheng nodded repeatedly and sighed, "Last time, I was asked if I would sell TVB. This is so evil."

“We can’t guard against thieves all day, right??”

At that time, the editors even asked TVB if they could sell it, which angered Shao Yifu, but at that time, everyone only talked about financial resources, and Shao Yifu was not as good as Li Zhaoren.

The situation is different now!

Not to mention the last time Mr. Li wanted to get involved in his TVB, it was in 1984 when the Baijia chain was first opened. The strength and potential of the chain were rising step by step, and almost became "British capital disguised as Chinese capital" for a period of time. "Representing people.

At that time, Hong Kong Electric and Kwai Tsing Pier were still in his plans.

Watsons, PARKnSHOP and even 711 are not so cool.

At that time, Shao Yifu couldn't compete with him in terms of financial resources, but now Cheung Kong and Wong have a market value of more than 10 billion? ? Except for real estate, people named Li have almost nothing.

Shao Daheng felt that he had something to say!

In addition to TVB, he is a media tycoon who also owns newspapers and commercial radio stations. Since the joint venture to develop tea, his tea has also been available in hundreds of retail terminals in Haowan, Hong Kong, including Wanjia terminals.

During the thigh period, I helped him sell tea, and the cash flow was super high.

As soon as these words came out, Zou Wenhuai didn't say anything and just listened. Lei Juekun asked curiously, "Shao Sheng, what do you mean?"

Shao Yifu sneered, "I definitely can't eat it alone, but I think it won't be too troublesome for us to join forces and steal his Hutchison, right? He wants to develop satellite TV, so this can be regarded as a courtesy from us!"

Lei Juekun's eyes were brighter. In addition to newspapers, movies, and Kowloon Bus, he also owned the real estate group of Kowloon Construction Industry. What if he joined Hutchison Whampoa? ? The picture must be beautiful.

A few years ago, Lao Li's acquisition of Hutchison Whampoa was considered a battle between British capital and British capital, which helped Li Zhiren become famous. At that time, Hutchison Whampoa's market value was 6 billion, and HSBC held 20% of the shares. How could 20% get 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars in real money? Buy it in silver?

But Mr. Li actually paid in installments. With a down payment of HK$30 million, he acquired 20% of the shares of Hutchison Whampoa. With HK$30 million, he leveraged the 6 billion group and HSBC became a shareholder of Cheung Kong!

Hutchison Whampoa's market value surged in 1981 and 1982.

By 1983 and 1984, Hong Kong's stock prices were falling due to negotiation issues. Hutchison Whampoa also fell a lot. Before it could recover, Wanjia and Baijia started to work together.

Now that Hutchison Whampoa has lost the prospects of Watsons, Parknshop and Terminal, coupled with the collective withdrawal of investors from the stock market, the market value has long since dropped to only about HK$4 billion.

What if Hutchison Whampoa is lost again? ?

In the stock market, money is the most important thing!

Selling tea and various daily necessities, including Zou Wenhuai selling shampoo, soap, and toothpaste? ? The most important thing is cash flow!

Zou Wenhuai immediately raised his head, "Zhao Sheng, do you want to get involved?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I won't get involved. Currently, Hutchison Whampoa's market value is not as high as Chinese Real Estate, but Hutchison Whampoa still has a lot of high-quality real estate."

Hutchison Whampoa was withdrawn from the stock market by countless investors and was involved in the plunge. It is not that the market value is really too low. Hutchison Whampoa's stock price is currently far lower than its market value.

For example, Watsons and Parknshop Group are all dead in Hong Kong, but what about those chain store sites? ? The land is still there! Those pieces of land are destined not to be acquired with a market value of HK$3 to 4 billion.

Just transfer all the Watsons land to build commercial center buildings and dozens of storey luxury hotels? How many times the profit is that?

Shao Daheng laughed, "Then let's do it. I heard that fan Liu has made a lot of money recently by playing stock market sniping. We can ask him to help us run it, or at least tell us his experience."

Big fan Liu Luanxiong no longer has the opportunity to attack Chinese property buyers, but he still chose many actions, such as attacking the banker's Nengda Technology and the Kadoorie family's hotel group.

As the chairman of Hong Kong CLP Group, Mr. Kadoorie owns the Peninsula Hotel and Repulse Bay Hotel, both of which are high-quality properties.

Even a big shot like Li Zhaoji dares to attack just like Liu.


A few days later, April 20.

As soon as Mr. Li arrived at Changshi's office by car, he saw a ghost guy walking in accompanied by his secretary. Old Li was startled, "Mr. Abel?"

Abel walked to the desk and sat down. He ignored the coffee handed by the secretary and waved the other person out of the way. When there were only two people left in the room, Abel smiled bitterly and said, "Li, you want to operate satellite TV? It seems there is no chance.”

Li Zhiren was stunned, "What's the reason?"

Abel smiled bitterly, "Wall Street and London have reached an agreement... This opportunity will be given to Zhao Donghuai!"

Li Chaoren's eyes widened and he couldn't believe this result.

Abel took off his glasses and breathed a sigh of relief, took out the glasses cloth and wiped it, "Actually, if you wanted to use this qualification in December last year, we wouldn't have done this..."

In December last year, Zhao Donghuai dared to put pressure on Wall Street and London? ? Unplug the network cable, grab the official seal, and directly deduct your funds. What operations can't you try?

It's just that when Hong Kong proposed this proposal, too many people stood up and strongly opposed it.

The two-digit boss objected. You cannot find any mistakes or omissions in Zhao Donghuai Capital under the laws and regulations, and freeze the funds unreasonably. This is a breach of trust.

Do we still need official credibility?

No one wants to lose credibility until it is a last resort. This reason is very fair and just. The opposition is saying "I am against it!" "I am against it!"?

Zhao Donghuai, Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui and other family of five made more than 50 billion Hong Kong dollars in profits, including the tens of billions of principals. If no one objects, it will be done. The worst is to engage in a public opinion war.

If you want to eat the big fat sheep, it's okay to cause a little trouble once in a while.

But two digits of people objected, argued, held a meeting, and Zhao Donghuai pocketed the funds, so there was nothing he could do.

What if he dared to put pressure like this at that time? Grab satellite TV? It doesn't matter if there are two digits of people within the group who oppose it. The person named Zhao must be taught a lesson!

What a joke now. Zhao Donghuai only invested a few billion Hong Kong dollars into the financial battlefield, which is not as much as the tens of thousands of Hong Kong Island citizens and countless families who have collected money.

This also includes the funds that countless people in Gansu Province, Shandong Province, Eastern Guangdong, Jinmen, Shancheng, etc. in the mainland have found someone to hold on their behalf.

Haojiang and Wanwan various funds.

This includes money collected by thousands of police officers in the Hong Kong Police Force, as well as money collected by many public officials such as the ICAC, Lands Department, and Inland Revenue Department to give to their families and relatives.

How dare you freeze this money again without any reason? ? Is Li Chao worth their gamble? Copying people is far from this card!

The seemingly biggest man in Hong Kong also has to take action.

How dare you find no fault with this kind of money within the laws and regulations, and freeze or deduct it without any reason? This scene will definitely be ten times more serious than the police force's emotional turmoil at the end of the era of the Four Detectives!

As soon as Wall Street spread the news, London really felt the pressure. Then it was just a satellite TV on Hong Kong Island. Who was it not given to? This has a huge impact on London.

This is Hong Kong Island that is destined to return to its mother's arms. Even if the mouthpiece is snatched away by a man named Zhao, it will not be conducive to Niu Niu's various operations, but it does not matter in the face of the interest of grabbing money from the appreciation of the Japanese yen.

The person surnamed Zhao is not happy, let go of the big hole, the money-grabbing capital gathered will really make Wall Street, British, German and French capital vomit blood.

The original feast where everyone made hundreds of billions of dollars with tears and blood may be missing a decimal point.

The situation was like this... After Abel chatted with Lao Li for a while, Li couldn't calm down for a long time, and was so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

It wasn't until the morning market opened this morning that the secretary rushed in quickly, "Li Sheng, the market value of Hutchison Whampoa has increased significantly. Huo Sheng said that someone might want to take over a hostile takeover..."

Li Chaoren almost wanted to vomit blood.

Does the person named Zhao want to kill him? ?

After hurriedly contacting Huo Jianning, and after various exchanges and inquiries, he learned that it was Shao Yifu who was leading the team to engage in Hutchison Whampoa. Although Lao Shao, the disruptor, was a bit unexpected, he had been doing it since January 1985. Tea leaves.

TVB has almost become a tea station.

When ATV bombs Hong Kong with dramas including animated series, TVB programs at the same time are severely suppressed. What should I do? Lie flat and place a tea advertisement.

After being brainwashed for so long, it can be said that the thigh era is definitely an excellent booster for Shao Daheng's career to the next level. His tea has long been sold all over Hong Kong.

Tea is a very magical thing. It can cost a few yuan for a small jar, or it can cost hundreds or thousands of yuan for a box.

When you go to visit all kinds of old people and big shots who like to drink tea, it feels a bit inferior if you don’t bring a small bucket of super high-quality and rare tea worth tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

If the operating space is so flexible, you will know how profitable tea is.

The net profit of Zhao Donghuai's various fast-selling products can generate a cash flow of 10 to 20 billion Hong Kong dollars a year. Even if Shao Yifu needs to pay for it, the logistics, transportation, warehousing and retail terminals will all have to be paid to Zhao. Isn’t it just a joke to make two billion Hong Kong dollars from tea? ?

Of course, this refers to the entire large market of East Asia and Southeast Asia, leaving aside the mainland. In the thigh era, tea leaves were promoted, and concerts were flying around all over the place and could not stop.

Hutchison Whampoa's current total market value is only about HK$4 billion!

After understanding this, Mr. Li sat sullenly behind his desk, speechless for a moment. Even with the support of HSBC, could he beat Boss Shao? There are also people named Lei and Zou?

Shao Yifu and Zou Wenhuai, who have been fighting for half their lives, have finally joined forces!

If Hutchison is lost, even if he can cash out a large amount of money from his shares, he will only have money and no industry? Can't he be killed at any time? Changshi... He felt that he would soon fall back to the level of Ma Qingwei, a big student.

What a sin!

Zhao Shizeng might have done better than him.

Or it may be even lower, because today Shao Yifu, Lei Juekun, Zou Wenhuai and others dare to join forces to steal his Hutchison. In a year or two, after accumulating more ammunition and capital, those guys will dare to join forces to steal his Changshi. .

Drive him out of the board of directors of Changshi.


a new day.

The changes in the stock market have almost nothing to do with ordinary Hong Kong people at this stage, and have little impact.

In Kowloon Tong, a pretty 13-year-old boy was joking and enjoying the praise of his classmates as he went to school. Suddenly he saw a newsstand on the roadside. Many newspapers had photos of her sister on the front pages?

The handsome boy decisively ran to buy some newspapers.

Kowloon Daily: "Warm congratulations to Ms. Kwan for her new book topping the North American bestseller list, selling one million copies in three months. Twilight has bombarded North American book fans."

Tiantian Daily: "Congratulations to Ms. Kwan for her new work, which has swept across North America and campuses, and has become an idol for countless teenagers in North America!"

Oriental Daily: "With the demise of Hong Kong's four great talents, or being removed from the list, Ms. Kwan, who is only 24 years old, suddenly appeared on the North American book bestseller list, and there was a thunder on the ground!"

Ming Pao: “Isn’t this fake news?”


Looking at it, the handsome young man Guan Shihua was stunned.

After seeing the explanation on the front pages of various newspapers, several classmates near him also exclaimed, "Brother Hua, your sister is so amazing!"

"That's right. In addition to being a celebrity, is she also a great author? What kind of book is Twilight? It can actually sell one million copies in North America??"

"I used to say that Ni Jiam was the one who infiltrated among the four great talents. What is the total number of his various best-selling novels?? It has only been three months. Brother Hua and your sister are about to break the record, right?"


The exclamations from a group of classmates and friends made Guan Shihua excited and proud. He felt so proud.

After casually and reservedly exchanging a few perfunctory words with his classmates, he ran home happily.

Now her sister is so powerful that she buys real estate villas or large flats all over Hong Kong, including in Haojiang.

You can really live wherever you want. Guan Shihua and his mother Zhang Bingqian currently live in the Kowloon Tong school villa where he studies, which is only one to two hundred meters away from the school.

Running all the way home, he saw his mother making a Chinese decoction. Guan Shihua endured the unpleasant smell and ran over, "Wow, Mommy, my sister wrote a novel? It even sold a million copies in North America. It's incredible. Amazing."

"Didn't she just graduate from middle school? Is she so talented??"

When he showed off the newspapers one by one, Zhang Bingqian said, "..."

As a mother, she is so speechless. How could she not know how talented her daughter is? He must have some talent. Can he write a best-selling book?

She has incredible achievements and the power of a BMW.

Isn't she preparing medicine for her daughter to treat various illnesses?

But she does know something. In early November last year, Zhao Donghuai came up with the outline of the script (Twilight Saga), and Kwan Ka-wai and Monica Bellucci recruited professional gunmen to fill it in.

The writing style of a big idol drama is set.

The first volume was completed in January, and it was not sold in Hong Kong. It was initially distributed directly to North America. North America... The Marvel comics in Monica's hands have been distributed to many comic book chain stores in North America.

Selling books and videotapes in a comic store are all basic activities.

Monica Bellucci, the Marvel boss who is the main promoter in North America, has written a masterpiece about the love and hatred between vampires, werewolves and humans.

Monica has achieved a strong position in the film industry by relying on (super-body). She is also the boss of Marvel and one of the major shareholders of AMC theaters. So she ends up writing novels? ?

From the time it was released in January to now in April, it is normal performance to sell over one million copies.

This is the same routine as (Hurricane Rescue 1) is now released in North America, and after the box office exploded, it has successively hit the United States, island countries, South Korea and other markets.

As long as the new book really becomes popular in North America, it will be much easier to use North American sales data as a weapon to pry open the Asian market.

Monica Bellucci, who was purely publicized in North America, returned to Hong Kong Island and the Hong Kong Haowan area to focus on Kwan Ka-wai's fame.

Actually, if it doesn't become popular in North America and Hong Kong, it will be really difficult for a strange novel about vampires, humans, werewolves and other creatures to fall in love with each other to penetrate the Chinese market.

Knowing all this, Zhang Bingqian has a bit of a "although I can't accept it, I can only choose to lie down" attitude towards the relationship between a bole like Zhao Donghuai and a BMW Maxima like Jiahui.

After dealing with her youngest son's various problems, Zhang Bingqian continued to make Chinese medicine.

But outside, with the various announcements made by the New Day Newspaper Group, Guan Jiahui really became popular, a huge fire...

Countless Hong Kong citizens were shocked by this new melon and were at a loss. After clearing her reputation, Kwan Jiahui, whose sweet voice was enough to confuse everyone, suddenly changed her career and wrote a best-selling book?

One million copies sold in North America in three months? Literally, that’s a million copies!

This is not the kind of book (Jurassic Park) that is not expected to make money in the first place, and the retail terminal price is only 10 Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to just over 1 US dollars a book.

Prices in North America are also several dollars, and one million copies means sales of several million dollars. Moreover, book printing and retail terminals have their own channels.

Well, making a few dollars doesn't mean much to a wealthy woman like Kwan Jiahui, who is worth billions of Hong Kong dollars. However, various newspapers have promoted this book, which is extremely popular among teenagers in North American schools.

It has been read and read by countless teenagers, which is even more exaggerated than various classic martial arts novels in Hong Kong campuses.

This is quite shocking.

Then at noon that day, ATV and TVB's TV programs already had news about interviewing Guan Jiahui, and some reporters directly claimed in the interview whether Guan Jiahui was the most talented woman in Hong Kong...

Guan Jiahui laughed and complained about calling her a talented woman, a gifted scholar, a gifted woman, etc. There were people like Ni Jiang who just used the word to make up for it, but these words have long ceased to have the original meaning.

As soon as the news came out, the ratings skyrocketed, catching up with the ratings of the evening prime time.

Of course, Hong Kong and Hao's (Twilight) book was launched accordingly. It was priced at 30 Hong Kong dollars, three times more expensive than (Jurassic Park 1), but the first issue of 50,000 copies was still sold out on the same day.

Most of the people who buy it are teenagers and ghosts, including banana people and colonial people. For those groups, let alone 30 Hong Kong dollars for a copy, they won't care if you order a copy for 50 Hong Kong dollars.

Piracy…no piracy.

So far, whether it is the various blockbuster video tapes released by Zhao Films, or the Han Tianxia series of shoes, or fast-selling beverages, book series, etc., there is basically no piracy in Hong Kong.

Pirating this is a waste of life.

Whoever pirates an ordinary product, let alone how much money they make, will be found out within a few days and sent to Zhao Films to become a dragon and tiger martial artist? ?

Zhao's Financial Building.

After nightfall, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window overlooking the bustling night view of Tsim Sha Tsui, Kwan Ka-wai said excitedly, "Brother Huai, what was your mentality when you were looking for the most talented girl in Hong Kong? Are you more excited?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "..."

However, based on the current development trend, he is certain of one thing. In the future, with the development of the times and technological leaps, one of the important factors leading to the decline of Hong Kong movies, the proliferation of VCD and DVD piracy, should be able to put a brake on the situation.

There is no profit from piracy and crazy slashing of theater movies, and there is no production of high-paying celebrity kidnapping projects. It is just a type of follow-up movie. Most people, including rich people, black money, etc., cannot keep up with big special effects movies.

The development of his basic market is becoming more and more stable.

After being speechless for a few seconds, he took a picture of Jiahui's little moon and said, "The outline of the second part is also here. You can continue to recruit a team to make a sequel another day."

"As for the first part, we still need to add more fire."

The initial announcement (Twilight 1) was only driven by Monica's influence, but in the next step, Laura Fernandez, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Isabel... Adjani waited and pushed together.

After many years of accumulation, the original Twilight has sold 100 million physical books worldwide. Of course, this refers to the entire series, not just one book.

The Harry Potter series exceeds 500 million!

The question is, if I copy (Harry Potter) again in the future, why don’t I change the settings? How could Guan Jiahui, a person who has almost never been to London, write a novel with that flavor?

Change the settings? A magic academy that takes place on Hong Kong Island? It doesn't seem impossible. After all, there are many white British people living in Hong Kong Island.

If it happened on Hong Kong Island, the teachers and students of the magic academy would not only be white men and women, but also Chinese.

Regardless of (Twilight) or (Harry Potter), the main reason for the exaggerated sales is the big group's announcement, announcement, announcement!

However, Zhao Donghuai’s current global propaganda power is not weak.

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