Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 167 The power of actively creating hot news

Ms. Mary's "movie review" was directed at California's Pacific Gas and Electric Group, and it was able to make the front page of a super newspaper like the "New York Post", of course, for money.

However, compared with the income of a big movie, these are just small amounts of money and not worth mentioning.

Countless North Americans, including media organizations, certainly know that California Pacific Gas and Electric is a behemoth, but media people also work very hard to pursue news.

Especially the kind of big news that is hot enough to shock the eyeballs!

Now, is there any more exaggerated news than "Never Compromise"? When many journalists first saw Mary's "movie review", they thought it was a joke and fake news.

After thinking about the weight of the "New York Post", everyone fell silent.

Pacific Gas and Electric Group is really like the "Hong Kong Island Coal and Electricity Group" in the movie (Never Compromise). Due to poor management and negligence, a large amount of hexavalent chromium used for industrial anti-rust seeped into the groundwater, triggering a small The town's North American citizens are getting sick in large numbers? ?

Mild ones or headaches, nosebleeds, respiratory problems? Moderate organ failure? ?


This is the news of a 360-degree rolling explosion!

Then, whether it is New York or Chicago, or California, Miami, etc., watching movies from Hong Kong Island (never compromise) has become a required course for media people across the United States, from print media to various TV stations.

A large number of media people rushed to the cinema to watch the movie, and then a large number of people flew to Hinckley Town, California!

At this stage, Hinckley Town has undoubtedly become the light of the United States, with countless eyes paying attention!

The trend brought about by this wave of hot news has almost overwhelmed all voices in North America. That is really...

Wall Street Journal, "How ridiculous?! Depraved! Horrifying and twisted to the point of perversion?! In a (Never Compromise) movie from Hong Kong Island, everything that happens in the movie can actually be prototyped in North America??"

Chicago Tribune, “PG\u0026E! Shame on California!!!”

Washington Post, “Today is not April Fools’ Day!! Not!!!”

Los Angeles Times, "Who will save the health and safety of the people of California? More than half of the people in California are using electricity, gas, and natural gas provided by Pacific Gas and Electric Group, including myself, but I am in an unprecedented horror."


It really exploded!

Mary's "movie review" was published at 8 a.m. on July 11, North American time, and swept North America along with the New York Post.

Then by noon at the latest, major newspapers across North America published urgent issues one after another, all promoting the movie Never Compromise...

They don’t actively want to publicize it, but they want to explain clearly what Pacific Gas and Electric Group has done. Let readers read it first (never compromise), which is a clearer and easier-to-understand explanation than any written description!

Pacific Gas and Electric has a bad reputation!

A movie made the guy who controls half of California's coal-fired power look like "a master who was beaten to death by random punches." He was so confused and confused that he was quickly beaten to the point of trembling by the North American media and afraid to speak out.

By the way, who owns this energy group? The equity is relatively dispersed, and one tycoon may have a hand in it, and another tycoon may have a hand in it. On the surface, it is not controlled by any family in the California consortium.

The ownership is dispersed and the controlling power is not too strong. The result is that the large organization is bloated and the internal power is dispersed. When encountering a sudden crisis, it is not easy to have a decisive voice to deal with it quickly through public relations.

Otherwise, the original Pacific Coal and Electric would not have been sued and claimed compensation at every turn. The most absurd thing in its original trajectory was that its power equipment was backward, causing the largest California wildfire in North America!

In September 2010, Pacific Coal and Electric dug out a gas pipeline, causing an explosion and causing wildfires in California!

In 2018, poor management caused another super wildfire. It faced claims of more than 10 billion US dollars and filed for bankruptcy protection.

wait wait wait.

This weird group is really cool. In addition to spending money to operate the official white-glove operation and lobbying relevant departments in the hope of continuously increasing electricity and gas bills to make money, its handling of various other crises is really average.

Therefore, when Pacific Gas and Electric Group faced the majority of the media in North America that criticized and complained about it, its public relations performance was poor.

Its reputation and reputation have plummeted throughout the United States and even California!

(Never Compromise) This movie starts at 10 a.m. on July 11th, North American time. As long as AMC shows it in one hall, the attendance rate in every hall will be over 80%.

Wait until the afternoon? The venue was full and every seat was packed!

Originally, AMC Cinemas only had 1,200 big screens, but by the afternoon it had expanded to 1,500 big screens.

On July 12, when the North American box office statistics of (Never Compromise) were released yesterday, countless filmmakers were almost shocked. It was a full US$8.83 million!

The box office in a single day exceeded US$9 million, which was like pissing against the wind.

However, this is really the best explanation for the movie's initiative to create "explosive current affairs hot spots". There are 1,200 big screens, a hall with 200 seats, and a theater ticket of $4. Calculated this way, a full house in the United States would cost $960,000. .

From noon to 12 p.m., the box office for all six shows was US$5.76 million.

How can we talk about the addition of 300 big screens starting in the afternoon? There is also a morning session.

The first night slot grossed US$2 million at the box office on Thursday and US$8.83 million on Friday. On Saturday, countless North Americans who had watched the movie and countless citizens went even crazier. They were all crazily dissing Pacific Gas and Electric Group. If this was an Internet giant, During this period, it is estimated that the official account of Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Ltd. will be shut down due to being sprayed.

I'm so depressed.

Then, Mary became the representative of thousands of citizens in the town of Hinckley, and cooperated with the K\u0026L Gates law firm to sue Pacific Gas and Electric, which had already begun.

As soon as the news of this lawsuit came out, countless North American media fell into carnival again!

Super hot topic of current affairs, the movie that promoted (Never Compromise) once again exploded at the box office, directly cutting the box office of 10.67 million U.S. dollars, and on Sunday it reached a high of 11.23 million U.S. dollars!

In its first opening weekend, the North American box office was US$32.73 million! !

In the 1990s, this was an ordinary weekly box office number one in the 2000s, but in 1986, it was a thunderstorm for the entire North American film industry.

For example, in 1983, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi grossed $309 million at the U.S. box office, but its opening weekend was $16 million.

Another example is last year's Back to the Future. Original Track topped the box office for 11 consecutive weeks, but the total box office was only US$210 million.

In the 1980s, the box office revenue of more than 20 million U.S. dollars a week was the performance of the most powerful and powerful blockbusters. (Never Compromise) made 32.73 million U.S. dollars a week, which is really a precedent for the Hollywood film industry!

Los Angeles.

In an AMC movie theater, old Jack and Sam, members of the Academy's Presidential Jury, walked out of the theater together, recalling the movie they had just watched, and then thinking about the news storm in the past few days. One of the largest law firms in the United States, Gao Gai Ci Law Firm is going to sue Pacific Gas and Electric Group together with Mary? ?

After a long sigh, Old Jack said, "Forrest Gump hasn't been finished yet, and I haven't seen the finished film yet, but this film (Never Compromise), directed by Zhao himself, deserves an Oscar for Best Director." .”

Uncle Sam nodded happily, "The North American branch also invested in this movie. Although there are many Chinese people, the main heroine is still Isabel Adjani. This time we can award Adjani an Oscar."

Having said that, after all, their money has been invested in the Japanese yen speculation since April, and so far they have been very profitable, huge profits!

If you have such an ability to win the Olympics, you will naturally win an Oscar. After all (Never Compromise), the quality itself is high enough.

This is not about letting "Hold the Beibei" to win the Best Actress, but similar to letting the actors in "I'm Not the God of Medicine" win the Best Actor and Best Actress. Giving it will not affect the authority of the Oscar.

Whether you give it or not depends on whether the chairman of the college and the jury are making things difficult for you.

But even though he could mentally agree that "Never Compromise" is a good movie, John was still extremely shocked by the way the movie was promoted.

Jack nodded, "This was obviously done to hold down Pacific Gas and Electric Group. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that. Isn't that person afraid of retaliation afterwards..."

At this point, Jack smiled bitterly again. With Zhao Donghuai's terrifying ability in the financial market, why should he be afraid of Pacific Gas and Electric Group's revenge? The two are not in the same field at all.

The magic of this movie really opened his eyes.


July 14th, Hong Kong time!

Qiu Shuzhen was practicing ventriloquism, and the office door was knocked frequently. When Zhao Donghuai asked outside and found out that it was Isabel Adjani, he hurriedly asked Azhen to go back to the in-line suite to rest.

We can't let Adjani wait outside the door for another seventy or eighty minutes.

A moment later, Adjani hugged Mr. Zhao warmly as soon as she entered the office, "Zhao, thank you so much. Oh my god, it's only July, and I've already received a call, suggesting that I can make a good impact on the Oscars at the end of this year." back."

"Although I don't care too much about Cannes, Berlin, etc., the meaning of the Oscars is still different!"

After the warm embrace, Adjani showed off all kinds of charm and her posture was very charming. For an actor who has pursuits, she certainly has ambitions to become an Oscar-winning actress.

Although they were all good and blockbuster films that were previously filmed at Zhao's (The Love of Ghosts) and Forrest Gump, if they were used to compete for the Olympics, there is one thing to say: either they were romantic films that were not suitable, or they were too plot-heavy. She has too few roles in the film.

The character shots and the depth of the characters are not enough.

This time (Never Compromise) was really a big bang. Not only was it a big box office hit, but it actually made 32.73 million US dollars at the box office in less than 80 hours on its first weekend? ?

What a little outrageous.

That’s 250 million Hong Kong dollars, less than 80 hours!

And running for the Olympics? The confidence is also very high, she even feels that after "Never Compromise", she has been praised by Zhao Donghuai as the number one female superstar in Europe.

Under Adjani's extremely excited words, Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Calm down, stay calm, Adjani, you might also be the female boss in charge of Cannes in the future. You have to get more and more used to winning awards. "

Adjani smiled brightly and said, "You know, I also received a call from Sophie Marceau. She wanted me to pass a message to you. If you have any roles in the future, even if you are not the protagonist, you can call her at any time."

"Haha, you made me laugh so hard. I heard that you also sent an invitation to that little girl back then? And then she refused?"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Before he could say anything, Adjani continued, "Paramount sent me a film contract, offering 5 million U.S. dollars for a movie. Oh my God, such a salary is not enough for a female star, even a top-notch Hollywood star." This is the level of an actress!"

"So, for Sophie Marceau or the people around her, this is a thrill to take the regret medicine!"

I think when Adjani originally offered the cast and crew of "The Ghost", it was only US$800,000. That was because she believed that as a Cannes Best Actress and an Oscar-nominated actress, she was more realistic and did not have an inflated salary.

In less than a year and a half, her salary skyrocketed to US$5 million per film.

Which person in society can stand this kind of stimulation? ? There is such a real example that Sophie Marceau regretted it again, that is, gay sex.

The next moment she smiled again, "Sophie is not bad looking. You are not interested in an old woman like me. Are you not interested in Sophie at that age?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and could only cough and said, "Adjani, you have to know that I have asked you to be the heroine many times because your acting skills are worthy of praise and recognition. You have never been a stumbling block after joining the crew, and you can also lead the actors to act with you. The state of the actor opposite him."

It was Adjani's turn to smile and look around. Damn her acting choice. In fact, Sophie's acting skills are not bad. She is a rising star in France. In the past two years, countless French or European media have been singing about who is her successor.

As for the heroine in (Juno), Nicole Kidman, who has been receiving acting training since she was 10 years old, can play it, and Sophie Marceau can actually play it, and she won't be too much.

"By the way, although I am very excited about Paramount's 5 million salary, if you need me for a new film, just ask at any time and I can give priority to your film."

"If there is any use for me outside of movies, just say so."

What can Zhao Donghuai say, he can only say that Ajani is quite loyal sometimes.

After chatting and laughing, after Adjani left, Li Guoxing came... This distributor who operates theaters in East Asia and Southeast Asia except the mainland, after arriving, he stared at Mr. Zhao without saying a word, but his expression changed. It's very complicated.

Zhao Donghuai threw out a cigar, "What's wrong? Are you playing deep? My office is not suitable for you to think about philosophy or life."

Li Guoxing smiled bitterly, "Zhao Sheng, with your current status and influence, it's an honor for me to make fun of me in person!"

"I don't know for a moment how much I should ask for a buyout (never compromise) theatrical distribution. HK$50 million is definitely too little. If I ask for HK$100 million, I'm afraid of losing money. But since this movie is in North America It’s so crazy!”

"There is also the fact that Pacific Gas and Electric Group has assisted the box office in real life. The box office of this movie in the island country is very worth looking forward to. I guess the island country people will also like to watch Dad's Country's Great Fun..."

"Adjani's popularity in the island country is currently on par with Ms. Monica. No Hollywood female superstar can match them."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Have you thought about it?"

Li Guoxing lit up his cigar, took two puffs, and nodded, "The 100 million Hong Kong dollar buyout issuance may be the final peak."

"Once Zhao Sheng builds the 2 million Wanjia in Wanwan and puts the theater chain into operation, then I will no longer have the market in Wanwan Province. No matter how big a blockbuster is, it will be difficult to have the right time, place and people! "

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said nothing.

From the original 15 million issuance buyout of New World 1, to 50 million for Super Body, and now 100 million Hong Kong dollars? ? I can only say blockbusters, blockbusters have blockbuster gameplay.

When Zhang Min was called to come over and sign the contract, Lao Li, the second generation, laughed and said, "It's not like I have no chance to earn 100 million Hong Kong dollars. The island country market is too hot. Even if it's the same as super-body or human-ghost love, I only get 100 million Hong Kong dollars." The box office is six to seven billion yen."

"The yen content is also different!"

Yes, the box office of the two Super Body movies in the island country was 6 to 7 billion yen, but at that time, the yen was exchanged against the US dollar, and 250 yen was equal to one dollar.

At this stage, that is more than 170 yen, which is equal to one knife.

The same box office of more than 6 billion yen per day, Super Body only discounted more than 20 million US dollars. If (never compromise) bombarded this figure, it would be more than 40 million US dollars...

More than 40 million is a box office of more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars. After all, in the general trend of depreciation of the US dollar, the Hong Kong dollar is still constant at 7.8 yuan equal to one dollar.

So it seems that the (never compromise) buyout fee is super scary, and it is not at the same level as New World 1. But if you are lucky, an island country market will not only be able to recoup the capital, but also make a profit.

It depends on whether the island guy really likes to see the embarrassing things of North American dads!

The connection between Never Compromise and the real-life California town of Hinckley and Pacific Gas and Electric Group is really amazing!

The more vigorous the lawsuit there is and the more conspicuous the scars, the greater the stimulus to the movie box office. This kind of linkage between movies first and then real-life people plagiarizing and doing things according to movie plots is far more powerful than the wave of movies adapted from real-life stories after certain things or people happen.

Just say a little bit.

(Never Compromise) was released in Hong Kong, and the box office on the first day was only 2 million, which is far lower than the figures such as Super Body and Human Ghost. The first day of Super Body exceeded 3 million, and the first day of Human Ghost was 2.7 million.

There is an element of publicity in this, but no matter how little publicity or low-key it is, Zhao Donghuai will lead all Hong Kong people to make a fortune. He is already invisible. Countless people think that he is the richest man in Hong Kong and the richest Chinese.

A new movie directed by myself, 2 million on the first day...the data is really not high.

For ordinary directors, it is a big hit, but for him, it is like a failure. In terms of various reputations, put aside the hard-nosed ones, what is the real reputation? Many viewers felt that although the movie was exciting, it was still lower than expected.

Then something happened in North America, and a real case came out? The box office in Hong Kong suddenly exploded. It suddenly went from 2 million to 3 million a day. Even yesterday, July 13, it exceeded 4 million Hong Kong dollars in a day!

This is not a hot topic, it is a hot topic!

Following the hot spots, CLP Hong Kong, Towngas and Hong Kong Electric of Zhao Donghuai are all inviting expert teams, ATV and TVB live reporters to inspect all coal and power projects in Hong Kong to make sure Hong Kong people calm down. Don't panic.

Regardless of whether the coal and electricity groups in the movies or in California, North America, cheat and kill people without blood, the coal and electricity groups here on Hong Kong Island are still reliable enough.

Not to mention, such live TV programs, as well as expert groups explaining various industrial measures, environmental protection processes, etc., have made the ratings soar.

The ratings even beat the standards of many dramas!

What was revealed by (Never Compromise) is so perverted and terrifying!

Following the cancer tragedy caused by excessive formaldehyde in Mitsubishi Real Estate's decoration in "Blue Life and Death", environmental standards related to the coal power industry are being rapidly popularized.


July 15th.

As (Never Compromise) continues to bomb the Hong Kong and North American markets, Zhao Donghuai just simulated a change in the foreign exchange market in the big office. This time the simulator showed that he did not need to take any specific actions for the time being.

Not far away, Zhang Min, who had just finished reading a script, came over and said, "Boss, this script is too... too..."

The script Zhang Min took was "Pretty Woman" or "Pretty Woman".

This is the original 92 version of "A Happy Event at Home" played by Zhou Xingxing, who played the role of Xingzi picking up Manyu. He also mentioned this movie and specially dyed his clothes with a pen just to keep up with Manyu's channel when picking up girls. .

It’s enough to witness how popular this movie was when it was released!

In fact (Pretty Woman) is indeed very popular. It was released in 1990, with a box office of US$178 million in North America and a cumulative box office of US$460 million worldwide, equivalent to HK$3.6 billion.

A movie's box office sales alone are as high as HK$3.6 billion. How can we talk about other peripheral and video revenue? ?

But, after Zhang Min read the script of this movie, he felt like his views were shattered. Amin was very doubtful, would anyone really watch such a movie? ? Can there be a box office?

Even if the boss’ current focus is on winning awards and the like, Pretty Woman is a bit outrageous.

What is Pretty Woman about? The love story between Cinderella and Prince Charming. This Prince Charming is a big entrepreneur in the 1980s and 1990s, a super diamond king, while Cinderella... is a lost woman.

That's right, the first time the male protagonist and the female protagonist met was when the female protagonist was soliciting customers on the street.

A super diamond entrepreneur, an absolutely high-quality man, fell in love with a sea girl, and the two happily walked together in the end.

Amin couldn't help but complain in his heart. Which big entrepreneur or super rich man can't stand the test of a fallen girl? ?

Even among players such as Zhao Shizeng, Lin Jianming, Liu Luanxiong, etc., who would marry back a fallen girl who solicits customers on the street? ? This is too outrageous, you can't even dream like this.

But is this the new script with sub-shots that Zhao Donghuai came up with? ?

Amin was still sighing, Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and ran in. She looked at Amin suspiciously, "Did you eat while I was away?"

Amin rolled his eyes and ignored her, and Azhen came over and smiled, "Boss, Xu Anhua and Guan Jinpeng are here, as well as Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, and Sandra Bullock. "

Director Zhao nodded, "Let them come in. Let them handle this crew."

It reminds me of "Pretty Woman", which is considered one of the originator dramas of Mary Sue. Zhao Donghuai will not direct it himself, but will leave it to a local director who is good at making romance films.

Both Xu Anhua and her apprentice Guan Jinpeng are good choices.

As for the actors? Let's let white actors play together. It's not that Chinese actors can't play white women. That's the story, right? ?

It feels like Zhang Guorong, Zun Lung and the like play a wealthy Chinese man, a super diamond king and Laowu, but they find love by walking together with a white woman who lost her footing on the street.

It tastes weird.

I still respect the original version, Bruce Willis. Don't think that he is just an action star. This actor's acting skills are also very powerful in "The Sixth Sense". After all, he worked as a bit player for eight years.

It is not difficult for him to play a diamond king and big entrepreneur in the 1980s and 1990s.

As for the heroine? Originally, he thought of giving it to Sandra Bullock, who was a first-year student of Asia Opera. She studied acting at a formal theater school in North America for three years before coming here. She joined Asia Opera and studied for another year.

Acting is okay, but as for talent? ? Are the future Golden Globe Best Actress trophies and Oscar Best Actress trophies considered proof of talent?

Originally considering Sandra, Zhao Donghuai unexpectedly discovered that Julia Roberts, the heroine of Pretty Woman, had joined this year's second batch of new students in Asia Drama!

According to Julia's information, she was also born in a family of actors. She began to develop into the entertainment industry after graduating from high school. She worked as a model in New York for two years and taught herself acting.

After all, he is a child who grew up in a family of actors.

His acting skills are good, and he has talent... he will be nominated for Hollywood Oscars for supporting roles and leading roles again and again in the future, including the best actress. Is this talent? ?

Even the heroine of (Never Compromise) is also Julia, but she was cut off by Zhao Donghuai and handed over to Isabel Adjani in this plane.

She originally started filming (Pretty Woman) three years later, finished it in three months, and was released in 1990. In 1991, she was directly nominated for an Oscar for this movie.

Then we'll live together.

Now Julia Roberts' acting skills still need to be improved, but with such a script and a small-budget love story, she is not afraid of wasting time. Now in July, even if the filming will not be completed until next year, she is not afraid of wasting time.

The heroine was given to Julia Roberts, so the biggest supporting actress, who was also a prostitute in the script, was given to Sandra Bullock.

After those people came up one by one and said hello politely, Zhao Donghuai sent the script over, one copy for each person, which was the entire script.

After reading the script carefully for more than an hour, Xu Anhua looked shocked, "Thank you Mr. Zhao for reading it. This book is really great. I will work hard to make it a success!"

She was indeed shocked. Cinderella married Prince Charming and was directly elevated to the level of a fallen girl? Director Xu said he didn't understand it, but he could only praise it.

Guan Jinpeng also wiped his sweat and couldn't stop talking all kinds of nice things.

Bruce Willis? ? He could only join the touting team in English. Anyway, Bruce felt that it was quite something, just like the inner expression of an old man looking at his mobile phone on the subway in future generations.

Julia and Sandra were very moved, one was more excited than the other, they were really moved!

The two girls are still young, Julia, the big talker, is 19 years old, and Sandra is 22 years old. They are still at an age where they have certain fantasies and dreams about love.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I feel that you two still have potential, but if you want to perform well, you also need to observe life. During this period, you can follow the two directors and have a superficial contact with the life patterns of women who have lost their feet..."

On Hong Kong Island, everything on the first floor and one phoenix is ​​legal.

Lou Feng is the best example of a street girl who often solicits customers.

It is impossible for Zhao Donghuai to let them actually do anything, but superficial observation and learning is still necessary, very necessary.

His film company is working in the Hong Kong Haowan area. At present, no one dares to cause trouble.

The two women were also excited and thanked each other again and again, saying that they would seize the opportunity... Speaking of which, Sandra Bullock was also very excited. Nicole Kidman, who started her career at the same time as her, is already the Queen of Cannes Film Festival. Nominated.

Even if (Juno) had an average box office in Asia, it would have exceeded 100 million in Europe and the United States combined!

Gain both fame and fortune.

Still starring Naomi Watts at the same time, (Cat and Mouse) has not yet been officially released, and is expected to be released after the popularity of (Never Compromise), but this film has triggered various feminist supports in Europe and the United States since the filming started... Public opinion is a mess.

Today this is the big boss's gaze. Is he finally paying attention to her? So touching!

Zhao Donghuai looked at the two directors and said, "Don't be afraid of wasting time. We have plenty of time. Take your time. I'm not worried about Bruce's acting skills. As long as the heroine can work hard to perform, it doesn't matter if we shoot for more than half a year."

Naturally, Director Xu and Director Guan nodded repeatedly and were very solemn. Even though they both felt that the script was too outrageous, Zhao Sheng said that he really gave them a chance if they could use it. Fortunately, Director Xu had been famous for a long time.

Director Guan is still only Director Xu’s apprentice.

Of course, director Guan is also very good. For example, in this year's 1986 Academy Awards, he directed the film "In the Heart of a Woman", in which the heroine Miao Qian and Isabelle Adjani's "The Last Love" competed for this year's Hong Kong Film Awards. The Academy Award-winning actress.

After seeing the group of filmmakers leave and the door of the big office being closed, Qiu Shuzhen grabbed Director Zhao's hand to feel her conscience, "Boss, there is news from Wanwan Wanjia that they have been renovated for thirty or forty years. A building."

"The branches have been opened one after another, so when will we build new theaters... More than 30 six- and eight-hall theaters have been renovated, and they will be opened as soon as you say a word!"

In late April, Amin's Chinese Real Estate announced with high publicity that it would build a building or renovate and renovate a suitable three- to five-story building above ground to be used as a subdivision for Wanjia.

There are more than 150 pieces of land purchased by Wanjia.

The remaining more than 40 buildings are basically 70% to 80% new and can be used after renovation. It is now almost late July, with the enthusiastic help of the renovation team and countless Wanwan citizens.

Wanjia has also opened thirty or forty stores one after another.

Theater chain? ?

If you can build thirty or forty six- or eight-hall theaters, it will be a good-sized theater chain in itself. Now, there is no need to rely on the existing theater chain groups over there to divide the meat.

Zhao Donghuai felt Azhen's conscience and said speechlessly, "Azhen, you are getting more and more naughty."

There is no need for it yet. After all, Li Guoxing is a happy cooperation and never compromises. He just spent 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

Azhen continued to be cute, "Amin has a bigger conscience than me. You are the big boss, so you have to help me..."

Zhang Min, who was not far away, rolled his eyes crazily. Azhen was just itchy, why should she be involved in everything?

Azhen is a person who is addicted to food.

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