Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 168 The reputation of the most talented woman continues to expand

Facts have proved that even though the island country guy probably didn’t have a good life when he was young, he still likes to watch jokes about his father’s country.

On the 14th, Li Guoxing bought the right to sell out the foreign markets in East Asia and Southeast Asia except the mainland. On July 16th, he landed in the theaters of the island country and announced...

Li Guoxing did not make any announcements. Since Mary in North America cooperated with the K\u0026L Gates law firm to sue Pacific Gas and Electric Group on the 11th, countless North American newspapers and TV stations began to bombard Pacific Gas and Electric Group indiscriminately that day.

These news are the fastest flowing into Hong Kong, island countries, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places.

The news has been fermenting for a few days, and there is no need to do anything else. On the 16th (never compromise), it directly made more than 300 million yen at the box office across the island country!

More than 300 million yen a day is a crazy figure!

Of course, if you look at the unit of yen, it is indeed an exaggeration. If converted into U.S. dollars, before the 1985 U.S. dollar depreciated and the Japanese yen did not appreciate, more than 300 million yen would be 13.4 million U.S. dollars, which is similar to one thousand U.S. dollars. Millions of Hong Kong dollars.

Now? More than 300 million yen is still less than 2 million US dollars.

This data is an exaggeration. It refers to the Star Wars series since the 1970s and 1980s, to Back to the Future, Top Gun, and then to Hong Kong Film’s (Super Body) (The End of the World) (Life and Death) and so on. The total box office of blockbusters is 6 to 7 billion yen.

Only the 1975 film (Jaws) had a box office of 9 billion yen in the island country, and it was also Jaws that had a box office of 300 million yen in one day!

Hollywood movies have made 10 billion yen at the box office in the island country, and that all refers to the sequels to Pirates of the Caribbean, The Matrix, and Harry Potter... The sequels relied on the success of each of their predecessors to pave the way for the sequels to hit the big time. Ten billion yen box office.

That's all after the millennium.

And (Never Compromise) relied on the hot news effect in reality to not only bombard the island country, but also earned more than 9 million new dollars in various old theaters on the first day of its release, which is equivalent to more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars.

In places like Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea, the box office trend is also booming.

Isabelle Adjani, a French star, has really become the most dazzling and brightest star this summer, attacking the world!


July 17.

In the luxurious private screening room of Zhao's Financial Building, when Zhao Donghuai and the (Cat and Mouse Game) crew watched the final film of this female-fronted movie, Xu Ke, Wang Jing, including Naomi Watts and Lin Qingxia, etc., Everyone looked at Director Zhao with concern.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and clapped a few times, then looked not far away, "Barry and Mr. Pacino, what do you two think of the quality of this film?"

Barry Levinson, a great director, and Al Pacino, a multiple Oscar nominee, are the visiting professors of the Acting Department of the Asian Theater Academy this year, including the Directing Department.

When I first saw the self-recommendations of these two people, Zhao Donghuai thought of the (Rain Man) script in his mind. After all, (Rain Man) is one of the most worthy of writing and praise in Barry's director career.

As for Al Pacino, an actor-level figure, let him challenge the autistic person in Rain Man and once again challenge for the Oscar winner trophy. As long as he is willing to calm down and act, he has a high probability of winning.

However, at this stage, he has not yet discussed the (Rain Man) project with these two.

Speaking of which, the two people in front of me have just arrived in Hong Kong for a few days after joining (Asian Drama) as guest or honorary professors.

I haven’t even had a teaching assignment yet, and I haven’t even had a guest appearance in a few classes, so I haven’t had time to talk about it.

At this, Barry Levinson smiled and nodded, "It's a very good, very complete crime drama. If I hadn't known earlier that this movie was adapted from the real deeds of real people, I wouldn't have believed it. Crazy, over-the-top stuff.”

With the customary polite words, Barry looked at Naomi Watts in the back row, "The little girl has good acting talent. I can't tell you about the Oscar. I still have a chance to try for the Golden Globe Best Actress nomination."

Can Naomi win the Golden Globe? In the original version (Cat and Mouse), DiCaprio won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor nomination for his performance in it.

And even Zun Long won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and Best Actor for (Year of the Dragon) and (The Last Emperor) respectively, which is also the best actor nomination.

Brother Kaizi’s (Farewell My Concubine) also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Zhang Yimou's (Alive) received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Foreign Language Film.

Including (Kung Fu), (Jinling Thirteen Hairpins) and even (The Promise) have received Golden Globe nominations for Best Foreign Language Film.

International Chapter won the Golden Globe Best Actress nomination for "Memoirs of a Geisha"...

Looking at this pile of resumes, you will know that the honor of the Golden Globe Award is much easier to win than the Oscar, but the Golden Globe Award itself is a precursor award for the Oscar.

A movie like The Promise (A Murderous Case of a Steamed Bun) can be nominated for a grand award, so its gold content is just that.

After saying this, Naomi Watts was still ecstatic and bowed to thank her. She was so excited!

Al Pacino smiled and said, "The performances of both actresses are wonderful. I don't find it strange. After all, Lin is one of the literary queens in the Chinese circle. Naomi is really talented."

After speaking, the crowd stood up and walked outside. Zhao Donghuai told Qiu Shuzhen, "(Never Compromise) has been released for less than a week, so Cat and Mouse Game will be scheduled to be released at the end of July to avoid the limelight."

"The end of July is still a good time in the summer season."

After a while, when everyone moved to the big office, Fatty Jing, Xu Ke, Lin Qingxia, Naomi and others had left one after another. They glanced at Barry Levinson, Al Pacino, and Zhao Donghuai who were following them. I just took out two scripts and handed them over.

"You two, this is a new script I have conceived. Why don't you help me refer to it to see if there is any chance of making it into a high-quality movie?"

Barry and Al immediately became serious.

The script that Zhao Donghuai came up with...that's really a good guy. Thinking about the (Never Compromise) that is currently raging around the world, these two senior Hollywood filmmakers are also super speechless and speechless.

They have all watched "Never Compromise" in North America and have been paying attention to the real-life lawsuits. They all know the quality of "Never Compromise" clearly. It will definitely be a blockbuster for the Olympics and a box office bomb.

New script, (Rain Man)? ?

After being polite, the two of them sat in the reception area and quickly read the script. Barry read quickly and Al read slowly.

After a few dozen minutes, after roughly reading the outline of the story, Barry grabbed the script and closed his eyes and meditated for a moment on the sofa. Then he took a sip of coffee and clapped his hands and said, "Great book, Zhao. I feel like I have clear pictures and stories in my mind." Logic line."

"If this movie is made well, and if the main character, the autistic genius protagonist, can be played well, it will definitely be another award-winning film! I can't say how sure I am, I can only say that it depends on the opponents at the same time, whether they are stronger or weaker. !”

Good book? ? High five Barry? There's nothing wrong with it. Originally, this was a script adapted by a Hollywood screenwriter in 1987 based on the story of Kim Peake, a North American genius with autism.

When preparing for the project, the script fell into the hands of screenwriters and directors one after another. After many changes, the story line was not so pleasant and convincing. Finally, in 1988, it fell into the hands of Barry Levinson. .

The well-known writer-director, who has been nominated for two Oscars for Best Screenplay, personally revised the film.

This is the final version of the script...

This is what Barry himself learned from his strengths and weaknesses two years later and used his own energy and strength to create a Hollywood Oscar-winning script!

This book is so special to Barry!

As for the original work being adapted from the story of Kim Peake, should Rain Man now go to the other party for the adaptation rights? No need, after the story has been significantly adapted, everything else is different except that the male protagonist is still a genius autistic.

For example, Kim Peake grew up in a relatively happy environment. His parents always doted on him and cared about him. However, in "Rain Man", his mother died young and his stepmother also died young. The second male supporting actor Fei Xiang is the same father as the male protagonist. Half brother.

Then his father sent him to a nursing home early because he was afraid that the male protagonist would accidentally hurt his younger brother. The younger brother almost didn't know his elder brother's existence when he grew up.

The main line of the story is that after the death of his father, the younger brother went to the nursing home to find the male protagonist in order to grab the inheritance. Through step by step contact, he found a sense of family and affection. He did not value the inheritance but the family relationship with his autistic brother.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Well, Barry, are you interested in directing this movie?"

Barry was stunned, and after thinking for two minutes, he asked curiously, "If I direct, it will be difficult to choose the male lead, right? The autistic genius male lead has too high requirements for acting skills!"

It’s not that he can’t direct. I mean, he recommended himself to be an honorary professor or visiting professor of Asian opera. Isn’t it just to make money? Even the big guys like old Jack and old Sam, who are the president of the academy and the jury, can bend over for money.

Of course he can, too, Barry.

He was worried that if he directed, it would be like a cat-and-mouse game and he would get a bunch of heroines. Well, it’s not like the heroine can’t do it, I’m just afraid…

Zhao Donghuai smiled and pointed at Al Pacino, who was still immersed in the script. Barry's eyes lit up, he patted his thigh and sighed, "Yes, our godfather is here. If Al plays this autistic protagonist, Everything is fine.”

The 46-year-old Al has already been nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor and four times for Best Actor!

His acting skills? Different people have different opinions, but Barry believes that as long as Al is willing to act, find some autistic people to observe and learn, and then rely on this script and role to win the Olympics, it will not be difficult.

Barry then stopped talking and waited quietly for Al to continue reading the script. After another half an hour, Al put down the script and sighed with enlightenment, "It's a good book, the theme is very profound, and the autistic protagonist is very interesting to any actor." It’s a challenge.”

"The greatest connotation of it is to find family love and find the warmth of family in this impetuous society. The meaning of family love and family is far greater than money and wealth. It is such a good book!"

Zhao Donghuai said, "Al, I know your current situation is a little different, but I still want to ask, what do you think if you play the autistic male protagonist in this script?"

Al was confused, "Me? Me...me?"

Barry Levinson laughed, "Al, the male protagonist in the script Rain Man should be very different from the male protagonists in many movies you have played before, right?"

"Is this a new challenge for you?"

Al then nodded seriously, "It is indeed a brand new challenge!"

He is famous for playing gangster characters, and then created different classics in gangster roles again and again, and was nominated for Oscars again and again.

Even in those few Best Actor nominations, not all of them were villains, there were also decent characters, but they still couldn't escape the genre of crime movies.

(Rain Man) This kind of movie focuses on the family atmosphere and the tired atmosphere of logging in society in the 1980s and 1990s. The protagonist is still an autistic person? It was an unprecedented challenge for him.

Zhao Donghuai interrupted at the right time, "Al, since you don't want to take on movies or shoot new movies for the time being, and you have a lot of time, you can think about it slowly. There is no rush to promote the (Rain Man) project for the time being."

"It's not too late to give you two or three months to think about it. You can take the script back and study it slowly."

Barry Levinson laughed, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao!"


On July 17, we talked about the issue of the first (Rain Man) project. Zhao Donghuai is indeed not in a hurry about this matter. At this stage, there are quite a few blockbusters and good films that have been scheduled for the Lunar New Year.

Regardless of whether (Rain Man) or (Good Will Hunting) was handed over to Xu Ke and Wang Jing, it would not be too late to finish filming in 1987.

In the following time, throughout North America and Asia, the glorious rhythm of bombing the world was still the same (never compromise).

From the 10th to the 13th, the North American first weekend grossed 32.73 million U.S. dollars. From July 14th to the 20th, the box office of Never Compromise in North America for the second week once again hit 31.18 million U.S. dollars.

In the island country, the first week of 5 days was 1.58 billion yen, which is almost 10 million yen in US dollars. This was only five days.

Li Guoxing smiled from ear to ear. According to the current trend, he spent 100 million Hong Kong dollars to buy the rights to sell the port, and he could repay the investment in just one island country, and still make a lot of money.

The record in Wan Province is also good, with more than 48 million new Wan coins and more than 16 million Hong Kong dollars in five days.

Also on July 17th, (Never Compromise) landed in Europe and grossed more than 27 million US dollars at the box office in four days. Including Hong Kong Island, Stars, Malaysia, Thailand and other places, this movie has become a real-life movie, ranking among the top 11. Day's release.

The global box office has exceeded US$100 million!

In just ten days, sales in North America, Europe and Asia exceeded 100 million dollars.

This is far from being comparable to the original global box office figure of US$260 million. With this pace and trend, there is great hope for a global box office of over US$400 million.

And all of this is closely related to the fact that Mary and K\u0026L Gates have been frequently announcing to the media their contacts and progress with the Pacific Gas and Electric Group’s legal team, as well as the progress of out-of-court settlements.

The lawsuit has not officially started yet. Before going to court, the lawyers of Pacific Gas and Electric Group, just like in the movie, initially planned to pay 10 million U.S. dollars to settle out of court with thousands of Hinckley Town citizens.

When Mary and her legal team announced the news to the public, the whole country was in an uproar again, and public opinion was in an uproar...

Everyone really didn’t expect that everything was clearly written in the movie. The villain interest groups in the movie all started with 250,000 pounds and wanted to settle with small amounts of money, and then had to increase the compensation step by step.

In the end, the court awarded compensation from 250,000 pounds to 333 million pounds.

It turns out that Pacific Gas and Electric Group in real life is also so funny? Still thinking about paying $10 million in compensation? That's thousands of Hinckley victims.

Hundreds of people have become sick due to long-term consumption of drinking water that seriously exceeds the standard for hexavalent chromium. Thousands of people have not yet become ill after long-term consumption of that kind of water, but are suffering from medical problems!

When used well, public opinion is a weapon of destruction, and it is also an important weapon of propaganda.

Even some North American justices have watched the movie "Never Compromise", including learning about the various evidences held by Mary and K\u0026L Gates, and more than one of them spoke out on different media platforms.

This case seems to be the largest class action lawsuit in North America at this stage. In order to protect the personal safety and health of hundreds of North American citizens, Pacific Gas and Electric Group’s compensation should only be higher than the compensation in the movie.

Instead of lower!

Anyway, in order to gain popularity and popularity, many congressmen and politicians who need to win votes have begun to speak out through various media, and they must let the citizens of Hinckley Town get the justice they deserve.

They must not be allowed to bleed and shed tears.

They are the strongest backing and support for the citizens of Hinckley Town!

A large number of environmentalists are also gathering to speak out for Hinckley Town and denounce Pacific Gas and Electric Group!

The bigger the news in this reality becomes, the more famous and sensational the movie (Never Compromise) becomes.


A new day, July 21st.

When Hong Kong Island entered darkness, Zhao Donghuai signaled the traders in the financial building to start selling Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min's shares in Microsoft and Oracle.

Currently, Microsoft is selling for US$85 per share, and Oracle is selling for US$83 per share.

Azhen's initial purchase price was an average of 27 HKD per share, which is equivalent to a profit of 214%. The initial loan of HKD 50-60 million will still make a profit of HKD 117.7 million, or HKD 117 million, after paying off the debt.

Zhang Min's situation is similar.

Now asking two women to sell their stocks does not mean that Microsoft and Oracle will not rise again. Through simulator simulation, in the next one or two years, those two groups will also rise from more than 80 US dollars to 156 US dollars. It only doubled in one or two years.

At first glance, this is still a huge profit.

But for Zhao Donghuai, who has many options, it is a routine operation to let them temporarily abandon it to make other quick money.

Such as the island stock market!

The entire Plaza Accord not only brought about changes in the foreign exchange market, but the rapid appreciation of the Japanese yen was a super bonus. The rapid rise in the island country's stock market and the skyrocketing real estate prices were also huge profits.

Of course, the appreciation of the stock market in island countries also has a time limit.

For example, in the six months from September 1985 to 1986, the foreign exchange appreciation of island countries was more than 30%, but the average appreciation of the stock market was only 8%. In addition, the stock market did not have the leverage of ten times, twenty times, or even fifty times as much as the foreign exchange market. .

The initial stock market of island countries is not worth investing in.

But starting from April 1986, the stock market rose wildly. In the past few years, the stock prices of the entire island country's stock market, from 1986 to 1989, had an overall annual growth rate of more than 30% on average, including excluding the 1987 stock market crash. The average increase after a sharp drop in value.

An average increase of 30%? ?

It is very common for some monster stocks and fairy stocks to double their market value in a few months, far exceeding the average. Just like the average salary and the personal income of the rich, there is a huge gap.

Among the many fairy stocks and monster stocks, real estate stocks have the fastest and most exaggerated appreciation.

An island-wide behemoth like Mitsubishi Real Estate naturally appreciates quickly and strongly, but those guys' goals are too big and there are too many people snapping up.

Zhao Donghuai randomly simulated in the simulator and found several real estate companies that were more worthy of investment in the short term than Microsoft and Oracle in the next one or two years.

Several are real estate companies under the control of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and several are real estate companies under the control of the Sumiyoshi Kai.

reason? That is, when the stock market and real estate across the island country skyrocketed with the help of the Plaza Accord, the real estate companies run by the Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi-kai and other social groups used various illegal, illegal, forced purchases, and plundering to gain some notoriety in Tokyo. The real estate business in prosperous or prosperous old cities, old buildings and old areas is expanding rapidly.

They are acquiring more and more real estate, even if it is illegal. For example, real estate with a market value of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars is snatched from the original owner through gambling and fraud at almost zero cost, but this is indeed expansion.

No matter how low those methods are, it is reflected in the stock market that the market values ​​of small and medium-sized listed real estate companies and real estate groups controlled by corporate forces have been soaring, and their stock prices have been soaring.

After short-selling the stocks of Azhen and Zhang Min on the night of the 21st, and the two women each pocketed a profit of 100 million Hong Kong dollars, on the morning of the 22nd, the Tokyo stock market started.

Zhao Donghuai asked his financial traders to start investing in several monster stocks that were about to take off.

The stock prices of these stocks more than doubled within three or four months, from July 19 to November, and their profits were huge!

In just over three months, Azhen and Amin's money could double, and by November, the stock prices of Microsoft and Oracle had risen to more than 90 US dollars per share.

Even if they re-acquire them at that time... they will still make a lot of money. This is the wool of real estate stocks such as the Yayamaguchi Group and Sumiyoshi Kai.

As for Zhao Donghuai and Monica Bellucci's stocks in Microsoft and Oracle, there is no need to sell them. They can be held for a long time. If they want to make money in the island country's skyrocketing stock market, he and Monica, including He Qing, etc. Women, you can use other money to make money at any time.

After giving several orders over the phone, everything began to proceed in an orderly manner downstairs.

Azhen was so excited in the big office that her whole body swayed and convulsed, "Boss, Amin and I are getting richer and richer. Wow, do you think we should join forces with Sister Qing to acquire Li Zhiren's Changshi?" ?”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Do you hate Li Chao so much?

After Shao Yifu, Wuxianhuai, Lei Juekun and others teamed up to take control of Hutchison Whampoa, Mr. Li is only left with Changshi, a company with a market value of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

However, in this long-standing company, HSBC is also one of the major shareholders. HSBC controls more than 20% of the stocks. Together with Li Chaoren... they can definitely control the company if they join forces. This cannot be won by having money.

Besides, even by the end of October, without counting the profits in the foreign exchange market, Azhen and Amin each held more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars, adding up to 700 million. Why is it more than 3 billion? ?

If you all join Changshi, you can get up to 40% of the stocks.

It will also be accompanied by large-scale acquisitions that will cause Cheung Kong's stock price to rise sharply. It is estimated that the capital of about 4 billion Hong Kong dollars will only be able to obtain an increase of 30% in the end.

After being silent for dozens of breaths, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Don't worry, after this wave of real estate stocks, there will be another wave."

"If by next spring, both of you can collect more than one billion in cash flow, then you can consider doing something big."

What he is talking about now is more than one billion, which not only refers to speculation in the island country's real estate stocks, but also includes the tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars that the two women borrowed and invested in the foreign exchange market starting from January 1, 1986.

When Azhen heard this, she became even more upset!

Zhang Min came over quickly and said, "Sister Jiahui is here... You little goblin should be disliked again."

Guan Jiahui...

Guan Jiahui is here to report good news again. She and Monica co-authored (Twilight). The first part was released in late April. It has accumulated sales in the North American market for three months and sold 1 million copies.

Immediately afterwards, Let the Gunners released the second part according to the outline. Currently in July, it has only been sold in North America for more than a month, and it has sold 1 million copies again.

The first volume has now accumulated over 3 million copies!

Including the Europa market, the first Twilight has sold more than 5 million copies. It belongs to the fantasy love novels between vampires, humans, werewolves and other species that are currently the most popular among white young men and women in the world. Mary Sue idol novels .

Although the main promotion in the European and American markets is Monica, the super-beautiful goddess writer, in Asia, Guan Jiahui's reputation as a talented woman is not limited to Hong Kong Island.

Even in the provinces, island countries, South Korea and other places, Guan Jiahui's reputation as Asia's most talented woman is rapidly expanding!

After Jiahui arrived, she no longer disliked the cushion that Azhen had sat on, and it continued to swell.

She even talked about it with great interest. Many foreign TV stations contacted her and Monica, planning to adapt (The Twilight Saga), and there were offers of TV and movie adaptations.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He had only thought about letting Twilight directly appear in the movie series. Anyway, it was a money-making project, and it was still money-making from white fans. If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain.

But if there is a TV series version, it is not impossible. There are enough white male and female ATV students at present.

As for the adaptation of such a TV series, whether it is flying and jumping stunts, or monster special effects such as glowing, pale skin, werewolves, and vampires, the special effects for the TV series are not difficult to achieve.

Putting aside everything else, the 40-episode Mainland version of Journey to the West features special effects of monsters, monsters and gods. Which one is missing? ?

The original Twilight Zone made Kristen Stewart famous, but at this stage in the sub-drama field, if you ask Naomi Watts or Nicole Kidman to play it, it won't make a difference. Their acting skills Also enough.

Among the freshmen of 1986, Jennifer Aniston, one of the representatives of North American sweethearts, can't play Mary Sue idol drama? Not to mention Jennifer, there is another Winona Ryder, now 16 years old, albeit with a bit of a tomboy style.

But Winona's appearance is still very good. It's not difficult to put on some suitable outfits to make her look good on the small screen and become a popular star in the Mary Sue TV series.

Acting? Winona Ryder also joined a drama school in San Francisco in 1983 and studied professional acting for two or three years.

Jennifer still needs to say? I started learning acting at the age of six.

Do you want to make a TV series version of Twilight first? The only problem is that Zhao Donghuai does not have his own TV station in North America and Europe, but in Asia, although there is ATV... (Twilight), it is mostly broadcast on English channels, which can have a certain influence.

For white people, colonial people, and banana people, the ratings of this movie among the Chinese people will not be too high.

If he finishes filming and sells it to TV stations in North America and Europe, he may not be able to sell it for a high price. At this stage, the Twilight series has only sold more than six million copies in Europe and the United States combined, and its influence is still a bit small. If it is brewed for another year or two , is a better harvest time.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai still smiled and said, "Forget it, there is no rush for now. There is really no need to rush for this TV series. If you want to maximize profits, you should wait a few years."

"Even when I put satellite TV into operation, the situation will be much better than now."

The elated Jia Hui also nodded lazily, "Then just wait a few years, but Brother Huai, my dad has been very popular recently. With the image of a great supporting actor in the movie (Never Compromise), this is a chance to rejuvenate his career." feeling."

"I heard that many production crews have hired him to film. Unlike Cheng Long who hired him as a guest star in Police Story 2, there are now some Hollywood directors who are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to hire him to act."

Director Zhao was speechless and explained, "Be careful if your father goes to North America to act, someone will control him and use him to threaten you, and then use you to threaten me..."

Guan Jiahui woke up in shock, "Yeah, forget it, anyway, I'm not short of money now, let him retire in Haowan, Hong Kong!"

"How about sending my dad to the mainland? Lest he continue to be a monster one day??"

"That little girl Amin sent her mother to Yangcheng just because she wanted to take the in-laws route. Oh no, I want to send her mother there too!"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He had sent his parents and other close relatives to Yangcheng as early as the winter of 1983. So it seemed very reasonable for Zhou Huimin, who had always wanted to be the eldest son, to send his mother to Yangcheng after his rise to prominence? ?

How reasonable!

It is said that He Qing's parents no longer settled in Zhejiang Province, but went to Yangcheng. After all, he had caused He Qing harm.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai said, "Why don't we send Uncle Guan and the others to Shanghai? It was extremely developed in the 1920s and 1930s. It would be great to buy a house and live in Shanghai."

"If you're not used to it, then send it to the capital. This one will definitely be good!"

Guan Jiahui nodded, "Okay, I'll give it to you wherever you want."

Jiahui... It's not that she forgot about her parents when she got a man, but the fact is that her parents collectively chose to abandon her when she was 19 years old. This is not something ordinary girls will experience.

And once you experience it, your mentality will be different.

In the original trajectory, it took her decades to forgive Guan Shan.

The next moment, Guan Jiahui was speechless and said, "If I had known you liked styles like Azhen and Zhang Min, I shouldn't have chosen Li Zhi in the first place. It was such a failure and my investment was in vain..."

Director Zhao was speechless again.

He always felt that he was already a scumbag, so why would any girl be dissatisfied because he didn't go as expected? ? After all, Jiahui still lacks education!

After being silent for a while, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "A Hong is pretty good, I was worried..."

Ah Hong's one, it belongs to him. He wants to praise her and make her an international superstar.

But I am afraid of encountering the kind of treatment (the murder of a steamed bun).

Guan Jiahui was confused, "..."

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