Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 169 The curtain of the Ninth Uncle of All Heavens and Worlds opens

On July 24, when (Never Compromise) was still bombing the box office around the world, Zhao Donghuai had just sat at his desk and ate a donkey meat roast when Qiu Shuzhen came in and reported, "Boss, Bill Gates from Microsoft is here to visit you. , see you?"

"Wow, I just made more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars from his company's stocks. I didn't expect that he would come to Hong Kong Island to visit you."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After thinking for dozens of seconds, he stood up with a smile and said, "Brother Bill, please come in. This man has finally come to Hong Kong Island, so he must be well received."

Ten years later, do you want to meet Brother Gai? That's not easy.

In the original trajectory, Guy Gai has been the richest man in the world since 1995, and has been the richest man for more than ten years.

At this level, his position as the richest man is a bit uncertain, but even if Zhao Donghuai throws the Wanjia model into Microsoft and the Wall Street giants exit early, Microsoft's resume of becoming one of the world's most prominent Internet companies is still relatively stable.

As one of the pioneers, Brother Gai will still have a strong reputation in the future!

This is still a future super celebrity!

After a while, when he saw Bill, who was in his 30s, Zhao Donghuai decisively sent him a glass of champagne, "Bill, I have admired your name for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Bill accepted the champagne and exchanged polite and enthusiastic greetings. After the initial courtesy, Bill smiled and said, "Zhao, I didn't expect that you would be so optimistic about Microsoft in Hong Kong. Thanks to you, my road to riches has been accelerated." a lot of."

"However, I feel that in North America, it is a bit difficult for you to replicate the glorious experience of fighting Wall Street in the Japanese battlefield."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's difficult. Do you have any new ideas?"

Bill sat on the sofa and said a few more polite words, then said, "Zhao, if you want to sell and transfer your Microsoft shares one day in the future, can you give me priority?"

"I can guarantee that the profit will be 10% more than the market price when you sold it."

Of course, Bill's visit is not without reason. He currently has a fortune of several hundred million US dollars and holds 20% of Microsoft's shares.

It seems that DuPont, Morgan, Rockefeller and other large conglomerates combined have a larger shareholding than him and have more power to speak.

But if an agreement can be reached with Zhao Donghuai, the meaning will be different.

He has 20%, and Zhao Donghuai has 19%! His good brother Paul Allen still has 9% in his hands.

Zhao Donghuai suddenly realized, "So you want this, and it's not like we have nothing to talk about. I like to make friends..."

Bill was overjoyed, "Zhao, I also like to make friends."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Bill, you should know that I am a director, right?"

Bill Gai nodded, "You know??"

Of course he knows that Zhao Donghuai is the director. Isn't this a fact known to countless people around the world? Let’s not talk about the action films that created new genres. Let’s just talk about one (Never Compromise). I don’t know how many people around the world got to know Director Zhao again.

Director Zhao clinked his glasses and said, "Why don't you come and guest star in my movie a few times??"

Morgan, Rockefeller and other consortiums ended early and caused trouble again and again. The possibility of Brother Gage remaining as the richest man for more than ten years in the future has plummeted again and again.

But if he can get the support of Zhao Donghuai, there is still a chance to become the richest man again.

Just like the 19% of Microsoft shares that Bill wants right now... to whom? If Bill is really willing to acquire at a premium, or if he wants to sell at a premium, that's not out of the question.

If Bill is willing to make frequent guest appearances in his movies, that would be possible.

Bill looked confused, "Me? Acting?? This..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "We all know that first-class actors are never in the entertainment industry. Bill, I believe your acting skills will not be bad."

No matter in China or the Western world, the top movie stars are definitely not in the entertainment industry! Just like Brother Gai has been a role model for husband and wife in the global business circle for many years in the future.

Is it easy to maintain this image and fight for ten or twenty years? Isn't that all a performance?

Bill couldn't laugh or cry, "Me??"

He was speechless for a moment. After all, he had just said that he hoped to make friends with Zhao Donghuai. However, the power of Microsoft was currently at stake. If he wanted to regain the power, the probability of getting back 19% of the equity from Zhao Donghuai was far higher than that from Morgan. , Rockefeller, DuPont and other consortiums are much more likely to get their stocks back.

Those guys on Wall Street are all local snakes in North America. His parents' network combined can allow him to maintain a certain level of respectability, hold a certain amount of equity, and be at the helm of Microsoft.

Once again dumbfounded for a while, Bill asked curiously, "Then let me try?? Let me start by saying that I have basically no acting skills. I am the most frank and honest person..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "It's okay. We all started from the first time. Our friendship starts with guest appearances. I'm thinking of any current crews that can let you make guest appearances first."

After filming "Never Compromise", Zhao Donghuai also considered the next movie he would direct. Jurassic Park, The Matrix and the like were not enough, and the technical generation gap still existed.

I can’t make a blockbuster film…

He thought about making (The Social Network), a biopic based on how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his partners built the Facebook Internet empire.

Just wait until Mark comes up with Facebook, and this will be an ordinary biographical movie.

But if you filmed and released it before Facebook came out, and then let real people imitate the movie and create Facebook... the sensation it would cause would be completely different.

As for why he doesn’t start Facebook himself? The most he can do is create an Asian version in advance, and the European and American people will blame him for his Chinese identity? The status of Facebook's Internet media empire is no less important than that of television networks and newspaper groups. Does he want his platform to dominate North America?

It was still the treatment of the Black Palace who ended up being biased.

After all, it is Facebook, just like Twitter, where retired commanders can block their accounts!

He can't do the European and American versions, so he can at best grab some small shares and buy low and sell high to make a fortune.

If we make a movie (Social Network) in advance and create an Asian version of our own Facebook empire, and then European and American Facebook appear in reality in a few years and sweep Europe and the United States, such a movie will leave a super rich mark in the history of human film .

That will be a many times enlarged version of the (never compromise) movie brought to reality!

The problem is that in this Internet age, it is not realistic for you to use Facebook. You still don’t have the technology.

At present, this is still the earliest prototype era of BBS, and the concept of portal website has not yet been formed.

That movie "idea" can only be shelved for the time being.

But Bill Gai suddenly came up and wanted to make friends with him and ask Bill to give something? ? It seems that Pretty Woman hasn't been launched yet. How about having Bill guest star as a female ticket holder? ?

In the original version of Pretty Woman, there is no scene where other female ticket holders quarrel with the heroine. If there was such a scene, it would definitely destroy the box office, but doesn't the heroine also have a girlfriend who has fallen into disgrace? Bill could be a guest as a supporting actress.

Well, this can be shot, but whether it should be edited into the movie is another matter.

If you leave it as a small easter egg behind the scenes, it may not be a small surprise in the finale. The more Internet age comes, the stronger the feeling of such a small easter egg surprise will be.



On the set of Jiahe Ax Mountain Road, Cheng Long was still doing post-production for Police Story 2. When he heard the message from Director Zhao, he immediately ran out excitedly to greet him. Along with him were Zou Wenhuai, He Guanchang and others.

The crowd gathered at the gate of the studio, and Aaron was a little nervous. "Zhao Sheng, if you have anything to do, just give me a call. Why do you come here in person? This takes up too much of your precious time."

Zou Daheng also made a similar statement.

At this stage, if you say you have something to trouble Zhao Donghuai and take up his precious time, you are not just saying it politely, but Zhao Sheng is really making a fortune with Hong Kong Haowan and countless fellow folks from the mainland!

The kind of busy person who has everything to do every day.

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Has the filming of Police Story 2 been finished?"

Cheng Long nodded, "We are in the post-production process and it is expected to be released at the end of the month. It will avoid the glare of your blockbuster movie."

Zhao Donghuai introduced with a smile, "This is Bill, my new good friend. He prefers acting. He wants to make a guest appearance. How about we reshoot a scene?"

"We can let Bill take over the role of the chairman in Guan Shan."

This version of Police Story 2 is almost exactly the same as the original version. The biggest change is that Zhang Manyu's Ami is still played by Gong Li.

Guan Shan's cameo is still the boss of a large group who was blackmailed by gangsters in the movie. He first bombed the Galaxy Center and then made various phone calls to blackmail him.

Cheng Long and Zou Wenhuai were a little confused, but they didn't ask any more questions. They nodded directly and planned to convene people to reshoot. The role of the boss was just a supporting role, the background board, and Zhao Sheng's friends came to make a cameo. Isn't it just a small thing? ?

Zhao Donghuai smiled when He Guanchang ran to make a phone call, "Bill is not simple. He is currently the chairman of a listed company in North America with a market value of US$2 to 3 billion, which is equivalent to a market value of nearly 200 Hong Kong dollars."

"A model of self-made man, a role model!"

"If your film has him in it, when it is released in North America, it will be easier and smoother for you to use Bill to promote it."

Cheng Long and Zou Wenhuai were shocked. A listed company boss with a market value of nearly 20 billion Hong Kong dollars? Good guy, this is really a boss at the level of one of the top ten consortiums in Hong Kong.

Such people can really stimulate the box office by reshooting some scenes and making guest appearances.

By the way, Police Story 1 finally made more than 27 million US dollars at the box office in the United States. This second film itself is a masterpiece that continues to hit the box office. With Bill joining the cast, it's a good thing.

When Cheng Long was surprised, he greeted Bill in rather blunt English. Bill said, "..."

Can he not act? In order to make friends with Director Zhao, just make a guest appearance. After all, this is related to Microsoft's future power.

Now he just wants to take the core creative team to leave Microsoft and start a new business, but he can't handle this matter. One is that he can't handle the core team. Almost all of those guys have certain shares in Microsoft.

Secondly, if the United Wall Street can use this trick to trick Zhao Donghuai, but if Zhao Donghuai makes his attitude clear and just wants to buy low and sell high to make a lot of money, then your trick...can you trick Wall Street in the North American stock market? ? That's hilarious.

During Bill and Aaron's polite greetings, Zhao Donghuai patted Brother Gai on the shoulder and encouraged him, "Don't worry, you are just guest-starring as the boss of a large real estate group who is extorted by kidnappers and thugs. President Fan will treat you like a trivial matter." .”

"Bill, you are one of a handful of smartest people in the world, no problem!"

If he really hands over his equity to Bill when he makes enough money to leave in the future, Brother Gai still has hope of becoming the richest man again.

Once that happens, this version of (Police Story 2) will be really exciting.

Some actors look like Ponyboy and so on. How can there be the excitement of being an actor like Bill himself? ?

It’s still too early, otherwise it would definitely feel better to direct (The Social Network) now.


Two days later.

Director Zhao received a call from Cheng Long while he was at work. The scenes involving Bill in Police Story 2 that needed to be reshot were completed.

"Sheng Zhao, don't mention it. Although Mr. Bill has never acted in a movie, he has made rapid progress. He is very smart..."

"A few scenes were completed in two days. I can't say that I can match Guan Sheng's acting skills, but his progress has been super fast and great. It's enough for the big screen!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Nonsense, if you let Li Chaoren and Guo Bingxiang guest star in such a big boss role, their acting skills will not be bad."

Cheng Long was speechless. That's right. Who can succeed in the business world to that extent? Who's acting skills are worse? What's more, compared with Lao Li, Li Zhaoji, Wang Dehui and others, Bill is much younger.

After finishing the phone call, Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and called again to ask where Bill was. When he learned that the other party was on his way to Zhao's Financial Building, he quickly moved on and asked Xu Anhua, Guan Jinpeng, and his female partner Sander La Bloque, come and audition quickly.

First, shoot a few scenes of Bill being a female ticket holder and keep them at Zhao's Pictures. In the end, whether to use them or not is to cut them into the script, put them as easter eggs behind the scenes, or wait until the era of the big Internet and Bill is known to the world. Put it into the online video easter egg.

There are too many choices!

As for making friends, these Easter egg cameos are the best proof that Zhao Sheng and Bill have a good relationship and are good friends.

Anyway, this is the beginning of making friends, and he has not promised that when he sells Microsoft shares in the future, he will definitely give it to Brother Gai.

Only if Bill shows the friendliness of a good friend and makes him feel that the other person is really good will he agree. Verbal agreement and agreement through agreement are another matter.

Lao Ma makes a Kung Fu blockbuster, how can there be such excitement? reality? ?

Maybe after Bill becomes famous all over the world, he will beg Mr. Zhao not to broadcast certain clips.

"Bill is done, Oracle's Ellison...forget it, Ellison's background is too weak, and his hope of rising through Oracle in the future has been reduced too much."

"Unless he can marry into a consortium or get in touch with a noble person in other ways."

"Jobs? He's a bit difficult to deal with. Chuan Bao likes to guest star in movies, but there are no suitable blockbusters for him to appear in, and his cycle is too long..."

Some time later, when Bill Gates arrived at the Zhao Financial Center, he was taken away by Xu Anhua, Guan Jinpeng and others who came over just after being polite in the office.

When Brother Gai left, he was a little messy in the wind and couldn't help himself!

What is he here for? He came to Hong Kong Island to make friends, so why did he start making movies out of nowhere, or one movie after another, and he couldn't stop?

But he didn't know how to refuse. At present, he needed Zhao Donghuai as a friend, not Zhao Donghuai who needed him.

At this stage, Brother Gai comes from a well-off family in North America, and his parents are not ordinary people. But is it related to the great cause and power of Microsoft in the future? ?

Not long after Brother Gai left, Zhang Min walked into the office with a document bag and said with a look of surprise, "Boss, the Pengcheng Jiulong Daily Branch received a manuscript and said it didn't know how to deal with it. Could you please Check it out.”

Zhao Donghuai was surprised, "In this age, there are still manuscripts that are difficult for them to deal with? It shouldn't be that the manuscript is too good...or too bad!"

When he took the document bag and pulled out a pile of manuscripts, the first cover had five big characters (Mr. New Zombie), and below it was small characters (Yangshuo).

When Zhao Donghuai saw this topic, he felt his old waist flashing. What's going on? ?

Is this a novel submission? Or a script? No, the script should have been submitted to Zhao's Pictures, or Lin Zhengying's Dongzheng Films, not the Pengcheng Kowloon Daily Branch.

When he opened the first window and took a look, he became more and more surprised and speechless, even a little dumbfounded. Zhang Min came over to watch with him. Even Amin exclaimed as he watched, "Is this okay? It's okay." How to write a novel like this?"

Director Zhao regained his composure, "Writing a novel this way is quite novel. This author is very..."

He suddenly remembered who the author "Yangshuo" was. Wasn't that "Jin Yongxin" who would be popular in the mainland in the 1990s? ? Damn, no wonder it can be written (Mr. New Zombie)!

This version of the novel (New Mr. Zombie) is about a person in the 1980s who traveled to the era of the movie (Mr. Zombie) starring Lin Zhengying, Yuan Biao, Li Saifeng and others. He became a disciple of Lin Zhengying, married Tingting, a little foreign dress, and also The story of becoming a warlord to protect the country and the people.

Roughly less than 200,000 words.

It belongs to the era of great Internet literature. Uncle Jiu’s disciples all over the world are creating masterpieces!

But if the author is "Yangshuo", then it's okay. This is a genius who wears a vest called "Jin Yongxin" and wrote a book (Nine Yins and Nine Yangs) that sold millions of copies in the mainland.

The author Yangshuo can be regarded as one of the pioneers of the mainland's fan fiction genre. After all, he pioneered the field of print media in the 1990s.

What would he have written a few years later (Nine Yins and Nine Yangs)? The main plot is that the protagonists Duan Ziyu and Zhang Tianshi support Zhu Yuanzhang to found the Ming Empire, destroy the martial arts forces including the Ming Cult, and then marry a few girls to become famous.

One of the originators of Tuoduo Internet writing routines!

This kind of "Jin Yongxin" no longer focuses on Lao Zha to collect wool, but changes to collecting Mr. Zombie's wool? There's nothing wrong with it. The one about Teacher Liu from Hunan Province (The Legend of Liu Xiu) is about modern people traveling back to the new dynasty and hugging Liu Xiu's lap to become the founding fathers.

There are good examples like (Legends of Liu Xu) that are very popular. Yangshuo, who is only 22 years old and is still studying in the Chinese Department of Jilin University, has the idea to write a new novel like this. It is normal.

For this novel submission, the complete story of nearly 200,000 words has been sent.

After hastily reading it, Zhao Donghuai closed the novel manuscript and sighed, "This is really a talent. I called the branch and the Kowloon Daily asked for this manuscript. Although the writing style is just average, there is a gap compared to the real ones..."

However, in this era, college students in the Chinese Department of Jilin University still have much better writing skills than most Internet novel writers in later generations. The logic of the story is very comfortable, and the core is just one word, cool.

It was only late July 1986, and the disciples of Uncle Jiu from all over the world appeared... He studied Taoism and became an expert, and married Tingting, a little foreign dress, and became a warlord? ?

"Let's settle on 100 Hong Kong dollars for 1,000 words. Calculate it directly as 200,000 words. Send him 20,000 Hong Kong dollars. In addition, spend 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to buy out the film and television adaptation rights."

The writing style is a bit poor, it’s almost the same if it’s 50 words per 1,000 words, but isn’t this the depreciation of the U.S. dollar and the depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar? Comparing the Hong Kong dollar two years ago with today, it has shrunk by half.

Those who actually publish articles in the Kowloon-based daily newspaper group to increase sales will have varying degrees of increase in manuscript fees.

"Then contact Ah Ying. Isn't he in Thailand filming Alone Tiger 2? Let him come back as soon as possible to prepare for the filming of the new Mr. Zombie."

Before April, Hua Zai wanted to start the film (The Flying Tiger 2), but the crew of (Juno) dragged him to North America and it took more than a month.

After he came back, he gathered a crew and wrote the script. Then Monica Bellucci and Kwan Ka-wai filmed some scenes on Hong Kong Island. Then he took the big crew to Thailand, hoping to go all the way through Bangkok.

Aying, as one of the core characters in Flying Tiger 2, also went.

With the genius of "Yangshuo", many things can be done in advance. How can it be a good deal to only watch a movie once? The unlimited streaming is really cost-effective. You can basically watch a movie N times.

Let’s just say that there are already best-selling novels (Jurassic Park) (Twilight) (Resident Evil) and other series.

When we really go to shoot a big movie, we can shoot it twice with one crew, and also shoot an unlimited streaming version, which is guaranteed to be enjoyable for audiences around the world.

As for the version of Infinite Flow, starting from Lin Zhengying, the ninth uncle... that's called basic practice.

How many great powers in the world started with Uncle Jiu? ?


On July 29, (Never Compromise) has been in theaters in Hong Kong for 18 days, with a box office of more than 36 million Hong Kong dollars. It has exceeded 9,000 US dollars in North America, and it has exceeded 90 million US dollars in less than 3 weeks.

Judging from its performance, North America has great hopes of breaking the 200 million mark. It was released in the island country for 12 days and the box office was 3.8 billion yen.

Isabelle Adjani really has a tendency to turn red and black.

Under this situation, Lin Zhengying flew back from Bangkok and arrived at the Zhao Films office. When he arrived, Yuen Biao, Xu Guanying, Li Saifeng, Wen Mixia, Lou Nanguang, Huang Xi, including Liu Guanwei, etc., had already arrived.

There are also gold medal screenwriters like Huang Bingyao and Huang Baiming.

A Ying first said hello to Zhao Donghuai, and then asked curiously, "So many people are here??"

Zhao Donghuai gave Aying a copy of the printed script (New Mr. Zombie), "Read it first, and then talk after you finish it..."

This is a new script that Huang Bingyao and Huang Baiming quickly adapted based on the novel "New Mr. Zombie". It was completed in two days, which is just a rough idea.

The outline of the script can also be used. After all, it is copied from the story of (Mr. Zombie), and then added to develop a story line of a really cool male protagonist.

Aying nodded quickly and sat down to read the script. After reading it for a few dozen seconds, she squirted... Good guy, is this really a good guy? ? !

Is there such a script? ?

He suppressed the feeling of vomiting blood and continued to watch. Twenty minutes later, after roughly finishing it, he raised his head with a speechless face, "This? Such a movie? This new protagonist is really good at that. Please worship me after time travel." As a teacher, marrying Tingting doesn’t count? He won’t let go of the female ghost played by Axia??”

That's right, the original Mr. Zombie from this plane is Wen Mixia as a female ghost. Wen Mixia is much prettier than the original version, so naturally the male protagonist of the fanfic written by "Yangshuo" cannot let Axia go.

Not to mention Aying's weird mentality, even the other actors' moods were not much better.

Huang Bingyaolang smiled and said, "Who made Tingting and Axia so beautiful? If there was a chance to time travel, who would let it go..."

Before Li Saifeng and the two girls could say anything, Huang Bingyao coughed and became serious, "The original novel is pretty good and refreshing, but I feel that if we really set up such a movie project, then..."

Huang Baiming quickly added, "There will be many blockbusters in the future. Today we can remake Mr. Zombie, and tomorrow there will be a chance to remake New World!"

"A good movie and a good script can even earn two, three, three or four copies!"

"Even if new movies are not popular among movie fans and the box office is not strong, they can be shown on TV stations for free. If you make a new version of a movie with classic advertising scenes, you can still make a lot of money by selling advertisements!"

"In fact, the new version can be seamlessly embedded with new advertisements, such as this one (New Mr. Zombie). The protagonist travels back in time to the Republic of China in the 1920s. Where can I drink Jianlibao? After meeting Coca-Cola, people in the Republic of China era have a deep understanding of Coca-Cola. There are still all kinds of boasts and pursuits.”

"The protagonist in time travel said something like this (only a bad guy drinks Coca-Cola, a pretty boy drinks Jianlibao). People in the Mr. Zombie movie don't understand the meaning of this sentence. We the audience do. It's best for one of F4 to say this after traveling through time, More advertising effect!”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao looked at Huang Baiming in amazement, this guy is really imaginative.

Just because I drink Coca-Cola all the time, you would rather die than call me handsome? ?

Lin Zhengying, whose mind was originally in a mess, was brightened by these words, "Yes, zombie movies are not suitable for selling advertisements, but when the concept of time travel is incorporated, it will be different!"

"Whether it's the Hollywood blockbuster Back to the Future or our Chinese Liu Xiu legendary novel, they are all good examples of time travel. Movie fans should be familiar with this concept by now."

Mr. Zombie was released in June 1984, which is now more than two years ago.

In the video theater market, there are also many fans who like to revisit Mr. Zombie. Two years of accumulation is enough to develop a certain feeling for the old movies.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, everyone has figured out the selling points of this new project by themselves, so I won't say much more. When A Ying finishes filming (Flying Tiger 2), you can work on this project with the original team. "

"As long as it is done well, this project has great potential."

"I have already bought the film and television adaptation rights and will give them to your subsidiary. It won't cost much anyway."

"At this stage, when you are filming, let the novel be published in the newspaper first and simmered."

"A-Feng, A-Xia, don't be too embarrassed, you two can make money after all..."

Of course there are some over-the-top descriptions in the novel.

But the newspaper office directly deleted all the over-the-line descriptions. In the pure Great Harmony version, it is also impossible to have any over-the-line scenes in the film project.

The two women also nodded excitedly and didn't care about this.

Lin Zhengying suddenly raised her head and thought, "Mr. Zombie, Zombie Family, Mister Fantasy... these three films can only be divided into three parts? It seems that there is no way to link them together."

He used to be very dissatisfied with the proliferation of zombie movies in Hong Kong. He often thought hard about how to make new zombie movies and how to create more high-quality movies, but how could there be so many good ideas?

That is to say, the "Independence and Rescue" series. Most movie companies tried to follow suit, but couldn't. This new type of action movie didn't collapse.

Now that the new play method came out, Aying immediately thought of the linkage of the entire zombie series, but she was a little confused. The zombie families are all in modern cities, not the Republic of China.

The same can't be said for Mr. Ling Huan. His apprentices have all been replaced. It's no longer Yuan Biao and Xu Guanying. Instead, the witch in Mr. Ling Huan is still played by Wen Mixia.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "These three movies cannot be linked together. You can think about the next one slowly. When thinking about a zombie movie, consider two different shooting methods, one is the normal development route, and the other is the normal development route. This is a route for people who have traveled through time to worship you as their master."

Lin Zhengying nodded in surprise, "Yes, I think a story can be filmed in two or more ways. It's not just to fool the audience, it may even be a surprise to the audience..."

This is so cool!

Who doesn’t want to do one job and earn two or three dollars? And the reputation hasn’t collapsed yet? At least before the time-travel and fanfiction themes were ruined, this kind of filming was still very exciting.

Even in the Internet era 30 years later, Uncle Ying was resurrected and brought the original team to make a cool version of the online novel (Mr. Zombie), and the audience would love to watch it.

After being pleasantly surprised, he asked curiously, "If we film this time-travel version of Mr. Zombie, the new male lead will be looking for F4? Which one?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "There's no rush. F4 is still working on Sir Du's crew to hone his acting skills. Your Lonely Tiger also has a schedule to wait for. Let the novel ferment for a while first."

Casting one of the F4 actors to play the role is just like what Huang Baiming said, it is easier for the fans to have a strong sense of involvement when they promote Jianlibao and drink Coca-Cola. The male protagonist is not necessarily theirs.

Putting aside F4, there are really too many targets to choose from.


About the same time.

In a dormitory of the Chinese Department of Jilin University, Yang Minggang, who was only 22 years old and considered to be handsome, walked into the dormitory and saw a group of students waiting in the dormitory surrounding him.

"Lao Yang? I heard that you submitted an article to a Hong Kong newspaper and it was accepted? One thousand Hong Kong dollars for one thousand words?"

"Hey, is it true or not? What novel did you write? Let me be healthy?"

"I also heard from the teacher that there is still a 50,000 yuan film and television buyout option? You made 60,000 to 70,000 yuan in one fell swoop?"


At this stage, in the black market, one Hong Kong dollar can basically be exchanged for 89 cents of RMB, which is a huge gap from two years ago when one Hong Kong dollar could only be exchanged for 40 cents.

The share of households with ten thousand yuan in mainland China has been cut in half.

But this was still just in 1986. A student made so much money without saying a word, making six to seven thousand yuan in one breath? This is still a household worth ten thousand yuan!

Everyone is majoring in Chinese, why is Yang Minggang so good? ?

You said this is summer vacation? ? Why are there so many people in the school? Going to college in this era means transportation is inconvenient.

During the summer vacation, there are not a few people who stay in the capital city of Kyrgyzstan without going home.

Facing the curious eyes of many enthusiastic classmates, Xiao Yang suddenly felt a little embarrassed and wanted to dig out three rooms and one living room with his toes on the floor.

He himself knows his own business, and his (Mr. New Zombie) is a little bit different. For the 1980s and 1990s, when the status of mainland writers and poets was at its peak, his book...

Once exposed, I feel there is a risk of social death.

But come on, this is really making money!

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