Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 177 Are a few hundred people enough? What kind of magic question is this?

high seas.

On a drifting fishing boat, Zhang Jun drank up the soup in the paper bowl of instant noodles, then threw the paper bowl into the sea and turned around to walk towards a certain fish cabin.

At the door of the fish cabin, the two young men looked excited and nervous when they saw Zhang Jun. The one on the left couldn't help but said excitedly, "Brother Jun, can you really get 300 million? That's 300 million."

"Those two old men..."

Zhang Jun grinned, his smile a little nervous, "If you dare to stomp one ear and send me back without giving me money, damn, these rich people in Hong Kong are too easy to deal with."

I remembered that before I ran away and came to Hong Kong, I had the idea of ​​robbing cigarette wholesale stores and small department stores. I compared it with the successful pattern of kidnapping Wang Dehui and accidentally kidnapping another Li prisoner.

Zhang Jun felt that he was too stupid and naive before!

How many small department stores, cigarette wholesale stores, etc. do you have to rob to get hundreds of millions? Want to grab hundreds of millions by grabbing those gadgets? Dreaming.

I never dared to think that big in my dreams.

A short-haired young man on the right side of the fish cabin was a little more worried, "Brother Jun, given Wang Dehui's situation, it shouldn't be too difficult for us to get money, but collecting money is risky, and we have to stay away afterwards..."

Zhang Jun sneered nonchalantly, "What is this without risk? I got into a fight in 1983 and was imprisoned for three years!"

That's right, he got into a fight in 1983. At that time, he was only 17 years old and had not yet reached adulthood. He had only been in a juvenile detention center for three years. These three years in prison had opened his eyes.

After being released from prison, I had nothing to do and didn't know what to do in the future. I accidentally discovered that many people nearby had made a fortune in Hong Kong Island. Not to mention those who could apply for a job as a security guard at Pan Asia Group, their monthly salary could reach 51,000 yuan.

Those who are lucky enough to join Zhao's Financial Center to speculate in Japanese yen and earn foreign exchange will really make a lot of money.

Just listening to those guys' friends and relatives talking about showing off and bragging about this way of making money, he also developed a great interest and yearning for Hong Kong Island.

But he knew that people like him, who had been stabbed since childhood and had been in jail, had little hope of applying to Pan Asia, right?

When watching the video tape, watching the Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers gave him some wonderful ideas. The New World Trilogy made his ambitions skyrocket, and the lame heroes made him even more disdainful.

Can a guy in that way make a fortune and become a tycoon? Simply outrageous.

It seems that no matter whether it is the Provincial Flag Soldier or the New World series, Lame Man and other movies, the Hong Kong gang societies shown are just like that? As long as we get a few guns, it doesn't seem like there's anything to be afraid of.

He smuggled himself into Hong Kong with a few brothers. When he wanted to cause trouble, he directly attacked a small local society, robbed the other party's lair, found a gun, and then was kidnapped by Wang Dehui in 1983. He was very happy The ransom payment of $11 million was shocking.

I can’t help but want to get close to Boss Wang!

After complaining, Zhang Jun continued, "After we finish this job, we will go to the island country to avoid the limelight. I heard that the island country also has stricter gun control. As long as we get the guy in the place, no matter if we use money to beat him or take advantage of the gangster, we will do it." You can do whatever you want.”

"It's very easy for island countries to get guns. Hurricane Rescue 2 makes it very clear. You can spend money to get Amei's big soldiers, and you can rob them as much as you want."

After saying that, he put on a Zhu Bajie mask, with only his eyes, mouth and nose exposed, and stepped out of the fish cabin, intending to have a good exchange with the two butchers.

His Zhu Bajie mask still wears a headband!

When he saw the two meatheads who were in a state of embarrassment and uneasy mood, Zhang Jun decisively called for a young man to watch over them from a close distance. The young man wore a Golden Horn King mask and said with a smile, "Mingzi, help me translate, as long as Their family members are honest and pay the ransom, so I can also be very disciplined."

"Their family doesn't follow the rules, so don't blame me for keeping an eye on their family all year round. I may not know when I will get the chance to kill them with a black gun."

"I heard that there is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island? Doesn't that mean that even if I am caught with the ransom this time, I will still have the opportunity to study prison escape?"

"I'm only 20 years old. Even if I'm sentenced to life, I still have decades of chances to escape. Once I get out, I can still shoot them two families!"

"Mingzi, do you think so?"

As Zhang Jun spoke, he laughed, and his laughter became more and more sinister and perverted, not to mention that the Golden Horn King Mingzi, who helped translate, was a little shuddering.

Wang Dehui and Wang Dehui were even a little bit collapsed.

Especially Lao Wang, this is the second time he has been kidnapped!

After the collapse, Wang Dehui hurriedly said in Mandarin with a Shanghainese accent, "Brother, I promise to pay the money and I won't do any tricks."

At this moment, he regretted firing all the bodyguards including the driver. As the person involved, he was the one who knew the details of the kidnapping best.

He fought off Li Chaoren's bodyguard and driver in the teahouse, and was having a secret conversation with Li Chaoren. This wave of ruthless gangsters smashed the wooden wall of the teahouse private room, and came in from the next private room wearing masks...

After tying them up, they ran away. Li's bodyguard did not dare to come directly to do things because he was captured. He was still following the robbers outside. Zhang Jun opened fire indiscriminately, not only injuring the bodyguard but also injuring others. A few innocent passers-by.

Zhang Jun laughed nervously at the passers-by who were accidentally injured, "I'm sorry, I'm not good at using guns. I'm sorry for accidentally injuring everyone. I will shoot more accurately next time."

Then he drove away.

In the car, Zhang Jun even sighed regretfully. It was a pity that he couldn't kill the bodyguard. He would definitely practice shooting and other things in the future.

Either he had a deep grudge against Li Zhiren's bodyguard and driver, or he was the kind of lunatic who felt regretful that he "failed to kill someone".

This 20-year-old boy definitely has a mental problem and is not a normal person!

In front of such a psychotic gangster, even when he was kidnapped in 1983 and the kidnappers demanded 11 million U.S. dollars, after he was released, he still felt that his wife gave the money too readily, so he should bargain for a lower price... and give him a lower price. I got into trouble with my wife.

But at this moment, Wang Dehui really didn't want to die.

When encountering a gangster leader with mental problems, the panic is much more intense than when facing the gang of gangsters three years ago.

Wang Dehui has been developing in Hong Kong for most of his life, but he had been going to Shanghai before he was 14 years old. He found that Zhang Jun did not understand Cantonese, so he could only go on stage to communicate directly.

Zhang Jun's eyes lit up and he said to King Mingzi of the Golden Horn, "A Ming, go and make two bowls of instant noodles for the two bosses. Wanjia instant noodles are still very delicious, and give Boss Wang a can of canned beef."

Mingzi ran to do things. He untied the ropes that tied Lao Wang's hands and said with a smile, "Boss Wang, your family has the credit of ransom, and I trust you."

"In our industry, we like rich people like Boss Wang the most. I can ask you to call home later..."

“But Boss Li??”

When he looked at the copyist, the copyist nodded, even though he collapsed, "No problem, 150 million, I can still get it for the time being, but it will take time."

He is a pure disaster. This group of gangsters who like to wear Journey to the West masks studied Wang Dehui's whereabouts and planned to commit crimes. What a sinkhole!

Isn't it just that he has gotten a little closer to Lao Wang these days, and is he studying whether to invest in real estate and the stock market of the island country to make money? If you invest, how should you invest, or if you really make money, are you able to get those profits back from the island country?

Why did we encounter a gang of gangsters in a sinkhole? Lao Wang is so cheating!

Zhang Jun's laughter was still abnormal, "We are working in the teahouse, and some citizens must call the police. We will call back later. You two have to think carefully about how your family can cooperate with us..."

"Anyway, I'm not afraid of being caught. At worst, I have been studying how to escape from prison for decades. I believe there must be people in Stanley who want to escape from prison."

"Once something happens to me, my next goal in this life is to escape, and I will stare at your family and destroy them all my life!"

"It's just a jail sentence. I have a lot of experience. I heard that in the Hong Kong Island jail, the food is very good. You can eat, drink and play."

"Of course, you can also choose to spend money to kill me, but I have many friends. Those friends who will not show loyalty to me must avenge me, but when you help me avenge, you can earn a fortune from the two big bosses. Pens, they’re definitely motivated.”

Wang Dehui and Wang Dehui collapsed again.

Of course they don't know that although the Zhang Jun in front of them is not as famous as the gangster kings such as Zhang Zihao and Ye Jihuan, Hong Kong movies did not focus on people named Zhang in the early years.

This Xiao Zhang was imprisoned twice in the 1980s and spent most of the decade. In the 1990s, he started committing crimes crazily, accumulating dozens of robberies and killing dozens of people with such ferocity.

This dimension has been affected by Zhao Donghuai’s butterfly effect. Regardless of the Pan-Asian salary-earning model of making a fortune or his willingness to bring his employees into the Japanese currency foreign exchange battlefield to make money, they have created too many million-yuan households all over the world. household.

Those legal and clean money can be earned more quickly than robbery, which naturally attracts some restless people, who are full of yearning for Hong Kong Island.

As soon as Zhang Jun came out of prison after three years in prison, he smuggled himself into Hong Kong and quickly targeted Wang Dehui... I can only say that Lao Wang's name in the kidnapping industry is too bright!

He was the leader and the blazer in the 1980s and 1990s when wealthy people were kidnapped and paid exorbitant ransoms.


November 21st.

In the movie theater of Zhao's Film Industry, hundreds of people sat in the movie theater to watch the first episode of "The Legend of Wang Wenxia". Starting from Zhao Donghuai, a group of people applauded fiercely, and the applause almost shook the auditorium.

After the applause ended, Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "It is indeed a big scene. It is worth it to ask the mainland to shoot these. No matter how much money is spent."

To put it bluntly, do you want to make an epic war movie, or a modern war movie? Many militia trainers in the Mainland have extraordinary temperaments, have spent tens of millions on large-scale productions, and have professional teams in the Mainland to work.

The 90-minute (The Biography of Wang Wenxia) and the 20-minute anti-Japanese war tragedy are really wonderfully shot.

The twenty minutes are not about the same scene, but starting from the Songhu Battle clip, showing one or two minutes, and then continuing for more than ten years until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, all kinds of big scenes, with continuous artillery fire, planes and bombers, both sides gathered real Battle scenes with tens of thousands of people...

wait wait wait.

This kind of big scene will make you think that in many special effects movies in the future, few blockbusters can catch up with the level of this one (The Legend of Wang Wenxia).

The cruelty, cold-bloodedness and inhumanity of the island ghosts are also vividly displayed in the background of this movie.

It’s not an exaggeration, it’s just restoring a part of history.

After the fall of Hong Kong Island, when Wang Wenxia secretly donated various materials to support the Anti-Japanese War while collecting "Hong Kong dollar waste paper", the camera often showed various social tragedies.

To give a simple example, a county-sized film and television complex in the Mainland was completely blown to pieces. It was a real explosion during live ammunition filming. It would definitely be too late to build such a film and television shooting building from scratch.

But we can blow up all the original counties and towns that were film and television bases with the style of the Republic of China. We will blow up everything in real shots. After the bombing, Zhao Donghuai will pay for the local reconstruction. As long as he gives a little more money, this is not difficult.

Another example is Sanguang...the virus army...

The impact of the filming of various major dramas during the Anti-Japanese War on Hong Kong movie fans at this stage is absolutely unprecedented.

No matter how cruel and inhumane the island ghosts are, the Chinese people have never lacked heroes who straightened their spines and would rather die than surrender.

That is not one person, but the fire passed down from generation to generation, fighting to the last drop of blood to protect China, one after another, one after another.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the whole China rejoiced, and the shadow temporarily dissipated. Wang Sheng entered the HSBC with hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. The final ending was that after Wang Wenxia entered the HSBC, he returned home and set up more than a dozen banquets by himself. .

He was the only living person in the audience, and the dozen or so banquet tables were filled with tablets and names, representing the heroes he had known and sacrificed during the war of resistance that lasted for many years.

Some are famous among the people, or as unknown as Wang Sheng. Some died on the battlefield, some died in the logistics transportation line, and some died in Hong Kong Island and the massacre of island ghosts.

At the end of the finale, with the soul-stirring song soundtrack, and newspaper articles announcing the unconditional surrender of the island country...it exploded.

It brings mental stimulation and happiness to moviegoers, not to mention how exciting it is.

And Leung Ka Fai’s acting skills? ? The 28-year-old Ah Hui ended up with the last ending. His facial expressions and acting skills were explosive, enough to give people goosebumps. His opposite actors were all willing to die generously, smiling under various butcher knives. The scene of the departed hero's soul looking back flashes.

Soul-burning fury under the soundtrack song.

This is the feeling of calmly dying in the MV of the future May Fourth adapted version (Dislocated in Time and Space), the suggestion given by Zhao Donghuai to Mai Xuexiong.

Of course, there are also subtitles in the flashbacks, briefly introducing the identities of each hero.

When the crowd started to walk out of the theater, Zhao Donghuai said with a smile, "Lao Mai, take the finished film to the capital as soon as possible. Regardless of whether Wang Sheng has the energy and interest to watch this movie, we must all be polite."

"You take Ah Hui to visit with you. It doesn't matter if you wait for him for ten and a half days. By the way, please ask Shao Daheng to take you with him."

"As for the movie promotion, it can start today."

This film, which does not exist in the original trajectory of the Hong Kong film industry, is the "original" he promoted. It does not matter how good it is at the box office. Instead, it allows countless movie fans to know what people like Wang Sheng did in real history. In fact, this is more fulfilling.

Mai Xunxiong and Liang Jiahui naturally nodded repeatedly, and Ah Hui said even more excitedly, "I just watched Wang Sheng's life experience and acted it out. I really didn't expect that someone like him who has experienced it... is as great as all heroes."

"Compared with acting like this, like Brother D in Du Sir's underworld, it feels like a joke."

Du Qi Feng was right next to him, and his face turned dark when he heard Ah Hui's words. However, Du Qi Feng still sighed after a few seconds, "Originally, I thought I was making a high-quality movie, and there was no chance of winning awards, but the film I made with Ah Xiong This movie contrasts.”

"There is indeed a big gap in the pattern."

Underworld is currently honing its acting skills in addition to F4 and reshooting some less important scenes, which are basically completed.

Du Sir, who was originally very happy and had finally solved a knot in his heart, was so stimulated by Wang Wenxia that he almost wanted to be possessed again.

He felt that after filming the first part of Underworld, the second part...it didn't matter whether he filmed the second part or not. He also wanted to direct a Wang Wenxia-style biographical film.

After watching this movie, it can shock the filmmaker's thinking pattern and make him want to sublimate.

Du Qifeng felt that if Mak Yuen-hsiung could find a senior like Wang Sheng from a newspaper's charity scholarship news and adapt his biographical film, he would not have no chance to imitate him.

Starting from the 21st, (The Legend of Wang Wenxia) has launched a promotional offensive. This is almost an all-star lineup. It is really too easy to promote.

Mak Yuen-hsiung told the media from a distance that after he finished filming "The Legend of Wang Wenxia", he felt that it was dozens of times better than "The Legend of Lame". It had a fan effect that made countless movie fans in Hong Kong happy. After all, "Lame" Howe is the blockbuster film that started the trend of biopics.

In addition, many stars such as Tony Leung Ka-fai, Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, Lin Zhengying, Cheng Long, etc. have said that they are participating in the film, either starring, supporting roles, guest appearances, etc. The all-stars have joined forces, and fans are almost going crazy collectively.

Which film can attract so many stars at once? Just going to the theater and counting stars is a sense of accomplishment.

Until 8am on November 29th.

When "The Legend of Wang Wenxia" was released at Zhao's Cinema, it was shown on nearly 100 screens throughout the day, and it grossed more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office on the first day.

After watching the movie, the word-of-mouth spread and sensational effect it triggered are beyond mention. It was really an explosion of popularity!

This time, many elderly people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s began to go to the movies in groups, because these elderly people were the ones who had witnessed certain events. Back then, too many families were robbed of all their property by the islanders using military tickets.

If we talk about The Flying Tiger 2, Zhou Huimin adds a grandfather. He is seriously ill and drags a sack of military bills and wants to ask the media for help to let the island country guy pay off the debt, which leads to the arrest of A Min. The troops are killing and killing, and they are flying to the island country to kill and kill.

It's cathartic.

But that kind of catharsis really didn't show too many historical scenes showing how inhumane the islanders were during the Anti-Japanese War. Once Wang Wenxia came out, too many characters of the older generation could feel the trauma of the past.

In the last scene of the movie, Liang Jiahui joined HSBC and returned home with more than a dozen tables of wine and food. His personal toast to the heroes and the scenes of heroes dying generously ignited countless movie fans in Hong Kong and gave them goosebumps with excitement. , and there is an exciting feeling of burning and boiling fire.

Of course there were tears too!

God knows how many people walked out of the cinema crying or with red eyes? The tear-burning storm this brought about was more exaggerated and intense than Zhang Guorong's (The Love Between Humans and Ghosts).

On November 30th, thanks to word of mouth, Wang Wenxia once again won more than 3 million at the box office, and the reputation further exploded. However, it was in the mid-1980s that Wang's name suddenly swept into the minds of all Hong Kong citizens.

Countless movie fans truly admire and respect this legendary old man after watching it. Many people have complicated emotions and don't know what to do to vent their emotions.

But soon, everyone started to discuss another topic... Why did Wang Sheng invest in HSBC in 1945, but it gradually became more transparent in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s?

Some questions are worth pondering.

Regarding this kind of public opinion topic, Zhao Donghuai didn't deliberately do anything. He just treated it coldly, and some things were inappropriate. If it caused a big mess, it would not be a good thing for everyone.

Bend over there...

"The Other Side" exploded at the box office in Hong Kong, and during the period when the topic exploded, it was no surprise that the film's screening rights were blocked.

At this stage, Li Guoxing has already given up on Wanwan's ticket warehouse, and all 200 Wanjia comprehensive supermarkets have built new six-screen screening rooms across Asia.

If (The Legend of Wang Wenxia) hadn't been stuck at the corner, Zhao Donghuai could have released this movie directly.

Cheng Long's Police Story 2 was released in Hong Kong at the end of October, but he did not choose to let Golden Harvest operate it, but handed it over to Zhao Donghuai's new theater chain.

The opening of new theaters is that three blockbusters (Police Story 2), (A Better Tomorrow), and (The Legend of Inspector Lei Luo) were officially released in 200 theaters over there on December 1st.

That’s right, after filming The 500 Million Detective, the post-production process has been completed, but it has not yet been released in Hong Kong. I am avoiding the limelight of The Legend of Wang Wenxia (The Legend of Wang Wenxia), and I plan to wait until January, but since Wang Wenxia is stuck over there, Yongsheng will run away. Come to ask for cooperation.

Without the market in Taiwan, Li Guoxing still spent 15 million to buy out Wang Wenxia's biography. He knew that whether the film could be released in the island country was also a problem. If the province and the island country market were left aside, foreign forces...

Selling power is actually not bad.

Which island country in Stars, Malaysia, Thailand and South Korea has not been exposed to it? Compared with (Never Compromise), the sales price fell directly from 100 million Hong Kong dollars to 15 million Hong Kong dollars. There is no way.

After the movie exploded in Hong Kong, stirred up tears and moved countless viewers, Zhao Donghuai received unexpected news.

Wang Dehui and Li Chaoren returned safely.

After the two families jointly paid a ransom of 300 million, they were released by the gang of kidnappers. In fact, the Hong Kong police really wanted to work hard to solve the case, arrest people and save people, but the Wang family and the Li family couldn't stand it and didn't want too many twists and turns.

He went behind the police's back and refused to cooperate, so the gang of gangsters obediently paid the money.

The police are also helpless!

Such a big case and such sensational social news have once again aroused the gossip hearts of all Hong Kong citizens, and the popularity is in a manner to offset the social sensation caused by (The Biography of Wang Wenxia).

December 3rd.

When the new movie had already grossed more than 10 million in box office in Hong Kong, Zhao Donghuai also received the news that Mr. Wang was gone...after all, he had terminal cancer and was 80 years old.

After hearing the news, he was a little emotional and could only toast a few drinks to the north. How can I put it, the suffering of late-stage cancer is a bit heavy, and an 80-year-old man died like this.

It's also a relief.

It wasn't until the 4th that Shao Yifu, Mai Xuexiong, Liang Jiahui and others returned from the mainland. The three of them sat in the large office on the 32nd floor of Zhao's Financial Building. Shao Daheng was filled with emotion, "Wang Sheng is finally relieved."

"It's a bit miserable for a lifelong hero to live to be 80 years old and be tortured by a disease like this."

"At our age, we are really happy. It is a kind of happiness to leave quietly."

Zhao Donghuai had nothing to say, after all, birth, old age, illness and death were inevitable.

Instead, Liang Jiahui said with emotion, "Sheng Zhao, the old man is very satisfied with the movie we made, especially the scenes at the end. He was so satisfied that he wanted to applaud."

After all, that scene imitated the way the May 4th youth revised the MV (Dislocated in Time and Space). It was really tear-jerking and infectious, but what’s even more frightening is that those are all facts, and they all happened in history.

At most, it would be a film and TV show... Some heroes whom Wang Sheng didn't know also joined in, as if they were acquaintances, or they were not acquaintances or not familiar with each other, but the two sides were on the same spiritual channel, toasting each other across the air, across life and death. .

Zhao Donghuai also nodded, "As long as it satisfies him."

The upper department worked overtime and opened several more filming crews to rush it out. Wasn't it just to let the old man take a look? If he himself is satisfied, that is the greatest success of this movie.

Liang Jiahui said again, "Sheng Zhao, I want to take a leave and travel to the mainland to relax for a while... It may take a year and a half..."

He debuted in "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace" and has produced many masterpieces so far, such as "Black Man" (Prison Storm) (Speed ​​of Life and Death) (Never Compromise) (Underworld), etc. He is already one of the top movie stars among Hong Kong stars. One.

However, after filming this blockbuster, Jiahui still felt a strong impact and baptism. The impact he received during the filming was not small. After watching the finished film, especially the finale, it was all performed by him.

But during the performance, there was no edited scene where the hero and the hero looked back at each other before they died.

That kind of looking at each other across the time and space of life and death really moved him and touched him.

Mai Xunxiong also expressed emotion, "I also plan to take a break for a while, so I need to take it easy."

Of course Zhao Donghuai would not refuse, "Okay, it's still the same old rules. Each of you will get a million red envelopes, keep your spirits up, and there will be the next one waiting for you, but the next one..."

It’s hard to say when the lower part was shot.

The lower part shows that Wang Sheng was suppressed by Hong Kong because of his repeated support to the mainland, and was pushed into obscurity. However, Wang Sheng did not change his original intention.

You can tell with your toes that soldiers were beaten during the Peninsular War. How dare an HSBC director dare to do this? ? Wang Sheng was suppressed even more severely than Huo Sheng.

But he still continued to aid the construction of the mainland in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1980s, he often went to the mainland.

Before the onset of cancer, he was still running around the northwest and Shanghai, calling for large-scale construction and educational charity funds.


On the 5th, (Wang Wenxia Biography) continued to bombard the world in Hong Kong. Zhao Donghuai was also planning to take a helicopter to shoot (Jurassic Park) when he received a phone call reporting that Huo Sheng was visiting.

There must be something important for someone like Huo Daheng to visit, so he put off filming the movie and met the visitor in the big office.

When the two parties met, Qiu Shuzhen came to deliver tea. Huo Sheng took a sip of tea and then said with an ugly face, "Zhao Sheng, are you interested in entering Haojiang for large-scale development?"

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "Why would Huo Sheng mention this? It's a bit sudden."

Huo Sheng took another sip of tea and his expression softened a bit, "That guy was tricking me again. He secretly renewed his gambling contract with Portugal behind my back last year. The new contract has been extended to 2001."

"I have said more than once that after returning to the motherland, I will stop the casino industry, which has harmed countless people. If I didn't fight back then, other tycoons in Haojiang would snatch the gambling licenses. Instead of letting others take away the gambling cards and cause chaos, it is better for me to do it myself. , donate all the profits to develop Haojiang and do charity."

"But because of this profit issue, I was kicked out of the casino. Later, Ye Sheng was also kicked out. He has no bottom line in what he does."

"Can I spend the money I made safely in the casino safely?"

"If you, Mr. Zhao, are interested in this, we can try to take back the casino and try to shut down this harmful business before returning."

Unlike Hong Kong Island, Haojiang has completely negotiated everything and is just waiting for time. However, there were negotiations as early as 1984, and next year, in a few months, everything will be negotiated in Haojiang.

People like Huo Daheng know the return date.

A certain gambling king went behind his back as the major shareholder, and secretly extended the gambling license with Portugal until after the handover... It's really like that.

Huo Sheng took another sip of tea, "Shark Dantong holds 42% of the equity of Haojiang Water Company and 20% of Haojiang Electric Power. He is also an energy and water tycoon. He also took 5% of the equity of Haojiang Entertainment Company and is considered a small shareholder. .”

"The surnamed He has attracted a group of small shareholders. Even if I have 30% of the shares, I can't do anything. Moreover, he has done a lot of things in the accounts and finances, and I can't see the real data."

"If you end up taking away Shar Dantong's hydropower power, plus the Wanjia and Baijia surnames, as long as you support me, I will definitely be able to take over the casino."

"Haojiang Entertainment not only controls the casinos, but also controls the Haojiang Lottery and the Haojiang Jockey Club. He also wants to bring casinos to Southeast Asia... Last year, he said he would use 600 million to buy 30% of my shares."

"I thought it would be better to sell it to him than to keep it out of sight. But when things came to a close, he wouldn't buy it. Really... Even if I donated the 30% equity in the future, I wouldn't be able to give him any advantage."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. He was indeed a little bit concerned about the gambling king's ethics. After thinking about it, he nodded, "Since Huo Sheng wants to fight again, I am willing to support you. I will find the various equity interests in Zheng Sheng's hands." Chance to talk to him.”

Now in the Haojiang Water Supply and Electric Power Group, let's take a wave of shares in the market, and when the right opportunity comes, we can negotiate with Sha Dantong's Zheng Sheng.

Even among the other small shareholders of Haojiang Entertainment, Zhao Donghuai can find someone to talk to.

Other support? Pan Asia Group can go there. Besides, New World Passenger Transport, owned by Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min, also includes Hong Kong Hao Ferry.

In the original trajectory, Huo Daheng donated all his Haojiang Entertainment shares to charity funds in 2003. Half of the wealth worth tens of billions was used for Haojiang development and charity operations, and half was used for Haojiang development and charity operations. Donated to the mainland.

Huo Sheng was overjoyed, "With your support, I have greater confidence. As long as I can survive until then, we can shut down these harmful industries before returning to China. Even if the new gambling license extends to 2001, we can suspend operations indefinitely for rectification."

After a while, after sending Huo Sheng away, Zhao Donghuai said directly to Qiu Shuzhen, "Azhen, call Pan Asia and ask Aguang Ahe and others to send hundreds of people to Haojiang for fun."

Qiu Shuzhen also listened to the conversation between the two and suddenly asked curiously, "Are a few hundred people enough?"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Are a few hundred people enough? What kind of magical question are you asking? !

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