Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 178 The freedom to flush the toilet is gone?

December 10th, getting closer and closer to 1987, Fanling Golf Course.

Zheng Yutong, who is also 61 years old, swung his club and knocked a golf ball away. A round of applause immediately sounded around him.

Sha Dantong, a well-known figure in the Chinese business world, walked forward with a smile and said to the young man who was also holding a club beside him, "Xiao Liu, your skills are not good, you still need to practice."

Xiao Liu is the famous fan Liu. Although he did not have the opportunity to acquire Chinese real estate in this position, he still made money in 1986 by attacking bankers Nengda Technology, Li Zhaoji's Hong Kong and China Gas, and Kadoorie's major hotel groups. Made a lot of quick money.

It was this kind of operation in the stock market that greatly increased Liu's reputation and entered the attention of big bosses one by one.

Under the words, Da Liu smiled apologetically, "Uncle Tong is joking. Even if I practice this skill for 20 years, I won't be able to compare with you, Uncle Tong."

Zheng Yutong laughed a few times, waved to the caddy and asked the caddy to bring him a bottle of mineral water and took a few sips before walking forward. Of course, Da Liu hurriedly followed.

After taking a few steps, the caddy and other bodyguards were lagging behind, and then Zheng Yutong said, "I heard that you want to enter the mainland real estate industry?"

Liu Luanxiong nodded, "I heard rumors that the mainland is planning to build residential real estate, including large hotel projects, specifically for overseas businessmen and overseas Chinese. I feel that it is quite promising."

"Didn't Mr. Zhao let Wanjia enter the mainland as a sole proprietor and expand aggressively? He has already bought more than 200 pieces of land in Jingshangyang, Shancheng, Tianjin and other places? With the development of the times, those hundreds of pieces of land are super big It’s business.”

"No matter how backward the mainland is now, important cities such as Jingshangyang, Shancheng and Tianjin will catch up with Hong Kong Island sooner or later, especially Shanghai... That was in the 1920s and 1930s, and it was the Pearl of the Far East."

"With the development model of Wanjia Supermarket, I feel that this plan will definitely have a head start on the real estate in Beijing sold by overseas businessmen and overseas Chinese."

Zheng Yutong nodded, "Yes, you are right. So in 1980, I formed a joint venture with Hu Sheng and others to build a hotel in Yangcheng."

Don't think that Zheng Yutong, the Shark Dantong, only became famous and rich through Chow Tai Fook Jewelry and Gold Store. He, Uncle Tong, has long been involved in real estate, hotels and various energy and transportation projects.

Not to mention Haojiang Tap Water, which Huo Daheng said holds 42% of the water supply, almost all the water in Hong Kong is opened by Uncle Tong, not to mention electricity and the gambling industry of Haojiang Entertainment.

For example, Zhao Donghuai Jiehu's New World Passenger Freighter will be founded and controlled by Zheng Yutong in the future, and the Regent Hotel, not just the Regent Hotel, is also Zheng Yutong's property.

None of the real top tycoons rely solely on the real estate industry.

The famous landlord association in (Eavesdropping 2), the real version was also started by Uncle Tong.

Just as the two were walking and joking, a person from behind suddenly ran up with a big brother and reported, "Uncle Tong, Mr. Zhao from New Territories called."

Zheng Yutong was astonished, and Liu Luanxiong was also horrified. Soon, Sha Biantong picked up the phone and started talking. After some exchanges, he hung up the phone and asked the bodyguard to step aside. He said with a puzzled smile, "The person named Zhao is already here." When you get to the club, come and visit me.”

"This is a bad sign!"

Although Da Liu wanted to reply, "In the New Territories, you are the one who comes." But Da Liu, a well-known stock sniper, now dares not show off his cleverness.

After thinking for a few seconds, he smiled and said, "Who am I, a sniper in the stock market? He is the Asian financial god of war who leads all Hong Kong citizens to fight against international capital. Maybe he is discussing cooperation and business with Uncle Tong."

"The movie he made (The Legend of Wang Wenxia) was really exciting and exciting. It made my blood boil. I wished I was born in that era and fought side by side with many heroes."

Was he envious of Wang Wenxia's biopic? No, he was envious of Wang Sheng's reputation. When he was ill and hospitalized in the capital, almost all the bigwigs you could imagine visited him for his funeral? The size is terrifying and terrifying.

Da Liu felt that no matter how hard he struggled, he would never reach the level of Wang Sheng in this life.

In the current Hong Kong Island, the only person who is qualified to chase Wang Sheng's height is Huo Sheng, and what about Zhao Sheng? ? Zhuang Sheng? Who else? Anyway, he doesn’t know that much for the time being.

Not long ago, some gangsters kidnapped Wang Dehui and Li Chao and extorted 300 million? Fuck, those tough bandits dare to touch heroes like Wang Sheng and Huo Sheng? That's not how you look for death.

Zheng Yutong's expression did not change much and he waited with a smile. After a while, Zhao Donghuai came over in a golf cart. Zheng Yutong and Liu Luanxiong both walked quickly to greet him.

The two sides met politely for a while. After the bodyguards had retreated, Zheng Yutong smiled and introduced Da Liu. Da Liu... of course waited with trepidation like a henchman.

Zhao Donghuai also said hello briefly and got straight to the point, "Zheng Sheng, I came here to break into Haojiang. I wonder if you would like to transfer your shares in Haojiang Water Company, Electric Power Group and Haojiang Entertainment?"

"If Zheng Sheng is willing, then I can help you make a fortune in the island country's stock market. Don't worry, we can bring back the fortune we make there smoothly."

During the past few days of continuing filming (Jurassic Park), he has arranged for people to acquire shares of certain groups, which is also progressing smoothly. At present, the respective shareholdings are not too large.

Haojiang Water Company has 19% and Haojiang Electric Power Group has 17%, but it is time to have a showdown with Uncle Tong, Sha Dantong. As long as the other party is willing to transfer, he will become the majority shareholder of both companies at the holding level.

Zheng Yutong was stunned. He took a sip of water for more than ten seconds and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, the mineral water I drink now is all Wanjia brand."

"But I'm a little curious, Mr. Zhao, are you also interested in casinos?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "I have no interest in casinos, but I respect people like Huo Sheng very much and want to help him realize his wish."

Zheng Yutong nodded, "Although the Haojiang gambling industry is a stable cash cow, my 5% share has a market value of about HK$100 million..."

In the next millennium, the market value of the Haojiang gambling industry will be tens of billions to hundreds of billions, but it is not yet on the market. It has not yet been listed. The accounts are all done by He Gambling King. The price he offered to Huo Daheng last year was 600 million Hong Kong dollars to buy 30% of Huo Sheng's shares.

After nodding, he smiled bitterly, "My relationship with He Sheng is still very good, but it's a bit rude to say this."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "In the future, Hong Kong Island will become more and more prosperous, with more and more people, and real estate will become more and more valuable. I wonder if Zheng Sheng has noticed that the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong this year has increased by 2 million?"

Zheng Yutong nodded, "Of course I noticed it, and I want to thank you for this. My Chow Tai Fook sales have increased by 50% compared to last year!"

That's right, the number of tourists has increased dramatically, and the various gold and jewelry stores owned by Shar Dantong are also one of the biggest beneficiaries.

There are many people and tourists. Although it has squeezed the employment opportunities of some low-level workers on Hong Kong Island, the benefits are related to all aspects. The 360 ​​industry, whether it is retail jewelry, hotels, restaurants, transportation, etc., who has not benefited?

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "As long as the Hong Kong film industry under my control continues to prosper, there will be more and more star-chasing or star-dreaming tourists from all over the world. If Hong Kong and Kowloon real estate cannot develop in the future, I can let you, Zheng Sheng, follow Hua." Let’s work together to develop the New Territories.”

He has already made arrangements on November 17 for Huazhi to go to Tai Hang Village to develop a small Taikoo Shing model as a supplement and expansion of Tai Po New Town.

At this stage, for more than 20 days, Dakeng Village has progressed to the point where all the old building models in the village have been demolished. The residences... Almost all the villagers in Dakeng Village are either migrant workers or middle- and lower-level leaders in Wanjia supermarkets all over Hong Kong, or A leader in other industries.

There is no need for him to compensate or anything. Everyone is not short of a place to live, and many people even live directly with relatives in other places. They are invited by relatives to invite them.

They have begun to tear down all the old buildings and plan to arrange a small Taikoo City model. The architectural drawings and other plans can be seen by those who are interested.

Zheng Yutong was overjoyed, "Okay, thank you Zhao Sheng for giving me the opportunity!"

At this stage of his life, his status can certainly be seen. Whether it is the influx of European and American tourists, or the mainland tourists who return... a possible explosion, the island will be overcrowded.

The existing bustling core areas of Hong Kong and Kowloon, where living and working spaces are being squeezed step by step.

New Territories is really a good addition.

Before the rise of Zhao Donghuai, which real estate tycoon wanted to enter the New Territories and didn't decide for himself? But now, without Zhao Donghuai's permission, if other real estate groups want to enter the New Territories, the threshold has been raised a lot.

The man surnamed Zhao disagrees. You said entering the New Territories is a joke.

Let me just say, can you bear the power cut off? What do you bring in? ? Is it just talk on the blackboard?

Can modern real estate development lack electricity? If someone surnamed Zhao wants to get stuck in the electricity tiger, it is estimated that Kadoorie, the chairman of China Electronics in Hong Kong, can only hold his nose and admit it, otherwise Kadoorie will be kicked out.

Kadoorie, the TV boss, is currently one of Zhao Donghuai's peripheral white gloves. However, Kadoorie also has a lot of autonomy. This refers to the premise that there is no conflict with Zhao Donghuai.

If you offend someone named Zhao, a power outage in the Kowloon and New Territories of Hong Kong, including outlying islands, can kill you. Even Chow Tai Fook can't withstand that kind of torment.

His friendship with King He Du?

That is the weight of friendship between making a fortune in the Tokyo stock market and entering the New Territories.

After the surprise, several people walked to the golf ball where they had previously hit while talking. Zheng Yutong smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, do you want to play a golf ball?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "I don't know how to play this. Boxing and fighting sports are more exciting, and swimming is also fine."

Zheng Yutong, "..."

Da Liu, who had always been a minion, felt dumbfounded and collapsed, but the shock in Da Liu's heart at this moment was still super strong. After all, in just a few words, the two parties decided on the equity of the Haojiang water company, the power company, and even the casino. Delivery? ?

This is too exciting!

At this moment, a Pan-Asian bodyguard came over with the eldest brother in his arms, glanced at Zheng Yutong and the two, and then whispered, "North America's call."

Zhao Donghuai took it quickly and waited until the bodyguard left before he said, "I am Zhao Donghuai."

Ahang's voice immediately sounded from the other side, "Boss, Oracle's Ellison was almost killed by a car bomb. He is still in shock in the hospital."

Director Zhao was surprised, "Who did it?"

Ahang explained, "Just a mafia team, maybe it's DuPont's intimidation tactics. So far, Bill Gates has only taken 20% of Microsoft's shares, and Ellison actually still has 15% of Oracle,..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless.

After a few seconds of silence, Ah Hang replied that he knew it, and then he grabbed the mobile phone and started dialing. After getting through this time, he spoke in English, "Ellison, are you interested in coming to Hong Kong for development? Our Hong Kong Island is currently considered It is one of the cities at the forefront of the global commercial and personal computer industries."

"Instead of being split up and robbed by Wall Street in North America, your Oracle team should come to Hong Kong Island to start a new business. I can guarantee that you will retain at least 30% of the equity, and you will take charge of the new company and new group."

Ellison, who was in shock on the opposite side, immediately retorted, "Why should I believe you? If it weren't for your fate, how could Bill's Microsoft and my Oracle have targeted so quickly? FUCK..."

After cursing a few times, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Donghuai ended the call without caring, then shrugged and said with a smile, "Good words can't persuade you. Damn it, this guy is dishonest. This time it was a car bomb, next time it may be a dump truck attack."

"The business environment in Amei's family is so cruel."

Zheng Yutong and Liu Luanxiong looked at each other.

Both of them have no problem with English, let alone Cantonese. As for Ellison, Oracle? In order to deceive Li Chao and Wang Dehui and others, they went to the Japanese stock market and real estate development.

Zhao Donghuai was the one who made the media hype up the names of Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min. They each borrowed 50 million to invest in Microsoft and Oracle, and each made more than 100 million in profits in a few months.

Both Sha Dantong and Da Liu know what Oracle and Ellison are.

Car bombs, dump trucks? Wall Street grabbing Oracle? ?

After being silent for a while, Zheng Yutong smiled bitterly and said, "Zhao Sheng, the world is still a bit chaotic. Even Lao Li and Wang Sheng will be kidnapped..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Zheng Sheng, don't worry, we have a happy cooperation, and no one will kidnap my friends in Hong Kong Haowan."

Upon hearing this, Sha Dantong's eyes lit up. He often hired bodyguards, but who knew whether this kind of thing was stable? After all, he is not Wang Wenxia or Huo Daheng.

In the original trajectory, Shark Dantong himself was never kidnapped, but the Chow Tai Fook Gold Store was frequently visited by gangsters.


After a while, when Zhao Donghuai left the Fanling Golf Course by car, he grabbed his mobile phone and called Huo Sheng, "Huo Sheng, I have reached an agreement with Zheng Sheng. Although the deal has not been officially signed, we should not be at this level. As for breaking a promise easily."

"If you want to do something, you can start."

He didn't bother to get involved in the real Haojiang casino industry. Let's let Huo Daheng and He Duwang fight. He just supported it.

This kind of support, of course, involves all aspects.


No. 11, Haojiang.

At the entrance of a good-quality restaurant, when a Cadillac parked at the door, the formal employee of Pan Asia Group and the former Hong Kong Hutchison Kwun Tong correspondent stepped out of the car in a suit and parked in front of the doorman who greeted him. Zai, Snake Zaiming waved his hands happily, "I'll tell you guys, just say that I, Snake Zaiming, am here."

The parking boy was stunned, "Which snake boy knows?"

A Ming immediately slapped the opponent on the face, causing the opponent to stagger back, "Fuck, you don't even know my brother Ming? Do you know that everyone calls me Ming Wang on the road now?"

The parking boy was in a daze, covering the place where he was hit. Other employees at the door of the restaurant who saw the situation and wanted to come over to calm down also stopped.

King Ming? Damn, you have such a big face.

But I seem to remember that there is indeed a former Hutchison boss in Hong Kong. After joining Pan Asia, he got the nickname "Ming Wang". The origin of this nickname is that Snake Ming used to specialize in smuggling people and selling human beings. .

The male stowaways are sold as coolies, and the female stowaways are sold to chicken stalls.

However, Snake Ming in the Pan-Asian period did the opposite, focusing on the smuggling groups in Hong Kong and rescuing people and smugglers from each illegal team... so he later became the light of countless smugglers.

It can be regarded as atonement for some things in the first half of life.

Of course, this kind of business is very offensive, but with Pan Asia Group taking care of it, Snake Ming, the wise king, will be safe and sound.

Recalling who "Ming Wang" was, the few restaurant employees who stopped quickly grabbed the walkie-talkies and started talking. After a while, several figures walked out of the restaurant. The leader was short and stocky with a bright smile on his face, "Brother Ming Wang?"

"No wonder I heard the cry of magpies early this morning. Brother Ming Wang came to Haojiang to have fun. I will take care of everything. Please come in!"

Snake Ming also smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with the other party, "Master Ping, let's go. We won't come back until we get drunk today."

This stocky middle-aged man is one of the 14 talkers in Haojiang, Mo Dingping. As for Mo Dingping’s power? You can tell a little bit about it from the movie "The Wind and Cloud of Haojiang", which is regarded as the autobiography of the future "Bengyaju" Brother Ju.

In the movie, the rise of Bengyaju is backed by a big boss like Ji Shiwei who contracted the gambling hall from King He to make money. The biggest opponent and competitor is Mo Dingping in front of him.

Originally, Ji Shiwei asked Mo Dingping to watch the business, but this guy made too much money and was too greedy, so Ji Shiwei helped Beng Yaju rise.

It was only in 1988 that Aju kicked off Mo Dingping and finally established a foothold in the casino business. Standing in front of He Gambling King and Market Wei, he became a big money-making glove.

Became one of the 14 talkers in Haojiang.

But in December 1986... Ah Ju was still the younger brother in the 14th pile, and his eldest brother Hei Zaihua was just the younger brother in the 14th pile.

When Shezai Ming was sitting alone in a large private room in the restaurant, drinking a few beers with Mo Dingping and several of his younger brothers, Shezai Ming smiled and said, "Master Ping, although I used to mix with Heji, I am 14 with you." There is still a lot of friction."

"But I still admire you, Mr. Ping. Our boss wants Haojiang to be quiet for a while, and hopes that Mr. Ping will give you some face."

Mo Dingping was stunned, looked at each other with his younger brothers, and asked uncertainly, "What does Zhao Sheng mean?"

Snake Zaiming nodded.

Mo Dingping touched the back of his head and asked curiously, "Of course I am willing to listen to what a big boss like Zhao Sheng has to say, but what is the quiet method?"

There are also many Wanjia and Baijia employees and relatives in Haojiang who have joined the financial chariot. Currently, there are only 300,000 people in Haojiang. If you go against Zhao Sheng’s will here, you may even betray and jump to the cause. Against you.

The profits from illegal crimes of a big brother like them... are not as fast as fawning over Zhao Sheng's financial investment express to pick up money.

The former is an illegal crime and may lead to jail time, while the latter is legal and law-abiding, making money without any hesitation. Does it take a long time to consider which one to choose?

Snake Zaiming smiled and raised his glass, "It's not a big deal, it's just that there may be some turmoil in the casino's rights. No matter what He says or what you are asked to do, you just keep silent."

Mo Dingping's expression changed drastically, "Why did you say anything and I remained silent??"


Before he could say anything or what his younger brothers could say, Snake Ming grabbed his big brother and started dialing, "I am King Ming. I am here in Modingping now and can do things."

Mo Dingping stood up suddenly, including his group of younger brothers. Everyone's expressions were gloomy, and they stared at A Ming uncertainly, but they did not dare to say or do anything directly.

On the contrary, A Ming easily dismissed Big Brother and waved his hand, "Okay, don't worry, the nature of what I say is different from what you understand."

"The boss has spoken and has considered your difficulties, so I will first let you experience what a businessman's business methods are."

"From today on, your Tuodi Restaurant, including residential villas, as long as they are properties under your name, will be without water and electricity for seven days and seven nights. Everything will be restored after 168 hours. Do you understand? Mr. Ping?"

Mo Dingping, "..."

His group of sullen younger brothers were also confused. He thought he was doing something, but a group of big men rushed in, smashed up his restaurant, and killed them all. But you did this to me?

Water and power outage for seven days and seven nights?

Snake Ming drank another glass of beer, grabbed his eldest brother and walked outside, "Master Ping, please think about it slowly, I have something else to do and go to see Fatty Kun in the sewer room."

Watching A Ming walk out, a group of boys all looked at Mo Dingping, but this Mr. Ping remained silent. He had nothing to say.

It wasn't until Snake Ming drove away that he disappeared, and then a few figures ran to the top of the roof, "Master Ping, the water supply is out, and the power supply is out. Damn it...how can we still do business here?"

"No, even if the business is closed, what should we do if we eat, drink, and defecate?"

Mo Dingping, "..."

Mo Dingping felt the malice coming from the depths of the world. As long as it was an industrial property under his name, all the water and electricity would be cut off? Can it be 168 hours this time, or is it just a meeting gift?

What if it is permanently sealed? Damn, how can you still live?

Without water or electricity, mansions will become abandoned houses.

Mo Dingping said with a dark face, "Let's leave Haojiang first to avoid the limelight. Damn it, there is no water to drink, no electricity, and no freedom to flush the toilet?"

At this stage, the largest local forces in Haojiang are nothing more than 14 Dui Mo Ding Ping, Shuifang Fat Zaikun and the Daquan Gang.

Of course, under these three, there are still many small societies and small forces. In the 1950s and 1960s, there were great riots in Hong Kong society. The Hong Kong authorities deported groups of big brothers from the society, and most of them came here on the run. Haojiang mixed.

This was an incident of the era before Inspector Lu ran away and went to the wrong direction.

After fighting so far, the three major forces are at the top, and there are also many smaller forces.

Shuifang is also a branch of Hutchison on Hong Kong Island. His full name is Hutchison On Lok. Speaking of which, he was born in the same club as She Zaiming. His identity as a former Kwun Tong talker is the same as Fat Boy Kun of Haojiang Shuifang. big.

But it was a gift (water and electricity were cut off for seven days), which really made Mo Dingping feel the vulgarity and cruelty of the tycoon's move.

A certain boy couldn't help complaining, "If you have the ability, stop He Sheng's water and electricity..."

Mo Dingping was speechless, "How do you know that Zhao Sheng didn't dare to stop? The water company used to be owned by Uncle Tong. When did it become Zhao? He Sheng really stopped the water and electricity, eh..."

"Is it possible that in the employee system of the casino, there are no relatives or friends working in the Wanjia or Baijia surnames? If they are, they can get on the Japanese Yen Express. This is equivalent to Zhao Shengfa's money, but it is much richer than He Sheng's!"

I don't want to think so much anymore, so I'd better run away to avoid the limelight.


Tung Chung, Hong Kong Island.

On the spacious grassland by the lake, a large model of a Brachiosaurus, more than 20 meters long, was standing quietly and moving slowly.

Zhang Guorong, Naomi Watts and Guan Shan walked towards the Brachiosaurus with the expressions in the script, and the performance was quite successful. Of course, this Brachiosaurus was too big, and the physical model could not be made even with an external robotic arm. Various actions.

Therefore, in this version of the performance, a helicopter is in the sky, using specially made wires, just like ordinary actors hanging wires, binding the model with wires, trying to do the action of a leg-lifter standing up and eating leaves.

Other walks also require the assistance of a shooting car and special steel wires to move.

This requires technical work. What should I do if I accidentally pull it apart due to excessive strength? Whether they are flying helicopters or driving wires, they are all the strongest masters in Zhao Logistics.

Now, a section of the performance is actually shot. When editing behind the scenes after the performance, the special steel wire is disposed of and a version is saved.

Then let the actors shoot in front of a green screen and a blue screen, and wait for the super computer to make a supplementary version of CGI special effects. In the end, whichever version has the best effect will be used.

When the performance was over, Zhao Donghuai shouted, and the actors immediately moved away from the large model of Brachiosaurus. Ah Rong even ran to the viewfinder and exclaimed, "When we were filming before, I was really afraid that the Brachiosaurus would suddenly fall over. If it were crushed, We are all doomed..."

Even if the large model Brachiosaurus, which is more than 20 meters long, is not absolutely solid, the material stuffed under the skin is relatively small in density. However, if this thing breaks and collapses midway, it will still be a disaster.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "You are taking the wrong shot. In fact, you are not that close to the Brachiosaurus. What are you afraid of..."

If this performance was shown on the big screen, it would feel like Zhang Guorong and Naomi Watts had approached within a few meters of the Brachiosaurus, but in fact the light and shadow were misaligned, and the real situation was far from that close.

"Okay, the next version will be shot with green screen and blue screen."

Jurassic Park has been filming for more than a month now, but the progress is... not fast. Although Zhang Guorong and others were away for some time when they came to guest star (The Legend of Wang Wenxia), each of them was only away for three or four days at most.

It has little impact on the filming progress of the film. The key lies in the various shooting methods of Jurassic. Each kind of shot requires an extra version...

The original Jurassic Park, the Hollywood version, did not talk about the preparation period before the start, nor the special effects production period after filming. The actual shooting time was more than three months.

Based on the current progress of Zhao Donghuai's crew, it is estimated that the filming of this film will be completed in January 1987, or maybe into February.

Fortunately, as time goes by, the Tung Chung development plan is developing more and more smoothly. The one- and two-story holiday villas by the sea are getting better and better. After a day's filming, more and more crew members actually left. The less.

Most of them began to regard the shooting task as a vacation away from the bustling Hong Kong and Kowloon areas to relax.

The ferry arrangement of Qiu Shuzhen New World Passenger Transport has a stable bus line from Tsim Sha Tsui to Tung Chung Pier, once every day at 8:00, 12:00, and 18:00, but it is not isolated. It will also take detours to Tai O and Tai O. South Lantau.

After a daytime shooting mission, when Zhao Donghuai returned to Tsim Sha Tsui, he learned that Zheng Yutong was already waiting with his lawyer.

The deal was negotiated yesterday morning and was signed tonight. Ji Cao, after all, it takes time to prepare. You said that Zhao Donghuai has not yet become the major shareholder of Haojiang Tap Water and Haojiang Electric Power, and he can give orders to Mo Dingping and Fatty. Kun and other gangsters cut off water and electricity?

It's not difficult. It's not like there are no executives from those two companies who joined Zhao's Financial Building to make a fortune.

Are you following Zhao Donghuai's instructions to impose power cuts? Even if they are limited big brother-level figures, those executives will not be intimidated. They do not believe that Mo Dingping, Fatty Kun and the like dare to object.

After a pleasant transaction ended, Zheng Yutong drank the champagne that was delivered and laughed, "Sheng Zhao, to be honest, the money you made in the island country's foreign exchange market and the stock market is really enviable."

"It's a pity that you have an agreement with the American giants on Wall Street not to allow people like us to enter the foreign exchange market, but the stock market..."

"I wonder which stocks Zhao Sheng is optimistic about?"

Zhao Donghuai decisively named several companies, "The stocks that Zhen and Amin bought last time were mainly corporate real estate companies controlled by the Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi Kai. They relied on various underworld means to continuously purchase real estate and properties. "

"There are many industrial properties, and the market value of the stock market will naturally soar, becoming a fairy stock."

"But how can those gangsters be satisfied with making money and cutting leeks in the stock market? They have opened new backdoor listed companies and continue to acquire land and real estate in more than 20 wards of Tokyo through evil means."

“It’s still just starting to develop smoothly, so it’s the best time to start.”

Shark Dantong was ecstatic. This way of picking up money was really exciting. As one of the real estate tycoons, he certainly knew what kind of basics the society had when it came to taking over houses, which would make ordinary owners collapse and become embarrassed. .

However, the Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi-kai and others have harmed the citizens of island countries in more than 20 wards of Tokyo to make money. As a Hong Kong businessman, it is not shabby at all to earn this kind of money.

After thanking him ecstatically and taking another sip of champagne, Zheng Yutong coughed lightly and said, "Zhao Sheng, He Sheng from Haojiang wants me to pass on a message. How he and Huo Sheng fight is a grudge between the two of them. You intervene... ...Well, according to the rules of business, everyone relies on their own methods. I hope Mr. Zhao will be kind and don’t block the water and power supply in the mansion.”

Zheng Yutong was also speechless.

He used to control the water and electricity in Haojiang, and he didn't have the guts to cut off the water and electricity at will. The electricity and water bills would rise at most. And this Uncle Tong only got the water and electricity last year in 1985.

The 5% stake in Haojiang Entertainment was controlled by He Sheng with the support of him.

But Zhao Donghuai is such a ruthless person that he dared to cut off the power of Mr. Li's Cheung Shi Building on the same day as soon as he became a shareholder of HK Electric. He acted without any taboos.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Since it's Zheng Sheng you're talking about, I will ensure that he has no worries about water and electricity in his big villa. However, for business competition, we should limit it to the business war methods used in movies and TV dramas, which are most suitable."

"It's too much, it's uncomfortable."

Shark Dantong nodded repeatedly, and he felt more convinced that the big move in business war should not be used casually, especially when facing the shameless young people in Lu Ziye, the older generation could easily be confused and beaten to death.

Shark Dantong also knows this. In fact, ever since Zhao Sheng started to support Huo Sheng, He Daheng's chances of winning have become pitiful!

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