Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 182 Guan Shan won the grand prize? I seem to have seen this episode somewhere!

Zhao Donghuai was of course supportive of Hong Qinbao's filming (Ip Man). He contacted some relevant people in the mainland on the spot, such as Emei Chang Han Shanping, Zhang Yimou, director Wang of the Three Kingdoms crew, etc. After several phone calls, Sanmao looked excited. leave.

Zhao Donghuai also walked to the rooftop, planning to take a helicopter to Tung Chung.

Jurassic Park officially started filming on October 10th and continues until February 18th. The more than four-month filming period has come to an end.

If there weren't a lot of things happening in between, Zhang Guorong and others made guest appearances (The Legend of Wang Wenxia), and Bruce Willis, who played the role of a genius mathematician, went to star in (Pretty Woman), which would have been a waste of time.

There are also Christmas, New Year's Day, New Year's Day, Spring Festival, and Lantern Festival.

Without these matters, the filming of various scenes (Jurassic Park) would have been completed long ago in more than four months. There are so many things that have delayed the completion until now.

However, this movie will be completed by the end of February at most, and then there will be various post-production.

If the post-production is fast enough, we can still catch up with this summer's schedule.

It's not like waiting until the end of this month to complete the filming before sending the film to Pengcheng for post-production. It's similar to Super Body. After shooting a part of the scene, a rough edit will be sent to start special effects. The earliest post-production...

For example, when Zhang Guorong, Naomi Watts, Bruce Willis and others filmed a clip of treating a triceratops, they shot a real-life model version with mechanical control to move and act, and another shot with a green screen and a blue screen. .

On the third day after they finished shooting the green screen and blue screen version, the dailies were roughly edited and sent for post-production special effects.

Based on this efficiency calculation, you will know how early the special effects work is. As long as all the special effects can be completed before September, the hope of bombing the world in the summer is not small.

To Zhao Donghuai's surprise, he and Amin had just arrived in Tung Chung, and when they gathered the crew to start work, they saw Guan Shan coming over with a face that was both excited and confused, "Zhao Sheng, something happened to me personally, and I don't know what to do." How to describe it.”

Zhou Huimin asked curiously, "Do you need me to avoid it?"

Guan Shan hurriedly shook his head and apologized, "No, no, really no, that's it. The day before yesterday, I just...just..."

Although he was a little embarrassed, Guan Shan still explained that his adopted little girlfriend was walking on the road the day before yesterday and picked up a lottery ticket. He didn't expect anything to happen because it was the island country's lottery ticket.

I was on Hong Kong Island and picked up a lottery ticket from the island country? Shouldn't that be thrown away casually?

In fact, after his adopted little girlfriend saw what it was, she threw it away, and then... The next day, the newspaper published a news about a person from an island country asking for urgent help. Before he came to Hong Kong from the island country, he bought a note. He won a million-dollar jackpot in Tokyo Lotto, but he accidentally lost the ticket.

He published a newspaper to help, hoping that the lottery winner who picked up the multi-million dollar jackpot would share the jackpot with him, and both parties could share half of the jackpot.

Guan Shan's little girlfriend was shocked and told Guan Shan what happened. At that time, she didn't remember the numbers on the lottery ticket. She just suspected that the one she picked up and threw away was the one in the newspaper. After all, on the streets of Hong Kong Island, there won’t be too many Lotto tickets from the island country, right?

Guan Shan was also shocked. After waiting for her to recall carefully, the two of them ran to pick up the lottery tickets and search for the place where they were lost.

Outrageous, I really found it again! !

And after comparing the numbers with the newspapers, it turned out that it was the winning ticket that won the million-dollar prize!

Guan Shan is now filled with excitement, shock, confusion and even doubts. This luck is so incredible. He won a bearer lottery ticket worth tens of millions of dollars in one bet. As long as he claims the prize within 30 days after the draw date, he will be able to win. Get it out.

He and his little girlfriend were able to pick it up twice in a row? ?

After he finished speaking in detail, Zhou Huimin was shocked, "Awesome, can you pick up lottery tickets continuously?"

Li Jiaxin, who was nearby and listened to everything, was also shocked and her beautiful eyes flashed. At this moment, the expression she looked at Guan Sheng was like looking at a lucky guy.

Only Zhao Donghuai... Where have you seen this episode? !

Hey, that was not August last year, when he used a set of Toshiba notebook T1100's full-serial production data technology to cheat 10 Toshiba Galaxy 2-level supercomputers.

Will Simulated Toshiba take revenge on him for what was simulated? ?

In that simulation, Toshiba first kept sending people to the mainland to trick his relatives, and the people disappeared one after another. Then they sent Toshiba people from Hong Kong Island to do things, and they continued to fail. After many failures, they tried to trick Guan Shantou into going to Tokyo to collect the lottery prize?

The simulator at the time showed that in February 1987, Guan Shan accidentally won a lottery ticket worth tens of millions of dollars!

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, and Guan Shan sneered again, "Zhao Sheng, I feel like this is a bit too magical, and my luck has gone crazy..."

"Can I really go to Tokyo to receive the award??"

In that simulation, Zhao Donghuai happily asked Guan Shan to receive the award. As the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers swaggered through the market with 40mm guns, large snipers and AKs, the Tokyo Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi Association and even the police suffered heavy losses.

Guan Shancai returned safely to receive the award.

The development trajectory that he had simulated suddenly appeared in front of him. Zhao Donghuai thought for a moment and waved, "Show me the lottery ticket."

Guan Shan immediately took out the lottery ticket.

After Zhao Donghuai grabbed the lottery ticket and looked at it for a few seconds, he smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter. I will send someone to help you receive the award. Just keep filming."

When Guan Shan nodded excitedly and left, preparing for today's scene, Zhao Donghuai put the lottery ticket into his pocket and then thought doubtfully, why did he let Guan Shan accept the anonymous lotto ticket in the simulator in the first place? ?

Since it’s anonymous, doesn’t anyone go? ?

Could it be that if Guan Shan had to go and receive the award himself, he wouldn’t be able to receive it? ? Will it be stuck by Toshiba?

A few seconds later, Zhao Donghuai waved to the deputy director Lan Naicai and called him over, "Lao Lan, that gangster who escaped from Stanley Prison and targeted Li Zhiren to cause trouble when he came out, has he been caught?"

Lan Nai was stunned for a few seconds and shook his head, "You shouldn't have been arrested, right?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Talent."

Ye Jihuan is certainly a talent. He was one of the big thieves in his original trajectory. He was caught in a series of robberies in 1984 and escaped from prison in 1989. After escaping from prison, he stayed around until 1996 before being arrested again.

The next moment he took out Guan Shan's lottery ticket, "You can find a brother from Xinji, 14th Dui or Hutchison, and ask them to give this to the gangster, and tell him to collect the 10 million U.S. dollar bonus and bring it back. Give him 30%."

Lan Naicai was stunned again for dozens of seconds before nodding, "Okay."

He is the assistant director. Does he know the big brother of the club? I don’t know him, but I can’t find anyone who is a Longhu martial artist from the Pan Asia Group. Is there no way to find him? That's the joke.

After a while, Lan Naicai grabbed the lottery ticket and looked around the set dozens of times, then walked towards a person. When he arrived, the little bully who was smoking immediately stood up and said hello politely.

Director Lan said quickly, "Zhao Sheng said, give this lottery ticket to Ye Jihuan, who escaped from prison for two months. He will bring back the prize of 10 million US dollars and share 30% of it with him, 3 million US dollars before tax."

The little bully took a long breath of surprise, "More than 23 million Hong Kong dollars in dividends before tax? The lottery prize is such clean and pure money?"

"You're taking advantage of that street boy!"

The small amount of money that Xiao Bawang had saved in the past few years, plus the salary after officially joining Pan Asia, was not low. Since he corrected his evil ways, he had invested all his money in the financial daily yen chariot on January 1, 1986.

But the total profit is only tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

He felt that he could also take his brothers and friends to receive the award... Forget it, he is now a clean person, a decent and good tax-paying citizen.

Whether you can collect this lottery ticket does require getting involved in some illegal matters.

Just look...


A village in the New Territories.

Ah Huan was drinking with a few brothers on the second floor of a three-story house when he was suddenly alerted by the ringing of the phone.

When he walked over and grabbed the phone, a hearty laughter sounded from the other side, "Ah Huan, I'm Xinji Feilong. I'm going to talk to you about something now. I'll give you something good."

"You're already famous. If you finish this thing, you'll pocket more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars. It's pure profit and clean money. Do you want to do it?"

Ah Huan took a long breath, more than 20 million clean money? ? This is really a great thing. "Brother Feilong, take care of me. Of course I will do it. When will you come over?"

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

Feilong from Tsim Sha Tsui drove to the small village in a car with only one driver. When he entered the small house where A Huan was hiding, he hugged A Huan and explained the purpose of his visit with a smile.

"This island country lottery ticket is anonymous and won the grand prize of 10 million US dollars. If you have the ability to bring the money back, it is 30%. The profit before tax is 23.4 million Hong Kong dollars. Although you have to pay taxes, there may be charities that cheat you. You donate..."

Ye Jihuan grinned, "Such a good thing? Brother Feilong, why don't you do it?"

This person in front of me is one of the top ten heroes of Xinji. After he resigned from Liu Luanxiong's fan factory, during the time when he was in the club and was gambling, what was the relationship between him and Brother Feilong? The gap is the gap between the bad guys at the bottom of the community and the talkative people in the first district.

Is it difficult to bring back the winning lottery money?

It must be difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, it can't be more dangerous than a series of robbery of gold shops and banks, right? You said there is nothing you can do about paying taxes. As for charities tricking you into donating? Isn't that a joke?

Ah Huan would not mind stabbing anyone who dared to steal his money and profits, including treating them to big black stars.

After two months of escaping from prison, being able to hide until now means that Ah Huan has someone on his hands.

Feilong had a toothache on his face, "Do you think I want to take advantage of you? It's your kid who escaped from prison and hid until now, and made a name for himself. Zhao Sheng personally named you."

"This is also for Zhao Sheng!"

Ah Huan's eyes immediately lit up, "Working for Zhao Sheng? This... this is not money,..."

As we all know, Zhao Donghuai is the God of Wealth in Hong Kong. Countless citizens put up memorial tablets and burn incense at home to worship him every day.

Profits from the foreign exchange war began to be settled one after another. Zhang Weifan, an ordinary employee in Kwun Tong, dared to gamble on the Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket brand for the first time. He made more than 5 million in just over a year, all of which was clean money.

How many Zhang Weifans are there in Haowan in Hong Kong? ?

Ah Huan and the younger brothers were all excited, "Help Zhao Sheng do something? Then we don't need so much money!"

"That's right. If you do things for Zhao Sheng and you still charge so much money, how many people will poke your spine if the news goes back to your hometown?"


Many of the hundreds of veteran drivers at Zhao's Logistics and Transportation and the thousands of regular workers at Pan Asia Group are from the mainland, including those from Chaoshan.

Chaoshan fellows join Zhou Huimin's Chinese Real Estate, Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min's New World Passenger Transport, to Wanjia and Baijia Chain, etc., they are everywhere.

Listening to these excited words, Feilong smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, don't be excited. Zhao Sheng said I gave you 30%, so it's 30%. There's no point in arguing about this."

"I'm just thinking right now, with so many people under Zhao Sheng, can't a few Pan-Asia employees, or employees named Wanjia or Baijia, win the grand prize of 10 million US dollars??"

"Why did I find you, Ah Huan?"

Ah Huan and others were silent. After a few dozen seconds, Ah Huan sneered and said, "Since I won the grand prize and it is anonymous, the lottery ticket is in my hand??"

"If I can't bring back this money, I will never return to Hong Kong, including my hometown."

Several other boys also nodded one after another!

Feilong nodded, "Okay, just to tell you this, I will wait for you to come back and help you pick up the wind and wash away the dust. We will help you arrange the boat to the island country."

"We can arrange whatever you want to use when you get there. There are a lot of brothers on the road hanging out in Shinjuku. If you go there, there will be people to help you."

Although the relationship between Xinji and Wanwan in various clubs such as Bamboo Society and Sihai was only average, they were working for Zhao Sheng to receive lottery prizes.

Let's just say that Wanwan's 100,000-level employees eat with Zhao Sheng, involving more friends and relatives... What happened to Zhushe, Sihai, etc.? Do they dare not to do their best?

Ah Huan smiled with his teeth exposed, "Thank you so much, Brother Feilong, come on, have a drink, we won't go home until we get drunk."

Feilong was also very happy, "Drink, and I will send you on your way after drinking!"

Ah Huan, "..."

Ah Huan stared at Fei Long speechlessly for a few times, "Can you even speak?" God sent me on my way.


Night falls.

Zhao Donghuai returned to Tsim Sha Tsui Financial Building. When he was sitting in the office, he was also thinking about one thing. It was the first time he simulated the dispute with Toshiba. In addition to throwing out a lottery ticket worth tens of millions of dollars, they wanted Guan Shan to go to Tokyo. .

There is also a follow-up story about "Chow Huimin's brain-dead fan with terminal cancer wants to give land worth 3 billion Hong Kong dollars to Amin in 1987." Zhou Huimin must go to meet the fans in person.

Such a straightforward trap...

"Let's do the simulation again."

[In February 1987, Ye Jihuan went to Tokyo with a certain lottery ticket, successfully entered Shinjuku, and arranged for his temporarily innocent younger brother to receive the prize. The younger brother was stabbed eight times and seriously injured while walking on the road...]

[In March, the Ah Huan Six took AK and Big Black Star and fought from Shinjuku to Shibuya. Surrounded by Yamaguchi, Sumiyoshi, and the police, the AK King made a hot appearance, causing heavy damage in Tokyo, and the little runner military police knelt down Begging for mercy was filmed and broadcast live on the TV station, and the image of the Tokyo police plummeted. 】

[In March, Wanwan, an immigrant with a clean identity, claimed a lottery ticket and was stabbed to death 38 times again. 】

[40 fire and automatic rifles raged, and half of the cadres of the Yamaguchi group were killed. 】

[In March, the new legal immigrant Wanwan went to claim the prize and successfully received the after-tax grand prize amount. Ye Jihuan’s team and Zhang Jun’s team gathered in Shinjuku, Shibuya, Minato and other places. More than a dozen of their younger brothers were killed or injured, but The big brother who takes the lead is becoming more and more ruthless. 】

[In April, the lottery winnings, which were less than US$10 million after tax, were taxed, and a full US$10 million was taken back to Hong Kong Island, and the Ah Huan team ran away. 】

[Zhang Jun went crazy with killing. It had nothing to do with him in the first place. He was just envious of A Huan’s majesty and domineering power. In May, he was surrounded and killed after achieving the achievement of killing hundreds of people by himself in Tokyo...]

[In June, two Toshiba senior executives jumped to their deaths, bringing an end to the lottery incident. 】

[In August, Toshiba offered 30 million Hong Kong dollars to hang on Ah Huan’s head. After Ah Huan lost all the winnings, he became angry and evil. He paid a master to model his head as a prop for his younger brother. Defrauded 30 million hidden flowers. 】

[In March 1988, Ah Huan lost everything again and was heavily in debt. He was betrayed and arrested before trying to harvest Toshiba's wool. Toshiba spent a lot of money to buy one of his younger brothers. The younger brother ran away with the money and was drowned in front of the island country. 】

[In February of the year before 1990, Ah Huan escaped from prison in Stanley and returned to the world. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: Kidney function plus twice the basic strength."

"B: Part of the criminal information collection of Tokyo's criminal police."

"C: Five five-axis linkage CNC machine tools."

After watching this simulation, Zhao Donghuai said, "..."

This time he simulated it for three years at a time, just to see a short period of time. Good guy, Toshiba obviously wanted to plot against him, so why did it become a big stage for Ah Huan and Zhang Jun?

Forget about the previous step, the simulation progress is relatively intensive, and a lot of things happened in one month, but that is because the lottery has a deadline for claiming the prize, and the prize will be awarded only if you claim it within 30 days.

After the initial simulation, Toshiba won't engage with him anymore? Are you specifically staring at Ah Huan?

After all, it was the "lottery case" that ended when two senior executives took the initiative to jump off the building! If Ah Huan doesn't die, the impact will be too bad.

After three years of simulation this time, even Toshiba’s instigation of Zhou Huimin’s crazy fan giving land to Tokyo with a market value of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars was gone.

It can only be said that with the help of the people in Wanwan, the power of various associations is sinking. A Huan, the AK king, and Zhang Jun, that madman... are having too much fun.

You must know that in the first simulation last year, Tokyo suffered four-digit damage at every major incident. The number of casualties did not prevent Toshiba from continuing to engage in Zhao Donghuai after pacifying the incidents one after another.

And these two teams? Look at Zhang Jun. He envies A Huan’s domineering power and takes the initiative to join in to cause trouble? How long has it been? They robbed Li Chao and Wang Dehui of the 300 million yuan, have they spent it all?

He should have taken the initiative to cause trouble before spending all his money. Zhang Jun’s personal record was to kill hundreds of people!

In the initial simulation, there were more than a thousand casualties. With more injuries and fewer deaths, things were relatively controllable. The simulator did not show how many people died?

The injuries... were all of the nature of the Yamaguchi-gumi Sumiyoshi-kai. These guys were already having fun in the big trend of the real estate and stock market explosions. They used all kinds of tricks to steal the real estate of normal citizens. It is not surprising that a group of people were injured every day.

But in Zhang Jun's simulation this time, one person killed hundreds of people before being surrounded and killed!

Just off the mark!

As for rewards?

Zhao Donghuai decisively chose A and continued to restart the simulation. After all, the rewards for B and C were also very good, and they were worth looking forward to.


February 20th.

When the deputy branch of a bank branch in Hong Kong Island brought a dozen experts from the mainland to a villa complex in Repulse Bay...

That's right, Zhao Donghuai only bought one villa in the Repulse Bay area. It was bought for the filming of "Quick Chase 1". Zhao Donghuai didn't live here much in the past few years.

However, the related villas nearby have long been bought out by Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui, He Qing and others.

Walking into a large villa, Zhao Donghuai took the lead to greet him. He exchanged polite words for a while before speaking, "Wu Xing, I don't know what Toshiba is doing."

"But they gave me five more five-axis CNC machine tools. These are real objects. I don't have any related manufacturing business, so I might as well donate them."

Wu Xing's smile was a little stiff, but he still tried his best to smile brightly. His stiffness was either due to other messy reasons or simply because he couldn't stop laughing after hearing the good news. Over time, his muscles became stiff.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, thank you, Mr. Zhao!"

"The more of these industrial cornerstones, the better."

It’s really no big deal to the few construction groups in the Hua subtitles that help Chinese people buy real estate projects for free. It’s also no big deal to the Zhao’s Special Effects Base in Pengcheng, where there are so many big names in all walks of life who bring their own dry food to help promote special effects. Technological development.

Just say that now, Zhao Donghuai's special effects industry has started, and each rendering software and the like does not require Hollywood to pay patent fees for every computer used.

Many experts got together and developed software that was better than the Hollywood version. The copyright was directly given to Zhao Films.

After all, the mainland is too embarrassed to keep collecting things for free and collect treasures. The feedback and support that should be given should still be given.

With such good friendship, they are not polite about this CNC machine tool.

After all, the mainland really lacks these.

Regardless of the strange relationship between Zhao Donghuai and Toshiba, these treasures should still be collected.

Big Bear only bought four units of this thing plus dozens of boxes of parts, and Zhao Donghuai sent six units back and forth? Coupled with the donation of three Galaxy Type 1 and Type 2 supercomputers, annual donations and charity learning building, the power of making friends is so exciting.

At present, in the mainland, only Donghuai Tower and Yifu Tower have hundreds of buildings spread all over the country.

The two sides were polite and communicated for a while. When the crowd returned to the mainland in the Zhao Logistics truck, Zhao Donghuai also rubbed his wrist and said to Zhou Huimin, "Let's go and continue to the set. The filming will be completed in a few days." .”

One thing is actually a bit strange. When he first received five five-axis linkage CNC machine tools, he simulated for one year, and only one was included in the reward. Last time, after three years of simulation, five machines appeared frequently as rewards?

Could it be that I have already received one and the price of this thing is reduced in the simulator? ?

This series of battles with Azhi is really fun, but I’m not sure whether Azhi knows how much real money they lost.

In the Toshiba incident, they quoted a price of 5 million knives for each five-axis CNC machine tool. Azhi delivered it to his door!

It's not too expensive, but this thing is a high-precision product on the banned list.


A few days later, with the completion of Jurassic Park.

Zhao Donghuai directly took the entire crew to Fulinmen to have fun, and they played until three o'clock in the middle of the night before he walked out of the hotel and planned to go home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood under the awning and waited for the bodyguard to drive, Ah Hong, wearing a strange outfit, ran over and said, "Boss, I bought a new car and got my driver's license. How about I give it to you?"

Zhao Donghuai looked at Chen Hong curiously, "costumes?"

Chen Hong nodded hurriedly, "Yes, didn't I play Huang Feihong's thirteenth aunt in Director Xu's production? I heard that Sister Min was drunk and was sent back to the Financial Building by the female bodyguard more than an hour ago."

"So I think, boss, you should have drank a lot and brought some hangover soup."

In mid-December, Xu Ke proposed to film (a new version of Once Upon a Time in China), which is Huang Feihong's Aspirations. Last year, he said bluntly that at worst, one film would be produced every year, and it would have to be done well.

As for the filming project (the time-travel version of A Chinese Ghost Story), it can be handed over to other directors under the supervision of Lao Xu. This is to realize one's dream and make a fortune without delay.

A Hong's version of Aunt Thirteen's costumes are similar to those worn by Guan Jiahui in the original version. If Zhou Huimin hadn't left yet and was still at the finals banquet, A Hong wouldn't have dared to come.

Zhao Donghuai looked at it a few more times and then laughed, "It's quite beautiful."


A few days later, March 1st.

Accompanied by several bodyguards, Ah Hong, who was wearing a hat and mask, arrived at the bookstore facing the Wanjia Supermarket in Kowloon Tong, and then hurried over to sit down to relieve her fatigue and aches.

After all, if you work long hours, even if you stand for a long time in high heels for several days, your legs will become sore. Occupations such as supermarket salespersons and counter ladies have the best say in this.

The island country of South Korea often kneels down to beg for mercy, and their knees may also hurt.

However, when she is out and about normally, as a rising star who became famous thanks to My Sassy Girl, she must be careful about her posture.

After she casually followed the big poster, she grabbed a copy (House of Cards). After reading the introduction, she started complaining loudly, "The Whip of the Majority Party in North America is an inspirational and Machiavellian novel about realizing his dream of becoming a leader?"

After clicking her tongue once or twice, she flipped through it. After all, she came in to rest, so drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book was also a good pastime.

But she was still very disdainful of Guan Jiahui, who was touted as the most talented woman in Hong Kong.

Who could be in Guan Jiahui's position and not be able to live up to her reputation as the number one talented woman?

It’s okay to have sex with her.

With Guan Jiahui's intelligence, can he understand such secrets of the Green Palace? That's the biggest joke in the world.

In December last year, Kwan Ka-wai and Monica Bellucci received the complete version of the first season script, and then hired a professional gunman to operate it. It is normal for the new novel to be officially sold in Hong Kong and the mainland from March 1.

More than two months are enough to get all this done.

I heard that today, 100,000 volumes are shipped to all parts of Hong Kong and are sold in 252 chain bookstores.

During the break, Ah Hong looked at it casually and casually, and suddenly discovered that this novel seemed to be really well written.

The public really has a strong sense of curiosity and gossip about certain things.

Especially the Green Palace, which is a palace of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and black. Even though the beginning of the novel is famous for the Green Palace era after a millennium... In the novel, the Green Palace is also almost the most powerful gangster in the world. In order not to leak the secret, The background is still the confrontation between North America and the big furry bear.

This part explains how to operate the position of the general, and helps the general to be betrayed and let go of the party whip after he takes office. How can he fight against the general? ? This is so interesting.

Even if Chen Hong doesn't understand the rules of this circle at all and doesn't want to get involved, but he goes to study with a peeping mentality? ?

Unknowingly, Chen Hong saw noon in one breath. She didn't wake up until she felt hungry in her stomach, blinked and looked to the left and right.

Several bodyguards on the left and right were trying to stop people and persuade them to leave.

When she woke up with a start, a female bodyguard came over and explained, "There are nearly 400 House of Cards novels in this bookstore, but the only one left in your hand, Sister Hong, has not been sold yet."

"It is said that one hundred thousand copies of the novel in Haowan, Hong Kong, were sold out in one morning. The printing and publishing company is adjusting the goods and rushing to print. There were a dozen customers who wanted to buy the book before, and they want to come and buy the book you have..."

"They were all persuaded to leave by us."

Chen Hong was stunned and looked at the price. It was 30 Hong Kong dollars a book. He immediately stuffed the book into his bag and said, "Let's go eat."

Of course there are bodyguards to pay the bill to the bookstore, just swipe the Octopus card, it's only 30 Hong Kong dollars.

However, when walking outside the bookstore, Chen Hong couldn't help but sigh and envy in her heart, "Guan Jiahui is really going to become famous again. Even I can be so fascinated by it. One hundred thousand copies are sold out as soon as they are launched?"

"I'm afraid this House of Cards novel has a much wider audience than the (Twilight) series!"


Starting from the 1st, Guan Jiahui has really become famous in East and Southeast Asia again. With the large-scale and timely supply of (House of Cards), this supply not only includes Hong Kong Haowan, but also the mainland.

Up to now, more than 3 million general supermarkets have been opened in the Mainland, including bookstores on the street.

The House of Cards novel is priced at HKD 30 per copy in Haowan, Hong Kong, but the genuine version is priced at HKD 3 per copy in Mainland China.

It sold 500,000 copies on the first day, and continued to sell 700,000 copies the next day. It broke one million in two days? ? This can only be said that the Mainland's 3-yuan House of Cards, which describes the secrets of the Green Palace, is extremely influential.

Countless mainland book fans who had never read (The Twilight Saga), including various student groups and teacher groups, frequently visited Wanjia bookstores as soon as they discovered the announcement of House of Cards.

The first one (Twilight) only sold one million copies in North America in three months. In one year, the first and second volumes sold a total of more than 10 million copies.

Hong Kong Haowan sold more than 300,000 copies in two days, which was a result of the two-way superposition of the fan bonus (Twilight series) and the attraction of Secrets of the Green Palace.

The mainland absorbed 700,000 copies, and the price of three yuan a copy contributed the most.

After all, it's 1987, and even a novel worth 3 yuan a book is still not cheap. Many ordinary workers still earn less than 100 yuan a month, but... it's a system involving tens of millions of employees in many cities in the mainland.

Judging from the fact that many of these employee systems have purchased House of Cards books, a 10,000-store comprehensive store has more than 200 to 300 direct employees, and more than 300 stores have tens of thousands of employees.

Their targets are ordinary public-owned enterprise workers in the city where they live, with double their monthly salary, which is basically more than 100 or 200 yuan a month, as well as massive benefits. Spending three yuan to buy a book is not expensive.

There are countless groups who want to study abroad and develop their careers outside. If they find a magical novel like House of Cards, why not buy it and read it? ? At 3 yuan a book, it’s not expensive for them.

Kwan Ka-wai's reputation as the most talented woman in Hong Kong Island is not limited to Hong Kong Island! In the past, with the popularity of the (Twilight) series, many Hong Kong media had to brag about this series of big Mary Sue novels just to give them face.

House of Cards is different, so it’s not just a boast. Many media magazine writers started praising and praising it after actually reading House of Cards.

When will this novel reach the island country and South Korea? It also quickly set off a hot craze, and the ordinary people at the lowest level also have a peeping mentality, or are they trying to pry into the secret changes in their father's country?

It's so fun.

If we talk about big Mary Sue novels like (The Twilight Zone), they are still popular among white people, colonial people, and banana people. Normal Asians are actually not very interested in them.

The explosion of House of Cards means that everyone, whether white or Asian, is interested in it.

It's just that there are many people who doubt that Guan Jiahui can't write this kind of novel... and then they push Monica to explain. Monica is a serious law student at the University of Italy!

When House of Cards sold more than 3 million copies across East and Southeast Asia on March 11, in just 10 days, it surpassed the sales record of The Twilight Saga in less than half a year.

It is the mainland, island countries, and South Korean markets that have contributed the most.

A book costs three yuan in the mainland, and 50 Hong Kong dollars in South Korea... But now that the island country is rich, super rich, who cares about being reluctant to part with such a small amount of money to buy a book that peeps into the secrets of the Black Palace? !

During an interview with ATV, Guan Jiahui couldn't stop laughing. "What, some people started saying that I am the most talented woman in Asia? That's an exaggeration. This is too exaggerated..."

"You put it like that, I don't dare to continue writing the second part. If everyone's expectations are too high, the real results will often be lower than expectations."

Guan Jiahui is still self-aware. There is a huge gap between a talented woman like her and a talented woman like Li Bihua who wrote "Farewell My Concubine".

It’s not a boast, it’s not a shame. If you ask her to write a mainland exam essay, she might just pass the test. It’s too exaggerated to flatter the name of a talented woman posted in this way, and it’s really not good.

Of course, she also enjoys this kind of flattery.

When people live in this world, how many people pursue fame and fortune? Qian Guanjiahui has long been in short supply, and her fame... She used to be just an ordinary star who became famous by selling her beauty. At this stage, can such a hype talent still get a lot of honors? ?

After accepting the interview on the ATV program, Guan Jiahui ordered the female secretary beside him, "Give those gunmen each a red envelope of one million Hong Kong dollars. We can't be too stingy."

This female secretary is a professional talent recruited to help her make suggestions and respond to emergencies, including being responsible for her external public image.

House of Cards sold over 3 million copies in ten days in Asia. Even if there is a big gap in pricing, from 50 Hong Kong dollars a copy, 30 Hong Kong dollars a copy to 3 yuan a copy in the Mainland, making money... is very flexible.

But this novel has taken advantage of the trend to enter North America and Europe, and it is expected to have good sales.

No matter how people who know the truth complain about this in private, Guan Jiahui's talent and reputation are too fake and unreal.

As long as you publicize it well, you will be a talented woman who is famous all over the world.

Even from ancient times, in the era of promoting Xiaolian, how many people were really promoted based on their strength? How many of them are Xiaolian created by Yang Wangxuanfa? Guan Jiahui doesn't understand this.

But the professional female secretary understands.

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