Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 183 Variant version of ancient puppet show, Oscar for best director

Zhao's Financial Building.

Zhao Donghuai was still working when he saw He Qing coming from outside with a bright smile on his face, "Brother Huai, I recently received a script and it seemed pretty good. Can you help me take a look?"

Under her words, Qiu Shuzhen hurriedly ran to make tea. Although at this stage, no matter whether it was film industry tycoons such as Hong Yanbao or Cheng Long, or rich tycoons like Lin Jianyue, they would not dare to let Azhen enter Director Zhao's office. Or Zhang Min brings tea and water.

But He Qing is obviously not in this sequence.

When Zhao Donghuai took over the script and read it, he saw the name of (female medical saint) at a glance, as well as screenwriters Wang Jing, Huang Bingyao, Mei Xiaoqing, Wang Jiawei and a bunch of other names.

Director Zhao was speechless.

Good guy, Ah Qing wants to accept the script, does she feel good about it? Just look at this list of names and you will know that this script is not going to be too bad.

After all, this is a group of directors and screenwriters who have experienced the impact of fashion idol dramas such as (Meteor Garden) (Blue Life and Death) (Winter Sonata) (Variant Version of Stairway to Heaven).

While he was reading the official script, A-Qing waved to Qiu Shuzhen, "A-Zhen, I won't drink tea anymore. You can wash some grapes or something and we'll eat together."

More than half an hour later.

After hurriedly reading the script, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but sigh, "Yes, this book is very good. It would be more suitable for you to go to the mainland for filming. Mrs. Zhang from the Song Dynasty was named a female medical saint by Song Renzong. She is the leading female lead in a variant of ancient puppet drama. .”

"The ratings will definitely be high after the film is made. I just want to produce a movie with the quality of a real historical blockbuster. Mainland film and television cities are better."

What Lao Wang and the others created (Female Medical Saint) is a new drama that does not exist in the original Hong Kong film and television industry.

How to describe it? This is a combination of the variant version of (Dae Jang Geum) and (The Female Doctor: The Legend of Myung Concubine), highlighting an idol drama with a big heroine and a big career drama.

In the historical context of the Song Dynasty, the female medical saint proclaimed by Song Renzong was a real person in history. She was one of the four legendary female doctors in ancient China.

The historical figure of Miss Zhang is quite legendary. It combines the routines and styles of idol dramas. As long as the filming is up to standard, it will be a brand new masterpiece besides "The Legend of White Snake" (The Legend of White Snake).

After all, in the original South Korean drama series, fashion idols such as (Blue Life and Death), (Winter Sonata) and (Stairway to Heaven) etc. were launched all the way, which enhanced the status and influence of South Korean dramas, and the influence of ancient costumes (Dae Jang Geum) How is the strength?

The original 54-episode series (Dae Jang Geum) did indeed bomb Asia in 2003.

The 2016 version of (Female Doctor: The Legend of the Concubine) can be regarded as one of Shishi's representative works in "Canteen Rice Fairy". When it was broadcast in the environment of 2016, it was ranked first in China's ratings at the same time.

Wang Jing can hold it all by himself (a variant version of Stairway to Heaven), and now he has also recruited a circle of friends to work together to create a heroine starring in an ancient puppet based on historical celebrity prototypes.

The script has changed a lot of the life background of the Northern Song Dynasty female medical saint Zhang Xiaoniang.

Referring to Dae Jang Geum's version, the heroine lost her parents at an early age and had nowhere to go. She was adopted by the palace people and joined the royal kitchen. She has a strong personality, a diligent study, a kind heart, etc. She was appreciated by others, and then was suppressed and ostracized by other villains.

This is all the scriptwriting skills of Lao Wang and his colleagues. Only when there is conflict can it be interesting!

Then the heroine was falsely accused and was exiled... During the exile, she began to study medicine and entered the circle of imperial doctors as a medical woman. She relied on her strength and talent to treat various diseases of the concubines in the harem, including the queen.

Then there is the historical prototype of Miss Zhang, who has a secret recipe to help women beautify and maintain their beauty, so that the concubines in the harem can be more beautiful and beautiful. She is appointed as a female medical saint by Song Renzong. This is the finale.


There are two development lines at the end of the script. One is the development of being respected and treated well by Song Renzong, and being treated as a good friend by the queens and concubines.

The other was admitted into the harem by Song Renzong.

No matter which development line, as long as it is filmed, it will be a classic ancient puppet drama with a leading female lead, including the title of female medical saint who will be successful in her career and leave her name in the history books!

While Zhao Donghuai was sighing, He Qing suddenly smiled sweetly, "Brother Huai, do you want to make a guest appearance as Song Renzong? The second development line is customized for you."

"Even North American super-rich Bill Guy will make a cameo in Cheng Long's Police Story 2. For a great director like you, while waiting for the special effects post-production of Jurassic Park, wouldn't it be nice to make a guest appearance?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and almost got sidetracked, "Am I a guest star?"

Why did you ask me to make a guest appearance in such a stupid way? But the cameo role as the emperor... This role setting is not bad. Song Renzong was the official family of Bao Zheng, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu and other famous officials in history.

He Qing nodded affirmatively, "Yes, if you don't make a cameo and I play the role of this female medical saint, how can I attract a group of Song Renzong's harem who are more beautiful than me with my appearance?"

"You can't attract all my beautiful concubines, right? In that case, it would be a bit illogical for Song Renzong to just make me the female medical saint in the finale."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao was speechless again, but He Qing smiled and stuffed the peeled red raisin into his mouth. He was begging for mercy anyway.

Ah Qing doesn't have much pursuit in other aspects of her career, but she still wants to leave a few more good images in film and television classics.

As long as Zhao Donghuai agrees to make a cameo, the harem of Song Renzong's character in this TV series (Female Medical Saint) can be easily arranged.

Acting? Zhao Donghuai's acting skills are really good. In the junior and mid-term simulations, he has already mastered master-level acting skills and grandmaster-level acting skills through countless simulations.

Not to mention TV dramas, even when he appeared in high-quality movies, he gave a movie-level performance, but He Qing suddenly attacked him, which was a bit ungrateful.

Besides, he is just playing the emperor... With the temperament he has developed over the years, the power in his hands, etc., it is really not difficult to play that role.

After all, it is a guest appearance. In the entire (female medical saint) crew, the emperor has very few scenes. This is not a Qingli New Deal reform, but an ancient puppet show about a female doctor.

He Qing continued to increase his efforts, "Azhen, Zhang Min, you guys are here to help. We are still young, but people will grow old. Now that we can convince Brother Huai to make a cameo, you can also act as the youngest and best The image has been immortalized in the TV series."

“When you get older in a few decades, you can relive it.”

Qiu Shuzhen, the little fox, was greatly moved.


A few days later, Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the big office with a toothache.

His initial mentality was that it would be fine to just be a quiet director, and he was also very active in various careers other than directing.

After He Qing's surprise attack, there were too many people talking to He Qing. For example, after Zhou Huimin finished filming (Jurassic Park), she originally had no interest in film and television dramas in the short term, but now she wants Song Renzong. The role of Queen Cao in the family is over.

She also tried to convince Director Zhao by trying to persuade Guan Jiahui to play the role of Empress Guo... After all, Empress Guo was a deposed empress in history, and was deposed by Song Renzong in favor of Empress Cao.

Chen Hong helped to persuade her that she wanted to play the role of Zhang Meiren, who was Renzong's favorite concubine. Zhang Meiren was canonized as Queen Zhang after her death.

Qiu Shuzhen wanted to play another concubine Zhang, who was also posthumously named Empress Zhang after her death.

With so many people interceding, Zhao Donghuai will naturally be shaken. Ultimately, this matter is because a few big stars want to take advantage of their prime, youth and beauty to leave a youthful film and television drama image.

Who makes the fourth voice of a group of big stars more persuasive?

That is to say, Monica Bellucci had no reaction to this. After all her efforts, she did not find a role that she could participate in in the historical drama project of the Northern Song Dynasty.

At this moment, Qiu Shuzhen came over with a smile and reported, "Boss, Zhang Yimou, Huang Jianxin and Nicole Kidman are all here."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then come in."

This time, it’s still the Oscar-winning team. It’s already March 16th, and this year’s Oscars ceremony will start on the afternoon of March 30th.

Among Zhao's many blockbusters last year.

(Never Compromise) is still the most qualified to compete in the Olympics, and was nominated for Best Director and Best Actress. Xu Ke also received a Best Director nomination for (Good Will Hunting), and Al Pacino was nominated for Best Actor.

This is Al's fifth Best Actor nomination! He was actually nominated for an Oscar for supporting role!

Zhang Yimou and Huang Jianxin's (Juno) script was not nominated for Best Director, but it was nominated for Best Picture.

Nicole Kidman, like Adjani, was nominated for Best Actress.

After a large group of people came in and politely said hello, Zhao Donghuai waved his hands and said, "Don't be nervous, just treat it as a trip to Hollywood to relax."

"Lao Xu, Lao Zhang, you are just running with me, and so is Nicole. I am just going to review my resume. The best director is mine, the best actress is Adjani, the best actor is Al Pacino... Guan Sheng is the best Excellent supporting role."

It's March, and Old Jack and Old Sam's investment money, let alone profits, is still stuck in Zhao Donghuai's hands.

At this stage, it is him who decides how to distribute the Oscars.

That is to say, in order to take into account the authority of Oscar and not to cut the wool to death directly, this distribution plan was devised.

This is a good plan!

I won’t talk about advocating Adjani as an Oscar-winning actress. I’ll just say one thing. Al Pacino has been in Hollywood for half his life. He has been nominated for four times for Best Actor but failed to win. He came to Hong Kong Island to guest star as an acting professor. By the way Acted in a movie.

What was originally defined as a second or third male role in a supporting role suddenly won the Golden Globe and Oscar trophies? ?

Even if Al is a big showman and a genuine white man, this will still create some magical halo effect. That is, the Best Picture Award, Zhao Donghuai did not interfere.

All the situations have been arranged to this point, what else is there to be nervous about?

Isabel Adjani also smiled coquettishly at the crowd, "That's right, let's listen to Zhao Sheng and just prepare the speech script in advance."

Zhao Donghuai himself is not going to North America. (I will never compromise) All the thank you speeches from the entire crew were delivered by Adjani alone.

Guan Shan was too lazy to go or said it was inconvenient to go, so he just asked Liang Jiahui to accompany him to collect the prize.

Under these words, Zhang Yimou and Huang Jianxin looked at each other, and once again felt the shattering of a certain filter halo.

Last year, the two of them jointly won the Best Director trophy at the Cannes International Film Festival. The filter was broken and couldn't be glued back together. Now they are personally involved in such an event? It turns out that Hollywood is nothing more than that.

The awards ceremony only starts in half a month, and everything has already been revealed? ?

This is so cruel!

after a while.

Standing outside the Zhao Financial Building, looking at the bustling streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, Zhang Yimou lit a cigarette before complaining, "When the Oscar comes back, I plan to make a movie (Red Sorghum), a script adapted from Mo Yan's novel."

"But why do I feel that the creative passion has dropped significantly? Even if Red Sorghum can win international awards, it feels boring."

Director Huang laughed, "Who do you want to choose as the male or female lead?"

Ah Mou nodded, "The male lead is Jiang Wen, we've agreed. The female lead, I'm more satisfied with Shi Ke, who plays the leading role."

Director Huang shrugged and said, "Then as long as you work hard, the results should be good. I really want to make a commercial blockbuster, the kind that makes a lot of money. Even if it doesn't make money, it may be a bit tacky, but if it can earn a lot of foreign exchange, the meaning is different." ”

"To make money for the purpose of earning foreign exchange in the factory, don't be embarrassed."

Up to now, Director Huang is still a director at Chang'an Studio, but after following Zhao Donghuai to film "Super Body", "Shark Beach", "Juno" and "Jurassic Park 1", Director Huang not only won awards, but also worked for My own experience has laid a super foundation.

After this string of achievements, he is already considered to be the first among the five generations of mainland directors. Many outsiders think that the two of them jointly won the Cannes Best Director trophy, and Ah Mou won it because of his halo.

In terms of wealth, he has also made a lot of money, and his hands are weak after receiving red envelopes from blockbusters.

Zhang Yimou said in surprise, "Then what do you want to shoot?"

Director Huang smiled happily, "I want to make a movie similar to (The Biography of Wang Wenxia) and a biopic of Huo Sheng, but I don't know if there is a chance."

Ah Mou was moved. He also watched the movie "The Legend of Wang Wenxia" with great enthusiasm, especially the ending scene that was enough to touch and burn countless people's emotions. Wang Sheng toasted to the heroes across time, space, life and death, and looked back with a smile. Look at each other.

He also had great respect and admiration for Wang Sheng himself.

You mean the box office? Wang Wenxia's "Hong Kong Hao" exploded at the box office, and Star, Matai and South Korea also sold well, with a total box office of 70 to 80 million Hong Kong dollars. Although the movie failed to enter Wanwan and Island Country, the video tape did.

I have been hearing for several months that the revenue from video tapes is also good. The sales of video tapes in the island country are even more popular than those in Japan. The people in the island country are currently the richest and rarely rent them. They all buy them.

"If Chang'an Film Factory can co-produce with Zhao Films and convince Huo Sheng, it will be very exciting. I heard that Huo Sheng has been very happy to cooperate with Zhao Sheng recently?"

In early December last year, Huo Sheng was about to compete with King He Gambling again in Haojiang Casino. It has continued till now, and Huo Sheng has won!

He did not directly hold any position, but he arranged for his own people to completely replace He Gambling King's people to manage the Haojiang gambling industry.

After months of fighting, it's not surprising that Huo Sheng can win. All the gangsters in the Jianghu society have fled and they don't dare to take risks in this battle. In other aspects? Whether it is many people from the Haojiang officialdom or workers in the casino.

How many people have also spent a large amount of money to speculate in Japanese yen in Zhao's Financial Building?

With such support from the Zhao family, Huo Sheng is not without his own strength and influence. He is also one of the major shareholders of Haojiang. It is normal to win.

Huo Sheng was originally the second largest shareholder of Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket!

Even though Gambling King He has renewed his gambling license with Haojiang until after the millennium and beyond the return date, starting from 1987 this year, Old He is just an ordinary rich man who regularly receives dividends.

Besides, what Huo Sheng insists on is that all profits from the casino should be used for charity to develop various livelihood industries in Haojiang, and only rely on shares to get dividends? It is estimated that within a few years, He Shengdu may not be able to bear the stimulation and sell his shares.

That's not certain.

All profits are donated, how can you still get too much dividends?


In late March, Zhao Donghuai returned to the mainland.

(Female Medical Saint) The team operation of the big crew is also booming and trance-like. After all, Zhao Donghuai, the real richest man in China, makes a guest appearance. Even if it is a guest appearance, the group he can bring out is enough to explode.

The worst case scenario is that I will go on vacation in the Mainland for a few months like I did during the filming of The Legend of White Snake.

There are three heroines in different states: children, girls, and adults. The heroine is a young lady. The adult heroine is naturally Qing. The boy is 14-year-old Hong Xin. The child is found from the mainland. The huge team of assistant directors can find it easily. A child actor who meets the standards.

The best performer is not a certain late 70s or early 80s female star that Zhao Donghuai is familiar with, but a name that has never been heard of. On the contrary, there are many future well-known names who have been dismissed, such as the 8-year-old Meiyuan and Qin Lan were removed.

It can only be said that it is affected by the butterfly effect. It doesn't matter. After all, Mrs. Zhang didn't have many scenes as a child.

Historical figures such as Bao Zheng, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, etc., who also have a cameo nature and have limited roles, are also organized by mainland acting giants.


Hong Kong Island.

Guan Shan, who was having dinner with his girlfriend, received a phone call reporting that someone had returned to Hong Kong with his lottery prize of US$10 million, and 70% of the US$7 million was to be delivered to him.

Lao Guan was overjoyed and ecstatic. After waiting for half an hour, he saw Ah Huan and two younger brothers pushing a cart carrying 7 million US dollars to his residence. Guan Shan was still very excited and said, "Thank you very much. Have you had dinner, brother? Do you want to join us?"

Ah Huan waved her hands excitedly, "No, Guan Sheng, you're welcome. We also got 3 million U.S. dollars in compensation. We can just get high later."

Guan Shan suddenly said in surprise, "Ten million US dollars...no tax paid??"

Ah Huan laughed, "Yes, yes, Guan Sheng, you are busy, so we won't bother you."

When Ah Huan and the two younger brothers quickly ran away, Guan Shan became confused over how many large bags of cash he had paid. Did he pay the tax? Why is there still such a large amount? ?

Forget it, I still don’t think about it that much.

This is really rich. He feels that he can spend money again.

On the contrary, her little girlfriend came over hurriedly and said, "We want to buy a big house, put it in my name. Speaking of which, I picked up this lottery ticket. I won't ask for anything else. You must at least get this." Just something."

A 1,000-square-foot mansion in Yau Tsim Mong only costs more than one million Hong Kong dollars, and a 2,000-square-foot mansion doubles that.

This 7 million dollars is worth more than 54 million Hong Kong dollars.

Guan Shan nodded excitedly, "No problem, of course no problem."

Isn't it because he is insecure about his flirtatious behavior? A 1,000 to 2,000-square-foot mansion in Yau Tsim Mong is a piece of cake.


Time flies.

The temperature in Henan Province in April was already very pleasant. As soon as Zhao Donghuai returned to the hotel from the crew, he saw Li Lichi, Chen Jiashang, Xing Zai, Wu Mengda, Zhou Haimei and others getting up from the rest area and saying hello respectfully.

Zhao Donghuai's eyes lit up, "Has Variety Star Lord been released as a film?"

The project of Variety Star Lord began preparations for filming in mid-October last year. Although Ye Weimin, one of the original screenwriters, is still young, Wang Jing, one of the original screenwriters, is not young. The original project team did not have Wang Jing.

Fatty Jing was still dragged into the water by his circle of friends.

Fei Jing also made a cameo appearance, playing the role of Xing Zai's apparently rich man and the school director's father, or Lin Qingxia, who played the role of Xing Zai's mother, wearing make-up to look older.

As for the main villain in the movie, the boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Ho Ka-kui plays the role, and the mistress character Weng Hong plays the role. It is said that Weng Hong participated in the campaign for Modern Diao Chan in 1984 and joined Zhao Films to become a member.

Now 19 years old, with her good looks and figure, she is very good-looking in big movies. She can easily play a supporting role, and she is much better than the original role.

After Zhao Donghuai came up with the outline script, and with the collective efforts of a large group of people in the film and television industry, the film was only filmed in January this year. The three-month shooting period ended, and it was sent to a special effects base for another three months of post-production special effects.

Xingzi and others all nodded.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "Let's go to Wanjia Supermarket. Although Wanjia currently does not have a cinema, some branches will also build one or two screening rooms. Let's take a look at the samples first."

This was already April 1987. The Mainland Wanjia chain, which had been developing continuously for a year, was no longer limited to Jingshangyang, Jinmen Mountain City and other places, but also started construction in major provincial capital cities.

Bianliang is not the provincial capital, but it is one of the first batch of national historical and cultural cities, the ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties, has the renovated Northern Song Dynasty Tokyo City ruins, Kaifeng City Wall, etc., and is naturally a high-priority development location for Wanjia Comprehensive Mall.

They are nothing more than the three Wanjia supermarkets in Bianliang. They have been built and almost decorated, but they have not officially opened yet.

When the troops moved to the screening room inside Wanjia, which was not open to the public, and the 90-minute movie viewing ended, Zhao Donghuai was the first to applaud, "Not bad, very funny, Xingzi, you finally survived this."

He only set an outline for this version. The arrogant and domineering Li Zexing and his mistress who picked up beautiful women offended the Yamaguchi-gumi boss and were bombed into scum. They relied on future black technology to resurrect their fully mechanical limbs and kill the Yamaguchi-gumi.

But the specific details, the jokes, etc. were all worked out by Chen Baixiang, Li Lichi, and Chen Jiashang together with their friends.

It should be said that this film has more jokes and is more exciting than the original Variety Star.

After all, the original Variety Star was a follower of the trend (a geek in disguise) and a money-making effort, but this one is the hard work of Li Lichi, Wang Jing, Chen Baixiang, Stephen Chow and others.

Zhou Xingxing’s funny skills? It has risen from the level of the benchmark (best son-in-law) in A Chinese Ghost Story 3 to the level of (invincible lucky star).

An ordinary movie like "Invincible Lucky Star" can win more than 18 million at the box office, relying on Xing Zai's personal comedy appeal.

He would say that after four years of hard work, Xingzi finally got through it!

Throughout the whole movie, not to mention that Zhao Donghuai had a lot of fun watching it and laughed a lot. The other crew members who had not yet completed the film also couldn't stop laughing all the way.

The special effects of this version of (Various Star King) are still weaker than the original version in 1995. Various deformations and the like can still show some roughness, but there is no way, the environment of the times is here.

Even if a team of eight Galaxy 2-level supercomputers help with the special effects, this is the limit.

However, for viewers who have not been bombarded countless times with various special effects blockbusters, the special effects of Variety Star Lord are enough to suppress the market.

What's more important is that this time the movie is released, no one will say that it is a money-making film following the trend of "Geek in Disguise", and "Geek in Disguise" has not yet been released.

"As for the publicity arrangement, it will be released on April 14th. After all, there are four consecutive days of holidays from April 14th to 17th, so this schedule is still acceptable."

It was during this time that the first part of his film "The Flying Tiger" was released and became a hit.

After receiving Zhao Donghuai's approval, the stars, including Achi, Chen Jiashang and others, were also extremely excited, especially Li Lichi, who was under a lot of pressure to direct this movie.

This is all a matter of mental preparation. Once it fails, there will be pressure to quit the industry. It is so exciting to be able to get approval for the finished film.

Including the cost of special effects, the total investment is 30 million Hong Kong dollars. This is still the amount of Xing Zai, Chen Baixiang, Wu Mengda, Zhou Haimei, etc. The combined salary of everyone is less than 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars!

Being able to get Zhao Donghuai's approval and to go all out to promote the big release, Achi felt that he could really have a career explosion.

It was when Zhao Donghuai continued to vacation in the Mainland that Hong Kong Haowan began to announce (The Variety Star). This movie, among all the blockbuster comedies in Xing Zai's original track, its ranking and status are very average. .

But again, he embarked on this project, firstly to hone Zhou Xingxing’s comedy acting skills, as a test product, and secondly to hone the special effects team!

As long as these two goals can be achieved, it doesn't matter how the movie box office performs.

With all-round publicity, the film was released in 252 Wanjia cinemas in Haowan, Hong Kong on April 14. It was a hit on the same day, with a box office of 2.3 million in Hong Kong, and countless audiences were entertained by the performances of Xingzi and a group of comedy stars. And out, I couldn't stop laughing at all.

Wanwan won more than 8 million new Wanwan coins that day. With such a breaking point, good reputation, and laughter sweeping Hong Kong Haowan, it was destined to be the beginning of a blockbuster movie that would make Xingzi rise.

And projects that are linked to reality... Whether it is Xingzi's ever-changing Jiahe brand toothpaste, shampoo, or mainland brand rice cookers, Xingzai's personal models will be available to thousands of people in Hong Kong starting from the 14th. The trend of households.

The movie "The Variety Star" is so powerful in boosting the sales of daily necessities at retail terminals!

The heroine Chong Chong played by Zhou Haimei also ushered in a new explosive stage of her popularity. The image of her first love with short shoulder-length hair and Bai Yueguang on the big screen almost made countless fans lick the screen.

At this stage, big stars like Xingzi and Haiwei no longer rely on bringing goods to make money, but there are also many people who are eager to make money from bringing goods, such as Wu Mengda, Richard Norton, etc...

After these two little guys became famous as the stupid thieves in the family, they reunited in Variety Star Jun. One plays Li Zexing's biological father, and the other plays the FBI agent sent by North America to arrest the Yamaguchi-gumi organization. The stupid thieves group appeared in (Home Alone 2) Three) before it was released.

With such a gathering, the hilarious effect and laugh-inducing power itself are also very powerful. Richard Norton, the original bit player agent, added a lot of scenes and took up a lot of funny scenes.

The main thing is to play the silly and cute image together with Wu Mengda.

This is the biggest reason why Zhao Donghuai spent 30 million to make a movie, which was initially regarded as a practical training for a special effects base. It's not that he makes so much money that he doesn't care how to spend it, but that the movie drives peripheral sales.

As long as the movie is not too rubbish, even if the box office is not as good as the original version, you are not afraid of losing money. Even if the box office loses compared with the cost, the profit from the sales can easily make up for it.

What's outrageous is that even if the original film followed the trend (The Shapeshifter), it still took in HK$35 million at the box office in 1995.


(Various Star Lord) When the power of laughter sweeps across Hong Kong's Haowan.


In a large and spacious house, old Jack was sitting in the living room with a troubled look on his face, sighing melancholy. When he heard the doorbell, he asked the nanny to open the door, and old Sam, who was in the same class as him, walked in.

After Sam entered the door, he was not very polite. He arrived in front of Jack, grabbed the wine glass in front of him and drank.

It's mid-April, and of course the 1987 Academy Awards ceremony has ended long ago. Zhao Donghuai won the best director, Adjani won the best actor, and Al Pacino won the best actor.

Guan Shan won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. He gave up Best Supporting Actor to Xu Jinjiang at the Golden Globes and got the Oscar back.

After the annual major awards program in the film and television industry ended, the money they invested in Zhao's Financial Center was returned. Not only the principal was returned, but also 200% or 300% of their respective net profits.

But after a week of happiness, excitement, and relaxation, old Jack and Sam looked like they were in the Cannes Film Festival jury circle.

They always feel that it is too early to withdraw their capital. If they continue to invest, the money will continue to roll in and they will continue to make more!

The human heart is like this, and there is never any satisfaction before getting rich.

Unless you reach the level of Zhao Donghuai, more money or less money no longer means much to him...

After taking a sip of wine, Old Sam was obviously drunk, "I got off the car at such an opportunity. Hey, if I had known better, I shouldn't have tried and asked."

"Do you think we will have another chance in the future?"

Old Jack complained, "During the settlement, didn't Zhao say that even if we don't settle now, if we wait a few months, we won't actually earn that much. The dividends from the Plaza Accord's daily appreciation can already be seen at its peak." ”

Sam exclaimed, "After the Plaza Accord, there will be other opportunities. He is so cool in the financial battlefield that even Wall Street wants to see him make a fortune, so other opportunities should not be difficult."

"Anyway, Forrest Gump has been released. It grossed 60 million U.S. dollars in the U.S. and more than 40 million U.S. dollars in Europe, barely breaking 100 million U.S. dollars..."

"Next year, Forrest Gump will win the Oscar for Best Actor, and will there be other films of his? As long as he wants it, we can give it to him!"

Jack nodded, "You're right, we still have value."

"However, the moment he got stuck this time was a bit unsettling. Can we have a chance next time and guarantee that we won't get stuck?"

While he was still thinking, Sam patted him on the shoulder vigorously, "Old man, what are you thinking about? If you want to get rich, is there any risk? I finally understand, as long as we are obedient."

"That Zhao is really a generous leader."

"For us, who should we award the award to? It's not an award. The huge wealth we picked up for free doesn't have much impact on the fairness and reputation of the Oscars. It's so profitable!"

Old Jack was speechless for a moment.

Yes, if you want to make a fortune, how can you do it without a little risk?

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