Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 184 Whether it is used or not is one thing, and whether it is available or not is another ma

The weather in April is getting warmer and warmer. Zhao Donghuai is walking on the streets of Bianliang, feeling the cultural landscape of 1987. He is in a good mood.

After traveling around and returning to the hotel, Qiu Shuzhen came over to report, "Guan, according to your instructions, many people from Hong Kong Island have already left for the island country."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, stretched out his hand and scratched Azhen's nose before walking to the guest room. He arranged for people to go to the island country one after another, of course to prepare for the global stock market crash in October.

Different from speculating on the rise and fall of foreign exchange of a currency, financial groups can speculate on the Japanese Yen from a distance in Hong Kong Island. During the stock market crash, if you want to speculate on the Nikkei Index, you have to arrange for someone to go to Tokyo to speculate on it. Even if you speculate on the Dow Jones Index in North America, Someone has to be arranged to go to Wall Street.

Including taking the money with you.

So, this is still difficult. It’s easy to bring money there, but it’s bound to be troublesome to bring it back. You made a lot of money in it, and then you waved away the massive wealth and left behind a pile of chicken feathers? People are jumping off buildings and into the sea everywhere, including New York and Tokyo?

Under such circumstances, in order to channelize and vent the people's panic and collapse, the authorities will also look for scapegoats.

What if we could find a foreign scapegoat that didn’t belong to North America or an island country? It was so high.

In this situation, Zhao Donghuai wants to make a fortune, so it is not appropriate to go to North America. At most, he can remotely control some FBI black police officers, let them become white gloves, and spread the funds... Make small profits one by one, and eventually accumulate them to make do.

Moreover, making money like this is not suitable for funds to leave North America and remit to Hong Kong Island in the short term. The FBI is not a fool, and neither is the North American Black Palace.

If you do something obvious, you will be hammered to death quickly.

Island country…

The island country is convenient. A Huan can easily get back a lottery prize of US$10 million by leading a team to the island country. Therefore, it is not too exaggerated to make money in the island country and get it back.

As for how to make money from the stock market crash? The simplest is to buy and sell stock index futures contracts. For example, the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong is currently over 3,000 points. If you buy a stock index futures contract at 3,500 points, it has a contract multiplier. The Hong Kong stock rule is HK$50 per point.

You stand at 3500 points and buy up. The value of a contract is 3500 multiplied by 50, which equals 175,000 Hong Kong dollars. You spend 175,000 to buy a contract. If the Hang Seng Index rises by 100 points, your principal of 175,000 is equivalent to earning 5,000. Yuan.

This is 50 times 100 profit.

On the contrary, if you buy or sell, you will lose 50 Hong Kong dollars if the price rises by 1 point, and you will lose 5,000 yuan if it rises by 100 points.

At first glance, I saw that the principal of 175,000 yuan only earned 5,000 yuan if it increased by 100 points. The profit was too low!

But there are also financial products such as contracts for difference, which are similar to leverage in the foreign exchange market.

10x leverage? Then you only need a principal of 17,500, leveraging 175,000 funds to buy the contract, and then you can wait for it to rise or fall to make a profit. To explain with a principal of 17,500, buy or fall? How much did the Hong Kong stock market drop in the strongest day during the stock market crash?

On October 19, 1987, the famous Black Monday, the Hang Seng Index of Hong Kong stocks fell by 420.81 points.

Buying a contract with ten times leverage is equal to the principal of 17,500 Hong Kong dollars, and if it falls by 400 points, that is a profit of 20,000 Hong Kong dollars, making 20,000 from 17,500 Hong Kong dollars in one day.

100 contracts equals a profit of 2 million. If you buy 10,000 contracts with 10 times leverage and the principal is 175 million, if it falls by 400 points, it will be a gross profit of 200 million a day.

This is the reason why in the famous TV series (Big Era) of later generations, Ding Xiewu and his son made 400 million by buying and selling on the first day of the stock market crash! With 20,000 stock index contracts plus CFD leverage, you can earn 400 million a day.

On October 26, 1987, the Hong Kong stock market opened after being closed for many days, and the index plummeted by 1,120.7 points in one day! A drop of more than 1,000 points in a single day, almost three times the drop on the 19th?

If you open 10 times leverage and hold 10,000 futures contracts, you need to spend 175 million Hong Kong dollars, but you will make a profit of 5.6 billion Hong Kong dollars in one day.

One hundred thousand futures contracts are leveraged, with a principal of 1.75 billion, which is a gross profit of HKD 5 to 6 billion per day!

Different financial markets have different leverage ratios. For example, in New York, the maximum leverage can be 20 to 30 times. In Asian markets, the leverage is relatively low. Generally, the leverage is less than 10 times.

Also, although you can use leverage when speculating on stock index futures contracts, it is not the same as foreign exchange leverage. For foreign exchange leverage, you can use 1 million to open 10 times the leverage. In the ups and downs, if you lose, you will be liquidated. If you lose 1 million, you will be liquidated. Finish.

Stock index futures contracts can also be leveraged, but it can not only liquidate positions, but also chase positions! It is the financial group that opens the leverage for you, and 1 million becomes 10 million, ten times... Once you lose all in the ups and downs, the financial group will recover the 9 million you paid for you!

So when the global stock market crash came, people who speculated in stock index futures contracts jumped from buildings and committed suicide after the stock market crash.

If you use this kind of leverage and you lose all your money, not only will your principal be gone, but you will also be saddled with excess debt!

Principal, how could Zhao Donghuai be short of principal?

In the first wave of the foreign exchange market after the Plaza Accord, as of December 31, 1985, he had made a profit of 40 to 50 billion Hong Kong dollars.

From the second round of trading in Japanese yen to foreign exchange settlement, he has made tens of billions of profits from his initial capital of several billion Hong Kong dollars!

A rich man with a cash flow of hundreds of billions!

As long as he continues to do big things by relying on the simulator, it will not be difficult to use his huge and generous principal to reap tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in profits from the island country's market during the global stock market crash.

You should know that although the entire stock market crash was short-lived, the North American stock market suffered a direct loss of US$800 billion, the island nation lost US$600 billion, Hong Kong lost US$140 billion, and Hong Kong Island and Wanwan each lost more than US$30 billion.

The total global losses caused by a stock market crash were more than five times the direct and indirect economic losses of World War I!

He only earns tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, which is just a drizzle.

Want to earn more? Let’s see if we can bring the money back!

Again, after the stock market crash broke out, bankruptcies and people jumping from buildings were everywhere in North America.

At this time, if a Chinese takes advantage of the stock market crash and the situation where suicides are everywhere, wants to take away tens of billions of dollars from North America? ? This will really surprise the Black Palace and Wall Street and seize you as a scapegoat.

For this kind of scapegoat, Zhao Donghuai is currently just a successful businessman and great filmmaker.

He didn't need to use a simulator to know that it was unrealistic to make a lot of money from the North American stock market.

Even in an island country, if you want to make hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars, you have to make big waves.

The provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, Xinji, Hutchison, 14th Dui, including Wanwan and those bad guys, are swarming here waiting to receive a small amount of money. The more people who use the stock market crash to make big money, and they are all restless guys, it is more convenient. Take the money and run away.

Ye Jihuan went to help Guan Shan to collect the US$10 million lottery prize, and successfully took it back to Hong Kong Island. This is the best explanation.

As for him arranging people to go to the island country now, and making arrangements so far in advance, will he be discovered afterwards...

In fact, no matter in Europe, America or Asia, there are more than one capitalist who warned in advance that the stock market might collapse and withdrew their capital to avoid the stock market crash!

One of the triggers of the stock market crash was the massive selling of stock index futures by rich people in Chicago, including New York capital's massive selling of stock index futures. It was only when no one took over that the stock index futures completely collapsed.

The many rich people in Chicago are really big bookmakers.

Earlier, in 1986, North American fiscal expenditures were $221 billion short of revenue, and trade expenditures were $156 billion short of revenue.

Is this okay if the official accounts lose more than 370 billion US dollars a year? ? That was more than $370 billion in 1986!

There is also the de-industrialization of the middle and lower classes in North America, bankruptcies and unemployment everywhere, and the crazy rise of island countries to seize the North American industrial goods market. This is because various island countries have forced giants such as General Motors and Ford to lay off employees.

These conditions have been going on for several years.

Comparing these industrial situations, the North American stock market has expanded from a market capitalization of US$2.47 trillion in 1982 to a scale of US$5.99 trillion in just a few years. Various industrial industries have collapsed and declined, but the stock market is in flames and there are countless junk stocks. Crazy soaring.

With the benefit of hindsight, anyone who can soberly compare the embarrassment of North American industry, the official deficit, and the abnormal stock market will know that there is a problem.

So overall, the selling of stock index futures by many rich people in Chicago on Black Monday in 1987 was just the straw that broke the camel's back and the last snowflake that triggered the avalanche.

Really smart big capital and financial groups have long had a premonition that the stock market crash might be coming, but it's just that everyone doesn't know which one is the last snowflake that triggers the avalanche.

Before the collapse, everyone was still frantically cutting leeks to make money, and they all thought that I could successfully land an extra wave of money from leeks before the stock market crash broke out.

Then, many big-capital tycoons were wiped out by the stock market crash and failed to leave the market safely in time.

This is not an empty talk. The best evidence is that as early as August and September, the Dow Jones Index was rising and falling, and could fluctuate between hundreds of points.

During the peak period in August and September, it was not uncommon for the market to rise or fall by 100 points in one day. Then it completely collapsed on Black Monday, October 19. This spread for more than two months.

And before August, the Dow Jones fell by 100 a day? Almost non-existent.

Doesn't this mean that big capital has already smelled the wind and is running away after seeing the situation? Then some people really escaped, and more capital thought that I could jump horizontally repeatedly. I should be able to make another wave of profits while doing it, and I would stop and withdraw after making the last wave.

The maximum leverage in North America can be 20 to 30 times. What’s even more outrageous is that the contract multiplier for Hong Kong Island is HKD 1.50, and the North American contract index is HKD 1.250, which is equal to HKD 1,950!

A North American stock index contract will make or lose HK$1,950 if it rises by one point. If it rises by 100 points, it will be a profit or loss of HK$195,000!

How exaggerated is this price difference? The rise and fall of 10,000 North American contracts is a fluctuation of 1.95 billion Hong Kong dollars!

This is similar to the leverage efficiency of hundreds of times in Hong Kong. Therefore, if North America drops 100 points in a single day, a certain capital boss holding 100,000 contracts will represent a profit and loss of nearly 20 billion Hong Kong dollars.

North America was the first to explode, followed by European and Asian countries.

Want to safely bring back the wealth from the stock index futures contract, including your principal, from the island country? ? Even one Ah Huan is not enough, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Back in the guest room, Azhen was still experiencing priorities when the phone rang.


More than an hour later, Zhao Donghuai called back and learned that it was Brother Bill Gai who wanted to come to Hong Kong Island to visit him.

It took several circles to reach him.

Why is Brother Gai here? Isn't this just continuing to make friends? Zhao Donghuai's 19% of Microsoft stocks still have not been confirmed to be given to Gai Ge first when selling, let alone signing a contract.

Director Zhao is definitely not the one who is anxious in this situation.

After knowing this, he just replied to Hong Kong Island and asked Gai Ge to come to Bianliang.

Two days later.

(The Variety Star) has completed the entire holiday weekend, with a box office of 9.93 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong. It has achieved this result in just four days, and has definitely exceeded the box office of more than 25 million.

Wanwan also won more than 30 million new Wan coins, which is equivalent to more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

Xing Zai became famous with the help of this drama.

In Bianliang, Brother Gai and his secretary assistant also met Zhao Donghuai. Brother Gai was very enthusiastic when they met and brought many gifts.

After the initial pleasantries, Zhao Donghuai suddenly said, "Bill, you came just in time. My crew is short of an acting master to make a guest appearance."

Brother Gai had a messy look on his face. He had found out in advance that Zhao Donghuai was currently filming a Chinese costume TV series with a few beauties. In the costume drama, there would be no chance for him, a white man, to appear again, so he came here to continue to gain favor.

After all, this is not the base camp of Hong Kong Island, but... Henan Province.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Let's go, one of my partners is filming a film about the Republic of China. You go and experience the North American businessmen who were oppressed by the island soldiers and took away their industry and wealth during the Anti-Japanese War, and worked tiredly in the coal mines."

"Besides eating sweet potatoes, I can't eat anything else. If I want to eat rice, I have to beat the island soldiers to win..."

What he was talking about was the pre-plot of the ten famous scenes in the original version (Ip Man). However, this script (Ip Man) planned by Hong Yanbao really does not have such a plot.

No matter what, Zhao Donghuai can join.

This kind of change will definitely have a certain impact on Hong Yinbao's crew, but adding the original "I want to fight ten" story line will feel more enjoyable.

Last time he read the script (Ip Man), he didn't say much and let it play freely. Now he has an idea and continues to recruit Bill to make a cameo... Sanmao must be very high.

In any case, Bill and his father William Sr. also contributed a lot to the fact that Cheng Long's (Police Story 2) was able to win US$60 million at the box office in North America!

You said (Ip Man) the crew is in Foshan? It doesn't matter. Bill has already come to Bianliang from the Pacific Ocean. It would be so easy to go there again to deepen our friendship.

By the time Zhao Donghuai arrived in Foshan with Bill, it was already April 19.

As soon as he arrived outside the set of "Ip Man", Chen Hong came over with a surprised look on his face and asked. It was said that A Hong also appeared in the set of the TV series "The Female Medical Saint", but as a guest appearance, she didn't have as many roles as Zhao Donghuai.

(Female Medical Saint) is an ancient puppet show with the heroine. The queen played by Zhou Huimin and the abandoned queen played by Guan Jiahui have many more scenes than Ah Hong.

Her role as Nick Cheung in (Ip Man) is one of the highlights this spring, the other one (Once Upon a Time in Top Gun)? Xu Ke over there is still struggling with Li Lianjie's elegant master style.

after a while.

Seeing that he had joined the "I want to fight ten" joke, he also recommended Bill to join the crew? ? Even though Hong Yinbao and others had already filmed a lot of scenes, they happily decided to start over.

After all, the Bills and his sons really played a major role in the announcement of (Police Story 2).

Isn't it just to waste some lens film? That's the cost of a feather.

The atmosphere had reached this point, and Zhao Donghuai didn't care anymore. He also joined the creative team and perfected the general plot details of the original (Ip Man 1).

In the beginning, Master Liao challenged Ip Man and was defeated. Later, Hong Pingbao came to Foshan to challenge and was defeated again. The plot added a variable named Bill. In the beginning, Zhou Qingquan asked Ip Man to borrow money because he wanted to do big business with Bill, a foreigner.

After the fall of Foshan, Zhou Qingquan still ran away to set up a factory privately. Bill was more unlucky and became a coal coolie together with Ip Man. He often ate sweet potatoes because of his strength.

To a certain extent, Bill replaced Wu Chi Lin's role and was interested in Chinese Kung Fu. Before the fall of Foshan, he not only did business with Zhou Qingquan, but also wanted to learn more Kung Fu from Ip Man.

The biggest adaptation of this original version is that Hong Jinbao was convinced by Ip Man's suppression. He no longer became a gangster, but fought with Ip Man against the masters of the island country.

Both Hong Yanbao and Yuan Biao were very surprised and happy when they saw the final version of the script (Ip Man). Sanmao laughed and toasted, "Mr. Bill, don't worry, we can arrange stand-ins for the martial arts scenes."

"At this stage in the Hong Kong film industry, it is not difficult to find a white substitute like you."

Putting aside the examples of Lam Ching-ying and Andy Lau becoming popular with new action gun battles, Bruce Willis can become famous in Hollywood with the Hong Kong version (Die Hard).

Among the handsome white boys from all over the world who dream of becoming stars, there is really no shortage of those who try the dragon and tiger martial arts route, not to mention Richard Norton and Jet Binny are also examples of action actors who are very good at fighting.

Bill smiled bitterly and took a sip of Huadiao, nodded, and looked at Zhao Donghuai with a hint of resentment.

He's already like this, even filming a martial arts scene, or is he still a miserable sidekick who was easily killed by an island guy? Zhao Sheng, if you don’t give me priority when selling Microsoft shares in the future, you are really being dishonest!

Because Bill joined, (Ip Man) changed a lot, and the crew took a break for about a week before restarting.

This week, A Hong took Zhao Donghuai to visit Foshan. A Hong, a super competent tour guide, really can't fault anyone.

Foshan... is so fun.

In order to thank Ah Hong, Zhao Donghuai changed some of Chen Hong's costume designs in the (Ip Man) project and gave some sweet cheongsam styles to Chen Hong.

Before the fall of Foshan, the Ye family was a short, rich and handsome man who could change his high-quality cheongsam at will.

Ah Hong was also very happy.

I'm so happy.

Being able to have Zhao Donghuai design clothes for her personally is a huge bonus.

Zhao Donghuai was not stingy, and took out the synopsis of the story of "My Love from the Star", changed the setting of South Korea to Hong Kong Island, asked Ah Hong to recruit gunmen to create it, and changed the plot involving ancient times to East Guangdong.

By the way, this TV series (Star You) is indeed an alternative pinnacle of Mary Sue dramas. The male lead is set to be an alien, immortal, handsome, with super powers, and a single-minded relationship for hundreds of years...

After setting it up, those attributes are not those that normal humans can have (Diamond King Lao Wu). They are also super affectionate and dedicated, powerful to the point of being invincible, and extremely protective.

Such a peak Mary Sue would be unreasonable if it were not popular. It is more advanced than the Mary Sue (Twilight Saga) where human beauties and vampires and werewolves fall in love and kill each other.

The original TV series was set in the 2010s. Mary Sue movies, TV series, and novels all over the world have developed and changed over several generations. It still has a TV broadcast rate of 28% in South Korea and a 73% Internet collection rate.

It also has over 6 billion views in China... Well, the online viewing rate of TV series in the 2010s is so metaphysical. All kinds of tens of billions of data are emerging one after another, which is so fake that it is heartbreaking.

But the popularity of (Star You) when it first aired was really a bit unbelievable.

Once you have a setting and a rough development path, you can find a suitable shooter who can fill in the text descriptions and details. You don’t need to make a TV series to become a hit in the book market.

When the book becomes popular, the decision as to when to do a TV series project will depend on the situation.

After getting this project, Chen Hong was even more excited, and she couldn't stop feeling so happy.

As a normal 19-year-old girl, she is the most ardent fan of the TV series Duoduo (Star You).

She was a little obsessed with just a story outline setting. Paying a writer to be a gunman? Ah Hong is also a rich woman now. After all, she invested 20 million Hong Kong dollars on January 1, 1986 to join the Japanese Yen foreign exchange chariot.

Zhang Weifan, a former second-level employee of Wanjia Supermarket in Kwun Tong, invested 600,000 yuan with 20 times leverage. After the Lunar Lantern Festival in February, the settlement was made. The principal plus profit was 6 million yuan, which is equal to 9 times the net profit.

Ah Hong hasn't fully settled yet. Her superficial gross profit is already 10 times, a profit of 200 million!

The first 80 million Hong Kong dollars she helped many fellow villagers in Gan Province hold on their behalf, each of them had a gross profit that doubled seven or eight times.

The folks invested more in the second investment. The second investment was in March 1986, when he simulated to engage in Microsoft and Oracle, but Wall Street capital took advantage of his geographical background to snatch the meat from him.

Since Wall Street does not talk about martial ethics, Zhao Donghuai was the one who planned (My Sassy Girlfriend) to let Chen Hong open up the capital to the fellow villagers, and they collected another 100 million Hong Kong dollars to speculate in the Japanese yen, and now they each have 500% profit.

Just from this incident, in more than a year, Ah Hong helped the folks in his hometown earn nearly 200 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange! !

Although the core of earning foreign exchange is still Zhao Donghuai, without Chen Hong as the middleman, it was difficult for the Gan Province side to find opportunities to get on board.

You can imagine what Ahong's family is doing now in their hometown!

Not to mention she is rich, she is a billionaire. Even if she doesn't give her any money, if she recruits a group of big guys from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles from her hometown to help her write the novel "Star You", there will still be a lot of pens running around to help her.

This is because Guan Jiahui has no background advantage.



When Zhao Donghuai returned to Bianliang to continue his guest career, Tokyo.

Huang Langwei walked out of the hotel and was looking at the streets of Shinjuku with his two boys when he saw several uniformed police officers passing by suddenly staring at them.

After dozens of seconds, a uniformed policeman came over and asked, "Chinese?"

Huang Langwei and others were confused. They couldn't understand Japanese. Another uniformed policeman came forward quickly, "Where are you from? I want to see your ID..."

Brother Huang still didn't understand. The two parties exchanged gestures for a while. Old Huang became a little irritated by the uniformed policeman's increasingly rough tone and movements. He punched a young policeman decisively and made his nose bleed, and told the younger policeman to run away.

He has a legitimate tourist visa. As long as he cooperates with the document check, there won't be much trouble. After all, he is a legal good citizen and tourist on the visa.

But who is Huang Langwei? That was the ruthless man who followed Zhao Sheng's orders in 1984 to fight against the big white brand beer of Power Beer.

Later, I went to live in seclusion in the mainland for a year and a half, gaining a lot of knowledge and experience.

If this is the case in Hong Kong Island, and the police are a little arrogant when they check, then forget it, Tokyo? Afraid of ghosts.

He also knew before he came that a mere Ye Ahhuan had been playing in Tokyo for a month and had a lot of fun.

Zhao Sheng gave the order, how many months will he come to Tokyo for development? He was not the first batch to come, he was already in the third or fourth batch. He was bullied by the uniformed police when he first arrived? Do you look down on his 14-pile brother?

Ye Jihuan was able to achieve a certain level of prestige and fame in Tokyo, and he, Huang Langwei, was definitely not far behind.

After a few detours, he found a young man from the Bennan Gang who had been hanging out in Shinjuku for many years. Huang Langwei sat down and drank a few sips of beer before complaining depressedly, "Gan, why are the Japanese police so crazy? I Do you look like a bad guy?"

"I was checked as soon as I left the hotel. The attitude was not bad, but it was a bit strange. Since I attacked the police, I thought I would be chased by the police for many streets."

"I didn't expect that after running two blocks, I completely escaped the police."

As he complained, a certain Cantonese-speaking elder brother from the Bennan Gang smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Huang, you don't know that someone is causing a big trouble, so the Tokyo police have stepped up their supervision of people in our Chinese community. So many levels.”

"Seeing that they are Chinese, not normal tourists or immigrants, I am... super nervous."

Huang Langwei was stunned, "What happened?"

The younger brother of the Bennan Gang lowered his voice with a mysterious look on his face, "I heard, I heard, that the ruthless man nicknamed Eagle used two Glocks to kill more than thirty bad guys from the Yamaguchi Group in one go the day before yesterday."

Huang Langwei took a long breath, "You can't, right? So vicious? Why haven't you seen any reports?"

Killing and injuring more than thirty people in one go and killing... are obviously two different things!

Even if the Hong Kong community often kills people in movies, it is impossible to say that more than 30 people will die in a random game. A few casualties is not a trivial matter, so it is still a knife to kill, which will definitely trigger a subsequent feud.

eagle? Isn't that the murderer who robbed Wang Dehui and others of 300 million Hong Kong dollars?

The eldest brother of the Bunnan Gang smiled bitterly, "From March onwards, Ye Ahhuan has been doing big things. The eagle is becoming more and more ferocious as if he has taken medicine. It is said that one of his younger brothers was tortured and killed, and he went to take revenge." …”

There was no big problem. When Zhao Donghuai asked A Huan to come to Tokyo to help Guan Shan receive the award, during a simulation, he found that as A Huan became the limelight, a certain eagle became jealous and started doing all kinds of things.

By the time he was displayed in the simulator in May and the siege ended, he had already killed hundreds of people!

At this point, he smiled bitterly again, "How could such a bad incident be publicized in the newspaper? If it was publicized, the eagle would still be free and happy outside, and the police would have to lose face, including the Yamaguchi-gumi's face..."

Huang Langwei was shocked, "Is he full? Has he spent all the 300 million? He is just messing around like this, and where did he get the firearms from?"

Wan Nan helped the little brother whisper, "As long as you are willing to spend money, buy a gun from a white person. If you give me enough money, those white people will not care about such trivial matters."

"Isn't it explained clearly in the movie (Hurricane Rescue 2)? Brother Huang, haven't you seen it?"

When Huang Langwei found that the other party was looking at him with strange eyes, Brother Huang was speechless. Yes, he once bombed Asia (Hurricane Rescue 2). The plot is that Hua Zai from "The Flying Tiger" is still in jail in Stanley, played by Zhou Huimin. The character is escorted to Tokyo.

Uncle Ying, played by Lin Zhengying, got the gun from the soldiers of Amei's family.

Uncle Ying killed and killed and penetrated various organizations. It was also A-Mei's soldiers who collected money to do things and used people to help, so Uncle Ying and the character played by Zhou Huimin left safely and returned to Hong Kong.

He has seen it!

Huang Langwei didn't expect that this could be reflected in reality in a movie? ?

The little eldest brother of the Bennan Gang couldn't laugh or cry, "So now the police, Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi Association, etc., once they find a suspected Chinese, whether they are ordinary tourists or others, they will basically focus on it."

"When interrogating you, the more honest and cooperative you are, the stricter they will control you, register you, report your whereabouts to the police at any time, etc..."

"Brother Huang, if you are so impatient and just attack the police and run away, they will not dare to pursue you, because they are afraid that you will be the next Eagle or Ye Ah Huan."

Huang Langwei was speechless. He was silent for a while, then he touched his chin and complained, "Isn't this bullying the weak and fearing the strong?"

"Do you have a way to get a gun?"

Brother Huang still doesn't know what he came to Tokyo for, but it must be related to money. He also once gave some clean money to Wanjia, Baijiasurname or the Chinese Real Estate staff team to enter the foreign exchange market on his behalf. Made a fortune.

Make a fortune from here in Tokyo.

Therefore, the gangsters from Hong Kong were crossing the sea one after another to stay in Tokyo. Zhao Donghuai didn't say clearly what he wanted to do. He just let them play and live, and then do things when necessary.

If you don't need them, it's like traveling to the island country for a few months.

Huang Langwei brought people here.

At this stage, Hong Kong Haowan Zhao Sheng's speech has gathered countless responders, so there is no need to think about it that much.

Brother Huang doesn't want to just be on vacation for a few months. He has to try to find opportunities to perform. After all, this time Zhao Sheng is leading countless people to make money by speculating in Japanese yen and foreign exchange. What about next time? Can I speculate in pounds, francs, etc.? ?

If you don't perform well, you were lucky enough to get on the bus last time, but you won't be able to get on next time.

Since we can imitate (Hurricane Rescue 2) to get guys here, Huang Langwei thinks, I got it, whether to use it or not is one thing, but whether you have it or not is another matter!

The little eldest brother of Wannan Gang nodded immediately, "Yes, it is available, but it is expensive. It is basically 100,000 Hong Kong dollars a piece, and it comes with 10 bullets. I don't make any profit here. At most, I can help you get a lead."

Brother Huang cursed loudly, "Fuck, the general retail price of Big Black Star in Hong Kong Island is only 20,000 to 30,000, but it's okay, I'll get three first, 100 rounds of bang bang bombs."

It's really too dark, but it's all dark. With this thing, everyone's confidence and courage will be different, okay? Of course, the ones sold by Amei’s family are definitely not Black Star, but the properties are the same, and the big brothers in Jianghu don’t only use one brand.

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