Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 185 A little bit of technology and good work

In early May, Zhao Donghuai returned to the hotel from the crew. After finishing his day's guest appearance, Zhang Min quickly ran over to report, "Boss, the three Wanjia supermarkets in Bianliang will open tomorrow. Are you going to host the opening ceremony?"

"We have received a lot of invitations here..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's the most boring day to go there on the opening day. There are huge crowds of people everywhere, and there are too many shopping customers who just want to know about Wanjia's welfare system and come to chat. Let's go and take a look now."

When Wanjia integrated supermarkets opened on Hong Kong Island, almost every one opened was a hit, and it was undeniably popular. It was the same in Haojiang and Wanwan.

As for driving into the mainland? In fact, at present, many large factories in the mainland have the same welfare system as Wanjia. It is the people in the mainland who know best what Wanjia is like.

The nine-level salary and benefits system is copied from the mainland version.

It’s just that this is 1987. Most large factories, let alone outsiders, cannot get in. Many children in the factory want to take over, and their parents must retire before they can become regular workers. If their parents are still regular workers, then the children in the factory can only become regular workers. Temporary workers.

When Zhao Donghuai took Zhang Min out and wanted to take a Mercedes-Benz, Zhang Min suddenly said, "Boss, how about we ride bicycles? Can I take you?"

Director Zhao was speechless.

After thinking for a while, he replied, "I'll ride and you sit in the back, but you have to decide whether to wear a hat or a mask depending on the situation."

In Bianliang in 1987, some traces of big cities can already be seen. Although most of the entire city is now one or two stories, with buildings as high as four or five stories. Buildings higher than that are extremely rare. But in the evening, during the rush hour after work, , the streets are full of surging bicycles.

In the past, when they went out and took cars, they often needed the police to divert traffic. After all, the cast of (The Female Medical Saint) had too many big stars, so why bother with Guan Jiahui, the two of them starring in (The Legend of the White Snake)? It is still popular in China.

Once these two people appear in public, they can easily cause traffic jams in an era where bicycles and walking are the mainstays.

Zhou Huimin is also a big singer who has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala twice!

Although there are many stars in Zhao Films who became popular through movies, some of the movies... were not screened in the mainland, but there are videotapes.

There are quite a few videos that come in on videotape.

Besides, Meteor Garden was aired in mainland China for a while before it was released. Zhang Min, the little secretary who became famous thanks to the second female lead in Meteor Garden, may not have a fan base.

Therefore, in the daily life of the (Female Medical Saint) crew, there are basically no shortage of police presence near the filming locations. The Bianliang police and the crew are almost like family members, meeting and working together every day.

When large production crews go to and from hotels and filming locations, there are often several or more buses and some vehicles traveling together, and they are often escorted by uniformed policemen on motorcycles.

It’s really not that the crew is too arrogant, but it’s just to prevent the masses from star-chasing causing traffic accidents or even mass stampedes.

The folk customs are very tough these days. If key teams such as Xinji, 14 Dui, and Hutchison come over, if you dare to cause trouble, you can easily be beaten by the militia to teach you how to be a good person.

Therefore, occasionally, if Zhao Donghuai and others find it troublesome to travel, for example, if they do not want to be escorted by the police all the time, it is not uncommon for them to ride bicycles.

It was only 1987, and there were the most bicycles on the streets of Bianliang, but occasionally there would be horse-drawn wooden carts and donkey-drawn wooden carts carrying some goods. It was too common for you to ride in a Mercedes-Benz or something and be watched.

When Zhao Donghuai found a bicycle, Zhang Min happily put on his mask and sat down, and then Director Zhao set off.

Even though the clothes of the two of them are quite different from the people's demeanor on the streets of Bianliang in this era, it is not uncommon for the popular fashion in Hong Kong to be involved in the young people in the mainland.

In this case, they rode towards the nearest Wanjia Supermarket in the evening sun. The two of them did not stand out in the crowd of bicycles.

Ten minutes later, when he reached the destination after riding, Zhao Donghuai was speechless when he saw the five-story Wanjia Building on the ground. The entrance and exit in front of the building was still crowded with people. Isn't this opening tomorrow?

Why are there so many people now? ?

He continued to lead Zhang Min forward, and when he got to the edge to see the situation, all kinds of comments, arguments, shouts, etc. began to pour into his ears.

"Recruitment is really full? No more recruitment? I came from Lankao!"

"What does Lankao mean to you? I came from Xinxiang... Why did we only recruit 300 people? 300 people are too few. How about adding more?"

"Do you want temporary workers? I can do temporary workers too. Just give me half, no, one-fifth of the salary."

"What the hell are you all thinking? I'm an authentic Drum Tower worker. My ancestors have been here for generations. When will it be your outsiders' turn to grab jobs?"

"That's it, why don't you recruit more people?"


Hearing these discussions and shouts, Zhao Donghuai was a little bit dumbfounded. After all, this is not a scene that only occurs when the Bianliang branch opens.

It is on Hong Kong Island that Wanjia Supermarket has expanded from a few to 50 step by step, including the new Tung Chung branch currently under construction, which is the 51st on Hong Kong Island, and the Wanjia Supermarket was renovated into a modern living community in Tai Hang Village. , both are the 52nd.

The situation can be seen everywhere when every branch opens and recruits people, including those in Haojiang and Wanwan.

All I can say is that Wanjia’s treatment is so good!

For stores opened in the mainland, such as Beijing, Shangyang and other places, depending on the urban conditions, the average salary of most government-owned enterprises is 100 yuan a month. For thousands of employees in Beijing, Shanghai and Shanghai, the monthly salary of first-level employees is 200 yuan.

In Bianliang, the average salary here still fluctuates between 50 and 60 yuan a month, which is much lower than that of Jing Shang Yang. However, Wanjia starts with a monthly salary of 120 yuan for first-level employees, and each person has more than 100 days of annual leave, and the holiday benefits are the same. It is a standard for officials to belong to large enterprises.

The first-level employee is 120 yuan, the second-level employee is naturally 150 yuan more, and the third-level employee is 190 yuan... Well, the monthly salary of each different level of employees is a quarter higher than the previous level, and the second-level employee is one more than the first-level employee. A quarter of the level employees.

Level three? ? Divide the second-level 150 by 4. If the integer is less than 40 yuan, then erase zero in reverse.

And so on.

While he was speechless, Liang Yuanlong, a level 6 employee who was transferred from Hong Kong Island and was considered a temporary manager, held up a loudspeaker to appease the crowd, "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet."

After all kinds of noises were suppressed by Lao Liang's Yuepu, Liang Yuanlang continued, "Don't worry, everyone. Although the first three branches in Bianliang have been filled with employees, there will be a third one in the future. In the second batch, there will be more recruitment needs.”

"Thank you very much for your recognition of our group. For all the applicants who come today, our Gulou branch will treat you to dinner and give you a small gift before leaving, so that everyone's trip will not be in vain."

Before the crowd could say anything, the Gulou police responsible for maintaining order came out to adjust the atmosphere.

Then, the situation quickly entered an orderly development. Every time there was a recruitment, even if the eliminated people who failed to apply were given a small gift and left, it was considered baseless.

This is not only the case in the Mainland, but also in Haowan, Hong Kong.

To put it another way, everything will open tomorrow? ! ! The real recruitment ended a month ago. There is a one-month training period for new employees. They are just those who came from other places, other counties and even other cities after receiving the news...

The time came intermittently, and I was entertained and sent away by Liang Yuanlang, the temporary Bianliang Gulou District branch manager.

Similar situations always happen once or twice every day or two, and both Lao Liang and the Gulou police have familiar countermeasures.

When a large number of people were ushered into the temporarily renovated canteen on the underground floor and began to eat, and small gifts were distributed, the crowd outside Wanjia dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, there are already employees belonging to the group in the Wanjia Building Plaza, and they are still in uniform, helping everyone look at bicycles... There is no charge for looking at bicycles.

This was still 1987, and the first and second underground floors of the building complex, which were originally positioned as parking lots, really couldn’t produce light and heat for the time being.

The crowd had almost dispersed, and Zhao Donghuai led Zhang Min to where Liang Yuanlang and several policemen were. He smiled and said, "Old Liang, it seems that you are doing well. You will be promoted from temporary manager to a regular manager soon."

Liang Yuanlang was startled, flattered and bent down to say hello, "Zhao Sheng? Why are you here... Please come inside, please come inside quickly, He Zai, hurry up and get ready..."

Before he could give any further instructions, Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "No need to bother, I just came over to take a look."

He acted very calmly, but no matter Liang Yuanlang, He Zai, or even several Gulou policemen, they were obviously very restless and uncool. They recognized who Zhao Donghuai was... The legs of those policemen were shaking with excitement.

After all, this is the richest Chinese man, the richest Chinese man in the world, who has been rumored by countless people in private and is 100% confirmed in his heart!

If Zhao Donghuai didn't want to see too many visitors, then when he was filming a cameo in Bianliang, he would basically have guests coming and going every day. Not to mention a few ordinary policemen, he was the highest-ranking visitor in the Bianliang police system. Already...

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously as he walked towards the inner hall on the first floor, "Are all the fruits, vegetables and the like ready?"

There are millions of people in Bianliang at this time. Three branches will definitely not reach the entire area. However, at this stage, you can let all kinds of merchants sell clothes and shoes on the second floor, TVs, refrigerators and color TVs on the third floor, and invite restaurants on the fourth and fifth floors. Personal restaurant check-in, etc?

It is estimated that in a short period of time, the consumption scale will not be as popular as the daily sales department store on the first floor.

Liang Yuanlang immediately accompanied the team and explained, "There are enough supplies for daily sales, but it was only after I came to the mainland that I discovered that the development of vegetable greenhouses in the north is still a bit behind and not as good as in the south."

"When I was a second-floor supervisor in Beijing and was promoted to deputy manager, some colleagues and I strongly suggested that farmers from all over the country develop more vegetable greenhouse industries so that they can eat fresh vegetables in winter."

"The industry has started to take off over there, but when we get to Bianliang, we have to start promoting it again."

"I still suggest starting with the family circle of Wanjia employees. As long as their relatives are willing to work in this industry, our Wanjia can provide technical support and even initial financial support. As long as they grow it, we will harvest the off-season vegetables."

"This aspect also requires the support of the group and logistics capacity."

Zhao Donghuai nodded. In the off-season vegetable industry, the first people in the mainland to use this technology were in the 1930s. But at that time, it was not plastic but glass, which ordinary people couldn't afford.

It was not until 1974 that vegetable greenhouses with bamboo poles and plastics were developed in Zhejiang Province. In the early 1980s, greenhouses with steel pipes and plastics were developed, and the south began to develop first.

Even when Zhao Donghuai first started building Wanjia, Hong Kong Island could still eat off-season vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, etc. transported from the mainland even in winter.

The great development in this area in the north was not widespread until the 1990s, when it entered a period of rapid development.

When Zhao Donghuai went to the vegetable and fruit section of the Japanese department store and took a look, he nodded with satisfaction, "It's almost summer, so these are not bad. Otherwise, in winter, you will only see radishes, cabbage, etc."

Although the vegetables in this season are still not rich in variety and have fewer varieties, they are at least much better than in winter.

The next moment he smiled and said, "Lao Liang, you have been in the mainland for more than a year and you still receive a low salary. Are you aggrieved?"

Liang Yuanlang waved his hands excitedly, "No grievance, no grievance. I didn't realize it was a big opportunity until I came here, and I didn't dare to hide it from you, Zhao Sheng. My qualifications and abilities are all at the average level. Before coming to the mainland, I struggled for a year or two just to Level 2 employee.”

"Now in just a short period of time, I've reached level six... I've really taken advantage of it."

When he worked at the Hong Kong Island branch, he was a second-level worker. The monthly salary for the first-level worker was 4,500 Hong Kong dollars, and the monthly salary for the second-level worker was 5,700 Hong Kong dollars. Each time he advanced to a higher level, his salary was increased by a quarter, and when he encountered non-integer numbers, he would zero out the reverse.

When I came to the mainland, I was directly promoted from level 1 to level 3. But at that time, the monthly salary of level 1 workers in Beijing was 200 yuan, and the monthly salary of level 3 workers was only more than 300 yuan.

At present, one Hong Kong dollar is exchanged for RMB 89 cents.

The monthly salary dropped by more than 300 yuan from 5,700 yuan, which was a huge gap, but as Liang Yuenlong said, if he was living in Hong Kong Island, he might not have the chance to become a third-level employee by May 1987.

But if you come to the mainland and run around, you are already at level six!

Bianliang's economic development is far inferior to that of Beijing. The starting salary for a first-level worker here is 120 yuan, and the monthly salary for a sixth-level worker is only 375, which is only a few dozen yuan more than the third-level worker in Beijing.

But is this a question of dozens of dollars? ?

He is the manager of the Gulou branch! He may not become the general manager of Bianliang City in the future. Currently, he is competing with the managers of the other two branches.

This level of remuneration, after a few years back in Hong Kong, is still the standard sixth-level remuneration. After a few years of working in a low-paying position but being promoted rapidly, it is of course a great thing that can only be dreamed of.

This is also the reason why Zhang Weifan, the former second-level worker at the Kwun Tong branch, regretted what he said after he reaped the wealth of trading Japanese yen. Because his wife was pregnant, Zhang Weifan missed the fast lane of development in the mainland and could only rush to Tung Chung. Only when you work in a new branch like this can you have the opportunity and opportunity to get promoted faster.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, as long as your mental health is good, let's go to the second floor and take a look."

On the second floor, various stores here have been rented out, or various clothing and clothing brands have been invited to move in.

The brands are all from the Mainland. Even the Han Tianxia shoe and hat series is a joint venture built by the Mainland, with the government owning 51%.

Han Tianxia is already the biggest brand, and for the mainland market, Han Tianxia has obviously also entered the clothing field. It is no longer like Hong Kong Haowan who did not enter the clothing field in order to maintain the friendship with Lai Sun Group!

The clothing, shoes and hats series of Han Tianxia are also at the forefront of the trend and the most fashionable. The price is the same as that of Hong Kong Haowan, with a piece easily costing several hundred yuan.

This is not sold to the general public, but to those who are the first to become wealthy, whether it is Wang Dashu or Cao Mang everywhere, they are the source of customers in the Han Dynasty.

Putting aside the Han Tianxia series, there are more brands from Bianliang or other cities in Henan Province. Those brands cost 20 to 30 yuan a piece and are considered mid- to high-end.

On the third floor, all kinds of electrical appliances, including large bicycles, are displayed here. Most of them are mainland brands, but there are also foreign brands, such as island-made products. Almost all are more than twice as expensive as local brands.

This is the doubling of the price of large electrical appliances, which is the core strength to control the retail terminal.

No matter what brand you are, if you want to come in, you have to pay enough protection fees. At this stage, tens of thousands of supermarkets in the mainland rely on collecting large protection fees from foreign brands to maintain the employees and even the shopping public. Generous benefits package.

In another ten or eight years, it is estimated that it will be the turn to harvest various mainland brands with private capital and provide benefits to employees and citizens. At that time, it will be a waste of money to feed back to the citizens.

The fourth floor is usually reserved for movie theaters, and is also a welfare area for employees' homes, as well as playground facilities for children to play.

When Zhao Donghuai entered the fifth floor, he found that a large number of various self-employed catering, small restaurants, etc. were also stopping here, even if there were no customers today and they would not open until tomorrow.

However, various self-employed businesses and small business owners are still enthusiastically preparing to open their businesses.

There was a complete collection of soup dumplings, stir-fried jelly, mutton soup, steamed buns, etc. Zhao Donghuai was not polite, and he and A Min gathered a table for a feast, and settled down for dinner here.

Even though it mainly sells snacks and there are no big restaurants, the ones that were selected before opening were all time-honored brands or had exclusive secret recipes and taste. Zhao Donghuai was extremely happy with his dinner.

This branch of Bianliang Gulou is also an overall reflection of the more than 3 million supermarkets currently opened in the mainland.

After the inspection was over, when Zhao Donghuai returned to the hotel, Qiu Shuzhen appeared out of the lobby as soon as he entered the lobby. He glared at Zhang Min fiercely for a few times before running over to act coquettishly, "Boss, I just heard the news that our Zhao Logistics can also expand in the mainland. developed."

Zhao Donghuai was overjoyed, "It's a good thing, a great thing. Let the people below make preparations. From Beijing to Yangjinmen and mountain cities, then to the provincial capitals, and then to Bianliang and Luoyi... they will be arranged one by one."

“Each place must first build a large enough warehousing center, and then arrange a truck team to keep up with the pace of development.”

His Zhao's Logistics wants to fully invest in the mainland, and the proposal is to maintain the flow of materials in the retail system of the many thousands of comprehensive supermarkets in the mainland.

Of course, building a warehousing center is also for the storage of department stores. Whether it is electrical appliances, motorcycles, bicycles, or clothing, they all need large warehousing. As for melons, pulp, eggs, milk, etc., they need professional cold storage.

Now, there is such a large logistics and warehousing system that cooperates with thousands of supermarkets to enter various provinces and cities.

In the next 90s or 00s or 10s? Express delivery, takeout, etc. are seamlessly connected.

Is this big system ready?

"The construction of large warehouse centers in various places should be left to the Huazitou Construction Group. By the way, I will place orders with various truck groups. I want 10,000 trucks. Which company's goods are better to order? If it is different from international standards If it’s too big, then… let’s look at the situation and say how many vehicles we need. You should understand the situation first and start recruiting drivers from outside.”

Playing this big system is a waste of money.

Well, Zhao Donghuai just brought in more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash flow during the foreign exchange war of speculating on the appreciation of the Japanese yen, not to mention the income from goods sales and the profits of major movies over the years.

With a casual investment of 10 to 20 billion, we can bring up the warehousing center and logistics team in the next few years.

As they talked and walked, when they arrived at the guest room, Zhou Huimin also came and said with a smile, "Brother Huai, do you think our hotel should go into the mainland? The hotel here was converted from a former guest house. The accommodation is okay, but... …”

Chinese Real Estate originally did not include hotel projects.

But starting from Tung Chung holiday villas and resort hotels, it has been involved in the field of hotel construction in the mainland? From Wang Wenxia, ​​Huo Daheng to Liu Luanxiong and other tycoons or wealthy people, they have all started one after another. Of course, Chinese real estate developers can also come in.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, but in the early stages of development, I suggest you build express hotels in various places! Whether it is vacation villas or hotels in Tung Chung, they are all under the Huazhi brand. This brand can also go directly to the mainland."

Compared with the four- and five-star hotels built by Huo Daheng and Liu Luanxiong, express hotels are at this stage and are more suitable for the mainland.

Most of the express hotels are equipped with a small number of five-star flagship stores.

Zhou Huimin nodded, "Okay, let's do it this way."

Express hotels were born as early as the 1950s. They developed rapidly mainly in North America, targeting ordinary self-funded tourists, students, and ordinary working-class people.

As long as Huazhi's express hotel chain is built into a model like Hanting and Home Inn, and spread across China, it will become a behemoth.

Amin is also not short of money.

As Chinese Real Estate acquired various old downtown buildings and small tenement buildings in Hong Kong and Kowloon, they were renovated into new modern residential communities, from five or six floors to a residential building with more than 30 floors. A community generally has seven or eight buildings or more than a dozen. Building.

Four or five community projects, plus Tung Chung New Town, have allowed Chinese Land's stock price to exceed 10 billion Hong Kong dollars early, and it is still growing steadily.

Because as the foreign exchange market continues to settle, the money invested by Hong Kong residents in the past two years has also flowed into thousands of households. People who had no money to buy a house in the past have gathered around Huazhe's new communities and lined up to buy a house. rush to buy.

On the other hand, what about the community-type residential projects launched by real estate companies such as Chinachem, Cheung Kong, and Sun Hung Kai? It is 20 to 30% cheaper than Huazhi, but few people care about it.

A strange phenomenon has emerged in housing prices in Hong Kong. The supply of Huazhi brand residential communities exceeds demand, while other construction groups have very few.

This is a very simple truth. In the past, thousands of households could not afford to buy a house, and they were waiting to apply for low-rent public housing. After taking the money to make a fortune with Zhao Donghuai, can they afford a house? The public voted with their feet to support Chinese-owned real estate.

To put it more harshly, Zhao Donghuai made them rich for the first time, and they handed over their wealth to wealthy people such as Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui, Guo Bingxiang, etc...

If there is another chance next time, will Zhao Sheng be willing to take those people with him? Once ordinary citizens have this concern? ? That would be great.

In addition, Zhao Sheng is the major shareholder of Wanjia!

Who among the friends and relatives of Wanjia employees, Hong Kong Electric, Hong Kong CLP Group, logistics, and the film and television industry wouldn’t want to please him? Everyone in a big circle has made a fortune once, and of course they hope to have a second time.

Isn’t buying a residential property in Huazhi an opportunity to show your good will? ?

In this wave of development, just as he had predicted when he first thought about bringing all the people in Hong Kong to make a fortune together, he has accomplished this, and now in Hong Kong... he speaks with more authority and domineering power than the governor.

The current Chinese real estate is a behemoth in the Hong Kong stock market. Zhou Huimin's second wave of foreign exchange speculation still put hundreds of millions aside for more than a year, turning into billions in cash flow.

Billions of cash flows to roll out the Chinese real estate express hotel system? As long as she spends money and cooperates with various construction groups in the mainland, within two or three years, the Huazhi chain of express hotels will be able to cover most of China before 1990.

When the time comes, the hotel group will be separated and listed, and it will become a behemoth.

It’s not just Zhou Huimin who is rich, the same is true for Monica Bellucci, Guan Jiahui, and He Qing. Even Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min speculated in foreign exchange for the second time. They only spent 50 million each, and now they can still get hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in settlement. Get started.

As long as the two women develop passenger transport... the ferry and taxi groups dominate, and they can develop in Haojiang and Wanwan without entering the mainland.

We can also develop offshore long-distance passenger transport, build a few large ships like the Titanic, and sail from the harbor to Tokyo, South Korea, including the mainland, Jingshangyang, Xingmatai and other places. A large ocean cruise passenger transport business will not be enough. It will be bad.

As long as these planned developments can be realized one by one in the early 1990s, by the early 1990s, there will probably be millions or more direct employees who work with his family to eat.

What Zhao Donghuai feels a little helpless is that these group industries are basically traditional industries with little high-tech content.

You have to find opportunities to do some high-tech and hard work.


a new day.

Director Zhao drove to Henan University in a small car. After being polite with the school leaders, he was also taken to visit the (Shao Yifu Library) and (Donghuai Building) which are still under construction.

Looking at the construction site under construction, Zhao Donghuai's expression was a little strange, and he was a little embarrassed. Forget it, he didn't want to think about these messy things.

Zhao Donghuai quickly explained his intention, "I want to donate a research institute in your school. The first fund will be 100 million yuan, which will be used to develop laptops belonging to the brand I control."

A certain principal looked surprised, but there was also a bit of nervousness in the surprise, "Mr. Zhao, if you are willing to build a research institute to develop technology, of course we will fully cooperate, but the laptop is a big project, a very complicated project..."

Although they are also one of the top universities in Henan Province, how to tackle laptops from scratch? Even for desktop computers, their R\u0026D capabilities are very weak.

Zhao Donghuai explained with a smile, "We are not starting from scratch. I have a good relationship with Toshiba in the island country. They copied a complete set of production technical data for the T1000 notebook and gave it to me."

"Well, because of copyright and patent issues, it would be a bit inappropriate for me to directly build a factory to produce and sell this. But can you imitate this complete set of technical information for new development and research?"

"There are some patents that cannot be circumvented. At worst, I will have to pay patent fees to Toshiba in the future. But for those that can be developed by themselves, it is best to develop something of their own."

"I will donate 100 million this year, and you can ask for foreign aid. As long as the progress is good, I can donate 200 million, 300 million next year... As long as you can help me develop my brand notebook within ten years, that will be fine."

A principal was shocked and confused. Do you have a good relationship with Toshiba? So I will give you a complete set of T1000 production technical information for free? ?

How good must the relationship be for it to be like this? ?

After being shocked, he nodded quickly, "With Toshiba's full set of production materials technology, it... would be quite interesting."

There are mature homework that you can copy and imitate.

If you have money, you can hire foreign aid. You can hire top foreign aid from all over China. Maybe some big guys don't need money at all, just to study Toshiba's technology, and they will take the initiative to help.

Doesn’t this mean that results must be produced in one or two years, and the deadline is ten years? ?

This is a great blessing for their school! This will provide an opportunity for the professional disciplines related to notebook manufacturing in the university to advance rapidly and strive to be the best among all Chinese universities.

Opportunity lies here? Do it or not? You must know that in the future, none of the 985 and 211 sequences in Henan and Dalian will be able to enter.

This is purely why he came to film the ancient puppet show (Female Medical Saint). Since it is a TV series from the Song Renzong era, Bianliang is the most suitable location. When we get here, as we walk, the Wan family is further developing, and the Zhao family Logistics has also picked up...

The Chinese Real Estate hotel chain has also begun planning.

Zhao Donghuai feels that only traditional industries are not very good, so he wants to create a wave of high-tech industries. He came to Yuda to talk about these because they are close to each other.

After leaving Henan University, Zhao Donghuai sat in the car, thought about it, and decided to imitate IBM. After all, he was IBM's largest customer in Hong Kong Haowan, and he had given so much money to IBM.

It's not like just picking up Toshiba's wool. That's too outrageous.

I gave IBM a huge amount of computer money, and I simulated it to see if I could refresh the technical information on IBM desktops and notebooks? ?

If it can be done, even if the overall industry in the mainland is still relatively backward, with the entry of five-axis CNC machine tools one after another and starting to show their power, after five or six years, there will always be a chance to build a complete set of modern automated computer production lines, right?

Once the production line is established, the investment research institute will stand on the technical shoulders of IBM and Toshiba and accumulate its own technology. Then in the mid-to-late 1990s, it will start to produce Zhao brand notebook computers and look at the entire Chinese market? ?

This is what a serious time traveler should look like.

By that era, Zhao also had its own computers that were mainly promoted, so in the Internet era, various portals, instant messaging, super forum communities, and even e-commerce, etc., could all develop step by step.

Besides, he has such a good relationship with Brother Gai. With the development of the times, can't he save up his own operating system?

He is one of the major shareholders of Microsoft. Without Brother Gai's knowledge, what happened to the scientific research capabilities of the operating system? At this stage, Brother Gai is also harvesting the wool of the Apple system. Unless Steve Jobs is kicked out of the house, it is difficult to say whether Microsoft can become a global giant.

Brother Gai brought in Jobs, and Zhao Sheng gathered Brother Gai. It was a virtuous internal cycle.

After Brother Gai finished filming Ip Man, Director Zhao felt that he could sign a contract with him. For example, if one day he wanted to sell his shares in Microsoft, of the 19% of shares he currently held, he could give 1% priority at a price that was 20% higher than the market price. The price will be transferred to Brother Gai.

This 19% needs to be signed slowly in 19 times.

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