Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 186 Shaolin Football Full of Talents

May 5th.

When Zhao Donghuai returned to the hotel after a day of guest shooting, he saw a group of figures waiting in the hotel lobby, and they came over excitedly when they saw him.

The hotel manager smiled and introduced in the middle that these people were from Sinotruk Group.

Zhao Donghuai is preparing to enter the logistics industry in the mainland. After all, he will initially place an order for 10,000 large trucks. Such an order is enough to excite the bosses.

In 1983, the mainland wanted to introduce new era heavy truck technology from Europe. We talked with Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz came here because they wanted to buy technology. You can order 40,000 heavy trucks first. Each one costs more than 10,000 US dollars. Forty thousand vehicles, that is, 500 million. A beautiful knife or so.

Vehicles are one thing, but the cost of introducing technology is another.

In 1983, the total amount of US dollar foreign exchange reserves in the mainland was only US$8.9 billion, which refers to the whole year.

Mercedes-Benz wanted something too dark, so they had many choices in the mainland, and finally chose to introduce Steyr 91 heavy-duty truck technology, which was just launched on the market in 1978.

Steyr is not as black as Mercedes-Benz. It only requires an entry-level technical fee, and then asks for commission. For every domestically produced Steyr heavy truck produced and sold, they want to share dividends.

In the long run, dividends are not a small amount of money, but they are much more cost-effective than when Mercedes-Benz asked you for about US$500 million in 1983. After all, in addition to sales, Mercedes-Benz has to negotiate technical expenses separately.

The original trajectory was to establish the China Heavy Truck Technology Development Center in 1986, relying on Steyr, and producing the first Steyr heavy truck the year before 1990.

In the current dimension, Zhao Donghuai led various joint ventures in the Mainland to build factories in 1984 and sold goods for money, such as Jianlibao, beer, black and green tea, Han Tianxia shoes, etc. In 1984, he earned nearly 200 million in foreign exchange for the eastern Guangdong province. knife.

In 1985, all kinds of magnificent developments were even more exciting.

In short, the original trajectory was that China introduced technology in 1983 and was short of money. It slowly saved money to promote the technology center in 1986, and then two years later successfully built the China Steyr heavy truck that was actually available.

This is caused by lack of money!

Now that foreign exchange is much abundant, the development of heavy trucks has naturally accelerated.

Don’t forget that in August last year, Director Zhao donated a five-axis CNC machine tool, and in March this year he donated five more machine tools of the same type. This kind of industrial cornerstone can greatly boost efficiency for the development of modern industry. .

In short, this world was severely slapped by the butterfly effect of Director Zhao...

After the hotel manager explained his identity to the hotel manager, a vice president of SINOTRUK Group shook hands with Zhao Donghuai with a bright smile on his face, "Zhao Sheng, I have long admired this famous name. It is better to see him than to hear him a hundred times."

"The Steyr 91 heavy-duty truck that our group is developing and producing will have results in two to three months at the latest. It is currently the leading heavy-duty truck in China."

"I wonder if Zhao Sheng can wait for us for a few months?"

"We will definitely be able to get 10,000 heavy trucks out by next summer at the latest! The current Steyr 91 in the European market costs more than 10,000 US dollars each. Considering the impact and loss caused by the time difference to you, we can give Zhao Sheng 3 RMB 10,000 per car.”

The R\u0026D and production of Steyr, a subsidiary of SINOTRUK, has been greatly accelerated, two years ahead of schedule.

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised, "Can they produce Steyr 91?? In this case, I can wait, the price..."

Mercedes-Benz heavy trucks are very expensive, and Steyr is not cheap either. It is one of the models for high-end heavy trucks in Europe.

Zhao Donghuai doesn't know much about cars, but he also has a large logistics and transportation team in Hong Kong.

Comparing to the Asian market, Mitsubishi heavy trucks are much cheaper, just like the original Police Story 2. In the opening scene of the film, Cheng Long stops a large team of racing trucks, and they are all Mitsubishi trucks.

Even if Mitsubishi is cheaper, it still costs 50,000 to 60,000 Hong Kong dollars.

A Steyr unit produced in mainland China costs RMB 913,000... Time difference? ? In May, he plans to vigorously build a warehousing and transportation team, and as the other party said, he will deliver 10,000 vehicles by next summer at the latest.

This can only be said that it really takes time to buy European heavy-duty truck technology, self-study R\u0026D and production, and then produce the first qualified product, as well as further large-scale assembly line production.

It is a truck with a starting load of 10 tons. From the engine to various accessories, which one does not require skills? ?

The first product of the original track was released two years later, but it was not until 1995 that the mainland produced a total of seven or eight thousand Steyr heavy trucks. This is also one of the foundations of the mainland's heavy truck industry.

Zhao Donghuai knows one thing, building a car is not that simple if you put aside PPT and build a car.

After thinking about it, he still smiled and said, "Okay, then next summer, I can pay first."

Buying 10,000 heavy-duty trucks from Mitsubishi costs HKD 5.6 billion, but buying them from the mainland only costs HKD 300 million? ? Nearly half the price.

In order to further promote the development here and get the goods earlier, he will pay first. Anyway, with his current deep friendship with the mainland, he is not afraid that the other party will not do anything after receiving the money.

Steyr's quality is no worse than Mitsubishi's, and it will choose to cooperate with the mainland more prudently. This is because European and American luxury cars are constantly being squeezed out of the market and living space by cheap cars from island countries.

A certain vice president became even more excited when he heard this, "Pay first? This...this...how can this be so embarrassing?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "In the past, Zhao's transportation in Hong Kong used many second-hand cars, including Mitsubishi, Mercedes-Benz and Steyr. After several years of operation, some things are about to withdraw from the stage of history."

"Let's do this. I will order an additional 3,000 vehicles for use in Hong Kong Haowan's logistics and transportation system."

Hong Kong uses a thousand vehicles, and there are nearly 20 million people in Wanwan. Having 2,000 Steyr heavy trucks will also make it easier for Wanjia's large team to develop.

For large warehouse logistics and transportation teams involved in express delivery and other industries, Hong Kong Haowan should be given priority to develop. After all, at this stage, Hong Kong Haowan is leading in economic development.

Besides, the original 711 convenience store on the other side of the road will be involved in the business of collecting express delivery for citizens in the future.

After the Baijia chain dominates Hong Kong's Haowan, it can also incorporate this item into the system. After all, in order to reduce expenditures and increase revenue, it would be a bit wasteful to use such a large transportation and warehousing link only to transport daily groceries.

Adding a little bit of express delivery industry is the icing on the cake.

But the express delivery industry is not a small business. If you run it well, it will be another ocean of money.

The most important thing Director Zhao needs now is money. He has hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars in cash flow, and he can earn tens of billions more when the stock market crashes...paying in advance will hurt development, it's a win-win situation.

Zhao Donghuai did not wait to hear what the SINOTRUK Group was saying, and told Zhang Min, who was following him, "We will draw up a contract later. The 390 million will be allocated to SINOTRUK within a week."

At this point, he looked at a certain vice president, "I do this because I hope you can speed up research and development. Although it will take a year and a half for Wanjia System to build a warehouse center, and some places still need road construction..."

"But the sooner the fleet can be assembled, the better. For a fleet of 13,000 vehicles, I have to recruit at least 40,000 new drivers. Those who can't drive also need to be trained in advance."

To operate three shifts in the Mainland, you have to recruit 30,000 to 40,000 drivers, right? Although there is no shortage of capable young drivers in the Mainland, the problem is that simple logistics and transportation, hauling freight, etc. in the Mainland do not require so many capable young men.

Just have a group of normal and decent drivers here.

Similarly, for the management of this driver team, we must also start recruiting people.


number 11.

(Female Medical Saint) The development of the crew was smooth and smooth, but Brother Gai flew from Foshan to Henan Province. When the smoky-looking Brother Gai saw Director Zhao, the sadness in his eyes could hardly be suppressed.

Fortunately, Zhao Sheng came up with a contract and promised to transfer 1% of the shares to Bill first when he wanted to sell his Microsoft shares and cash out in the future.

Brother Gai was overjoyed.

With this contract, he felt that his frequent flights from North America to Asia were not in vain. After signing the contract with great joy, Brother Gai said with emotion, "Zhao, you are such a good person!"

He finally saw the hope of regaining the power and hegemony of Microsoft. Even if he stayed on the set of Ip Man for about 20 days and went to act in kung fu movies to beat up boys, Gai didn't mind.

Hope, that's more important than anything else.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to hate or respect and be grateful to Zhao Sheng. If it weren't for this guy, his Microsoft wouldn't have suffered a big sniper attack so early, when he was still in his infancy.

However, even without Zhao Donghuai, as long as Microsoft continues to grow and develop, to a certain extent, it will still trigger similar attacks by Wall Street consortiums, and he will still need to pay the price.

Compared with what Wall Street Morgan, Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, etc. want, he still feels that he can gain power by just acting and guest-starring in movies. This requirement is much simpler.

Thinking of this, Brother Gai smiled and said, "Zhao, I have discovered that I like acting a little bit. If you have a good project next time, just come to me."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and patted Bill on the shoulder, "Okay, arrange a new project immediately."

Brother Gai, "..."

Zhao Donghuai has asked Azhen who is staying aside to make arrangements for Xingzai's next big drama (Shaolin Football).

The preparation for the Shaolin Football project does not mean that the "The Gambler" series is not good at the box office, but the biggest reason is to hone the special effects team's actual combat training for a new episode.

Shaolin Football, the star boy who deserves to be the protagonist, the football team coach Jean Wu Mengda, the Tietou Kung Senior Brother Chen Baixiang, the Tornado Ditang Legs Second Brother Wu Yaohan, the Golden Bell Cover Iron Clothes Third Brother Huang Baiming, the Ghost Grappler Fourth Brother Cao Charlie, the Sixth Brother Junior brother Fatty can let Wang Jing go up.

This kind of lineup is no worse than the original version in terms of comedy skills.

A bunch of comedy talent!

Bill Guy, of course, is the strong man of the Devils. Guy Guy said, "The referees, witnesses, witnesses, and organizers are all my people. Why are you playing with me?"

Such a cover guy will definitely become popular all over the world and break out of the industry!

There is also a classic scene in this movie, "As a car mechanic, it's not too much to carry a wrench, right?" This role has Li Lichi as a guest star, and he plays his true self!

Director Achi is also very good at being funny and nonsensical. The best example is "Iron Legs Floating on Water" in Linglingqi.

As long as the special effects are done well and the kung fu is performed well, you can enter the North American and European markets with kung fu movies. Cheng Long's (Police Story Part 1 and 2) is the best proof.

The heroine...Zhao Donghuai just asked Azhen to send a message to see which female star in Hong Kong is willing to shave her head and sacrifice, and she will be chosen as the heroine.

After finishing this, Director Zhao smiled and patted Brother Gai on the shoulder again, "Drink, Bill. In fact, I rarely wrote a complete script before, I usually just set an outline."

"Now, in order to give you face, I have to write a storyboard to show our friendship."

Brother Gai raised his glass in a daze, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, and wish us a happy cooperation!"


On the 13th, as soon as Zhao Donghuai finished the split-shot script, the actors he had appointed came north from Hong Kong Island one after another.

Including the director and other behind-the-scenes producers.

Among them, Xing Zai and Li Lichi are the happiest. The film "The Variety Star" was released in Hong Kong in mid-April and has already earned more than 26 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office and nearly 80 million new dollars in Hong Kong.

The sum of the two amounts to HK$50 million.

And don’t forget that at this stage, Hong Kong Haowan Cinema Chain is Zhao Sheng’s real estate land, and there is no need to give half of the profit to the theater chain. This blockbuster, with an initial investment of 30 million Hong Kong dollars, is only at the Haowan Box Office in Hong Kong. The profits can all be recovered.

What's more, there will be video tapes in the follow-up? Can we still continue to operate the island countries, South Korea, Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.? ?

Xing Zai was walking outside, and many people started calling him Brother Xing, not just Zai anymore.

Li Lichi and Chen Jiashang also became famous instantly. This script, including the shooting, really only has a rough outline setting, and the rest was all created by their leadership or by hiring foreign aid.

After the crowd sat down in the large conference room and were discussing excitedly, Zhao Donghuai came over with his serious secretary and a pile of printed scripts.

Upon seeing Zhao Sheng, everyone greeted him respectfully. Zhao Donghuai waved his hand and then turned his attention to Ye Zimei, Ye Yuqing, and Li Lizhen. He was slightly surprised and said, "You three, you have decided to shave your heads for the new film. ??”

The three girls nodded eagerly.

Ye Yuqing was even more excited and said, "Zhao Sheng, let alone shaving your head, just other things... I can do it too."

When Ye Zimei and Li Lizhen looked at her with shocked expressions, Ye Yuqing was even more proud of her conscience. Her words were obviously not intended to curry favor with Zhao Donghuai for wanting to join the ship, but were referring to the efforts and dedication of the big screen.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and complained, "Okay, it's just the three of you, don't get involved. There are no inappropriate shots in the new play, and there is no need for over-the-line contact. Shaving your head is the biggest sacrifice."

Then he looked at the other creative teams and said, "I have already set up the split-shot script, and everyone has a copy. Xingzi, you will lead a Shaolin team to play football this time. Once the kung fu and football project is completed."

"Both the market and personal image appeal are very good."

"Let me tell you one thing. In 1983, Yuanbiao's Boniu only had a box office of 3 million yen in Hong Kong, but in the island country it took a box office of one billion yen, which is equivalent to more than 31 million Hong Kong dollars in box office that year. Yuenbiao also relied on Boniu. It became popular in the island country.”

"At that time, he was the most popular star in the island country after Cheng Long."

"And this is a Kung Fu comedy movie!"

The original version of Shaolin Soccer was very powerful. The island country made a box office of 2.8 billion yen, which was equivalent to 180 million Hong Kong dollars at the time. After all, the currency of the island country had appreciated at that time.

It also took in a box office of HK$60 million on Hong Kong Island...that's the box office after the millennium!

Following his words, a group of main creators became excited. They were so excited. Zhao Sheng's new project, kung fu plus comedy? ? How cruel are Zhao Sheng's action movies? Global siege pool.

comedy? Li Lichi and Xingzi and a group of people just relied on (Variety Star Lord) to create a new world.

When they started to read the script excitedly, Zhao Donghuai stared at the three girls for a few more times before he said, "The heroine will be Ah Zhen..."

This Ah Zhen is at least much prettier than the original heroine!

One sentence made Li Lizhen ecstatic, while Ye Zimei and Ye Yuqing were extremely disappointed. Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "In the script, at the end of the football match, because the protagonist's football team is short of players, the heroine is asked to shave her head and pretend to be a male goalkeeper..."

"Don't say I'm biased. With your figure, Ah Mei, and a shaved head and a T-shirt, how can you pass yourself off as a male goalkeeper???"

The two girls, Ye Zimei, "..."

Good guy, this is really good guy.

Li Lizhen was a little stunned, and for a moment she didn't know whether to be proud or proud! Of course, this Ah Zhen is not Xiaoxian's kind of safe runway, but among the three candidates who have the courage to shave their heads and leave the country, she has certain advantages.

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Ye Zimei and the two girls with regret again, "Go back, I will consider you for a project next time."

In the original version of Shaolin Soccer, there was a jade-faced dragon flying out of the country, but that one was also not suitable for Ah Mei. As I said before, it was too fierce.

Let Chen Hong and Xiao Yingying take part in the famous scene. Although Xiao Yingying is not a small child, she will be strangled more severely.

Now we will start filming in May, the shooting will be better, the special effects...the special effects are not simple, it is hard to say whether it can be released during Christmas and New Year's Day this year, but at most it will be released during the Lunar New Year period.

If the special effects of (Shaolin Soccer) can be passable or even excellent, it will not be difficult to do (Ghost in Disguise).

Of course, what if the computer's super-computing special effects aren't enough? Then let’s take real shots. It’s not difficult to do tricks like Qinggong and other Wi-Fi skills at all. Even if Xingzi does something with his powerful diamond legs, kicking a wall to pieces, you can also take real shots. You can’t kick a football badly, smash it with a sledgehammer, and smash a wall with foam props. kind.

On the contrary, it is more difficult for Fatty Jing to practice football by kicking eggs, so he can only make fake eggs.


In June, when the new summer season was about to kick off, Zhao Donghuai and the cast of "Female Medical Saint" also returned to Hong Kong Island from Bianliang in the Mainland.

The filming method for "The Legend of White Snake" is still the same. It will be shot in mainland for two or three months, and the rest will be shot at the Haowan Film and Television Base in Hong Kong. It will probably have to wait until August or September before the filming is completed.

This is a big TV series with fifty or sixty episodes.

Also in this June, 70% to 80% of the funds invested by Hong Kong citizens in the foreign exchange market have been withdrawn one after another.

The (Shaolin Football) project has been launched for half a month!

On June 13th, when Zhao Donghuai had just finished cleaning up and was sitting in the big office, he saw Hong Yinbao, Yuan Biao and others coming together, all looking surprised.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Is (Ip Man) finished filming?"

Sanmao nodded excitedly, "Zhao Sheng, the script you directed is indeed better than our original version. The emotional outburst pays more attention to the progression, link by link, and the emotions are more intense..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Okay, stop bragging and go watch a movie first."

In fact, on April 18, he took Bill Gai to the set and overturned a lot of the plot. Most of the main logic line was equivalent to reshooting.

But some things don't need to be reshot, such as the island country's capture of Foshan, the war, and the footage showing the brutal cruelty of the island country's ghosts.

There are also Hong Ping Bao beating Kurata Yasuaki, Hong Ping Bo beating Ip Man and being defeated by Ip Man, and then the ring battle between Ip Man and Zhou Billy.

None of these major scenes require reshooting, so the entire Ip Man crew started preparations on February 18th. It's almost 4 months since February. With Hong Jiaban's various martial arts skills, it's very easy to do it now.

In a luxurious screening room, in a comfortable viewing experience, after watching the entire film, Zhao Donghuai applauded with satisfaction, "Not bad, the filming was really good."

Of course, Ip Man's fast punches that can pull out afterimages also incorporate special effects and special editing methods. This version is no worse than the original 2008 version.

Ah Hong decisively acted cute, "Boss, what do you think of my performance?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Very good..."

Indeed, with Ah Hong's good looks paired with certain sweet-style cheongsams, and her aura of being a lady of a wealthy family, Ah Hong's performance in the (Ip Man) movie is truly remarkable.

When Chen Hong smiled excitedly, Sanmao also came over, "Zhao Sheng, do you think this movie has hope, like Aaron's Police Story reaching North America?"

When this was mentioned, Yuan Biao and others also became excited.

After all, not to mention the various new-age action movies, Yuen Biao also relied on old-fashioned normal actions and relied on Poniu to break into the island country and catch up with Cheng Long's popularity.

Since Aaron can...

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Let's arrange publicity and distribution first. Once it becomes a hit in Asia, we'll start with it. It's not difficult to release it in North America, but high box office requires vigorous publicity and distribution."

Hong Qinbao nodded excitedly, "Xuanfa is not afraid of spending money. Aaron originally spent 70 to 80 million Hong Kong dollars to play Xuanfa. The first part almost made no money at the box office, but the second part made a huge amount of money."

The North American box office of Police Story 2 exceeded US$60 million. Zhao Donghuai was only a bill collector, while Jiahe and Cheng Long also pocketed more than US$20 million.

In Europe, it still relied on AMC's success, with a total box office of 48 million U.S. dollars, and once again brought home nearly 20 million U.S. dollars.

Forty million dollars? That’s 300 million Hong Kong dollars!

Police Story 2 made Jiahe and Cheng Long a huge amount of money, and it was truly a super blockbuster model.

With the success of the first two films, as long as Cheng Long makes Police Story 3 without any hesitation, it will definitely be another money-making and famous film.

With such a good precedent, do you think Hong Yinbao is excited? ? Ip Man can also be filmed in the second and third parts.

"Now, although Mr. Bill is not as good as he was last year, he was able to use Ms. Mary to sue Pacific Gas and Electric Group and get a compensation of US$360 million. His starring role or even recommendation will be much weaker."

"But Master Ye himself is Brother Xiaolong's master... This is also a strong selling point! Zhao Sheng, I want to try to raise 100 million Hong Kong dollars to spend on North American publicity. Do you think it can be done?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, then let's spend money. If this becomes popular, the island country may be able to release it."

(The Legend of Wang Wenxia) failed to be released in Wanwan and Taiwan, but (Ip Man 1) has great hope of being released in both places. The premise is that (Ip Man) can really hit the North American box office and achieve impressive results.

Also starting from June 13th, Ip Man's vigorous announcement was launched in various parts of Asia and North America. Hong Yanbao dared to spend 100 million... Well, his Debao is a subsidiary of the Zhao Group, and it is quite considerable to spend 100 million. Yu Zhao Donghuai invested 51 million yuan and Sanmao 49 million yuan.

News about the movie (Ip Man) has received medium-level and overwhelming publicity in North America.

Not only are various posters posted on a large number of platforms, many of Zhao's celebrities are also calling for their efforts, and these celebrities' efforts are in addition to the 100 million Hong Kong dollars for publicity and distribution.

From Zhang Guorong to North American translucents like Xing Zai, from Isabel Adjani to Sandra Bullock...the appeal of celebrities is also a very powerful propaganda tool!

On June 18, the 100-minute Ip Man 1 was released on Sunday night. It had three shows and grossed nearly US$2 million at the box office that night. This is a ticket price of US$5 per movie on a 1,200-seat big screen. , which means that the attendance rate is more than 50%!

The new movie, which is an Asian and not too well-known new action star, can have such appeal. It can only be said that the Ip Man movie has the halo of Li Xiaolong, which is too convenient and has massive natural bonuses.

Then comes the result of the push from all the stars.

Will the three evening shows on the 18th have such an effect? By the end of the day on the 19th, Ip Man had once again made more than 4 million U.S. dollars at the box office in North America, more than 4.3 million U.S. dollars on Saturday the 20th, and more than 3.9 million U.S. dollars on Sunday the 21st.

$14 million in first weekend!

This is a stronger box office performance than Police Story 2, and the reason... One of the biggest reasons is that the ticket price in North America has increased from US$4 to US$5.

This can only be said that in 1983, it was still 3.5 US dollars per ticket. The North American market was steadily increasing ticket prices. That is to say, Wanjia Cinemas run by Zhao Donghuai could not make a few dollars in box office profits, so it maintained the interest of movie fans in the long term. Low fare benefits.

Such a result in North America completely made Hong Qinbao laugh crazy, and Yuan Biao was surprised and overwhelmed. Although he spent a lot of money in the beginning, it was on par with (Police Story 2) in the first weekend. In Police Story 2, Cheng Long and Jiahe earned 300 million What a box office profit in Hong Kong dollars!

This is the first (Ip Man) pioneering work, which gives them hope of returning their money. It seems that it is not even a small profit.

That's the case in North America, let alone Asia.

The box office of three all-day shows in Hong Kong exceeded 10 million in the first weekend in Hong Kong. This is not only the appeal of Hong Yanbao and Yuen Biao, but also the appeal of the heroine Chen Hong. Ah Hong became famous with (My Sassy Girl) A big star like that.

This (Ip Man) went crazy during the opening period of the summer season.

Bill Gai Ge contributed a very wonderful performance in it, which made countless audiences more familiar with Gai Ge's identity as an actor. You said that he integrated many scenes of Wu Chi Lin in the original work. Do you have a sense of substitution? Will there be drama? ?

What's going on? There are quite a few foreigners who like Chinese Kung Fu. Moreover, during the Anti-Japanese War, white people were bankrupted and tortured to death by the island ghosts. There were also white people everywhere. For example, during the war, Amei's family was seriously ill and died at the hands of the island ghosts. It's also about 90,000.

Those were direct deaths, not just injuries.

During the period when the islanders occupied Hong Kong Island, there were also many Yalun people who were tortured by various tortures. As long as we look squarely at history, we will know that Bill Gates merging the identity of a martial arts idiot is an ordinary scene in the contemporary context.

Yuan Biao became famous!

From the first day of the release, Ah Biao appeared on the streets, and Master Ye was everywhere. Master Ye's greeting, "I want to hit ten" has naturally become Yuan Biao's classic scene!

As for this opportunity to cut off Zhen Zidan... we will talk about it later.

The 30-year-old Yuen Biu learned Wing Chun 6 years ago because of "Prodigal Boy". As long as he can have the acting magnanimity of the original version, his performance will not be much worse than that of Adam.

Chen Hong has also become popular again, and her role as Zhang Yongcheng is a new classic role on the big screen.

Comparing the savage force in "Savage Girl", in fact, like Zhang Yongcheng, a lady of a wealthy family, and even during the fall of Japan, she endured hardships and stayed with Ip Man... This image is really a plus.

It is also in line with the image of wives that Asians, especially those in East and Southeast Asia, perceive.

Not to mention, Ah Hong, who shows off all kinds of cheongsam shows, is much more lethal than Miss Xiong on the big screen.

This early summer (Ip Man) storm has swept the world since the 22nd and intensified. North America has more than 17 million U.S. dollars in the next week, which is equivalent to more than 31 million U.S. dollars in two weeks, and Hong Kong Island has more than 24 million U.S. dollars in two weeks. The box office is 21 million Hong Kong dollars after discounting for two weeks.

Also this weekend, on June 27th and 28th, the white people couldn't stand it, so the island theater chain had no choice but to launch it strongly. In two days, Ip Man's box office hit 500 million yen.

Ah Biao, the younger brother of Qi Xiao Fuli, has really become famous this summer and has the tendency to suppress Cheng Long within a certain range!

After all, there are still many discerning people who can see that this is Ip Man's first film.

No matter how much money Xuanfa spent, the box office revenue of Ip Man's movie was strong enough.


On June 29, Chen Hong, who was wearing a cheongsam, arrived at the ATV building office holding a printed novel (My Love from the Star).

After meeting Zhao Donghuai, she first greeted him eloquently, and then she smiled and said, "Boss, that's so funny."

"Director Hong said during the filming of Ip Man that if this movie is adapted into a version with time travellers, it will definitely be more suitable than "The Five Lucky Stars", and it will be easier to dig deeper. It can be like "New Mr. Zombie" famous."

"It's being released in theaters now, so he has come up with the idea of ​​adapting it. However, Yuen Biao and Huang Bingyao still suggested that Director Hong dig into the second part first..."

"If the second or even third part is filmed, it can be adapted into a series like A Chinese Ghost Story, which will make it easier to accumulate feelings."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Master Ye was also a traveler across all the worlds. He was a disciple who was ordered to be a beacon. The other beacon master was Master Huang Feihong.

Although the popularity level is slightly lower than that of Jiu Shu, the gap is not too big. It just depends on the trend.

After joking and chatting for a while, Chen Hong blinked and acted cute, "Boss, can I ask Sister Jiahui to recommend a new book for me? I think "You from the Star" is still very good, but I am a newcomer, and Sister Jiahui is like that It is easier for new books to sell well if they are recommended by talented women."

The script outline was given on April 25. It’s already June 29, and the results are normal. Asking for Guan Jiahui’s recommendation is too harsh.

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