Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 187 After 31 months, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is finally here

Chen Hong’s “book” (My Love from the Star) was ultimately not recommended and promoted by Kwan Ka-wai, the most talented woman in Hong Kong.

At this stage, we don't actually need too many people to promote it. The popularity of Ah Hong alone can drive the book's bestsellers. After all, in June 1986, Ah Hong's Savage Girlfriend was already a hot topic, and her popularity exploded.

What's more, (Ip Man) has only been released for ten days, and her cheongsam show, a classic movie image of a good wife and mother that can be envied by countless women, is also becoming a hit!

On June 30, the cast of Ip Man was interviewed by ATV. The host casually asked a few topics. After Chen Hong answered the questions, he followed the topic and pointed out that he had just written a book. A very special love novel... It is planned to be sold at Wanjia Bookstore in Haowan, Hong Kong on July 1st.

Let Hong Qinbao, Yuan Biao and others praise her talent.

The topic immediately exploded!

When July 1st really comes, the (Ip Man) movie is still on the way to selling out, killing the public, at least in Asia, killing almost other blockbusters of the same period.

A new book that Master Ye, the famous character of "I want to fight ten", also recommends? Even if it is a love story novel...

It also made (My Love from the Star) instantly famous and famous.

Hong Kong Haowan is priced at HK$20 per copy. Various male and female students and male and female white-collar workers are the best audience for this book. On the first day, 60,000 copies were sold.

60,000 copies is far less than Kwan Chia-wai's previous version (House of Cards), but what factors are superimposed on House of Cards? One is that her previous works (The Twilight Saga Part 1 and 2) have been selling well around the world for more than a year, selling tens of millions of copies, and she has a huge fan base.

The second is The Secret of the Green Palace. That kind of power struggle between classes makes it too easy for the general public to fall into a collective mentality of peeking into the secrets and watching and enjoying it.

(House of Cards) sold 3 million copies in Asia in just ten days. That is a miracle that cannot be replicated by ordinary books. With this sales data, the genuine mainland books only cost 3 RMB per copy. This was only possible after a super price war. Lower this sales volume.

Put aside the aura and special selling methods of House of Cards, normal books, romance novels? Sixty thousand copies were sold on the first day, which is a figure that Qiong Yao cannot match under normal circumstances.

Qiong Yao published "Dodder Flower" last year. It took many years and several publications before it sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

A record of 60,000 a day is considered a big hit.

What followed was word-of-mouth. In the early days, (My Love from the Star) was bought very happily due to the personal fame of Chen Hong, Master Yip Yuen Biao, and the Kung Fu comedy fans accumulated by Hong Yanbao.

Bought to take home and read...

Countless female student groups and white-collar female groups quickly fell into decline. After all, this is a novel with the quality of a big idol drama, which can be regarded as (Meteor Garden), (Blue Life and Death Love), (Winter Sonata) and even (Variant Version of Kingdom of Heaven) Ladder) is an upgraded version of the great idol drama!

The female protagonist has the superpower of immortality, and the male protagonist is extremely rich and handsome. He has been deeply in love with her for hundreds of years, no matter how many times she has been reincarnated.

There is also the rich second generation, the warm backup child of the super chaebol heir.

You can have a close relationship with your best friend every day.

This kind of novel, from the perspective of female readers, really satisfies all the love fantasies of girls. It is even more exaggerated than the diamond prince in "Pretty Woman" who fell in love with the lost girl and took her home.

A bloody trick? This is indispensable. Only all kinds of bloody routines can better arouse readers' emotions!

On July 2nd, thanks to word-of-mouth from fans such as female students and white-collar workers, the novel "Star You" once again sold 50,000 copies, a decrease from yesterday. This is normal. Chen Hong made his debut in the novel circle as a writer.

Yesterday, the fans who basically bought it because of the star's popularity gave you face, and from the next day onwards, the normal (romance novel) readers were involved.

There are more than 20 million people in Haowan, Hong Kong, and the daily sales volume has only dropped by 10,000. It is already a very powerful appeal.

Again, when it comes to selling novels, no matter whether Jin Yong or Ni Jiam serialized novels in newspapers, how much newspaper sales can they drive? In Hong Kong, before Zhao Donghuai entered the circle, newspapers with daily sales of more than 100,000 points were already top-notch.

In the field of fiction, a book can sell hundreds of thousands of copies a year, and he is already a top-notch writer.

(Star You) sold 110,000 copies in two days. At least in the traditional writer's circle, it was a hit and was directly listed as a top-notch book.

As long as you don’t count the piracy market in the mainland, it’s not the kind of sales that Kwan Jiahui sells (Twilight) that targets white people, colonial people, and banana people.

It’s not the BUG-based sales method (House of Cards).

Chen Hong's first major work in the novel world (Star You) has already put Ah Hong in the group of female writers. The strongest position below Guan Jiahui and Monica is on the same level as Qiong Yao.

The rising momentum of the newcomer is so fierce that it is enough to make the old woman look sideways and give in, risking being photographed to death on the beach.

Since the beginning of July, countless women in Haowan, Hong Kong have been addicted to the love story (My Love from the Star). If anyone has not read this book, you can go shopping and play with the little sisters, and talk about all the topics. Less than one piece went.

What follows are some beauty-chasing boys and white-collar workers. If they want to find a common topic to talk about and have fun talking about, they have to make up for it (star you)!

This kind of book adaptation of an idol drama that focuses on the female audience, and the various time-travelers planned by Lin Zhengying and Hong Yinbao to apprentice with Uncle Jiu and Master Ye, are the sweeping power that attracts male and female audiences together!


July 4th.

In the main office of ATV, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Chen Hong, "If it were a normal best-selling book sales process, you could hold a book signing now."

"But if you don't want to be so tired from holding a book signing, you can ask ATV to come forward and announce that it will adapt the (Star You) version of the TV series."

Ah Hong looked excited, "Adapting a TV series now? But it seems very possible. It will be fun to support each other with the novel and conquer the market together."

"Boss, who are the actors to choose? I don't want to act, how about being a producer?"

As early as when he got the synopsis of the novel, Chen Hong asked director Zhao if he would like to play the role of the male protagonist. Of course, Zhao Donghuai refused, even if A Hong changed his ways to be coquettish and begged for mercy.

From then on, Chen Hong only regarded this book as a booster for her "reputation as a talented woman".

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "The male lead should be given to Goo Jai, and the second male lead should be given to Jiao Enjun. Now we have finished filming one part of the Chinese Ghost Story series, and we are waiting to avoid Ip Man's schedule."

"The two of them have schedules and have honed their acting skills. There is no problem in starring in such a big idol drama on the small screen."

Xu Ke did not direct, but was only a producer in name. He hired Cheng Xiaodong and Li Rengang. In the past six months, Cheng Xiaodong has filmed one film (Ancient and Modern War between Qin Terracotta Warriors) and another (A Chinese Ghost Story 1).

They are all waiting for the summer release.

The plot of the time-travel version of A Chinese Ghost Story is that Gu Zai, who had learned Maoshan Taoism from Uncle Jiu, easily re-trained Maoshan Taoism after time-traveling again. Due to the different times, his Maoshan Taoism has become extremely powerful.

Let’s not talk about using talismans to practice corpses and killing ghosts. I had only heard about it in Uncle Jiu’s ears. The extremely demanding and surprisingly difficult Lightning Thunder Fist was mastered by Gu Zai.

Punch and let go of thunder, it is extremely powerful!

When he unexpectedly learned that he had traveled to Guobei County where there is (Lanruo Temple), he also met Ning Caichen, who went to Guobei County to help Qibaozhai collect debts...

It was Gu Zai who went to Lanruo Temple with Ning Caichen to prevent the tragedy of the Xiahou swordsman's death at the hands of his grandmother, and the heroes fought against the tree demon.

Originally, in the finale of "A Chinese Girl 1", the dryad was only seriously injured and sealed. Yan Chixia said clearly that the dryad would revive a hundred years later. This scene was reflected in the third part of "A Chinese Girl". In this dimension, it is the movie starring Zhou Xingxing. .

And with the time-travel version of Gu Zai armed with powerful Maoshan Taoist skills, the first part of the time-travel version of A Chinese Girl not only killed the tree demon, but also defeated the Black Mountain Old Demon, the ghost king in the underworld.

In this process, not only did Gu Zai do the work, he also sent out a Taoist summons and invited Jiao Enjun, a disciple of the Taoist series practiced by Yan Chixia, the original sect's authentic successor!

Goo Jai accidentally met Jiao Enjun when he was re-cultivating Taoism through time travel, and they had a good relationship.

Yan Chixia, Master Jia Guzai Maoshan and Jiao Enjun can defeat everything by working together.

The final finale is that Gu Zai takes away Xiao Qian's ashes, and is determined to make a contribution, carve out a world in this chaotic world full of absurdities, dominate one side, and act like a big warlord to protect the country and the people.

The plan for the second part has already been sorted out. After Ning Caichen returned to his hometown by luck, he was arrested again and imprisoned.

Followed by Ning Caichen's line, it developed and developed. The thousand-year-old centipede pretended to be a national adviser. Gu Zai directly transformed into a commander-in-chief and a military governor, leading troops to encircle and suppress the rebellion, clean up the smoky court, and overthrow the old era and ascend the throne. .

The Chinese Ghost Story series is a serious target for male movie fans and the preferences of male audiences.

If you ask Louis Koo and Jiao Enjun, who have finished filming the time-travel version of A Chinese Girl, to play in a fashion idol drama, these two rising stars will also be able to establish themselves in the film and television industry.

After all, it was to bring back the popular and super powerful Zhang Guorong to serve as the background for Goo Jai and Jiao Enjun... This Ah Wing? Fortunately, Ah Rong never cared about these things. He didn't even care about sacrificing himself to fulfill Zhou Runfa and Wan Ziliang's heroic qualities.

He continued to sacrifice himself to praise the rookie, but he still didn't care.

There is also Tan Yonglin. In this version of A Chinese Ghost Story 1, Tan Yonglin guest-starred as Xiahou Swordsman. Two of the kings of Asian music circles support the newcomer!

Chen Hongcan smiled, "If we let them play one male and two male protagonists, then the female lead will directly play Wang Zuxian?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, it's faster to film because they are acquaintances. They have already developed a tacit understanding of each other's scenes. Xiaoxian is also a bit miserable. If he doesn't transform, he will be a ghost queen."

"She plays the first female lead. Let's play Xiao Yingying as the second female lead. Let the new generation of goddess Wanwan form a PK!"

Speaking of which, Madana Grocery Shopping Lao Wang is indeed a bit... He made his debut as a female ghost (it will be very cold at the lakeside this year), and was discovered by Wu Yusen and recommended to Xu Ke for the role of A Chinese Girl.

Good guy, A Chinese Ghost Story, she’s going to make five movies! Four films have now been filmed!

She is truly the best ghost queen.

If there is no transformation, normal citizens will have wild thoughts and random thoughts when they see Wang Zuxian.

In the Wanwan film and television industry, the goddess representatives of the previous generation are naturally "Shuanglin" and "Sanhu". The most eye-catching ones of the new generation are Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying, although Ge Weiru also appeared in the popular "Hong Kong Island Love Story" once.

But at this stage, Ge Weiru is not as popular as Wang Zuxian and Xiao Yingying.

In terms of popularity, Xiao Yingying only starred in the movie "Love" with Hua Zai. In it, she was wearing a wedding dress and running barefoot in the night to find the dead Hua Zai... It's simply that in some movie project surveys, it was Duoduo in 1986. One of the most tear-jerking love movie clips in Asia.

The director is Chen Musheng, and the producers are Mei Xiaoqing and Chen Hong!

Once these are decided, the remaining villains and the like will be easier to find. Just let Chen Musheng and Mei Xiaoqing screen them.


July 5th.

Ip Man 1 was released in Haowan, Hong Kong for 16 days. After the Hong Kong box office broke the 30 million Hong Kong dollar mark, it also began to enter a period of weakness. The promotion of (A Chinese Ghost Story 1) also began to be vigorous.

As soon as Louis Koo, Joey Wong, Zhang Guorong, Tan Yonglin and others appeared on the show and performed some songs and dances, it became a big project known to everyone in Asia. After all, Ah Wing and Principal Tan, the music world is so popular.

Those were all English singles or major albums, with multiple albums selling tens of millions of copies. The two of them were the top male singers in the Asian music industry.

Including many island singers, they would kneel down and sing "Conquer" when meeting these two... After all, this is not Leslie and Principal Tan who often sang covers of the island's national anthem and became popular in the original track.

At this stage, there are many singers from island countries who want to buy the copyright to cover their songs.

Besides, the box office of (A Chinese Ghost Story 1) is not low to begin with? It has been three years since it was released in 1984. When it comes to the feelings of fans, they are the same old feelings as (Mr. Zombie).

There has been a good example (New Mr. Zombie 1) before, and the attention of countless movie fans to this new film has also skyrocketed.

Three days after it was announced, it will be launched in 252 Zhao's Cinemas in Haowan, Hong Kong on July 8th... It grossed HK$4.1 million at the box office on the first day in Hong Kong.

It has earned more than 4 million yuan a day, which is definitely the most popular level. Even in 200 theaters, this movie has also earned 13 million new yuan, which is equivalent to more than 4 million Hong Kong dollars.

And countless people who walked into the cinema and came out after watching the movie... Regardless of men or women, they were all excited and happy beyond belief. Female audience? ? Of course, they were driven crazy by Bai Gu and Jiao Enjun in ancient costumes!

The looks of these two people in ancient costumes have the kind of lethality that is really hard to describe.

Male viewers are also excited. The main plot of the story is about the great achievement of magical power, the beauty of Nie Xiaoqian, the suppression of evil heretics, and the creation of a hegemony in ancient times, and the main plot of wanting to become a military governor.

The best benchmark for cool writing routines!

It is difficult for the protagonist of Jin Guliang's martial arts novels to rise to such a high level of career. The movie also provides a popular science about what it means to be a Jiedushi at his peak, who can seize the military and political power of a province and completely defeat the local emperor.

The kind that one can pass on one's position to one's descendants...

This was still the early era of novels, and plots such as mistreating the protagonist appeared at every turn. The main plot of the new version of A Chinese Girl I was so exciting that the audience couldn't stop reading.

The Kowloon-based newspaper group also launched a survey report on July 9th, asking Hong Kong Haowan citizens to select the best representatives of fashionable men. The momentum of Bai Gu and Jiao Enjun has almost suppressed the trend of fashion F4 in a short period of time. .

It is in this case.

When Gu Tianle, Jiao Enjun, Wang Zuxian, Xiao Yingying, Miao Qiaowei, Zhang Zhilin, Zhang Xueyou, Lin Qingxia and others gathered in a large office of ATV.

A group of people were all in high spirits, holding a copy of the novel "Star You" and speaking kind words to each other. Naturally, the focus of the crowd was Louis Koo and Chiao Enjun.

Lin Qingxia couldn't help but joked, "Gu Zai, you are so popular. I heard that your personal version of Jianlibao has been sold out, right? In about half a year, Jianlibao has earned more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars?"

Goo Jai is only 17 years old, but the movie "The New Mr. Zombie" he starred in was released on January 1st. It was because Goo Jai complained, "Only the stupid ones drink Coca-Cola, and the pretty guys all drink Jianlibao." Other characters in that movie I don’t know what the plot is, but movie fans will understand!

Also, after Gu Zai learned Taoism, made a fortune, married Tingting, a young foreign dress, and Wen Bixia, a female ghost, and then transformed into a young marshal to protect the country and the people, he recruited experts to develop Jianlibao, but failed, and failed several times... …

This is still a very powerful stimulus to the buying market.

Even Taoist master Gu Shaoshuai, who is at the peak of his life, cannot afford to drink Jianlibao, but citizens in Haowan, Hong Kong and even other parts of Asia can buy it for just one or two yuan to try?

It’s a normal reaction that Goo Jai’s personal Jianlibao is selling out so well.

In A Chinese Ghost Story, Goo Jai no longer pursues Jianlibao. Instead, he complains about various ancient delicacies as they are not as delicious as a bowl of Wanjia instant noodles...

When the weather is hot, there is no bottle of iced black tea or green plum green tea to cool down the heat and quench thirst.

Even if it is a simple complaint, made privately behind the backs of other characters (A Chinese Ghost Story), the clip is not long, but it is still enough to accompany the movie's huge sales and increase his sales power.

Especially those female fans who are obsessed with Goo Jai’s looks? ?

I heard that he has gone crazy in the island market. He doesn't have any song projects, but he relies on his appearance to catch up with the momentum of Zhang Guorong, F4 and others. It depends on his appearance.

After Meteor Garden became a hit, a wealthy woman from an island country was willing to spend 1 million Hong Kong dollars just to treat Li Ming to a meal. At this stage, Goo Jai's group of fans and wives are also the craziest among the wives from the island country.

The 17-year-old Bai Gutianle became famous... She is too attractive to Kuotai from the island country!

In the joke, Louis Koo was still embarrassed, and Joey Wong laughed and said, "In previous movies, advertising placement was not very convenient, that is, you just relied on lines to make complaints in private. Now that we start filming (Star You), it will be really convenient." too much……"

She is the heroine, the big star Ah Xia, Lin Qingxia plays the role of her mother in the modern plot, and Jacky Cheung plays the Hong Kong lawyer who is Goo Jai's best friend and knows his identity as an alien.

Another example is Zhang Zhilin, who plays the younger brother of the big star Axia.

Miao Qiaowei is the brother of the second male lead Jiao Enjun.

In the Hong Kong version of Xing Ni's novels and scripts, the male protagonist naturally does not teach everything, but Professor Wang...

Speaking of which, this TV series version (My Love from the Star) is also one of the masterpieces of a group of veteran stars to support new talents. After all, Lin Qingxia became famous in North America through (Cat and Mouse Game), and she even demoted herself. Is it because of your identity that you come to praise Koo Tim Lok and Wang Zuxian? ?

This, it can only be said that Zhang Guorong, one of the role models set up by Zhao Donghuai, has shown a good way for everyone, great hope!

Ah Wing often acted in director Zhao's movies in the early days, playing roles such as yellow hair and bad boys, in order to promote newcomers. But as long as he doesn't care about his status and works seriously, what resources will he have in the music industry, and what about film and television resources? ?

Let’s not mention the music industry, there are too many good songs. In the film industry (The Love Between Ghosts) and those still in the late stages of production (Jurassic Park), which one is not a super big project?

Even in the TV variant (Stairway to Heaven), Ah Wing also stole the spotlight from F4 combined. (Meteor Garden) favored four beauties, Zhou Haimei and Zhang Min, while that version of Kingdom of Heaven only favored Zhang Guorong and Gong Li.

There is also Liang Jiahui, who never minds playing supporting roles to support newcomers and never cares about his celebrity status, so Ah Fai's resume is equally brilliant.

The speed of life and death (never compromise) is enough for Ah Fai to play this classic role for the rest of his life.

At this stage in the Hong Kong film industry, there are really too many big stars who don't care about relegating their status to support newcomers. If they perform well, they may get the next role to catch up with Ah Wing and Ah Fai.

Moreover, another biggest change in Hong Kong's Haowan film and television industry is that almost no female stars have the obsession to marry into a wealthy family... because even if they cannot easily become a wealthy family like Guan Jiahui and Zhou Huimin, they can easily become wealthy.

Like Koo Tim Lok, he earns more than 20 million from selling goods in half a year. His income is much more than what many wealthy people can get from their parents for pocket money.

Wang Zuxian has acted in a lot of ghost movies, and she doesn't have many outstanding achievements in selling goods. However, as the ancient costume trend continues to become popular in Haowan, Hong Kong, there are many women buying ancient costumes, Hanfu, etc., and many of them buy Wang Zuxian's models. She continued to save for several years, and now she still earns several million.

Coupled with the chariot of speculation in Japanese yen and foreign exchange, a few million has already turned into tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

While joking, Ah-yin was excited, "My character is a big star. Whenever I go out, I am at the forefront of trends. I am the spokesperson of a fashionable luxury brand. I think I can earn a lot this time..."

As we all know, ATV's big idol drama projects are basically tactical drama king projects that major brands spend a lot of money to compete for.

The heroine with the persona of a big star is too greedy for the endorsement of luxury brands. If the money is too little, who will use your goods?

"As soon as the news about Sister Hong's TV series (My Love from the Star) got out, someone from Dior came to me and said that they would not only spend HK$5 million to invest in the crew and use the branded products as I wanted, but they also wanted to give me HK$5 million. , let me use more Dior lenses..."

"This was something that happened before the group was officially established. This money-making thing is really an exaggeration."

Miao Qiaowei narrowed his eyes with laughter, "Lixin also approached me. In addition to their usual sponsorship of 5 million to join the crew, they also wanted to give me 2 million to wear more Armani suits."

"Actually, if my character wasn't too villainous and perverted, I would definitely bring my own food to travel through the Han world."

Miao Qiaowei's current status is not as high as that of Goo Jai, Wang Zuxian and others, but he is also a veteran of the Five Tigers era. As we all know, the second male lead of Star Ni is the spare tire of one of the heirs of the plutocrats. Miao Qiaowei plays the second male lead's brother. Even if he is a villain and a psychopath, he is still a chaebol heir.

The cost of food and clothing should also be closer to the high-end.

This can pick up 2 million, and Amiao is so happy.

As for Lixin giving him 2 million to wear more Armani? ? This is a cool operation from Li Xin. After receiving the money happily, A Miao will naturally do things.

Under his words, a group of big stars looked sideways. I think Li Xin was a bit of a loser this time, but in serious business wars, similar incidents happen one after another. The most classic one is of course the movie directed by Zeng Mowei. (Crazy Coke) "Brand, Coca-Cola!".

When it comes to destroying people, crooks can be found everywhere.

By the way, Ah Wei has not only played one movie (Crazy Coke), he has also helped Golden Harvest direct several films for Black Procter \u0026 Gamble and Unilever. Let’s put it this way, Ah Wei’s influence is also pretty good.

I heard that Procter \u0026 Gamble and Unilever spared a few circles and issued a death warrant in Haowan, Hong Kong, offering a reward of 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

It's a pity that Zou Sheng spoke up to save Zeng Mowei, otherwise... he would have exploded long ago.

At this stage, Ah Wei is on another level of majesty and domineering, but as long as he leaves the Hong Kong bend, it is estimated that it will be difficult to survive until the third day.

Within the scope of Hong Kong Haowan, Zou Wenhuai can rely on his core influence as a member of Zhao's Pictures. Let me tell Bao Awei, you really don't have the ability to go to places such as the island country of Xingma, Thailand, etc.

Ah Wei is the kind of person who thrives by hanging out with big buddies such as Deng Yurong, Huang Langwei, Fu Jun, Chen Huimin, etc. He can play in the big guys' venues to the point of kidney failure and make a lot of money. That's right, the major brands can't afford it. Move every project that Zhao Donghuai masters.

But the various international big names who are competing against Shao Yifu, Lei Juekun, Zou Wenhuai, etc. still dare not mess with you, Ah Wei? ?

Director Zeng is among the Seven Monsters of Xinyi City, and he takes the most "skeleton-surprising" route.

Under such circumstances, when Chen Hong and Mei Xiaoqing walked into the office, a group of celebrities who were having a heated conversation fell silent, and then collectively stood up and shouted "Sister Hong" to say hello.

Chen Hong smiled brightly and said, "Hi everyone, this is my first time working on a TV series production project, and I have to learn more from Sister Mei."

Mei Xiaoqing is also very talkative in every scene. She has now achieved the status and honorific title of the godmother of Asian idol dramas.


Same with ATV.

Zhao Donghuai didn't care about the situation of the crew of "My Love from the Star". He was in the screening room, enjoying an animated blockbuster (Kung Fu Panda 1) with gusto.

Since the settlement of the foreign exchange market in the middle and late stages, Zhao Donghuai has been living comfortably at night in the Financial Building, but a lot of his daily work has been transferred to the ATV Building and the Film Industry Building.

On April 23, 1986, he asked Azhen, a super useful and fun little secretary, to contact the American Film Studio to develop the (Kung Fu Panda) and (The Lion King) series.

The big team started working on it. Now it's been one year and three months. (The Lion King) has actually just started the large-scale production process. Before, it had been all kinds of filings and preparations.

But (Kung Fu Panda) came out.

After watching a wonderful cartoon, Director Zhao couldn't help but sigh, "As expected of Shangmei Factory, it is truly a global leader in the field of animation. We will arrange for people to dub various versions and add subtitles."

"Wait until the popularity of (New Fairy Ghost 1) subsides, and then we can hit the summer season!"

"By the way, Europe and the United States will also vigorously promote this animated film. Once it is completed, it will be a small gold mine..."

No, in fact the (Kung Fu Panda) series can also be regarded as a gold mine. After all, the first three series have grossed US$1.8 billion in box office worldwide.

That’s a full 14 billion Hong Kong dollars. If you include video tapes and other peripheral sales, it will be even more exaggerated.

At least during the movie version of Zhao Donghuai, various dinosaur toys for Jurassic Park had already been developed and stocked in large quantities on the production line. Of course, animated movies such as Kung Fu Panda also need to be equipped with a full set of toy operations.

(New Mr. Zombie) or even (A Chinese Ghost Story 1) cannot be expected to be a hit in Europe and the United States. This is at most a big project in the Asian film industry.

Kung Fu Panda Po is different!

Toys, cultural shirts and other peripheral products can all enter the market through AMC theaters and Marvel comics retail stores in Europe and the United States. Naturally, cultural shirts are also products of Han Dynasty.

This series of movies is a complete project worth tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

In terms of dubbing, of course you can also hire professional dubbing talents. Whether they are Chinese superstars or European and American new stars, you can get a lot of them from the Hong Kong film industry.

White movie star? Al Pacino, Bruce Willis, Isabel Adjani, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, etc., which star does not currently have great appeal around the world? ?

One film (Pretty Woman) earned more than 400 million in global box office during this year's Lunar New Year. Bruce Willis, including Julia, the big-mouthed beauty, is also a hit type.

Alco, who just won an Oscar this year, asked them to dub a cartoon and was given a big red envelope afterwards.

This summer season, there are really a lot of blockbusters and good movies.

(Ip Man 1) (A Chinese Ghost Story 1) (Kung Fu Panda) (Ancient and Modern War between Qin Terracotta Warriors) (Die Hard 2)...

There are all kinds of explosions in film and television projects, TV series? (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) is coming soon, and is already in post-production in the Mainland, including dubbing and soundtracking.

He started investing in this blockbuster-level project in December 1984. Even when filming (The Biography of Wang Wenxia), five directors temporarily interrupted their schedules to shoot historical footage of the Anti-Japanese War.

But that was less than a month.

Therefore, the 31-month production cycle from team building to filming has finally come to fruition.

The Han Tianxia series, not to mention how to make money in the field of clothing, brand shoes and various celebrity models can all wait for the hit TV series to start bombarding Asia.

What do you say about this TV series? Not to mention that the director is the same group of people as the original 90s version, and the main actors are almost all the original actors.

The difference is that Mr. Bao, who was originally in his forties to play Prime Minister Cao, went to play the role in his thirties a few years earlier, and Mr. Sun, who was in his forties to play Uncle Liu, went to play the role in his 30s.

This situation is not caused by Zhao Donghuai's strong recommendation or anything, but by the situation of the director team. The six directors discussed the method that the main role actors and every applicant who comes, as long as they can't let all six of them. If you are satisfied, switch to the next one to perform.

A large group of actors come to compete for roles such as Uncle Liu Huang and Prime Minister Cao. Even if five directors are satisfied with a candidate, if the last director thinks it is not good, you will be eliminated.

Under this screening standard... the lineup that is almost the same as the original version is a reasonable performance.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which lasted for more than 80 episodes, started bombing Asia in early August 1987. It was definitely a super support for the brand (Han Tianxia).

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