Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 188 The 87 version of Dream of Red Mansions is coming

Zhao Donghuai was full of confidence in the TV series (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms) which lasted for more than 80 episodes. Just as he was arranging various related matters before and after the broadcast of "The King of the Three Kingdoms", Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and ran in to report, "Boss, the people from the Red Mansion crew Arrived at port."

"Everything has been arranged at the Peninsula Hotel. Are we going to let ATV start the announcement?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Just start the normal promotion tomorrow. I am also confident in this series."

That's right, except that (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) has come to an end in its 31-month production cycle, (Dream of Red Mansions) this...

Going round and round, even though he started investing in (Dream of Red Mansions) in March 1984, this series has only been completed until now.

This project is a bit demanding and difficult.

In March 1984, ATV won ATV, and he successively invested in (Journey to the West) (Dream of Red Mansions), and urged Director Yang and Director Wang to hurry up and feel the pressure. The two crews worked very hard, and the progress after that was directed by Director Yang. (Journey to the West) crew filmed 18 episodes at the end of August.

Director Wang's (Dream of Red Mansions) crew filmed 20 episodes at the end of August 1984...and then couldn't continue filming.

After all, there are certain differences between Journey to the West and Dream of Red Mansions. Journey to the West spent a lot of money to speed up the production, with more cameras, assistant directors, etc., which can speed up the production.

But Dream of Red Mansions was accelerated under pressure, and the filming caused a lot of people to feel awkward. They always felt that the filming was too fast, and it smelled a bit shoddy. Let me just say one thing. In order to restore the masterpiece of Red Mansions as much as possible, the costumes of this series The chief designer has designed more than 2,700 costumes for a TV series.

All the details of the costumes are also based on the ancient background. Wang Xifeng, played by Le Yun, has more than 40 different costumes and appeared in more than 30 episodes.

The costumes are like this, as are other scenes, snacks, fruits, jewelry and other daily items, all carefully prepared and crafted to be close to the background era.

Because the filming was so fast, a set of costumes originally designed for a certain scene appeared, but before they had time to be actually produced... that scene was shot in other costumes.

This happens frequently when it comes to scenery and various other objects.

When the news was reported to Zhao Donghuai, Director Zhao was quite speechless. Then he stopped urging Dream of Red Mansions. Since you all think there are many flaws, just reshoot the dramas that were speeded up.

He doesn't want to mess up a classic simply for some commercial ratings!

Besides, at that time, projects (Meteor Garden) were being launched and they were about to start bombing Asia. Idol drama projects were coming one after another, and ATV had no shortage of one (Dream of Red Mansions) to support its ratings.

After September 1984, the crew started reshooting some dramas, and then in December... Zhao Donghuai spent money again to start working on (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms), and he named Director Wang of (The Red Mansion) as the director. director.

Director Wang started filming The Red Mansion and Three Kingdoms at the same time.

After all, these two classic TV dramas from the 1980s and 1990s were originally produced by Director Wang. If not him, who would be the director?

It's the same way, reshoots and extra scenes were done slowly and slowly. The 1987 version (Dream of Red Mansions) in the original track only came to 1987 to complete everything.

He is even slower than in the original track. The original track Red Mansion began to be broadcast on TV stations in the mainland and Hong Kong Island in early May 1987, and in this dimension, it is now July 8, 1987!

Who made Director Wang helpless? The chief director of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also plays a very important role.

The Red Mansion comes first, with a total of only 36 episodes. If it airs two episodes a day, it will be finished in late July. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms will be released in early August. It is a perfect summer release.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "How do you feel after the creators of Red Mansions came to Hong Kong? Are you still used to it? Please tell me, try to let the crew and creative team have a more intimate and comfortable trip to Hong Kong Island, and don't let some messy things get in their way. .”

A classic TV series of the era adapted from four famous works, Journey to the West has bombarded Hong Kong and even the markets of Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as early as 1985.

In this summer vacation of 1987, I have two more movies in a row, which is very exciting.

At that time, the creative team of Journey to the West was also very popular and made a lot of money. Just a Wanjia instant noodle card collection event. The four-person team and director Yang learned from the experience and each made hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars with their goods.

That's not a month or two, but something accumulated over many years.

The Journey to the West mask project, small toys, etc. developed by the Zhao Group has also become popular in Asia. It has also made the main creator a huge amount of money. It is still the same old rules, no matter Tang Monk or Monkey, Sha Monk, Zhu Bajie and other masks and small toys.

For every one sold, the actor gets a dime or a yuan.

At the beginning, the Instant Noodles Ji Ka Yang Dao Ka and the four-person Qi Sutra group all drew a piece and shared it.

Wanjia Instant Noodles relies on the card collection activities to defeat all other competing brands in Hong Kong. Even if it later entered the Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, and the island country of South Korea, it relied on the card collection game to achieve a leading position in the market.

If those markets hadn't put various restrictions on Wanjia's card-collecting activities, and even imposed heavy taxes to force Wanjia's retail prices to increase, and the prices were much higher than other brands of instant noodles, the South Korean island country and Xingma Tai would almost have a monopoly.

Of course, this is not a simple normal business war. For example, other brands of instant noodles in the island country are also collecting cards, but they do not have copyrights to do so... It is an island country after all, and Zhao Donghuai's power cannot go too far.

You can't plagiarize a collectible card game without paying the copyright. You can just amplify the bomb and cause humane destruction, right? That is inconsistent with the reality of business war.

The main creative team of Journey to the West achieved personal financial freedom early on.

This time, the crew of (Dream of Red Mansions) will come to Hong Kong in July, and the main creative team of (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) will come to Hong Kong in August.

You can continue to make great contributions to Wanjia brand instant noodles!

Of course, the main creators of the Money Tree crew must be more thoughtful in their arrangements. Why are Youshuo (Meteor Garden) (Blue Life and Death Love) and others not included in the collectible card game?

Because those are fashionable modern idol dramas, all kinds of messy advertising plans have been promoted a lot, and the coverage is very strong. Adding card collecting games and having too many different sets of cards will only reduce the interest of collectors.

Does the king come to collect cards for every popular drama? ? The enthusiasm for the game faded away as I kept playing.

This is just like a movie theme that has become popular in the Hong Kong film industry. Dozens or hundreds of follow-up projects immediately appear, and it is a natural thing to quickly defeat a theme.

So far, Wanjia Instant Noodles’ card collection game has only released three sets of cards, (Journey to the West) (Calabash Brothers) and (New White Snake Legend)!

Director Zhao remembers that in his original trajectory before time travel, ATV Qiu Sheng bought out the rights to broadcast "Dream of Red Mansions" on Hong Kong Island at a price of US$1,800 per episode, and invited the crew to come to Hong Kong to promote it. The treatment given was very good. good.

Qiu Sheng has already managed ATV, so naturally he cannot be worse than the original Lao Qiu.


Peninsula Hotel.

For the creators of Red Mansion who have just moved in and have not yet started the publicity mode, Director Wang is not here because Director Wang is still working on the later stage of (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) in the Mainland.

This time, a Korean producer came to Hong Kong to lead the team.

In a hotel room, Ouyang Fenqiang and Kang Li were walking around excitedly, looking at each other and feeling that everything was fresh.

After all, this was only the 1980s, and the suites at the Peninsula Hotel were indeed more comfortable than many hotels and guest houses in the mainland.

Finally, Ouyang arrived in front of the color TV and opened the big drawer below. "There are so many video tapes in there. I feel like we can live happily without going out for shopping besides interviews and press releases."

Kang Li also smiled brightly, "I didn't expect you to bring your family members when you come to Hong Kong. I just took a good opportunity."

Ouyang and Kang Li met and fell in love when they were filming in 1981, so in the 1987 version of the crew, Brother Bao and Sister Lin... came to Hong Kong this time, and the "Sister Lin" also brought her husband.

Sister Lin and Mr. Bi received the certificate after taking the Red Mansion this year.

Ouyang excitedly pulled through the boxes of video tapes. Just when he was looking for a good movie to try, he heard a knock on the door.

When Kang Li opened the door, she found "Sister Lin" and Mr. Bi outside the door.

Chen Xiaoxu smiled decisively and said, "Zhao Cang Yuan, your room is not bad."

The recruitment was a nickname given to Ouyang by Chen Xiaoxu when they were still on the crew. Ouyang was not to be outdone, "Hey, Sister Lin is good at everything, but she is not pretty enough. The whole crew recognizes it."

This is why Director Wang has always felt that although Chen Xiaoxu defeated a large number of competitors and won the role of Lin Daiyu in The Red Mansion, it is still a bit regretful... She would have been more beautiful.

The two bickered for a while before Chen Xiaoxu said worriedly, "Hey, do you think our TV series is really going to be popular? It won't attract a lot of scolding after it's aired, right?"

Judging from the perspective of the 2020s, the 1987 version of Dream of Red Mansions is certainly a classic among classics. However, since the establishment of the Red Mansions project, criticism and curses from outside have never stopped.

A well-known cannon is a writer Wang from Beijing. Whether it was when the filming project was started, during the filming or after the TV broadcast in 1987, he publicly fired more than once, "The Red Mansion clearly says "Bring Qing", what does Jia Baoyu look like without a whip?" ?”

"The classic classic The Twelve Hairpins in Red Mansions. That old man chose a bunch of brats, and their acting skills were too poor and their performances were stiff. It was all nonsense."

In addition to the writer Lao Wang who scolded Director Wang and the crew for the project, there were also many others who scolded him.

Even in the early days of Zhao Donghuai's investment, Zhao Sheng was far from showing strong strength in the mainland, and the criticism and criticism never stopped.

Director Wang, who is in his 50s, directed Red Mansions. He was criticized for being a young director who has no qualifications and has never proven himself. The crew was definitely a disaster and a waste of money for him.

It was also as Zhao Donghuai's influence grew and more and more people ate with him... that the mainland's scolding and criticism of the Red Mansions crew, including the Three Kingdoms crew, decreased significantly and dissipated.

There have been fewer criticisms and scoldings recently, but that doesn’t mean that the creative team has forgotten their past experiences!

Ouyang became nervous when he mentioned this, "The precedent set by Journey to the West is too exaggerated. Director Yang's Journey to the West caused a sensation throughout Asia. I heard that over the past two years, Director Yang and Teacher Zhang have been selling their own products. Earned tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars."

"At present, in the mainland film and television industry, there are very few people with as much wealth as Director Yang and others."

"I don't expect to make much money selling goods, as long as too many people don't scold me. In order to play Jia Baoyu well, I had to cut my chin, and I suffered a lot."

When he mentioned this, Mr. Bi became excited, "Don't worry, Hong Kong Island Zhao Sheng's vision is there. Is he wrong? He is the richest Chinese in the world."

"No matter how others comment that Director Wang is too young and not qualified enough, Zhao Sheng personally appointed Director Wang to be the chief director of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

"With that person here, Dream of Red Mansions has been filming for so many years, and it is definitely not bad! After it is broadcast, regardless of the ratings, the popularity of the TV series will be best reflected by the role cards of the crew entering the Wanjia instant noodle sales system. of."

"As long as our character cards are popular, it represents the overwhelming public opinion and the people's favorites. Who are those who are disdainful?"

Lao Bi is also an actor. He met Chen Xiaoxu a few years ago and encouraged her to audition for the role of Sister Lin. Now that she is able to get the certificate, it can be regarded as a success. Although the two of them will have too much friction in their lives in the future because of their incompatible personalities.

Now is the wedding period.

He is also looking forward to the Dream of Red Mansions becoming a big hit and making more money. The creative team of the Journey to the West project team has set such a good precedent!

Let’s talk about Director Yang of Journey to the West. He made tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars from selling various peripherals and made a fortune in foreign exchange for Taiwan. Not only did he achieve financial freedom easily, he also directed last year’s Spring Festival Gala. This year, he is throwing money at a grand scale and has started filming. (Jigong Living Buddha).

The project is set to be thirty episodes long, starring You Benchang.

Nothing else, if you have money, everyone will not be short of money!

You must know that in the classic TV series of the 1980s and 1990s, Jigong was also one of the role models, but from 1985 to 1995... this was also 4 episodes a year? 2 episodes? 6 episodes? ?

On and off, on and off, because of lack of money.

It wasn't until 1995 that he dared to launch 20 episodes in one go. After 1985, Director Yang of Journey to the West, who became extremely rich, launched 30 episodes because of his abundant financial resources.

Who wouldn’t want to be as popular as the crew of Journey to the West and earn so much money? ? The Hong Kong dollars you earn from bringing goods only need to be converted into U.S. dollars, and then converted into RMB in the mainland. The money is still yours, but the achievement of foreign exchange earning is a real honor that falls on you.

Following Lao Bi's words, Ouyang and Chen Xiaoxu, who were still nervous at first, suddenly felt a lot more at ease. Yes... no matter how many people scolded their crew for ruining classics before.

But Hong Kong Island's Zhao Sheng is considered by many to be the richest Chinese man and the richest in the world. His vision has always been precise. Can Director Wang, whom Zhao Sheng appointed, be able to make a big TV series go to waste? This is impossible.

They don't have enough confidence in themselves. They have confidence in Director Wang, but it's not too absolute, but their confidence in Zhao Sheng? ?

It was an unprecedented abundance. The world was so big and there were so many human beings. What kind of genius or epoch-making figure could someone like Zhao Sheng be? ? That kind of big shot has good vision.

Can you still earn so much if you have poor vision?

It was under such circumstances that the creative team of Red Mansions, after experiencing the new arrival on the 8th and adapting to the environment, began to cooperate with ATV to record programs on the 9th. They all wore Dream of Red Mansions costumes to the audience to promote Red Mansions.

On the evening of the 10th, Dream of Red Mansions will air for two consecutive episodes at 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

On the morning of the 11th, as newspapers swept across Hong Kong, countless Hong Kong residents quickly discovered the film reviews directed at the crew of the 1987 version of Dream of Red Mansions.

Oriental Daily: "Lin Qingxia talked about The Red Chamber, saying that Mr. Ouyang's version of Jia Baoyu from Mainland China is much better than the Jia Baoyu she played in the role 10 years ago, and is more in line with the image of the classic masterpiece."

Kowloon Daily: "Asian King Leslie praised the mainland version of Dream of Red Mansions, saying it has the quality of the movie version. No wonder a TV series can be filmed for many years. If you think of it as a sequence of 36 movies, you will understand!"

"Speaking of beauty, Ah Wing feels that Jia Baoyu in Red Mansions, which he shot in 1977, is more handsome than Mr. Ouyang, but the character image is not as consistent with the original work as Mr. Ouyang's interpretation."


Not only Lin Qingxia and Zhang Guorong, the creative team of Dream of Red Mansions who have filmed the TVB version of the TV series, such as Wu Weiguo, Wang Mingquan and other stars, have also begun to support the 87 Dream of Red Mansions through newspapers and magazines...

Hong Kongwan has filmed so many versions of Dream of Red Mansions, which is enough to prove how popular this big IP is. It all depends on who makes the most exciting film.

If we talk about this version of Red Mansion, when it premiered last night, the ratings were not too high. However, with the help of this series of big stars, the two episodes of the joint broadcast on the night of the 11th immediately became popular, and the ratings were easily beaten by TVB. The two-hour prime time period begins, and the thigh era comes out to sell tea!

Shao Daheng is very stable. There are several different versions of (N0 Body) and (Calories) with different choreography. As long as you play it on the TV station, you will watch it repeatedly and be brainwashed by the singing and dancing.

As long as there is enough brainwashing, won't the tea business take off? ?

Even during the broadcast of "Dream of Red Mansions", ATV showed advertising time between the two episodes, and there was still no shortage of citizens turning to the channel to watch the tea advertisements from the thigh era.

The songs are still those brainwashing songs, but the dance styles are different. New versions will be updated frequently including new costumes.

However, there is one thing to say. Putting aside the publicity of Lin Qingxia, Zhang Guorong and others, this version (Dream of Red Mansions) itself is really of sufficient quality. It can be said that in the era of celebrities, it would be difficult to film it decades later. A classic texture.

With Zhao Donghuai taking the lead, after the series was aired, there were of course criticisms. Many elderly people, especially educated people, felt that the filming was not as good as expected, but these voices basically did not reach any media platform.

The creative team of Dream of Red Mansions also became popular.

Wanjia Instant Noodles' collection card game has been launched, and the most popular one is of course not Ouyang Fenqiang, but the Red Mansion 12 Hairpins.

When the Monkey swept across Asia in 1985, it was obviously a crew full of beautiful women. Countless viewers inexplicably kept their eyes on Brother Monkey, but countless children started a craze for collecting cards, and there were more and more collections...

Unexpectedly, the adults realized belatedly, how could there be so many beauties in Journey to the West? Why did not I see? ?

This time is different.

There are many different styles of costume cards in Red Mansion 12 Chai, and many adults actively hint and acquiesce to the children running to collect the cards.

Wanjia instant noodles are really delicious!


When "Dream of Red Mansions" started its glorious journey in Hong Kong, Director Zhao of Zhao's Pictures was still planning and checking the arrangement and progress of various film projects of the entire group.

Zhang Min hurriedly knocked on the door and ran in, "Wow, boss, something big happened."

When she ran to hide in Director Zhao's arms and rubbed the safety lever, she exclaimed, "Just an hour ago, there was a gun battle on Deep Water Bay Road, and Li's small convoy was ambushed."

"Two of his bodyguards were killed and five were injured, and two more are being rescued. Fortunately, Li was riding in a bulletproof car. He only managed to scare off the gangsters with the support of the police. In the process, the gunfight also injured innocent people. Three ordinary people were injured. A passer-by was hit by a stray bullet.”

"Aren't the Eagles and the gang in the island country? Where did this tough guy come from to target Li Chao?"

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "Come again??"

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought. What kind of exaggerated reputation did Zhi Ren and Wang Dehui have in the kidnapping world, so that waves of men kept targeting them?

Isn’t it just that in 1983, Lao Wang happily gave 11 million U.S. dollars to the gangsters? In November last year, Li Chao and Wang Dehui teamed up to give 300 million U.S. dollars to the Eagle gang...

Well, this is not small money!

For those extremely vicious, barefoot gangsters, who had been kidnapped twice, those two rich men really gained a golden reputation.

When he first learned about the kidnapping case in November last year, he didn't know who the gangster Tian Tuan was, but he knew it was the gangster Zhang Jun before the Hong Kong police and community members inquired about the situation.

This... In the future of the 21st century in the 10s, the prototypes in police movies (anti-violence) are indeed cruel and inhumane. They were blown away by various butterfly effects to work in Hong Kong Island. Director Zhao can only say that Lao Li and Lao Wang are too unlucky. .

Zhang Jun, in a certain simulation, he asked Ye Jihuan to help Guan Shan collect a lottery prize worth 10 million US dollars. He also simulated it once. In the simulation, Zhang Jun died in May 1987. He played too much. Hey, hundreds of people in Tokyo were killed after they slapped the police in the face.

However, simulator simulation is one thing. When time passes to that point, it is hard to say whether something will officially happen.

Because in order to prepare for the 1987 stock market crash, Zhao Donghuai started to let the Hong Kong bad boy team travel to Tokyo in April. Too many people went... and there were also a lot of troubles.

Naturally, it disrupted the efforts of the Tokyo police and the Yamaguchi group to hunt down Zhang Jun. The guy is still hiding in Tokyo, alive.

In the simulator, when Ye Jihuan's team brought back the lottery winnings and ran away, only Zhang Jun and his group were the most active in Tokyo, and they were easily discovered and rounded up. A group of brothers crossing the sea? ?

There were too many people making trouble, and the police and Yamaguchi group were disturbed. It was too easy for Zhang Jun to escape accidentally.

He is sure that not only Zhang Jun is alive in Tokyo, but many bad guys from Hong Kong have also left Hong Kong, right? ?

Who is it this time? So fierce? The police were traveling in a bulletproof car, with four cars in front and back and 12 bodyguards. How could something happen? Two dead and five injured? ? The gangsters only ran away when the police team arrived? ?

He was speechless for a few seconds before waving his hand, "Go and have someone check, who is so unruly?"

Zhang Min was stunned, "Huh? Boss, do you want to help Lao Li?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "No, I just want to see who is so inhumane."

One attack resulted in two deaths and five injuries. This was even more fierce than Zhang Jun's appearance. At least Zhang Jun had not successfully killed a mainlander or Hong Konger. He only fully awakened after arriving in Tokyo, as if he had entered a complete body. .

Just like in his original historical trajectory, he killed everyone randomly.

Zhang Min suddenly realized, "I've already asked someone to check it. It probably won't be too difficult."

Even if it is Zhang Jun, there are traces of how he sneaks into the country and preys on smugglers, and how he preys on gangsters when he is a gunman.

This group of guys will leave traces no matter how well planned they are.

This is indeed the case. Two hours later, a file was placed on Zhao Donghuai's desk. There were four people who attacked the small convoy of people. The leader was about 1.7 meters tall, with a strong build, and wore a mask of King Dhrita Dhrita when he was doing things.

His three accomplices were wearing masks of the King of Growth in Journey to the West, the King of Guangmu, and the King of Duowen respectively. They were suspected to be from Wushi in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River who smuggled themselves into Hong Kong more than a month ago.

They had done nothing wrong with the Hong Kong community. They paid enough money to be smuggled in and were polite and polite. They basically lived in Tsuen Wan for more than a month. According to some of their neighbors, the young man who led them was kind, self-disciplined, and liked reading (Sun Tzu's Art of War). ) (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) and even (World Police) and other books are all his carry-on items.

The guy also bought a lot of Hong Kong Island maps...

As for the team of suspects who stole the guns from the convoy? The Hong Kong Haowan Society and the police have not found out where they got it.

The police are still conducting ballistic tests on firearms and tracing the source of the firearms.

As for them running away after the failed attack on Li's men? All I know is that I went out to sea in a speedboat, and I am not sure where I escaped to.

This is the information collected temporarily.

After reading it, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but sigh, "Damn, what a group of talents. The leader likes to read books? Sun Tzu's Art of War, Romance of the Three Kingdoms??"

A native of Wucheng, he likes reading and is self-disciplined... Could he be Zhang Minggao, that killer? ? The original trajectory goes to 1991, when a murder that shocked the world occurred in Wuchang. Three security guards from a rubber factory were killed on New Year's Eve, and their heads were cut off.

It was Zhang Minggao who did it. After tracing it to the end, the reason was that the man named Zhang was disturbed by setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year. He went to the security guard to argue that he suffered some losses, then turned around and killed the trio.

It’s already early 1991 and you’re still beheading? ? The police pursued him for almost a year before arresting him and sentencing him to death. It was this arrest that set off a series of major cases, all of which were committed by a man named Zhang who had committed murder and robbery since 1982...

By the time he was executed, the number of lives in his hands had already exceeded 20. He had killed so many people, and the number of people injured was even more exaggerated.

That guy is not a womanizer. He has been self-disciplined in studying, improving and training himself. He is dedicated to making a fortune. The various robberies and murders in the past few years since his debut are basically unsolved cases.

He wandered around Wu City and killed so many people for many years without being arrested. Even the arrest warrant was not sent to him in time, which is enough to testify to the cleverness and ruthlessness of this man.

And the person named Zhang is only 24 years old now!

The killings started in 1982. In the winter of 1983, he killed eight innocent citizens of Wu City in one winter. At that time, he had just turned 20 years old.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai said decisively to Zhang Min, "Send a message and ask people to check on this guy more. If possible, arrest him. Don't let him hurt too many innocent people!"

This guy is already at the full level, smarter and fiercer than Zhang Jun, and he is really merciless in killing innocent people.

Fuck, Lao Li and Lao Wang are so attractive to other powerful men!

It's only been more than half a year, and it's not easy to be targeted twice by two gangs of gangsters whose surname is Zhang.

What he is saying now is not to help Li arrest someone, but an innocent passerby has been accidentally injured. Compared with Zhang Jun's first crime, there is no bottom line. The kidnapping case of Zhang Jun's gang at least did not hurt ordinary citizens at the scene or afterwards.

Zhang Min nodded in agreement, and then asked curiously, "Boss, it feels a bit weird. Why do these guys like to wear Journey to the West character masks so much when doing things? We originally sold these masks, toys, etc..."

“Isn’t that the original intention?!”

Zhang Jun's gang wears masks such as Zhu Bajie, Golden Horn King, Silver Horn King, Black Bear Spirit, etc. when doing work. Is the new gang so showy? Pay directly to the Four Heavenly Kings? ?

As soon as these words came out, even Director Zhao was completely speechless.

Forget it, he won't take the blame. Even if he didn't invest in the crew of the 86 version of Journey to the West, wouldn't Yang Ma be able to continue filming? At most, it’s a bit difficult to photograph, but there will also be a wide variety of peripheral products sweeping across Asia.

Besides, without these masks, wouldn’t the gangsters wear stockings?

Can you say that the original inventor of stockings, as well as the best-selling brands at this stage, were all prepared for the bandits? ? That's obviously not the case.


In Central, Mr. Li put down his phone and walked to the glass window to take a look at the street view under the building. He found that there were at least 20 uniformed police patrolling in his sight.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the police officer turned around, he complained to Wang Dehui, who was pale, "Push to the street, the two bodyguards who are in emergency care have finally passed the most dangerous period, who the hell are they??"

Even if he stopped playing Japanese yen foreign exchange and stopped losing money so quickly, he still wouldn't be able to withstand the sneak attacks from successive waves of capable men.

Isn’t it enough to bring 10 bodyguards when you go out? If the bulletproof car hadn't been on top for a while, the bodyguard team would have been reliable. The police came quickly, and he...

Wang Dehui took a long breath and said, "These shameless little red guys... is it easy for us to make some money? No, we have to find a way. We really can't go on like this."

"Even if those guys are doing it for money, they probably won't do anything to us before they get the money, but they may not stop fighting after they get the money. Not everyone follows the same rules as the gangsters in the previous two times."

"Besides, if there's a gunfight, we might be killed by stray bullets. We can't sit in a bulletproof car all the time, right?"

"Hell, there are so many rich people in Hong Kong, they can't keep watching and kidnapping the two of us, right??"

Wang Dehui's shock value is very high, and Li Chaoren wants to vomit blood again. Why does he become the favorite in the eyes of the gang of gangsters? Isn’t it all caused by Lao Wang in front of me? The man surnamed Wang is a poor person in this world.

After thinking for dozens of seconds, Li Chaoren gritted his teeth and said, "I'll fly to South Korea right away, will you go?"

Wang Dehui was stunned, "South Korea?"

Lao Li nodded, "Go to South Korea to avoid the limelight and see if there are any development projects. If the group of guys headed by Eagle hadn't gone to Tokyo last time, they should be going to Tokyo for development now..."

Afterwards, he gradually received information about the gang of gangsters who kidnapped the two of them last year. In short, Zhang Jun went crazy in Tokyo!

The most wanted criminal in the entire island nation!

Looking at the record of Zhang Jun's team in Tokyo, Lao Li was very lucky that the group last year still followed the rules and let them go after receiving the money.

It simply doesn't follow logic. You have to know that Zhang Jun's team took 300 million from them, and they haven't spent all the money. They are all rich people, so they commit crimes in a series of inexplicable and muddle-headed ways? Just for the limelight? Feel good?

So baffling.

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