Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 189 An increasingly magical police story 3

Outside an abandoned big house on an outlying island in Hong Kong, Zhang Minggao took his last puff of cigarette, threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground, stamped it out with his feet, and walked into the big house.

In the room, two young men who were helping a gangster bandage and stop the bleeding immediately raised their heads and said with a smile, "Brother Ming, A Yi's injury is stabilized. Fortunately, he was only shot in the butt, so it is easy to deal with."

This is an abandoned uninhabited island area.

However, Zhang Minggao has always done things with thorough planning and careful deployment. For example, today they officially ambushed Li Chao's convoy. Before the war started, they had already arranged an escape route.

There were more than a few cars arranged on the escape route...stolen ones.

There is also a fully fueled speedboat parked on a certain beach in Deep Water Bay. It is this outlying island. Their team has also visited the spot in advance and placed enough food and water for four people to eat and drink for ten days, including various tools for treating injuries. Disinfectant alcohol, medicines, etc.

There was a fishing boat parked near the island. The oil on that fishing boat would allow them to flee directly to the high seas and wander around for a while.

Zhang Minggao smiled and nodded, "As long as it's okay, I'll take the three of you out. I hope you can all be brought back alive."

"Damn, the bodyguard team named Li is a bit ruthless."

He started committing crimes in 1982, and 83 killed eight people in a row. Over the years, hundreds of people have been robbed and injured by Zhang Minggao.

It was only those old people who allowed him to sneak into Hong Kong and pay for his daily living, food and accommodation, including renting a speedboat and a fishing boat. Of course, in the days after arriving in Hong Kong, he not only spent his capital, but also let his brothers steal some money. Money to replenish the team.

The three people in the abandoned house at the moment, A Lian, Da Xiong, and A Yi, were the core team that had done a lot of things with him.

Zhang Minggao, who has been through hard times since he was a child, also set big goals when he was a boy. He worked hard and self-disciplined and focused on training his professional qualities, including training the backbone of the team...

There is a saying, any one of the trio of Daxiong and Ayi is a qualified and outstanding elite gangster! And they are all single and have no worries. There was a Xiao Chen who worked with him, and they got married after doing it several times.

After marriage, Xiao Chen still wanted to continue to make a fortune, but Zhang Minggao decisively kicked him out of the team. The reason was that you were already married and were about to have a child. You should live a peaceful life, so don't follow me around.

After detailed planning and deployment, an ambush was carried out, and Zhang Minggao's four-man team fought with the bodyguard group, killing two and wounding five. Their own damage was that when they ran away when the situation was not right, A Yi was shot in the butt.

After the complaint ended, Zhang Minggao frowned and said, "Once you fail, it will become more difficult to cause trouble again. When A Yi's situation stabilizes, we will go to sea immediately to avoid the wind."

"If Hong Kong Island tries too hard to arrest us, we can go directly to Thailand or South Korea."

Big Bear scratched the back of his head, "How can you find out news while floating on the sea?"

Lao Zhang said calmly, "Either drive a speedboat back at night to collect old newspapers and magazines while replenishing food and water, or go to the high seas to find fishing boats and fishermen to inquire..."

"In fact, if you want to run away, Tokyo is the best choice, but I also heard that Tokyo is too chaotic and may not be a good place to go."

"On the other hand, there are a lot of high-quality fat sheep in Bangkok, Seoul and other places. If we miss the one named Li, we can always find a new target."

"Seoul has an advantage over Bangkok because it is easy to get guns there. Hurricane Rescue 2 has explained it very clearly. As long as you use money to break open the pockets of Amei's soldiers, getting guns is a trivial matter. Once you have guns, everything will be easy. .”

At this point, Zhang Minggao slapped his thigh and said, "Damn it, how much money did we have to rob in my hometown before? These rich people are still rich!"

He has committed a lot of crimes over the past five years and has taken a lot of lives, but how much money can he make from robbing? Just grabbing a few yuan or dozens of yuan at a time is not a small income.

Ever since I heard that Li Chaoren and Wang Dehui were kidnapped last year and they happily paid 300 million Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to a ransom of nearly 300 million yuan... Lao Zhang's eyes have turned red.

He grabs a few or dozens of dollars at a time, and even more is hundreds of dollars, or thousands of dollars. The situation does not exist until now. Others can get two to three billion in one play? ?

This is so fucking outrageous!

He was also risking his life. In the past, he was so arrogant that he looked at the sky from a well.

Daxiong stared, "Brother Ming? Did you remember correctly? Hurricane Rescue 2 went to Tokyo to cause trouble, and Seoul was not mentioned."

Lao Zhang stared at him speechlessly, "Are you stupid? There are no Amei family soldiers in Seoul? It's that kind of disaster. Tokyo can use money to destroy it, why can't Seoul do it?"

Big Bear, A Lian, "..."


A few hours later.

While the injured Ah Yi fell into a drowsy sleep, Zhang Minggao and others loaded all the supplies onto the fishing boat and quickly set sail towards the high seas. As we all know, Wu City is adjacent to the Yangtze River.

Although the river and the sea are not the same thing, Da Xiong, who can sail a boat, has already driven a fishing boat out to sea several times to practice his skills before doing anything.

It was two hours after the foursome left the outlying island that the Marine Police patrol speedboat arrived on the outlying island and began to search and inspect it.

Zhao Donghuai said, "Catch them as soon as possible if you can." The black and white groups in Hong Kong, including ordinary fishermen, all started to move, but they couldn't stand it. When Lao Zhang and others went out to sea from the Deep Water Bay area, the speedboat on the sea... The route of running and escaping was too too much.

The vast sea is full of escape directions.

Although Hong Kong Island is not large, it has many outlying islands. There are more than 200 large and small islands, most of which are uninhabited!


Kai Tak Airport.

Accompanied by bodyguards, secretaries, and others, Officer Li and Wang Dehui boarded the passenger plane bound for Seoul. The moment the plane took off, Officer Li took off his glasses and breathed a sigh of relief, wiping his mouth and saying, "It's finally safer."

"Seoul is not a paradise, but if HSBC greets us, we will get a good reception."

Wang Dehui sighed helplessly and looked through the glass window at the increasingly smaller airport below. "It's so lawless, but Lao Li, before we came here, did Zhao Sheng really say that he wanted to catch that wave of bandits?"

"He didn't speak to deal with us. Now it's a bit arbitrary for us to leave?"

Lao Li sneered, "You're so arbitrary. Even if we catch this wave, what about the next wave?? My bodyguard team is clamoring for a salary increase. Originally 50,000 a month was not enough after this shootout." …”

He also heard what Zhao Donghuai said, so what? Now that he's been caught and dealt with, aren't there any other gangsters targeting him? ?

If he hadn't been in the same situation, he would have wanted to beat Wang Dehui violently.


July 13.

After the 1987 version of Dream of Red Mansions aired for six consecutive episodes, the ratings frenzy triggered in Hong Kong became more and more popular. Originally, before the TV series was released, the main creative team felt that the middle-aged and elderly people should be the largest audience group, and young people may not be so interested. interest.

In fact, after doing some research after it was aired, everyone discovered that the people who watch it most are young people.

Zhao Donghuai was in the ATV office, chatting with Ouyang Fenqiang, Chen Xiaoxu and other creators, talking about ratings and the future...

Qiu Shuzhen knocked on the door and came over with a smile, "Boss, Guo Sheng from Sun Hung Kai, Li Sheng from Henderson Land Development, and the super playboy from Zhao Chuanwang's family are here to visit you."

As soon as these words came out, Ouyang, Chen Xiaoxu and others stood up and left one after another.

After all, everyone was just met by the boss of ATV and had a casual chat, but there was no major topic.

After a group of actors left, Zhao Donghuai soon met Guo Bingxiang, Li Zhaoji, Zhao Shizeng and others.

After meeting, after the initial courtesy, Li Zhaoji said decisively, "Sheng Zhao, are you interested in buying a stake in my Hong Kong and China Gas? I hold 26% of the shares in Towngas. If Mr. Zhao is interested, he can take it as much as he wants. Become the largest shareholder.”

"Also, the New World Passenger Transport chaired by Ms. Qiu and Ms. Zhang can also cooperate with my Yau Ma Tei Ferry in all aspects. Although the current Ferry Group has a lot of white capital, if Mr. Zhao is willing, we can drive away the white capital. It’s not difficult either.”

Zhao Donghuai was very happy. How could he be so cheap? ?

Thinking about it carefully, he also knew the reason for this, "The Gas Group is indeed good. I will invest more than ten percent of the shares and be the second shareholder. Let's cooperate strategically."

"A-Zhen, it's not a bad thing that your New World also has a certain stake in Yau Ma Tei Ferry."

Qiu Shuzhen was overjoyed, "Good boss, the ferries that used to come back to Hong Kong were Yau Ma Tei Ferry and New World Ferry. Star Ferry, the charter king, has not developed that business. It will be more convenient if we work together now!"

Li Daheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he feels that his background should be stronger than that of Li Chao and Wang Dehui. After all, gas passenger transportation is not an ordinary small industry. But now, having reached an in-depth cooperative relationship with Zhao Donghuai, the sense of security will naturally be greater.

He is not giving money directly, but Zhao Donghuai is joining his industry, which will help the public's confidence in stocks.

At worst, in the future for gas and passenger transportation, just listen to Zhao Donghuai's words, similar to what Kadoorie of China Power Group in Hong Kong does...

Kadoorie also has great autonomy, and it does not affect his life as a rich man.

Well, it's up to you who wants to cut off the electricity or cut off the gas and natural gas. Anyway, he definitely doesn't want to be like Li Chaohe and Wang Dehui, who always gives a big thrill!

It was Guo Bingxiang's turn, and the tycoon was very straightforward, "Sheng Zhao, are you interested in getting involved in the bus industry? Since Ms. Qiu and her passenger transportation group are pioneering in the taxi field, the bus transportation industry can also give it a try?"

As we all know, Lei Kuk-kun is a tycoon of Kowloon Bus and Kowloon Construction, but the Kwok family... The Kwok family also has a Kowloon Bus Group.

"There are also parking lots. The parking lot management company owned by my family currently controls more than 100 large parking lots on Hong Kong Island. The market is getting bigger and bigger, and it is inconvenient to manage. If Zhao Sheng is willing to take a stake, then whether it is the parking business of the taxi group .”

"There are also buses or Zhao's logistics parking, which can be linked in all directions."

In fact, the Kwok family's parking lot operation only started in 1983, but in just four years of development, it has become an industry leader. In the future, it will control nearly 300 large parking lots in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories, becoming the industry leader.

The Lei family's Kowloon Bus business later declined in terms of parking lot business.

"We, Sun Hung Kai, control a large amount of land and real estate business in commercial centers in Hong Kong and Kowloon. If we are not developing fast enough, it is a good thing that China Real Estate wants to join us in joint development."

"It depends on whether you are interested, Zhao Sheng?"

Lao Guo is a miserable person. He is also the future super-rich kidnapped after Li's eldest son was kidnapped. He was also tortured with PTSD syndrome.

Therefore, after witnessing the serial encounters of Wang Dehui and others, Lao Guo was the most anxious. His confidence was much weaker than that of Li Zhaoji!

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Is this a good thing? It's like Lin Jianyue helped him with the Kwai Tsing Pier as a white glove, talking about big business?

He smiled before speaking, "The latest news I got is that the gang of thugs who attacked Li Chao last time have fled to the high seas, and I'm still not sure where they are."

Zhao Shizeng smiled bitterly, "Sheng Zhao, I can't write two characters Zhao in one sentence. Although my family's Huaguang Group owes billions in debt, it has reorganized its assets, re-listed, and is gradually getting out of the trough. Huaguang has a lot of debt, and is worth dozens of dollars." A fleet worth HK$100 million traverses the ocean.”

"Are you interested in investing?"

"Your goods are sold all over Asia, and a lot of them are in the shipping business. I know you have happy cooperation with big companies in the mainland, but if you have your own fleet..."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "This is not necessary. I am not very interested in world shipping."

The various business areas where he makes money are already large enough, and his cooperation with the mainland's large enterprises and fleets with Chinese prefixes has been smooth. From the first time he started buying and selling waste paper in 1983, he always paid 10% of the return trip fare.

Now that he has grown up, he will not turn around and compete with his old friends who helped him a lot in his early stages.

Then it doesn’t matter!

Zhao Shizeng was a bit confused, and he didn't want it even if it was delivered to his door? ? Then he...he also has the Zhaoyuan real estate project, but the pure luxury villa project has no appeal to Zhao Donghuai.

He also knew that Zhao Tung-huai was operating the Tung Chung New Town Theme Park, including the major renovation project of Tai Hang Estate in Tai Po.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and reassured, "It's okay, Old Zhao. Everyone in Hong Kong knows that your family owes billions in debt. Even if there is a new gang of gangsters, they will not target you."

In the early 1980s, the Zhao family owed HK$6.7 billion in debt and the stock market was suspended. How big and sensational was this news? As long as Zhao Shizeng doesn't constantly show off to the outside world that he steadily changes to hundreds of girlfriends every year like in the original track, the news hype will cool down.

Which gangster would engage in a huge debt like his? ?

Zhao Shizeng, "..."

After a while of silence, Zhao Shizeng suddenly said, "Sheng Zhao, doesn't Pan Asia Group also engage in security business? Can I spend money to hire bodyguards from Pan Asia?"

Zhao Donghuai was so speechless. If you didn't say anything, he would have almost forgotten that Pan Asia Group is also a bodyguard group that can provide business. "Okay, that's totally fine."

Zhao Shi was overjoyed, and even Li Zhaoji and Guo Bingxiang were overjoyed.

She sat in the office and chatted for a while. After these people left, Qiu Shuzhen stuck out her tongue and said cutely, "Wow, boss, I didn't expect that the Pan-Asian security guards we are accustomed to on weekdays can make these tycoons like this now." So happy and excited.”

Isn't it? The original intention of establishing Pan Asia was to be bodyguards, from Zhao Donghuai to several girls in his family, to all the big stars...

Pan-Asia bodyguards and security guards are basically for their own use and have not yet opened their business to the outside world.

How many shopping mall tycoons are so happy now that they can use Pan-Asian bodyguards? ?

Director Zhao was speechless, and Azhen smiled coquettishly again, "Boss, who is more useful and fun between me and Amin?"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."


Outside the ATV building.

Li Zhaoji and others got into the same Rolls-Royce. Lao Li said directly to the driver, "Go to the Pan-Asia Group and hire some Pan-Asia bodyguards. This will give you a sense of security."

At this point, not to mention Guo Bingxiang and Zhao Shizeng were happy, the driver was also overjoyed.

He is Li Zhaoji's driver, but look at the encounters between Li Zhaoji and Wang Dehui several times before and after? Who doesn't panic?

If you invite bodyguards from the Pan Asia Group, the treatment will be different. Even if you only hire one person from Pan Asia, do you dare to kill or injure the other person in a shootout? That would offend the entire Pan-Asian system!

Since the establishment of the Pan Asia Group, no one in Hong Kong who is short-sighted has dared to do that.

The car started, and the drivers Guo Bingxiang and Zhao Shizeng drove behind. Old Guo lit a cigar and said with a smile, "I remember the last time I wanted to hire a bodyguard, I contacted Pan Asia immediately, but was rejected. .”

"I don't know if Zhao Sheng knows about that matter, maybe it hasn't been reported to his desk."

Zhao Shizeng nodded excitedly, "Yes, the two families wanted to ask Zhao Sheng to help them and protect their personal safety. Since Zhao Sheng refused, the two of them escaped from the kidnapping group alive and went to Pan Asia to hire bodyguards. It was normal for them to be rejected."

"After all, Zhao Shenggang refused not long ago."

Things are different now. If you hire just a few people from Pan Asia, your security will be greatly increased. Even if you only hire three or four, they will be more reliable than the dozen or so white and yellow bodyguards hired by Li Chao!

At this stage, the bandit gangs that dominate Hong Kong are basically recruiting people from Pan Asia, so they can't be selected.


ATV building.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed the script in his hand and read it hastily before saying with emotion, "Okay, Aaron, you are very good at catching news. The third part of this police story will be changed to Chen Jiaju rescuing the kidnapped Li Chao and Wang Dehui." ?A battle of wits and courage with the bandits?"

That's right, as soon as Li Zhaoji and others left, Cheng Long and his right-hand man Deng Jingsheng came to visit.

The two came up with the script for the third installment of Police Story.

Since September last year, Aaron's Police Story has grossed US$60 million at the box office in North America, US$40-50 million in Europe, and more than US$100 million worldwide. Jiahe and Cheng Long have made huge profits.

He was not idle after that. From the Spring Festival to the summer vacation, he teamed up with Hong Yinbao and Yuan Biao to film (Sequel to Plan A), which was the flagship and flagship product of Golden Harvest in the summer.

Especially when Hong Yanbao and Yuan Biao became popular with the help of (Ip Man), mainly because Yuan Biao's popularity began to explode, Jiahe was waiting for (Ip Man) to step down, and arranged to take advantage of Master Ye's halo as quickly as possible.

Ip Man was released on June 18, and today is only July 13...

The sequel to Plan A hasn't even been released yet, but Aaron already wants to mess with the police in the third film? ?

The script is that Li Zhiren and Wang Dehui were kidnapped by Zhang Jun's team, and then in reality they refused to cooperate and paid the ransom. In the movie? Chen Jiaju also battled wits and courage with the kidnappers. Before the Li family and Wang family paid the money, he tracked down the traces of a gangster.


After the gangsters paid the money and the two traitors Li were released, Chen Jiaju managed to deal with Zhang Jun's team afterwards. He did not blatantly tell Zhang Jun's name. They were the gang of thieves nicknamed Eagle, and were captured by Chen Jiaju. jail.

The style of the movie is still the same as the one or two police movies, comedy and death-defying.

The set villain team is very strong, much more fierce than the team of gangsters who threatened and blackmailed Bill Guy in the second film.

A gunfight in the script? It's similar to the scene in Police Story 1 where the police rounded up Zhu Tao with great force, but in the design of the script, the police were killed and injured more than 20 people by Zhang Jun's team before the arrest was successful.

When he said that it was okay, Cheng Long looked excited and said, "Sheng Zhao, this is the first draft script of this movie. Whether it can be filmed or modified, I have to listen to you."

Could he not know how cruel Zhang Jun is? The real situation has already killed and injured hundreds of people including the police, Yamaguchi-gumi, and Sumiyoshi-kai in Tokyo.

This group of gangsters is so fierce. You dare to shoot prototypes without the other party's consent, and even make magic changes and so on. Are you really afraid that Mr. Zhang will come back and shoot you if you are unhappy? The other party's Li Zhiren and Wang Dehui did it as soon as they said it would happen.

I'm definitely not afraid of getting one more Aaron.

So this is what Aaron said from the bottom of his heart. Whether it can be filmed depends on what Zhao Sheng wants.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "If it can be filmed, you can optimize the script. After filming is completed, it will be easy to make a lot of money by leveraging the appeal of the first two Police Story films."

Cheng Long filmed one film (Crime Unit) in his original trajectory, which was the true restoration (Wang Dehui’s second kidnapping case). Although the box office was average, with only 26 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, it helped Cheng Long win won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor.

Since Wang Dehui was kidnapped and changed by the devil in this plane, it doesn't matter if Aaron copies it again.

You're talking about the original Police Story 3, the one about catching the drug lord Guan Guaiba? That big deal becomes Police Story 4.

The sequel to "Catch the Drug Lord" is also very exciting. It grossed more than 32 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in Hong Kong and more than 16 million U.S. dollars in North America. That is the original trajectory, a trajectory that has not been affected by Zhao Donghuai.

To put it bluntly, the success of Cheng Long's movies is due to his unique Long style. The main story line actually does not have much impact. It is all about the police catching thieves and fighting against villains. As long as Cheng Long continues to work hard, the box office and appeal will be better. Not too bad.

Cheng Long also nodded excitedly, "Thank you Zhao Sheng. After Ah Sheng and I go back, we will try to improve the script more and it will definitely be more exciting."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "You can ask A Huan to contact Zhang Jun... the more exciting the collective creation, the better."

Cheng Long, "..."

Deng Jingsheng looked shocked. How could he discuss the plot with a real group of gangsters? Coming up with a plot? ?

Well, it’s because their structure has become smaller. In many society films and gangster films, it’s very common for directors and screenwriters to seek advice and ideas from the big brother of the society, even in a world that Zhao Donghuai has not influenced.

This world is even more so.

Aaron felt that not only could he ask Zhang Jun to make suggestions, he could also fly to Seoul and consult Wang Dehui... It would be a surprise if he could ask Wang Sheng to appear as a guest victim like Bill Guy did!

He originally filmed (Crime Unit) in the future. At that time, Wang Sheng had long since disappeared and disappeared from the world. That is not the case at this stage.

Maybe Wang Sheng would be surprised if he went to invite someone. Isn't it because they were worried about their safety that they flew to Seoul to avoid the limelight? Once you join the guest appearance industry of Zhao Films... By the way, you said Aaron is from Jiahe?

The big deal is that Zhao Sheng will also invest in Police Story 3.

Once this book is accumulated, it will bring huge box office and revenue to the society's sensational topics.


Tsim Sha Tsui.

On the second floor of a mahjong parlor, people playing mahjong were bustling downstairs. On the second floor, there was a stud gambling game. Ye Ahhuan pushed all his chips and followed to see the cards.

It turned out that his hand was just two pairs. Among the two men who were betting against him, one of them stole the chicken and had a flush card but a miscellaneous card. The other man laughed wildly and started collecting money. His card was the worst. Fierce, it's three.

Ah Huan flipped the table angrily, "Fuck you, Guishou Nan, you're the one who wins again? Damn you, you must be out of luck!"

Guishounan laughed and laughed wildly, "Brother Huan, please pay attention to your brand. This is Brother Feilong's place. How dare I mess around? Don't you think Brother Feilong has lost a lot?"

Tsim Sha Tsui Feilong, who had imprisoned Cai Shaofen's mother for gambling for nearly a year, said with a toothache on his face, "Actually, I also suspect that you are cheating on the street... but I have no evidence."

They have been playing since yesterday. Feilong has lost more than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars. Ye Ahhuan is better, losing more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars...

This isn't the first time either.

After all, in 1984, Ye Ah-huan serially robbed many gold shops, including Shark Dantong's Chow Tai Fook store. It was because of bad gambling, loan sharking, and gambling debts that he had no choice but to rob.

In one sentence, Ah Huan suddenly pulled out a big black star from his lower back, walked over and pressed it on Guishou Nan's forehead, "Damn, you must be in trouble!"

Anan was shocked, "Calm down, don't be impulsive, Brother Huan, look at Brother Feilong, Uncle De, the strongest player in the field, is here. He is watching the whole process, how can I get away with it? Brother Huan, you are a big shot, eat big meat rice" Yes, don’t argue with me, a gambler.”

Feilong also hurriedly comforted and persuaded.

Although Ah Huan gradually calmed down and put away the gun, she still yelled, "I'm going to attack you, Eminem. I'm so calm. In March, I brought back 3 million U.S. dollars from the island country as dividends, 23.4 million Hong Kong dollars!"

"Damn it, it's only the middle of July, and I've only lost more than 1 million."

Cursing, A Huan flipped the table, and the big brother that fell to the ground made a loud noise. Fei Long hurriedly said, "Please call me, Brother Huan. Maybe there is something important."

Ye Ahuan walked over depressed and answered the phone, "Hey, who is it? Huh? Cheng Long?? Are you looking for me?? Ask me to be a screenwriter? Are you paying me??"

"Easy to say, easy to say. Brother Long, you are a movie tycoon. If you can afford it, I will give you the money and I will go right away."

After saying that, he didn't bother to pay attention to the situation here. He put on his hat and mask and ran away. After all, he was still a wanted criminal and escaped from prison.

It was nothing more than helping Zhao Sheng once. When he came back from Tokyo to collect a debt, the intensity of the police's pursuit of him was greatly reduced.

When A Huan disappeared without a trace, Fei Long also walked away with a curse. This small mahjong parlor was just an ordinary place for him. It didn't have big gambling games. He didn't play here at all on a daily basis.

He lost more than 200,000 yuan in one day and night, which was not a huge amount of money, but he didn't want to look at Guishenan's damn face.


On July 15, the ratings frenzy set off by Dream of Red Mansions continued to sweep across Hong Kong.

Wan Ziliang had just gone out after breakfast. On the way to the set, he received a call from Big Brother. Cheng Long wanted to talk to him about a movie project?

A Liang decisively called the crew of (江湖情) and asked for leave.

When Yongsheng of the Xiang family approached Mak Yanxiong to make a film about Jianghu, Lao Mai refused directly because he didn't like the script. But without Mak Yanxiong, the Xiang family would just look for another director.

Jiang Hu Love Drama Group, a two-part series is still established, starring Zhou Runfa, Wan Ziliang and Huang Rihua. This Ah Hua replaced the original role of Andy Lau.

After all, Yong Sheng couldn't afford Andy Lau to play an ordinary supporting role.

Some time later, I met Cheng Long, Deng Jingsheng and Ye Ahuan in a teahouse. Brother Wan just said a few polite words, and Cheng Long smiled and said, "Aliang, sit down, I invite you here this time because I want you to Play the villain in my Police Story Part 3."

Wan Ziliang was overjoyed, "Me?? Of course it's no problem."

Let’s not talk about Cheng Long’s status in the film industry, which is much higher than that of Wan Ziliang at this stage. The third part of Police Story? ? That's Police Story. The first one grossed $27 million in North America, and the second one grossed over $100 million worldwide!

Even if he plays a big villain, he rarely gets a chance in such a huge project.

So far, Wan Ziliang has not appeared in a film outside of Asia. That is to say, he has established a series of film industry positions through several parts of the New World, including the hardcover Chasing Girls.

TV industry? Last year, Wan Ziliang starred in TVB's Gangster Tycoon in 1986. He really relied on his strength to help TVB generate a ratings frenzy.

Cheng Long also laughed, and then said with emotion, "For the third police story, I plan to draw on the kidnapping case of Wang Dehui and Li Zhiren. The gangster team is the team of Eagle. I have already asked Brother Huan to contact Eagle..."

"He doesn't object to me putting his story on the big screen, but I can't weaken him too much, at least it can't be worse than the one in Legend of Lei Luo and Lai Hao."

"Then he named you, Aliang, to play him."

Wan Ziliang was shocked and confused. He looked at Cheng Long and then at Deng Jingsheng. They were all acquaintances. Ye Ah Huan? Lao Wan drank a cup of tea in shock and said weakly, "Are you Brother Huan?"

Ah Huan smiled brightly, "No, don't call me that. You are all big stars and cash cows working for Zhao Sheng. I'm just a bad gambler. Just call me Ah Huan."

After Wan Ziliang was polite, he drank another cup of tea to calm down his shock.

Fuck, is this okay? ? Major crimes that have happened in reality have not been solved, and the robbers are still at large. Now they can be directly put on the big screen? And also obtained the consent of the gangsters?

Does the other party like him by name? ?

Aliang didn't know whether he should feel honored or anxious.

Cheng Long said again, "I also made an appointment with Lu Liangwei. This is A Wei, who is currently the second point of the Eagles. After I contacted the Eagles and discussed the original script, they felt that it was not suitable."

"So the plot will change a lot. In the end, our Hong Kong police flew to Tokyo and joined forces with the Tokyo police to capture the Eagle Gang."

"It's no problem to go to Tokyo for filming."

Wan Ziliang was shocked again, "The eagle was caught?"

Cheng Long shook his head, "No, even though the search for him in Tokyo is very intensive, he also plans to avoid the limelight and run away for a while, but we can contact each other over the phone, so the problem is not big."

"When I suggested that the ending of the movie be that the police defeat the robbers, he agreed... He also said that if it were shot that way in the movie, he would be arrested or die, and it would be linked to the real case. Well, the audience might really think he was there after watching it. If he dies or goes to jail, the pressure from public opinion faced by the Tokyo police will be reduced."

"With less pressure from public opinion, the intensity of pursuing him may be reduced."

This kind of communication and discussion mainly involves Ah Huan in the middle.

It's reasonable to discuss it to this point.

"I also called Wang Sheng. They don't mind making a movie based on his deeds. Although they haven't persuaded him to come out to participate in the movie, I think that with more efforts, Wang Sheng may not be able to be persuaded to participate in the movie himself."

"If a business tycoon like that comes to act, his acting skills will be no worse than ours!"

Wan Ziliang took another sip of tea and continued to calm down. Damn it, this script felt more and more magical.

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