Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 190 The movie reflects the memories of murder into reality

July 16, the main office of ATV Building.

Zhao Donghuai looked at Mai Xuexiong who was walking excitedly and was also happy, "Lao Mai, are you recovering now? Do you have a new project?"

Last year, Mak Yuen-hsiung and Tony Leung Ka-fai finished filming a movie (The Legend of Wang Wenxia). Filmmakers were moved and inspired by Wang Sheng's deeds. Lao Mak and Ah Fai traveled to the mainland to relax for half a year before returning to Hong Kong.

It wasn't just traveling to relax, or it was just that after filming the movie, I felt a fire burning in my heart because I was moved by the plot of the script. I wanted to do something but didn't know what to do.

These two people were from far and wide, and they traveled the same path that Wang Sheng once walked, donating money to charity, and it took half a year to stop and go.

After all, the wealth that the two of them invested in the Japanese Yen foreign exchange chariot has also been extremely generous. Now that they have money, they will do something within their ability to become spiritually rich.

As he spoke, Mai Xunxiong nodded, "I have a new idea, boss. I plan to make a crime film about South Korea. I also got the inspiration from the news."

"Beginning on September 15, 1986, on the edge of Hwaseong, one of the satellite cities of Seoul, South Korea, there was a farmer grandmother in her 70s who was killed by a woman and her body was abandoned in the farmland."

"On May 2 this year, a 29-year-old housewife was kidnapped and killed while carrying an umbrella to pick up her husband from get off work. It was also the woman who killed her and abandoned her body..."

"In less than a year, six serial murders have occurred in Hwaseong. The victims were all women. Except for the first case, which was a grandmother in her 70s, the victims of the subsequent five cases were all between 18 and 30 years old. between."

"There are 18-year-old female college students, corporate white-collar workers, housewives, etc."

"I found that since the first murder, the whole of South Korea has been panicked by this serial sex murderer. But so far, the police do not know any information about the murderer."

"This guy is too cruel..."

As Lao Mai talked endlessly, Zhao Donghuai heard, "..."

One of the three most mysterious cases in South Korea? Hwaseong serial murder case? Good guy, this is indeed one of the most ruthless villains in South Korea. There are many movie and TV series projects based on this prototype in the South Korean film and television industry.

As for the movie "Memories of Murder", it is also one of the most classic crime movies in the South Korean film industry. When it was released in 2003, it attracted a total of 5.25 million moviegoers.

In the era after the millennium, if a ticket price is 30 Hong Kong dollars, then South Korea alone will be a blockbuster with a box office of more than 150 million Hong Kong dollars.

Thinking of this, Director Zhao laughed and said, "The murderer hasn't been caught yet, and the police have no clue. You shoot now..."

Mak Xuexiong said excitedly, "A serial sexist murderer has caused a stir in South Korea. It is only a matter of time before he is arrested. I want to find Simon Yam to play this murderer. That Ah Hua has this unique temperament..."

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "This idea is interesting. In this way, you can save a script yourself, and I will try to write one. You can decide for yourself whether you want to use my script or not."

Mai Xunxiong was shocked and said in disbelief, "Boss, you wrote the script yourself? That's great!"

Of course he believes in Director Zhao's script power!

This is a flattering feeling!

The two chatted for a while. When Lao Mai said goodbye and left, Zhao Donghuai also started typing on the computer. This time, he was not copying the script of (Memories of Murder).

Instead, I intend to copy reality.

The real version (Hwaseong Serial Murder Case) from 1986 to 1991 or 1992, the murderer committed 14 crimes, and only one victim survived. It is useless to panic the people of South Korea. No matter how the police set up a task force, they have not solved the case. .

Even the accumulated clues, evidence, suspect targets, etc. are pitiful.

The murderer was always at large until he got married in 1993, and then he stopped. With a wife, he no longer had to worry about innocent people in the Seoul urban agglomeration.

His scope of activities has been from Hwaseong, Suwon to Cheongju and so on, circling around the satellite cities of Seoul for many years.

The marriage ended in 1993. In January 1994, his sister-in-law visited his home. The murderer and his wife had a fight that night, and she ran away from home. The murderer killed his sister-in-law with drugs or other drugs. He was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The method used by his daughter-in-law to kill her sister-in-law was somewhat similar to the methods used in the 14 serial murders committed by women before, but it was just ignored.

While he was serving life in prison, no one in the South Korean police or prison system suspected that he was a suspect in 14 serial murders.

He has been in prison since 1994, and until 2019, he has been a first-class model prisoner in the prison.

It wasn't until August 2019 that the police discovered that the guy's DNA was consistent with the DNA left by the murderer in two cases of Hwaseong serial murders more than 30 years ago.

Case solved!

He has been in Busan Prison for more than 20 years. He has good behavior and a good attitude. He is taciturn and low-key. He can be regarded as an example and an outstanding representative for all criminals.

Therefore, the murderer started to stop his activities in 1993. It was not that he changed his mind and stopped doing things, but that he went to jail for life in January 1994, on charges that were completely unrelated to the serial murder case.

When Zhao Donghuai wrote the script, he didn’t need to copy the movie (Memories of Murder), he just copied real-life homework!

You said that after copying real-life homework, when the murderer continues to commit crimes one by one, will it... trigger the linkage effect of the movie into reality again? Will Director Zhao be called the Prophecy Emperor by countless movie fans?

What he wants is for this movie to be a real-life South Korean god!

As long as Simon Yam can play the true character and behavior pattern of the murderer well... then once that guy appears near a strange woman, he will directly arouse women's vigilance.

The better Simon Yam's performance is, the stronger the shadow of terror it will bring to women in South Korea and even Asia. In reality, the murderer must change his style and behavior.

Otherwise, the South Korean police would have arrested people in 1987 or 1988 based on the movie.

Targeted decades in advance and arrested for plagiarizing movies? This movie must be a star in South Korea!

If the case had been solved decades in advance, then he would definitely not have a future where he would marry and kill his sister-in-law. Naturally, there would be no reality-linked story in the second half of the movie.

But that doesn’t stop this movie from becoming a god.

Do you think that if the murderer changes his behavior and lifestyle quickly and the police cannot catch the target quickly, he will continue to commit crimes? The worst case scenario is that Zhao Daoyin can use some force to catch him. Isn't it Li Chunzai, a 23-year-old young man from Huacheng?

The Pan-Asia Group can find him by just sending people and doing anything.

The script is called (Memories of Murder). It opens in 2019 in Busan Prison, South Korea. Simon Yam, a role model for the prisoners, is living his daily life. He is praised by the prison guards, regarded as a harmless and transparent person by countless inmates, and some members of the community see him as honest. Bully him.

After a daily drama, his wife Feng Baobao came to visit him in prison, which triggered memories... of his marriage in 1993 and the murder of his sister-in-law Li Ying'ai in January 1994.

This is already July 1987, and the third phase of Asia Drama's recruitment has naturally passed long ago. South Korea has brought in a little beauty named Li Yingai. She is 16 years old this year. However, when setting the movie, her role can be set. For adults aged 18 years.

The first victim shown on camera, of course, needs to be played by a South Korean beauty to be the most relatable.

This is the beginning of the story explaining why Simon Yam is in jail and why he has no term. His wife, played by Feng Baobao, still has not forgiven him and has always hated him.

But Ren Dahua's mother firmly believed that her son was wronged, and there must be something hidden in that case. She often called on prosecutors to retry the case...

While the plot was going on like this, a certain prosecutor reopened an old case, the Hwaseong serial female murder case that caused a sensation throughout South Korea. There were a series of more than a dozen victims on the file, from 1986 to 1993.

The future era must be an era of explosive development in supercomputers, DNA, fingerprint databases, etc. After the prosecutor reopened the old case, he suddenly found DNA evidence from two cases, which overlapped with Simon Yam's DNA.

Then the prosecutor led a team and went to Busan Prison for interrogation.

Once, twice, many times, Ren Dahua resisted in various ways, then found a breakthrough, and began to confess... Then, it was Ah Hua's serial killing performance.

The film finally solved the case, but twenty or thirty years have passed since the more than ten murders committed by Simon Yam. The prosecution period has long expired, and he still remains in the Busan Prison with the originally scheduled life sentence.

He just helped the South Korean police solve a long-standing and mysterious case.

As long as he can act wonderfully and bring this devilish image to life, there is hope for him to be nominated for the Best Actor. Box office? It depends on the actual linkage.

As long as the South Korean police can really catch the culprit villain Li Chunzai after the movie is released, South Korea will be a sensation? ? The island nation and Star-Malaysia will also be sensational.

This unfolding pattern of "Memories of Murder" is similar to the movie "Lame Man" in which the lame man is in jail at the beginning, and then the camera recalls the first half of his life.

This is not a biopic, it’s a crime-solving film!

But let me tell you something, that guy named Li Chunzai is really... a serial killer who has killed more than a dozen people for many years, running around in many different cities, and actually fooled the South Korean police for decades without any results? ?

That damn thing is the same as Zhang Jun, Zhang Minggao and others.


July 18.

When Mak Hung-hsiung, Li Dawei, Simon Yam, Feng Baobao, Li Yingai, Andy Lau and others gathered together and waited in the large office of Zhao Films, a group of people were not idle, they were all chatting and looking forward to it.

Zhao Sheng wrote the script himself, and they were full of expectations.

Especially Lee Young-ae, the only South Korean actress and little sister. Although her Cantonese is a bit awkward, her ability to communicate with people on a daily basis has amazed Liu Dehua and others.

Lee Young-ae was explaining that since May 1985 (Super Body) bombed the world, she had been full of yearning for the Hong Kong film and television industry, and began to learn Mandarin and Cantonese. After more than two years, she was too stupid, so she still couldn’t speak it well. Authentic.

In the original trajectory, Lee Young-ae started in the modeling industry in 1986.

With her appearance and figure, she is the most dazzling in her age group at this stage. Even if she hasn't grown yet, she has already made many people's eyes brighten.

It's been less than a month since she joined Asia Drama, and now she has the opportunity to star in a big project? This little girl was excited and happy, but also nervous and panicked.

I'm worried because I don't have the strength to act well, and I'm panicking about... a movie adaptation of (Hwaseong Serial Murderer)? That demon was truly terrifying to a girl like her.

Amidst her various excitements, it was Liu Dehua, a good old man, who smiled and reassured the little girl, "Don't be afraid, in fact I am also under a lot of pressure. I am afraid that I will be suppressed by Brother Dahua's acting skills, and I may make a fool of myself by then. "

Simon Yam was speechless and quickly apologized politely. He even said that Brother Hua's acting skills have been perfected and he must be better than him.

While the crowd was chatting, Zhao Donghuai and Zhang Min walked in. A group of people immediately stood up to say hello, and Director Zhao asked Amin to distribute the script.

When many people took the script and read it seriously, he said to Andy Lau, "Hua Zai, you will play the prosecutor who solves the case in the future era. The main role is the interrogation sequence. Although the performance pressure is much lower than that of Da Hua, You also have to show your strength."

"Don't be beaten by Da Hua."

He is not worried about Simon Yam's acting skills. Let's not talk about how many bad movies or bit parts he has played in the past and how much acting skills he has accumulated. Let's just talk about last year's filming of Underworld. Johnnie To was very good at this Ah Le. He went fishing without a helmet and killed a big guy. D’s Ale has been grinding for several months.

Brother Le in the underworld can act smoothly opposite Tony Leung Ka-fai, and he is also a very good actor. Simon Yam is already 32 years old.

Hua Zai hurriedly apologized and said, "I will try my best."

Hua Zai, who has neither a blackout period nor a bad period, has made great progress. At least last year he filmed "Inspector Lei Luo" without any problems. In the first half of this year, he has been filming "Carmen in Mongkok" with Wang Jiawei, which has just been completed. More than a month.

This version (Carmen in Mong Kok) still stars Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung. Even though Jacky Cheung is now famous and has great acting skills, if a singing king like Hua Zai asks him to play a supporting role, Jacky Cheung will not refuse.

After all, Liu Dehua is the number one brother in Zhao's music industry.

Zhang Guorong's music contract is still with China Star and Shaw Brothers. Only Andy Lau and Tan Yonglin are the first and second brothers in Zhao's record department, and Ayou is still the second brother.

In this version of Carmen in Mong Kok, the male actors have not changed, but the female ones have changed. The first Ah Hua’s girlfriend and dancer is played by Chen Yalun. She has a red dress and black stockings with big waves. This Yalun charm is still there. As for the distant cousin A’e, It was played by Weng Hong.

Teacher Tony is still played by Wan Ziliang, and the drama is played together with Jianghu Love. During the drama, Yongsheng had no objection.

After all, this drama was Andy Lau's first step in setting up Zhao's Pictures subsidiary... How could Yong Sheng dare to object to the main actors participating in the drama? Now Cheng Long is dragging Wan Ziliang to work on Police Story 3, and Yongsheng is still smiling and blessing Police Story 3 to become a global hit.

After chatting for a while, Hua Zai read the script.

More than half an hour later.

Ren Dahua took a long breath and said, "Zhao Sheng, the difficulty of this performance is much more difficult than Brother Le!"

On the contrary, Li Young-ae became relaxed and said with a sense of horror, "Boss, that Hwaseong serial murderer is really so powerful and mysterious? In order to capture him, more than one super task force was set up around Seoul."

"Even the military has a team out to search for him..."

Lee Young-ae watched the Korean version, and after reading it she realized that her role was just a sidekick. In Memories of Murder, she stayed at her sister's and brother-in-law's house, and was knocked unconscious by drugs and killed by a woman.

A victim in the memory was still in a coma for most of the process.

That's it, it's not too difficult, she should be able to do it.

She couldn't believe that the murderer in the script could be so powerful. You must know that South Korea is still in the official period of poisonous vegetables, that is, on June 29, there are millions of people in South Korea! That's millions of people taking to the streets against poisonous vegetables.

Due to internal and external troubles, the young commander had to change the rules, which could be regarded as announcing the end of the dictatorship. It was already decided that he would step down next year.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Film and television projects must be artistically exaggerated."

In reality? In fact, it is the character played by Simon Yam. Even after many years of joint military and police searches and arrests, which may have exceeded two million people, he is still at large... That's not right. He is in jail for an indefinite period in another case.

Destroy the wolf.

The original version (Memories of Murder) not only achieved amazing success at the box office, but also was once touted as one of South Korea's greatest movies in terms of film and television status. Not only because of the prototype of "Wolf Killer", but also because this movie was shot in 2003, the millennium. Finally.

The entire film crew, in order to restore the historical background of the Poisonous Vegetable Period, also arranged various grand scenes. It is the historical background that evokes the memories of generations of people... only to have such a high artistic and literary evaluation.

Can those films shot now be released in South Korea?

The poisoner is destined to lose power. This is driven by Amei and the plutocrats. His influence is far less than before.

Also, Zhao Donghuai can borrow power from North America. After all, he has been battling with Wall Street. His shares in Microsoft and Oracle are both 19% and 20%.

It won't be a big problem if we just contact Wall Street and get the movie released.

Mai Xunxiong also raised his head and smiled, "Are our crew going to Seoul for filming? Will it be all shot in Seoul, or part of the filming over there, and the rest at the photography base??"

After reading the rough script, Lao Mai was really excited about this book.

In Memories of Murder, Simon Yam is recalling the serial murders committed by women in his early years, and also shows scenes of battles of wits with the police and even the army.

It clearly shows how he commits crimes time and time again, how he evades tracking and eliminates clues, etc. For example, in the case that occurred in January 1987, A Hua's character waited for more than an hour in the heavy rain at minus 10 degrees Celsius. , only to seize the opportunity and kidnap the victim.

After that, he killed and abandoned the corpse.

In continuing crimes, the victim's belongings are always used to clean up the scene, leaving no evidence such as fingerprints, hair or dander.

Psychologically twisted and extremely misogynistic.

Every target he targets is as carefully planned and deployed as a robbery by Zhang Minggao's team.

He was even one of the organizers and leader of the demonstration team that petitioned the public to put pressure on the police. He openly led a large number of citizens to petition, asking the police to arrest people as soon as possible to avoid panic.

This is more powerful than the average murderer who likes to go to the crime scene to watch afterward.

Of course, the script is set like this, and the real story of Li Chunzai is not that romantic...

If the male protagonist of this super devil in human skin really delivers a good performance, even if Mai Xunxiong doesn't know the follow-up real-life linkage plan, he knows that this film will definitely be a hit. It's hard to say whether it will be a hit at the box office or in terms of reputation.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Go to Seoul. It's best to go to Huacheng to shoot. Don't worry, I will send dozens of Pan-Asian elites to help you control the scene."


At this point, the others didn't react at all. Li Yingai was so frightened that she suddenly backed away and fell to the ground.

She is a decent Seoulese and a girl, really...that certain guy is like a devil crawling out of hell to the current women in Seoul and surrounding urban agglomerations.

That is to say, no one knows the name "Li Chunzai", otherwise this name will scare countless people to tears.

Everyone who knows knows that that guy has committed crimes six times before. It has become a real nightmare in Hwaseong, covering the Seoul satellite city for 10 months!

Seeing that Li Yingai was so frightened that her face was so frightened that it was the actress Feng Baobao who walked over to hug her and pulled her up to comfort her.

Zhao Donghuai also smiled and said, "Don't worry, our Pan Asia Group's security is still very strong. I will send a few female bodyguards to take turns protecting you 24 hours a day."

"Also, I have had several friendships with President Li of Samsung. He will also do things to protect the crew. You have just joined Yaxi, so you don't have to believe me, but you have to believe in President Li's power."

The official withdrawal of Ducai represents the complete control of the chaebols headed by Samsung from top to bottom in South Korea.

Samsung Li is still coveting all the technical information on the Toshiba notebook T1100 in his hand, even though Zhao Donghuai has made an appointment with Toshiba not to do this anymore.

But the appointment he made was for the T1100. He also had the latest version of the T1000 technical information, and it was not included in the agreement.

Li Yingai calmed down a little and bowed repeatedly to apologize and thank her.


a new day.

Zhao Donghuai walked out the door and saw Zhang Min running over to report, "Boss, that sister Baochai from the Red Mansion wants to study in the third period of Yaxi."

"But she didn't apply for the acting major, but the directing major... It feels so amazing! Do you want to accept it?"

"A Dream of Red Mansions" has been aired on ATV for 9 consecutive days and has aired 18 episodes. It is currently in the midst of a ratings frenzy.

The popular sister Baochai wants to study directing? Of course, it is now late July and the enrollment period has passed, so whether to accept it or not...

Zhao Donghuai was a little dumbfounded, "Come on, help people realize their dreams, what if it works?"

Sister Baochai is still a person with great ideas and actions. Her original trajectory was that after Red Mansion became famous, she also appeared in some film and television dramas. However, in 1990, she went to UMass alone and was admitted to the directing and production majors.

Then after I finished filming another movie (Floating Clouds), I got my green card and became a businessman.

In this era, most women, whether they are A-Mei or M-Dans, can only get green cards by marrying lower-class white people, often middle-aged or older white people.

Baochai was able to get a green card by making movies, which is a relatively good level.

"By the way, Yaxi's undergraduate school qualifications haven't been implemented yet?" When he asked this question, Zhang Min smiled sweetly and said, "It has been implemented. Our school has so many big names, and the Hong Kong side doesn't make it difficult to get the qualifications. Already..."

"Starting next year in 1988, we can contact formal middle schools or high schools around the world for enrollment matters!"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, it's a good thing. Among the first batch of students in 1985, those who haven't yet made their mark should change the academic year from the originally planned 2 years to 3 years."

"Next year, we will issue them formal diplomas."

Actually, the difference between whether the College of Education is a community college or a formal undergraduate course that can be recognized by the world is not too big for Zhao Films and Hong Kong Films.

As long as Zhao Donghuai is willing to praise others and wants to praise others, a pheasant can also become a phoenix.

But he is no longer a grassroots team, and formalization is inevitable.

The class of 1985 had just changed from the ATV training class to the Asian Drama Academy. Famous students included Li Jiaxin, Cai Shaofen, Naomi Watts, Cameron Diaz, Gu Tianle, Jiao Enjun...

Even Jiao Enjun, with the popularity of "A Chinese Ghost Story 1", Hong Kong Haowan has made countless box office hits, and Ajun has become one of the role models for handsome men in ancient costumes.

But these are the ones who are outstanding, and there are many who are not! The entire class of 1985 recruited more than 200 people.

Even Al Pacino was a professor in the acting department in the 1986 class, and Julia Roberts also used the comedy love movie "Pretty Woman" to earn more than 400 million US dollars at the global box office, which was a big hit.

It goes without saying how famous it is, but again, there are still hundreds of unknown classmates.

Representatives of the 1987 class recruited in June? There are 9-year-old Chen Hao, 17-year-old Zhang Yan, and Bai Mei who can be trained as child stars. There is also 17-year-old Jennifer Connelly...

All in all, the quality of the new students of the 87th class of Asia Drama is also very guaranteed. There are too many familiar names! Now it is not difficult to add one more Baochai to the director department.

After all, Asia Opera’s directing professors are taught by various great names who have won the Oscar for Best Director and the Cannes International Film Festival.

Zhao Donghuai said again, "For those child stars, especially children, we must pay attention to taking care of their emotions and mentality, and help them integrate into school and social life in Hong Kong more smoothly. If necessary, their parents can come over and live in separate dormitories to take care of them." child."

Zhang Min nodded hurriedly, then smiled and said, "By the way, Chairman Li of South Korea is here and is already in the reception room."

Director Zhao was speechless, "Forget it, the news that Baochai is going to take the directing examination is indeed more important than President Li's visit."

After complaining, he went to the reception room.

When he arrived at the place, he extended his hand enthusiastically, "President Li, long time no see."

The last time I met Chairman Li was in August last year. It was only with Chairman Li's assistance that he was able to extort 10 Galaxy 2-level island country supercomputers from Azhi.

That incident caused Chairman Lee to make several trips in vain, and he worked in vain for so long. Unexpectedly, the crew of (Memories of Murder) wanted to go to South Korea for filming this time, so they made an appointment with Chairman Lee, and he flew across the sea again. coming.

Chairman Lee is now 45 years old and in his prime. Not only does he have sole control over Samsung, but he has also begun to lead Samsung into the official end of poisonous vegetables, officially starting an era where chaebols rule everything.

Simply...oh, remember President Li's daughter is more beautiful? The eldest daughter is already 17 years old, right?

When Director Zhao's thoughts were racing, President Li shook hands politely and exchanged a few words before smiling and saying, "Sheng Zhao, you said there is another big business looking after me, I wonder??"

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "I heard that President Li and Princess Li are 17 years old? She is still very capable. By the way, are you interested in making a cameo in my movie?"

President Li, "..."

Lao Li suddenly felt a little embarrassed. What do you mean? ? Cameo in a movie? Are you kidding me? Do you know what the entertainment industry in South Korea is like? How could he let his daughter lower her status to stand on the same steps as a group of playthings and toys raised by a group of plutocrats?

Yes, in a world that has not been influenced by Director Zhao, Hong Kong's Haowan entertainment industry in the 1980s and 1990s was a mess, but compared with the South Korean entertainment industry, it really pales into insignificance.

Talking about cyberpunk all day long, South Korea is the benke of cyberpunk!

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's okay, I just mentioned it casually. By the way, I have obtained the complete production material manufacturing process of Toshiba notebook T1000. Are you interested in cooperation?"

Chairman Li, who was confused and depressed, suddenly became confused, "Pfft~ No, after T1100, you can even get T1000? Zhao Sheng, who did you bribe? This cannot be done by one or two board directors or a few engineers. .”

Zhao Donghuai patted Chairman Li on the shoulder, "Didn't you, Samsung, go too far last time? We were just talking, and your technicians were still verifying the authenticity of the data technology, and Toshiba got wind of it and came to negotiate."

"If you didn't leak the secret, our cooperation would have started a year ago. If we had a good cooperation last year, our branch factories would probably have started production!"

"Instead of watching Toshiba let T1000 conquer the global notebook market this year."

President Li, "..."

He has been fooled by Zhao Donghuai. You played a trick on us last year, and now you still blame me?

Taking a long breath of cold air, Chairman Li forced himself to calm down a little, "I still say what I said, joint ventures are a good thing, but the factory can only be built in our city of Seoul..."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Seoul is fine too, but I have to send a large number of technical staff to study!"

Now that the T1000 is brought up, it is not just a matter of cheapening Samsung. Don’t forget that as early as May this year, it had already invested in the construction of a research institute at Yu University.

He also donated 100 million to enable them to use Toshiba's series of technical data and invite foreign aid to conduct scientific research.

Even if Samsung is given a sweetener now, it can hire a large number of teachers and students from the computer department of the University of Hong Kong to go to the South Korean branch to learn technology. After learning to a certain extent, they can then go to the mainland for development.

To develop your own brand of laptops, you have to stand on the shoulders of IBM and Toshiba to analyze plagiarism and then engage in self-development and patent application.

President Li was overjoyed, "Of course there is no problem! Is it that simple?"

He couldn't believe it for a while. It was so cheap? ?

Zhao Donghuai said again, "That's right, my film and television group will soon start a project to go to Seoul, to be precise, to go to Huacheng to film a movie adaptation of the Huacheng serial murderer, you know, right?"

"After they go, I hope President Li can make a cameo in person..."

Originally, his goal was to have President Li receive the crew well, greet everything, and not let messy things disturb the crew's filming. But President Li is already here, so of course the conditions for opening the door must be set higher.

President Li looked confused at these words.

I also instinctively thought of Bill Gai, who was dragged into the water by accident and has been playing a small role. Damn it, what kind of taste and hobby is the surnamed Zhao in front of me? Our good business tycoon, the head of the chaebol, you have to force us to work as actors and actresses...

Too messy to breathe, President Li was silent for a full minute before nodding, "Okay, can I guest-star as myself? Because the impact of the serial murder case was so bad that it caused panic among people all over South Korea, in order to keep the people calm, I A harmonious and beautiful life.”

"Not only did various donations help the police speed up the investigation of the case, but they also spent money to hire many private detectives, professional security guards, etc. to silently protect the personal safety of the female citizens of Huacheng at night."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao is confused, you are really good at talking nonsense! Put gold on your face! But since Chairman Lee is willing to make a cameo and play himself in the movie, then the movie is safe!

The filming, promotion, release, etc. in South Korea couldn't be more stable.

Businessmen, their minds work very quickly!

No wonder many people live in Shanyuan Villa, but President Li is at the level of making money by opening a villa!

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