Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 191 The increasingly involution of high-end film and television linkages

July 21, Hwaseong, South Korea.

When large convoys carrying a large number of equipment and personnel drove into a hotel and directly booked the venue, Andy Lau, Feng Baobao, Simon Yam, etc. walked out one after another, and the reception staff inside the hotel began to get excited.

Then, before the (Memories of Murder) crew officially started shooting, a large number of movie fans gathered near the hotel, and the police needed to come to control and maintain order.

Hua Zai is really hot, he is one of the top kings in Asia!

There is no shortage of Hua Zai fans in South Korea. However, when further news spreads, is this a movie adaptation of (Hwa City Serial Murderer) that the Hong Kong film industry will shoot?

Public opinion was once again stirred and boiling.

In Ahn-dong, Hwaseong Town, Lee Chun-jae had just returned to the Jinan-dong area after finishing his day's work. Old people chatting on the street greeted him one after another. Azai nodded with a calm and restrained smile.

As we were walking, a young man from Jinan-dong came out of a yard on the roadside. When he saw Ah Jae, he excitedly came over to say hello, "Chun Jae, have you heard? The big star Liu Dehua is here, in our Hwaseong." "

"I heard that they are going to make a movie adaptation of that serial killer. Oh my God, the police still don't have many evidence clues. I heard that they roped you in to cooperate with the investigation a few days ago?"

"It's just nonsense. How could you, a good person like you, be that kind of serial murderer? Those policemen who are just trying to make ends meet should really bow down and kill themselves."

This young man is one of Li Chunzai's childhood friends.

Li Chunzai's eyes narrowed under his words, but his expression didn't change much, but his emotions were ups and downs.

No one outside knows that he is the demon and nightmare that has shrouded Huacheng for more than 10 months. You said the police also suspected him as a suspect? Summoned to cooperate with the investigation?

It was simply because the police were under too much pressure from public opinion and were trying to show it to the public. Too many people were called by the police to cooperate with the investigation.

After all, he secretly tortured and killed six people who had abandoned their corpses. If the police really kept announcing it to the public without even a single suspect, how would it be criticized by public opinion? Should the first brother of Hwaseong Police Department commit suicide and apologize to the people?

Announce to the public what traces and clues have been found, and attract a wave of suspects to show off. At least they can show the public that they have been working hard!

Li Chunzai dealt with it easily.

Li Chunzai, 23 years old and less than 1.7 meters tall, has a fair and thin appearance. At first glance, he looks harmless to humans and animals. In fact, in the Jinan-dong area, he has always been known as a good man and an honest boy.

Whether it was in the neighborhood, during school days, or during military service...he was the purest honest kid and good guy in everyone's eyes.

After Jian Jian and Fa Xiao dealt with it for a while, when he continued to walk home, Zai's mentality was still a little weird. Is the Hong Kong film industry going to make his deeds into a movie? This feels very strange.

What will it look like? Do you want to go and have a look near the set? Watch? Looking for a celebrity's autograph by the way? Who plays him? Do you want to take a photo with the star who plays him?

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Li Chunzai laughed at himself only when he arrived at the door of his house.

He knew very well how to target the old, weak, women and children. As a strong adult man, as long as he chose his target well, left no traces of his actions and cleaned up afterward, it would be difficult, but he could avoid being caught by the police with a high probability.

If you want to do something to a big star... none of his bodyguards are vegetarians. He just served in the military and learned a lot of skills.

When it comes to fighting, fighting ability, etc., there is still a gap between them and professional bodyguards, especially professional bodyguards from mainland China.

The peninsula more than thirty years ago? How many South Koreans were beaten to the pulp.

After returning home, Mother Li also poked her head out from the kitchen and said with a kind smile, "Chun Zai, you came back at the right time. I made you your favorite kimchi bibimbap. It will be ready soon."

Li Chunzai nodded, but his heart still couldn't calm down.

On the surface, he is just an ordinary groupie, but can he wait for the opportunity to take a photo with the actor who plays him? It feels very interesting.

Just taking a group photo, but no one knew that he was the real murderer. It's exciting to think about it.

No way, when he thinks about this, he will continue to look for new target women and then torture and kill them. His heart is ready to move, and he is getting restless. Six of them... Azai has long been a veteran.

However, in order to get rid of suspicion, I have to leave some evidence of other men's crimes at the crime scene next time to clear my name. He has type 0 blood. Next time, he only needs to leave some type A or B blood at the crime scene and the police will rule him as having type 0 blood. Evidence of the murderer's guilt.

Then his childhood would be exciting.

This is indeed the case. In the original trajectory, although he was dragged by the Hwaseong police to become a young man in July 1987, and after becoming a wave of suspects to appease the public, he became more vigilant, but that was all.

Subsequently, they continued to torture and kill several women. It was not until 1990 that other blood types were collected and left at the scene to mislead and interfere with the police. This was enough to witness the Hwaseong police's operation of recruiting people to be young men, which was a publicity campaign.

There is really no progress, and the facts are ineffective in solving the case, and the public opinion is hyped up.

Now? The desire to take photos with celebrities suddenly increased, which stimulated his mentality to change, and he wanted to do something sexy in advance.

A meal of kimchi and rice was delicious, but Chun Zai couldn't sleep that night. The thought of having a chance to take a photo with a big star made him so excited that he couldn't close his eyes.

On the 22nd, when Li Chunzai cleaned up and went to work, he found that his colleagues had almost disappeared when he arrived at the place.

Everyone is chasing stars!

Feng Baobao, Yam Dahua and even newcomer Li Yingai are very popular in South Korea, and they can't stand up to Hua Zai.

The Alone Tiger series plus one explosive English song has become popular in South Korea. Here, Hua Zai is a superstar on the same level as Zhang Guorong.

Especially when South Korea has experienced years of poisonous vegetable rule, the poisonous vegetable ruler is about to step down and lose power, which means that the people are ushering in the era of boiled seed oil... It was June 29, when millions of people took to the streets to protest. Big time!

Li Chunzai also skipped work in excitement and ran to chase stars.

The location is still a hotel, one kilometer away from the hotel in a straight line. The place is already congested, not to mention vehicles. Pedestrians want to move forward because of the crowds. If you are not careful, a large stampede can occur.

Li Chunzai's scalp felt numb after seeing it, and he didn't dare to move forward. He was also afraid that he would be trampled to death.

It would be funny if something like that happened!

He is a serial killer who has no clue what the police, including the troops dispatched to investigate and hunt him for, could do. If the process of chasing stars caused a stampede and he was trampled to death, it would be extremely unreasonable.

However, when they arrived at this location, Li Chunzai also overheard a lot of news. For example, the person who was about to play the Hwaseong murderer was Hong Kong star Simon Yam...

There is a little girl from Seoul who just entered the Asian Drama Academy this year. After studying for less than a month, she was lucky enough to join the big crew of Zhao Films and make her debut as a movie star. That little girl is so happy and lucky. It’s the light of South Korea!

There's nothing wrong with it. Zhao's Pictures and the Asian Theater Academy have promoted global stars one after another, many of whom are Chinese, and there are also many examples of white people in Europe and the United States.

Moreover, Hong Kong Island Pictures actually allows celebrity artists to make a lot of money, unlike the South Korean entertainment industry, where no matter how popular they are, the money they make is not much, and almost all of it is toilets and bathtubs.

So a little girl from Seoul is admitted to Asia Drama and can play a role in a big movie within a month? This is simply irritating to ordinary people in South Korea...

Even though not many people know what Li Yingai's future will be like, it has stimulated countless elders and parents, and their ambitions to send their daughters to Hong Kong Island have skyrocketed.

July 22nd came, and the crew of (Memories of Murder) still hadn’t officially started shooting. They just brought in a large number of directors and behind-the-scenes practitioners from the South Korean film and television industry to help with location scouting and filming. This is the power of Samsung Chairman Lee.

Then a large number of girls, girls, also flocked to Hwaseong from Seoul and other satellite cities like crazy, star-chasers... looking for opportunities to get involved in the entertainment industry.

All over the place.

Lee Young-ae, who is not yet 17 years old, can star in big movies. Of course, countless girls think that she can have sex with her.

And Hwaseong is just a small satellite city. As more and more South Koreans crowd in, not to mention that the urban area is quickly becoming overcrowded. Even remote corners like Jinan-dong have begun to open B\u0026Bs to welcome the tourist trend. .

When the night of the 23rd came, Li Chunzai came home from get off work and looked at the beautiful girls and elder sisters who appeared on the street from time to time. They were all dressed up and showing off their new era style. Chunzai sighed, there are so many leeks.

This is a good harvest season.

As the number of outsiders increases, the police force is not enough!

Even since last year, a lot of police from the Seoul area have come to help solve the case, and the troops have also been mobilized several times to help solve the case. In the final analysis, Hwaseong is just a small place with a population of 300,000 to 400,000 people.

The police force was not enough, the crowds were crowded and the demons were dancing wildly. It was a good harvest season. Originally, he wanted to take it slow, avoid the limelight, and wait until the end of the year to choose a new target to kill.

After all, the last case, the last victim he tortured and killed was in May. In the past two months, the crime was a bit too frequent. He even hoped to continue to put the next victim and case in another city instead of doing it again. It is a place called Huacheng.

Just like the fourth death last year, he was also killed in Suwon instead of Hwaseong. It was a blind date girl who was killed by him on her way home after a blind date.

In the original plan, he planned to go to Suwon next time.

Now there are so many girls flying in from all over South Korea, it’s like leeks flying all over the sky!

"Don't be anxious, calm down, let's get Yam Dahua's group photos and autographs first, and then do the work. Although there are countless female fans who follow Brother Hua, Yam Dahua, who plays my role, is regarded as the God of Plague by countless fans."

"I want to ask for his autograph and take a photo, the chance is still there."

Calmly looking away from some leeks, Li Chunzai went home to eat like an honest man.

Set a small goal and make sure to take a group photo that will leave a mark on the world.

He didn't think he could live a life of freedom. There might be a day when he would be caught and everything would be revealed. No matter when that day came, as long as it came, the photo he could ask for with Simon Yam would definitely shock the world! !

It would be as sensational as the (Never Compromise) movie coming to life.

He is an honest and introverted person who has been quiet and calm for more than 20 years, but no one outside knows how hot and wild his inner world is.

A normal person would be so frightened that he could not sleep for ten and a half days if he accidentally killed someone, or even saw the death of some people after they died tragically.

He tortured and killed people again and again, and when he dreamed about it at midnight, he would only be so happy and excited that he couldn't sleep well.

Now whenever he thinks about the opportunity to take a photo with Ren Dahua... he can't stop being excited and starts to practice how to smile for photos in private.

Simon Yam is not very popular, and it is true that he played the role of Andy Lau as Brother Hua in the Hurricane Rescue and The Flying Tiger series, and Flying Tiger was a trainee at the same time.

He is also the third male lead in Hong Kong Island Love Story.

"I heard that Brother Hua is 1.8 meters tall. He is a model and is much more handsome than me. If you can ask for a photo opportunity, can I help him?"

When Mother Li walked into the house carrying kimchi and rice, she saw Ah Zai smirking as if he was daydreaming. Mother Li immediately put down the rice kindly and said with a smile, "Chun Zai, I want to What’s a good thing, smiling so happily?”

"By the way, your Uncle Jin next door said he would help you introduce a blind date. I asked about her and she is a really good girl. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Only then did Li Chunzai wake up, "Huh? Blind date? I won't need it for now, I'm not in a hurry..."

It's not that he's not in a hurry, but he feels that a devil like himself is a little unsuitable for a normal marriage. Now that he has embarked on this path, he is quite smart, otherwise he would not play tricks. The police and even the troops searching for him were running around in circles without any results. .

He knew that a monster like himself in human skin was not suitable for serious marriage and childbirth.

Even if one day you want to wash your hands in a golden basin and live a normal life, you must choose a wife who will not be frightened into a lunatic by you.

After refusing, he smiled while eating, "Although I don't want to go on a blind date, I still want to buy some gifts to visit Uncle Jin some other day. Thank him for his kindness."


July 25th.

In the ATV office, when Zhao Donghuai looked at Director Wang who had arrived, as well as the five assistant directors (Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Mr. Bao, Lu Shuming and other creative star teams, he also happily arranged for the reception team to do their work.

More than 80 episodes of (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) are ready for all the post-production!

Not to mention the seamless transition (Dream of Red Mansions), it is okay to wait for a day or two in between. His Three Kingdoms brand various sneakers have been produced since December 1984, and he has been slowly stocking up.

Just count on this group of acting teachers to help him promote and advertise.

Seeing Director Zhao again, Director Wang was also full of emotion, "Sheng Zhao, after letting you wait for three years, the two TV series are finally released, and I am completely relieved."

"Actually, before Dream of Red Mansions was released, I thought about hiding in Hong Kong Island for a few more months to avoid listening to the criticism... But in order to work on the later period of the Three Kingdoms, I had to stay in the mainland."

"Fortunately, there aren't many people scolding me anymore. I'm so happy!"

Ever since the Red Mansion project was established, he, a 50-year-old young director with insufficient qualifications and no big achievements, has almost never stopped making noises about his ability to film.

In the early days of directing the Three Kingdoms, similar voices became louder. This is really... As Zhao Donghuai's achievements and records became more and more terrifying, the various voices gradually dissipated.

Countless people can criticize Director Wang at will, such as the great writer named Wang in Beijing, but who dares to criticize Zhao Donghuai so easily? Are you still hanging around?

Do you know that this is already 1987, and how many big bosses want to invite Director Zhao to open factories and start businesses with them? ?

Do you know how many Wanjia supermarkets in the Mainland are charity supermarkets that have been robbed and killed by countless young men and women? How many thousands of people, including how many thousands of families, have benefited from the Wanjia chain, and are crazy about happiness and welfare?

Really, at this stage, whoever dares to speak ill of Zhao Sheng or scold Zhao Sheng does not need to... There is no need to speak through any formal channels. If you dare to scold, just wait for the doors and windows to be smashed at night.

Maybe he was suddenly put in a sack while walking on the street, beaten up and ran away, which is also the basic package.

In an era when the average monthly salary in large factories in Beijing was RMB 100, Wanjia's salespersons and sweepers all started with a monthly salary of RMB 200. They had more holidays than formal employers, and holiday benefits were also better than those in formal employers.

Any branch has two to three hundred regular employees.

Opening 50 stores in the capital means more than 10,000 employees and affects more than 10,000 families!

Director Wang had heard that the super-excited writer Wang, who had scolded him in the past, was also exposed during the hit period of Dream of Red Mansions. Then in the middle of the night, the windows and doors were smashed and bricks were thrown at him.

It's unclear who did it, but no one was caught.

But after Director Wang heard the news, he felt as high as if he had eaten ginseng fruit. He was not cheap. In the past, he could only continue to scold him, and it was difficult to defend himself. Those naughty children who threw bricks were all Taking it out on him.

After this version (Dream of Red Mansions) was broadcast in the Mainland and Hong Kong Island together, it is true that the ratings were almost sold out in both Mainland and Hong Kong. However, Hong Kong Island is still one level lower than the Mainland because Hong Kong currently has more entertainment. developed.

There are more entertainment options to look for.

The mainland has not yet exploded in development, and there are relatively few entertainment programs. This is a gap based on reality, so the ratings in the mainland are really higher than those in Hong Kong.

While the ratings are exploding, the reputation is also very good, which is the source of Director Wang's peace of mind. With these two major TV series, who will criticize him for not having the qualifications and being too young to grasp the big drama? ?

Zhao Donghuai smiled and asked Zhang Min to send him champagne, "Let's wait and make a fortune together. Many of the creators' personal silhouette signature sneakers, leather shoes, etc., have long been stocked up."

"As always, I'll take ten yuan for every pair sold."

"Director Yang of Journey to the West, Jigong who was so generous that he started filming dozens of episodes, and when he made a fortune, so will you, Director Wang, you can film whatever you want."

There are almost no major changes in the Three Kingdoms series, but He Qing definitely doesn't play Xiao Qiao anymore, and Chen Hong doesn't play Diao Chan.

Director Wang got excited when he mentioned getting rich, "That's great, but I have to take it slow and have a good rest before talking."

It sounds like three years, but in fact, how can it be as simple as only three years? He proposed filming Dream of Red Mansions in 1979, when he was 48 years old.

He was 52 years old when the preparatory team was officially established in 1983, which makes it 8 years!

When he first came into contact with the main creative team of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Donghuai personally participated in the reception and was busy all day. It was not until he finished work and returned to the Financial Building to rest in the evening that he saw Aguang waiting in the reception area.

Calling A Guang forward, A Guang decisively took out a photo and said, "Boss, you asked us to pay attention to that Li Chun Zai. Unexpectedly, this kid took the initiative and asked several times before he got the opportunity to take a photo with Simon Yam."

Zhao Donghuai was so happy, his smile was just...he didn't know how to smile.

Just looking at the photo, he is almost as tall as Simon Yam, with his upper body taken together. In the photo, Li Chunzai's smile is really bright and flawless, and he is very proud of himself.

The excitement and energy are as exaggerated as countless crazy groupies chasing their idols.

Aguang asked curiously, "Is this guy really a murderous maniac in Huacheng? It doesn't look like it. The two Pan-Asian colleagues who follow him feel that there is a certain gap between him and ordinary people, and there are traces of training."

"But he has served in the military, so it is normal for him to have such traces. The Hwaseong police also suspected that he was a suspect at the beginning of the month, but they released him after an investigation. That kind of investigation was more like dealing with public opinion and mitigating The public put pressure on the police to find someone to investigate.”

Zhao Donghuai was amused, "What is he doing now?"

He knew that Li Chunzai was a murderer, so he directly named him to let Pan Asia do things, but did he need to explain to the outside world? Not required at all.

Has he ever explained Toshiba's five-axis CNC machine tools? Have you explained T1100 and T1000? Have you ever explained the source of FBI criminal information?

None of that needs any explanation.

The outside world automatically assumes that in addition to Pan Asia, he has another intelligence team spread all over the country, because this is the best result of normal people's logical reasoning.

Now that we have such an idea, as long as it is not a surreal situation, we can reasonably push it to other intelligence teams in the dark.

This secret intelligence team didn't exist originally, but now? As various black policemen were dragged into the water, the black police group became a member of the secret intelligence agent...it really existed!

North America and island countries have rogue FBI and rogue police officers, and South Korea also has rogue police officers and rogue prosecutors!

Originally it did not exist, but now it is gradually developing and growing in various countries.

Aguang said quickly, "Brother Hua went to South Korea to film, which not only attracted countless South Korean female fans to Huacheng, but also many fans from the island country flew there."

"At first, Li Chunzai was just looking for stars and asking for photos. After taking a photo with Da Hua, he started to contact female tourists from the island country. It didn't look like he was pursuing them, but he just had his eye on two island girls..."

Director Zhao was stunned, "Two island girls? What are their identities?"

Hiro explained, "A wealthy second-generation gangster in his 20s, the eldest sister of the Taimei Gang, whose father is the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi. One of them has already used evil means to rob more than a dozen properties of ordinary citizens in Tokyo. .”

"Anyway, it's just to attract people to gamble, lend money, and force the other party to sell their children and daughters. It's the same old corporate operation."

"The other one controls several small film companies and specializes in abducting female teachers to make art films. He not only targets female teachers from island countries, but also likes to deceive white and foreign teachers."

"These two girls are also kind of bullies in the island country. They often bully ordinary people. However, in order to chase stars and meet Brother Hua, Liu Dehua, they cleaned themselves up and looked like good girls on the surface. I didn’t take my little brothers and sisters with me either.”

Zhao Donghuai clicked his tongue and was too lazy to answer.

It is estimated that the gangster daughter of these two island countries is on the line and is being targeted by Li Chunzai... If she is a serious person and a normal woman, he will certainly let the Pan-Asian brother do the work and protect her.

This dog-eating-dog thing, or is it the South Korean devil biting the bad girl from the island country club? ?

This is to add another fire to the crew of (Memories of Murder). At least in the original trajectory, Li Chunzai committed many crimes for many years and killed 13 people, all of whom were South Korean women.

The next moment he spoke, "Go and call a prosecutor named Park Jin-wook in Seoul and ask him to come to Hong Kong Island."

This is the sequence of evidence collected by South Korea's criminal prosecutors when they were deduced in the simulator to see if he and Samsung Chairman Lee could cooperate happily and successfully jointly build a notebook factory.


After giving orders on the night of the 25th, Zhao Donghuai met Prosecutor Park Jin-wook on the morning of the 26th. The reason... Prosecutor Park is a high-ranking person in South Korea and has a lot of power in his hands.

so what? This is the point at which South Korea will enter the true chaebol era.

Whenever Zhao Donghuai makes a movie, Chairman Lee of Samsung will fully arrange all kinds of support.

Even if someone from the Pan-Asia Group called him and asked him to come to Hong Kong Island without explaining the reason, Prosecutor Park would have to fly on the plane immediately and wait for him, considering the attitude of the relationship between Samsung and Hong Kong Island.

In the Financial Building office, as soon as they met, Zhao Donghuai smiled and threw out a small box, a cardboard box, and said in English, "Prosecutor Park, I like to make friends, and inside are some little secrets belonging to you."

The man surnamed Park only knew South Korean and English, so Director Zhao was too lazy to find a translator.

Prosecutor Park was confused and glanced at Zhao Sheng with doubts, including A Guang who sent him here. He hesitated to open the box after dozens of seconds.

The various documents and files in the box included photos, recordings, and the like. Park Zhenxu was sweating profusely when he looked at them, and his face was changing in an unbelievable way.

Anyway, in a cyberpunk society like South Korea, many high-level officials do not commit crimes or illegal acts, but... there are more tricks than you can imagine.

In this information, there are at least seven cases in which Prosecutor Park was played to death. Well, it was literally played to death. Compared with the Hwaseong serial murderer, he was not a noble person.

It's just that one is from the bottom of society and the other is the prosecutor who is at the top.

Those who were played to death by Park Jin Wook were all beauties given to him by rich men. If something happened, the rich men would take care of the aftermath. Just like in the movie "Black Gold", Lao Hou accidentally killed some people and Shangyuan Villa would take care of the aftermath.

After reading these evidences, Park Zhenxu collapsed on the ground, trembling, "What do you want to do, Mr. Zhao? Why are there these? This is impossible..."

Some of the most explosive scenes of playing with the dead are so outrageous that there are real photos of the scene. This is simply unbelievable. Someone wants to harm him? Did the rich men of Ma secretly film him while they were waiting on him?

This is not about martial ethics!

He is now firmly convinced that not only was he secretly photographed while he was high, but there may also be a videotape of it. This solid evidence has spread to Hong Kong Island.

As long as there is still a chance to return alive, he will definitely kill those rich people as soon as possible.

In South Korea, chaebols are very powerful and powerful, and prosecutors cannot afford to offend them. They have to kneel down to greet Chairman Lee, but ordinary people, even billionaires, are not on the list of prosecutors.

Especially a middle-aged powerful man like him who stands in the prosecutor's office.

But, if these evidences fall into the hands of Zhao Donghuai, Zhao Sheng is an Asian media tycoon. If it is exposed casually, he will die.

Zhao Donghuai walked out from behind the desk with a smile, stood in front of Park Zhenxu, and waved to Qiu Shuzhen. Ah Zhen brought two glasses of champagne, one glass each for Director Zhao’s left hand and right hand, “Prosecutor Park, as for me, I have many friends in South Korea. "

"These incriminating documents of yours were sent by those people. Now, do you want to die or live??"

Park Zhenxu suddenly woke up and said, "Zhao Sheng, please allow me to kiss your shoes..."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, and then kicked him away. Fuck, what kind of tone is this? After kicking Park Zhenxu, he put the champagne on the desk, "That's the situation."

"From today on, you are also a member of my intelligence system in South Korea."

"My film group is filming a real-life adaptation of (Hwaseong Serial Murderer). When the film is finished and is about to be released, you can lead the team to catch the murderer."

"This is what makes movies reflect reality, the same operation as never compromising."

"As long as you catch him, then... you can go one step further and become a hero across South Korea."

Park Jin-wook was ecstatic, "Ah?? Boss, do you know who the murderer is?"

It has been more than 10 months, and the South Korean police, including the prosecutor system, the military, etc., have long been criticized by the public as representatives of the decathlon.

Whoever can solve this case will gain huge popularity and reputation. Even if you quit your job as a prosecutor and go directly to the election, you can attract a huge number of votes!

It's unrealistic to directly run for Qingtai's junior commander, but it's not that difficult to elect a councilor or something.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed a photo of Li Chunzai and Simon Yam and threw it over, "That's him. This guy seems to have set his sights on two girls who flew to Hwaseong from the island country to chase stars."

"If you don't watch closely, the news about the victims of the island nation might be the next one."

Park Zhenxu grabbed the photo and stared at Li Chunzai's photo for dozens of seconds before he knelt down excitedly and said, "Boss, it's big news. If victims of the island country appear, the news will sweep the island country."

"If I go to solve the case again in the future, it will be really..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, and so were A Guang and Qiu Shuzhen.

Even Zhao Sheng investigated the backgrounds of the two women and knew that they were not good people. The two women's parents had caused many troubles and bankruptcies, and had caused ordinary citizens to lose their money and jump into the fire. The two women had often bullied normal people in Tokyo, so they chose to turn a blind eye.

The person named Park will be sentenced in seconds!

Prosecutor Park, he really has no doubt that Zhao Donghuai's words are false. Let's take a look. Zhao Sheng has all kinds of evidence about his own crimes. So much ironclad evidence is in Zhao Sheng's hands. There are photos, the truth, and maybe video tapes.

Who knows, how many people in South Korea secretly listen to what Zhao Sheng says and do? Since this intelligence system is so huge... even he, a big boss who can bankrupt rich people at will, did this and immediately became a member of Zhao's intelligence system.

Isn't it reasonable for Zhao Sheng to solve the case before the police? ?

Do you know how many people his surname Park can mobilize in Seoul, South Korea? He went to Hwaseong, and the Hwaseong prosecutor and police station system were all within his command line.

After thinking about it excitedly, Park Jin-wook took the initiative to suggest, "Sheng Zhao, I feel that the more island women are victimized, the more sensational the international public opinion will be. It will be more beneficial to solve the case and promote the film project!"

Damn, this is President Li again! Although the person in front of him is far less powerful than Chairman Li, he can do whatever he wants.

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