Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 192 The increasingly outrageous strongman group

After Park Jin-wook excitedly exaggerated the case, he suddenly had an idea and smiled flatteringly, "Boss, since you already have so many people in South Korea, you can try to promote Wanjia Supermarket to enter Seoul and develop in other cities."

"At that time, all your industries will also be included in the retail system."

"If you want, I can be the vanguard!"

"The people's material life is gradually getting richer. Your Wanjia is a theater chain. If it is operated properly, the box office explosive power will not be worse than Wanwan, or even stronger!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "You are right. We can slowly consider letting the Wan family invade South Korea."

South Korea's development momentum in recent years is the same as that of Hong Kong Island. People are getting richer and richer, but South Korea's local film and television entertainment projects are very average and very backward. This era is the era of suppression by Hong Kong films.

However, due to theater issues and other issues, there was also official suppression of Poucai before.

The profits of many Hong Kong film producers and distributors in South Korea are very low.

Let’s take Cheng Long’s (Plan A) 1 as an example. There were 400,000 moviegoers in Seoul alone, and a ticket cost 20 Hong Kong dollars. It made a box office of 8 million Hong Kong dollars in Seoul, and more than 24 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea.

For most films, the data for all South Korea is basically Seoul data multiplied by 3.

Cheng Long's (Drunken Master) was the original record of the bombing of Hong Kong movies in the 1970s and 1980s. There were 890,000 moviegoers in Seoul. Calculated at 15 Hong Kong dollars a ticket at that time, the total revenue in Korea was more than 40 million. Hong Kong dollar box office.

In this dimension, masterpieces such as "Super Body" and "The Endless Love of Humans and Ghosts" have also made a box office revenue of 50 million Hong Kong dollars on the surface.

However, problems such as official poisonous vegetables and underreporting of box office bills have resulted in the amount that Li Guoxing, the distributor, can collect from South Korea. It is much lower than that of the province or the island country. He collects less money and has to reimburse Zhao Films for the buyout fee. Naturally it won't be too high.

It is difficult for traditional businessmen to do business smoothly because of official issues related to poisonous vegetables.

But isn’t it that the poisonous cabbage is coming to an end soon? It’s determined that they will step down. The era when the chaebols headed by Samsung Chairman Lee will decide everything is coming soon!

If Wanjia can break into major cities in South Korea... then it will be great. With the rise of Chairman Lee's era, South Korea can become a more important vote bank than the province.

Can I get in?

Thanks to Chairman Li, Prosecutor Park in front of him is the best example. Zhao Donghuai quickly went to the small suite built into the office and came out holding a large box.

"Here are the study materials of several Seoul District Councilors. Take them back and let them appeal to see if Wanjia can be allowed to enter Seoul."

When the box was dropped to the ground, Park Zhenxu was ecstatic, "Does it have the same information as me?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "It's almost the same, the nature is the same."

Park Zhenxu was so surprised that he was speechless. His information fell into Zhao Sheng's hands and he became one of his own, but now he is taking other people's information to make friends?

There's nothing wrong with Wanjia, a magical welfare supermarket. District councilors are calling for Wanjia to come to Seoul to benefit the people of Seoul. Isn't it the most important thing for councilors to do? The best propaganda weapon? !

This is the biggest surprise!

Even if they do this, it is tantamount to going against Rakuten, so what? After all, Rakuten is not just a general retailer in the industry, and it will be like that if it is knocked down.

South Korean retail is currently dominated by two giants, Samsung Chairman Lee and Rakuten.

After Park Zhenxu walked away happily holding the box, Zhao Donghuai sat behind his desk and took a sip of coffee, feeling very good.

If Wanjia can enter South Korea, it will indeed be... well, it will be a lot cheaper for South Koreans, but the most important thing is the channel, the explosive power of film and television. If Wanjia Cinema dominates South Korea, the ticket price will be higher. For example, a theater ticket costs 20 or 25 Hong Kong dollars.

This can directly swallow up the South Korean wave in a movie project!

Another example is celebrities like Li Yingai. They praise whoever speaks Mandarin or Cantonese well... and hold them high and compete with Chairman Li on the same stage?

How about comparing the current situation of various celebrities and idols in South Korea? It won’t take too many years before South Korea will become the exclusive haven for Hong Kong movies.

Of course, there are a lot of competitive pressures, and high-end business wars are fought back and forth.

There is even a 100% chance that South Korea will protect its own entertainment industry projects, block orders, Hong Kong restrictions, etc. This depends on Zhao Donghuai's ability to make friends.

One of the main reasons for the collapse of Hong Kong movies was the loss of tickets in East and Southeast Asia, and the official policy of restricting Hong Kong movies and Hong Kong entertainment was taking effect.

But in South Korea and island countries, votes are so important? Every province needs votes.

What is a ballot? Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket is a god-level platform for attracting votes.

Serious businessmen can't do this, they have to cheat!


On the 27th, in Seoul, Zhang Jun was walking on the street with a few younger brothers showing off their power. Looking at the bustling street scene, Zhang Jun smashed the cigarette butt in his hand, turned around and stopped a long-legged beauty who was about to pass by, "Beauty..."

When he casually wanted to strike up a conversation, the long-legged young woman gave him a panicked look and ran away. She ran away.

Zhang Jun, "..."

Does he look that vicious? Although what this Ajun did in the island country was indeed cruel and evil.

A bald man behind Zhang Jun grinned, "Haha, Brother Jun, people like us should not expect to pick up girls normally. If we want to have fun, go to the nightclub. What kind of things can't be done? We came to Seoul from Tokyo. We want to For my fellow villagers, please take a good look at the quality of South Korean girls."

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes and looked at the other Huang Mao, "Lezai, what do you think?"

Huangmao Lezai also laughed, "Brother Jun, I don't think this is your problem. Haven't you heard that there is a serial murderer going on in South Korea recently, who specializes in torture and murder of women. He has committed six crimes. How can a normal girl dare to do so casually?" Being accosted.”

Zhang Junba smacked his lips and said with emotion, "Ma is so right, let's go, let's find someone with connections to continue buying guys. Once we have more guys, let's show up openly again and have an in-depth discussion with the local gangs."

"It's a bit embarrassing to leave Tokyo this time, but I will go back sooner or later, my wives from the island country!"

Unlike Zhang Minggao, a ruthless thief who is not close to women and has trained himself in a militaristic manner, Zhang Junke has always been a man of character, likes women, and will pick up girls wherever he goes.

Stimulated by Ye Jihuan who went to Tokyo to collect debts, Zhang Junren went crazy and caused a series of big things... What is the situation of him coming crazy? Just like in the original track of robbery in the mainland, in order to practice shooting, he took the initiative to deceive two strangers and innocent women, trick them into the mountains and shoot them to death.

Just to practice shooting.

Also in the original track, he collaborated with others to rob, but failed because of fierce resistance. He failed and ran away. He ran to the wilderness and just took a breath. When he saw that his companion was injured before, he picked up a stone and smashed his companion to death.

The other party died miserably like Brother D who was fishing without a helmet.

Such a person is crazy and can do anything when his brain is convulsed. In the original trajectory, he was just practicing robbery and so on. The disaster is the mainland. At this stage, the butterfly effect affects the island nation of South Korea.

As he spoke and urged the younger brothers to leave quickly, Zhang Jun sighed again, "Damn it, half of the 300 million extorted from Mr. Li and Mr. Wang last time has been spent. This money is really not worth spending."

"But I still have 150 million Hong Kong dollars. As long as I contact the soldiers of Amei's family in South Korea, it will be easy to get a gun."

After his robbery last year, he spent HK$150 million in more than half a year? All kinds of money and guns are spent on big guys, big pineapples, etc. A-Mei’s soldiers charge very bad prices.

In addition to the extravagant life in the nightclub, keeping mistresses for shopping, and the younger brothers who followed him in the beginning, because he was wandering in Tokyo, only one of them died, and they had to pay the pension and send it back to their hometown.

No matter how cruel and ruthless Zhang Jun was during his rise in the original trajectory, he would kill others if he felt they might be a drag, and he would show no mercy. In this dimension... Zhang Jun really felt that it was too fast and too easy to make a fortune through robbery.

He became generous to his brother who died in battle.

Because of this generosity, when he became famous in Tokyo and was ruthless, there would naturally be new younger brothers who wanted to follow him as the boss. Bald Boy and Yellow-haired Ale were both new recruits who had not been around for a long time.

He was from southern Fujian. He came to work with him from Fuqing, and he also fought with him in street fights against the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Also, he had made such a big move in Tokyo, and the black and white teams were trying their best to arrest him. How could he escape safely?

It still opened up the world of Amei Soldier, just like (Hurricane Rescue 2). In the movie, Lin Zhengying killed everything in Tokyo and killed the air. After finishing the killing, she saved the character played by Zhou Huimin.

There is a character played by the famous star Monica Bellucci who contacts A-Mei and Dingbing and pays the money. The Dingbing happily collects the money and sends Lin Zhengying and other protagonists to leave the island country.

Did the movie explain it so clearly? Do you think Zhang Jun can’t learn?

He and his brothers just left happily and relaxedly. Even the black and white people in the island country knew that he was leaving on that ship and could only watch.

The only problem was that when I left, the soldiers gave me a lot of money for my boat ticket.

Before leaving, you can't take away the lovers you raised in Tokyo, and you have to pay someone to take care of them so that they don't let the revenge of the Yamaguchi-gumi and others fall on them. This is money again, and it won't work if you pay less, Fu Qing He had all paid for help, including Na Yigua, Wan Nanzi, and the leader of Amei's soldiers.

Along with the complaints, the bald Wu laughed and said, "Brother Jun, if you don't have enough money, why don't you just grab another ticket? I heard that Li Chaoren and Wang Dehui are both in South Korea. They are old acquaintances."

Zhang Jun stopped in surprise and turned around, "Real or fake? Why did those two come to South Korea? Are you still studying this?"

He had a super happy and exciting time in Tokyo, and he really didn't pay attention to the movements of those two old acquaintances and friends.

Da Wu continued to laugh, "Ever since I found out how you rose to prominence, boss, I have dreamed of becoming a wealthy person. There are not many rich people like Wang Sheng who follow the rules. Naturally, I pay attention to them. I heard that there are new ones. The ruthless people want to fuck them."

"Those two people avoided it once because they had bodyguards, bulletproof cars and so on, but then they came to South Korea to avoid the limelight. They were in Seoul, right? They should be there."

Zhang Jun, "..."

Zhang Jun was confused for dozens of seconds before waving his hands, "It's not appropriate. Last year, people gave us money so freely. My family took the initiative to get rid of the police and paid us. They were all old banknotes with no consecutive numbers. I didn't even understand the old banknotes at that time." What is the difference between banknotes without serial numbers and new banknotes with serial numbers?"

"If they want to trick me, they have many ways to do it."

"Li Sheng and Wang Sheng are so generous, so I won't look for them anymore."

If it wasn't those two people, he would only be living such a super happy life in his dreams, or he wouldn't even dare to think about it in his dreams.

It's an exaggeration to say that he would be a groom every night in Tokyo, but a few island wives really allowed him to experience another extreme of life.

All kinds of other material enjoyments also made him feel washed and baptized from his whole body.

You can't be so careless as a human being. How can you continue to harm Li Sheng and Wang Sheng?

"Let's tie up an ordinary South Korean rich man to make money."

After thinking about it in the end, Zhang Jun made up his mind, but at this moment, Le Zai suddenly ran out a few steps, picked up a newspaper lying on the ground, and said to the newspaper, "Brother Jun, it seems that someone is robbing us." It’s business…”

He doesn't understand Korean and South Korean, and neither does Zhang Jun or Bald Wu, but at this moment, there are just big photos on the newspaper.

Outside the awning of a building, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather jacket was surrounded by three masked men with guns: the King of Kingdom Holding, the King of Growth, and the King of Guangmu.

The next photo shows three masked men getting into another car holding meat tickets.

Zhang Jun's eyes widened. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say for a moment. Da Wu slapped the back of his head and cursed, "Fuck, this is not the last time we had a shootout with Li Zhiren's bodyguards." That gang of thugs?"

"Today is the 27th. I remember that they had a shootout with the bodyguard group in Deep Water Bay, Hong Kong Island on the 11th! However, they disappeared after the kidnapping failed."

Zhang Jun, "..."

Is this world of gangsters getting more and more complicated? Is this inward or outward roll?


Zhang Jun's entrepreneurial team was staring at a newspaper in a daze.

In a big hotel in Seoul, Wang Dehui was holding a newspaper and sighing, "Li Sheng, it must be them, the same group of people who tried to kidnap you on the 11th but failed. Damn it, why did these gangsters come to South Korea?"

"Just yesterday evening, Jiang Enhao, the president of the Lesheng Club, was held hostage by four masked men with guns in public as he left the club. He kidnapped and then disappeared without a trace."

"Due to insufficient police force in Seoul, there has been no follow-up news about the kidnapping incident... This Lesheng Club is involved in real estate, hotels, jewelry chain stores and other industries. It is said that the market value of the group is over one billion Hong Kong dollars."

Under Lao Wang's words, Mr. Li frowned, his expression not to mention ugly.

He really thought that the masked men of the Four Heavenly Kings in Journey to the West were the ones from Hong Kong Island, but the other party didn't even change their masks? ? This is too outrageous.

Or is it that there are local gangsters in Seoul who deliberately imitate the gang in Hong Kong and want to frame them? No matter what, even local rich people in Seoul have been kidnapped, so... then what about their foreign rich people from Hong Kong Island?

Wouldn't it be more dangerous? !

Although the news disclosed in the media is that the market value of Chairman Jiang Enhao Group is only over one billion Hong Kong dollars, and the money is less than them, but it is a local snake. People who play real estate, can they not be local snakes?

In South Korea, there will be many gangster crime movies similar to documentaries and mockumentaries in the future, which clearly show the social structure. Various gangs were active from the 1960s and 1970s until the 21st century.

From (Gangnam 1970), to (War on Crime: The Heyday of the Bad Guys), or (The King) (Veteran), etc., which one reveals less?

Just say that in "Gangnam 1970", what was exposed was basically that as the economy took off and the real estate industry took off, how many gangs and black forces penetrated into the industry to make a fortune.

Therefore, how can a group CEO who can play real estate and earn a market value of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars not be a local snake? ?

What a waste! He has been hiding from Hong Kong Island and came to Seoul. He has not yet harvested anything from his inspection of wealth-making projects, so the gangsters have started working in Seoul?

When Lao Li frowned and said nothing, Wang Dehui put down the newspaper and suddenly said solemnly, "I have decided to return to Hong Kong Island, or go to Tokyo to film like Cheng Long and others. Don't they just want to invite me to make a cameo to adapt the big case of our kidnapping? What?"

"Just go, I'm going to be a guest actor in Hong Kong. Those scumbag villains shouldn't still be staring at me, right?"

"Isn't it just acting? Maybe not only don't I have to spend more money, but I can also earn some salary. Cheng Long is also a retail tycoon, so he won't be asking for more and not giving me salary, right?"

Li Chao was stunned and rolled his eyes wildly!

Of course he knew that Cheng Long wanted to film Police Story 3, film their kidnapping case, and put it on the big screen to make money. Lao Li was resisting and resisting. If it weren't for the fact that there were many people standing behind Cheng Long, He would spit a thick mouthful of phlegm out of the schoolboy.

But Wang Dehui agreed to adapt it on the spot...Old Wang agreed, but what was wrong with him, Old Li, not agreeing? Zhang Jun's team was originally focused on Lao Wang, he was just an accident.

Later, Cheng Long also wanted to invite Wang Dehui to make a guest appearance? ? It's simply outrageous.

Wang Dehui has been in frequent phone calls with Cheng Long these days to discuss the plot and so on. He did not expect that Lao Wang would make such a decision now.

Are you really going to be a guest actor? Even if it's a guest appearance, isn't it still a starring role? ! Have you entered the acting industry?

Wang Dehui touched his forehead with sparse hair and said with emotion, "In the past, actors were actors and actresses, and they were not even looked down upon by wealthy families like us. Even the second generation could look down on them and despise them."

"Play whatever you want, just call it a chicken."

"It's really different now. The shopping mall environment is getting more and more dangerous, but the status and influence of actors are gradually increasing. Didn't you see the president of Microsoft often guest-starring? There is also a project initiated by Zhao, in Huahua, dozens of kilometers away from Seoul. In the movie shot in the city, even Chairman Lee of Samsung will make a cameo..."

"Then as long as you put aside this psychological prejudice, what's wrong with becoming a guest actor? I also played myself in Police Story 3, and I still get paid."

As he talked, he seemed to be explaining to Li Zhiren, but more importantly, he was using it to convince himself.

In the end, Lao Wang became more relaxed. After all, he was super stingy, but he didn't care too much about how much the guest actor could get. This was joining Zhao's Pictures in disguise. The gangsters should have treated him well, right?

I've already joined the film industry, and you're still attacking me? That's inappropriate, right?

As long as the gangsters no longer dare to touch him, the bodyguard money saved every year will be a huge sum.

In the past, ten or eight bodyguards were hired, and those who could fight against gangsters would earn several million a year. If divided among each person for decades a year, a single bodyguard would earn a monthly salary of tens of thousands.

But ever since the shootout at Deep Water Bay, in which two people were killed and five were injured, all the bodyguard groups have asked to increase their prices, or else they will stop working.

You can't do it if you don't get a raise. Two people died when Li Chaoren was hired before!

With a monthly salary of tens of thousands, two people died after working for a while? Of the five injuries, two of them survived only after being rescued.

Industries that require life-saving work are expensive in Hong Kong, including the island countries of South Korea, and cheaper in the mainland... But as long as there is some promise and ability in the mainland, who wouldn't apply for Pan Asia Group? Those who have no future...

Just like Zhang Jun and Zhang Minggao, they are chasing another direction and outlet.

After saying this, Wang Dehui didn't even wait for Mr. Li to say anything, put down the newspaper and ran away.


July 28th.

The 36-episode "Dream of Red Mansions" TV series came to an end last night under ATV's strategy of broadcasting two episodes every day. Last night's two episodes were the finale.

The ratings can also be said to be a small crowd.

The finale... As we all know, the story of "Dream of Red Mansions" is just like that. It is so cruel that it has earned the tears of many Hong Kong audiences, but no one will scold the director or actors after crying.

The novel "Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the four great classics. How many years has it been circulated? Everyone knows what the ending will be before watching it.

Early in the morning on the 28th, citizens who went to work gathered together in twos and threes. Most of the topics discussed were related to Dream of Red Mansions. Most of them praised this version of Red Mansions for being a classic and worthy of being a major production in the Mainland.

There was definitely some scolding...

There was no influence from Zhao Donghuai in the original track. Director Wang was scolded for running away to avoid the limelight right after the film was released, and he even let the public know that time will prove whether this version of Red Mansions is a classic or garbage.

It's just that in this dimension, there aren't many people who curse.

It was under such circumstances, accompanied by newspaper men one after another, that when the newsstand system started selling daily newspapers or magazines for the new day, a piece of news suddenly swept Hong Kong Haowan.

Oriental Daily: "Shanghai Film Studio's shocking masterpiece is coming. Kung Fu Panda landed in North America on its first weekend last week, with a box office of US$31 million in the four-day opening weekend, and it strongly topped the list of North American summer weekend shows!"

Kowloon Daily: "Kung Fu plus panda? Yes, this panda is extraordinary. It suppressed the North American summer season in four days..."

Tiantian Daily: "Cartoons are involved in the field of live-action movies. The global animation field is no longer dominated by Hollywood."

As soon as the newspaper news came out, countless citizens in Hong Kong were collectively confused. What happened? Is there a Zhao movie or cartoon? North American Bombing’s terrifying opening weekend record of $31 million?

Kung Fu plus panda? Why haven't we seen it?

In April 1986, Zhao Donghuai spent 100 million yuan to let Shanghai Film Studio start filming (Kung Fu Panda) and (The Lion King). In early July this year, it took one year and three months for the Panda project team to complete the film.

This is definitely the Hammer King blockbuster of the summer.

But there are too many good blockbusters in Hong Kong this year, (Ip Man) (Ancient Time Travel Version of A Chinese Ghost Story 1) (Ancient and Modern Battle of Qin Terracotta Warriors) (Die Hard 2)...

Not to mention, depending on the situation, it is estimated that (Jurassic Park) will be able to complete all post-production work in August. It is hard to say whether it will be mid-August or the end of August.

There is also Cheng Long's (Plan A sequel) released in Jiahe.

Princess Jin is also busy with all the weirdos in Xinyi City.

There are so many good movies that it’s almost impossible to make sense of them. The initial promotion of Kung Fu Panda has been in Europe and the United States. After all, it is difficult to break into Hollywood with films such as (Ip Man) (A Chinese Ghost Story 1) and (The Great War). The market received big box office hits.

So as early as July 10th, publicity and distribution about Kung Fu Panda started in North America and Europe. It was still the same old routine, with posters all over theaters and comic shops, and Kung Fu stars strongly promoted it during interviews.

The panda, a national treasure of China, has many fans abroad. No, the panda was not officially recognized as a national treasure in 1987, but it is still very popular.

It will continue to be released in the evening on July 23, with a box office of US$31 million in the first weekend? This is still worse than the original track. You must know that the Hollywood version of Kung Fu Panda had a box office of US$60 million in North America in its first weekend!

Cartoons are not only enjoyed by children.

How many animated films does Disney, the copyright fiend, rely on to conquer the world? As long as Shanghai Film Studio does a good enough job, it can break the box office record of the 1980s.

Up to now, since the 1980s, not to mention Hong Kong movies, even in North America, including several major groups, there are only a few movies that can achieve a box office of US$30 million in the first weekend.

Anyway, in the temporary information, there are (Never Compromise) and (Kung Fu Panda)!

The two movies each have their own unique timing, location, and people, which led to this achievement.

Home Alone 1 was released during Christmas and New Year's Day, and it broke $30 million in North America in eight days.

A large number of citizens and movie fans were all dumbfounded by the news. Those who were very close to Wanjia General Store grabbed newspapers and ran to the cinema on the fourth floor to ask if Kung Fu Panda was showing...

I asked that there was no arrangement yet.

The few citizens who did this started to complain. Fortunately, the Wanjia Workers' Union explained decently and carefully. This was due to the fact that there were too many good films in Hong Kong and there were schedule conflicts. They were afraid that an animated film about Kung Fu Panda would suppress it and weaken the schedule of the live-action film. The box office was delayed a little bit.

Many people joked that Cheng Long is also one of the minority shareholders of Wanjia. His (Sequel to Plan A) was also released in Jiahe, and it also featured Master Ye's performance.

You, the customers who often visit Wanjia, don't want Cheng Long to be suppressed and the box office collapses, so you can't get your money back, right?

Just a joke, coupled with the many benefits that Wanjia has given back to the society over the years, some trivial matters are just over.

Why don't you have any dissatisfaction and resentment?

After all, human hearts are made of flesh.

Wanjia employees come forward to do many things, and most of the time it is more convenient than the police or associations.

Isn't it just a matter of watching Kung Fu Panda for a while? It's a small matter, let foreigners enjoy it first.

Although it was said to be no big deal, as (Kung Fu Panda) landed in the island country, it also hit a box office of 300 million yen in one day, and almost rushed to the total box office of 10 billion yen, and countless citizens became even more itchy.

What kind of fairy cartoon is this? Is the movie box office so perverted and terrifying? Better than so many live-action movies?

The people of Haowan, Hong Kong can't wait to see it and use their money to support this panda movie that is smashing the box office outside.


On July 30, Cheng Long came to a teahouse in Wan Chai early in the morning and saw Bruce Willis also arriving early. He immediately felt sympathy for each other and bumped fists with Bruce. "A panda animation movie is so cruel. Are we so overwhelmed that action superstars like us have to look up to us?"

Aaron voices Kung Fu Panda Po.

Bruce Willis, a white action star, voices the villain Black Panther.

Also this summer, they spoke out through various media magazines in North America and Europe to promote the animated film. Bruce Willis even flew to Hollywood to be interviewed by a TV station to promote it.

But the two of them still couldn't imagine that an animated kung fu movie could achieve such exaggerated and outrageous achievements.

Are cartoons coming to compete with them for the appeal of action stars? Speechless.

After the fist bump, Bruce Willis felt even more pressure, "Brother Long, your Police Story 2 broke $60 million in North America, and this third one will definitely be even stronger."

"On the contrary, my Die Hard 2 is on hold. Although my first film also made more than $70 million at the box office, the schedule is a bit awkward."

Die Hard 2 is also scheduled for AMC theaters. The plan is to avoid the momentum of Kung Fu Panda in the first three weeks and release in mid-to-late August, marking the end of the summer season.

Bruce is now really worried about the box office hit by Panda. He is starting to consider whether he should suggest to Big Boss that Die Hard should be placed in the Lunar New Year slot.

Cheng Long also noticed some thoughts and said hurriedly, "You'd better stop thinking so much. The Lunar New Year period over there is the world of Home Alone 2!"

In Europe and the United States, the Spring Festival is not celebrated, but major holidays such as Christmas and New Year's Day are very exciting, and the ten-day holiday is very exciting, but it is the set of Home Alone!

Last winter, while Home Alone 1 was a big hit, the second and third parts have been quickly produced by Wang Jing and Xu Ke. It can also be regarded as taking advantage of the fact that Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz have not grown up. It was so big that I filmed two films in one winter.

Then the second part was released in 1987, and the third part was released in 1988.

With the power of the first part, the situation in the second and third parts can be imagined.

Bruce, "..."

He felt like crying, "It seems we can't avoid blockbusters. There's Kung Fu Panda in the front, and... the one behind (Jurassic Park) is even scarier!"

"How about I ask the boss for suggestions and release it next year?"

Even though Jurassic Park was still in the late stages of production, Bruce knew what a terrifying monster movie it was. As the same saying goes, one or two of the novels (Jurassic Park) were sold all over the world. Ten seconds of dinosaur footage brought out the craze!

For a big movie like Jurassic, you don’t need to worry too much about the schedule.

This is in September and October. Although the summer vacation is gone, there is still no shortage of audiences during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, weekends, etc., and at most it will be released for a few more months.

Cheng Long also patted Bruce speechlessly and said with a smile, "It's okay. I'll work on the schedule slowly. We have to reshoot many of our scenes. Hehe, a real estate tycoon like Wang Sheng is really willing to come back to our crew and be a guest actor... …”

The first half of Police Story 3 is about a kidnapping case, starring Cheng Long, Bruce is a supporting role, and the white police officer in the Hong Kong police is also an action detective, and the two work together to solve the case.

In the second half, Zhang Jun rushes into Tokyo, and the various gangs are invincible. The Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi Kai, etc. are overwhelmed and the other parties cannot bear it. The Hong Kong police then rush into Tokyo and join forces with the police to catch the thieves and solve the case.

The first half is similar to the main plot development of (Crime Unit), but the style is still the style of the Police Story series, kung fu and death-defying plus dragon-style comedy.

The main plot of the second half is similar to the 2017 South Korean version (Crime City), and the gameplay remains the same.

Luo Jiaying previously played Wang Dehui, but Wang Sheng is willing to come back and play himself? It's more exciting to be a rich man or a real estate tycoon directly.

Bruce nodded happily, "The rich and powerful tycoon will go down personally. It doesn't matter if we reshoot, it's a trivial matter."

Of course he also understands. He cooperates with Cheng Long in the action field, joining forces and achieving a win-win situation!

(ps: There will be another chapter later.)

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