Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 251 She is so cute that she easily becomes famous due to her silly live broadcast.

a new day.

In the ATV Variety Show Creation Center building, Zeng Mewwei and Chen Baixiang stood together in the large office, looking at the variety show planning of about ten people, A Le said excitedly, "Everyone, I have come up with the idea of ​​a project like Wilderness Survival."

"But how to perfect it from scratch still requires everyone to work together. The treatment given by the big boss is so good. As long as he nods, you will receive bonuses ranging from 100,000 to 500,000."

"Then it depends on everyone!"

A group of planners were very excited. It is said that the TV station is behind the scenes, and everyone who is capable has already gone to the TV series project team and the like, and was assigned to a professional variety show production center?

These are all those who were eliminated by the TV drama industry in the past, and some of them were recruited by ATV after the expansion of the new TV city that moved from the old headquarters to eight buildings.

Do you know that the old ATV was moved into a new home of eight 12-story buildings from a six-story building? This kind of recruitment expansion is very large. The Asian Drama Academy, starting from the class of 1987 last year, no longer just recruits star classes.

We have also opened classes for animation production, film and television screenwriters, directors, etc., specifically to prepare talents for the new ATV. After all, during the summer season last July, Kung Fu Panda 1 bombed the world, and one animated film made more than 400 million. The terrifying box office of American Knife.

Many colleges and universities in the mainland also expanded their enrollment in animation classes for freshmen students after last summer. Naturally, Asia Drama was also an innovation completed during that time.

And Hong Kong Island’s variety shows? The most famous one is of course Happy Tonight, but so far Happy Tonight has also been going downhill.

That is to say, Millionaire suddenly became popular in Hong Kong, and even became popular in Asia. This variety show creation center gradually became lively, energetic and vigorous.

Therefore, the ten planners here are the most ambitious ones who want to change the status quo.

A guy with short hair and glasses adjusted the frame of his glasses and said, "Brother La, in order for variety shows to be effective, they still rely on gimmicks. For urbanites, watching other people survive in the wilderness must have gimmicks."

"But this alone is not enough. It is only a gimmick. Watching one or two issues will make you feel fresh. Otherwise, you may find it boring after five issues. You will feel that you can watch it, but it doesn't matter if you don't watch it."

"You need to set a big long-term goal, like becoming a millionaire? If you successfully survive, you can get a big bonus. That's what makes it so exciting!"

After all, money is the most practical thing!

Money is the easiest thing to attract people's hearts. How many citizens and tourists have been watching the Millionaire program steadily for a long time in order to win the one million prize?

There is already an example of winning the 1 million grand prize, and the ratings are still very stable, or even more stable, because everyone still wants to see the next winner.

Or the audience is also thinking of choosing me quickly... If I choose, I can also have a chance to win the one million grand prize!

Both Chen Baixiang and Zeng Mewei's eyes lit up. A'le smiled and said, "Your name is... Li Yaoxiang? I'll call you Xiangzi. Your mind works very fast. This is a good idea. If you have anything else you want to say, just say it." "

Li Yaoxiang smiled modestly, and then spoke modestly, "It's like a millionaire, who selects ten different people to compete, sets a survival deadline, and then divides them into multiple different groups to follow and observe."

"Put it in different places, you can go to uninhabited areas on outlying islands, or you can go to the inland to find mountains and wilderness... If you have enough funds, you can consider the vast and sparsely populated provinces in the northwest, the northeast as well, and famous mountains and rivers... "

"This can be regarded as adding another gimmick. After all, many of us Hong Kong Island citizens should also be curious about the mountains and rivers of our motherland. In order to see those beautiful mountains and rivers and gain experience, I guess they will be eager to follow them."

Another female planner slapped her thigh and interjected, "Yes, you can contact the mainland officials and choose places near distinctive scenic spots. If the audience sees the beauty, they might go on a trip. Once there is such a tour Stimulating, they will definitely give us the green light to support us."

"At this stage, when Hong Kong citizens go back to travel, all they spend are foreign exchange coupons."

Chen Baixiang glanced at the other party's job card. Lin Jianming, whose name is very masculine, is actually a young lady in her early 20s, "Okay, Mingnu, you can think very fast."

Zeng Mewei smiled and said, "Awesome, I originally wanted you to give me some suggestions and listen to more different ideas, but I didn't expect to hear Bao. I feel like I just need to follow this main line design."

"Then what do you think is the best time limit for successfully surviving in the wilderness and getting the big bonus?"

He also understood that it wasn't that Li Yaoxiang or Lin Jianming were really talented or something like that. If they really wanted to become famous early or succeed in other fields, they would just copy and adapt them along the lines of Millionaire...

Li Yaoxiang said excitedly, "Survival for a month?"

Lin Jianming shook his head, "One month is too short. Try to compete for one million in one month? It feels like it's not that difficult if you meet professional talents."

Li Yaoxiang, "But if it's too difficult, how do you record and play it? I think if you really meet someone who can easily survive in the wild for a month, it's better to create a survival series specifically for him."

"For normal citizens to play this game, the challenge is absolutely nightmare-level. Mosquitoes in the wilderness can kill people! Even if you bring something with you when you start filming, it will probably be a flashlight, candle, mosquito killer, etc., all packed in the package."

"Yes, the conditions can be relaxed. For example, citizens can be allowed to choose a backpack of items to start surviving. The choice of those players may also be a highlight."


October 6th.

When Zhao Donghuai received the first version of the Wilderness Survival planning settings from the variety show department in the office, he was slightly surprised when he took a casual look at it.

Sure, I didn’t expect this group of guys to actually plan a program that was a lot of fun to watch. As for the names of the two people who contributed a lot to perfecting the proposal?

Li Yaoxiang? This is really... This guy didn't come up after playing a small role for many years. How did he get into the ATV Variety Center?

Lin Jianming? He is a talent. The TV industry in Hong Kong says they value variety shows. There are examples like Happy Tonight. They say they don’t value variety shows. In fact, it’s not wrong. Apart from Happy Tonight, there aren’t many other well-known variety shows.

Lin Jianming is the one who planned and hosted ATV in 1994 (Today's Watch D) in the original track, and made ATV's variety show popular for several years and surpassed TVB's ratings. He is still quite talented.

Thinking of this, he said to Azhen, "Give Ah Le and Zeng Miewei one million each, Li Yaoxiang and Lin Jianming each 500,000, and the remaining 100,000."

Azhen was overjoyed, "Boss, you are too generous. It's just a first version, and it hasn't been finalized yet..."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "The idea of ​​surviving while shooting scenes in scenic spots in the Mainland is worthwhile. It also has a lot of additional added value. With the idea of ​​traveling, millions of people in Hong Kong who are from all over the world can use the program to advance their lives." On TV, let’s take a good look at our ancestral roots.”

"Wilderness Survival combines the beautiful scenery of the mainland to the north and south, and it's not just about your ancestral home."

At present, the whole world is traveling to Hong Kong. If the residents of Hong Kong and Hao also follow the program to create a wave of travel back to their ancestral hometowns, it will be a great thing for both directions.

There is no need to question it. People who want to win this tourism resource by putting out this variety show on ATV are everywhere.

The bonus was not distributed until the morning of the 6th. At noon, Ah Hong came to the back door with a carriage of delicious food. Her hometown wanted her to find a tourist location resource in Gan Province. It would be best to find a Hong Kong person whose ancestral home is Gan Province. Go back to the wilderness and survive.

They promise not to disturb the work progress of the program team, but will protect the personal safety of survivors wherever they go. This means that nothing serious will happen.

At worst, send a few professional masters to follow them from a distance so as not to interfere with the other party's survival, and then bring them out when the other party can't bear it anymore and gives up voluntarily.

Gan Province, learn about Lushan Scenic Area, Jinggang Mountain, Fairy Lake, etc. There are so many beautiful scenery.

In the afternoon, Gong Li came to ask for help again with the ardent hopes of her fellow villagers. Anyway, whether it worked or not was another matter. She always wanted to try on behalf of her hometown in Ludong. As long as the program team agreed, Lu Province could send out professional photographers to help follow the filming. .

This is rapidly reducing the production cost of the program team!

There are many others of all kinds, but ordinary people don't have the opportunity to come to see Zhao Donghuai. At most, celebrities like Liu Yijun, Li Youbin, and Zhang Yan who have become popular often go to the variety show center to make friends with Lagola.

A Le, quickly became popular in another form.

In the wilderness survival project, ten challengers are sent. Does it need a host? There is definitely a team of photographers to follow, and a host or commentator is still needed.

A ten-person team may need ten hosts or commentators. They don't have to appear in front of the camera all the time. But occasionally when those challengers encounter difficulties, they still have to explain to the general audience... what is the best and best approach in that situation? , another example is to comment on whether the challenger made any mistakes.

Wait, this is not something A Le can do alone, but it can be done by a large number of beautiful ATV hosts.

At this stage, even some female stars are eyeing this kind of resource. After all, Chen Farong became famous thanks to her image as a gentle and bookish big sister in Millionaire.

How she comforted and calmed the question-answers on the stage to get rid of their nervousness really helped a lot of people. If someone comforts you, you may answer a few more questions correctly if you calm down.

Without anyone to comfort you, that kind of tension can easily lead you to make mistakes.

Therefore, Chen Farong has been hailed as the savior of millionaires.

Chen Baixiang is the question maker in the millionaire question-and-answer session. He is the stumbling block between citizens' ability to win the one million grand prize. He occasionally misleads the citizens who challenge him. Chen Farong acts as a good guy and plays the bad guy one by one and the red face one by one. .

You must know that the original version of Millionaire, including the version introduced by ATV, was all done by one host. Now there are different combinations of red and white faces. The citizens look and feel super high, and there is no problem.

In the big office, when Zhang Min reported that Jennifer Aniston wanted to apply for guest hosting or voice commentary, Director Zhao was stunned, "She speaks??"

Zhang Min smiled and said, "Due to language problems, Aniston lost to Connery in the casting of Twilight. She has worked hard for more than a year. After studying for 14 more months, she is already very good at Mandarin." Not bad.”

Yes, the Twilight series started in August last year. Both Jennifers were running for the lead role, and Connery won because of his stronger language talent.

That Aniston was irritated. They were all the same high-quality beauties. She lost because her Mandarin was so poor and she didn’t understand Cantonese... This was too unfair. You have to remember that Aniston was still the 86th Asian Opera Award winner. born.

Connery is the little sister of the class of 1987!

At this stage, Connery has also become famous all over the world with the Twilight series and the source code. He is known as the first actress born in the 70s, an international kind.

Aniston naturally knows her shame and becomes brave, and she studies very hard.

Director Zhao said, "Then agree and let her be a voiceover commentator and a host who occasionally travels abroad."

Speaking of which, in this era, foreigners who can speak Mandarin are very popular in the mainland. Next year there will be a large number of Montanas. Because they perform skits on the Spring Festival Gala and their Mandarin is better, they begin to become popular for an era.

A super pretty girl like Jennifer Aniston is naturally much more eye-catching and beautiful when she goes to the mainland to be a host and commentator.

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously again, "Where is Cristiana Yeri? How are you studying?"

Zhang Min shook his head, "She is still learning English. Mandarin and Cantonese are too challenging. I guess giving her another two years won't be enough..."

Director Zhao nodded, "It's okay, let her continue to be assigned a commentator and host position, and then put it on the English station."

The English version of Millionaire is a dub and is broadcast on English stations.

How should I put it? Cristiana Yeri also became popular during the live broadcast of the Olympic Games, especially when she was doing live broadcasts or rebroadcasts. Because her English was not good enough, she could not clearly express her intentions and suddenly broke into a French sentence. …

It was obviously a live broadcast of an accident and a car rollover, because this girl is really beautiful, with good looks and a good figure, and the live broadcast of the accident and car rollover was very entertaining to watch.

She became famous for live broadcasting the high rate of car rollover accidents in her language.

To put it bluntly, everyone likes to see beautiful women like that embarrassed and embarrassed on camera. They are obviously beautiful and want to make people commit crimes, but they are always cute and cute. In the future, there will be celebrities who specialize in this kind of persona. Big red.

Cristiana Yeri's talent for language and her silly and cute gestures are all revealed naturally, not as a persona.

And some citizens who are proficient in English can also feel that the girl's English is indeed improving as time goes by and the number of live broadcasts increases!

It feels very different, as if everyone is witnessing the gradual growth of an English novice, witnessing her maturity... This cute and cute strength, matched with her world-class appearance and figure, even if her English becomes more and more in the future OK, got it.

If she is allowed to practice Mandarin and Cantonese during live broadcasts or recorded variety shows, she will become a hit if she can maintain her silly and adorable image.


Night falls.

Li Yaoxiang was holding a check for 500,000 yuan, his eyebrows were dancing with joy, and he was walking with a smile. As soon as he walked out of the variety show creation building, he saw two figures running over, namely Liu Yijun and Zhang Jiayi, two big men from Chang'an.

Liu Yijun directly grabbed Li Yaoxiang's arm and said in understandable Cantonese, "Brother Xiang, I am Liu Yijun, and this is my classmate and fellow countryman Zhang Jiayi. Brother Xiang didn't have dinner, right?"

"As long as Brother Xiang is willing, we will treat you to food, drinks, and karaoke at nightclubs."

Li Yaoxiang was confused, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

He is 24 years old this year, older than Liu Yijun, the two second-year Asian drama students, but he knows who Liu Yijun is. He is a new idol who became famous after starring in "Prank Kiss".

Li Yaoxiang sneaked into the ATV Variety Center. He had been working as a minor player at TVB for two years without seeing any prospects, including because Qian Jing was too sluggish, so he switched jobs when ATV moved into a new TV station to expand recruitment. Of course, he was the mastermind behind the scenes during the day.

If he has time in the evening, he will continue to play small roles. Anyway, there is no shortage of night scenes in ATV and the Hong Kong film and television industry.

As a bit player, recognizing celebrities is a basic skill, not to mention Liu Yijun is really famous.

In the past, big stars had different temperaments, personalities, and dealing styles, but even those who were friendly and had no airs were not something he could get along with.

In Hong Kong's film and television industry, there are too many people who want to be around big stars. If you know a big star, there will be so many more opportunities...

For any cast member, with a not-so-important role, as long as they can go out and have lines, how many extras and extras can beat them? ?

But when you meet a big star and have a good relationship, when you see an opportunity, just a word can help you get it done.

The male lead of (Prank Kiss) and the second male lead of (Destined to Love You), this Xiao Liu is one of the big idol stars who have re-emerged along the track of F4.

Liu Yijun smiled immediately when he saw this, feeling that the relationship would be stable. After all, they had been contacted and had many good words from their fellow villagers to ask them to do more. If they can contribute, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it is all a favor.

These favors can be returned to the circle of parents and friends.

"I've booked the hotel. After dinner, we'll go to the venue run by Brother Zhang Guo Rongrong. I also have a membership there, and the people who go there are all my peers or seniors. It's very safe and low-key."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yaoxiang was even more powerless to refuse.

After all, he didn't just expect to slowly endure variety shows and plan until retirement. He also came from a serious wireless training class and had been a part-timer for two years!

After thinking quickly, he still smiled and said, "Then I'm not polite, but Brother Jun, I must explain first that I am the planner, and Brother La is responsible for everything. He is not the host or commentator, he is also considered a producer. type."

"The ten contestants in the first phase will all go for filming and production. I can at most have the right to suggest nominations."

Liu Yijun was overjoyed, "I understand, I understand. I will visit Brother Le later. There will be ten contestants in one episode, although this kind of show is not like Millionaire, where the contestants will be changed after one episode."

"The challenge dates for the first batch of ten contestants can be used to shoot many episodes of the show, but ten... I just want to give the old man Jianan one more chance. If he can be the best, it doesn't matter if he doesn't. The big deal is to wait for another season."

Li Yaoxiang smiled, "Speaking of which, your hometown has no shortage of tourists, right? That's Chang'an, one of the four ancient capitals. After the release of The Legend of Love, the global box office has exceeded 1 billion Hong Kong dollars. There should be no shortage of people following the movie craze. Are you going to have fun?"

After the release of Gu Jian Qing Qing Qing, Chang'an has indeed become popular. After all, the global box office volume has exceeded 1 billion Hong Kong dollars. However, at this stage, the tourist wave is still dominated by mainlanders, who spend RMB.

Of course, Chang'an leaders also hope for a wave of tourists spending foreign exchange coupons.

Liu Yijun laughed, "Who can say that such a good thing is too much? If you really want to choose us, my hometown has also said that they will send someone to protect them to avoid life-threatening accidents. We will take care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation ourselves."

“We can also provide a photographer to follow you!”

"The program team can also send people to investigate first and choose where to go to play wilderness survival. It can be anywhere you want. Anyway, you can't go to places like the Terracotta Warriors and the Daming Palace to survive in the wilderness."

This program sounds like wilderness at first glance, and one of its main selling points is the wild scenery.

Which province doesn’t have a TV station? There are many TV stations, and there is no shortage of relevant behind-the-scenes talents. Some things are not difficult for them at all, and the cost is not high. After all, they are all shot on their own territory.

But once the program is produced, there is really hope that it will spark a wave of tourism and make money. On the other hand, the return of Hong Kong Island has been confirmed and will come back in a few years. During this time, more beautiful scenery in the mainland will be filmed and broadcast on Hong Kong Island as a program?

This has a deeper meaning and value.

This is why Zhao Donghuai said that as long as he comes up with the idea of ​​combining wilderness survival with scenic tourism, this idea is worth giving bonuses to the planners.


Under night, inside a celebrity nightclub.

Chen Baixiang stood on the stage and sang a song excitedly. He walked off the stage to applause. He walked back to his seat with a smile. Even Li Yaoxiang started to be affected by public relations. Naturally, A Le received many banquets.

For example, Director Hu, who came from the Mainland from Shanghai Film Studio, sat in the booth and toasted Chen Baixiang. Director Hu smiled and said, "Sheng Chen, you are so versatile. I feel ashamed when I hear this singing voice..."

A'le hurriedly apologized and said, "No, Director Hu, a great talent like you is the leader who makes mainland animated films go global. I can't bear such praise."

Director Hu comes over. What kind of appearance does he have?

Shao Yifu, Lei Juekun, and Zou Wenhuai are all here. After all, in July 1987, Kung Fu Panda shocked the world, with a global box office of more than 400 million US dollars.

With such a card, apart from the projects that Zhao Donghuai mainly promotes and pursues, there is no level that the Hong Kong film industry can catch up with.

Even Cheng Long’s Police Story 3 only cost US$200 million worldwide, and Ip Man 2 only reached US$300 million.

But since Director Hu’s team produced Kung Fu Panda, everyone knew that this team had the opportunity and strength to produce a major animated film project that belonged entirely to Shangmei Factory.

Just choose any clip from the Journey to the West and Fengshen series and you'll have the chance to make a lot of money. If it weren't for the fact that Shangmei Studio had been working on the Lion King project, it would have been working on it for more than a year.

Then Shangmei Factory has already started to do big things.

For money, Director Hu came to do public relations, and Shao Daheng and the others had to come out to greet him and smooth things over. How could A Le put on airs at this level?

After a few polite drinks, Chen Baixiang smiled and said, "Director Hu, you have come in person. I can promise to arrange for a wilderness survivor near Shanghai...but it cannot be from Shanghai."

"What Zhao Sheng means is, where is your ancestral home? If you go back to the mainland to shoot, you can go back to your ancestral home. There are at most two out of ten cases like this, and the rest are just random searches. Otherwise, if there are too many people who go back to their ancestral home to survive, it would be too coincidental. ”

It has been decided by default that a survivor whose ancestral home is in Gan Province will return to Gan Province. Sister Hong is too proud of herself, so the rest is just left to chance.

"And this program has been decided. You will survive for 30 days. You can choose a backpack of tools to take with you. The rest is to scout and shoot the scene, and then recruit challengers."

In later generations, there were people who successfully won the three million grand prize in the 100-day survival challenge, but the 100-day period was basically for wilderness survival experts, and they were also given tools. That kind of thing is really not suitable for ordinary citizens.

Ordinary citizens and survival experts are completely different levels.

Director Hu was overjoyed and said, "Thank you Chen Sheng. You can send us the location. We will ensure that everything is properly arranged. Shanghai TV Station can also provide people and help you with it."

During the meal, we drank and talked, and star singers came up to sing a few songs on the stage from time to time. The waiters were basically recruited from the industry, or some ATV students came to do odd jobs.

After the discussion was settled, Director Hu walked away after he had finished drinking. Shao Daheng and others politely sent him off, and then Shao Yifu sighed with emotion, "Ah Le, you and that Ah Wei are really talented, they can come up with such exciting projects. "

A Le hurriedly said modestly, "Where is it..."

Does Shao Daheng care about the ratings of this show? Obviously not, this is because of the mainland's intention and support in this regard. Director Hu, who has been leading the team to tackle the (Lion King) project, flew to PR in person.

One can imagine how supportive the big guys in Shanghai are...

It is said that since Kung Fu Panda became famous in the first battle, the team at Shangmei Factory has been taken seriously by the big bosses.

After all, how can it be so easy to exchange all kinds of scarce resources for American knives with a cultural output like Kung Fu Panda? ? The major expansion of enrollment in several major universities has also received strong support.

Director Hu and other provinces and cities in the Mainland ran public relations for this variety show project, which attracted a lot of attention. How good is this to build relationships and retain favors? ? Why is Shao Daheng so crazy about donating the building?

At this moment, everyone who had just figured out Zeng Miewei's smile was paralyzed, "I don't dare, I don't dare, I can't afford Shao Sheng's praise. We just had a flash of inspiration and went to the mainland to shoot in scenic spots, and it was still the same detailed I came up with it, and I heard that it was also a talent who came out of the TVB training class."

Shao Yifu, "..."

Zou Wenhuai laughed, "With more and more talents, we will get better and better."

After the group of tycoons also left, A Le smiled and said, "Good guy, you dare to even ridicule Shao Daheng?"

Zeng Mewwei said calmly, "It's okay. How could a big shot like Uncle Six care about such a trivial matter? Besides, his TVB is almost useless, with batches of talents coming out and batches going to ATV."

"Asian Theater Academy is getting better and better, and TVB training classes will also be suppressed in the future."

"I just picked him up for Ming Zai. I guess by this time, he already knew what Xiao Ni was doing in Siberia and saw the whole thing clearly."

Of course, Ah Wei is so calm because he drank too much. He is easily impulsive when his brain is hot. To be honest, he has to thank Ni Zhen and Liu Ximing. Since Liu Ximing is the new star Zhao wants to support, he will watch the limelight. Ah Wei, of course, knows how to do it.

Ever since he sent Xiao Ni to plant potatoes, he and Liu Ximing have been playing better and better.

Besides, he sent Xiao Ni and Shao Guohua to plant potatoes. They were the pioneers who helped Liu Ximing vent his anger. Liu Ximing, who was also kind-hearted, was also very grateful to Zeng Mowei.

From the first time Liu Ximing was crazily smeared, to the wilderness survival project, this series of events, as long as Shao Yifu knew the truth about growing potatoes, it would be impossible to connect them together.

Does Shao Yifu know the truth? With his energy, he must have known about it a long time ago, but he was just too lazy to have a showdown with Ni Jiang.

Chen Baixiang pointed at Ah Wei, looking speechless.

Ah Wei smiled even more wildly, "Let's go, I've played in the serious place now, let's try the informal one. I have to call the north and ask them to reward Xiao Ni. For example, he can't just send potatoes, radishes and cabbage. He gave me some ham."

A'le was stunned, "Good guy, not only has that guy been empty and lonely for two months, eating only potatoes, turnips and cabbage? I finally understand why he failed to escape twice in a row and was tortured so hard. Let’s run away for the third time.”

Ah Wei patted his leg, "There's no way, resources are tight over there, and you don't even know how many good things you can get from trading with the big furry bear man. Who would be willing to feed him..."

"A small can of 300 grams of canned meat can be exchanged for an AK. An AK sells for tens of thousands of dollars or 100,000 Hong Kong dollars on Hong Kong Island??"

"If you were working on the front line, you would make the same choice."

Chen Baixiang was speechless.

This is the truth, and even adults should understand it.

The next moment, Zeng Mewwei pulled Alat away and smiled, "Do you think we can add a star among the ten contestants? If a big star plays wilderness survival, the gimmick will be even bigger, just like Bill Guy answered questions like a millionaire."

A'le smiled and said, "Who do you want to be on? This boost of popularity is no less than that of a big TV series. Stars must have scripts... I think I can give Zhao Sheng a suggestion."

Ah Wei smiled and said, "I recommend Liu Ximing, the famous boy. He is a highly educated graduate from the Baptist Church. College students know much more and can survive longer than ordinary citizens. He is very convincing."


October 8th.

ATV staff have already flown to the mainland to look at the sceneries, look for suitable survival spots, and contact relevant personnel in the mainland.

Zhao Donghuai was just in the office, and Ah Hongshan was moved to tears.

Seeing the proposal handed over by Zhang Min, he also smiled and nodded, "Liu Ximing goes to the mainland? That's okay. If you perform better, your popularity will explode."

It feels like in a short period of time, with the continuous broadcast of Millionaire, Hong Kong Island's ability to tackle and improve variety show projects has become more and more perfect.

At this moment, Azhen came over with a smile and said, "Boss, Guan Lijie's crew has finished filming and is ready for post-production. We are going through the process to apply for a schedule. Let's go see the finished film?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, this is also Ajie's transformational work, but the audience has watched Red Cliff first, and then it will take a while... The box office may not be too ideal, but as long as the filming is not bad, it should be able to make back its money. .”

Xin Qiji is a strange person in history, one of the strange men, but the answer sheet handed over by the Ajie crew is probably still a bit weaker than that of Chibi. Putting aside everything else, the cost gap is there.

But it’s hard to say. At this stage, Red Cliff is still being screened like crazy. It has only been aired for less than seven days. Many viewers and fans still think that Red Cliff has the most exciting drama, but it’s gone...

That lingering taste? Taking advantage of the trend and releasing another major historical movie with the same costume, maybe it will also catch on.

The confrontation on Chibi has both advantages and disadvantages. The result can only be seen in actual combat.

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