Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 252 Huang Aiqing is the top talent

a new day.

When the God of Gamblers crew finally started working on the God of Gamblers project again, Wang Jing's wife clapped her legs and sighed, "Azhi, you are so lax..."

Why is Wang Jing’s wife on the set? It was just that after a certain incident, even after the Olympics, Joey Wong was a little embarrassed to return to the set.

It wasn't until today that I received the news that I was coming back to film. Lao Wang's wife came here to join the Kaijie lineup.

Some things are more convenient for them to talk about, and Zhou Runfa's wife is also here.

Li Zhi was like a child who was afraid of the teacher. He was shivering and embarrassed. She didn't just tell her about it casually. When Xiaoxian told her something, she was so shocked. Even though she was told not to tell others, she still I couldn't help but complain to another best friend.


"Sister-in-law, hair sister-in-law, it's actually nothing. Isn't this just the boss taking sister Xian, like Ax Jun, Tsim Sha Tsui Feilong, Deng Yurong and other big brothers, to run to Moscow to make money in international trade?"

"It's just that the cargo plane subcontracted by the boss to Sister Xian is faster, more efficient and more convenient."

"Sister Xian is still a little embarrassed to come forward? How about I come to your door and apologize..."

Wang Jing's wife hurriedly waved her hands, "Stop it, don't make any more trouble. Anyway, I said I would come back to film today, so she should show up."

That's right, Qiu Shuzhen and Wang Zuxian make extra money, and the nature of it is the same as that of their elder brother who went to Moscow to make extra money on the bend of Hong Kong.

It's all about buying goods, shipping them there, selling them and collecting money, it's just such a simple business.

But those big brother groups earn an average of 50 million in half a year, and there is always a risk of injury or even death. If they are placed here with Zhao Donghuai and make money with his family of ten, there will be no such risks and dangers.

Regardless of whether it is an air transport team or a land transport truck team, it is safe and fast.

After all, the card levels are different!

As for Hong Kong stars and directors, why do they copy it? How can they have the energy and strength? Buying, receiving, inspecting, etc. involves too much business negotiation and operational capabilities. Transportation is also a big trouble. Selling and bringing the money back is not simple either.

Instead of running around to make that kind of money, it would be better to stay quietly in Hong Kong, filming movies and TV series, and make money through commercial sales.

For someone of Wang Jing's caliber, it only took a month to film "The Tricky Expert," but as long as it was a box office hit, the continuous revenue would be more than the big brother team's trip to Moscow two or three times.

Sister-in-law Fa was also about to say something when she saw a certain car and suddenly said in surprise, "Is that Sister Xian's nanny car? Is it here?"

After Li Zhi turned around, he immediately ran over, and then... Wang Zuxian was a little embarrassed when he got out of the car, so he quickly pulled Li Zhi into the car, and grabbed Li Zhi hard several times. Li Zhi screamed in pain before she said angrily. , "I'm so angry that I want to tear you into pieces."

"Who have you told?"

Li Zhi smiled bitterly, "I told Weng Hong that she also grew up in the mainland like me. We have been close to her over the years in Hong Kong Island."

Some things are just like this, even if you tell them to the second person, you must never spread the word...

Wang Zuxian said in surprise, "Weng Hong? It seems that she was not on the list of people who wanted to meet the boss alone that day under various schemes."

"Although I earned 360 million a year for lying around doing nothing, and more than a billion for many years, it made me feel as if I had been hit by money... But these days, I still made many trips to Zhao's International Trading Company , I learned a lot about relevant cross-border trade operation models.”

"I'll look for you to settle accounts seriously another day!"

Li Zhi was confused, "You really went to study?"

Wang Zuxian said with a dark face, "Nonsense, I at least have to explain it clearly to my family. Although my parents haven't called me until now after I ran away all night, I still have to explain."

Some news came out on the night of September 16th, and today is October 10th. It is impossible for her to tell her parents clearly after running away all night...but her parents are not stupid either.

She couldn't bear to call her to ask about her situation until today. She didn't quite understand what her parents were feeling and mentality at the moment.

In the days after the Olympics, she frequently visited Zhao's trading company and asked Zhao Donghuai for advice in person. If she was willing to learn this kind of business experience, Zhao Donghuai would naturally teach her seriously.

After all, it is said that Lao Zhao was able to make a fortune. In fact, he made his first fortune by selling waste paper in cross-border trade. It was the first time for Wang Zuxian to hear about that and he was deeply shocked.

"Hey, I just realized that our big boss made his first pot of gold by raising hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic people in the city, going to Amei to talk about international trade, and buying and selling waste paper. After making enough, he made the New World Movie Chapter 1 One piece.”

"It feels like he was only 19 years old back then and he dared to play like this. It's so magical and powerful!"

Li Zhi was stunned, "Is there such a thing? All I know is that there are rumors that he is from the second or third generation of rich people... so he had the courage to spend a total investment of 5 million to make a movie in 1983."

Xiaoxian shook his head, "No, his initial funding came from crowdfunding from good citizens and transporting waste paper from North America. When he went to film Wanwan (Hurricane Rescue 1), he also negotiated a business of transporting car windshields. Woolen cloth."

"It was really through trade and transportation that we were able to finance our initial fortune. No wonder I am so familiar with Big Bear's cross-border trading business this time!"

The outside world only knows that Zhao Tung-huai established his status as a great director in Hong Kong with New World 1. The second film (Hurricane Rescue 1) made him truly sensational in the world and created the origin of new-style action dramas.

Wang Zuxian only found out today that when Hurricane Rescue 1 went to Wanwan for filming, Zhao Donghuai easily made tens of millions in the car glass business.

Of course, when he was learning this, Wang Zuxian also asked if he could tell the public... Zhao Donghuai didn't care at all about the trajectory of his fortune.

Only now did she dare to tell Li Zhi.

It feels like listening to a legendary story!

This is already 1988. People from Bengzhou can go back directly to the mainland and do business directly. There is no longer a rule for Hong Kong people to make a lot of money as middlemen.

Li Zhi was shocked again. After chatting for a while, the two women got out of the car, and Wang Jing's wife and Fa's sister-in-law also came to greet them...

Xiaoxian calmed down somewhat and could face the outside world's eyes relatively calmly.

After filming God of Gamblers, she plans to go to Moscow several times in person and follow the flights several times to gain a deeper understanding of how international trade operates.


More than ten days later.

When God of Gamblers finished filming smoothly and Fei Jing held a closing banquet, Zhao Donghuai also came. Of course, the crew was a little flattered by Director Zhao's appearance. There were too many people who came to take turns to toast.

After the banquet was over and on the way home in the car, Director Zhao looked at Wang Zuxian curiously, "Are you really planning to go to Big Bear, Moscow?"

Wang Zuxian said excitedly, "Yeah, I'm quite interested now that I know your early family history. How about you go with me? If you go to Big Bear, put on makeup and make a fake passport. You pretend to be one of my bodyguards and go with me." It should be fine in the past, right?”

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "That's no problem."

He found that Xiaoxian was becoming more and more interested in cross-border trade in addition to sports. It would not be a bad thing to cultivate her business talents in this area.

He has simulated this aspect. Nothing will happen if Wang Zuxian flies to Moscow, and nothing will happen if he wears a makeup vest.

There is a saying that he has always been friendly to the big bear.

Of course, what if Big Mao Xiong covets the global peripheral intelligence organization in his hands? It's useless to be friendly, they will still do it if they need to, but the Hydra-style intelligence organization can always add a wave of big-haired bears.

With the simulator around, it's still very stable for him to go.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been abroad. To be honest, putting on makeup and going out for a wave is also good for physical and mental health. As for making a fake passport, it’s too simple. Whether he creates a new identity on Hong Kong Island or in the Mainland, it’s all about leaving. It's all about process.

It is much more authentic than ordinary genuine documents!

October 27th.

The crew of "Wanted Order" had been filming for almost three months, and gradually entered the post-production period. Only then did Zhao Donghuai put on makeup and get on the flight to the capital.

His outward identity is that of one of the bodyguards of the big star Wang Zuxian. He is one of four men and four women in the bodyguard team.

And a group of them don't have to fly straight to their destination an hour or two after arriving in the capital, like Xiao Ni who went to Siberia to grow potatoes.

Time is not pressed, they have plenty of time...

After arriving at the Huazhi Hotel chain in Beijing from the airport, he opened a large suite to wash off his makeup. Mr. Zhao went out, wearing a hat, sunglasses and mask.

Walking on the streets of Beijing where the temperature had dropped at the end of October, Zhao Donghuai looked around and suddenly said, "Although I said before that I am not in a hurry to arrange a property for you, but everyone is here. Do you want to try and consider a restaurant chain?"

He's already here, his flight to Moscow is tomorrow, and he is currently shopping with Wang Zuxian. Xiaoxian is also a big star. She is the ghost queen of the Chinese Ghost Story series that swept across Asia. She is also wearing a hat, mask, and sunglasses.

Looking at the scene at the end of 1988, when business was not yet too prosperous, but there was a trend of great prosperity, when Director Zhao was thinking about what to eat tonight, he thought of the catering industry.

Wang Zuxian said happily, "Do chain restaurants make money?"

Director Zhao, "This is not a question of whether you can make money or not, but if you do it well, people can make money."

Haidilao, a beggar's version of Wanjia's younger generation in the catering industry, had a market value of hundreds of millions at its peak. Anyway, it is a scale of 100 billion, and there is a lot of hype in it, but it is indeed the era of the big Internet, and takeout and fast food are sweeping the era, and it still has a scale of 100 billion.

"If we really want to do it, we can do it at this stage. We can also open it in Hong Kong, South Korea and some major cities in the mainland. It will be no problem to open it in all provincial capitals and sub-priority development cities."

The delicacy of hot pot will never go out of style in this life.

After he explained the project again, Wang Zuxian suddenly realized, "To make money with premium service fees...this project is not suitable for Wanjia Supermarket, right?"

Zhao Donghuai was amused, "You finally have some business acumen. You are definitely not suitable to be placed in the Wanjia chain. Although if you go to Wanjia, you will open all the physical branches at once."

"But you make money by charging for services in Wanjia Supermarket? You will be compared to a beggar, but it is not difficult to find another commercial building to rent land."

"You don't need special training to recruit waiters. Those who want to apply for Wanjia but have been eliminated are enough for you to easily set up a situation."

Every time Wanjia recruits people, it is a big news that is even more popular than taking the civil service examination. There are all kinds of people trying to get in. Before every recruitment, they spend a lot of time studying and studying in Wanjia to see how Wanjia employees do things. of……

After learning a lot, it is true that in the later stages of expansion and recruitment, you will face qualified professionals who do not need special training for one or two months.

At this stage, no big boss in the catering industry is interested in this kind of business opportunity and market, but if he doesn't arrange it, there will always be smart people to imitate it.

Wang Zuxian was very excited, "Then let me give it a try? Start from scratch and feel what A Xin said about the sense of accomplishment."

She also understood that food, clothing, housing and transportation, if you grasp this theme, it will not be too bad. Zhou Huimin's Huazhi is residence, Qiu Shuzhen Zhangmin's New World is OK, and even Ah Hong and Ah Xin's Five Thousand Years and Oriental series are also good. Focusing on high-end luxury clothing edge...

That chain restaurant is the best!

Starting from scratch is a lot of trouble. She is just a sports student turned art student, but as long as the professional managers she recruits do not act evil and she gives orders at the highest level, the situation can be stabilized.

At this stage, Xiaoxian is not short of money. In the past few years, including the winter of 1987 when she became a model worker, she has saved hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

The most important thing here is that after the hit of My Love from the Star, she became too popular as the heroine who played a big star in the TV series.

The profit from your heroine's commercial sales by one star is much higher than the total sales she made from five A Chinese Ghost Story movies!

She had hundreds of millions in hand, and 90 million for three months after boarding Zhao Donghuai's ship... After all the calculations, she suddenly felt that being a model worker on a film crew was not as good as being a model worker on another battlefield.

With such a starting capital and a cash flow of 200-300 million yuan, we can do things. The professional managers we recruit should not dare to be evil. Starting from this winter, the restaurant chain will explode.

Thinking of this, Wang Zuxian asked curiously, "What is the name of a chain hot pot restaurant?"

Zhao Donghuai said casually, "There are not so many hot pot restaurants that are too particular, such as Fulinmen on Hong Kong Island and catering groups such as Donglaishun in Beijing. Their names are catchy. You can just call Lucky. If you don't like it, For this, choose something similar, as long as it sounds catchy."

Lao Wang suddenly realized, "Yes, McDonald's is also the surname of the McDonald brothers, one of the founders, which does not prevent it from becoming popular all over the world."

"Let good luck come."

Zhao Donghuai grabbed the big brother Dao Dao and said, "I'll call A Zhen and ask her to recruit a team of professional managers."

After making the call, Director Zhao looked at the streets of Beijing. It was still a bustling scene with people coming and going, mostly buses and bicycles. He smiled and waved, "Let's go and try Donglaishun."

"If you have the energy, you can open a few hot pot seasoning factories in the mainland. When the time comes, you can produce and sell them yourself. My logistics team will help you deliver the goods. If you just take a look, the cost will be much lower."

Of course, opening a sauce factory or something like that will save a lot of costs in terms of business costs, but whether to open it or not depends on the situation.

Xiaoxian thought for a while and shook his head, "It's better not to open a sauce factory yet, so as not to move too fast and trouble you from time to time."

She is self-aware and needs to learn step by step.

"How about leaving this project to Connery? Doesn't she have an industry? If hot pot chain stores can open all over East and Southeast Asia, then the supply-side seasoning factories will also be very profitable, right?"

Director Zhao laughed. Of course it was very profitable. Sesame paste, chili sauce, minced garlic, fermented bean curd, soy sauce, cooking wine, etc. Once the cooperation is stable, the hot pot chain will really reach a market value of 100 billion in the future, and the supporting sauce factory will naturally be no small thing.

At first glance it is inconspicuous, but in fact it is huge.

Just like instant noodles on the shelves for only one or two yuan a bag? But what will be the market value of Master Kong and other groups in the future? What is the unified market value?

As for the current Hong Kong shabu-shabu hot pot, you still can’t sell a serving of sesame sauce for four or five yuan? No, you pay six yuan for the condiments of your choice?


November 6th.

Three months after the production of Wanted was launched, Zhao Donghuai and Xiaoxian flew back to Hong Kong Island. As soon as they landed, they saw Kwan Jiahui and Qiu Shuzhen already waiting inside the airport.

After boarding her luxury helicopter, Jia Hui couldn't help but sigh, "Come on, how many days have you not eaten? Have you lost a lot of weight in just 10 days?"

Xiaoxian hugged Sister Jiahui, as if he had seen a savior, "I don't eat three or four meals a day. Look, my lips are broken..."

When Guan Jiahui looked at Zhao Donghuai, Director Zhao shrugged speechlessly, "Don't rely on me, she is good at it and likes exciting challenges."

It's not Zhao Donghuai's fault, it's just that Xiaoxian feels that it's too rare for her to have a solo couple's vacation, so...

Three hours later.

When looking at the renovated (good luck) hot pot restaurant in a former Watsons building, Director Zhao said in disbelief, "It's only been ten days, and it's already here?? This is too fast."

Pengcheng is not that fast either.

Qiu Shuzhen explained with a smile, "When Wanjia just emerged and its cross-generational strategy came out, Watsons and Parknshop Supermarkets, including Jardine's Wellcome Group, had been vacant for a long time. From those days, Li Chaohe and Jardine They all thought about transformation.”

"Some of them are temporarily holding it in their hands to wait for the real estate to appreciate in value, and some of them plan to open it into a food city and rent it out..."

"Later, after Mr. Li, along with Watsons and PARKnSHOP, were kicked out of the Hutchison Whampoa Group, Sister Min used the collected Cheung Kong shares to exchange these properties for integration into Huazhi."

"At this stage, several food cities have their own hot pot chain projects, as well as other restaurants, snacks, etc. for leasing."

"There are only five Watsons buildings in Hong Kong that can be used by changing the brand."

Food City... This thing will also generate a lot of food waste, so not every Watson's store can open a hotpot restaurant, but if it meets the standards, the relevant waste will be cleaned up.

The five chain stores pay rent to Huazhi Group and can be used as they come.

Recruitment of staff system? Again, there are countless candidates who are waiting for Wanjia Supermarket to open and want to get in. Many of them can get to work in just a few days.

What Zhao Donghuai saw at this moment was a team of employees who had been recruited for two or three days of practical training and ready for the five Lucky Laizhen companies to open at any time.

It’s not bad to have a hot pot meal. I’ve only had Dong Lai Shun a few times in the past few days. Now try the Haidilao version (good luck)? Of course, by borrowing the shell of Li Zhiren's former Watsons, the five chains can open at any time.

But at this stage, the dishes and other ingredients cannot be produced by the sesame paste, garlic and other factories opened by Jennifer Connelly. The location is still being selected.

I bought a large batch of various seasoning packets and used them first.

On the contrary, it is the bottom of the pot. Thanks to Chen Hong's habit of collecting delicious food, it can be directly produced. Director Zhao used to eat at home and also liked hot pot. A Hong spent a lot of money to hire people to develop various hot pot pots. Bottom bag.

People from all over the world have come up with more than ten different kinds of pot dumplings.

Ah Hong holds onto the recipe property rights for spicy red oil, mushroom soup, three delicacies, tomatoes, and seafood-flavored pot-bottomed buns. She used to open a small business in the mainland and was able to stably produce different pot-bottomed buns for Zhao. Used for family eating hot pot.

Now Wang Zuxian spends money to expand production and can supply large quantities to hot pot restaurants at any time.

A Zhenjiao smiled and hugged Xiao Xian, "Don't say that I took 100 million Hong Kong dollars from you, which is taking advantage of you. I've got the recipe and small production factory for the pot bottom buns in A Hong's hands. .”

"We also asked professional managers to choose the most suitable addresses and built several large factories. At this stage, we are using other people's factories to start operations in one or two-story factories."

Xiaoxian naturally thanked him gratefully, and then became quite confused. At this stage, Zhao Donghuai is still playing Wall Street to make people laugh. From March to November, he makes daily appearances in other public places, and they also use various fake props. A whole image.

I can only relax casually when I’m not going out.

She came out to play basketball on her own initiative, but afterward, Wall Street still transferred another 100 million Hong Kong dollars to Qiu Shuzhen.

By the way, from March to now, the three teams sent by Wall Street to Hong Kong Island are basically all Zhao Donghuai's people...

Night falls.

When in the double-storey duplex residential area on the 11th floor of the ATV headquarters, the color TV in the large living room rang out (Here we are again). The Chinese translation should be called (Here we are again), (Reunited), which is the original version of (The King of Comedy) That classic soundtrack.

Director Zhao, who was eating a big steamed bun, couldn't help but look up, "Gongsuo Yushu has been broadcast? It's so fast."

This classic soundtrack was copied by Zhao Donghuai himself and used as the opening theme song for this semi-historical TV series called Omiya. He did not edit the ending of the film and hired professionals to do it.

It is said that when future movie fans hear the rhythm of this song, the first thing that comes to mind should be the line "I support you"...

But this melody is an inspirational song. Come here again. After Zhu Di missed the throne, he took the throne of Nandu through the Battle of Jingnan, which can be regarded as the occasion.

That's right. Chen Hong got the script in mid-July and prepared to start filming in early August. It's already November 6th and a big movie (Wanted) is almost finished filming. The 30-episode time-travel TV series is very difficult to shoot. Fast.


The 30-episode (Gongsuo Yushu) has aired its third and fourth episodes tonight.

Li Ruotong's family lives in a rented double-storey duplex suite in Huayuan Phase 1, Tsim Sha Tsui. A Tong's entire family gathers together to watch A Tong's TV series.

In the third episode, the time-traveling girl played by Li Ruotong met the 20-year-old Empress Jianwen who was traveling incognito. Fang Zhongxin was so handsome...

It was a bit like making the time-travel girl fall in love at first sight, but Emperor Jianwen didn't care. He met Li Ruotong on a private server trip outside the palace. He felt that this time-travel girl had a very different temperament and personality from ordinary Ming women. He found it interesting, and she was outside in ancient times. There were several conversations in the restaurant.

Through conversation, we learned that she was a talented woman who did not know the Four Books and Five Classics, but pretended to be very talented on the surface.

You haven't even read the Four Books and Five Classics, and you can't memorize them. How dare you comment on some national policy during the communication with him? It's just full of nonsense.

Although Jianwen was confused by some of her views and theories when she heard the content of her proposal, it seemed so reasonable, but she didn't understand the Four Books and Five Classics!

He casually mentioned an allusion from the Four Books and Five Classics. Li Ruotong couldn't understand it at all, and he couldn't pick up the next sentence. It was simply useless.

But for such a beautiful and elegant girl to be able to confuse him when discussing politics with him, she was considered a bit of a crooked talent, which impressed Jianwen deeply.

Of course, at this stage of the plot, Li Ruotong still doesn’t know Jianwen’s identity.

The main content of the third episode is that Jianwen wants to reduce the vassal state. Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng each hold their own opinions and are pushing their own plan to reduce the vassal state. Jianwen is confused and recalls the very interesting woman Li Ruotong. He leaves the palace again and wants to test her with words. .

Of course, Li Ruotong had the same idea as Qi Tai, to kill King Zhu Di of Yan first. After listening to various theoretical views, people felt that she was right. She was so reasonable, easy to understand, and powerful.

After the discussion, Jianwen returned to the palace and decisively chose to strongly support Huang Zicheng in starting from the weak vassal kings.

No matter how reasonable and logical what Li Ruotong said, she didn't understand the Four Books and Five Classics. Just follow her suggestions and do the opposite, which is the way of the Holy King.

Sure enough, Huang Zicheng, played by Wen Chaolun, understands him. Huang Aiqing is the top talent!

After finishing the episode, Brother Li, who was reading the newspaper, turned around decisively and said, "Lao Qi, although I have known that you are the most beautiful in our family since I was a child, I never thought that you would look so good in this kind of costume. "

"Speaking of which, you clearly know that Emperor Jianwen is a charlatan, and so are the three idiots Jianwen... Why don't you stay far away?"

Li Ruotong rolled his eyes, "I wonder if that's the emperor now, okay?"

Brother Li continued to lower his head to read the newspaper, Kowloon Daily. After all, like Jianwen, the God of War, Li Jinglong, a historical wizard, Jianwen, a god who lost hundreds of years in a poker game, ATV Xuanfa organized a historical program , please ask a few professors to talk about Jianwen and Jingnan.

There are also the great achievements of Kowloon Daily Science Popularization Jianwen and Jianwen Three Fools...

Even the interesting historical facts can open the eyes and interest of many Hong Kong citizens. With the interest and enthusiasm to watch, (Gong Suo Yushu)'s ratings are guaranteed to start.

Nowadays, there are a large number of citizens like Brother Li who read newspapers and follow Gong Suo Yushu.

While waiting for the next episode, Brother Li sighed again, "Wen Chaolun is really capable of being the God of Plague. I don't know if he has any personal endorsement products. I really want to secretly send them to my nemesis..."

Li Ruotong rolled his eyes at his second brother, "How about I get an autograph for you?"

Brother Li was overjoyed, "I want a few more, but don't sign on his photo. It's best to sign on the poster of actor Zhu Di. Anyway, ordinary people can't see celebrity signatures."

"Or sign with an English name. Most people don't know what Wen Chaolun's English name is."

Li Bamei was so excited, "Seventh sister, help me get a few more, and I'll give them to my love rival..."

A group of Li family members suddenly became excited and looked at Li Bamei full of gossip.


a new day.

Wen Chaolun, who was still in the mainland, woke up and washed himself. He looked at a bunch of messages on the BB machine and waited for him to call them one by one. He was busy for half an hour.

He rubbed his chin with excitement and thought, "Has the day come for me to return to Hong Kong? Why do so many friends in the industry ask me for autographs? Are they all asking for my family and friends?"

Since the Incorruption fire, he has avoided the limelight for more than three months!

I haven’t been home for almost a hundred days!

The curse-like image of Ding Youkang should have been washed away, right? Hong Kong's film and television industry is so hot, and everything that needs to be done should be done with. Tao Dayu has become a master killer with his new work, okay? !

He thought to himself that he was much more handsome than Heavy Rain.

Wen Chaolun made a few more calls, mainly asking Wei Jiahui, when will the film be released in the mainland (no mercy)? Did you know it will be available soon?

Lao Wen was so anxious that he ran to buy a ticket. At the airport, while Wen Chaolun was waiting in line, a figure suddenly came from a distance, stretched out his hand and patted Lao Wen, "Alan? Is it really you?"

Wen Chaolun turned around and was confused, "Who are you?"

The other person spoke Cantonese, but he didn't recognize him.

The young man was overjoyed and hugged Wen Chaolun, and then seemed to remember something. He couldn't wait to take a few steps back and began to wipe himself in disgust, as if to shake off bad luck.

While doing the movements, he said, "Alan, don't look at me like this. I really don't dislike you. By the way, can you give me a few autographs?"

Wen Chaolun, "..."

The young man finally restrained himself and stopped. He found a poster from his bag and said, "This is the one. Sign your name for me."

Wen Chaolun saw it clearly. It was a poster of Zhu Di, played by Chen Daoming, marching his army into Nandu City... You said that for a TV series, why do you produce all kinds of posters?

Of course, it’s because of the trend of promoting various luxury brands in the (Five Thousand Years) and (Oriental) series. How can Li Jiaxin’s Queen Xu luxury bag be so hyped?

He strongly promotes TV drama projects. If the TV series becomes a hit, only Queen Xu’s money can be sold.

That's why ATV set up a historical commentary program to talk about the Jing Dynasty, and newspapers opened columns to talk about the Jing Dynasty, and talked about the historical achievements and abilities of Jianwen, Zhu Di and others.

Allen was silent, "This is Teacher Chen's poster, you want me to sign my name??"

The young man explained with a smile, "That's right, your name should be something that people can't understand or recognize... Well, I'll give you a thousand yuan for a name."

Wen Chaolun was speechless, "How many more of these signatures are there? It's only a thousand yuan each, so that's not impossible..."

He earned RMB 200,000 from Lixin Group and RMB 2 million from South Korea's LG Group. However, he currently has no record of delivering goods and is still very short of money. The family also rents a house.

One thousand yuan is just a signature, how much money is it? ?

The other party was overjoyed, "Let's go, don't be in a hurry to buy a plane ticket. I'll let my little brother do it for you. Let's look for any good places to sign autographs first. Please be more precise and don't brag or be slanderous. It's all the big brother Haowan from Hong Kong. Doing business in Moscow.”

"I have a lot of competitors. A famous historical official like you who is so beautiful, well-groomed, and seems to be rich in knowledge is actually the God of Plague and Stupid God who descended to earth..."

"The posters you signed must have some power, right?"

Wen Chaolun was stunned on the spot, "Damn it, how can this be done?"

A certain eldest brother was still very excited, "Don't be angry, this is all money. If it works, I will ask you to sign it for 10,000 Hong Kong dollars each next time."

Allen looked devastated, "Can you not stay so far away from me when you talk? What are you doing wearing a mask?"

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