Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 298 Do you think there is a possibility?

October 2nd.

Early in the morning, Xiang Laoshi tidied himself up, went out by car, and arrived at Hundred Years Pictures with his thirteenth brother.

Xiang Lao Shi now starts giving out red envelopes to people he knows and who are slightly familiar to him. Of course, his red envelopes are relatively small, which are 50 Hong Kong dollars, 100 Hong Kong dollars, etc. All the way to Liu Dehua's office, Xiang Lao Shi laughed and hugged him. Facing Hua Zai, "Brother Hua, it's amazing. (Crazy Givenchy) has grossed more than 67 million U.S. dollars at the box office in North America in three weeks."

"67 million, the Europa industry has accumulated more than 48 million, which is exactly 115 million in total. Although the movie there is called (Big Shot), this big movie is so successful and awesome!"

"The Ying Zhi Jie of Yong Sheng and Brother Da Rong became an instant hit, and the director Wei Zai has become famous."

On August 22nd (The Lion King) swept the world. After this big movie trend dominated theaters around the world for more than three weeks, (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot) was released on September 13th during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Just as originally expected, Andy Lau is one of the four kings of the Asian music scene, with countless fans. He has been in one or two new action movies (The One and Only) and (Kiddy), which also made him an action star. of cards.

And white celebrities such as Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Aniston also have certain appeal and fan base.

As long as the action movie is made into a high-quality movie, it will not be short of audiences.

Besides, in order to promote (The Lion King), Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, and Tam Wing-lin started a month-long concert tour. Brother Hua is also an important flag-bearer and has toured in Europe and the United States. This can not only attract a huge audience to The Lion King .

You can also show off (crazy Givenchy).

Therefore, North America had 21 million U.S. dollars in the first weekend, 27 million U.S. dollars in the second week, and 19 million U.S. dollars in the just-ended third week. Adding in the box office contribution of Europa, the white market swept out 115 million U.S. dollars.

Converted into Hong Kong dollars and counting the decimal point after 115 million, it is already 900 million Hong Kong dollars.

Xiang Laoshi now wants to kneel down for Brother Hua. This does not include the Asian market. The Asian market has accumulated more than 70 million Hong Kong dollars in the three weeks of Hong Kong Haowan, 390 million yuan in the mainland, more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea, and 50 million yuan sold in the port. Hong Kong dollars!

This is only three weeks after its release, and it hasn’t been released yet. Will there be video revenue in the future?

After thanking him excitedly, Xiang Laoshi took out a check for 10 million Hong Kong dollars and said, "Brother Hua, although I was given 8 million in salary before making the movie, I still hope that you will receive this 10 million. Down."

Before Liu Dehua could refuse, he said again, "If it weren't for Zhao Sheng who changed the script, or if it weren't for Zhao Sheng's support and sending Mr. Da Si to assist in the filming, we wouldn't be able to complete this project. Also, if it wasn't for Zhao Sheng, we wouldn't be able to get on." Go to AMC theaters in Europe and the United States, let alone get your money back.”

"We will give 60% of the global box office to Zhao Sheng. I hope Brother Hua can help me and Brother Darong convey this feeling. It is also a full-moon wine gift for Zhao's eldest son."

Liu Dehua said in shock, "Sixty percent?"

AMC theaters in Europe and the United States calculate a box office of HK$900 million, leaving more than 700 million after tax. AMC theaters and producers are 50/50? The wealth that was brought back was more than 300 million, so it was necessary to pay about 200 million to Zhao Donghuai?

But even if the payment is made, the cash flow that can fall into the hands of Yongsheng and Yingzhijie will be more than 100 million.

Besides, this hasn't ended yet, and there will be continued box office revenue.

Xiang Shisan laughed, "We have discussed with Brother Darong several times. Without the support of Zhao Films, this movie would be successful, let alone the current situation. It would be good to make a small profit in East and Southeast Asia. "

"Zhao Sheng has given such great support, and of course we know how to repay him."

There's nothing wrong with it. If Zhao Donghuai hadn't changed the main plot so much, the original script would have been a piece of Givenchy that would have been flattering for five thousand years.

Just a small profit.

How could it be possible to invite such big stars as Liu Dehua, Liu Xiaoli, Yuan Jieying, Nicole Kidman, and Jennifer Aniston?

They couldn't even hire Teacher Da Si.

Not to mention the fact that it has a large movie schedule in AMC theaters and is a box office hit, and can also get money from theater distributors. The relationship between the Xiang family and the AMC theater chain group is not good.

Of course, they haven't gotten a share of the box office now. They have to wait until all the pictures are completed. Now it's time to be sensible and do things.

In the future video tape market, those who hope to chase box office profits will also need Zhao Donghuai's strong support to get the money back. If it weren't for Marvel Comics retail stores and AMC's video tape rental and sales system, how could they have the ability to make this money? ?

However, after selling so much profit, this project is still profitable for Yongsheng and Yingzhijie. The 50 million Hong Kong dollars sold by Budaoguo and Xingmaitai has allowed the two film and television companies to recoup their initial investment.

Fifty million was sold out of the port to repay the capital, and Hong Kong, Macao and South Korea were 127 million Hong Kong dollars in three weeks. To them, it was picked up. What could be picked up from Europe and the United States was more than 150 million Hong Kong dollars. The mainland also made profits of over 100 million.

This big project made Yong Sheng and Ying Zhijie lose money. Deng Yurong ran the Moscow business for two or three years, but the total profit was not as good as this big movie!

Da Rong was still in Moscow, so the job of sending money was left to the Xiang brothers and Zeng Mewei. Ah Wei was one of the co-directors.

Under the laughter, Hua Zai also nodded and said, "Okay, I will help you convey my feelings."

He also took advantage of the opportunity and accepted the 10 million red envelope sent by the other party afterwards. There are indeed too many fans from all over the world who were attracted by Hua Zai, the king of superstars, to attend theaters and contribute to the box office.

No matter how much Zhao Sheng, Yongsheng and Ying Zhijie earn, his salary is 8 million before filming starts and 10 million in red envelopes afterwards? There are also goods in the movies Han Tianxia, ​​Dongfang and Five Thousand Years,...

The only regret is that this is a big movie that ostensibly has the rights to Yong Sheng and Ying Zhijie, not 100 Years Pictures.

The next moment Hua Zai smiled bitterly and said, "This is really a good guy. You guys have given so many gifts to Zhao Changzi, I don't even know what to give."

The Xiang family and Deng Yurong gave away hundreds of millions of profits at a time. What should he, Ah Hua, do?

Xiang Laoshi and Thirteen looked at each other, "..."

At this moment, Fei Jing knocked on the door and walked in with a beaming look on his face, "Ah Hua, I asked Li Zhi to help me find out. It's easy to handle the gift giving."

"The printing factory I run in the mainland will just pay double or triple the monthly salary to all employees this month, just to celebrate the celebration."

Liu Dehua was confused, "Is this okay?"

Fei Jing's smile became even brighter, "Why not? There is National Day in October. We Hong Kong businessmen pay double or triple our salaries, so we can celebrate with the whole world with our employees."

Hua Zai was speechless, "How much does this cost?"

The bicycle factory he opened in his hometown can be considered a big investment. After all, Hua Zai himself is a super rich man, one of the shareholders of Wanjia Group, and has made a lot of money from the music and film circles. In terms of financial resources, he is not as good as Cheng Long, Yuan Biao, etc. People are bad.

His status as an action star, after experiencing the wanted order, is one or two points weaker than Yuan Biao.

But don't forget, he is still one of the four kings of Asian music!

The earning power of singers is also very exciting, and they can earn a lot from concert tour tickets.

Therefore, his bicycle factory, currently a large factory with more than 900 people, still recruits many old employees from government-owned bicycle factories. His ancestral home is similar to Qiu Shuzhen and Zhou Runfa.

It's just that the latter two are in the county, and he is in the city, where the monthly salary of the employees is 180 yuan, and the monthly salary of 900 people is only more than 100,000 yuan, which is less than 200,000 yuan!

Fatty took a cigarette and said, "Li Zhi used to be Sister Jiahui's follower, and he had a good relationship with Sister Xian. I have asked several people about this, and Zhao Sheng means that he doesn't want our little money and small gifts." .”

"It's not appropriate to put it bluntly on the surface. Just find a reason to let more people have fun together. When the full moon wine comes on the 29th, give your bicycle factory and my printing factory three times the monthly salary. That's it. "

There are more than 900 workers, and three times the monthly salary is only more than 500,000 yuan. This is a happy day. Just give it what you want.

Liu Dehua nodded with emotion, "That's right. Let's rack our brains to think about what gifts to send. In the end, what does it matter? When it comes to the full moon wine, we will have a holiday and have a big wedding banquet and celebration banquet in the factory together, and get three Double your monthly salary, how happy you are!”

This is to allow more people to celebrate together for a certain young master.

Wang Jing blew out a smoke ring, "No need to take a holiday, I saw it, that day is the weekend, not just us, but also Mindong's Huazhi Group, Huazhi Hotel Chain, Boss Monica and Boss Connelly's Pacific Manufacturing, all will be like this Do."

"Pacific Manufacturing is a behemoth. Pengcheng has 100,000 employees. A group can be considered a small city. However, the Sony CD Walkman they are currently OEMing is indeed being sold all over the world."

"Good guy, when other big guys encounter this kind of happy event, they all take money from members and receive big gifts. But when they meet Zhao Sheng, they spend a lot of money on others..."

Xiang Laoshi said excitedly, "Yes, my winery will do the same thing when the time comes, so that more people can celebrate the full moon of the young master. October is a good month."

It's the end of the month for Hong Kong businessmen like them, so how appropriate is it to celebrate their birthdays in disguise? Anyway, it doesn't cost a lot of money, and it can make Zhao Donghuai happy, which is great.

Liu Dehua was speechless. He also knew that Zhao Donghuai was not short of money, so he said that if Xiang Laoshi came over, wouldn't he just have to pay several hundred million Hong Kong dollars in protection fees?

(Wanted 2) is still being filmed. If various luxury car brands encounter such a happy event, do you want to make another offer?

This is nothing more than making things difficult for traditional capitalists...

Shaking his head, Hua Zai said to Xiang Laoshi, "By the way, Brother Long's (Miracle) and Sister Qingxia's (The Unbeaten East) will be released together this Thursday. By then, there will be 30% of the film schedule of (Crazy Givenchy) , Brother Long and Sister Qingxia’s movies each have 35%.”

"Originally, Brother Long was eyeing the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he only changed the schedule to give me face."

Xiang Laoshi nodded, "Double Ninth Festival schedule? It seems possible, but I heard that this (Miracle) is a non-dragon classic comedy? With Brother Hua, the king of Asian music circles, suppressing it, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Their movie (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot) has also been released for three weeks. There is really no pressure to face the new movie. The box office that has been cut off has made everyone feel numb.


Tai Po.

Zhao Donghuai took Ahong around the center of Dabu New Town for several times, and finally decided to circle a hundred acres of land between the new community of Dakeng Village and the city center to prepare for infrastructure construction and build Baicaotang Pharmaceutical Group Hong Kong Island. Headquarters.

One hundred acres of land is as big as ten football fields. Baicaotang Group's various building clusters can be left to professional designers.

The location of the new town in Dabu is not bad. It is also close to the sea and has various seaside parks and piers. Now that it has been received from the system, the progress of the product named (Baicao Health Pills) has been accelerated. He is also planning Pfizer's Sildena No.

In addition, a large number of new fruits from century-old hawthorn trees purchased from the mainland, including tens of thousands of kilograms of fresh fruits produced this year, were previously processed with other medicinal materials in Pengcheng and made into finished medicine packages and sent to the United Medical Center.

Once the base here is built, it can be transferred here.

The foundation of Hong Kong Island’s medical giant must also begin to work hard to hammer it down.

Likewise, when we invite Western medicine pharmacists, pharmacists, and various related personnel from all over the world, we have to put on a show of confidence.

When Director Zhao returned to ATV headquarters, he saw Guan Jiahui doing various recovery exercises on the carpet in the rest area. Seeing him coming back, Jiahui walked over decisively, "Hurry up, it's time to drink tea..."

"By the way, Monica will soon have traffic. Then you can taste it carefully and see if there is any difference."

Monica was confirmed in early August, and now it’s been two months, so it’s not too far away from the time to start traffic.

Zhao Donghuai looked weird, and Ah Hong had complained about his strange taste before.

He didn't say anything, but Guan Jiahui said curiously, "You've really turned around. You haven't added anyone to your family for 14 months."

"It seems I have to take my turn and tie you up."

Because of her pregnancy, Jia Hui had a bigger cup than before. She thought she could try giving Zhao Donghuai a second child before stopping the flow, and then a third child. Will it keep shrinking if this continues? ?

Azhen, that little kid, comes from an ordinary family and is relatively poor. She has seven brothers and sisters. What is she afraid of? Anyway, I am in good health and there is basically no major discomfort during the tenth month of pregnancy.

Zhou Huimin dared to give a golden dragon as a gift before? She occasionally wondered whether she should ask Amin to give her a set of twelve zodiac animals? ?

Thinking of this, while sipping tea at Zhao Donghuai, she said directly, "Would you like to make up the twelve zodiac signs? That's so complete."

Zhao Donghuai was choked and looked shocked!

Azhen, who was walking over with some appropriate supplies, was surprised, "Sister Jiahui, what are the 12 zodiac signs?"

Guan Jiahui had a bold look on her face, "I just want New Year's money or something during the holidays. The 12 zodiac signs line up to go to your house to ask for red envelopes."

Qiu Shuzhen's face was so messy that she exploded!

Azhen looked at Zhao Donghuai blankly, and Director Zhao also looked blank. Even if he spread his branches and developed his family, it would not be like this.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang. Ah Hong came over to answer the call and communicated for a while before coming over and saying, "Boss, this is the call from Pfizer Asia Pacific CEO Chris. He called to report that Pfizer initiated a relationship. We invited three second- and third-generation overseas Chinese from North America, all of whom are traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and have good reputations and abilities."

"They want these people to go to the United Medical Center to drink and test the medicine on site to confirm which of the two Chinese decoction formulas obtained by Pfizer Group is the real one."

From the beginning of August to the beginning of October, the number of essential hypertension patients who have been cured by the United Medical Center has reached three figures.

Zhao Donghuai only received 10 copies from the system, but he told Liu Ahan and his gang to return to the mainland, conduct various surveys and collections near his hometown, and supplied hundreds of kilograms of Chinese medicine hawthorn tablets.

The United Medical Center continues to provide medical treatment.

Of course, this does not mean that after every patient is cured by Chinese decoction, everything will be fine again, and they can make whatever they want. The Chinese doctors in the United Medical Center tell every patient that their high blood pressure basically represents the internal organs. Something went wrong.

If conditions permit, you can continue to warm the yang and internal organs. If conditions do not,... After this cure, you can live a normal life for ten to eight years without recurrence.

If you exercise more and take care of yourself, it will be normal for the disease not to recur in fifteen or twenty years.

Just make the real situation clear, and it’s up to you to choose what to do next.

Under this situation, with the emergence of recovered patients one after another, the medical giants are naturally very anxious. There is an example of Pfizer Bill, which was too miserable after the failure of the business war.

Then Pfizer, Bayer, etc. will naturally choose new tactics.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Are the three sisters of the family Chinese medicine practitioners of several generations? I understand, as long as it is a serious business battle, the intensity of the fight will be normal."

Bill, the senior executive, had sacrificed the safety indicators of the local area, and there was a precedent. Serious confrontation was a trivial matter.

Again, even if these traditional Chinese medicine doctors went over and found that the Chinese decoction medicines received by Pfizer were all fake medicines, and none of the prescriptions were real... But the old Chinese medicine doctors wanted to distinguish whether a prepared hawthorn tablet was the fruit of a century-old tree. New fruit, master level Chinese herbal medicine skills will do.

When you mix hawthorn slices with more than ten other medicinal materials and boil them into soup, you can rely on medical science to determine whether there is an age limit and how many years are the limit? Then the difficulty would increase too much.

Who promoted the big project of Baicao Health Pills? His girlfriends are also buying hawthorn fruit trees, walnuts, grapefruit trees, etc. that are more than 10 years old, forty or fifty years is better, and hundreds of years are better. Where are the fruits?

Big information has been messed up!

Seeing that his reaction was so dull, Ah Hong stopped taking the matter seriously and couldn't help but said, "Pfizer Chris has also become a member of Hydra? This is too..."

Ah Hong followed Zhao Donghuai at the Fanling Golf Course and witnessed with her own eyes how Director Zhao manipulated Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific CEO William. It had been so long, and she knew how powerful Zhao Donghuai was.

It’s really an unforgettable understanding of the long and short of depth.

But on the surface, Pfizer is only Hydra in the Asia-Pacific?


In a private room of a five-star hotel in Tokyo.

Ah Zha woke up from his slumber, patted the twins' peaches, drove away the people, and then washed and packed up.

When Big Liu Ahan, Little Liu Awei, more than 20 people including Xiao Wu and Daliang gathered in the living room of the large suite, the crowd...

Each one of the crowd was more energetic, more excited and more expectant, and even the whole person's mental state kept drifting and couldn't stop.

After taking a sip of kung fu tea, Liu glanced at the group of men in black shirts and black trousers standing behind him, and said excitedly, "Brother Zha, we raised more than 600 million Hong Kong dollars in July and 1 billion Hong Kong dollars in August. We raised more than 1 billion Hong Kong dollars in September. More than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars came..."

"Kondo jumped on the bandwagon, not wanting to be the only one to be cheated, so he recruited two of the same big stars to do things in the fan club and teach classes, so the amount of money he attracted in September suddenly increased by two or three. times."

"If Yamaguchi-gumi Gen Murakami and many people behind him hadn't been doing research, we would have easily exceeded 10 billion Hong Kong dollars."

"Fuck, this is so profitable!"

In the new era of financial investment and wealth management, which raises more than 4.7 billion Hong Kong dollars, will you get 20% interest back a month? The two achievements are more than 900 million. Neither the Tiger Gang nor the Eagle Gang can get this rebate.

Their principal has long been insufficient.

But how to put it, this thing is like a bank. As long as your credibility is there and it doesn't collapse, it is impossible to say that it has encountered a collective run.

Many banks will go bankrupt if they encounter a run.

There is no collective run, and latecomers will continuously provide them with new ammunition to support them in making up for it when they encounter customers who want to take away their principal and interest.

It has only been more than three months, but financial companies led by Daewoo Investment Co., Ltd. have verified hundreds of thousands of times to the public that investment and financial management customers can take away their money at any time if they want.

Hundreds of thousands of verifications have brought about a solid credibility and reputation.

Too many old customers have begun to find ways to get loans from banks and invest with them. Some bankers, including some, cannot help but misappropriate public funds for investment.

Adding up the total accounts of each company, there are more than 4.7 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds, and a wealth of close to 600 million U.S. dollars? !

Not to mention Xiao Wu and Daliang, the little brothers who used to hang out on the streets of Hanzhou. Even A Zha himself is very good at it. Even the Tiger Gang and the Eagle Gang are all old bastards. No one is not good at it. of.

A-Zha was also reported, excitedly turned on his Walkman and started playing.

"There is wind at night, and I am in the wind."

"What do I have"

When Wang Jie's lyrics (You are the eternal pain in my chest) floated up, Ah Zha took a deep breath and said, "With such a big plate, I will become an island guy with a permanent pain in my chest."

"If we increase it ten times more, we can hope to raise five to six billion U.S. dollars and run away with one to two billion U.S. dollars..."

"Brothers, I won't talk nonsense. If you return to Hong Kong alive, you will all be multi-millionaires, and you will be proud of your ancestors when you return to your hometown!"

Xiao Wu's face was blood red, "Fifty years ago, 300,000 of our grandfathers shed blood on the battlefield, and 3 million grandfathers went to the front line. Fifty years later, it will be our turn to collect debts!"

"Forgiving them is a matter for the gods and Buddhas all over the sky. We will be responsible for sending them to see the gods and Buddhas all over the sky!"

He really wasn't bragging, Xiao Wu, a big brother on the street, a big bastard, and his own grandfather was the one who buried the body on the front line forty years ago. There couldn't be a more intense blood feud.

After I came out, I found out who the eldest brother was and what he was doing. He was always the most excited and excited.

Even if he continues to make no money in the end and dies in Tokyo, as long as he accomplishes this big thing, he will feel that it is worth it and his life will be worth it.

After all, this is not an innocent killing. Let’s not talk about the various associations in the island country at this stage. Who are the ancestors and grandfathers? Those rich second and third generations are often still bullies and bullies. Now they can be like this wide.

Where do you think the wealth accumulated by their grandparents and fathers came from?

Following Xiao Wu's words, Ah Zha was a little helpless, "Xiao Wu, calm down, calm down, why do you always stick to your guns when you are alone? We are hiding behind the scenes."

"The outermost is the South Korean White Gloves, followed by the Eagle Gang, the Tiger Gang, and then the Yamaguchi-gumi Murakami Gennaika. We have three layers of protective film in front of us."

Getting guns in Tokyo? The Eagle Gang and the Tiger Gang know it all too well. Ever since I came here and got two Glocks, Xiao Wu has never left his side with a gun every day. His mental state of being ready to risk his life and bang bang bang makes even Zha a little scared.

Da Liu Ahan also said smoothly, "Yes, Xiao Wu, don't be so excited. I think you should calm down for a while. After all, you have a family and a family, and your two children have started to go to elementary school."

Xiao Wu's momentum froze, and he said with a bit of embarrassment, "Don't worry, don't worry, Brother Zha, Brother Han, I'm not that impulsive, I still cherish my life. At most, I can be impulsive before running away..."

"Just a handful will do."

Not to mention Ah Zha, Ah Han and A Wei looked at each other a little bit. With three layers of protective film, Xiao Wu could be so excited. It was really...

Xiao Wu's eyes were still a little red, "I grew up listening to my dad tell me about my grandfather. My grandfather came out of Sichuan in 1937 when my dad was only 3 months old. He died in the battle of Wu City in 1938. My second Grandpa died in 1939."

"My dad has no impression of my grandpa, let alone me. I am the fourth eldest son in the family. Although I was somewhat famous on the street, I am the least popular at home."

"They all feel that I am tarnishing the glory that my grandfathers have created with their lives."

Xiao Wu’s nickname has always been Brother Xiao Wu, but he is quite a bit older this year. He was born in 1960 and is already 29 years old.

He is nothing more than the fourth in the family, the youngest of the four brothers and sisters... His grandfather and second grandfather were both warlords, but isn't that the helplessness of the times?

As for his father and eldest brother, although they didn't have much money, they were both serious workers and looked down upon his job as a street kid. The family is not very wealthy and has two students, the second brother and the third sister, who are currently teachers.

When he was hanging out on the streets, he became wealthy. Compared with the current wealth in Tokyo? At that time, the wealth was too small, but before coming here, he was indeed the richest in the family, but the poorest in spirit.

Workers and teachers in the early to mid-1980s? ? There are still a group of people who have a strong sense of responsibility and honor, and they will not be all about money in 20 or 30 years.

"The blood feud is here. It doesn't matter that I never had the chance to come to the island country in the past half of my life. Occasionally, I would see an island country businessman in the provincial capital, and I would stay far away. Hehehehe..."

After saying this, Ah Zha fell silent.

As for the elder brothers Liu Ahan, Xiao Liu Awei, including Daliang and others from Hanzhou, the younger brothers who can fight also understand.

After years of resistance during the war, three million of our grandparents came out of Sichuan 40 or 50 years ago. Maybe in twenty or thirty years, everyone will be old and their hearts will become cold, right now? A lot of my grandfathers died, and everyone was... the most wild and energetic.

Ah Zha sighed, "Okay, when we evacuate, I will support you even if you blow up a few public toilets. Anyway, things are easy to get, and it has opened up the world of North American ghosts. You can get whatever you want."


It’s a new day, Tsim Sha Tsui United Medical Center.

Three figures stood on the square and looked around. The oldest one, nearly 70 years old but energetic, said, "Xiao Chen, Xiao Song, after taking this step, there is no turning back. If I didn't have no choice, I would I still hope you will seriously consider it.”

The three of them are senior Chinese medicine practitioners found by Pfizer in North America. Dr. Huang, who is speaking now, brought his father back to the Kingdom of Heaven. When the situation collapsed, his father fled across the Pacific Ocean.

Dr. Huang is a second-generation overseas Chinese. He grew up, studied, and became a disciple. He studied in an old Chinese medicine clinic in San Francisco for most of his life, and finally inherited everything from his master, including marrying his daughter.

Talking about medical skills, in terms of Chinese medicine, Dr. Huang is one of the most famous old Chinese medicine doctors in San Francisco. He also has a lot of experience in Western medicine and knows a lot.

This time, Pfizer invited me here to explore the formula of Chinese decoction for treating high blood pressure? It’s really not as simple as Pfizer giving you money and doing things with the money!

He is almost 70 years old, but he is not stupid, and because he is proficient in medical skills and takes good care of himself, he looks like a person in his early fifties. The appearance is the same, and the health is also the same.

So how could he not understand the significance of Pfizer? A competitor to Pfizer's hard steel? Is this something that ordinary people can provoke? Not to mention things like spying on formulas and stealing formulas. Besides, every year, Hong Kong's film and television industry continues to penetrate into North America, and more and more Asian superstars are becoming popular...

He has been living in North America for almost 70 years and knows very well what status and treatment the Chinese have there.

If he had not encountered a super choice problem, he would not have agreed to Pfizer's invitation at all.

The reason for coming this time is very simple. His third-generation grandson from the Huang family is in prison and is still a drug addict.

Pfizer promised to transfer his eldest grandson to a private prison, apply for commutation of sentence, etc., so that he could be released from prison early, which made Dr. Huang willing to fight for it.

"For us doctors, if someone gives you face and calls you Dr. Huang, Doctor Huang, they will send us to the sea to fill piles at any time if you don't give us face. If it hadn't been for the manslaughter of that unscrupulous descendant, who was sentenced to a full 30 years in prison, I wouldn't have been able to wade in such muddy waters. "

Thirty years for manslaughter? The person who was accidentally killed by his eldest grandson was also a fellow Taoist. The family power was not bad. He entrusted the Hongmen tycoon to help negotiate peace and beg for mercy. In the end... the manslaughter was sentenced to thirty years in prison. It was better to let him know and he would be in prison. Take good care of his eldest grandson.

The Hongmen boss will at most promise to arrange some help and take care of her as much as possible.

That's why Dr. Huang appeared here. He had no choice!

Under the words, Xiao Chen, who is in his fifties, and Xiao Song, who is nearly 40 years old, looked at each other, and both of them also smiled a little bitterly.

He is no longer young, and he has still achieved a certain reputation in the medical field. He is not an idiot. Xiao Song smiled bitterly and said, "I think this matter is most involved, and it must be related to Mr. Zhao from Hong Kong Island. That's not Are we the richest Chinese people?"

"He's going up against giants like Pfizer, Bayer, Novartis, etc., and we're helping the white people charge? If we don't encounter difficulties, who is willing to wade into this muddy water?"

When it comes to the field of famous doctors, it’s Pfizer who wants to drink a few bowls of Chinese decoction to get them to predict the exact formula! Is this a famous doctor?

If you wade in such muddy water, you may die at any time!

Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Well, Mr. Huang and Xiao Song, do you think there is a possibility?"

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