Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 299 I won’t give God’s face either

Xiao Chen, who is in his 50s, is really not young. He is just a junior in front of Dr. Huang. His situation is not complicated. He is a famous doctor in New York's Chinatown. His father was a Chinese laborer who was deceived into North America in the late Qing Dynasty.

Living well in New York, there were originally a family of six and three generations living under one roof. Doctor Chen was the eldest and oldest, and also the head of the family. His grandson, who had just turned 18, disappeared...

The 18-year-old disappeared last year. Dr. Chen's family has spent generations of savings searching for him. The search has not yielded any results yet. His son and daughter-in-law have been crying all day long. The eldest granddaughter who is studying in college has also been under the pressure of a strong depressive atmosphere. His mental state began to feel bad.

It was under this background that people from Pfizer suddenly jumped out and told him that as long as he did what Pfizer told him, Pfizer would help him get the person back!

It was impossible for Dr. Chen to believe it directly.

But Pfizer handed over a photo of its grandson this year.

Pfizer told him straightforwardly that his grandson had a special blood type and was abducted by a big shot with the same special blood type and poor health. He was keeping him as a spare tire and involved things like organ donation.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave them to Dr. Huang and Xiao Song. Dr. Chen said, "In the past, we had no connection with Zhao Sheng from Hong Kong Island for no reason. Then even if my grandson is missing, Mr. Huang and your grandson will go to jail. If you suck fans, we won’t have the chance to ask for help from Zhao Sheng, who has great hands and eyes.”

"But now..."

"After I go in, I will tell you about my family. Will Zhao Sheng help me? I will help Pfizer, and Pfizer will rescue my grandson. But if Zhao Sheng is willing to help, I can also help Zhao Sheng deceive Pfizer."

"I have lived in New York all my life...but as long as my family is safe, it is not a big deal for my family to move."

So what if I lived in New York all my life? Just because his grandson had a special blood type, he was inexplicably kidnapped and raised as a spare tire, just waiting for the day when he could donate his organs to a tycoon? ?

He called the police, asked the mafia and Chinese associations, and asked the black and white gangs for help. He almost spent all his life savings, including his connections!

Mr. Huang has been practicing medicine all his life. Because of his good medical skills, he knows many big shots. When his eldest grandson was accidentally killed, he was able to invite the San Francisco Hongmen tycoon to make peace.

Dr. Chen relies on his superb medical skills and knows many big and small people.

But when something big happened, he realized that those things were useless. So far, he, an old man in his fifties, had not dared to tell his wife, son, and daughter-in-law that his grandson, who had been missing for a year, had been found.

How to say? Then it’s better not to say anything! Raised by a tycoon as a source of spare organs?

Following Dr. Chen's words, Mr. Huang's eyes lit up, but he didn't say anything. Dr. Song, who was less than 40 years old, said, "It's difficult. I know a Chinese who can bring his own entertainment group into Hollywood. Entering North America, this is not something ordinary people can do.”

"Being able to do it represents extraordinary hard power, but Uncle Chen's family affairs are not ordinary difficult."

"It's my job that's easiest to say."

Dr. Song also has a story. He became a famous doctor before he was 40 years old. Even if he has the advantage of good inheritance, he can't do it without a certain talent.

his story? There was a medical incident. While treating the mistress of a mafia boss, he accidentally collapsed her. This was not because his medical skills were incompetent, but because the other party did not follow the doctor's instructions. It was similar to the nature of mixing cephalosporins with wine, and even made a big deal out of it. .

Then he was chased by the mafia boss, who not only wanted to kill him, but also wanted to kill his whole family. What the fuck. Where can you reason with this kind of medical trouble? Dr. Song's connections couldn't handle this matter either.

When he was almost finished, Pfizer came to help him settle the matter and asked him to come out to inquire about the Chinese decoction for the radical cure of high blood pressure at the Hong Kong Island United Medical Center.

The eldest grandson of Taoist friend Huang's hometown was imprisoned in 1986. Dr. Chen's youngest grandson disappeared in 1988 last year. What happened to his surnamed Song only happened last month.

Occasionally, he would wonder if he had been hit by a fairy jump, but there was no evidence, and his family was still under control.

The next moment, Dr. Song also lit up a cigarette, "Huang Lao, Uncle Chen, the United Medical Center opened in early August. It has cured hundreds of hypertensive patients in two months. Pfizer has not been able to find out the formula for two months." , but also invite us to do things.”

"It's enough to prove the strength of Mr. Zhao. My affairs are the smallest at first glance... I'll try to confess first when I get in?"

When gods fight, it brings disaster to the fish in the pond.

They were involved in a fight between gods and gods. As long as you have a clear mind, you will know that the farther you can hide from such things, the better.

They really don't want to help Gui Lao charge into the battle to defeat Zhao Sheng. After all, there are rumors in the world that Zhao Donghuai can compete with Wall Street. The appreciation of the daily yen in foreign exchange has brought the citizens of Haowan, Hong Kong, to make a fortune. The stock market crash in 1987 brought tens of thousands of big brothers and elite backbone groups, crazy Cutting the leeks of the island nation.

That kind of great god, if you live half or most of your life and still don't understand what the series is, then your life is in vain.

The more Chinese people who have never been to Europe and the United States and have little contact with the real world in Europe and the United States, the less they understand how ridiculously difficult it is for Hong Kong blockbusters to sell well in Europe and the United States and successfully take home a share of the box office.

Mr. Huang nodded, "Okay, Xiao Song, can you try it first? We are not in a hurry."

Dr. Song forced a smile and nodded. He threw the cigarette on the ground and took out a Chinese medicine pill that he mixed and swallowed it. After standing on the street for more than ten minutes, he started, "This pill of mine can make my blood pressure lower." When tested by modern scientific instruments, it is very stable to soar high and act like a hypertensive patient."

In fact, if you want to pretend to have high blood pressure, let alone taking the prepared medicines, just drink more wine last night, wake up early in the morning and use the instrument to test, and you will still have high blood pressure!

Or running around before the test and exercising more can also increase your blood pressure.

It's nothing more than the medicine prepared by Dr. Song himself, which will make blood pressure more stable over a period of time!


It's about nine o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Donghuai opened the window to diffuse the air and asked Azhen to arrange to meet the visitor in ten minutes. When Zhang Min came with a glass of juice, he smiled and said, "Boss, there is an overseas Chinese from Chicago named Song over there at the United Medical Center. The third generation said he was a famous local Chinese medicine practitioner."

"I encountered a mafia boss who wanted to kill his whole family, so I had to come to the United Medical Center under the arrangement of Pfizer to pretend to be a hypertensive patient to determine the formula of the Chinese decoction we introduced."

"He doesn't want to get involved in this kind of fight between gods. Even if he can't avoid it, as long as he has the choice, he is still willing to help us deal with it and deceive Pfizer. And he also said that his medical skills are pretty good and he doesn't brag about himself. As long as our group Go to Chicago and investigate, and you should be able to confirm a lot of things.”

"This is the old Chinese medicine doctor dispatched by Pfizer's headquarters that Chris said yesterday."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Holy shit, a mafia boss is making trouble as a doctor?"

Yesterday, he thought that the three Chinese medicine doctors Chris reported to were simply doing things for money, just like the many second-hand medicine dealers who came and went near the United Medical Center during these times.

I didn’t expect this to be really different, it involves killing the whole family!

While complaining, Zhao Donghuai also came up with a list, "This is the Hydra members in Chicago, including the FBI, DEA, criminal police, and the mafia. Call and ask about the situation."

Zhang Min decisively took the list and left.

Half an hour later, as soon as he saw off a person who came to visit him, Amin came back and explained, "After checking it out, it was really a fairy jump operation arranged by Pfizer. The person who died was not the mistress of a mafia boss at all, but an ordinary gangster woman." …”

"That mafia named Charlie took $200,000 from Pfizer to stage a show. Now Dr. Song's family is under Charlie's control."

Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "It's hard for Dr. Song. He didn't provoke anyone and he didn't provoke anyone. Suddenly the whole family is going to be killed. It's too outrageous. Since he is willing to stand on our side, this is a trivial matter."

"Whose person is Charlie?"

Amin was speechless, "Charlie's uncle is a member of Hydra's Chicago branch and one of the minority shareholders holding one thousandth of Microsoft's shares. He is not qualified to be included on the list."

No wonder, he is indeed a boss!

Don't underestimate holding one thousandth of Microsoft's shares. Zhang Min only holds 1% of Microsoft's shares. For a behemoth like Microsoft, one thousandth is not a small amount of money, because at this stage, Microsoft's market value is close to 10 billion US dollars.

More importantly, for those party members, this is clean money, white money, which allows them to sneak into the upper class society as underground dark creatures.

Furthermore, during the global stock market crash in 1987, Zhao Donghuai himself did not go to North America to make a fortune and did not short the Dow Jones Index, but his Hydra members there did a lot of short-selling and made a lot of money.

Otherwise, why would those guys be so proud of their identity as Hydra?

Zhao Donghuai's Hydra organization was established in a haphazard manner, but after its establishment, almost every member who joined it could make a fortune at every turn.

This is the most fundamental reason why Hydra will not only not collapse, but also develop better and better.

"Then let Dr. Song cooperate and return to the Pfizer branch to make a show and tell him that his family's safety can be assured."

It's so easy to go back to Pfizer and play a role. Chris is like a hydra. He is the boss of Asia Pacific!

Originally, for the development of the medical group, he was recruiting various Western medicine pharmacists around the world, as well as Chinese medicine. Since Lao Song is a famous doctor in Chicago... and not a famous doctor, Pfizer will not do anything to him.

Then after the show is over, just join the Baicaotang Group.

What Zhao Donghuai didn't expect was that he just finished handling Dr. Song's matter in the morning, and met Dr. Chen in the afternoon. This was even more outrageous!

You don't need to ask to know that what happened to Dr. Chen is either a fairy dance arranged by Pfizer, or it is just pure bad luck! Sometimes a person's blood type is too rare, which is really not a good thing.

In this business war, the white-skinned ghost guy still doesn't follow the rules and harms innocent ordinary people again and again.

Zhao Donghuai directly asked Dr. Chen to come to ATV first.

When Dr. Chen arrived at dinner time, Zhao Donghuai briefly exchanged greetings with him before making a cross-ocean call. The moment the call was connected, he said in English, "Jack, I am Zhao Donghuai from Hong Kong Island. Since you are a banker in California, , you should have heard my name."

"I heard Pfizer say that you captured the grandson of Dr. Chen, an overseas Chinese in New York, and coveted his blood type, and raised him as a spare tire for you? Take my advice, this kind of crime is too serious, you send him back , how about we just pretend this never happened?"

Old Jack is a banker in North America and belongs to a large California conglomerate. His blood type is so special that most people's organs are not very good. As long as he has enough money, he can jump in line and wait for surgery, which is not a big problem.

Just take fan Liu Luanxiong, who had two kidney transplants in his original career.

Not to mention the big bosses in the California consortium, if they don't have special blood types, there is really no need to raise an organ source in advance.

Zhao Donghuai also knew that Dr. Chen's situation was different from that of Dr. Song before him. It was better to solve the problem quickly. Acting did not require putting the other's eldest grandson in extremely dangerous situations all the time.

He spoke straightforwardly. After being silent for dozens of seconds, Old Jack said with a smile, "Zhao, I will definitely give you face for ordinary trivial matters. When it comes to life, I won't give you the face of God."

Dr. Chen's eldest grandson was abducted a year ago and has not yet undergone surgery. Firstly, his heart has not yet been replaced or he will die immediately. Secondly, he also needs to spend time recuperating and recuperating his body. To the point where he can survive major surgery.

This is only the late 1980s, not 2022, and the level of medical technology involved in heart transplantation is still different.

After saying this, the person directly hung up the phone.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After he also put down the phone, Dr. Chen became excited, "Sheng Zhao? How is the situation? What did they say over there? My Ayue..."

Zhao Donghuai said regretfully, "He doesn't give me face."

He has been dealing with the California consortium since the big movie "Never Compromise" that reflected reality. That movie reflected the real-life Pacific Gas and Electric Group, which controls the electricity, gas and natural gas used by half of the people in California. Big group.

Pacific Gas and Electric Group does not belong to a single family, but has dispersed shareholdings. Because of the dispersed shareholdings, the organization is bloated, things are slow, and there is no strong leader who can make the final decision.

Zhao Donghuai's movie had a big success that year, and that was back in 1986!

Dr. Chen's face suddenly became anxious. Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "If Old Jack doesn't give me face, it can only be said that he won't give Pfizer face either... There is a high probability that you have been deceived by Pfizer."

"Even if you can help Pfizer get the accurate Chinese decoction formula, your grandson A Yue may be gone. After all, it is a heart transplant surgery."

What makes this special girl is that the plot of Sha Po Lang 2 happened in reality!

With a special blood type, Hong Wengang is such a perverted and cruel villain in Slayer 2. After searching for who knows how many years, he finally set his sights on his own brother.

Dr. Chen, who was in his 50s, knelt down and said, "Sheng Zhao, please help me..."

Zhao Donghuai sighed helplessly, "Get up, it's not hopeless. I'll try my best. Well, you go back and wait for news from me."

To deal with a certain family boss of the California consortium in California is much more difficult than dealing with Pfizer's Bill, because Bill is just an executive, not a real boss.

If it moves, it will move, but old Jack is really a leader.

First spend 1,000 points to simulate it and see how urgent the matter becomes.


[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: The authentic copy of Old Jack's will."

"B: Commercial loan contract signed and sealed by Old Jack."

"C: One cubic meter of portable space."

Zhao Donghuai looked at the three reward options and fell into deep thought. What do you mean? How could the system come up with such a weird reward for such a good person like him?

He wanted to use signatures, documents, etc. to cause trouble, so why did he hand-make fake knives and fake pounds that even banknote detectors couldn't distinguish? That's enough to witness, want to forge a will, forge a signed check book, business loan documents, etc.

Not difficult.

Why did the system directly flash this thing?

He didn't read the will for now, and after thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai chose B, and then he got a big contract, in duplicate, all signed and stamped.

The overall loan amount of the large contract is US$500 million. Bank lending is a very common business operation, but... the loan company is blank, and the specific business project of the loan is blank.

You just need to make up a project that seems reasonable and reliable, fill it in, and you can get a loan.

Old Jack is the head of that big California bank! ! !

so? Do you really need to fill in the specific items of such a loan contract? The bank should go to Old Jack to confirm, right? For a project involving a cash flow of US$500 million, even if it was signed and stamped, there was no way Jack would not reply in person without confirming it.

A moment later, Zhao Donghuai called Old Jack again, "Jack, although we have never met, we have been close friends for a long time, right? If you think carefully about letting go of the child of Dr. Chen's family in New York, how about letting him go?"

On the other side of the phone, Old Jack sneered, "Zhao, I know you are fierce. It was the first time you had a business war with Stanley from AMC Cinemas. A dump truck was driving wildly and sniper bullets were flying everywhere. So what?"

"I'm already planning to hide, you won't find me!"

Director Zhao sighed, "Why bother?"

Jack laughed, "Although my physical condition is still close to surviving this major surgery, within half a year, you can't find me and affect my surgery!"

"Zhao, I don't want to be an enemy of a financial war god like you, but I'm almost dead, so I can only be rude like this. Don't worry, I will make it up to everyone afterwards. Anyway, that Chen's son is only 38 years old. If we lose this grandson, the worst we can do is get another one."

"After the operation, I will apologize to you, and please don't call me again. I know your Hydra members are everywhere, but I won't let you contact me again."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and was about to launch a new King of Gou plan.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

No matter whether it is signed or stamped, as long as someone actually fills out the items to get a loan, they still have to report it to Jack for confirmation.

Old Jack no longer shows up casually, and someone must be arranged to handle outside business on his behalf. Who is that person?

Another lackluster simulation ends.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but sigh, "It turns out he is your illegitimate child..."

The situation of Old Jack's family is more complicated, perhaps due to internal strife within the family. He is the current head of the family, but on the surface, his former son is a cripple, a junkie who refuses to recognize his relatives, and is in the stage of forced withdrawal. ability.

Another car accident is gone.

At present, in the banking field, his sister and another cousin are assisting Old Jack in controlling power, but few outsiders know that Old Jack’s personal assistant to the president, who has been giving orders to the outside world on behalf of Old Jack and controlling big projects, is actually Jack. illegitimate son.

That person who comes forward can basically represent Jack’s will!

So, you see that among the new simulation rewards, there is another commercial loan contract signed and sealed by Old Jack? Zhao Donghuai felt that he could talk to his illegitimate son.


A few days later.

On Thursday, October 5th, two new blockbusters were released in North America, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Cheng Long’s (The Miracle) and Jet Li and Lin Qingxia’s (The Swordsman: The Undefeated), each in the Home and New Times have a 35% film scheduling rate.

A lot of poster promotion has been done, and movie fans who should know already know it.

In just a few days, until the Double Ninth Festival Sunday, Oriental Invincible's film scheduling rate increased from 35% to 40%, 45% and finally 50%!

Andy Lau's (Crazy Givenchy) has been affected to a certain extent, not to mention Cheng Long's (Miracle). It's not that Aaron has lost his appeal.

But when it was announced, Xu Ke only mentioned it a few times, Lin Qingxia starring in Invincible Oriental? ! This shocked countless movie fans and even fans of Cha Sheng's books to the point of being stunned.

Many people have read the novel more than once and watched the TV series version of "Swordsman" many times. What is your impression and image of Dongfang Bubai?

Therefore, just Lin Qingxia starring in The Invincible East is enough to arouse the curiosity and interest of countless people. Starting from the 5th, I went to the cinema and almost walked in. I was attracted by this version of Aunt Qingxia and became a new fan.

How to put it, it's not a question of whether it's good or not, or whether it's a classic or not, but it's that even Ajie, the kung fu superstar, was somewhat outshone in this movie.

This is in the original trajectory of 1992, the year of Zhou Xingxing, among the top ten Chinese-language films in Hong Kong at the box office, and Xingxing occupied the top five! In this edition, Eastern Invincible still ranked eighth, with more than 34 million Hong Kong dollars.

This year here is not the year of Xingzai, but it is also the peak period of Xingzai.

There are too many blockbusters and good movies of all kinds, and different types of movies have distracted the attention of countless movie fans. In the film industry, there are endless classics such as science fiction, action, workplace inspiration, comedy, romance, strange cases, etc. The Eastern Invincible The movie is a martial arts movie, setting a small peak example.

Lin Qingxia's Dongfang Invincible has really created a new career peak for this aunt!

Just like in the original track, before she took over the role of The Invincible, she appeared in many Hong Kong films in the 1980s and was famous and popular, but not many of them could become masterpieces.

Salena from Police Story 1? Cao Yun in Daoma Dan?

Apart from these two characters, how many others can become masterpieces? Can it be remembered by movie fans forever?

There are only a handful of people involved in ancient costumes. The Lord of the Fairy Castle in (New Shushan Swordsman) can barely count as one?

But as soon as the Invincible East movie came out, Lin Qingxia filmed more than a dozen costume martial arts movies in just two years!

It is enough to witness how much the original work added to Lin Qingxia's personal popularity and boosted her career.

To put it another way, the bonus and career-enhancing power of (The Swordsman: The Invincible East) to her is similar to the boost of the Original Locus (The True Colors of a Hero) to Zhou Runfa.

This started on the 5th. I was originally attracted to the cinema by Lin Qingxia's big gimmick of playing the Eastern Invincible, and I quickly became a Qingxia fan.

In just four days in the first week, the box office of Invincible East reached 10 million Hong Kong dollars, 15 million Hong Kong dollars in Wanwan, and 2,100 Hong Kong dollars in South Korea. However, what made Xu Ke even more delighted was that North America also exceeded 10 million in the first four days. US dollar data.

Xu Ke was very happy.

After all, this is not the (Once Upon a Time) series. Ajay was able to rely on the two parts of Once Upon a Time to accumulate a combined box office of over 100 million US dollars in North America, which is a testament to the revenue-generating power of Ajie, one of the kings of kung fu.

But this is a new film, not a sequel to Once Upon a Time.

Xu Ke doesn't want to pursue too much. You must know that Xu Guanjie's version of "Swordsman" only made more than 5 million US dollars at the end of its North American release. That's more than four weeks of accumulation.

Ajie, Yuen Jieying, Lin Qingxia, and Cai Shaofen, the first weekend of the movie was 10 million U.S. dollars, which was a huge profit.

That's right, Hong Kong's South Korea's national star Mattei has been announced by (Swordsman). Just saying Lin Qingxia starring in the East can attract enough movie fans and book fans. It is definitely different in Europe and the United States. This requires the promotion of Cai Shaofen's three movies. The accumulated popularity of Home Alone.

Even when the European and American version of Home Alone was released in theaters, it featured child star Cameron Diaz.

However, during the video rental and sales process, part of Cai Shaofen's version of the protagonist also circulated, which paved the way for Ah Fen to gain some popularity.

Even Lin Qingxia has gained a wave of popularity with the female version of Cat and Mouse, not to mention Yuan Jieying. At that time, countries around the world won jackpots of more than 600 million Hong Kong dollars, and even Europe and the United States also had a wave of big hits. News.

For Xu Ke, The Invincible East is his remake of a classic work. In order to insist on starring Lin Qingxia, he almost broke up with Cha Sheng, but it didn't matter. The North American box office finally reached 30 million U.S. dollars, and he was completely satisfied.

It can be said that this movie has many parties complementing each other. Not to mention the martial arts special effects and the collaboration of all the stars to create a classic. The theme song, soundtrack and interludes are also too classic.

In the movie, Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong meet for the second time, and the acting of the Eastern leader falling in love is too strong!

Cheng Long smiled bitterly at this, and the smile was very forced. He knew that the semi-transformed (Miracle) might be suppressed by the impact of blockbusters, so he avoided (Crazy Givenchy), but he also lost miserably against Ajie. Yes, it’s helpless.

It was under such circumstances that Amei's family came to Luocheng.

After watching a movie (Miracle), Warner Bros.' Green Rose drove to a Western restaurant. As agreed upon in the previous contact, he walked to a private room and knocked on the door.

When there was a sound at the door, Ross opened the door and went in. He saw a handsome young man, about 27 or 28 years old, who was cutting steak.

Rose stepped forward quickly, "I'm Rose from Warner Bros., and you're Paul?"

Paul forked a piece of steak and put it into his mouth, "Where's the loan contract?"

Ross quickly grabbed two copies of the business loan contract from his pocket and handed one to Paul.

Paul looked through it carefully while eating. After reading it, he slapped the table and said, "I know this is fake and forged, but just from the surface, each signature and seal, even I can't tell the authenticity. Cope with expert inspection??”

Ross stroked his flowing green hair and said, "Why are you worried about Hydra's work? This is the most orthodox business project."

"We have obtained the rights to adapt the entire series of (Lord of the Rings) movies, invited the top directors, found the best special effects group in the world, hired the best stars, and shot the Lord of the Rings trilogy in succession. Now it is just missing funds."

"As long as I have the support of your bank group, I can create the largest and most profitable fantasy epic film series in Europe and the United States besides the Star Wars series."

"How much money does the Star Wars series make? You don't know, right? He will make more in the future!"

Paul nodded helplessly, "You are really talented. I was left idle by the old man for more than 20 years just because I was an illegitimate child. Three years ago, I was only qualified to be a middle-level social worker in the banking group. If it weren't for my two brothers, one after another, Something happened..."

“Very good, very reasonable!!”

"$500 million invested in the (Lord of the Rings) trilogy!"

Ross laughed, "When it's done, you'll get 200 million and I'll get 200 million, and the rest will be used for public relations. By the way, is Pete Chen okay?"

Zhao Donghuai asked someone to tamper with a certain bank, but he really had no intention of getting any money for himself, so even if he took away 500 million U.S. dollars from the first commercial loan contract, he didn't ask for a dime and gave it all.

Paul raised the red wine glass and said, "I have started to cooperate with you in doing things, so you should understand that I am the one who least wants the old man to regain power."

"Even if he survives this operation perfectly and slowly hands over the banking group to me, I don't want to die in confusion like my eldest brother and second brother. My uncle and aunt don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. "

Even if Old Jack hides and waits for heart transplant surgery until his health recovers, he still has the greatest say in some relatively large investment or commercial loan plans.

In order to fear that Hydra would harass him at every turn, or locate his phone number, the people he trusted most now were his illegitimate son Paul, and the doctor...

Just Paul himself? Of course, there is no way to get too much money out of the bank, tens of millions of dollars, Paul has the right! Several hundred million dollars at a time? You want to eat shit.

But he was the special assistant to the chairman. He stayed there for more than two years and often gave orders for the old man. Before the old man got up, he also specially told his confidants that when encountering major issues, they must go to Paul for instructions and get his consent before doing anything.

And then...this one-loan investment in Ross's run on the (Lord of the Rings) movie trilogy? Ross is a very senior leader of Warner Bros. In the early years, Ross bought the theatrical release rights for "Hurricane", "One Man" and "John Wick" from Hong Kong Island and bought them out.

Warner only needs to spend a few million dollars to make huge profits at the box office in Europe and the United States.

Ross is already the boss of Warner's distribution department!

Hollywood veteran!

The aura of the entertainment industry is sweeping the world. If you really get the right to adapt the Lord of the Rings, why don't you just decide on a few movies?

Now Hong Kong Island Pictures has announced to the outside world that it has been boasting about the live-action Spider-Man movie. The trilogy was filmed together. The island country guy also spent 150 million US dollars in training fees and is currently learning to produce it.

Isn’t it reasonable that they need money to film the Lord of the Rings trilogy in one go?

Of course, the big movie shooting plan for the Lord of the Rings trilogy was only known to Paul. It was one of many different business loan plans, and the others were not in the entertainment industry.

Anyway, the doctor said it will take about half a year before the old man is well enough to undergo heart transplant surgery, so take your time!

half year later? Old Jack doesn't have the money for a heart transplant yet, that's another story.

As for Hydra members like Ross, how did they destroy the Lord of the Rings trilogy after getting the loan? How to repay the loan? You owe the bank hundreds of thousands. You are a grandson. Do you owe the bank hundreds of millions? That’s the uncle! Grandpa!

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