Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 305 You may have become stronger, but you are also bald

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai said helplessly after reading the script of (Laughing Lin Boy), "At this stage of ATV, there are a number of child stars who are seven, eight, eight or nine years old, but there are really no child stars who are five or six years old."

"You guys can figure it out. If it's okay for you to be seven or eight years old, one of you can let Feng Zai try. He's the only boy star at this stage. The other can try to be a female child star..."

"You can negotiate and arrange it yourself. If you feel it is not suitable, then change the book, or wait for a year or two and slowly find a suitable target."

Old Wu was overjoyed and bowed his hands, "No problem, with Zhao Sheng's words, our book will definitely find a suitable one."

In fact, countless movie fans in the future will know that Xiaolin Boy made the child star duo Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen popular, and they are very popular. But in fact, these comedy movies have very low box office. (Laughter Boy) is in Hong Kong Island It only grossed over HK$5 million at the box office when it was released.

The second part (New Wulongyuan) only had a box office of more than 4 million Hong Kong dollars, which is similar to (Tianlong Babu: Tianshan Tonglao).

Everyone is familiar with the classic pairing of Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen from VCD and DVD tapes, which brought out feelings... and they were basically fostered by pirated discs. Before Zhao Donghuai traveled through time himself, he also watched pirated copies when he was a student.

So Lao Wu and Zhu Yanping brought this project, but Zhao Donghuai only regarded it as an ordinary project. The poor box office of this series of comedy films is still related to the gradual decline of Hong Kong movies.

Is the Xiaolin Boy series, which is very popular in my memory, grossing four to five million at the box office? It's not bad. For example, in 1993 Yuan Biao starred in "The New Blood Sword", which was also a star-studded film. Li Xiuxian's "The Golden Snake" only had a box office of 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong.

That’s 1.5 million!

Yuan Biao, Zhang Min, Wu Mengda, Yuan Yongyi and other celebrities have a good aura, right? In an era when pirated VCDs and DVDs are sweeping across the mainland, those who have watched this movie will naturally think that it is a classic martial arts movie, but its box office is ridiculously poor.

When Lao Wu thanked him again and took Zhu Yanping to find Miaozi, Azhen came over and said, "Boss, supermodels from all over the world have begun to fly in again. Is underwear the main focus of this Hong Kong Fashion Week?" "

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, Ah Xin's Five Thousand Years has produced so many stockings and high-end luxury underwear. How can we sell them without promoting them?"

New York Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week, etc. are usually held twice a year, once in winter and summer. Since Hong Kong Fashion Week started, it has been promoted to the top.

You can’t miss the winter fashion week either.

It is scheduled to start on January 15th and last until January 21st, next week, which also includes festivals such as the Northern Xiaonian and the Southern Xiaonian.

In the summer, the focus is on Hanfu, and fashion is the embellishment. In the winter, the focus is on underwear. It can no longer be displayed on the open-air park promenade or in the stream. This fashion week is held in Central, and the two ATV channels are broadcast live and recorded together.

Half a year later, the 30-storey office building owned by Huazhi and the magazine "The Queen of Five Thousand Years" have developed smoothly. With the help of the fashion week half a year ago, it has reached the top of the Asian fashion industry.

Taking advantage of the situation, we will build a few more floors, decorate the catwalk, the audience position, etc. The decoration has been completed long ago, and we are just waiting for this fashion week performance.

Many models who fly from all over the world also live in Huazhi's five-star flagship stores and ordinary chain stores in Central and Repulse Bay.

Oriental models may not be able to show off this kind of underwear show, but big white models won't care. After all, all the top models provide naked photos for Playboy to be published in Europe and the United States.

Azhen said excitedly, "Why don't you go take a look in advance?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "What is there to see in advance?"

He is not spies like Lid and Ellison. Since the opening of Fashion Week, each of these guys has been carrying the secretarial and assistant teams. They started working on Hong Kong Island last week.

The kind of chaos in the supermodel world is not ordinary chaos.

It's just a serious event, just to give out benefits to SPs around the world, and it can be regarded as cutting off Victoria's Secret in advance.

However, the original version of the Victoria's Secret lingerie show in the mid-1990s was relatively conservative, and all kinds of underwear were very wide. Compared with the flashy ones in the 1910s, they were all catwalks of different dimensions.

In the 1990s, few singers appeared on the scene to accompany the Victoria's Secret Angels.

Even the lighting styles of the stage and catwalk are very low-key and earthy, far from as trendy and fashionable as they were in the 2010s.

Since it was time to cut off the beard, Zhao Donghuai started by opening the show with the accompaniment of global superstar singers. This would be enough to invite Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau and others, and model catwalks? It can also have wings on its back, showing off its underwear like a peacock spreading its tail.

The lighting and decoration of the stage will also be very exciting.

You’ve copied everything, why not copy the level that has the best audio-visual effect?

When he saw A-Zhen's slightly regretful expression, he became even more speechless, "No, what have you been thinking about in your head all day?"

Azhen was stunned, "I didn't think of anything else. It was just that when you appeared in public, countless goblins were greedy for your body and their eyes glowed green, but you were mine. It felt so sour and refreshing."

"Hong Kong Island has no shortage of beautiful girls. Under normal circumstances, such a large country of girls rarely gathers together."

"When you are dazzled and angry, you can contradict me."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

It's reasonable and there's nothing wrong with it.

The next moment he changed the subject, "Bei Xiaonian's scheduled ATV broadcast that day, how are the arrangements going?"

ATV wants to become a satellite channel and go to the stars. It is committed to allowing Chinese people all over the world to receive this channel and bring the global Chinese audience closer. In fact, it has been launched for a long time. ATV New TV City has eight buildings and 12 High-rise TV building, base.

It is also preparing to become a satellite channel.

However, this depends on the mainland. The mainland successfully launched its first communication satellite in 1984, but there are no plans for commercial satellites in the short term. ATV has already applied to become a satellite channel on Hong Kong Island, and all procedures have been completed.

Last year, the plan to launch the first commercial communication satellite for ATV was finalized, which will be on January 19th.

Original trajectory...Original trajectory The first commercial communications satellite was launched three months later, on April 7. Satellite television stations appeared on Hong Kong Island in 1991.

Azhen Le said, "We have pre-arranged many rehearsals, and the Mandarin channel, sports channel, National Geographic channel, variety show channel, movie channel, animation channel, etc. have all cooperated very well."

"Even the Chinese variety show you said is on the tip of your tongue can be produced at any time."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "That's okay, let's start the war."

In the past, ATV only had two channels, the English channel and the Cantonese channel. Once it becomes a star, it will naturally expand greatly. This is not difficult. There are so many jobs around the world that can be copied. Just copy them. After all, ATV has always been full of classic TV series, variety shows, and old movies. Movies and more.

Once ATV becomes a star, you can watch the latest ATV programs in Wanwan, South Korea or island countries.

Although there are some relevant regulations for mainland viewers, they cannot watch TV stations on Hong Kong Island at will. They can only watch them in special places such as foreign-related hotels, schools, officials, etc. in a timely manner. It doesn't matter, just follow the rules.

With Zhao Donghuai's current friendship with the mainland, he will definitely be much less restricted than the original StarTV or Phoenix TV. Once these rhythms are pushed away, the advertising fees charged by ATV in the future will no longer be as small as before.


Not far away from the Asia Theater Building, in a street-facing cafe, Brother Wu and Zhu Yanping were entertaining a group of people with enthusiasm.

This is Deborah and Fengzi, Lao Fan, Fan’s mother, Bingbing, Hu Yong and Azhi.

While he was inviting everyone to drink coffee or tea, Lao Wu said with a beaming face, "Guys, although there are a lot more child actors in Asia Opera now, those who entered the campus with Feng Zai after last summer vacation only studied for one semester. The strength is still too low.”

"In other words, Fengzi has family advantages and should have a good foundation."

"Our film (Laughing Lin Boy) has been reviewed, and Zhao Sheng agreed that we should hire people and position it... You can think of it as a (child star version) of Shaolin Temple. We need a child who can fight in a modern city, a martial arts actor."

"Although fighting scenes are very hard and painful, once the filming is completed, it is impossible to be as popular as a superstar like Jet Li, but copying Cai Shaofen's work is not hopeless."

At this point, Zhu Yanping jumped in and said, "Originally we wanted to find two boys for the two child stars, but in the Asian dramas there is only one boy star, Feng Zai, and the other one can only be played by Bingbing or Azhi."

"Feng Zai, you are a boy. Diaowei Ya will definitely use you in the martial arts scenes. The roles of Bingbing or Azhi are to be opposite, mischievous and mischievous. Although they are very naughty, they should not be annoying. They have to grasp it well. This scale all depends on which of you two has better acting skills."

Beard Yong looked excited, "Don't worry, my Azhi is definitely not weak compared to others. Director, please give me a clip so that Azhi can prepare. She has also been studying for a year, so she must have a solid foundation."

Lao Fan smiled and glanced at Hu Yong, "I didn't expect that we would become competitors now? Come on Bingbing..."

When I just came back from the mainland, I was still cheering and encouraging the children. Then when I returned home to the dormitory near the Asia Theater, I received a phone invitation.

This is too fast!

Of course, for such a good opportunity, no one can have too much. Everyone must compete. Didn’t you hear Directors Wu and Zhu say that they hope to bring out new action child stars like Jet Li and (Shaolin Temple).

Well, Bing Bing is still too young. It’s too hard to fly around and fight with pressure. Injuries are common in martial arts scenes, from Ajie to Cheng Long to Yuan Biao, Hong Yinbao, Hu Huizhong, Li Saifeng, etc. Waiting for a famous star.

Which one goes to the hospital less often?

Even if it was to love his daughter, Lao Fan didn't want Bingbing to become that kind of female child star. Director Zhu gave up the opportunity to Fengzai as soon as he opened his mouth? Good thing.

After speaking, Fengzi looked at Deborah and nodded dullly, "Director, I can do it."

Who told his father to cheat his son? In the first half of last year, he lost another 20 million. It was not because Deng Yurong came forward to help him wipe out the loan shark interest for the sake of their sworn relationship.

The Xie family has finished its work a long time ago.

Even after the release of Yuan Biao's "Wealth and Power" was released, Deborah took advantage of the popularity of blockbusters and became popular, and the 20 million debt was not repaid.

What can he do? Even at the age of ten, he had to work for his father to pay off his debts.

Fortunately, my father has been sent to a house owned by Deng Yurong and he has started to quit gambling. He has not been in contact with other people for more than half a year and has not gambled again. Otherwise, sooner or later, he will be arranged by his father to sell himself. Debt repayment.

Being a star is very hard, especially a child star, but you have to bite the bullet and get it.

Zhu Yanping laughed, "The little guy is ambitious and a man. Lagu, I leave it to you in terms of acting and drama."

"We will invest 10 to 20 million Hong Kong dollars in this project to test the waters first. Once it works, there will be sequels."

Deborah naturally had nothing to say about this. Her husband had already lost half of his life in gambling, so naturally his biological son had to be well nurtured.

after a while.

After trying out the acting roles between Bingbing and Azhi, Zhu Yanping announced with a smile that he would give Bingbing the role of a naughty but not annoying little monk who would only be considered quirky and cute.

He also encouraged Azhi on the spot, saying that if there is a sequel, she will be given a good role. He even said with a smile that Bing Bing still needs to shave her head to play the role, and Azhi can keep her hair. .

Azhi was both depressed and somewhat thankful, staring at Bingbing's hair.

Although you may have become stronger, you are also bald! !

Bingbing was speechless, but didn't know what to say. It was Lao Fan who comforted her. In the big movie (Shaolin Football) that swept the world, didn't big stars like Li Lizhen also shave their heads for art?

Even a super tycoon like He Qing shaved his head when he appeared in a guest role (Wing Chun) and became a five-piece master and a master of Yan Wing Chun.

For the sake of art, it’s no big deal to change your hairstyle.

After finalizing the roles of the two young monks and sending out his personal script, asking everyone to go back and prepare first, Lao Wu made an appointment with Liu Yijun, Tan Yaowen and others, and took a taxi to another restaurant to prepare for the big job.

The moment the car started, Zhu Yanping laughed and said, "The Zhang family's Azhi is actually quite smart, and her acting skills are not bad, but the difference is that she can't speak Mandarin. Whether it's to win the local box office, or the huge and exaggerated performance in the mainland. The ticket warehouse must be proficient in Mandarin."

"The dubbing is not as good as the original voice, and Bingbing's line skills are worse than hers."

It’s just a little better, but if you can use something good, why use something that’s not as good? ?

Old Wu nodded, "I asked Liu Yijun because he was from the Mainland, so he would be more likely to be a big hit in the Mainland? That guy is a big idol, a white heroine with a female counterpart (in the beginning), in It sold well in Europe and the United States, and the ratings were strong."

"The total investment was 10 to 20 million, but the remuneration alone cost him 8 million."

"If he doesn't want to take on this project, he will have other options."

Serious business projects are being operated in a serious manner, and everything seems to be a competition for strength? Of course not. The leading actor in the original 1994 version was Jimmy Lin, and he was paid quite a lot when he took on this film.

But it is far from the level of HKD 8 million or even HKD 10 million for a film.

Moreover, in the original track, Hong Kong Haowan Film and Television did not have the exaggerated ticket support of the Mainland. The original Hong Kong Island sold more than 5 million Hong Kong dollars, and Wanwan sold more than 5 million Hong Kong dollars, plus several million from the port sales, it is considered profitable for investment. It was so profitable that several sequels were released in succession.

At that time, Lao Wu, the boss of the bamboo society, had many ways to make the leading actors and actresses participate in the film without having to pay too much in salary. He was the boss of the Bamboo Society.

This dimension is accompanied by blockbusters bombarding the mainland. (Manslaughter), which has only been released for two weeks, still has a box office of 390 million yuan. Perhaps in the trend of winter holidays and Lunar New Year, (Manslaughter) is not hopeless to set new highs and breakthroughs. 500 million is sprinting towards 600 million.

For Lao Wu, when casting, he will definitely give priority to actors from the mainland.

As for the plot of "Laughing Lin Boy", it is very simple. The male lead falls in love with the female lead, the villain wants to use force to do things, and is defeated by the Kung Fu team in Shaolin Boy.

Happy ending, comedy love.

Zhu Yanping suddenly said, "Although those European and American child stars have only studied for one semester, maybe they can make up for it? Should we just learn to shoot two versions? After all, Liu Yijun has become famous in Europe and the United States, and he is a rookie."

Lao Wu was speechless, "A white female star version? Then the heroine must also be hired by a big star, and Winona Ryder? The heroine she played in the white version (The Beginning) is also the heroine of Spider-Man ...You don’t have a salary of six to seven million Hong Kong dollars, so you can’t invite me, right?”

"On the contrary, for the Chinese version of the heroine, if I hire Wan Qiwen, I feel like I can get by with one to two million."

"The original budget was to get it within 20 million Hong Kong dollars. Now add a white female protagonist, and then hire a white female child star to play the role? Hiss... I can't even get 30 million Hong Kong dollars."

Who will the Chinese version of the heroine invite? If you have money, of course you can hire big stars such as Hong Xin, Cai Shaofen, Xiao Yingying, etc. Those would cost at least four to five million Hong Kong dollars to start with. Wan Qiwen is much better. Her first appearance was the (unforgiving) second female lead. .

Then there is the heroine in "I'm Kind". After all, she is known as the heroine of idol dramas who has no one to fall in love with in Hong Kong dramas since Qi Haonan. She and Wen Chaolun have staged a series of classic screen performances. CP.

So Wan Qiwen has also become a celebrity, not to mention that her role as one of the heroines (Manslaughter) is still on the air. Her popularity and foundation are not bad, but she lacks a bit of accumulated background.

With only one or two million Hong Kong dollars, you can get the chance to get paid.

Zhu Yanping said happily, "Brother Wu, I'm just making a suggestion. You may have the final say, but I think it's a huge bargain for you to hire Liu Yijun for eight million to make two versions?"

"If our Chinese version becomes popular and the box office explodes, and you want to ask Liu Yijun to remake a version with a white female protagonist to try to hit Europe and the United States, wouldn't you have to give him another 8 million??"

Old Wu was confused, "Ah this..."

Zhu Yanping smiled and lit up his cigarette, "Zhao's rule is that when filming (The Queen of Five Thousand Years), the white version and the Chinese version were filmed together, and both were settled at one time, but after the Chinese version was filmed (in the beginning), both have been It has been played on Hong Kong Island, Wanwan, and South Korea."

"Winona Ryder wanted to make a remake with a white female protagonist... That gave Liu Yijun and others two paychecks."

In fact, it was mainly because Winona Ryder wanted to film the white version that Li Jiaxin supported the little sister and gave Liu Yijun an extra salary. As for the female director Isabelle Adjani, it was Li Jiaxin who also invited her to guest star. of.

At that time, Lao Liu didn't accept a second paycheck. He was repeating what he had done before, so what would he do if he took that one... After all, the paycheck wasn't much, so a star would take on a TV series from Zhao's Pictures and ATV? The salary is generally only one to two million Hong Kong dollars, which is the internal price.

Li Jiaxin was still very generous, and she reposted it in order to support the little sister Winona. After all, they played mahjong together every day and have been good mahjong friends for more than half a year.

Old Wu was stunned for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck, if you want to improve, just improve. If you do it with a total investment of over 30 million, you will really make a lot of money."

It’s not that Old Wu is too impulsive, but there are examples. Movies such as Zhou Xingxing’s The Nine-Princess Sesame Official, Skip to School Part 1 and 2, etc., even if they are only continuously released in Chinatowns in Europe and the United States, they will eventually be released one after another. An average of three to four million dollars was brought back into the company.

Three million U.S. dollars is more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

What's more, after you finish filming, if you continue, you will gradually accumulate a similar amount of video revenue? ?

Even if Europe and the United States are combined, the white female protagonist version of Xiaolin Boy only received 3 million U.S. dollars at the box office. After a few years of hoarding video tapes, the total investment will easily exceed 30 million Hong Kong dollars.

If, if they can receive 10 million U.S. dollars in box office revenue from European and American alliances, it will be a huge profit, and the pairing of Liu Yijun and Winona Ryder has that hope.

At this stage, (Spider-Man 1) has also been filming in North America for more than five months.

The drama has been completed and is just going through the special effects process, so the schedules of Winona Ryder and most of the actors have been freed up.

It took a year and a half to prepare in the early stage, more than a year, and a year and a half to edit the special effects in the post-production period. The actual shooting period can basically be completed in five or six months.

The main cast of (Wanted 2), Andy Lau, Yuen Biao and Li Saifeng, came to make guest appearances in (Spider-Man 1). That also happened in early November, and the filming of the drama had already been completed two months later.


January 9th.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai sat down in the office, he saw Xiaoxian coming over and said, "Boss, the cover is here. I asked you to help me with something."

Whenever Xiaoxian comes to guest secretary, it is basically the time when Zhen and Amin failed to get up.

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea and asked curiously, "Isn't that guy very proud of himself? What can he ask of me?"

The time-travel version of Ip Man 1 was released in North America for a month and a half and ended up with a box office of more than 140 million U.S. dollars. Europa also had a box office performance of 120 million U.S. dollars.

East Asia, Southeast Asia and Mainland China finally generated a box office revenue of US$150 million.

This adds up to 410 million U.S. dollars. This one movie has really made Bruce Willis more popular than Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis's... His Die Hard series, a single one, is always The box office is really not as good as this.

Only the partnership with Cheng Long in Police Story 3 created a stronger expressive power than this.

Although the cover is a good match inside, it cannot be denied that he is an authentic white North American ghost guy. The media groups in Europe and the United States just insist on his status as an action star.

It's like Zhao Donghuai's head-on confrontation with European and American international big names time and time again.

It's just a touch of porcelain, who can't do it?

After a while, Brother Gai walked into the office, chatting, chatting, and changing topics for more than ten minutes. When Wang Zuxian went to answer the phone to communicate with the outside world, he coughed lightly and said, "Zhao, you have to help me." Me, I’ve been acting like a shower recently, my back is sore and my legs are so sore..."

"You must have medicine, otherwise it's not scientific at all!"

Zhao Donghuai just sprayed tea. Why are you wasting your time talking about this? Is that all? ?

Gai continued in a low voice and quickly, "No matter where I go now, the welcome I receive is ten times that of Ellison's. Those temptations are too great, you know."

As soon as he said this, Wang Zuxian hung up the phone in the distance, and Gai immediately said loudly, "Regarding the research and development of the next version of the Windows operating system, it has entered a new key field. Zhao, as one of the major shareholders,... "

Zhao Donghuai leaned back and didn't bother to act with him, "Go to the (Baicaotang Group) under construction and ask. There are many top famous doctors there, including many old Chinese doctors, who should be able to do something."

Gai Li stood up and quickly stepped out of the way.

Unless the moment comes when he has to bow his head, which man is willing to admit that he is so incompetent? Asking others for help? He also wants to save face.

Zhao Donghuai, a beast who never stops hugging him from side to side, is more promiscuous than him. He can run dozens of kilometers without losing breath when he goes out for fitness. This kind of physique must not only be a problem of exercise, but also medicine.

As for whether there really is such a medicine in the world, so magical?

Ever since Isabelle Adjani, she has been living younger and younger, her skin is getting glossier and her energy is getting better and better. Doesn’t this prove that there is medicine? ?

An old aunt in her 30s should get older as she lives, but she is gradually moving towards the state of being in her twenties and twenties, as if she has solidified.

The man who spent several months filming Spider-Man in Hollywood also attracted the pursuit of numerous New York socialites, including Hollywood actresses.

There is no large-scale publicity or giant advertisement. Chen Hongdongfang's series of skin care products, facial masks, whitening creams and other products have already been snapped up. Is there any over-the-counter retail store over there? Flying to Hong Kong Island to buy goods.

Compared with ordinary socialite Kuotai, Gai Gai must have his own advantages. For example, he asked Zhao Donghuai, what is the reason for Adjani's condition of getting younger and younger as she lives longer? Zhao Donghuai told him that he had been taking health supplements for several years.

Health care products all have this effect, but European and American socialites don’t know it yet and think it is related to oriental skin care and beauty products...

So, it is normal for him not to bow his head and ask for help today.

Wang Zuxian then came back and said, "Boss, this is Samsung's call. They say that the notebook has been successfully developed and can be produced on an assembly line and sold around the world."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then we will follow the normal process. I only hold half of the shares and just wait for the money. It has been more than two years and it has finally come out. It is not easy."

Not only the laptop computer factory jointly established with Samsung has been in operation for two and a half years, but also the research laboratories invested by Henan Province in the mainland have been in operation for more than two years.

At this stage, many teachers and college students in related fields who have studied in South Korea for more than two years are allowed to return to the mainland to lead new teams.

In another four to five years, it is estimated that Chinese brand laptops, which are fully owned by Zhao Donghuai, will be fully rolled out from technology to patents to factories, etc. It is common for a plan to be prepared for seven or eight years.

Wang Zuxian couldn't help but sigh, "Building a new high-tech enterprise takes too long and costs too much. Most wealthy people are not qualified to do it."

Director Zhao nodded, "In the emerging high-tech field, no matter how much money you spend, it's worth it. If it's really popular and it's better to buy it than to make it, then you're screwed."

Cooperate with Samsung with Toshiba's technology, learn technology and experience to cultivate talents, and then invest 7.8 billion yuan in mainland China to cultivate talents...

In seven or eight years, undergraduate students in related fields will be able to complete two complete reincarnations from their freshman year to their senior year, but if they understand everything, the investment is worth it.

As for the notebook joint venture with Samsung, how will it compete with Toshiba and the like for the market? Zhao Donghuai doesn't care at all. Even if he has 50% of the shares, he invested money in technology in his early years, and he doesn't care about the competition between Samsung and Toshiba.

The worst thing is to make less money.

It is impossible to lose money. With Samsung's brand name, South Korea's own population of more than 40 million, plus South Koreans in Europe and the United States, it is a huge market, and it is guaranteed to make profits without losing money.

Xiaoxian sighed again and then asked curiously, "Hey, the Chinese New Year is almost here. Do you want to go to Wanwan to play for a few days? There shouldn't be any risk if we go back to Wanwan, right?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "It's okay. It's okay to go there occasionally and take a look."

He has also developed countless employees in Wan, including the big brother of the society who got rich with him. The black ones will not get into trouble at all, and the white ones... do they need votes? Not to mention the employees of the industries directly under his control, there are Xiaoxian's Good Luck, Azhen's New World Passenger Transport, Huazhi's hotel chain and real estate group, as well as countless votes and families who eat with him.

Thinking so, Zhao Donghuai started a simulation in private.

This is already the beginning of the 1990s, a new era of lawlessness in the Zhou Dynasty movies (Black Gold).

Let's go there and talk to them about the fact that after ATV's star promotion, the Mandarin channels will all decline. This is also a big business.

Once the Mandarin channel can be fully integrated, the Kowloon Daily Group and the upcoming ATV Weekly can be fully integrated through various channels.


On a new day, (Let the Bullets Fly) landed in theaters across East and Southeast Asia at 8 a.m., the 16-year-old Chen Derong from the domestic Lingling Paint crew arrived by car in a hurry, and ran up to Zhou Xingxing, "Master Xing, I'm asking for leave. It will take a few days to go back."

Axing was stunned, "What's wrong? What's the emergency?"

Chen Derong shook his head, "No, isn't the big boss going to Wanwan for fun? Our students coming over from Wanwan must go back to receive them. That's our base camp."

Speaking of this, Ah Rong looked pitiful and adorable, "It shouldn't affect the crew's filming, right?"

Zhou Xingxing, "..."

Damn, what an impact. Although it really doesn’t have much impact, as a heroine, your role is still very important. Because Zhao Sheng went to Wanwan to travel, you put down your career and went back to receive him?

After a few seconds of silence, he asked curiously, "Just you?"

Chen Derong shook his head, definitely not, "Sister Qingxia, Sister Yingying, Sister Huizhong, and Yang Lijing, etc., will all go back."

Xingzai simply put it off, "Okay, I'll give you a holiday until the big boss comes back from his trip, go ahead."

After Ah Rong smiled and acted cute again, thanked him and ran away, Li Lichi came over and said, "She is only 16 years old. She doesn't want to sneak attack Zhao Sheng right now, does she?"

Xingzi rolled his eyes and complained, "I don't know that, but it's been a year and a half since Zhao Sheng last talked about a girlfriend. There are probably many people who are interested and eager to give it a try."

"By the way, Achi, do you think this Ah Rong, looks a bit like Yuan Jieying if she dresses up? Do they look like twins if they take care of themselves?"

Li Lichi, "..."

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