Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 306 That’s it? That's it? Is it worth being praised so highly?

Benbei, a certain stadium.

When Zhao Donghuai ended a makeshift basketball game, a group of basketball players who showed great personal scores or assists began to doubt their lives.

Wang Zuxian came over with a smile and handed him the mineral water, "Boss, the director of the three stations, and several members of the preparatory committee have made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening. When will we set off?"

Yesterday, Xiaoxian encouraged him to come to Wanwan for a walk. He arrived in Wanwan that same day, visited the night market in the evening, and stayed in the best suite of the Huazhi chain flagship store in Wanbei, a five-star hotel.

Today I visited the place where Xiaoxian lived and grew up, and played basketball to relax.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and drank half a bottle of water, letting Xiaoxian wipe his sweat, "It's okay to leave now. Anyway, it's not convenient for us to show up in some public places."

"I hope the negotiation can go smoothly. If ATV can easily come in after it is launched on the satellite, then I will send a wave of satellite TV receivers to every household first, or install a satellite antenna for free."

Satellite TV is very convenient, but if you want to watch it outside Hong Kong, you do need to install some equipment such as a TV receiver or satellite antenna.

This year's Wanwan resident population has just exceeded the 20 million mark. For such a large media market, it is okay to give it away for free. He has already taken over the throne of the world's richest man in advance, but he just doesn't want to publicly announce it to the outside world.

Send a little message.

This requires TV stations, newspapers, weekly magazines and other groups to come to an end one after another.

This matter shouldn't be too difficult. Let's just say that the original trajectory was in September 1993. TVB opened a new company called TVBS. It ended here, directly interrupting the third channel from 1962 to 1992. , monopolizing the TV broadcasting business here.

TVBS is also the first satellite TV station in Wanwan, run by Shao Daheng.

If Shao Yifu can end up opening a TV station, there is no reason why Director Zhao can't do it at this stage.

As for the situation of TV stations and satellite stations everywhere in the mid-to-late 2010s? They all followed Shao Yifu.

In the late 2010s, the most familiar name in the minds of people here was Lao Wu TV... But two of the Lao Wu TV stations, one was established in 1996 and the other in 1997!

It was only January 1990, and Zhao Donghuai had arrived. The monopoly of Laosan TV was definitely going to be broken.

When he arrived at a good luck restaurant in the car, he and his bodyguard team got out of the car as usual, and only Xiaoxian was wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask.

When they arrived at the private room, when Wang Zuxian took off his mask, the lobby manager who greeted him along the way was shocked, "You are actually Sister Xian? The boss is here in person?"

"Sister Xian, can I get an autographed photo? My daughter is your super fan..."

Wang Zuxian smiled and nodded, "That's easy to say. When the director of the third station and several members of the preparatory committee come over, the store will give them a good reception."

Only then did the hall manager realize it. He glanced at Zhao Donghuai a few times, stood at attention and then bowed at 90 degrees, "Don't worry, Sister Xian, we will make arrangements and take care of you."

He guessed who Zhao Donghuai was through Wang Zuxian's identity.

Zhao Caishen in the eyes of countless Wanwan citizens!

After the door of the large private room was closed, Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "You do feel a bit like a sudden inspection by the big boss."

While the two were chatting and joking, the pot was quickly started in the private room, and various dishes, seasonings, and drinks were flowing. Ten minutes later, a middle-aged man in a suit was welcomed into the private room by the manager. As soon as this man saw Zhao Donghuai and Wang Zuxian After sitting down, he hurriedly walked over, "Sorry, sorry, Zhao Sheng, I didn't mean to be late, there was a traffic jam, there was a traffic jam..."

As he spoke, he began to sweat on his forehead.

Zhao Donghuai is inviting guests. No matter who he invites in East and Southeast Asia this year, will he not come? More often than not, when Zhao Sheng sat on Hong Kong Island ATV and said something, the invited guests immediately dropped everything and flew to Hong Kong Island to wait.

He is one of the members of the Wanwan TV Broadcasting Preparatory Committee, an organization that manages all TV broadcasting business here.

Xiaoxian smiled and gestured, and a waiter quickly brought warm towels and water glasses, "It's okay, Committee Member Chen, we came early. The appointment was for 7pm, and it's only 6:30 now."

Commissioner Chen was stunned. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch in astonishment. Yes, he was indeed not late.

Zhao Donghuai also smiled and said, "Commissioner Chen is sitting here. Xiaoxian is also the boss of seven or eight hundred chain stores in Good Luck, so he can take a look at the industry in advance."

Commissioner Chen then wiped his forehead with a warm towel, sat down with a smile on his face, and took the initiative to pour the wine, "So that's it, I was confused."

He has a high status in Wanwan. The committee only has one director and more than a dozen members, but it is responsible for reviewing everything on Laosan Channel. Whether TV programs can be broadcast and whether they should be turned off. A few words can get stuck in your neck. Card is so ecstatic.

But this identity is not enough in front of Zhao Donghuai.

After pouring half a glass of red wine for Zhao Donghuai and Wang Zuxian, Committee Member Chen also poured himself a glass and raised his hands to toast, "In the past few years, our family would not have been so smooth and relaxed if it weren't for Zhao Sheng's care. If ATV wants to come, I'm sure It’s 100 percent supportive.”

Seeing that Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised, Lao Chen explained with a smile, "In 1986, you led the people of Hong Kong to make a fortune. My family's assets doubled when we speculated in Japanese yen foreign exchange. It did not violate any regulations. After all, everyone was doing it." , a very legal and compliant financial investment.”

"Having money and getting rich can basically solve more than 90% of the troubles in life. The second son of my family is young and ignorant and went astray. It was also in 1988 that you took many elder brothers and a backbone group to run to Moscow. Commerce has become a normal and legal small businessman.”

"It's all Zhao Sheng who brought you back to the right path. My brother-in-law is still the deputy director of the logistics department of Longshan Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket, a fourth-level employee, and his family is leisurely and wealthy. It's all thanks to Zhao Sheng. I have long wanted to Thank you, but I didn’t have the chance before, so I drank this glass of wine first.”

If he didn't say it, Zhao Donghuai really didn't know this.

Wang Zuxian smiled and said after Commissioner Chen drank up the red wine in the glass, "It turns out there are so many things going on, so our relationship is not far away."

She also randomly invited a few committee members who had a larger say in the rankings and were also in Benbei today. She really didn't check Committee member Chen's information.

With these relationships as the basis, coupled with Zhao Donghuai's influence, whether Laosan TV wants to have a strong competitor, it is no longer determined by their will.

While talking and laughing, someone else came...

Then, the situation turned out to be similar to that of Commissioner Chen. Commissioner Liu seemed to have nothing to do with Zhao Donghuai before. In fact? Commissioner Liu's younger brother is the first brother in the decoration industry in Benbei, and has been working with Chinese property buyers to earn a living.

Similar to Qiu Shuzhen's brothers and sisters, they started a decoration team in Hong Kong and ate with Huazhi.

But what Mr. Liu’s younger brother relies on is not friendship, but Huazhi’s decoration brother who has quality, strength and reputation in decoration, and stands out in normal competition.

If you are under the banner of Huazhi, you will not be bullied or harassed by the society at all. For example, in the movie (Black Gold), Zhou Chao finished speaking first, who objects? A scene in which a rich man like Mr. Lin dares to object, and his big ears will be whipped into flight?

When you follow Huazhi to make a living, you don't have to worry about any official or even road threats and threats.

Huazhi, Wanjia, Baijia Xing, Zhao's Transportation, New World Passenger Transport, Good Luck Lai... there are all kinds of companies. Zhao Donghuai didn't come here much before, but his group has tied up too many people in Bengwan.

There were so many that he didn’t even know the exact number.

As for the vast majority of people who have interactions with these groups, whether they are in upstream or downstream peripheral industries, they basically don’t dare to mess with big ships, such as Bamboo Society, Sihai, Tiandao, or other chaotic and dynamic groups in society.

Even the white-coated food will not touch these people.

Don't dare to mess with it.

How many times have countless elder brothers and elite younger brothers in Zhushe, Sihai, and Tiandao made fortunes following Zhao Sheng? The financial path has been maintained, and all the money earned is legal and clean money.

If you really encounter a problem, you don't need to speak to companies like Huazhi and Wanjia. People will jump out to help you solve the problem. This is also an opportunity for the big brother and the backbone group to compete for performance.

Old Chen and Old Wu from the Bamboo Society, godfathers, etc. are not as good as Zhao Donghuai.

Don't forget that the Wanjia Group was able to move in because of a group of powerful people, such as Wang Dashuo and Lao Cao from the mainland, who resisted the pressure and brought the Wanjia Group in.

During this dinner, committee members Chen and Liu arrived one after another, and then the director of the third station arrived one after another. Zhao Donghuai didn't even speak in person, but several committee members started to take the lead. The third station director was also polite and courteous on the surface. There was never any objection.

As for my heart, I must be unwilling. I don’t want ATV to come in so easily. ATV to come in? Will their TV station be like Hong Kong Island TVB? Has it become Shao Daheng's advertising platform at every turn?

But the big committee members and parents-in-law who are in charge of them are working so hard, what can they do?

While eating and drinking, the three major station directors occasionally looked at each other and could understand each other's psychology. As long as people at a higher level did not object, this matter was basically a foregone conclusion.

after? ?

As long as satellite dishes or satellite receivers are delivered to every household, ATV does not need to do anything here, okay?

It's just that when it comes to some news here, a news department needs to be set up to cover it.

Even if an ATV branch is established here, there is no need to produce TV series or anything like that. All kinds of big movies are currently unavailable in thousands of theaters. Can TV series filmed by ATV in Hong Kong Island or the Mainland be watched here when they are broadcast on Hong Kong Island?

Who will get the card?

They can only hope to use better quality TV series, variety shows, etc. to compete with ATV for ratings.


A new day has arrived.

In the mainland, the crew of "Farewell My Concubine" has been preparing for almost a year. The filming of "Farewell My Concubine" has finally started. The main reason is that Zhang Guorong studied Peking Opera for a few months, then went to Europe and the United States to promote a big movie, and then came back to continue learning Peking Opera. What he has learned now is Only then was I confident enough to shoot.

Brother Kaizi arrived at the set happily, and just as he was about to fight hard, he heard a few people walking in front of him, grabbing newspapers and talking about it.

"What's going on? You're so powerful in Let the Bullets Fly? This is a big newspaper, and they actually directly boasted that if Jiang Wen retires after filming Let the Bullets Fly, will he be made a god in the future? Isn't it too exaggerated? It's outrageous to brag like this. Did you watch it yesterday?"

"No, I didn't buy a ticket. This newspaper is too exaggerated. Someone asked who is the greatest person in China. The people said it was him and he said it was the people. The correct answer is the people. But if he had not appeared, he would not have Does anyone have this answer? Phew…what’s going on with Jiang Wen?”

"What kind of movie are you making?"

"Look at this, the newspaper said that this movie has great stamina and that people will miss you forever? Hey, is it too exaggerated? What is Let the Bullets Fly about?"

"Huang Shilang can never be killed, but Zhang Mazi will always appear?! When you understand how to let the bullets fly, the bullet has already hit the person? Why do I feel a bit regretful that I didn't buy a ticket in advance?"


Brother Kaizi just followed and listened until his curiosity was aroused, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and coughed a few times. The others turned around and immediately said hello politely.

After all, Kaizi is the director of Farewell My Concubine.

Kaizi said hello with a smile, and kept looking at the newspapers in the hands of the other people. These are all China's current big newspapers, big-selling newspapers.

After being watched by him for dozens of seconds, several newspaper holders immediately smiled and delivered the newspapers.

Kaizi thanked him politely, and when he took it to watch, he saw a front-page film review from a major newspaper, "The year 1990 started with great joy, (let the bullets fly) came across time. If director Jiang Wen announces his retirement from acting, he will definitely become a god in the future. "

Kaizi, "..."

He knew Jiang Wen, the one who went to Hong Kong Island last time after filming (Zhaojun Leaving the Fortress), and met Kaizi for a chat, and they had a good chat.

He also admitted that Jiang Wen is a very talented actor, but does Jiang Wen want to become a director? Isn't it just so-so? (Zhaojun Leaving the Wall) is just a very ordinary commercial film. It made money, a lot of money, but it was made just to make money.

Isn’t that something that should be discriminated against and despised?

At this stage, since every major director and major movie can earn foreign exchange, they have been strongly supported by major leaders outside the film and television industry and are vigorously moving in this direction.

After all, it was during the filming of "Super Body" in 1984 that Huang Jianxin started to earn foreign exchange with red envelopes of several million Hong Kong dollars... Where was there no shortage of foreign exchange in that era? When you come out, even if you only get a director's salary of several million per movie, and bring it back with a dollar, leaders outside the small circle will pay close attention and support you.

There are no seniors or leading artists in the film and television industry who dare to openly discriminate against and despise commercial films. As long as you can earn foreign exchange, most of the leaders will like you and support you.

Great artists also have to eat and live, so they are not so stubborn.

But people don’t dare to say it, so how can they despise it in private? Kaizi is also like this. Although I won’t say it, I simply look down on Jiang Wen, who transformed into a director with one film (Zhaojun Goes Out).

Well, Jiang Wen's second movie was just released. It was released at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, and it had such an outrageously exaggerated reputation the next day? Are you kidding me?

This is not only promoted on the front pages of various major newspapers in China, but also all the film critics are experienced film critics.

As he flipped through the newspapers one by one and the relevant film reviews, Kaizi couldn't sit still and had no intention of continuing filming. Just in time, when he got to the director's position, other relevant members, including starring actors such as Zhang Guorong and Gong Li, As well as Uncle Ge Yuge, they were all surprised and unbelievable that "Let the Bullets Fly" could receive such evaluation.

In the end, Ge You smiled and said, "Director, do you want to stop for half a day? Although I am also one of the three male protagonists in Let the Bullets Fly. I have read the script, but I have not seen the finished movie. I will count the tickets and let's go watch it. Wave?"

There are great blockbusters from Zhao Films. If you don't buy tickets in advance, you won't be able to get good screenings and good seats in the first few days.

Ge You is different, one of the three male protagonists.

Zhang Guorong said with a smile, "You can give this a try. After Jiahui finished filming Secret War, he went to let the bullets fly and the crew wanted to be a part-timer. Unfortunately, he didn't get it. He was deeply regretful. I also regretted that I wanted to learn more. Peking Opera, I haven’t mixed it up yet (let the bullets fly).”

Kaizi nodded immediately, "Okay, let's stop filming and let's go take a look."

When the crowd moved to a certain Wanjia supermarket, celebrities sneaked in with face-covering weapons, and the show really started.

At the beginning, Liuzi, played by Xu Zheng, first put his ear against the railway track in a bandit costume and listened. After hearing something, the camera turned and a group of train compartments pulled by white horses were already galloping down towards the big screen.

The camera then moved to the box, where Ge You, Zhou Xingxing, and Hu Huizhong were surrounding a huge hot pot, shaking red wine glasses and singing.

Bursts of laughter erupted in the theater. In fact, there was nothing particularly enjoyable about the singing scene. The audience laughed instinctively when they saw Zhou Xingxing playing the role of a minor figure.

Especially when the camera was focused on Xing Zai, his character Master Tang began to flatter him, smiled exaggeratedly and nonsensically, swayed and composed poems... The laughter in the theater really couldn't stop.

Kaizi looked at the big screen, then looked around, with a look of confusion and incomprehension, that's it? That's it? Is it worth being praised so highly?

When Jiang Wen led a group of bandits on horseback and fired guns, a strange soundtrack sounded. There was a burning emotion and energy inside and outside the big screen, which made the audience a little excited.


After watching a movie of more than 120 minutes, Kaizi and others walked out of Wanjia Supermarket and stood on the roadside waiting for the bus. Everyone was a little dizzy.

Kaizi was dazed for a minute and said suspiciously, "Is this a commercial film? It should be, right? What do you think, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Guorong smiled and shook his head, "It's a bit different. How about we watch it again? There are some parts that I don't quite understand... It does have a lot of stamina, just like before Wanjia Supermarket opened its first store on Hong Kong Island, I I didn’t even know there was a supermarket like that.”

Kaizi was shocked and said, "Yes, when you said it like that, I realized it a little bit. It really doesn't look like a commercial movie."

"This Xiao Jiang, is he so deep?"

"Isn't the Mazi Zhang who let the bullets fly the same as when Zhao Sheng entered the business war at the retail terminal?? Before he came, no Hong Kong Islander could think that everyone was a de facto shareholder of a supermarket? Be a part of it? Wanjia Supermarket serves thousands of families..."

Ge You is also a little bit conceited, "It's very important to me without you! I thought it was great when I was watching it, but after watching the finished film, I have a different taste."

"There are no big capitalists like Li Chaoren and Yihe??"

If you think so, does it seem true? ?

Then when the car arrived, they went back upstairs to watch it a second time.


Hong Kong Island.

When Liu Xiaoqing grabbed a pile of Kowloon Daily, Oriental Daily, Tiantian Daily and other newspapers and brought them to Jiang Wen, Lao Jiang looked at one, took a big breath of cool air, then looked at the next one, and continued to take a deep breath.

After reading it, he fell weakly on the bed, "Damn it, this made me too flattering. This is trying to flatter me to death."

Liu Xiaoqing smiled bitterly, "You really need to think carefully about your next movie. If it's done well, everyone will think it's the right thing to do. If it's not done well, that's the end of the gangster's talent."

Who in the industry still doesn’t know that Let the Bullets Fly was Zhao Sheng’s split-shot script? ? From beginning to end, Jiang Wen copied it as if he were copying homework. When copying, there were many places that made Jiang Wen feel very happy, including being right on the airwaves.

This movie was really exciting and exciting to him.

But he never thought that this was his talent.

Liu Xiaoqing walked over to pour another cup of tea and said with a smile, "You don't have to be under so much pressure. Even if you are a director, you may be stuck with this one work and you won't be able to figure out what to shoot for the next one."

"But don't forget that you are also an actor! In this movie, who among you, Ge You and Afa can be nominated for Best Actor at various film festivals? It's hard to say about the other two. You must be the one with the most nominations, and you should win the award. No less.”

"As for the box office, it won't be bad. First of all, it won't be bad in China. Secondly, I feel that many people in France can also understand it."

Jiang Wen, "..."

Others are already numb, forget it, Liu Xiaoqing is right, he is not in a hurry to continue being a director, and he is not bad as an actor.

Just then the phone rang. When Liu Xiaoqing went to answer it, he said to Jiang Wen after a moment, "The call is from Zheng Xiaolong in Beijing."

Jiang Wen walked over to answer the call, communicated for a while, then put down the phone and sighed, "Is that guy interested in my money? He said he had an idea to shoot a TV series in North America, but they have no money there and no filming fees."

"If I'm willing to act and invest more... can I give it a try? There's been a lot of craze recently for mainland Chinese to study in the United States. It should be very exciting to make a real life story about people from the capital who go to New York."

"It's up to me whether to shoot or when to shoot."

A few years ago, Jiang Wen was still thinking about Ji Chunhua's money, but now some people can also think about his money. The movie "Zhaojun Goes to the Fortress" made a lot of money, and Ji Chunhua also gave Jiang Wen a big red envelope of 2 million Hong Kong dollars.

(Let the Bullets Fly) He is the director and one of the male leads, and the two remunerations total 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars. Afterwards? ? There should also be red envelopes for the celebration party afterwards, and you can also accumulate income from bringing goods.

Liu Xiaoqing was delighted, "What is the life of people from Beijing after studying in the United States? Is it more realistic? As long as it is filmed, there should be no shortage of ratings. There are too many people in the mainland today who are curious about New York."

"Including myself!"


Countless movie fans and even film critics and insiders in China were involved in intense discussions due to the release of "Let the Bullets Fly".

In the Benbei Huazhi flagship store, Zhao Donghuai looked calmly at an island guy who was kneeling on the carpet by two Pan-Asian elites. He took a sip of the Kung Fu tea brewed by Xiaoxian and said, "Langchuan, I know your company belongs to Half black, lots of illegal business and income.”

"There are many people in the island country who hate me to the core, but are you going too far to deal such a heavy blow to an innocent little girl?"

He spoke in Mandarin, but Langchuan, who was kneeling on the ground, could hear it without any difficulty. This was a businessman who traveled between the island country and Wanwan all year round, doing import and export business. The type of business... From Wanwan to the shoemaking centers, he walked Counterfeit brand-name shoes are shipped back to the island country for sale.

Treat "OEM A goods" as genuine goods at a 20% discount.

When Zhao Donghuai first entered the industry and made Han Dynasty shoes, he specifically asked Ax Jun if there was any popular sneakers and leather shoes on Hong Kong Island.

At that time, Ax Jun replied no. The pirated shoes in Hong Kong are generally of poor quality and can be easily distinguished from genuine shoes.

As for Namikawa, this guy is from the shoe manufacturing center here. The quality of his products is comparable to that of the world's top brands, but they are just their own branded A-grade products.

This business is certainly not small, and it requires a lot of black and white power to handle it. Here, Namikawa has contacts with Zhushe and Shikai. On the other side of the island country, he also has familiar Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi-kai bosses. He is considered the leader of a small organization.

His Mandarin is better than many Chinese with heavier dialect accents, and it has a bit of a motorcycle flavor at most.

Facing Zhao Donghuai's questioning at this moment, Langchuan looked confused, messy, anxious and panicked, "No, Zhao Sheng, is there some misunderstanding? I didn't do anything to any innocent little girl? It's even less likely that I have any hatred towards you... …”

"This must be a misunderstanding..."

While Langchuan was still complaining, Zhao Donghuai waved his hand and looked at a certain bodyguard, "When you arrested him, did you find any suspicious items?"

A bodyguard quickly took out a metal box with no external markings. It was pure black. He opened the box and found an injection syringe. Inside the syringe was a blood-red object. "This thing is very suspicious. It should be blood. I haven't been able to get more specific yet." assay."

Just an hour ago, at around ten o'clock in the morning on January 11, the bodyguards followed Zhao Donghuai's order and arrived at the specific location to arrest Langchuan.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Since it is a misunderstanding, inject this tube of blood into his body."

Namikawa, who had acted like an innocent person before, collapsed and screamed, "No, no!!"

He never expected that the blood was extracted from an HIV patient just over an hour ago, and was specially frozen and stored in an extended RV in order to keep the diseased blood active longer and ensure that it could be injected into the target body to accurately infect the target with the disease.

He hasn't arrived at his destination yet, why...

The bodyguard didn't say much, and the two of them were still in control. The one holding the syringe stepped forward to give him the medicine.

Langchuan's face turned pale and black, "I'm recruiting, it's Toshiba's Dahe Sang. He asked me to send someone to stun Chen Derong and inject these. I hope I can use this opportunity to make you fall into the trap. I'm recruiting..."

Zhao Donghuai signaled the bodyguard to stop, then smiled, "Toshiba Oga-san, right? Enemies, Oga Natsuki's elders?"

Namikawa nodded frantically, "Yes, yes, I don't know how specific it is, but I have no power to resist Oga-san's order."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I understand. I will have your parents and wife arrested later. You are a strange and good man. Take this sick blood away by yourself and find an opportunity to give that Dahe a gift."

"Otherwise, you understand..."

"From the moment you planned to plot against me, you knew what would happen if things were revealed."

At the current stage of Wanwan, the number of people who follow him to eat is counted in the hundreds of thousands or millions, and the number of families directly and indirectly affected by various methods is even more, all of them white-faced and black-faced... So he knows that he will not encounter any problems when he comes to Wanwan. event.

However, when Wang Zuxian proposed it on January 9, he thought it was okay and did a simulation anyway.

Simulation results? Very fun.

Toshiba is dishonest again. That Azhi suffered a lot from Zhao Donghuai. Let’s not talk about the various supercomputing and laptop manufacturing technical materials that were stolen, and let’s not talk about the five-axis linkage CNC machine tools.

Last summer, he also met a kid named Natsuki Oga, and asked him to advance funds for his Hong Kong Island Fashion Week, which was reimbursed.

So, when he suddenly left Hong Kong Island and came to a corner, Toshiba thought it was an opportunity and did something about it.

Doing things is not about arranging how many people to assassinate him and assassinating him. The kind that involves the flow of weapons and fighting with Pan-Asian elites can easily be defeated.

So he arranged for Langchuan in front of him, led his men, and found an opportunity to make a surprise attack. He was stunned and turned around to find an opportunity to get close to him, please Chen Derong, and inject sick blood.

Just do it once and run away.

Azhi, including Langchuan in front of him, didn't know if Zhao Donghuai would take Ah Rong in, but it didn't matter. Let's make a surprise attack and bury the hidden dangers here first. After all, HIV has a long incubation period, and it can be transmitted during the incubation period.

Let’s just say that the man surnamed Lai who was cheated by Zeng Mewei and others on Hong Kong Island did not become seriously unwell after HIV infection and went for a check-up to find out that he had the disease. It was Zeng Mewei who arranged for his brothers to deceive and scare him. How many times have you said before? The ONS dancer had HIV.

Then the man surnamed Li took the initiative to go to the hospital for a check-up and was informed of the diagnosis.

Even the man named Li has been flying to Yanlun for medical treatment for a long time, and it is still considered to be the incubation period, so he has not developed any symptoms.

This is what I discovered in the simulation before coming here.

On the 9th, on the 10th, Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong, Yang Lijing, Chen Derong and other female celebrities came back to Wanwan. They wanted to visit him to gain favor and show their friendship as a landlord... It was only the morning of the 11th.

Langchuan has already received the sick blood, and is already arranging his men to look for opportunities to try to attack Chen Derong.

Why did you attack that little girl? Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong and even Yang Lijing all have bodyguards when they travel. There are seven or eight more bodyguard groups and one less.

There is no such thing as Chen Derong. She just graduated from Asia Drama this summer as a senior. She has made several guest appearances and has no name supporting roles, but she is really a potential stock. The only big role she got was in Xing Zai's new drama (Domestic Lingling Paint).

It was still in the filming period and had not been released yet.

So this kind of student doesn't have bodyguards, so it's easy to attack.

You try to make Langchuan and others stun Lin Qingxia, Hu Huizhong, Yang Lijing, etc. who are under the protection of Pan-Asian elites, and then pretend that nothing happened after injecting them with something? Isn’t that nonsense?

Except for Ah Rong, a senior student, Yang Lijing all made their debuts in 1986 by playing the heroine of a TV series on the Lao San Channel here. When they went to the Hong Kong film and television industry, they were also mentioned by Lin Qingxia and Hu Huizhong. Played supporting roles in movies.

It has more or less a star flavor.

Without waiting for Namikawa's reaction, he waved his hand and asked the bodyguards to take the people out. After he picked up the phone, he contacted Gen Murakami, the Yamaguchi-gumi of the island country, and made arrangements to hang up the phone.

Wang Zuxian, who had been watching the whole process, came over with a shocked look on his face, "Isn't this too crazy? By the way, I contacted Sister Qingxia and the others before, and they said they had made an appointment at the hotel, and they were ready to leave at 12 o'clock. Woolen cloth."

"They all set off from their respective homes, and there is also Ah Rong..."

Zhao Donghuai sighed, "Just get used to it."

If he goes out to hang out, he might get hit one day. Fortunately, he is used to imitating at every turn. Otherwise, both Winona Ryder last time and Chen Derong this time will be in bad luck.

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