Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 308 Do you know how he got here these past six months?

After the Northern Xiaonian, there is the Southern Xiaonian, and then on the 25th and 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

As New Year's Eve is getting closer, the vigorous Hong Kong Fashion Week Winter Week has also come to an end.

It is said that countless small umbrellas have been left in various hotels and apartments in Central, Tsim Sha Tsui, Wan Chai and other places.

At this stage, the model circles in East Asia and Southeast Asia have not yet developed to the exaggerated level in Europe and the United States, but they are on the way, and the blooming degree of countless big models in Europe and the United States cannot be summed up in one word.

The taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger.

In a hotel in Shinjuku District, Tokyo, Ah Zha was directing A Han, A Wei, Xiao Wu and others, urging the waiters to install satellite TV receivers and satellite antennas for each color TV in the hotel.

After various arrangements were made, a group of more than 20 people gathered in a presidential suite, tuned the channel, turned around, and switched to the ATV Mandarin channel.

As you can see, the Hong Kong Fashion Week catwalk program presented above is being explained by the host. It shows Zhang Guorong and Tam Wing-lin singing and dancing on a brightly lit and psychedelic stage.

And a European and American supermodel wearing a three-point style with a pair of angel's black wings on her back is showing off her figure and underwear while taking a catwalk.

Ah Zha slapped his thigh decisively and laughed, "Fuck, I can finally watch ATV programs in Tokyo. This is far away in Tokyo. I no longer have to worry about not being able to understand Japanese."

They came to Tokyo on June 26, and it is now January 23, 1990.

It’s almost 7 months!

After half a year of hard work, Ah Zha and others have gathered a capital chain of more than 14 billion Hong Kong dollars from financial investment companies and wealth management companies. That is more than 14 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Do you know how he has been here for the past six months? !

Xiao Liu Awei also laughed wildly, "Brother Zha, you are not good at learning foreign languages. Half a year ago, I didn't even know Cantonese very well, but after studying hard for half a year, you asked me to go out and have simple communication in English or Japanese, no matter what. It’s better to ask for directions during meals.”

"Even without a translator, I can go from Shinjuku to Minato Ward and back to Shinjuku by myself."

Xiaowu said excitedly, "Yes, yes, I came to Tokyo in early August. It has only been five months. My English can barely be communicated. I am much more diligent than when I was studying."

A-Zha directly cursed, "Fuck, you guys are spies, how can I, A-Zha, join in with you? Watch TV, watch TV. It's not like I haven't seen TV series and variety shows translated and produced by the island country before."

"But how can Japanese and English be as friendly as Mandarin and Cantonese?"

A group of "macho men" laughed and followed the Hong Kong Fashion Week. Then, as they watched, they suddenly felt that this show was just like this... not very interesting.

Everyone has made more than 14 billion Hong Kong dollars in apparent book wealth. In the past six months or four or five months, who has not changed from a macho man to a shower guy? ? All kinds of enthusiastic and lively island country sisters, or ocean horses, are of little interest without taking medicine.

You show them this?

After watching it for a few minutes, Ahan said, "Change the channel, change the channel. This kind of fashion show is not interesting. It's too boring."

Ah Zha also found it boring, so he changed the channel. When he tuned to the Cantonese channel, he found that a Cantonese version of a fashion week show was being broadcast on it, and continued to change channels with a sullen face.

Until I switched to the ATV movie channel and saw the Mandarin version of (Bo Niu) being played on it?

Ahan immediately became excited, "Look at this, just look at this, fuck, this year's Italy World Cup, although we failed to qualify, but watching Master Ye, the super killer in Wanted, play football? This one is exciting, this one is exciting!" "

(Bo Niu) is a football movie shot by Yuen Biao and Li Saifeng in 1983. It only sold a total of 3.2 million Hong Kong dollars on Hong Kong Island, but the sales in the island country were very strong that year.

Later, it was occasionally broadcast on the movie channel, attracting some viewers to watch, and then Yuanbiao became more and more popular, and a series of Ip Man's works were released. Well, the time-travel version of Ip Man 1 was released before the Lunar New Year.

In fact, filming for the time-travel version of Ip Man 2 has already been completed a long time ago, and it is just waiting for the release date.

At this stage, with the addition of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and "Wanted 1", Yuen Biao is really popular all over the world. When he sees the movies he stars in, everyone is interested in watching them.

After all, this is not the age of the Internet. You can find whatever you want to see by searching online.

You just go to a place where video tapes are rented and sold, and ask individually if there are any (Bo Niu) video tapes? It’s no coincidence that there are very few rentals in those places.

Therefore, a group of big brothers and elites who had been arrogant in the island country for half a year crowded together and experienced the charm and joy of Master Ye playing football in this foreign country.

Everyone set up a table with beer, melon seeds and peanuts, and it was a blast to watch!

After ATV was launched on the satellite, various antennas and receivers were gradually deployed. It really took the influence and power to a big level.

After watching it for more than ten minutes, the screen flashed and the advertisement came!



Figures riding motorcycles and bicycles, carrying piles of things, knock on the door from door to door. When someone opens the door, the young man riding a motorcycle and bicycle will enthusiastically say, "Abo, Hong Kong Island's ATV has been launched. Chengdu satellite channels.”

"As long as you install a satellite dish or TV receiver, you can watch the latest ATV programs in a timely manner like the citizens of Hong Kong Island. Do you want to install one?"

"No money, free..."

"As long as you agree, I will help you install it, adjust it, and then go. Click this and you will no longer be afraid of running out of programs to watch. The many programs on Channel 3 are really too old-fashioned and boring."


Zhao Donghuai's plan to give away a wave of free satellite dishes and satellite TV receivers after ATV launches the satellite currently only involves Wan.

The more you give away now, the more market you will harvest in the future!

Just like Q, WX and other free registration and login, how many huge users will be harvested, before the explosion of the Internet and the explosion of smartphones.

Isn’t Star TV the biggest platform?

It’s just that at this stage, he has only opened up the TV market here. The mainland is still in the process. As for South Korea, island countries, stars, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, etc.? We are still in contact step by step.

As for Ah Zha's behavior, it is nothing more than a spontaneous act among the people, similar to the Internet era in which mainland netizens automatically circumvent the firewall.

On this side, young people like Zhushe, Sihai, Tiandao, etc. who have nothing to do, are not on the stage and cannot be called elites among the dynamic groups in society. They are the most active main force in this wave of promotion.

Their land promotion plan only involves families that are not related to Zhao's many enterprises. What if it is a group such as Wanjia, Baijia Surnames, Huazhi, Haoyunlai, etc.? ? Those are the leadership and management of the group, and they are distributed in batches to the employee circle for free.


It is when the ATV channel can be directly watched by viewers in more and more regions.

The crew of (Police Story 4) in Wan Chai, Hong Kong, experienced a super thrilling car chase scene. Cheng Long sat behind the viewfinder and shouted, and the entire crew hurriedly arrived in front of an overturned Mercedes-Benz car.

Medical staff hurriedly rescued Ke Shouliang from the overturned carriage.

After a simple diagnostic inquiry, it was confirmed that Ke Shouliang was fine. Cheng Long breathed a sigh of relief, "It has been three months since we filmed the fourth part of Police Story."

"The story has continued until now and is nearing its conclusion. Safety, safety is the most important thing."

Yu Rongzhen and other actors also came over with a smile and greeted politely, "Brother Long."

Police Story 4 is an organ smuggling syndicate adapted from a real-life script. When Cheng Long first got the idea, he thought of asking Gao Lihong to star as an action actress and policewoman to solve crimes and catch thieves together.

However, several invitations failed.

In the end, Cheng Long chose two heroines for this movie. One is a police star, and Yu Li is a Hong Kong drifter from the mainland. She also won the Best Supporting Actress at the Baihua Film Festival last year. She is 27 years old and 1.7 meters tall. She has a dashing appearance and her figure is not much worse than Gong Li's bouncing figure.

The second heroine is Cameron Diaz, even though Cameron Diaz is currently running back and forth between the two crews of (Police Story 4) and Zhou Xingxing's (Domestic Lingling Paint).

No one cares about such trivial matters.

She is red!

The (Home Alone) trilogy, which has been a hit in Europe and the United States for three consecutive years, with Cameron Diaz as the protagonist, is close to making more than 600 million U.S. dollars at the box office.

The remaining more than 300 million US dollars were made by Cai Shaofen's heroine in East and Southeast Asia.

With such a popular and blockbuster film, it doesn't matter if the drama is sidelined. It can be said that Cameron is the biggest name in the two big casts after Cheng Long, Zhou Xingxing, and Bruce Willis.

In Police Story 4, the character of Cameron Diaz was abducted by the professional kidnapping Ga Yaozi Heart Team by senior villains such as Yu Rongguang, Jet Binnie, Zhou Billy, Lu Huiguang, and Zou Zhaolong because of his special blood type. The most important meat ticket.

The plot of the story is very simple.

On one side is the policewoman Inspector Yu Li, who is in charge of missing persons cases. She is responsible for all disappearance cases in Hong Kong. When the daughter of Bruce Willis, the inspector of the serious crime team, came to Hong Kong from Yan Lun, she suddenly disappeared...

He is an inspector of the Crime Squad, and his partner is Chen Jiaju, a senior inspector who killed the Eagle Team in Police Story 3.

My daughter went missing and has never been found.

After contacting Yu Li, they discovered a professional team that kidnapped Gao Yaozi's heart and liver, Yu Rongyu, from the disappearance cases that had been going on for many years in Hong Kong! !

Then there is the battle of wits and courage... Long's comedy style of death-defying comedy.

In the end, Yu Rongguang's team flew to Tokyo with Cameron Diaz, who had a special blood type, to give a heart transplant to the super-rich people in Tokyo who were waiting.

During the three-month shooting period, the Hong Kong Island part is almost completed. We only need to fly to Tokyo for another ten and a half days to shoot and it will be completed.

Of course, there will definitely be a holiday around the Spring Festival, but according to Jackie Chan's plan, the film should be completed after the Lantern Festival, and then in post-production, waiting for release.

Jackie Chan also has great ambitions for this movie.

First of all, Police Story 3, which he partnered with Bruce Willis, has sold over 200 million U.S. dollars at the global box office. The fourth part not only continues Bruce Willis, but also stars Cameron Diaz, Jet Machine Binney and other white celebrities came to support.

With this fourth film, he has the ambition to hit the global box office of US$300 million.

His junior brother Yuan Biao's (time-travel version of Ip Man 1) was sold in North America for US$120 million, relying on the rise of Bill Gates and following the wave of anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese goods in North America, and a total of US$410 million worldwide.

Why can’t his Police Story, the fourth Kung Fu movie, hope to break $300 million worldwide? ?

This is the case.

Aaron was really hoping to finish filming the movie smoothly. Just as he was chatting with Yu Rongzhen and others and discussing the next filming plan, Deng Jingsheng came from not far away and said, "Brother Long, what's going on over there?" Brother Yu is here."

"Along with Brother Yu is Ke Junxiong."

Cheng Long was slightly surprised, but said quickly, "You guys have a rest first, I'll go pick them up."

Soon, he met Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong who came to visit the class. The two exchanged polite greetings for a while and made an appointment to go to the Good Luck Lai flagship store for dinner after filming today's scene. Aaron then continued to be busy.

Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong just watched...

It wasn't until he finished his work and arrived at the Good Luck Lai private room in Tsim Sha Tsui that Cheng Long and his brothers from the Cheng family toasted for a few rounds. Wang Yu sighed with emotion, "Aaron, you are really becoming an international superstar now." It’s hot.”

"I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore, let's just say it straight away. Previously, Lao Wu from our Bamboo Society came to Hong Kong to try to apply for filming a movie (Laughing Lin Boy). Didn't he pass it? Mr. Zhao nodded and asked Lao Wu to start filming seriously."

"Brother Ke and I also had an idea. We wanted to make a prison film, but the subject matter is hard to find. We want the film to be a big hit, even to Europe and the United States. We can't do it without a superstar to support us. How about you play a role, Aaron? How much will it cost? We are not playing tricks, we are all old friends for more than ten years, and I will give you a salary of 10 million Hong Kong dollars."

"The specific process is that Ya Bazi and Lao Wu were imprisoned during the First Qing Dynasty and were bullied and oppressed by those bullies."

Cheng Long nodded with a smile, "Brother Yu, don't worry, I'll be fine. As for the salary, it won't be that much. If the roles are small, I will get zero pay to make a cameo. If the roles are more, I can give you one to two million. If you hadn't helped me back then, how would I have done it?" What’s my situation today?”

It was still the trouble caused when Jiahe poached Cheng Long from Luo Wei. Luo Wei didn't follow martial ethics and found work for the club boy. The club boy not only wanted to eat Jiahe's big meat, but also wanted to eat Luo Wei.

Eat at both ends, eat at home and eat at home after eating. The society has the foundation of a dynamic group.

At that time, it was He Guanchang who led Cheng Long on a detour to avoid the limelight. Wang Yu himself was a member of the Bamboo Society and came out to help, and the trouble was settled.

Wang Yu laughed, "That won't work. Let's follow the industry rules. It's lucky to say that I didn't go to jail during the First Qing Dynasty. Since the beginning of 1988, I flew to Moscow with Brother Ke to engage in international trade."

"We have saved a lot of money in the past two years. It is all clean money. So, you can help me make an appointment with Andy Lau and Tony Leung Ka Fai for 30 cents. We all follow the rules and each of them will be paid either 8 million or 10 million Hong Kong dollars."

"That guy Lao Wu dares to spend more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars to hire a young man like Liu Yijun to make a blockbuster movie. How are we worse than him?"

"I've already thought of a movie title, it's called Fire Island!"

Ke Junxiong also smiled and interjected, "Yes, we have decided on the outline of the story, we are just missing the superstar. As for the specific shooting time, it depends on your schedule. Brother Wang and I are both old and belong to the older generation that has been eliminated by the times."

"But we guys still want to give it a try. If you add San Mao, Andy Lau, and Liang Jiahui, we will have a box office hit in Europe and the United States, right?"

"Actually, I also want to invite Yuan Biao and Lin Zhengying, but after chatting with Brother Wang for a while, I feel that I should test the water first this time and test it temporarily."

On the Fire Island in the original track, Cheng Long and Hong Yinbao came forward because of their reputation and friendship. Liu Dehua and Liang Jiahui were in a much worse situation...

But in this dimension, even if you borrow Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong's ten courages, they won't dare to pull out their guns and mess around.

The next moment, Ke Junxiong touched his bald head and said, "At first, Yuan Biao and you guys put together a group of superstars and bombed the world with 781 million US dollars. But later on, you, Jet Li, Andy Lau and others were willing to be supporting roles to support Sister Hong of the Oriental Group." The Wing Chun movie has sold more than 100 million U.S. dollars at the global box office."

"Brother Wang and I pooled together tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars and hired a group of action stars to film. We won't lose money at all. Haha, it's a matter of making more or less."

Cheng Long was also a little speechless. He politely excused himself again, but he really couldn't. If Lao Wang insisted on giving him a salary of 10 million Hong Kong dollars, he should just sign a check and give it to him now...

Because he needed to use Cheng Long's face to attract Andy Lau and Leung Ka Fai to the scene.

Cheng Long had no choice but to accept it and raised his glass in a toast.

You said that at this stage Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong are not short of money, why do they still ask Cheng Long to be the middleman? Why don't they go to Liang Jiahui and Liu Dehua with the check? ?

Just kidding, those two actors are getting bigger and bigger. They often don't look at the pay when accepting roles, but look at the script.

Let's just talk about Tony Leung Ka-fai. He is definitely one of the top stars, not much worse than Zhang Guorong and Cheng Lung who only talk about their qualifications in the film and television industry. He has also acted in one or two movies of Life and Death, and through Life and Death, he has shaped the global action star lineup. of.

Others (Never Compromise) (Wang Wenxia Biography) (Underworld) (Manslaughter), etc., which one is not an outstanding masterpiece just by itself? Such Ah Hui actually took the initiative to play the role of Baozong on the set of (The Legend of Concubine Wan Guifei)... Baozong!

Faced with the scripts handed to him by other companies, he didn't bother to accept them no matter how much money they offered.

Liang Jiahui is like this, and Andy Lau is even more so. Ever since he failed to invest in Wang Jiawei's projects one after another, unless the scripts saved for him by the outside world are really too exciting for him, he will discuss with Wang Jing, Li Lichi and others whether to accept them.

He will only accept a job if a group of staff officers think they can take it on. It is useless to just give money.

Although he felt speechless in his heart, after eating and drinking for a few times, Aaron still smiled and said, "Please Hua Zai and Jiahui, I will help you pass the message. I can't guarantee whether they will come or not. I can only give you more advice."

He thinks, hiring such a group of big names to make a prison movie? A prison film about the time when the big brothers like Ya Bazi and other big brothers in Zhushe were building the earth on Green Island? this……

Can it really be profitable? ?

But both Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong are old filmmakers. When these two became popular in the film industry, Cheng Long was still playing small roles, and everyone had enough money to spend, so he could only nod.

Anyway, I've paid enough for the film, and the filming schedule follows the schedules of the stars, so it's not a big deal.

After drinking two more glasses of wine, Wang Yu smiled and said, "Since our book dares to be so ambitious and invites you all, Aaron, what about the female characters? At least arrange for two female protagonists to be paired together? Even if they are both The heroine also has to make a choice before going to prison."

"Aaron, do you have any good candidates?"

Cheng Long was stunned, "No, Brother Yu, haven't I read the script yet? I don't even know the direction of the story yet..."

In other words, Wang Yu came to ask him to act in a movie, and he owed him a favor.

Wang Yu laughed and said, "Okay, let's eat. After we finish our meal, we will read the scripts tomorrow. Then you can help us recommend them."


a new day.

ATV TV City.

When Zhao Donghuai met with Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun, the two film and television tycoons also expressed their intention to come.

"Zhao Sheng, you can get the first few movies of Princess Golden's Best Partner, including Happy Paradise and other projects, for free on the ATV movie channel. I don't ask for anything else. I just want you to give me the advertising time period for each movie." All I need is one minute of free advertising space.”

"Of course, I am specifically referring to the movies under my company. When they are broadcast for free, I will get one minute of advertising space for each movie."

Zou Wenhuai was also very enthusiastic, "The most expensive thing in our company is the copyright of Aaron's (Drunken Master) (Laughing Fist) (Master Long) (Plan A) and other movies."

"Even Sanmao and the others (Five Lucky Stars) can use the ATV movie channel to play it for free. My request is the same as Lei Sheng's. When these movies are played and advertisements are inserted, I will be given one minute of advertising space for each film."

"Although SRG's new round of ratings survey report on ATV's star launch has not yet been fully rolled out, thousands of households for the survey have not even been selected, let alone valuable equipment such as TV rating recorders."

"However, I still have a hunch that even though it has been so long, many people have watched these movies more than once on video tapes, but when they are screened for free on movie channels, they will definitely bring out a new wave of viewers."

"The ratings won't be bad!"

It is from these days that after ATV's normal star upgrade, channels one by one are accompanied by many TV households in other places buying and using satellite antennas and other equipment, so that they can watch ATV in a timely manner.

This matter is still being promoted locally.

The movies played on the ATV movie channel a few days ago were (Bo Niu) (New World) Part 1 and 2, (Sister Tuoqiang) (Hardcover Chasing Girls), etc. In the 1983 and 1984 period, they were filmed by Zhao Donghuai or produced by the Zhao Group Qian shot, as well as old movies with copyrights obtained from Zou Wenhuai and others.

But don’t forget, when he acquired ATV in 1984, he told Cheng Long that he wanted to take down movies that had poor box office sales in Hong Kong, such as "Bo Niu", and have them broadcast late at night on ATV.

In the past, it was one thing to occasionally broadcast it late at night or in the morning. Now, it is another thing to broadcast it on a satellite station. In the past, only Hong Kong viewers could watch it. Now, as long as you have it, you can watch it over there, in Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Satellite dish, you can see it all!

Besides, so much time has passed, and the profits from video tapes have come to an end, but... a few years have passed, and children who used to be five or six years old may be in their teens, and those who used to be eleven or twelve are now eighteen or nineteen.

As we grow older, our interests and hobbies are changing.

In the past, children liked to watch cartoons, but did not like to watch big action movies in the real-life field. It is normal for them to change their taste when they grow up.

His ATV movie channel plays a 90-minute old movie, with one minute of commercials after the beginning, another 45 minutes of commercials in the middle, and another minute of commercials near the end...

Watch an old movie for an hour or two.

What about a day? ? How many ads can be inserted! !

Don’t think Zhao Donghuai is bad, it’s already standard for him to insert commercials during movie programs instead of inserting movies during commercials! !

Just kidding, watching a 90-minute or 100-minute movie with only 3 minutes of commercials is not a good conscience? ?

This is a model for the industry, okay?

Zhao Donghuai was not surprised that Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun came to his door. He was just curious and asked, "Zou Sheng, are you even willing to show (Plan A) (Five Lucky Stars) for free?"

Zou Wenhuai laughed and said, "It's nothing. It's been seven years. Even if the video rental income is from selling it, it has been sold for seven years. I won't be able to make much money in the future. It's better to use it to launch advertisements on TV stations."

"As long as I can sell a lot of my shampoo, toothpaste, shower gel and other daily cosmetic products, it will be a pity to spend the little money on the video tape later."

Zhao Donghuai puts on the movie channel, a three-minute advertisement for each movie, and only one minute for each of their blockbusters! It should be said that the psychological price was revealed at the beginning.

Lei Juekun also laughed, "It has been eight years since the first film (The Best Partner), and I have long run out of money to rent video tapes. Putting it on the TV for a minute of advertising space will also be very beneficial to my paper industry." and office stationery merchandise sales.”

It was the end of January 1990. There were so many old movies that few people had gone to rent video tapes to watch them. They could be put on TV for free...

Really is another kind of attraction.

Not to mention that they also know that seven or eight years ago, there were not that many TV sets in the mainland, not to mention video tapes and theaters, but what if they were on the ATV satellite channel?

The appeal is extraordinary. As long as there are enough satellite dishes in the mainland, the ratings of these movies will definitely not be bad when watched on TV sets.

At this stage, when we sell these people's livelihood department stores, the main force still wants to sell them to Hong Kong Haowan, Daohan and Xingmatai, so as to earn Hong Kong dollars, US dollars and pounds.

But over time, what if we can accumulate a certain reputation and high-level image in the minds of one billion viewers in the mainland? That is not generally beneficial to the future.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and raised his glass. After the three of them took a sip of tea, he nodded, "Okay, that's it. By the way, Zou Sheng, how is your (Havoc in Heaven)?"

Speaking of this, Zou Wenhuai became more energetic and said with a confident smile, "With the support of the two major teams from the Mainland and Hollywood, it took two or three months to get into a period of rapid development in the past eight months. I have a hunch that this year, In the summer season, this project (Havoc in Heaven) is still worth looking forward to."

"Of course, it only took a big team one year to make the finished product? The effect is definitely not as good as the one produced by Shangmei Film Studio (Kung Fu Panda) (The Lion King), but I only wish for half as much."

"As long as (Havoc in Heaven) can have half of the profits of those big movies and get the money back, I will be completely satisfied, hahaha~"

In the middle of March last year, Cheng Long left Golden Harvest to work with Zheng Jiachun at New World Pictures. Zou Wenhuai was very angry at the time, but he quickly recovered and concentrated on animation. It started in May and has been working on it for eight months now. What?

Zhao Donghuai saw that he was so confident, so he didn't ask any more questions. On the contrary, Lei Juekun was very emotional. After all, he never thought that Zou Wenhuai would come out so quickly after missing Jackie Chan, and find him so accurately. New direction, continue to play big chess.

In the field of animated films, The Lion King and Kung Fu Panda both grossed more than 400 million U.S. dollars at the global box office. Even last summer, with the help of Zhao Donghuai’s channel relationship, the 1979 version (Nezha Haohai) was re-released globally, also in Europe and North America. In total, it grossed US$27 million at the box office.

What ended up falling into the Shangmei Factory was just over 10 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than 80 million Hong Kong dollars.

Coupled with the mainland, Hong Kong Haowan, South Korea...the re-release of the animated movie has made Shangmei Factory more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars!

This refers to net profit.

Therefore, as long as Zou Wenhuai gets ahead in animated movies, he can really make no less money than he does by catching a kung fu superstar like Cheng Long.

Of course he, Lei Juekun, also wants to make that much money. Isn't this because he has failed to grab talents?



When Hong Qinbao arrived at the downstairs of 100 Years Pictures holding a briefcase and got out of the car and walked into the building, he saw figures shouting to him "Hello Big Brother" and "Hello Brother Sanmao" everywhere he passed.

Sanmao smiled and skipped the crowd, walked to the front desk of the company and said to a beautiful girl, "I made an appointment with Ah Hua, is he here?"

The girl at the front desk smiled brightly, "Here, Brother Hua said that Brother Sanmao, you can just go to the 28th floor when you arrive. He has been waiting."

Sanmao nodded again and walked to the elevator. When he passed by the lobby rest area on the first floor, he looked at a large color TV placed there in amazement, playing "Five Lucky Stars"? ?

Hong Qinbao couldn't help but walked over and watched the movie that was his great rise seven years ago. If he hadn't suddenly seen it on TV, he would have almost forgotten about filming the first movie "Five Lucky Stars". At that time, what kind of mentality was there?

By the way, it was the first time he met Zhao Sheng at the celebration banquet of (Five Lucky Stars).

After being in a daze for a few seconds, he looked at the ATV movie channel that was playing the movie... He walked towards the elevator with an excited smile again.

When they arrived at Liu Dehua's office on the 28th floor, Hua Zai, who was watching TV, also stood up in a hurry, smiled and spread his cigar, "Brother Sanmao, it's already the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and you came to me suddenly. Is there something big going on?"

Sanmao laughed, "You're not going to the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

Liu Dehua shook his head, "I'm not going. If I were to go, I would have arrived in the capital long ago. During the Spring Festival this year, I plan to go back to Jiangmen for a visit. My folks in my hometown called me N times, so I just thought I would go back to meet some people and wish each other New Year's greetings." "

Now Hua Zai is also one of the top entrepreneurs in Kai Ping... a large foreign exchange earner and the second richest man in Kai Ping. There are so many people who want to see him to pay New Year's greetings. He was originally scheduled to go back today, but San Mao called someone who has already arrived at his hometown.

San Mao suddenly understood and grabbed a script from his briefcase, "Wang Yu found Aaron over there and said that he wanted to make a blockbuster film during the Chinese New Year. He would give you a salary of 10 million to see if you can act. Apart from you, , Aaron’s role has been decided, I’m still considering it, and they also made an appointment with Jiahui.”

Hua Zai looked at the script (Fire Island) in surprise and asked suspiciously, "Then will you act? How about this book?"

Hong Qinbao looked at Hua Zai, then at the script, and finally remained silent for dozens of seconds. Thousands of words finally turned into one word, "It's most likely a bad movie."

Liu Dehua gave San Mao a strange look, grabbed the book and flipped through it. After ten minutes, he was surprised and said, "I think this book is okay, isn't it too bad?"

Burning Island? The master of the police hero was killed, and the deceased turned out to be a prisoner who had been executed in the records. Then he felt that there was something wrong with the prison, so he took the initiative to go to jail, went to the prison to inquire about the situation, and finally found out the inside story of the prison...

The main plot is very simple. If you add stars, will there be good and exciting fights? ? Cheng Long and Hong Yinbao basically guarantee that the fight will not be bad?

So, this book can’t be said to be outstanding, but it’s not too bad, right? ?

In a word, Cheng Long's police stories in several parts are all about the police catching thieves, but this one is about the police undercover catching thieves in prison! !

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