Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 309 How many years has it passed before such a genius appeared in the film and television in

Following Hua Zai's words, Hong Yinbao suddenly became a little confused... Am I wrong or is Hua Zai's problem? He actually said that this script wasn't too bad?

What was Hua Zai's last big movie? (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot), it was released in Europe and the United States until the end, with a total of 150 million U.S. dollars, 450 million yuan in the mainland, East Asia and Southeast Asia... Anyway, the total box office accumulation exceeded 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The next one is (Once Upon a Time in China), which grossed more than 80 million Hong Kong dollars in box office in Hong Kong and South Korea, which is not a huge profit. However, the mainland had 150 million yuan in box office, and the island country plus stars in Malaysia and Thailand also had 30 million Hong Kong dollars in box office, and Liang Jiahui easily made a lot of money together.

After all, "Once Upon a Time in China" is a low-budget, comedy-drama that can be completed in one month. Aside from the fact that the two people's remuneration is basically equal to the investment amount of less than HK$5 million.

Then there was "Chasing the Dragon", which was filmed early and released later... but the results were really not bad, and it made much more money than "Lame Man" (The Legend of Detective Lei Luo with 500 million yuan), because it had more mainland ticket sales.

There are also starring roles (Wanted 2) and guest appearances (Spider-Man 1). Both of these films are still in the process of special effects production. It is estimated that they will be released in the summer of 1990.

So looking back at the previous year, Hua Zai starred in five movies, and none of them seemed to be a failure. That is, the 1988 film (Days of Being Wild) was relatively disappointing.

Ever since he got out of the pit of Days of Being Wild, Brother Hua has worked on five blockbusters in a year, but he has not failed, he has failed.

Recalling Liu Dehua's brilliant achievements last year, Sanmao picked up (Fire Island) again and hurriedly read it, "Huh? Isn't it a bad movie?"

Seeing that Sanmao was shaken by what he said, Liu Dehua was also a little confused, "No, Brother Sanmao, you also know that I don't have a good eye for selecting scripts. I'm just asking a question, not questioning you."

"Last year was also a very successful year. The new year will officially begin soon, and preparations for new film plans will indeed begin."

Having said this, Ah Hua further explained, "I also have plans for new films. One is written by Ah Zhao (Water Margin), and the other is a project given by director Wang (The Thirty-six Strategies of the Supreme Being: Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun). Lao Wang is still thinking about letting me and Brother Jiahui continue to cooperate."

"I spent the spring of the new year and there was no shortage of projects."

"If the Fire Island is a good movie, I won't mind making a guest appearance. If the project doesn't work out, then I won't make a guest appearance."

Hong Qinbao was confused again. After reading the script himself, his first impression was that it was likely to be a bad movie. He couldn't push it away because of the relationship, so he came to help Cheng Long to ask Hua Zai.

Why did Hua Zai feel a little shaken when he said this? This is Hua Zai who made crazy money and became very successful throughout last year!

The market value of 100 Years Pictures can exceed HK$20 billion, and Hua Zi has also contributed a lot.

After he thought about it for a while, he suddenly complained, "Tiao, I almost fainted because of you. I don't care if this (Fire Island) sucks or not, since my work schedule is almost complete after I am ten years old."

"Then I've got the news. You can leave the script and think about it slowly, and then discuss it with Jiahui."

"Speaking of which, Hua Zai, you don't have martial ethics. Ah Zhao is the screenwriter of our Debao. Good guys, it's not enough for you to pluck away the "Once Upon a Time in China"? Are you going to continue to pluck out "The Water Margin"?"

Yes, it was when he was thinking about Liu Dehua's performance last year that he remembered that Debao lost his beloved general. That Gu Dezhao went to his master Gao Zhisen with the script of "Once Upon a Time in China", but he was rejected by Asen.

It was unexpectedly missed by Andy Lau. Anyway, the total box office of Hong Kong and South Korea is more than 80 million Hong Kong dollars, and the sales of Taiwanese star Ma Tai are 30 million Hong Kong dollars, plus 150 million in the mainland?

Damn it, wasn't it Andy Lau and Leung Ka Fai who finished filming their slapstick scenes in less than a month? Putting aside the salary, the investment is less than 5 million.

Liu Dehua laughed and said, "No, Brother Sanmao, this is my first time picking up a leak. It's still so big. We are all our own people, so don't care so much."

Now the more he looks at that fat little guy Gu Dezhao, the more he likes him. After all, Hua Zai made up for all the losses he suffered from Wang Jiawei with Ah Zhao.

Ah Chiu did have this ability in his early years. The original Once Upon a Time once again took advantage of Jet Li's Once Upon a Time series and starred Tam Wing-lin, which grossed HK$19.8 million at the box office. This was missed by Andy Lau, and the box office in Hong Kong exceeded 20 million, easily.

Wanwan also broke 20 million Hong Kong dollars, and in South Korea, it made more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars. This is normal. The original version of Jet Li's (Once Upon a Time in China: Top Gun) received more than 1.2 million moviegoers in South Korea. In this dimension, The first two parts of Once Upon a Time were more successful in South Korea. The number of moviegoers may still be the same, but the ticket prices have increased...

Based on the two parts of Once Upon a Time, Legend of Laughter will explode in popularity.

Furthermore, Ajie’s (The Swordsman: The Invincible) is said to have enabled Lin Qingxia to reach a new peak in her career, but it was also a boost to Ajie himself. The original version of The Invincible was a hit in South Korea. With a box office of nearly 50 million Hong Kong dollars, last year's advance version is not bad either.

This is the basis of a film (The Laughter of Once Upon a Time) that made Hua Zai make a lot of money.

And "Water Margin" written by Ah Zhao and starring Xu Guanjie, also easily exceeded 12 million Hong Kong Island box office. At that time, Xu Guanjie was a movie star in his past stage.

If Hua Zai continues to act, it will not be worse than the original version.

Hong Qinbao opened his mouth, but was a little speechless. We are indeed our own people. Just look at (Wanted 2), the new superpower killers are Liu Dehua and Li Saifeng, not Sanmao himself, which is enough to witness the relationship between everyone.

"Forget it, I'll keep the script, and we'll see you next year. Next time I see that little fat guy, I have to thank him."

Hua Zai, "..."

Forget it, let's go back to my hometown first. My parents and fellow villagers have been urging me for a long time, and this time my whole family went back together.

His bicycle factory has also begun to produce finished bicycles, and has successively distributed them in Haowan, Hong Kong and South Korea. Sales volume? Of course, the sales volume is not as good as Feijing's monthly wall calendar or even calendar book.

But Hua Zai's "Pearl River Bicycle" does have good sales.


New Year's Eve has arrived as scheduled, and during this Spring Festival, the blockbusters that have landed in theaters in Hong Kong and even South Korea are (manslaughter).

Although (Manslaughter) has been released in the mainland for more than a month and has gradually entered the next release period, some viewers, such as Hu Yong, Lao Fan and other families, rushed back to the mainland to watch the movie during the New Year's Day holiday.

But the vast majority of viewers in Hong Kong and South Korea have never seen it. At 0:00 on the first day of the Lunar New Year, (Manslaughter) accounted for 70% of the scheduled films. Countless families who still want to stay up late are also a group of people. A group, entering the theater in a procession.

Wait until the morning light shines.

The newly released daily newspapers are already full of comments about Liang Jiahui's new masterpiece.

Kowloon Daily: "An extraordinary criminal investigation mystery movie, highly recommended (Manslaughter). This movie is completely different from traditional criminal investigation reasoning. The opening chapter points out that the good guy and his family kill the bad guy, and the bad guy works hard to chase the murderer."

"The story of more than 100 minutes seems to be a big family battle between two different classes, but when you calm down, it turns out to be the values ​​of good and evil, emotion and law, right and wrong... Tony Leung Ka-fai will always be the god, the god of acting!"

Oriental Daily: "Check his movie-watching record for a year! His domineering lines may seem absurd and a little weird, but they contain infinite subtleties. Liang Jiahui summed up a man with a very low education level, but with super knowledge and experience in daily life. The ability, a primary school dropout who is good at capturing public psychology and knows how to correct mistakes in time, is a great performance!"

Kwun Tong Industrial News: "The new year's masterpiece (Manslaughter) is worth recommending. It is a confrontation and a battle of skills between two different classes. By the way, the female director Gong Li has an unusually domineering figure. It must be stuffed with props... …”

Ming Pao: "Super exciting manslaughter. I just hope that the public will not go too far when learning knowledge and abilities from movies..."


On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, Hong Kong residents and even South Korean citizens were all flooded with the video (Manslaughter). During the New Year greetings, countless people listened and even joined in the discussion.

The last time Liang Jiahui attracted so much public attention and discussion was the last time.

What do you think of the movie Manslaughter? The filming is indeed very exciting and classic. It is even more exaggerated than the duel between the two heroes in (Dark War). It consumes both IQ and brain.

This is a family of elementary school dropouts, who worked hard to raise their daughter, and finally raised her daughter up, but suddenly encountered a charming daughter from the second generation of officials and wealthy people, and even made a video to try to turn her into a plaything.

Accidentally, resistance and self-defense went a little too far...

Triggering the nightmare of a collapse of the family life of a normal citizen class, facing the pressure of the vicious second-generation police commissioner mother and even the mayor-candidate father? ?

A small citizen simply relied on his own wisdom, experience, and ability to correct mistakes in time to devise a nearly perfect scheme and tell a huge lie, allowing countless ordinary people to help him perjury in a confused manner and interfere with the police's arrest and interrogation.

It was just like what the newspaper said. It was made clear at the beginning who the murderer was. The villain had been trying to catch the murderer of a good family, but he could never catch it.

The family bureau of Liang Jiahui, Hu Huizhong, Wan Qiwen, and Chen Hao, faced with the superior carnivorous class like Simon Yam and Gong Li, showed a perfect sheep versus wolf big game battle.

After the release of the original version (Manslaughter), because it is a remake, there is a comparison with the original version (Manslaughter). The remake is also exciting and high-quality, but it always loses a lot of momentum and will be compared with the original version in various ways. , suppressed the reputation.

This version is an exemplary masterpiece of IQ games and how small citizens face the oppression of giants. It is a masterpiece of resistance by small people that can be used in textbooks.

As long as the acting is not stretched, it is close to perfection.

It only started to be released at 0 o'clock on the first day of the first lunar month, and at 8 o'clock in the morning, there were countless newspaper reviews of the film in Hong Kong and South Korea. Of course...it was due to the fact that it had been released in the mainland for more than a month.

Not only is Tony Leung Ka-fai announcing to the film and television industry his actor-level acting prowess like The Return of the King, but two new stars, Wan Qi-wen and Chen Hao, are also highly praised.

Ah Hui and Hu Huizhong have long been accustomed to all this. However, Chen Hao, who went back to his hometown of Qingshi to celebrate the New Year, was just 12 years old this year, and countless big guys from Qingshi came to greet him for the New Year. They were waiting for this Qingshi to set an example and bring glory to his hometown in the future.

Although for Shandong Province, Gong Li has long been the business card of Shandong Province and has brought countless brilliance to her hometown.

But under Gong Lilu's business card, the glory of Quancheng shines brighter.

Chen Haozhi and Lu Sheng can be regarded as taking over from Gong Li, which represents the handover between the old and new generations, but its meaning to Qingshi is different.

This is the new first flag!

What is there in Qingshi? There are many, many, and Tsingshi Beer is definitely one of the representatives of countless well-known products. As early as 1988, the sales volume of Tsingshi Beer in North America has reached 1.24 million boxes per year. It is the same as Guangdong Strong Beer. The world's leading product.


Repulse Bay Villa, Hong Kong Island.

When Zhao Donghuai sent away another group of people who came to pay New Year greetings, Azhen came over and said with a smile, "Boss, after Chen Hao made the New Year greeting call, she said she wanted to ask if Qingshi Beer from her hometown wanted to visit Hong Kong this year. Is there any hope for the island to be listed on the market?”

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, and soon remembered that Tsingshi Beer was indeed one of the first groups listed in Hong Kong among all mainland enterprises.

The original track was to be listed in Hong Kong in 1993. At the same time, it was a petrochemical company.

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai's intervention is just the icing on the cake, not a timely help.

The next moment he smiled and said, "You can help me make appointments with the people from the Stock Exchange. It's a good thing that Tsingshi Beer wants to be listed on Hong Kong Island."

Although him coming forward to help is the icing on the cake, the icing on the cake is infinitely better than adding insult to injury. He doesn't mind having a few more friends.

Tsingshi Beer landed on Hong Kong Island in the late 1970s. Due to the brewing war, the brewing incident occurred and the success fell short. However, the brewery did not lack strength and had already opened up the market in Europe and the United States.

Is it Haojiang next door to Hong Kong Island? Last year, according to statistics on beer sales in the entire market, Strong Beer accounted for 53% of sales, followed closely by Qingshi Beer, which accounted for 39%. It can be said that the combination of the two beers almost dominates the entire market!

San Miguel, Carlsberg, Cordon Bleu, etc., together they only account for a single-digit market share.

This is still the dimension that Zhao Donghuai has influenced. In the original trajectory, Haojiang was the same place. In this year, Qingshi Beer already accounts for 60+% of the total market share in beer sales!

At this stage, among the citizens of Hong Kong, Power Beer is the boss, and Tsingshi Beer is the second. Zhao Donghuai almost forgot that he also holds 49% of the shares of Power Beer, which is comparable to the director level of Qingshi Brewery. .

Qiu Shuzhen smiled and said, "When Tsingshi Beer is launched on Hong Kong Island, do you want me to buy some to support it?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "If you have pocket money, buy more. It will be more profitable than investing in real estate and waiting for appreciation."

He has already recalled the general experience of Tsingshi Beer. It was originally listed in 1993. The issue price was 6.38 yuan per share and the opening price was 15 yuan. Without mentioning the internal situation of the issue price, the opening price was collected directly from the market. , 100 shares are 1,500 yuan, and 1 million shares are only 15 million Hong Kong dollars.

Starting in 1993 and continuing until 2021, dividends have been accumulated to shareholders every year. If you hold 1 million shares, you will receive 8 million Hong Kong dollars in dividends over 20 years.

Note, this is just a dividend!

If the 1 million shares you hold have not been moved, then in 2021, based on the market value during that time period, the 1 million shares purchased for HK$15 million will already have a market value of HK$98 million.

This is if Tsingshi Beer is the icing on the cake and goes public this year. Azhen will spend 15 million to buy stocks. If she doesn't buy internal stocks, she will just follow the trend of the market and earn more than 100 million in 31 years.

What about benchmark prices? The average residential price on Hong Kong Island is now HK$1,900 per square foot, but in 2016 it was only HK$13,000 per square foot.

It seems that there is not much difference between it and investment real estate, but don’t forget that in this dimension, there is the Zhao Donghuai effect, that is, with the development of the New Territories, the new communities of Tai Hang Village and Wu Da Xing are built more high-end than Yau Tsim Wong. The community is also more livable and the transportation is more convenient.

In 30 years' time, the development of the New Territories will not be any worse than that of Kowloon.

Once there is more land and there are no real estate trusts that will not allow it to be developed, the average housing price in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon will not be able to appreciate as exaggeratedly as it did in the original trajectory.

So in summary, if you invest in financial management and buy stocks such as Tsingshi Beer at this stage, you can make more money by holding it in your hands for 20 to 30 years than investing in real estate all year round.

This still refers to the public opening price of 15 yuan per share, not the issue price of 6.3 yuan. If calculated at 6.3 yuan, it would cost 6.38 million Hong Kong dollars now. By 2021, it will be a change of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars, an appreciation of 20 times.

Qiu Shuzhen's eyes lit up after hearing the simple explanation, "In the next thirty years, the market value will increase five to ten times? Then I will buy 2 million shares with 30 million first."

30 million... Zhao Donghuai led the air transportation and land transportation, and ran the inland Moscow trade, with a month's pocket money as dividends.

She is like this, and so are Zhou Huimin, Guan Jiahui, He Qing and others. They all earn 30 million a month and 360 million a year for two years.

Even when Qiu Shuzhen returned to her hometown to open a cushion factory, she invested HK$50 million in start-up capital, not from New World Passenger Transport, but from pocket money.

Of course, this wave of listings... As long as he puts the icing on the cake and exerts his efforts, it should not be just Tsingshi Beer. It will be like the original trajectory, with a group of companies going public together.

When Azhen buys 2 million shares of Tsingshi Beer, Wang Zuxian and others can buy others. Tsingshi Beer is just an example. Many of the mainland government-owned stocks listed in Hong Kong in the 1990s have the same explosive power to make people rich.

This kind of investment and financial management means that Zhao Donghuai is too embarrassed to ask for the issue price, otherwise it will be the same as spending a small amount of money to grab Microsoft and Oracle stocks in 1986 and waiting to get rich in the 21st century.

This can only be seen in the long-term and short-term... The short-term pattern is that Qingshi Beer went public in 1993 and rose a lot, but fell sharply in 1994. Later, it slowly rose back to 95 and 96. The longer it goes, the higher the price. The higher the increase.

After Azhen ran to make an appointment with relevant people from the Stock Exchange and finished her work, she came back with a smile and said, "Boss, it's time for you to give out a big New Year gift package. I'm not greedy, just give me tens of billions."

"No serious person would wear makeup. It's all for internal use."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."


The Spring Festival holiday has passed by in a hurry.

The Spring Festival in the early 1990s still had a strong New Year flavor, and people were dazzled by the various fireworks displays.

When February 5th came, which was also the tenth day of the first lunar month, (Manslaughter) was released in Hong Kong and South Korea for ten days, and achieved brilliant results.

The box office of Hong Kong Island exceeded 27 million Hong Kong dollars, and Wanwan's 29 million Hong Kong dollars. This is Hu Huizhong's bonus. Sister Hu is also the business card of Wan Province. Her business card halo surpasses Lin Qingxia, and Xiao Yingying is just a late follower. .

In South Korea, Manslaughter also received 2 million viewers, with a total box office of 36 million Hong Kong dollars.

Island countries and Southeast Asia sell ports for HK$30 million.

For Zhao's Pictures, it is a major project in East and Southeast Asia, with box office sales exceeding HK$600 million. Even in North America, the ten-day performance was US$12 million, and in Europe it was more than US$9 million.

If it continues, the total box office revenue (manslaughter) will also exceed one billion Hong Kong dollars.

The global total box office is above one billion and below one billion, there are two levels!

The data report was like this. Zhao Donghuai put it down after reading it. It was not until Xiaoxian reported that Xingzai came with the finished film (domestic Lingling paint) that he nodded.

Domestic Lingling paint.

"Do you think you can't be found if you hide? It's useless. You are such a charming man. No matter where you are, you are like a firefly in the night..."

"Don't you want to be local? I'm very famous in this area!"

“Regent Hotel!”

“I got a part-time job doing research in a mental hospital.”

"How can it be so easy to kill me while floating on the water with my iron legs?"


When he heard that Ah Xing was coming, a bunch of classic and magical lines and scenes suddenly came to Zhao Donghuai's mind.

This is one of Xingzi's most unrestrained masterpieces during his peak period. The original work was still Black Inland Black's Wild Infinite, but at this stage it has been changed to Linglingqi from the other side of the bend.

He still had some small expectations.

The filming period lasted for more than two months from mid-November last year to February 5th. With the fast-shooting style of Li Lichi and Xingzi, it was possible to get it done.

After a while, I met Xingzi and had a brief chat. When I was about to go to the screening room, Xing had already left. Wang Zuxian asked curiously, "Should we watch the Chinese female protagonist version or the white female protagonist version?"

The Chinese female protagonist is naturally Chen Derong and Li Zhi, and the white female protagonist is Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz.

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "Let's watch the Chinese female protagonist version first. The white female protagonist version is just a little trick used by Xingzi to make money, and it won't make any difference."

This year, 1990, there are still a lot of blockbusters waiting to be released in warehouses. Not to mention (the time-travel version of Ip Man 2) is in the ballast, this (domestic Lingling Paint) is here again, it is (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) ) is also in ballast.

I heard that Xu Ke’s (New Dragon Gate Inn) is almost finished filming.

There is also Cheng Long's (Police Story 4), which was filmed in the island country. It just took off yesterday and is expected to be completed on February 20 at most, and then there is (Laughing Lin Boy).

This outrageous thing has been scheduled for the summer blockbuster (Jurassic Park 2) or (Wanted 2) (Spider-Man 1)...

Even if film production is stopped now, the schedule of good movies this year is almost full.

Zhao Donghuai himself is quite speechless when things have developed to the current situation. In 2022, before he time traveled, it was difficult for him to be interested in entering movie theaters among the blockbusters released around the world in the past year.

When watching online, there may be two or three good movies a year.

After watching a 90-minute movie, he walked back to the office and reminisced about the familiar laughter. Wang Zuxian came back rubbing his belly and said, "A Xing and the others are so funny. It's really... how many years has it taken for the film and television industry to be like this?" A wizard?"

"The difference between him and a cold-faced smiler like Xu Guanwen is really huge."

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help laughing, "After this movie is released, the market value of 100 Years Pictures will definitely increase again."

"By the way, you go ask Lao Wu and the others to come over, and we'll study the difficulty of showing it in Wanwan."


A few hours later.

Brother Wu from Zhushe, Wang Yu, Ke Junxiong and others also walked out of the screening room on the 12th floor of the ATV headquarters with stomachaches from laughing.

After finally taking a few sips of tea in the reception area of ​​the office and calming down, Old Wu said, "Sheng Zhao, there will definitely be no problem in releasing it, it won't be difficult... That guy in Yanli only cares about making money, what if he has money?" All is OK.”

Wang Yudu nodded, "Yes, at this stage it's just a question of whether it's worth giving them money. There are ways to do it without giving money. Let's just say it can be released in North America. Why can't it be released in theaters over there? You Discriminating against North America?”

Ke Junxiong couldn't help but seconded, "I think it's a waste to give money away. How about we go back and find someone to run it? After the theater is released, the tax itself is not a small amount of money. If the domestic Lingling paint sells well over there, With more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars, isn’t that also 5 to 6 million in tax revenue?”

"It's equivalent to 20 million new bent coins."

This version of the domestic version of Lingling Paint features the Golden Gunman and so on. Anyway, Wang Yu waits for a vote and turns to the big brother over there, so he thinks it's quite normal, so don't disturb your basics.

This is the darkest era over there, and they are the ones who feel it the most. Let’s just say that in Black Gold, the eldest brother Zhou Chaoxian wanted to be chosen. How much did he spend? ?

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, you guys can run down there when the movie is showing over there."

Lao Wu and others happily agreed.

Wanjia Cinemas belongs to Zhao Donghuai himself. They can contribute a little bit to the screening level, which proves that they are not idlers or freeloaders.

If they really are idle people and can only wait to earn a living, then why should Zhao Donghuai let them join the circle and join this film and television trend sweeping the world? ?

Lao Wu also laughed after the surprise, "(Xiao Lin Boy) has been filming for almost 20 days. Even though we have a week off during the Spring Festival, the filming is still very fast. The main reason is that the leading actors can keep up and are not afraid of being pulled apart."

"The most difficult thing is Fengzi. It's quite hard for a ten-year-old child to do all kinds of tricks with wires. Mr. Zhao, I'll leave it to you to release the movie after it's finished."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and waved his hands, indicating that these guys could get out of the way.

He is only 26 years old, and his 26th birthday has not yet passed.


the same day.

Bianliang, Jin Chaoyu, He Jiajing, and the main creative team including Zhang Jiayi, Lu Songxian, Zhang Zhilin, Lin Jiadong and other members of Bianliang F4 (Bao Qingtian) arrived at the Huazhi flagship store in Gulou District and settled in.

A group of people, led by Zhang Jiayi, walked out of the hotel and planned to visit Bianliang Street. Standing under the canopy of a 20-story five-star hotel building and looking at the street scene, Zhang Jiayi smiled and said, "Let me tell you first, I am from Chang'an. It’s not too far from Bianliang…”

"Actually, compared to you, it's not too far. I've never been here before. If this tour guide is incompetent, don't blame me."

After the Spring Festival, ATV’s flagship TV series (Bao Qingtian), which was promoted to star, will also officially start the war. They are all named and arranged by Zhao Donghuai himself.

And before coming to Hong Kong, I also went to ATV for an interview, mainly with Zhao Donghuai deciding the style and tone of this version (Bao Qingtian).

The situation of stage plays is quite outstanding... This Jin Chaoyu himself is nothing. He is 39 years old this year and started performing in stage plays at the age of 18. He is a very senior person.

But so far, Jin Chaoyu is still worried. He can't understand why he will be the leading actor in such a big ATV project? ?

Feeling frightened and lacking confidence, Jin Chaoyu smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, you can lead the way and we can have fun, and we won't be afraid of anything happening. But on the way here, I felt that Bianliang has developed very well..."

"Some places are more prosperous than Benbei, although they are only partially developed."

Could Bianliang in 1990 be as good as, or even better than, Jianbwanbei in some areas? ? This is due to the butterfly effect of Zhao Donghuai. You must know that he came to Bianliang to film (Female Medical Saint) in 1987 and guest-starred as Song Renzong.

Since then, three Wanjia supermarkets with two floors underground and five floors above ground have been built and recruitment has begun. Huazhi Hotel flagship stores, plus more than ten floors of express chains, are also under construction.

With the landmark construction templates of Huazhi and Wanjia, as well as the film and television resources of the Song Dynasty film and television dramas, the local leaders of Bianliang must have this vision. There is a lot of big investment around the chains of Huazhi, Wanjia, and Baijia. , in the Song Dynasty Imperial City with Drum Tower, Kaifeng Mansion, Baogong Lake, Daxiangguo Temple, Qingming Shanghe Garden and other places.

Invest heavily in construction! !

The appearance of the new street is developed and constructed to compete with Vanguard and Huazhi Hotels. Just talking about streetscape planning, it looks taller than some of the old streetscapes on Hong Kong Island.

Because in the most prosperous area of ​​Hong Kong Island, there are too many old tenement buildings that are so dense that there is no light, and there are too many old neighborhoods.

Bianliang began to design the overall reconstruction plan for the Drum Tower area in the spring and summer of 1987. Everyone knows that in the future, more and more crews will come here to film Song Dynasty film and television dramas...

Really don’t worry about development!

Naturally, the higher the construction standard, the better.

This area is a group of ancient buildings from the Song Dynasty, combined with modern streetscapes and high-rise building planning, between roads and between residential areas...the construction planning is even higher than that of the capital of Henan Province.

The hit TV series "Female Medical Saint" has brought massive tourism resources to Bianliang and earned foreign exchange income. Therefore, when Zhao Donghuai first came, the streets were full of one- and two-story buildings, and there were bicycles and even horse-drawn horses everywhere. City image with trolley.

In Bianliang as a whole, there are still many like that.

But some blocks in Gulou have already resembled what Bianliang looked like in the late 2000s.

Even if it's just a few streets, it's still a big change.

Zhang Jiayi laughed, "This is all because of film and television tourism. Some neighborhoods in our hometown Chang'an are also like this. I heard that it is similar in Luoyi. It's just that Bianliang You (female medical saint) took the lead, and Chang'an You (Gu Sword Love) deep) swept the world.”

"It seems that there are no film and television projects in the prosperous Tang Dynasty in Luoyi. Let's go, let's visit the old sights of Kaifeng Mansion first? The real historical site..."

(Bao Qingtian) At this stage, they don’t know how many episodes to shoot for this TV series. Zhao Donghuai originally planned five units, but there will be at least twenty or thirty episodes in the five units, many of which are Bao Qingtian played by Jin Chaoyu. , went to court to solve the case in Kaifeng Mansion.

Zhang Zhilin smiled brightly, "Then go quickly, I can't wait for a long time."

Zhang Zhilin is the big villain in "Manslaughter" (Manslaughter), a global hot-selling movie with the potential to sell over 1 billion Hong Kong dollars. He is the modern version of Gao Yanei who was accidentally killed by Wan Qiwen's mother and daughter.

That kind of role... He was so looking forward to it being aired after the filming (Bao Qingtian) was completed, so that he could cleanse his image.

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