Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 311 Wouldn’t it be nice for him to earn a little more?

Involution happens everywhere.

If you are the first employee of a company to take the lead in internal intrusion, you can be called a scab within the company, but people like Huang Jinshen and Zhao Yazhi who take the lead in insurgency and donate school teaching buildings and so on.

This is so loving.

Of course, they cannot be called the first to be involved, such as Liang Jiahui, who finished filming (The Legend of Wang Wenxia) a few years ago. After it was released, both Jiahui and Mak Yuen-hsiung donated a wave of teaching buildings, but in the celebrity circle Not many imitated them.

Not to mention the buildings donated by Zhao Donghuai and Shao Yifu.

Zhao Yazhi and Huang Jinshen can only be regarded as the first in this wave of all-stars to return to their ancestral hometowns in the mainland to build factories and provide welfare, and the first to propose donating school buildings.

After serving a buffet and sitting in the restaurant area about to start eating, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "How much money do you plan to donate to build a teaching building?"

Zhao Yazhi smiled and said, "Let's donate 5 million Hong Kong dollars first, and we will see the specific situation later."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "It's quite a lot. I'm very sincere. After converting the 5 million Hong Kong dollars into foreign exchange certificates this year, I can build many buildings in primary and secondary schools."

With Zhao Yazhi’s celebrity status, donate 5 million?

In fact, Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised that the other party could offer so much money. When she was most popular, she was filming (Chu Liuxiang) (Shanghai Beach), which was a fixed salary of about 1,000 yuan a month!

Hong Kong will become popular, but if you expect Shao Daheng to pay her tens of thousands of yuan for a movie, or several thousand yuan for an episode, it is just a dream.

In 1979, when she starred in the movie "The Robbery", her salary of more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars was already the highest salary for a female star.

In the past two years, they filmed TV series on Laosan Channel over there, which cost tens of thousands of yuan per TV series. Therefore, Zhao Yazhi and Huang Jinshen’s main income was from advertising!

Shooting a commercial for a normal company can earn hundreds of thousands, which is a bonus of the times for celebrities in Hong Kong and even mainland China to collectively increase their film salaries.

There are also all-stars who bring goods... In fact, Zhao Yazhi also adopts the popular model when it comes to bringing goods. However, in recent years, her popularity has been sluggish, and her sales income is the lowest, let alone Yuan Jieying, Lan Jieying, Zhou Haimei and other top stars competed.

Liu Jialing, Ye Yuqing, etc. are much better than her.

After all, Zhao Yazhi did not have any film works after 1984. She married Huang Jinshen in 1985 and took a break from acting for three years. She only returned to Wanwan to take on a few TV series in 1988.

Besides, these two have three children to raise at home.

Huang Jinshen has appeared in many movies in the past few years, really many, and he is a model worker. He has worked on 20 or 30 crews in four or five years, but him? ? The remuneration is surprisingly low, and the popularity is even more like that of a minor role.

Not to mention that the other party asked to donate 5 million, she was able to come up with 2 million Hong Kong dollars, which was a figure that surprised Zhao Donghuai.

Huang Jinshen smiled again and said, "Isn't it (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) is about to be released? At the end of this month, I plan to have the bean curd factory go into full production and stock up on more goods, waiting for Azhi to become popular again and sell it." There’s a wave of merchandise.”

"Thanks to Zhao Sheng for your support, the role played by Azhi in the movie is really positive."

"The people over there heard that Azhi would have a chance to become famous, and they all wanted to sign a new film contract with her. The price they offered was HK$30,000 per episode, which is several times more expensive than before."

"Feiteng Pictures has handed over the script. The script is (joking about Qianlong) and they still plan to have Azhi and Qiu Guan collaborate."

Director Zhao, who was drinking hot spicy soup, almost vomited. He knew that the joke about Qianlong was a heavyweight work that re-exploited Sister Azhi's career. Cai Xingjuan's song (Ask for Love) was a brainwashing song for countless people.

And this TV series is also the originator of historical dramas. Even in this dimension, Zhao Donghuai is constantly making various magical changes, but starting from (The Legend of the Sword), until (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) (Red Cliff Up and Down), (The Legend of Wan Guifei) ), no joke.

It's basically half historical fact, half love story, half major war, etc., all copied from history books.

Does this drama say that the originator drama now has a script? ?

After swallowing the spicy soup while suppressing the messiness, Zhao Donghuai shook his head and said, "Joking about Qianlong is too nonsense, joking about Zhengde is not nonsense. If you have this idea, why not film it (joking about Zhengde)?"

"You played Wan Zhen'er in (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui), then you can continue to promote it and have a little drama with Emperor Zhengde to discuss the plot. You guys will call Qiuguan later. If he is interested, my ATV will Come shoot this new project.”

"During the Zhengde period, there were countless outstanding people. Not to mention Tang Bohu, plots such as Prince Ning's rebellion, Wang Shouren is a treasure-level character. There are so many good stories that can be filmed."

"Furthermore, many of Gu Long's novels are set in the Ming Dynasty. If you just get the copyright and let the knights in Gu Long's world appear, it will be much more creative than joking about Qianlong."

"But if the rhythm of martial arts is added, it would be reasonable for any master in Gu Long to be easily suppressed by Wang Shouren."

Huang Jinshen was stunned for a second, and then nodded with joy, "Well, as for acting (joking about Zhengde), Azhi will definitely choose ATV's big project, this one is incomparable!"

It is indeed a good opportunity!

I just hurried back to Bianliang from Hong Kong Island yesterday, intending to flatter someone and gain favor. Is there a project today? ? This is so exciting.

(Joking about Qianlong) or (joking about Zhengde), will it have any impact on Zhao Yazhi? Is there any difference? None.

As for Qiu Guan's role in righteousness? Qiuguan will definitely not refuse. No one in the current Asian film and television industry will refuse the project proposed by Zhao Donghuai.


After a while, Zhao Donghuai had breakfast and left.

Huang Jinshen and Zhao Yazhi also went back to the room in surprise. They signed a check for five million and planned to transfer the money to Bianliang. Huang Jinshen said with emotion, "It really takes a lot of effort to flatter people. This five million Once it comes out, our family will be empty."

"I'll save money on buying toys and clothes for Ajie next month, but it's almost here. The blockbuster movie will be released next month, and your sister Zhi's fermented bean curd can also boost sales."

"You can also look forward to the income from carrying Japanese products in other department stores."

Zhao Yazhi nodded repeatedly, "If you don't bear the child, you can't trap the wolf."

Her and Huang Jinshen's child is only 3 years old this year, and it's time for them to be noisy, but they only hold on tight for a short time, for the sake of a brighter and brighter future.

If you temporarily neglect to take care of Ajie, the child will definitely understand when he grows up. As for how to build a building after donating money, it's really a basic question. The teaching building donated by Zhao Donghuai was donated by Shao Yifu, and it exists in Hedali.

Just look for the previous construction team and you'll be able to get things done.


February 10th arrived as scheduled.

There are already six Wanjia supermarkets in Bianliang. At around 7 o'clock in the morning, each of them is packed with spectators waiting to see (Wan Province Linglingqi). The large number of spectators are mostly young men and women.

The Lantern Festival is not only a traditional festival and holiday, but also the most popular time for young men and women in the new era to go on blind dates and go shopping.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the first show (Ban Sheng Lingling Qi) started. Zhao Donghuai looked at Li Jiaxin and Wang Zuxian on his left and right with a speechless expression, and pulled him into the theater to wait to watch the movie.

The two women were fully equipped with hats and masks, and were wearing fashionable and slim-fitting Han Tianxia down jackets and thermal underwear. They were walking in the crowd before. Apart from being tall enough to make countless people look at them, they were not conspicuous.

It was only 1990, and the average height of women in the Mainland had not yet risen, so Ah Xin and Xiao Xian were both over 1.7 meters tall. They looked like supermodels and looked really outstanding in their clothes.

At this moment, in the theater, Xiaoxian and Axin were sitting next to him, one on the left and one on the right. The seat on the other side of the two women facing away was the Pan-Asian female bodyguard.

There is nothing unusual about this same row of lineups, even if they are seen by outsiders.

The position behind the three people and the position in front of them are also Pan-Asian bodyguards.

Zhao Donghuai just whispered wordlessly, "You have watched it two or three times at home, why do you have to come to the theater to watch it again?"

Wang Zuxian said excitedly, "It's different, it's really different. Sometimes, it's fun to wait to see other people's reactions to classic movies in the theater. Those of us who have watched it can watch it together with those who haven't. A kind of preemption..."

"How should I put it? Whether you are the first to complain or the first to burst into laughter, there is a different feeling of watching the movie."

Zhao Donghuai is numb, can you now experience the joy of barrage? ?

The next moment, Li Jiaxin turned back to several bodyguards and said, "We will watch the movie later. Remember to stay calm and don't charge us with soda and popcorn. This movie is really funny."

Several bodyguards looked at each other.

The movie officially opens...

At the beginning, a military gangster in the province robbed dinosaur bones, and the agent codenamed Zero 2 beat dozens of them. It was a normal gunfight action movie, and the fight was very exciting until he was shot to death by the man with the golden gun.

The audience had the mentality of watching an ordinary blockbuster and exclaimed again and again.

Mainly exclaiming that The Man with the Golden Gun's guns and bullets are too perverted, almost like cheating, and the goggles of The Man with the Golden Gun are like fluoroscopes, displaying the high-tech scanning power of computers, which is also very addictive. Feel.

With Yu Rongyun's height and temperament, it would be no problem to play a super powerful and serious agent.

The style of painting... mainly starts from the silhouette version of the opening song where Zhou Xingxing pulls a pretty girl to dance, and the style of painting changes!

After the opening credits, there is a morning market stall in the middle of the road, and the supporting dancer Li Zi appears. As soon as the classic lines come out, the pork guy-shaped Xing Zai relies on his styling and hairstyle to act as a graceful pork prince.

The whole theater couldn't stop laughing.

Throughout the movie, the things that needed to be fixed were naturally made to be in line with Bensheng's character, which also greatly changed the Bianliang audience's image of Bensheng.

The combination of Luo Jiaying and Zhou Xingxing naturally appears much less frequently than Xingzi and Wu Mengta, but... But after this combination appeared on the big screen, Luo Jiaying's Da Wenxi simply made countless audiences gush and burst into laughter. I couldn't stop laughing, and my stomach ached from laughing.

When the 16-year-old Chen Derong appeared on the scene, with neat short hair and the face of Bai Yueguang's first love, countless viewers gasped. I don't know how many male viewers were fascinated. It was nothing more than Bai Yueguang appearing in a love movie. It's a goddess.

But appearing in Xing Zai's comedy movie? ? It is simply a transformation from a goddess into a super funny person, which makes people almost blind when they look at it.

Here are the bosses from different areas in Benzhong and Bennan competing for dinosaur bones.

Ling Lingqi, played by Zhou Xingxing, appears on Hong Kong Island. When he goes to the Regent Hotel, it belongs to the most handsome and cool film and television scene. The original pork guy transforms into a handsome guy in a suit...

I don't know how many female audience members in the theater shouted "so handsome, so handsome". Why didn't they realize that Zhou Xingxing was a handsome guy before?

But the appearance of the Regent Hotel... a divine turn.

He can only be handsome for three seconds, and he always has the best reaction in Zhou Xingxing's movies!


At the end of a 90-minute movie, Xiaoxian and Ah Xin still rubbed their bellies and left. Including a large number of viewers at the same screening, as long as they entered, no one could walk out as they did before the show started.

"Damn it, that actor Li Xiangqin is too beautiful. I feel like I will never be able to fall in love with another woman from today on. What should I do?"

"Tch, I still think Li Zhi is better. That figure is so illegal... The white flowers made me nose bleed!"

"Xingzai is so handsome when he sings. He's so handsome that the female audience members around me are almost drooling. It's a pity..."

"It's a bit strange. Isn't this a comedy star? Why do I often feel that he is so handsome on TV that it's a bit foul??"

"The knife is the sword of Xiao Li Fei Dao, and the flying is the flying of Xiao Li Fei Dao? I feel that this is the most glorious moment of Xiao Li Fei Dao!"

"Hong Kong Island is prosperous. I used to think that the area around the Gulou Huazhi Hotel was the pinnacle of luxury that I could wish for in my life. If I could have a suite there in the future, I would have no regrets. But I feel that the Regent Hotel is more enjoyable. Tsk, those big white legs..."

"Never try a gun casually in the future!! It feels like in the movie, Li Xiangqin was turned crazy by the stars..."

"What did you say? That actor Li Xiangqin is at Zhengzhou Dongjiao Airport? Really or not? Fuck, wait for me, I'll go right away."


As the crowd walked out of Wanjia General Store, Zhao Donghuai and others could see that the audience was excitedly talking about the new film.

The popularity simply cannot stop. This is one of Xingzi's most powerful masterpieces at his peak.

Xingzi during the Linglingqi era was really better at acting than during the Gambling Saint and Gambler eras, and he felt a bit effortless when it came to pretending. It is estimated that he can surpass this level only during the (God of Cookery) (King of Comedy) period.

Was it when a young man holding a mobile phone suddenly heard that Li Xiangqin had appeared at Dongjiao Airport while answering the phone? He asked loudly and rushed to meet the star immediately.

The entire Gulou Wanjia Branch was in complete chaos!

Even Zhao Donghuai was surprised when he walked to the roadside, "Chen Derong came to Henan Province?"

Wang Zuxian nodded, "Yes, isn't this the two days ago. Are you going to organize Zhao Yazhi and Qiu Guan to shoot (joking about Zhengde)? It's the resources that Sister Zhi got from a visit to Bianliang."

"As soon as the news spreads, it's hard for others to tell. Chen Derong will definitely not miss it. Her ancestral home is also in Yu Province. Her father was born in 1919, but he had no money before. Before starring in (Wan Province Lingling Paint), he only ran She is a bit player, so she hasn’t opened a factory in the mainland yet.”

"I asked about it on the phone. I just came here to find some opportunities and think about what kind of factory to open."

Once this movie (Ling Lingqi) explodes, Chen Derong's financial path will indeed open up. She will no longer be a novice who is easily targeted by island club members just because she goes home without a bodyguard.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Forget it, he won't make any comments.

If we really want to mix resources, we can put Chen Derong into the crew (jokingly speaking of Zhengde), so that he can appear in TV series and play big roles.

Do you think (joking about Zhengde) besides Zhao Yazhi, are there any other outstanding roles? Just like in the original version (a joke about Qianlong), the maids beside the emperor are smart, lively and cute. The emperor took them with him when he went to Jiangnan several times... Isn't this a lot of scenes?

When Xiaoxian said this, Li Jiaxin was also happy, "It's a bit funny. Zhang Xueyou's song "Li Xianglan" hasn't been released yet. The whole album is still in production, but Xingzi got it in the movie and sang it so well. Sounds good?"

"I guess Zhang Xueyou is speechless right now."

Zhao Donghuai also laughed. He once said that except for Xue You when he first debuted, he copied Sad Pacific to him, and the rest followed the normal song rhythm.

Otherwise, the fourth of the Four Heavenly Kings would not be in constant dispute with fans of Xue Yu, Wang Jie and others, and they would all be fighting for their own idols.

It is in the new album that is expected to be released this summer that the song Li Xianglan is included. The entire album has ten songs, but now only five or six songs have been released one after another, and the others are still being prepared.

Xing Zai did this in advance in the movie, and it was quite magical.

Even in the 2020s, how many movie fans will relive the classic just for that live piano performance singing Li Xianglan?

How can I say this song by Li Xianglan? It feels like that when I first listen to it, but in the movie scenes, Xingzai's performance is a bit unusual and handsome... Listening to the song alone is not as good as listening to it together with the movie scenes.


A new day is February 11th.

After Zhao Donghuai got up, he was still eating in the suite when he heard a knock on the door. When Xiaoxian walked over and opened the door, he found that it was Chen Derong.

After Ah Rong came in, she shouted excitedly, "Boss, (Wan Sheng Lingling Qi) yesterday in the Mainland, the daily box office was 56.72 million yuan. Oh my god, 56.72 million yuan in one day, so powerful!"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Calm down, it's indeed your turn to get angry."

Yuan Yongyi, the heroine in the original version of Bensheng Linglingqi, is not bad either. It's just that Xing Zai didn't take a fancy to Yuan Yongyi when he was choosing this new version of the role.

Yuan Yongyi is 19 years old this year. She just graduated from middle school and was admitted to Asia Opera last summer. She is a newcomer who has just joined the industry for one semester. She is older than Chen Derong, but her acting skills are really not as good as Ah Rong.

Yuan Yongyi... This plane should be able to avoid the experience of 500,000 yuan a month. By the way, she is also a daughter from a police family. Her original trajectory was indeed a bit confusing in her early years. It would be fine if she was taken over by 500,000 yuan a month. She can be tricked by being a big name. Cheng Long's head.

It's like Azhi showing off his extreme skills in front of Hua Zai.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Would you like to sit down and have something to eat?"

Chen Derong glanced at the dishes on the table, a little shy, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

It was Xiaoxian who pulled her down and sat down. Xiaoxian and her really had a good relationship. This was similar to the close relationship between Ah Honghui and Weng Hong and others. They all came to Hong Kong Island from Wanwan at a young age to develop. Rong is seven years younger than her, so she really treats her like the girl next door.

Zhao Donghuai chatted while eating, "Yesterday it only opened at 8 a.m. and it accumulated a box office of 56.72 million yuan. Today, there will be more all-day slots. It is Sunday after all."

"It is still due to the continuous expansion of mainland theaters and the number of big screens. In addition, during this period, the trend of blind dates after the Spring Festival is relatively large. Men and women of the right age can make friends. It is more comfortable to go shopping in the cold winter. It is almost optimal. choose."

"After this movie, you can also try to join the crew of Qiu Guan and Azhi (joking about Zhengde). It will be no problem to be an outstanding supporting role."

Mainland theater chains are not only expanding in the new era, Wanjia is also growing. Take Bianliang for example. Three years ago, there were only three branches in the city, but now there are six branches!

Chen Derong nodded repeatedly, indicating that he had listened and would do the same. Then he asked curiously, "Boss, our Aunt Qiong Yao over there wants me to be the heroine of her TV series? Do I want to take it?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, but he did not object, "As long as the salary is enough and you are interested in the film, you can take it if you want. How much salary was given to you before?"

Chen Derong laughed and said, "I used to negotiate a salary of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars per episode, but after the movie "Wan Province Ling Ling Qi" was released yesterday, she planned to offer me a salary of 1 million Hong Kong dollars per episode."

Wang Zuxian complained directly, "All the movies in which you play the heroine have been hit, but you only have one million for a drama? If it's less than 3 million, you can't talk about it."

Countless celebrities have been offered film and television dramas from ATV and Zhao Films, and they can easily take one or two million without turning them down.

No one will find it too little, because many of ATV's big idol dramas, including Wang Zha's drama, have always been top products that sell goods. A good character can bring in goods and income, which lasts for a year and a half, and the loss is several million. It is powerful. Some tens of millions.

How can it be so cheap for the outside world to make film appointments? !

Li Jiaxin was overjoyed, "Lian Yongsheng, Ying Zhijie, and your big brother Zhushe over there, hire celebrities to film. Which one is not a first-line male star? The price is between 800 and 10 million. A first-rate female star starts with 4 to 5 million."

"Qiong Yao doesn't follow the rules better than Brother Zhushe?"

Chen Derong stuck out his tongue and stopped talking. Xiaoxian asked curiously while eating scallion pancakes, "What factory do you want to open in your hometown when you come back this time?"

"By the way, I just found out that Zhao Yazhi plans to triple the monthly salary of the more than 100 employees of her Sister Zhi bean curd factory this month, and has proposed a vacation plan for the new year. All kinds of messy holidays are all A holiday is equivalent to working two days and taking one day off.”

"Three times the salary will be paid for temporary overtime work, and the benefits provided to employees during holidays are far inferior to Wanjia, but vacations, shift changes, etc. are really comparable to Wanjia. Many people started to send her business cards, saying that she is from Yu The most beautiful woman in the province..."

"Aren't you going to steal the limelight from that sister Zhi? You're not bad either."

Chen Derong was stunned and ate a tea egg to calm down the shock. "I haven't thought about it yet. I'm only 16 years old. I'm a business owner... I feel like I don't understand anything. I'm totally confused."

Although she doesn't understand, she feels that she can still compete for the title of the most beautiful woman in Henan Province. Who doesn't have a love for beauty? After all, she was only the second generation of her father's generation who traveled around the world.

Wang Zuxian said happily, "I opened a furniture factory in my hometown. I have seven or eight hundred Good Luck Store chain stores in East and Southeast Asia. I use countless tables, chairs, office chairs, etc. I used to buy them directly, but now I produce them for my own use. Not bad either.”

"It can also be easily sold to ATV, Zhao's Pictures, 100 Years Pictures including Debao, Huazhi, etc. This is a bigger advantage than the cushion factory opened by Azhen and others."

"If you don't have a clue, just start a plastic bucket or basin business and join me in grabbing the market. This can be considered a type of furniture, but the factory I open will not be involved in these fields for the time being."

At this moment, Xiaoxian is completely acting like a big sister. She is taking care of Ah Rong. She is already the king of pre-ordered household furniture, office desks and chairs.

Ah Rong looked grateful and nodded repeatedly. She didn't eat the peeled tea eggs by herself, but put them on Xiao Xian's plate.

If you can be carried away by the big sister, what's wrong with being the little girl peeling eggs at the dinner table? Good thing.

She doesn't know that much, but she knows that she is being led to make money. Who doesn't want to get rich? That guy Fei Jing has become the best example for All-Stars to open a factory and run a business.

In December last year, his calendar factory sold more than HK$500 million in Hong Kong, South Korea and other places. In January this year, his calendar factory also sold more than HK$300 million. This is also on the Top 100 list. Or the factor that reduces the effect of the list of top ten handsome men.

Even so, anyone with a discerning eye knows that in a few years, even if it lasts until next year, it will not be difficult for Feijing's factory to be listed on Hong Kong Island.

Xiaoxian gave the tea eggs to Zhao Donghuai, and then said seriously, "Do you know what is most important in doing business?"

Ah Rong was at a loss, "Sister Xian, tell me, although I don't understand, I can learn."

Only then did Wang Zuxian nod with satisfaction, "Let me figure out what the big boss wants. If you set up a factory, even if you don't have the starting capital now, you will be able to make profits from the goods next month at the latest. I can lend you the initial money."

"But the rules for running your factory must be at least the same as those of Zhao Yazhi's tofu factory. The salary cannot be bad. There is an eight-hour work system. Overtime pay is tripled for overtime work. On average, there are two days of work per year and one day off. This must be guaranteed. live."

"Whether you give 25% of the profit to the management and the workers' union, or 45% of the profit, it's up to you."

How and how much profit should be given? The monthly salary of about 200 yuan is fixed, but at the end of the year, year-end bonuses can be given. If an employee is sick, he can help subsidize some medical expenses. If the family encounters difficulties, they can provide support.

Just copy Wanjia Group's homework.

In this regard, although Lao Li's copycat was not kind, he still had a clear vision. When he first learned about the system of celebrities coming back to open factories, he could see at a glance that this was the Wanjia model infiltrating the 360 ​​line!

It's just that these celebrity bosses don't really give away any profit, but take away 50% or 70%.

Chen Derong looked surprised as he spoke, "Hey, Sister Xian, isn't this good? Isn't it just you boss ladies who give away 45% of the profit? I can also choose 45? What should I do if word spreads that the outside world misunderstands?"

She just looked at Xiaoxian in surprise, looking eager to choose 45%. She was just peeking at Zhao Donghuai a little more obscurely...

Wang Zuxian was speechless.

Li Jiaxin glared at her and said, "You are just thinking about eating shit while you play."

Ah Rong then wilted, with a look of regret on his face, "Then let's settle at 25%, hey..."

After breakfast, Chen Derong went to Pingding City under the protection of the eight male and female bodyguards newly assigned to her.

There is always a process to go through when opening a factory, selecting a location, recruiting workers, etc. As for the initial management airs? Wang Zuxian is very stable as the eldest sister. She directly pulled a group of people from the furniture factory she established in August last year to help.

Parallel to this busyness, "Wan Sheng Lingling Paint" has become even more popular on its second day of release. Whether it is the popularity of Xing Zai or Chen Derong, a rising star, it is sweeping and overwhelming movie fans all over East and Southeast Asia. their audiovisual options.

There are so many places where it’s hard to get a ticket.

Those who have watched it once are eager to buy some scalpers to watch it again. There are still many people urging Xueyou Zhang to release songs and albums quickly!

You said that the original ten-song album is still in production? Let’s release Li Xianglan’s single first. They really can’t wait to listen to the song.

Taking advantage of the trend, Wanjia Supermarket occasionally launched pianos in some branches in mainland China, Haowan, Hong Kong and South Korea. There were already piles of handsome boys wearing Hantianxia brand slim white suits and white trousers, rushing to play songs and pursue beauties. They are.

Of course, no one can play Li Xianglan, but if you play some other popular songs and act cool and handsome like Ah Xing, the trend is still quite good.

Zhao Donghuai also saw a sand table model of the Kaifeng government office compiled by a group of experts at around ten o'clock in the morning. How can I put it, this model is more exquisite and beautiful than the miniature models of real estate communities in the sales departments of various real estate groups in later generations.

For such a big person, Bianliang, he has been here for six days, so sorting this out is trivial.

Not only the sand table model, but also all the data of the real Kaifeng government offices have been compiled. Professor Li from the Department of Architecture of Heda University smiled and introduced, "Sheng Zhao, if construction starts now, we are confident that it will be completed within three months." Developing a tourist attraction like this right on the edge of Jurassic Park.”

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Three months, that's enough."

The originally planned five-unit storyline (Bao Qingtian) took less than three months to complete. The short construction period is naturally the reason why ancient buildings were not tall.

Of course, there are also construction groups with Chinese prefixes, and Huazhi has no shortage of construction corps factors that work in three shifts 24 hours a day.

After seeing off Professor Li and others, Zhao Donghuai also felt that this trip to Bianliang was over and it was time to return to Hong Kong Island.

An unexpected person came to Huazhi flagship store, it was Wang Dashuo.

Seeing the big stone, Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "What, your (Peerless Two Prouds) filming is finished? Are you looking for a schedule?"

Da Shitou made his first foray into the film and television industry. He produced a time-travel version (The Legend of the Condor Heroes) with a big beard, Hong Kong Haowan, South Korea, and Island country star Mattai. He made more than 60 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office, all of which has been sent to his group account. .

The current Vanke is said to be a real estate company, but in fact the film and television department is already more important than real estate.

After all, in addition to earning a large amount of Hong Kong dollars, one film (The Legend of the Condor Heroes) assisted Big Stone in the mainland and pocketed more than 100 million yuan in box office profits.

The project was established in early May last year and was released in November. In just six months, the net profit was about 200 million. Who wouldn’t be hungry for this kind of way to make a fortune? ?

So last November, Big Stone targeted (Peerless Twins)? ?

Under the words, Da Shitou had a toothache on his face, and even looked at Zhao Donghuai with a very sad look, "Zhao Sheng, it's not about the movie. The movie is still being filmed. It's because more and more stars are working with your Wanjia Group. We It’s hard for these entrepreneurs to do business.”

"Is there a possibility? If everyone is the boss and earns a little more, wouldn't it be nice for him?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Fuck, if you pull out a hair and throw it away, it will be more fruitful than the results of your employees who have worked hard all their lives, right?"

Only then did Dashiru smile and clasp his fists, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. This time, a few friends asked me to ask if they also want to enter the film and television industry and open a company to recruit a team. Can tens of thousands of companies in East Asia and Southeast Asia be successful afterwards? theater channels.”

Only then did Zhao Donghuai nod, "It's no big problem. Even the big brother from Zhushe over there spent all his money and came in. As long as he doesn't launder money and operates in a regular manner, I won't refuse. Your friends follow the same rules."

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