Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 312 Pan Jinlian? I? Do you think I look like it?

February 12, Kowloon Tong.

As a screening of "Wan Province Lingling Paint" ended, three little girls without makeup walked out of Wanjia. Chen Huilong couldn't help but sigh, "My father said that being a star or an actor is now the easiest thing for ordinary citizens in Hong Kong. It’s a channel to achieve class jump.”

"It's true..."

"The mainland box office has exceeded 100 million in two days. It is the fastest movie to break 100 million. Even our box office in Hong Kong has exceeded 8 million in two days, and the box office over there has exceeded 10 million Hong Kong dollars in two days."

"Chen Derong is really going to be a big hit, that guy is so lucky."

The people who watched the movie with Chen Huilong were fellow students Yuan Yongyi and Zhongshan Shinobu. They were in the same dormitory with her. After Chen Huilong was admitted to Asia Drama, there were four girls in one dormitory. Apart from these two, the other one was Charlize Theron. .

At this stage, the main thing is that Charlize is going back to his hometown for the winter vacation and has not returned to Hong Kong Island yet.

Otherwise, the four roommates would go shopping and watch movies together.

Yuan Yongyi couldn't help but sigh, "I feel like I can do it. That's right, Master Xing didn't choose me. My acting skills shouldn't be much worse than Chen Derong's, right?"

Nakayama Shinobu spoke fairly proficient Mandarin, "Sister Yuan, that's not necessarily the case. After all, Chen Derong is a senior who has studied three years more than us."

Yuan Yongyi still looked dissatisfied, "That's because she was lucky. She got in with the admission standards of Yaxi that did not meet the high school entrance examination in previous years and easily got in. If I had also entered the school early, I would definitely be better than her."

Seeing the dissatisfied look on his roommate and classmate's face, Zhongshan smiled and stopped talking. In fact, she also sneaked in. Now she is only 16 years old, the same age as Chen Derong.

Under normal circumstances, admission to Yaxi requires college entrance examination standards...

She can't get in.

It's just that this year's recruitment of child actors in Asian dramas has been greatly expanded, and Charlize Theron can join, so when her sister Miho Nakayama asked for help, she went to the veteran Nakamori.

After all, Zhongshan was a popular singer in Zhao's record department and had good sales. After asking for a favor, she followed the trend of expanding the recruitment of child stars and let Zhongshan Ren enter Yaxi.

So she didn't have the confidence to compete with serious actors like Chen Huilong and Yuan Yongyi who were admitted to Asia Drama. Besides, when it came to appearance, she and Chen Huilong could compete in cuteness and kawaii styles.

For someone as beautiful as Yuan Yongyi... she thought to herself that there was too much difference and there was no comparison.

In fact, her sister Miho Nakayama debuted in 1985 and starred in 1987 (my mother is an idol). She has become a popular heroine in the island country's popular TV series. From that year on, her sister asked her to learn more Mandarin and try her best. Looking for opportunities to develop in Hong Kong Island.

In the entertainment industry of the island country, any big boss of a society or group can make handsome men and beautiful women come out to drink with them and sacrifice their bodies. However, the entertainment industry of Hong Kong Island is really like what Chen Huifu and her father said.

The entertainment industry here is already the biggest opportunity and corner for ordinary citizens and ordinary people to achieve class leap.

Let's just say that when Chen Huilong took the Asian Opera exam, she applied privately against her father's choice. But after she actually entered the Asian Opera, when her father found out, not only did he not blame her, but he was even more surprised that she got in.

Yuan Yongyi was still dissatisfied, so Chen Huilin smiled and said, "Okay, it's time to eat after watching the movie. Come on, I'll treat you to good luck."

As a second-generation wealthy person who is not short of money, and half a second-generation black person, Chen Huilin has always had a generous temper and a righteous style. Although she is not the oldest in the same dormitory, she has long been known as the eldest sister.

Yuan Yongyi is not good at this aspect. She has a very straight temper and is the kind of person who will quarrel with others whenever she wants. If it were someone with a bad temper, she would have been having a lot of fun.

When he heard that there was food, Yuan Yongyi smiled and said, "Okay, I'll kill you hard later, but I've eaten too much delicious food, and it's time to worry about losing weight. Oh my God, A'Lan, do you know what you look like?" You can't compete with me, so you treat me to a big meal every day just to make me gain weight, right?"

Chen Huiling rolled her eyes speechlessly, "You should practice more Mandarin when you have time. Even Xiao Ren can speak it better than you, so you can speak it better than Charlize."

Chen Huilin is very strong in switching seamlessly between Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. After half a year, she and Nakayama Shinobu were able to have daily conversations in Japanese. Xiao Nin also spoke Mandarin and had no problem in daily communication.

The whole dormitory is weak in terms of language between Yuan Yongyi and Charlize Theron.

"Just like in the currently being screened (Ban Sheng Lingling Qi), Chen Derong went to Yu Province, met fans and other people, and communicated without any obstacles throughout the process? At most, he had a motorcycle-like accent. You really can't do this now."

Yuan Yongyi opened her mouth, unable to refute, so she could only grit her teeth and said, "I'll order at least two more plates of fat beef later, and the fat beef will be boiled with abalone sauce."

Just as she was thinking about it, Chen Huilin's big brother rang loudly. After she answered the question, she asked a few questions in surprise before confirming that she had heard correctly. She immediately grabbed her handbag, pulled out a few thousand-yuan bills and handed them to Zhongshan Ren, "Xiao Ren , you go buy ingredients, and when you return to the dormitory later in the evening, let’s celebrate.”

"Ha, my dad called me and said that Xingye was planning to film (Truy School Dragon 3) and asked me to go for an interview. Whether it will work or not is another matter, but at least I have a chance!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yongyi immediately exploded, and Nakayama Ninja was surprised, "Playing hooky to Dragon 3? Oh my god, those two movies have grossed a total box office of 7.8 billion Hong Kong dollars worldwide."

"Even if the reputation of the second part is not as good as the first one, it is still a big hit. The third part of this series?? Even if you play a small supporting role, you still have important qualifications."

Yuan Yongyi said nothing, and kept looking at Chen Huirong with a look of longing.

Chen Huirong smiled and nodded her forehead, "Don't think too much. I am auditioning and playing a supporting role. My dad is not that capable to affect a big project of 100 Years Pictures."

The Chen family's jewelry business has a total turnover of several billion, and they are considered moderately wealthy. However, the market value of the 100-year-old film industry has exceeded 20 billion.

With the hot sales of "Wansheng Lingling Paint", the box office in the Mainland exceeded 100 million yuan in two days. The trend was so exaggerated that the market value of 100 Years Pictures continued to soar.

Really, his father Chen Chongwei and his good uncle Chen Huimin could only get her an interview opportunity for a small supporting role.

Wait for Chen Huifu to leave happily.

Zhongshan Ren couldn't help but pulled Yuan Yongyi and said with a smile, "Don't think so much. We are in the same dormitory as Sister Fu. There will be many opportunities in the future. Not to mention other things, if you really join the circle, you are also a good classmate. One day, Sister Fu will come up with a gift from her home." 20 million to support her in making a movie is not a big deal, right?"

"Her uncle Chen Huimin is also a veteran in the circle and has no shortage of connections."

"Given the opportunity, Sister Fu will definitely not fail to take care of us. She is our eldest sister."

When the two of them went to Wanjia Supermarket to do various shopping and buy ingredients, and planned to go back to the dormitory to have a big meal, they arrived at the gate of the dormitory complex carrying large and small bags.

I saw a figure coming out, waving to Yuan Yongyi happily, "Are you pretty? You look really good. My surname is Luo. Are you interested in finding a place to chat?"

The woman surnamed Luo was in her 30s. She was ordinary-looking but had a warm temperament. Yuan Yongyi asked in shock, "What are you talking about?"

The woman surnamed Luo laughed, "I am a director, and the works I shoot are not very famous. I am a standard transparent person in the industry. Last year, Li Bihua wrote (Pan Jinlian's Past and Present Life). Have you read it?"

"Ahua and I want to adapt it into a movie and are currently looking for a heroine."

Nakayama Shinobu was stunned, "Sister Yuan, I want you to play the heroine. What a great opportunity, what a great opportunity!"

Yuan Yongyi was a little angry. She looked at the other person in disbelief, then pointed at herself, "Pan Jinlian? Me? Do you think I look like me?"

Even if she doesn’t have Chen Huilong’s background, doesn’t have a wealthy family, and can’t get into a big project like (Fight Back to School 3), but you come to me to play Pan Jinlian?

She almost wanted to curse. She had not read the novel, but after hearing the name of the novel, did she still need to think deeply?

Director Luo smiled, "This is a film and television art image, just acting. Besides, there will be no revealing scenes."

Yuan Yongyi was still very angry, "Thank you, I won't act."

Although starring as a heroine is a very important opportunity, she is also somewhat similar to Li Jiaxin in her ability to be beautiful and do evil. She will not target a character like Pan Jinlian for her debut masterpiece.

Director Luo was speechless and pulled out a business card and handed it over, "This is my business card. You can consider it. Think about it, Ahua's (Farewell My Concubine) was adapted into a movie, and it starred big stars like Zhang Guorong and Gong Li. .”

"Her novels are not as shallow as you think, nor are they just showing off Pan Jinlian's gimmick to get money."

After saying that, she left. In fact, she was not surprised by Yuan Yongyi's reaction. The main reason was that Pan Jinlian's image was too ordinary and her reputation was not that great.


Time goes round and round.

With its arrival in late February, (Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) has also begun to promote and release, and will set off a new round of audio-visual storm after the Lunar New Year period.

This announcement is still the old rule. A group of historical figures are invited to go on ATV to talk about Zhu Jianshen, the Chenghua Emperor, and Wan Zhen'er. On the one hand, Wan Zhen'er is a demon concubine who dominates the harem by virtue of being favored by the emperor. Chaos.

This is Black Fang, an old man like Janghei Wan Zhen'er.

The other side did not have much rebuttal at the beginning, and mainly promoted the legendary love story between Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er. No matter what Black said, they asked, if the five thousand years of Chinese history, Zhu Jianshen's love for Wan Zhen'er, counts as five thousand years. The only one here?

The old imperial concubine who was almost 60 years old died of illness, and the emperor who was in his early 40s died of depression within half a year. I asked you if this was love?

Black was face-mounted and massacred...

Black directly jumped on the TV program and cursed, similar to Huang Weiming, the originator of cheating and drinking, and raved that she was a demon concubine who messed up the government and brought trouble to the Sixth Palace.

The other person still asked calmly, let’s not talk about the five thousand years of emperor’s love in China. If there is any epic love story, such as the Peach Blossom Fan or something like that, which scholar would not only not despise the woman after she ages, but would also Sacrifice for love? ?

Can you give me some examples to compare with?

Black was once again massacred by the Rider.

Just talking about love, Emperor Chenghua of the Ming Dynasty is simply outrageous.

Since this program came out, public opinion in Hong Kong Haowan has been boiling, especially among women. The Chenghua Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has become an immortal! !

Word of mouth exploded and became the hottest topic.

Let’s talk about it, not to mention creatures like emperors. The most feared thing and the most common encounter for any Hong Kong wealthy family, wealthy class, or rich lady is that they like the new and dislike the old? ?

It is simply too common for wealthy people to prefer the new and dislike the old.

However, in the ATV program, the resume of Emperor Cheng Hua is simply cruel to countless people, and makes people feel sad. A man in his early 40s, the emperor! I am the only one who respects that one!

He did not talk about doting on a concubine who was seventeen years older than him for the rest of his life. After the other party died of illness, he died of depression six months later, chasing love and dying together? ?

If Emperor Chenghua hadn't written it down for you in history like this!

I'm afraid those wealthy people won't believe a single punctuation mark about this kind of thing, and they're not that outrageous in bragging, okay? But it really happened.

You said that when Emperor Chenghua died in love, he actually had a lot of other concubines and a lot of descendants? As for the emperor, everyone has died for love, so why don't you allow him to have a little flaw in his body for the sake of the continuation of the empire?

Besides, the Kowloon Daily Group also followed suit and announced that when Cheng Hua first ascended the throne, he tried hard to make Wan Zhen'er, who was 17 years older than him, the queen, but the Queen Mother refused!

He could not refuse the queen chosen by the Queen Mother, and after that queen blamed Wan Zhen'er, she was quickly deposed. Emperor Chenghua once again proposed that Wan Zhen'er be the queen, but the Queen Mother still refused...

Before Concubine Wan Gui became pregnant, the Queen Mother even only allowed her to exist as a palace maid, let alone a queen. The lowest concubine position was nothing, similar to the status of a concubine in a small landowner's home, and was only given the position of maid.

A simple history book lists it like this.

For women who like love stories and yearn for love, this is a blast!

The love story between Chenghua Emperor Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er in the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century was just one or two historical programs, coupled with newspaper promotion, it became as popular as fire cooking oil.

Carrying the gimmick of a Ming emperor committing suicide for a woman 17 years older than him, even the leading actors such as Hu Jun and Zhao Yazhi have not appeared on TV programs, and the sensational level of the big movie has been broken.

February 26, early in the morning.

Zhou Xingxing got up excitedly, and together with Luo Huijuan took the tickets and went to the nearby Wanjia Theater. As they walked, Ajuan was so excited that she couldn't even touch the ground, "Brother Xing, the love between the emperor and the imperial concubine is so beautiful." Already..."


In fact, he doesn't really want to go to the cinema to watch a simple love story, but doesn't this mean that he has become a boss? Do you want to learn how to do business and advertise?

Starting in July last year, it has been more than half a year now. He has also built a ham sausage factory in his hometown, and has entered the Hong Kong Haowan and South Korean markets.

The one currently being planned (Play Back to School Weilong 3) should also learn from Zhao Sheng’s business experience and advertise its own brand of ham sausage.

Seeing Juanmei's longing and yearning look, he said with emotion, "There are so many heroes and heroes in history. Emperor Chenghua is not just the protagonist of a love story."

"He is still a strong man whose martial arts skills are similar to those of a young Han Dynasty. It's a pity..."

"But it doesn't matter. Mine (Ban Sheng Lingling Qi) has been in theaters for 16 days, and the box office is almost done, so it won't be affected much."

Speaking of which, Xingzi's mentality is not ordinary. (Wan Sheng Lingling Qi) has performed as fiercely at the box office in various parts of East and Southeast Asia as (Fight Back to School 1) (Nine-grade Sesame Official) and so on.

But what’s unusual about him is that he has also made a small splash in Europe and the United States, which is not as exaggerated as (Shaolin Football). But after more than two weeks, he has accumulated US$23 million in North America and US$18 million in Europe.

Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Aniston, these two are so attractive as heroines! Forget about Aniston, she doesn't have many masterpieces that bombard Europe and the United States.

But Cameron Diaz is indeed the star of the Home Alone trilogy, which grossed more than $600 million in box office in Europe and the United States.

So even star-style comedies have created a good trend in North America and Europe.

Even in the Mainland, more than two weeks after its release, the total box office in the Mainland exceeded 600 million! This is his first film to break the RMB 600 million mark, and it seems to have good stamina. Within two or three weeks of its release, it is expected to hit RMB 700 million.

In addition to the fermentation of star-style comedy's appeal, a key factor is also the title (Wan Sheng Lingling Qi), which has made countless mainland audiences curious about Wan Sheng's current style.

To sum up, Linglingqi, which has bombarded the world after the Spring Festival, is expected to have a total box office of 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars in the end.

A movie with a box office of over 1 billion and 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars is a different level of existence. Even if it is calculated based on 1.5 billion, it is only over 190 million US dollars, which is less than 200 million dollars. It is not as good as Cheng Long's Police Story 3, nor as good as the time-travel version of Ip Man 1.

The time-travel version of Ip Man 1 is worth US$410 million globally, which is more than double the benchmark figure of Lingling Paint, but this is still a peak that even the Truant Veyron series cannot catch up with!

After the two of them dressed up and covered up, they also watched a performance of "The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui" performed by Hu Jun, Zhao Yazhi and others under the protection of bodyguards. After watching it, Xing couldn't help but start to doubt life.

The script is solid enough, and the big action scenes are heart-pounding and shocking, and Concubine Wan Gui’s version of the palace fight is really both sensational and pitiful to watch...

This is a high-quality costume love movie, even more high-quality than "The Legend of the Sword".

Zhou Xingxing was not moved by the story of the movie itself and doubted life. Instead, he took a long breath and was shocked by Zhao Donghuai... no, it was the latest masterpiece of the brand promoted by the two proprietresses Li Jiaxin and Sister Hong.

One after another, movies and TV series are of such high quality, and then think about the Hong Kong Fashion Week.

Why does he feel that it is too difficult for his ham sausage brand to copy the work like this?

Compared to Xingzi's business thinking and businessman's thinking, Juanmei cried so hard that her makeup was stained more than once.

When he was a child, the young version of Zhu Jianshen was deposed as the crown prince, and he felt insecure in staying alone in the ruined palace. It was the girl version of Wan Zhen'er played by Hong Xin who gave him the greatest warmth and security. The Baozong played by Liang Jiahui launched a coup to seize the door. , Zhu Jianshen was re-established as prince.

Before walking out of the palace gate, he said, "I...I...I will never...fail you...in this life."

The ending of the movie is against the background of the big screen, showing Zhu Jianshen in his prime, martial arts and martial arts reviving the Ming Dynasty. After the elderly version of Zhao Yazhi died of illness, Hu Jun, who also pretended to be old, stayed at the place where he once said a certain sentence.

When he was about to die in depression, he passed the throne to Xiaozong and passed away with a smile.

Historical film and television definitely requires a certain amount of artistic processing, modification, and sensationalism. Who doesn’t know that?

The love story is like this, and aside from love, the most outstanding person in the entire cast is the eunuch Wang Zhi. The Xichangchanghua played by Zheng Yijian is much more feminine and beautiful than A Kun.

But he was the fastest and sharpest knife in the hands of Emperor Chenghua, whether it was to control the local tyrants and evil gentry among the civil servants, so that they could not happily annex the land and dominate, or to attack and destroy tiles under the attack of soldiers. Jurchens, fighting Japanese pirates, pacifying the southwest...

This Ajiandu has taken the beauty of factory flowers to a new level.

The domineering line in "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" was performed by A Jiandu in a very classic way, "We in the West Factory will take care of things that your East Factory doesn't dare to take care of, and we in the West Factory will kill those who your East Factory doesn't dare to kill...Behead first and then play." Imperial Charter!"

Of course, in order to make the photo look good and to properly interpret the rights and obligations of Xichang's knife, when arresting the ministers to kill people, the other party wildly criticized them as hawks and dogs, cholera kings, oppressing loyal people, and preying on the common people.

A Jiandu would laugh gracefully, Mr. Huang, you have been an official for ten years, and your family has gained tens of thousands of acres of fine farmland. Thousands of people from small farmers have become slaves of your Huang family. Their life and death freedom are under the Huang family. In one word, However, I can't be a prey to the common people. The one who can catch our eye in Xichang must at least have thousands of acres of high-quality farmland, a man who has been able to clear the prefecture in three years and earn a hundred thousand snowflakes of silver.

This is popular science. Regardless of whether it is a factory in the west or a factory in the east, you will never directly face the people digging for food in the land or opening small stalls on the streets.

They are facing a group of big bosses who are extremely corrupt, corrupt, and even collaborating with foreign enemies.

This image positioning is still very important! There were too many movies and TV shows in the past that stigmatized Dongxi Factory or Jinyiwei, and it was like a group of people throwing dirty water one after another.

February 26th!

(The Legend of Concubine Wan Guifei) has become the most tear-jerking, sensational and unparalleled blockbuster in February as soon as it was released in Wanjia Cinemas.

This is very different from Xing Zai's ability to induce laughter.


ATV headquarters.

After Zhao Donghuai saw off the leaders of Qingshi Beer and other chemical companies from the mainland, he smiled and drank tea with emotion on his face, "I just helped out and talked to the people on the Stock Exchange."

"These people are too hospitable. They want to give me so many internally issued shares. I can't accept them."

During the Chinese New Year, Tsingshi Beer and others asked Chen Hao to ask him if he had figured out how to get mainland companies listed on Hong Kong Island. Zhao Donghuai just had a meal with some people from the Stock Exchange and basically got it done. .

With his current influence on Hong Kong Island? This is really not a big deal.

He casually went to Wanwan, and there were so many members of the Television and Broadcasting Preparatory Committee, which he had never met before, who had been following him to make a fortune... How can we talk about Hong Kong?

Qingshi beer and other chemical industries are going to be listed on the market. After going through the process, they can basically be completed this spring.

Things were done smoothly, and the circle of friends in the Mainland was expanded. Those big guys came over and asked, does Zhao Sheng want to buy a wave of stocks with internal issuance prices? ?

Give away tens of millions of shares.

It’s not just a family, but anyone who comes is willing to give away.

The internal issue price of Tsingshi Beer is just over 6 yuan per share, but the actual opening price is 15 yuan per share. How huge is the gap?

If you keep it in your hands for 30 years, 1 million shares will become more than 6 million and become 100 million. What about 10 million shares? More than 60 million has turned into one billion, and there will be dividends every year during this period. Although the dividends are not large, based on the internal issuance price, the continued dividends will already exceed your initial total investment.

The profit is too great.

Zhao Donghuai could only refuse, and also said that when they went public through the formal process, he would take the price from the opening price on the market. He was very optimistic about the future of each company.

Qiu Shuzhen smiled and continued to make tea for Director Zhao, and asked curiously, "Why do I feel that those guests who come are a little less confident?"

"Your confidence in those companies is much greater than that of them themselves."

Director Zhao smiled and said nothing.

This is normal. How many mainlanders in the early 1990s can know what China will be like 30 years from now? It’s true that this generation is struggling and they can’t even imagine what it will be like in 30 years.

Only someone like him who has copied the homework and read the answers will know.

"You don't have to think so much. Those companies have gone public. You can take it as you should. Since they even gave me tens of millions of shares at the internal price, they have gone public. You can take it as you please."

"You hoard tens of millions of shares, and you will be stable all your life just lying around doing nothing."

Azhen thought for a moment in confusion before nodding seriously, "You still have to do what you have to do. If you don't believe me, just touch my forehead. It feels like I have a fever."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Zhang Min couldn't help but came over and complained, "Azhen, wake up, what time is it? By the way, boss, New World Pictures has sent over Cheng Long's new film."

Qiu Shuzhen's eyes immediately lit up, "Let's go to the movies with me. That kind of movie is too bloody and cruel. I don't dare to watch it alone."

Cheng Long's new film Police Story 4 was shot in Hong Kong Island for three months two years ago. During the Spring Festival, I had a few days off and went to Tokyo for filming. This was the second day of the second lunar month.

Being able to edit and make a film is a basic skill.

It's not easy to say. Last year, Aaron only filmed one film (Miracle), but it was also criticized for its lack of box office performance and was hastily dropped. In the end, the box office in Hong Kong was only 20.8 million.

Police Story 4? ?

When Zhao Donghuai stood up and walked out the door, he had a slightly tangled look on his face, "There is still a lack of schedule. The summer schedule is definitely dominated by (Jurassic Park 2), and (time travel version of Ip Man 2) is also pressing. Originally, Ip Man 2 was all It can be released next to the first part of the time-travel version, because there are too many good movies!"

Both humans and ghosts are showing off, we can't just let Aaron get beaten.

"By the way, you can arrange for the movie channel to play a few rounds of Police Story 1 and Police Story 2 on TV to warm it up in advance."

There are still many pioneers in the video tape market for the third part. I am not in a hurry to get it aired on TV stations for free. One or two parts will suffice.

Starting from the third part, the Police Story series has been benchmarking against the original version of Rush Hour, and it is more powerful and bigger than the original version of Rush Hour. Long's life-threatening actions are aimed at catching up and surpassing the performance of the red zone.

With all these changes, it’s time for Aaron to become popular again and prove his signature as a top action star!


Good Luck Lai flagship store in Tsim Sha Tsui.

In the large private room, Wang Yu, Ke Junxiong and others were raising glasses and toasting. The people being toasted were Cheng Long, Hong Yanbao, Yuan Biao, Lin Zhengying and others.

After three rounds of drinking, Hong Yanbao started to talk more freely, "Brother Wang, Brother Ke, let me tell you the truth, the script you proposed (Fire Island) is not very good. Hua Zai has his own arrangements and rejected it when it was not scheduled. Jia After Hui read the script, he was not interested."

"Ajie is also Director Xu's favorite. I don't even know what year the schedule is. Whether it's the Once Upon a Time series or other blockbusters, they are all too full."

"We brothers can work together to come out, but if you can't do the script well, there is a high probability that you will fail, let alone make money."

Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong looked at each other. They wanted to launch Fire Island at the end of January. It has been a month and the year has passed. They even helped run the release of (Ban Sheng Lingling Qi), even if the contribution was not too much. , and indeed contributed.

Before the two of them could speak, Yuan Biao laughed and said, "Brother Wang, look at Brother Wu (Xiao Lin Boy), who has almost finished filming. You guys haven't raised your arrogance yet, so your efficiency is not good."

"Elder brother is right. You set it up as a prison movie. It's really difficult to perform."

"What else can you do in a prison movie? Apart from filming prisoners fighting each other, it's too restrictive... There's no drag racing, there's no beauties, and it's not easy to make a comedy because the subject matter is a bit serious."

"We can't just break a wall with one punch and play jailbreak like mutants and superheroes, right?"

Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong continued to look at each other.

Cheng Long smiled and said, "It's not as serious as you said, Abiao. I heard that Director Lan is thinking about a prison movie, which is what you said, a movie similar to a superhero... The idea is starting to take shape. It’s still being improved.”

"If you are shooting science fiction special effects, you may not have done anything wrong??"

It was A Biao's turn to be surprised, "Is this really a prison movie??"

Lan Naicai, Director Lan? No matter how this person develops in the original trajectory, in this dimension, he has been one of the assistant directors since the filming of "Super Body" in 1984. Later, he will need to be used in "Jurassic Park 1" and even "The End of the World". Special effects sci-fi time.

Lao Lan has always been one of the assistant directors.

Director Huang Jianxin is considered an ace-level veteran director in the Mainland, and Lao Lan is a big name in science fiction action in Hong Kong.

The original track was originally conceived and written by Lan Naicai in the early 1990s and then finally directed and produced in the first version (The King of Power). After it was released on Hong Kong Island, it was defined as Category 3, too bloody and violent, and it was hastily released after seven days. It took over 2 million Hong Kong dollars in box office.

But (The King of Power) is definitely a super classic among a certain group of movie fans.

After all, it grossed more than 2 million in box office in seven days, and the three-level restriction meant that it lacked a lot of audiences. This is much better than (Wing Chun) (Tian Long Ba Bu: Tian Shan Tong Lao) (Xinbi Blood Sword) and other ancient costume martial arts movies.

What's more, (The King of Power) has basically no star cast except Fan Shaohuang and He Jiaju.

After the boss was speechless for a while, Wang Yu took another sip of wine and said with a smile, "Then Lao Ke and I will visit Director Lan another day to learn from him?"

They were obsessed with filming "Fire Island". Wasn't it just to beautify the old Chen of the Lower Bamboo Society and film the humiliating story of the brothers on the road who were swept in during the clearing period? ? It would be even better if you follow the trend and make a lot of money.

Every big star said that they would lose money if they filmed this, so they didn’t need to film it.

They are also old-timers in the film and television industry, but just because they are so old-timers, they have long been unable to keep up with the changes of the times and are about to be eliminated.

For example, Chu Yuan, Wang Tianlin, etc. are gradually being eliminated by the times, and the movies they make are not liked by the audience. Isn't it normal?

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